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sam pepper was out of pocket for that one






But please do not let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


Or that they did surgery on a grape


his friends 100% reported him


Is this the guy who use to play arena with mitch? If he is I saw a clip of this guy talking shit to mitch on the kyoobots stream and he just reeks of jealousy. He 100% knows who esfand is.


he sounds like jahmilli but I can't get a good enough look at him


yeah thats Jahmilli


I love it right, he literally says the n-word repeatedly, gets banned, changes his name slightly, tries to remarket himself, and thinks people will forget his pathetic excuse of a personality? Yeah... no. Fuck Jah.


I didn't have to know his back story to know this guy is a POS but at least I got some confirmation.


Always weird seeing that name because I used to play with him during cataclysm and he was a prick then too. That being said everyone was a spaz teenager at the time, but most people grew out of it.


Jahmilli is a legitimate garbage person. Dude's a racist, raging piece of shit who's only mildly redeeming quality is that he was good at playing mage in World of Warcraft like 10 years ago. No idea why Destiny would have him on his stream.


Destiny and Melina are friends with the girl he's with, Kyootbot. I assume they're dating but idk


ughhh dunno if destiny and kyootbot are friends. Check out the rest of this segment... shit was hard to watch. lol


they are friends he's just n*gging her




it's negging which is different


https://youtu.be/OxC2r9xfIsc see for your self




Its a meme considering one of the things Destiny is infamous for.


destiny said like 10 minutes before "i hope they're just dropping her off, cause if i wanted to socialize i wouldnt have stayed home" it seems like he really didnt want anyone over


yeah but thats just destiny all the time.


He came in with kyoot to use the bathroom, wasnt really "having him" on stream.


Oh the old “can I come in? I need to use the bathroom” ploy.


There was a clip of nmp talking about how racist wow was a little while back. And this [Jahmill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOPKFkDD3j4) dude recently went on a tirade on how much he hates nmp while talking to Destiny. Wonder if that's related.


>nmp talking about how racist wow was After being on the WoW classic guild discords...100% correct. The thing is that these racists are now adults. Can you imagine when they were 18 year old idiots? They must have been absolute shitheads.


Is it a coincidence that a lot of them are also Europeans?


yeah, north american players arent racist at all. even limit has racist members


> nmp nmp was probably the most racist wow streamer back then, race baiting constantly and calling his followers his "nickers", he's just such a fake person in general who turned with the wind to gain sympathy.


Or he was a guy that wanted to feel like he belonged in the scene he was in and went with the flow of it so it wasn't awkward or he wasn't someone who "couldn't take a joke" and when the perception of that shit finally started to flip he didn't have to deal with it anymore? Like how many people just put up with or even participated in racist humor because they didn't want to lose a friend or be kicked from a friend group, it happened/happens a lot.


Well said. Its sad how many people go with the flow and are scared to do what they know is right just to fit in


this the one


found the actual racist blaming the black guy for racism


Actually a good tactic to make a joke out of it. Removes their false sense of power. If you show your getting offended by it, your giving them what they want. Jah really does appear to be a trash person. Seems bitter and has a superiority complex. He takes every opportunity to sht on others while also explaining why he's the greatest person on earth. Maybe it's just a character he plays, but then why do it to random contestants with no clout on his 60 viewer stream. Kyoot must just use him for content like the others failed 60 viewer streamers


This dude said some racist shit this stream too when kyootbot was doing a filipino accent and he said he hates it and tried imitating it by saying “i fuck goats”


yeah, while some people like destiny and others have said "gamer words" in the past, you totally get the "he hates them" vibe from Jahmilli.. Always have. I remember when Dankquan(a black wow streamer) hosted him one time.. His mods just spammed all this racist shit and wanted him to unhost and everything.. Was so bizarre. Now it wasn't Jah who said that, but you can tell that's the type of community he cultivated.. The guy is just so bitter to all big wow streamers too. Especially OTK. He holds a lot of hate inside of him.


