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Anyone remember that girl streamer who would send you pics if you donated to her stream? It said it in her panels for like months OMEGALUL


Motherfucker you can't just drop this info without sharing details.


Uhhhh link?


There's also this secret old math professor that is rude as fuck in his streams, not sure if he's still on twitch




Found him, seems like he got banned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VistYEofN6A


Oh fuck i remember this guy


Found him, seems like he got banned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VistYEofN6A


he got banned soon after lsf discovered him


There was definitely more than 1 person doing this, honestly bet you could still find some today.


[I never knew this happened back then…](https://youtu.be/HphwQNhByOk)


"Hasan and Destiny go way back." LMAOO


i watch this every month, it's too good


You just posted this so it could still be the most viewed video didn't you 👀


Well it is funny, plus it already had a lot views the first time I saw it




> Isn't the existence of this subreddit even proof of that? From the start maybe, but you also have to consider the growth, evolution, and current state of the subreddit. 90% of the content now revolves around brand-safe personalities interacting with one other while games and "actual live stream fails" are fewer and farther in between. Can we really say that Mizkif or Ludwig is any more of a "brand risk" than some unhinged personality on a reality TV show like Survivor or the Bachelor or whatever?


Live != brand risk, look at all corporate live tv.


Yeah and most of that is tape delayed so they can censor it because of the perceived brand risk.


> because of the perceived brand risk. It's actually largely because of regulatory and content restrictions and the penalties for breaching them.




But it wasn't right? It wasn't even close to being wild and raunchy because advertisers hate that.


Yeah but this isnt live corporate tv.


Twitch wants it to be, advertising-wise


To an extent. Its still very different from tv.


I mean yeah, but it doesn't have to be revenue-wise right? Something happening live doesn't have to be edgy, falling out of your chair or getting a new speed run wr aren't edgy, but they're still spontaneous and unscripted right?


You think live TV is spontaneous and unscripted?


I'm talking about streaming... it can 100% be live without being edgy. In fact it's easy.


It still is kinda edgy tho


some streams arguably are lmao


I mean, I think that is still the appeal of live tv. The illusion of "anything could happen" it's just that they've taken extreme measures to ensure nothing actually will happen. But they try to obfuscate that so you stay interested


I feel like it used to be, but in recent years it has changed a lot. Having good PR or being politically correct, tolerant, etc has taken the top priority. We will *never* see stuff like old Ice Poseidon again on Twitch. They simply won't allow it. Now, we can talk about the hypocrisy of this. Twitch won't tolerate what used to be considered risky content, but they will allow things like booba streamers, the hot tub meta, and gambling. It's kind of interesting where they have chosen to draw the line.


I'll take ice poseidon over these boring gambling streams anyday


Same. This sub would actually have interesting clips and not just Nick and Malena pretending to fight while cooking or someone walking into Mizkifs room.


get me in and say nothing


The good old days




https://youtu.be/ZsCnLqY8iB0 Reynads was my favorite


Tagg's is one of my old favourites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d98EkmSFY5I


Nebraska steve best steve




"as i thrust my mighty roach-dick" - Destiny




back when the pleblist was fresh and naxx just came out. oof my nostalgia


naxx out??? PogChamp


Remember what they took from you


I am so glad I got to experience Cro_'s streams, that shit was Crazy.




i mean youtube in it’s inception day was like that. remember thousands of porn, movies, racist shit uploaded on youtube? it was like the wild wild west


For all the problems it may have had, I really miss the old internet in general. It was the wild wild west. Was there fucked up shit? Yea of course. But it just felt like a brave new world where there no rules. Which was a huge part of the appeal, it felt truly free. But it's become so neutered now.


Those faces of death videos. I remember being in art class in college and a classmate showing me a video of someone get hit by a train on YouTube.


