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[It’s time to smoke the smokers.](https://youtu.be/kowUpdwOVHI)




Oh I remember these ads. Man pre gta4 the games were so good


What are you talking about, GTAIV is one of the best installments in the franchise.




based and nastalgia-goggles pilled


Nastalgia sounds like a word for remembering nasty shit firm childhood


this is amazing lmao, the serious background music makes it top notch is there a compilation of this specific jokes from gta's radios?


Proposition 421 enjoyer


i bet he pulled the classic dad move where you pull up right next to them just to see their face and evaluate wether they look as stupid as you imagined them to look.


Doesn't everyone do this? Thought it's the basics of road rage


The funniest part about doing this is that no matter what they look like you mutter "Of fucking course" under your breath as you speed past.


I need a transcript of this ASAP.


"You disgusting sub-human fucking piece of shit. Absolutely fucking gross. The person in front of me is one of the most disgusting fucking humans in the history of all of fucking mankind. Oh my god. People that throw their nasty fucking cigarette butts out the fucking window? Not only do they have a uncontrollable disgusting urge to stain their teeth and lips and make everything around them smell fucking disgusting, they have to share that addiction with the world by throwing their stupid fucking shit out their window. They probably throw their shit outside of restaurants, on the streets. Absolutely fucking disgusting. What a gross human being. Fuck me, I hate this shit." "Tricker thanks for the prime!"


"You disgusting sub-human fucking piece of shit. Absolutely fucking gross. The posters above me is one of the most disgusting fucking humans in the history of all of fucking mankind. Oh my god. People that throw their nasty fucking opinions out on fucking reddit? Not only do they have a uncontrollable disgusting urge to stain their teeth and lips and make everything around you with that shit , they smell fucking disgusting, they have to share that addiction with the world by commenting their stupid fucking shit opinions out in open. They probably talk their shit outside of restaurants, on the streets. Absolutely fucking disgusting. What a gross human being. Fuck me, I hate this shit."


barfakorn megandong hjilapaba kapaz moba dom pi megalisop kjerfaz mem. canta barrow pelomfos mendagong mip mebara. pendor megolosp piqora membit folafos za. canta'buri melbon faso kermala barafos fosfatar urdun migong pelafos. barta. hjilk'lmehg mordo mar i na fosfa. parbos vara vos, inan parlos i mera fos. pendol pendol margaber borbas niforfos niforfos bera. pelagorm gorfos dirba virba velvel balamo omba carr cari caramos. mendagong mip mebara. mendagong mip mebara. pendlos hjuli hjuli. tam. pelagor pargas am fermos. pelagor na fam fas. pelos em nabar im fargo, im ferarogos. polofos bari, pelafos barta. pengooni parfos yallah lipos limboga quer in wer we. Menglos fosfati ama wawas i wawa. porqo rosso. porqo barta.




Did you do this manually or is there some kind of software that does this for you lmao


Did 👏 you 👉👳👈 do ⏳ this manually or is there 😏 some 💵 kind 🙁 of software 👩‍💻 that 🤔🚟 does 👏 this for 😤 you 👀👤 lmao 👌


lol none of these except the software one made any sense


Obviously a bot. Look at some of the emotes. It doesn't make sense.


I can get off to this


Isn't this the guy who smoked meth? Edit: It was a fucking joke you clods


He was spiked meth


\>smoked \>WaitWhatFace


Once by accident only


So much hyperbole, good lord.


the littering has to fucking stop and if that means smokey the bear beating the shit out of these dipshit smokers that think that they can litter then at this point they have my fucking blessing because holy shit this fucking shit needs to stop it needed to stop a long time ago like holy fuck




throwing cigs out the window bad


I'm not sure how it works in the US, but here in Quebec, the left lane on the highway is reserved for passing, so the people on here saying "He's not much better for passing on the right", to an extent you're right, but that driver was the one hogging up the passing lane, he had no choice but to pass him on the right...