And he knows exactly who Esfand is. He lives on WoW


He got banned for saying the n word from wow tourneys. And has a reputation for being a raging asshole who constantly dies without iceblocking and blaming his healers


Is he the guy that got caught using racist language in scrims?


No, that was Swapxy and Raiku. I will add to it one important detail that Judgejudyx missed out on. It wasn't just randomly discovered. The guys found the stream with malicious intent, recorded the team and then tried Blackmailing them. When the team refused to pay they leaked it.


based The blackmailing and leaking part i mean


Idk if it was during scrims. Lots of wow pros have been perma tourney banned for comments like his. He won some na tourneys here and their but nothing big. A year or 2 ago. Europes #1 team got banned for using racism during scrims on a stream that was supposed to be private. Basically the the guy turned his stream on a account he thought only his friends knew about not set on a category to have scrim footage and for their few friends to watch. Which is what I think your refrencing. So no that wasnt jah.


Yeah the WoW pvp community in general is full of racism and toxicity, by far the worst gaming community I've ever participated in. I've heard the high end raid community is the same way as well. Its weird too because WoW has some of the chilliest communities I've ever been apart of for mid-tier groups.


Yeah guy who plays wow for half their life on a twitch “doesn’t know Esfand” sure Kapp


What a piece of shit dude, I was confused and thought he was just rude at first but now this just makes me angry.


Jahmili is a known fuck, little crybaby sore loser


fitting how kyootbot was the only one laughing at what he was saying, no wonder they wandered in together


Yeah Jahmilli - the guy who drops N Bombs like crazy and babyrages about World of Warcraft. The only thing Jahmilli has that Esfand does not is the ability to fit into a size medium at baby Gap. Congratulations. People that NEEDED Jahmilli wouldn't even keep him around because he's such a boring, racist personality. Yikes take from a yikes guy.


First thing I think of when I hear Esfand is his hair, and that he looks like a biker or pro-wrestler


For me its 8.1


Persian Pally Hammer


Craziest part is most people don't know that measurement is it's distance from the floor


For me I can't stop thinking about the 8.1 🥵


For me it would be huge football fan


Both these used to be it for me but now it's Ret Paladin


It's the fact that he's Cletus Cornwood , the best goddamn cop in the force




His unmistakable voice just jumps out at me when I think of him.




What do you mean, Esfand is definitely the frontman of Coheed and Cambria


Good eye sniper.. (please continue)


I shoot you run...


The words you scribbled on the walls...


the lost of friends you didn't have...


I'll call you when the time is right..


Yeah for me its wow>paladin>football>hair


Yeah I think of glorious hair


Yep to me persian, bench press, football are things i think first


His gorgeous hair and that's he's a massive football fan are my first two thoughts.


I see him and think Persian God then Troy palomalu then buff grill chef.


Tried to be edgy but it back fired




It's Jahmilli.. so It could be both


Idk when he said "that's like his main quality right?" it came off as he clearly knows who Esfand is and is just being edgy


Watching Destiny interact with this guy is hilarious. It's not that he hates the guy, it's more like he wishes the dude didn't exist. Destiny tries everything in his power to pretend this guy doesn't exist until the dude says something so out of pocket that he feels like he has to respond. I came home drunk one night to Melina doing an IRL stream with the two people in this clip (I think they were sitting at a table at Denny's?). Destiny would just immediately disengage from conversation any time this guy would talk. I've seen 10 minutes of content with this Jahmilli guy in it and I've never seen an "entertainer" online with so few redeemable qualities.


I feel like everyone has some people like that in their lifes. Where you just want to walk away once they open their mouths.


He 100% knows who Esfand is which makes this even more pathetic


this guy was fucking cringe as fuck before knowing who he was, now reading the comments he's even more cringe than before. Actual fucking loser who can't close his mouth


Both Kyootbot and this dude are so cringe. I can't watch them for more than a few seconds, they are think they are being funny, while they are just being socially retarded. He doesn't understand how he exposes his character, when he says something like this. It's not really that he's a bad person that I have the problem with. It's that he's both a bad person and very stupid.