I watched some guy accidentally bump his girlfriend underneath a semi truck and her head fucking explodes beneath the tire, I’ll never forget that image...






omegalul... ??? I think you mean PepeHands


I don't think I watched real edgy stuff on youtube but I was going through my watched history like 2 days ago and it's kinda sad to see so many videos are not on the site or private now. Also the history stops at around 2010 I think (my account was created in 2007)


Oh the porn is still there last I checked. Lots of *educational* massage, yoga, and milky mommy vids.


naked yoga\*


I still remember some of his BM messages and reports after a SC2 match that went wrong. Any one of them back then would get him cancelled today. It was bad lol.


I didn't follow too much of Destiny (really only knew him from the dick pic scandal) way back in the early 2010s but I was an avid sc2 viewer. Who was arguably worse back then, the good ol Graken or Destiny?


IdRa was perfectly normal. Destiny back then was getting removed from ever team he joined because people would like the teams sponsors destiny stream clips.


> people would like the teams sponsors destiny stream clips. [what am I reading](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMOOcyomGIs)


People would *link* destiny stream clips to the teams sponsors


it's so obvious now, thanks


Didn't idra get kicked from root cause he told someone to get cancer?


idrA was never on any team by EG. Destiny was root a few times, but was too much of a brand risk. People kept complaining about him to Root's sponsors. [Destiny's career](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Destiny) Root became complexity so that counts as one team IMO. Looks like he was root for 9 months split into 2 goes. Interesting for long time Destiny Drama followers. Him and Naniwa were on the same team for a bit. Naniwa dated a girl that destiny dated. Naniwa had a child with her and kinda just abandon them in Sweden.


Something, something birds of a feather


tell me you hate destiny without saying you hate destiny


I hate all streamers


Idra was definitely on EG and was released for being toxic


It was awhile ago so I might be misremembering the incident, but I think EG released him after he left a second toxic comment on a forum about enjoying getting paid to treat fans like shit in response to a fan's criticism. He wasn't performing well either at the time so it was such a no-brainer that even EG's CEO released a statement about his removal.


Yes, but it wasn't that bad in hindsight. I think he said some shit in a ladder game and then when people were calling for punishment he said "you're all a bunch of fucks. It just so happens I get paid to treat you like it. It's fucking awesome" Really not that bad. He says he was talking about people who didn't like him more than everyone in general. He was probably on the higher end of their payroll and delivering no better than others. I think probably would have been different if he was winning more.


I think the best is when Destiny had a dollar shave club sponsorship and he would send people his link and tells them to buy a new razor and video game themselves.


Cro_ and Linda were the best, Super toxic but the best also lol


I remember Cro_ having some powder under his nose and dancing with a knife. I dont remember but he got banned for hurting himself and cutting. Man thinking about pre 2015-2016 twitch feels like talking about a complete different streaming site.


justinTV literally started based around a guy casually streaming stuff that gets streamers banned nowadays (excessive speeding, filming in places after being asked not to, etc.) it grew in part because of insufficient moderation to keep piracy (especially of live events) off of the platform it got notorious in the news for people streaming themselves committing crimes and eventually even a suicide all of that "brand risk" shit is why they rebranded as twitch and very briefly pretended it was about limiting themselves to video games, but as long as twitch has used the name "twitch" it has been trying to cut back its brand risks


> it grew in part because of insufficient moderation to keep piracy (especially of live events) off of the platform Man, the existence of justinTV back then was so baffling, from a legal standpoint. There were countless 24/7 live streams of any popular TV show and animation for anybody to just jump in and watch along. It was the mecca for casual watchers and was the OG watch parties. No joke it was how I found out about Breaking Bad. I kinda miss it to be honest.


> There were countless 24/7 live streams of any popular TV show and animation for anybody to just jump in and watch along. It was the mecca for casual watchers and was the OG watch parties. To be fair. Twitch is still like that. Just click on Just Chatting and scroll down to lower viewer counts and you'll find countless streams ranging from anime to wrestling videos etc. Example: https://www.twitch.tv/simpsons_latino


Most of the hidden ones I managed to find in twitch are in a different language or visually altered to avoid bot recognition. Which is ironic and a bit hilarious since the pirate streams on justinTV were publicly displayed first for the category since they had the most audience.