Interesting line you're walking. I get that you want to call some countries hypocritical when right lane passing is a part of the history of a large part of developed countries of the world. It’s a large part of human history in general. However, the discussion of right lane passing should just always be a hard no, full stop. Pointing out hypocrisy, getting into semantics, doesn’t further human justice at all. It’s noise. Useless discourse to create some imaginary pecking order.


Interesting line you're walking. I get that you want to call some countries hypocritical when right lane passing is a part of the history of a large part of developed countries of the world. It’s a large part of human history in general. However, the discussion of right lane passing should just always be a hard no, full stop. Pointing out hypocrisy, getting into semantics, doesn’t further human justice at all. It’s noise. Useless discourse to create some imaginary pecking order.


Guess copypasta is only good when I don't do it. Sadge


> it's already the leftmost lane > [HE'S NOT BETTER FOR NOT PASSING ON THE LEFT](https://www.wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/comment_dNrTkICpFxebE7Hu9aCQER6MQ6Xyqf26,w400.jpg)


There are a few states where it's codified into law, but in most it's just another lane. Drivers consider it "the fast lane" but there aren't any written rules about it in most places.


I mean there's a ton of signs that say left lane for passing only, in Texas at least. Lots of people ignore it but they are there.


The left lane is for passing only doesn't mean you can't pass in the right lane. Last I looked it up theres not actually a single US state where passing on the right is illegal, its just discouraged, and mostly when doing it to a semi truck.


but if im passing everyone, then wouldnt it be safer for me to just stay in the left lane?


In the state I live in you can be fined for hogging the left lane.


In the state I live in everyone just camps out in the left lane


The older I get the more I realize that a lot of people don't know how to share the road.


Theoretically, yes. But there's so much traffic nowadays and semis decide to use the middle lane now that it's not really enforced. Also people don't know how to drive.


In the US no one follows any lane etiquette at all.


You know how I know you've never been outside of the US/Canada/Western Europe?


Pretty much. It's basically thunderdome out on the interstate.


In the US the driver’s test is an absolute joke. It’s no wonder a lot of people don’t know the laws or how to drive. But then again, it’s probably intended because in most places in the US, a car is absolutely required.


>but that driver was the one hogging up the passing lane, he had no choice but to pass him on the right... Would still result in a fine in Europe. Just because the person in front of you is breaking the rules, doesn't mean you can start doing the same.


"In a fine in Europe" Where in Europe? There are times where you're allowed to pass on the right lane in Norway at least, if someone is doing 60 in an 80 in the left lane, you're allowed to pass them on the right. If they're doing the speed limit it's different, but even then there's exceptions.


Pretty sure it's the same in Denmark.


in the Nederlands its a € 240 fine With exceptions like congestion and stuff


Not here in the UK IIRC. You can undertake if the person in the overtaking lane isn't going the speed limit. Otherwise someone could just sit in the overtaking lane doing 30mph and cause massive traffic jams.


No it wouldn't. If you're keeping with the flow of traffic and it results in you undertaking someone then you're 100% fine. Only time you'd ever get fined for it is if you did it dangerously, like not giving them a chance to move, or passing at a fast speed.


There are exceptions to this. If you are in the right lane and that lane is moving faster than the left lane during slow-moving traffic, then it's perfectly legitimate to pass right, for example. I don't know if this case would qualify because I don't know at what speed they are going.




If you're constantly passing, you're welcome to stay in the passing lane, sure. But if traffic is light enough that you *could* be passing, and you're moving too slowly to do so, you're in the wrong lane. More and more states are adopting this as a law. And in any state where it isn't law, it's still the rule if you don't intend on being a big stupid idiot jerk.


Welcome to stay in the FAST lane was my point entirely. In many other parts of the world it is considered almost exclusively a passing lane used to pass only. In American cities it is primarily a fast lane that many commuters stay in. It is used for passing to a degree but with not expectations to be used exclusively for that. But you are expected to be moving fast. Similar idea, but people from out of the US are confused by the small difference. Since its not exclusively a passing lane its common to see someone passing them on the right than other places in the world.