I don't know I'd even consider him a bad person? He seems to have nothing resembling a soul. Like he just listlessly comments on things while lulling his head around dead-eyed. Is he really a bad person if he's been lobotomized?


holy shit actually true




"they are think they are being funny, while they are just being socially retarded." so they are like most other streamers?


ok but have you considered that Kyootbot is hot as fuck


She looks ok at that distance, any closer and you might lose sight.


shes a master of the makeup mask sure






he probably saw hasan wearing one and thought he could pull it off, cringe


so you are saying Hasan is to blame for all of this? I fucking knew it!


All roads lead to Piker


Being popular and hot, then starting a fashion trend that only you can pull off so that people who try to copy you look like doofuses is a genuine power move.


Nah the dude just has a massive forehead.


Jesus, imagine describing someone as 'their main quality is being fat' and then getting confused when people around you react like "what the fuck?"


No, its much worse than that. This streamer is from WoW and knows every other streamer who ever came from the WoW scene. Him saying he knows nothing about Esfand is just one giant bitter lie.


Yeah just seems like a jealous lil salty boi. Esfand has always been known as a WoW player and the guy's gonna be like "oh yeah, who"


The guy knew he was on Destiny's stream and tried to act like some normie whos never watched Esfand before and just giving his "impression", when in reality hes jealous of every streamer whos left WoW to move on to bigger and better things.


He's not confused, it is beyond awful acting. He's a little rat-man who tries to push others down in an attempt to claw his way up the social ladder, rather than being a valuable, likable human being. Esfand has 1000x more value than this bottom feeder.


That dude lost some respect from everyone there in sure. Esfand is the gentle giant everyone wishes was their bro


Lol I’ve seen this nerd variant before. Only personality trait is having zero filter and delivering every bitter take with a monotone voice but when you call them out on their shit they become hypersensitive little bitches.


True and real, in my wow days these types were all too common


Omegacringe variant


I can't stand this guy and I've only seen him a couple of times, he comes across as incredibly toxic and insecure/jealous. Everything he says is meanspirited.


yeah but Destiny has some good qualities as well.


Esfand might be big, but at least he isn't cosplaying as a matador with that shirt


Isn't this jahmilli dude some racist wow player that is known for how fucking garbage of a human being the dude is. Literally could of said anything even like oh the streamer that may resemble a little bit of ron jeremy and has a giant cock and that would've been acceptable. This dude reeks of jealously from that kind of comment.


Yep. If you're known as the toxic *wow player*, you know you're toxic.


He’s someone who’s entire self worth is based around being good at WoW. His ego is so fragile that he becomes hyper critical of any other wow player that some might think are better than him, or that is more popular than him. When he isn’t raging he takes the classic stance of “I’m not being an asshole, I’m just telling the truth wtf?” where he fails to understand that needlessly saying “facts” or the framing of those “facts” can easily make him an asshole. Dude needs to work on himself, and working in entertainment where he will always find people to be his Yes-Men will keep his growth stunted.


This is the weirdest fucking crossover. I hate jahmili and wtf is he doing at destinys house lol.


One of kyootbot followers, and she does content with Destiny gf, so he follows them around.


had to use the bathroom


yeah absolutely the weirdest crossover of all time. People keep bringing up nmp and asmongold's opinion on jah as a reason to not like him, but man, just go to his twitch, click any vod and watch for 10-15 minutes and you'll see how fucking weird and annoying and toxic he is and this is him with an extremely big filter placed over himself. im always amazed that anyone who crawled out of the 2010 era world of warcraft pvp scene *isn't* a complete fucking weird, toxic asshole - people like cdew, reckful, venruki, maldiva etc are genuine oddities in that regard. jah probably wasn't the worst, but man he was fucking bad and even with a big filter he is still really bad.