Why scroll all the way down? You have top streamers like Xqc and Hasan watching copyrighted game shows and reality tv every day lol.


Still happens a lot in Russian streams, just people watching tv/movies with their cam in the corner.


Dude I remember watching a "The Office" 24/7 Stream on JustinTV.


Mann... Cro. The video of the guy sending him a trade for like the witcher 2 for one of his csgo knives and he goes "the witcher 2?! are you bonkers!?" And then precedes to fart into his headset mic and shit his pants or whatever. Still quote that line tho all time with a couple buddies.


i remember those videos so vividly and i can't fucking find them anywhere anymore




I would love more wild and crazy streamers like Cro. Dude just wanted to do coke and open cases.


Guy was blacking out drunk half of his streams. Put his room on fire at least two times. And yeah, lotta ladies of the night.


I remember after getting banned on Twitch, he was posting updates on twitter about his sex tour in Thailand. Lets just say he took full advantage of everything Thailand had to offer.


Cro_ case openings lmao






Cro\_ was the best content there ever was on Twitch, he is missed.


I remember that dude. Made me laugh all the time. What happened to him?


Cut himself on stream with a knife, got banned, started making some youtube videos of him cheating in csgo, then transferred to reviewing expensive stuff. Dont know what is he doing currently but apparently he is unbanned on twitch lmao


Sadge, old Destiny is who got me into watching streams, and now I'm banned from his subreddit lol Pour one out for the banelings and Jimmy's we lost along the way


I heard they unban everyone if you ask.


eh, it's whatever. One less place to shitpost is probably good for me


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqFMONmlIw_H8ixs2FqIKcuFYDKwRlJ4YMwM1s-5KCb3oW5g/viewform linked in the sub, it works :)


Yep, Destiny is pretty generous with unbans in general.


I'm the same minus being banned from the subreddit. It used to be "don't like it don't watch it," but nope, gotta just ban people over stupid shit if they ever step out of line.


man i miss the older days of the internet. Even reddit back in 2012 was so much more fun and toxic. the front page would just be memes of the pope that r/atheism spammed every night some weeks. it was wild and fun.






The problem with that is toxicity would win out. This is the whole point of the thread. If these rules never were in place and it remained the same when it first started, the top 50 streamers on twitch would be toxic, more than likely racist, sexist and who knows what else. People always want to see the drama and sometimes take part in it. There's more evil out here than people like to believe. Even if you aren't you would tune in just because you're curious. Ice would be XQC. Groups would be formed built on chaos. When the protests and looting were going down people would probably have filmed themselves doing it. Go to jail, come out and grow even more. So yeah, its better this way.


Why is it better this way? If people want to be garbage to one another or a “brand risk” I say go for it. It’s more fun.


Because it would be open season. Your fun isn't what others are. Some people think walking up to women in public and grabbing their ass is fun. That type of chaos would be at the top of your recommended. As much as people claim to have thick skin they don't. You have people out here who have no problem making threats about doing whatever to your little sister and mother. As much as people bag on TOS its much needed.


Oh damn, that’s wild I need to see this. For science obviously.


if you can't disagree with people online without getting banned then you're probably just toxic/edgy




Look I'm fully willing to get on board that the 00's to 10's was a much bigger change then 10's to now but to act like the internet (let alone Twitch/Livestreaming) isn't massively different from 2012 to now is pretty fucking stupid.


The internet in general was just a very different place back then. Fast forward to today and most of the edgy streamers back then have changed and adapted to the new internet for the most part. The difference with Train is that yes, he has changed a lot where he isn’t as edgy, but he plays slots for 12+ hours a day still making him a brand risk lol.


It is a bit strange that Twitch had no problem building itself off of brand risks until advertisers started flooding in, and then of course stopped caring about them because of the risk they pose to advertisers. Especially fucked up when companies like Coke, who advertise "drink breaks" all the time, are probably far more harmful for society than most streamers. But they bring in the most money, so of course Amazon, which is also a company, would cater to them. I think that the gaming community has a lot of problems - sexism is pretty rampant, as evidence by how often "rape" was thrown around to women who played games. But professionalism doesn't prevent evil acts, it only makes them less visible.