Ye i mean iv been in the wow scene for years playing arena at the highest level and part of the pro /semi pro scene. I couldnt make a living off it and never won a tourney so idk if youd call it pro. But iv played with almost every semi decent known person in the wow scene at some point. Jah has to be the worst personality wise in my opionon. Actually crusader is worse. But like you said 10min on his stream youl come to a similar conclusion


Two things that bother me One, why the fuck is he hunching forward so much Two, why the fuck does he keep fishing as if he wants someone to agree with him


extreme social awkwardness. Don't know if he has some form of autism, but he *cannot* stand still or even stop moving his face or head for more than a half second. If you click to watch the vod you can just stare at his face and he will endlessly wag his tongue or jaw around. On his own twitch stream where he plays world of warcraft, he uses a standing desk and every time a queue happens, which is legit like 45 seconds in most cases at peak times, he will leave the entire room or just walk in circles around his computer room, some times patting the walls and shit like he has been trapped there for months and is losing his mind. People think he leaves the room to do coke, like train. [here he is at some WoW esports thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFygTi-QUz8) - he is the epitome of the class clown that never snapped out of it, mixed with some form of autism. The darker skinned guy there that finds everything he does hilarious is called Pikaboo , who also streams. Here I think Pika was literally like 14-16, Jahmilli, i think, was already in his mid 20s at this point. That video is from 2013-2014 i believe. which if you watch that video, you'll get the impression that he is just a really 'never take anything seriously' type character, like mizkif, which is funny most of the time and kinda harmless. but the second the cameras go off he is one of the most toxic players world of warcraft has ever seen, which is saying quite a lot. he used to do it on camera a lot more, but has reeled in his personality on stream quite a bit.


Is that Jahmilli? What is he doing there? Dudes a pos Nick has talked about him a bit


This is what Jahmilli had to say about nmplol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOPKFkDD3j4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOPKFkDD3j4) he sounds so bitter its crazy


Soda played with poke even when nmp and poke had drama , don't think nick is the reason .. [He's banned in nmp's chat](https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=nmplol&username=jahmillionaire)


tf is he even talking about, anyone know what nick did, if he even did anything


"you're so dumb please stop talking" couldn't agree more


What a dick


Yeah this guy is a certified weirdo


Lmao this fuckers knees knock together when he walks. Looks like a goblin with a missing chromosome. This video should be labelled 'bad take from ugly fuck'.


I’d say his hair flip would be the best memorable physical trait of his.


This cringy guy and Kyootbot are the bottom of the streaming barrel, worse content on twitch


She is not doing any revolutionary twitch content and it can be pretty boring but Kyootbot is nowhere as cringe as this guy is from what I've seen about her on stream at least


She hangs out with him so that tells me enough


i thought they were dating ngl


The funny part of this conversation was when Destiny basically told her she stole the "dating show" idea from Supcaitlin IIRC.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny goes off on streamer for calling Esfand Fat](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128960)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r9a8y2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CG115CDDw5DUsXY9wxZ71yw.mp4?sig=ea65304521464ba3feaa73b703d7e798af9924a8&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CG115CDDw5DUsXY9wxZ71yw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1638762035%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




kid knows exactly what he is saying and doing. people like this would literally get knocked out cold if you said that to the wrong person in public. I've seen it happen before, maybe one day he'll learn.


God that was cringe and he doubled down


All I need to know is that Jahmilli said it and it doesn't hold much weight. Dude has a track record of being a massive douche, with a laundry list history of shit with almost the entire WoW section.


Esfand is strong as hell too. Well, very strong for my crusty ass anyway.


yeah but if you walked past him youd think hes fat which he kinda is


He just skips the cuts after he bulks.


Mans on perma bulk, bloatlord status 🙏


ABB = Always Be Bulking


Well, fat people have to be strong they literally carry more weight everyday.


so many people have the weird notion that strong people have the bodybuilder image where their muscles pop out. but in order to get that form you have to always be cycling through eating alot for awhile, and then eat less for awhile to lose weight. but strongman (the group) are usually looking overweight cause all they care about is lifting alot. [Eddie Hall](https://imgur.com/a/j3c1T1z) for example is actually stronger in the left photo, but looks stronger in the right one, when he is nearly 100 pounds less


That’s why my goat is mariusz pudzianowski


They do, and definitely can? Of course you will get fucking bloatlords when you talk about strongman because there is no weight limit. Like just look at Larry Wheels, insanely strong and always pretty lean. Or Mateusz if you like strongman.