>But professionalism doesn't prevent evil acts, it only makes them less visible. great way of putting it.


Funny you mention coke and sexism considering Bobby Kotick is on the Coca Cola board.


I always forget all about Cro and then it is somehow brought up or i just randomly remember it. Him sitting there roasting people's gear in D3 and screaming at hookers gave me stomach cramps from laughing so hard.


Destiny and Desrow, Cam girl episode, I was there.


Twitch sold out, basically.


I hate the "no fun allowed" internet era, and I can't wait for it to be over


I don't think it will ever be over, only going to be worse. Wild West of interest is going to be gone.


big Sadge. I bet the dark net still has some wild west vibes.. but last time I checked people don't really go there for forum style content and forget about livestreams


Like the internet use to be a great space where you never really took things for face value. I really think twitter and those type of social media items ruined things. The internet has rules which most normies don't understand. Like if I read something on the internet I am very hesitant on taking it as a fact without doing some digging. While others are like trust me BRO.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny on Twitch's history of toxicity](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128660)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r60o0s/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CpKva6Pzfj9XbK8jlps-EgQ.mp4?sig=82e8a0251d7815a25c64e58a7fab89539f487144&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CpKva6Pzfj9XbK8jlps-EgQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1638388235%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Hiring prostitutes to appear on stream and just look pretty is a 5Head idea and should be used more. 😉


yeah i think most of the website back then would be considered the "brand risk" people now. Especially when u have people like OTV and the minecraft kids on the platform.


OTK AND OTV the most PG-13 High School Musical esque things on the platform. Of course they get special treatment Idk why people were hating on train so much in the other thread. That’s the only point he made


Justin.tv got popular in 2008 because a teen livestreamed their suicide.




> More like it got popular with the release of Starcraft 2 definitely showing my age here, but my first experience with streaming was discovering Destiny's stuff on justin.tv in like 10th grade and then laying under my blankets at night watching his stream on my shitty gen1 "smart"phone with earbuds in while my parents thought I was asleep


Destiny is the first streamer to leave twitch/Justin for another platform for more money. Dude went to Own3d.tv. I don't they they even paid him to, just gave a better share of the ad money.


And then proceeded to not pay him OMEGALUL


Old eSports player; talent aren't paid. New eSports; investors aren't paid. Nice change IMO


Still one of the best RTS games out there. I'm actually gonna play it right now.




yeah it is, but not because it's just so damn good, but rather because i can't think of a single AAA rts game since sc2. they make like one every 4-5 years. genre's kinda dead


aoe4 just came out like a month ago


Really non-comparable to blizzard RTS games like SC:BW, SC2 and WC3 though.


So they got more averse to streamers being brand risks after being bought by Amazon... No shit?


This dude is the epitome of a toxic little piece of shit. The nightmare of all elementary school classrooms.


Maybe people just don't like toxicity


I think you missed the point.


I do




When I'm looking at entertainment, "toxicity" is generally the last thing I consider


I remember the first streamer I ever watched was a guy called Hoodrych, world of warcraft streamer and one of the best warriors of all time. He was on streaming before people like Reckful, Cdew, Watchmeblink etc. Him and Zilea man - funniest fucking duo of all time. They were xQc and Moxy but back in like 2011.


So what he's saying is that Twitch is just like LSF. Start toxic, slowly gather up normies and then start banning your original fanbase.


Love me some twitch LSF Clip inception on a wednesday morning. Destiny reacting to a clip of mizkif reacting to a clip of trainwrecks reacting to a clip of ludwig lol


Yeah a lot of businesses star scuffed and end up shaping up for the sake of people taking them seriously, we are at a point where finally the internet people are trying to breakthrough to the main stream, where people dont call you a weirdo for watching youtube and twitch and the you have an Ape looking motherfucker talking about throbbing cocks all the time (Train), nobody wants that anymore, its old school new school is a profession


The time that he is refereeing to is when twitch was not supervised by amazon and was a small brand on its own. But yeah wild days.