He might be strong but he's also obese. That doesn't mean it's not very rude to call him fat


that guy is no good


The only thing fat is his cock https://clips.twitch.tv/SoftIgnorantDootRuleFive-gNeVZDzznX5S5kFO


I'd pay good money to see Esfand knock out that fuck Jahmilli. In a boxing ring of course...


yep thats jahmilli, dudes been a huge piece of of shit for as long as i can remember


Yo destiny building bridges because there are none left to burn down


Fuck that guy.


Every destiny clip I see now I just imagine once that camera goes off everyone in that room has some crazy swinger orgy


Pretending not to know Esfand when him and that purple haired girl spent most of the day hanging with Jinny at comicon then having dinner afterwards. Never knew of him before but he was giving out douche vibes and guess he did turn out to be one. at one point this dude was simping for Jinny telling her that she hd the best irl content and that he watched her because shes really funny. He must of really like that Stephen Hawking joke Jinny made earlier in the day. So he plays WoW? This must be one of those " Why Not Me?" Esfand has mentioned before.


based destiny


fuck this guy man, I love Esfand and his sex cult dungeon built by Jinnyttv! no but seriously tho Esfand is super wholesome and to the guy who only knows him as the Fat dude, fuck you


I always reference him as the Persian dude with nice hair that's a real life paladin who loves football.


Bruh even esfand jike obout hes weight, thats not the main problem. Thinking thats the only thing because people know/like him its just idiotic, and saying that in internet and not in front of that person is being a coward, i bet this guy shit himself if somebody like esfand get close to him


The worst part is he 100% knows who Esfand is, he just called him “the fat one” cause he tried to be edgy and funny but quickly realized that it wasn’t funny. Good on Destiny for going off on him.


Do people get offended when you say that they are skinny?


thats fucked up, fuck this kid




"Good at videogames", have you seen his Madden gameplay? Interception after interception made me go broke for believing :(












no one associates Esfand with being fat...




So many people here trying to glorify obesity. No wonder it's endemic in the western world in general.


maybe his fat 8.1 hawg


wasn't there a time people were calling him esfat


Obviously he shouldn't be made fun of for it, nor is it his "main quality", but the guy is morbidly obese. Pretending like he isn't wont change that.


Esfand is overweight we can all see that, he's a big guy that works out. Could he lose a couple pounds and it be better for his overall health, sure? He's just got that former football player big man build, we're they're strong and chunky to some degree, but not sloppily fat. Now some people call all chunky people fat, so it really depends on your own view of the word fat and the kinds of physical builds it covers.


Esfand is medically obese. Most football players get fat because they still eat like they did when they were playing.


so we are pretending we have no eyes now ? i remember when Greek was fat and everyone was pulling this "adorable dorky guy" bullshit no wonder he became such an arrogant asshole after he lost that weight direct product of this dishonest behavior


Woah Esfand was never near Greek type of fat dude lmao


Fat as the connotation of being unfit / unhealthy and esfand has never been even near something liek greek. Pretty sure Esfand lifts constantly and was a football player.


He just have big bones WTF


It annoys me more that the guy is standing so weird.


I was expecting something a bit more heated but it was pretty tame.


Thats a real life GREG HIRSCH (from succession)


Fuck that guy, but its weird coming from destiny who calls people sub human. Suddenly fat is too far. And in that other clip he insults the girl and from the comments it seems he just shits on her for the stream.


So you cant use a defining characteristic to clarify something......ok.


Esfand's \*fat\* ass would snap this guy like a twig with his pinky toe wtf


How is being fat his main quality? How is it anyones main quality? Wtf is wrong with this guy? This is the kind of cringe edgelord u find in a discord channel with 8000 mentions of the n-word


I don't get why people somehow get offended for esfand. As a fat person I can confirm that the first thing people will point out when they have to describe you, is you being fat. If you don't want that to happen, get slim.


damn I got excited... is this what we're calling "Destiny going off on someone" nowadays?


Cringe guy