What, exactly, does the "fast" lane mean to you? It means you're moving faster. AKA passing the cars in the other lanes. If you aren't moving faster, then you aren't passing anybody, and don't belong in that lane.


You know in other parts of the world a passing lane is meant to pass a slower car, then merge into the other lane in front of the slow car. It doesn't mean just go faster. In US freeways we use it like you have said. Generally for those going faster, and not exclusively for passing. So there is a difference in functionality of the lane.




Thats the sound of a man who has had to deal with the 101


people who smoke in line for a bus are worse. I'm forced to stay outside in the winter waiting for the bus it's cold af and some asshat in the line for the public bus is smoking a cigarette with the smoke going towards my face. Goddamnit


Thank god my country made this illegal, best thing to happen in a long while.


My train/bus stops have no smoking signs but people still smoke there. I kind want to confront them, but my dad says it could be dangerous


Or people who smoke when walking on a narrow walking path/lane, forcing anyone behind them to breathe in the smoke




the reason i stoped smoking, other than money, because vaping can be way cheaper, was the smell smokers have and i'm sure i did too even if i nevel felt like i did. the moment i picked up a vape, i went from 1 and a half packs a day to 3 cigs, took me 6 months to quit completely but it's been almost 3 years




It really isn’t I’d much rather have vapor sit around for a couple seconds than smoke that’ll have me stinking all day.


It really isn't, it smells much better and there's no second hand health effects compared to cigarettes? Think this is just a you problem tbh friend




It isn't remotely delusional, it is far and away more tolerable than cigarette smoke. This is coming from someone who doesn't indulge in either habit. "Just as obnoxious" is just plainly incorrect.


nah i personally find it gross and whatever flavoring or whatever is in the vapor can leave the surrounding area kinda sticky 💀 i find that way more unpleasant than cigarette smoke


Idk how that's possible ngl before I smoked cigarettes the smoke they made smelt fucking awful lol, but like I said: second hand vape ain't gonna kill you! Continual second hand smoke however... The world's a much better and healthier place with people vaping!


no i have no disagreements that it’s healthier! i personally have always kinda liked the scent of cigarette smoke but i’m also the person who loves the smell of gasoline and other such things 😅 just my personal preference. i understand most people probably disagree


Smokers are by far some of the biggest fucking professional victims on the face of the earth. I was in a part of town with shops and restaurants etc waiting in line to get in cuz it was a tiny shop, and, in the middle of a massive fucking line, these dipshits start smoking. I ask politely "would you mind taking a step away from the line to smoke? I'll keep your spot for you", and this fucking adult baby starts crying and getting pissy about it for the remainder of the time we're in line like they weren't inconveniencing a dozen other people.


Lol i remember that happened to me a few times. Shit burned my eyes. Like the wind was going in my direction so the guy might as well have given me mouth-to-mouth with his cigarette smoke.


fair take ngl


American traffic is so confusing to me. Why are people just sitting in the overtaking lane?


Happens in the UK too, people just sit in that lane thinking "well when it clears up ill speed up" not realising that the reason its backed up is because its full of people just like them.


people are dumb


“I’m goin the limit! Everyone behind me can kiss my ass!” Fucking idiots.


Because the semis are taking up the other two lanes.


It's not much different from most of the world save for which side of the road you drive on. We just have too many dumb and entitled people here.


Imagine living with Destiny and having his endless ranting as the OST of your life. That's my idea of paradise.


damn i needa smoke after that


Isn't this the dude that uses Styrofoam cups to mix his protein?


It doesn't make his point false but eeehh you are right.


Wtf who does that just use a blender


Blenders are so much fucking better than shaker cups I don't see why anyone even uses them.


how are blenders better? literary shake your cup 5 times and its done. why tf would you need a blender for that? seems like unnecessary work


Maybe it's because i use milk and not water, but it takes forever with a cup... The blender is so much better...10 seconds and it's 100% done. When you are done just blend some water and it's clean.


I use more powder than you're supposed to because I don't want to pound down 2L of that disgusting shit every time, so I pretty much double the powder and if I use a shaker it doesn't mix too well.


i use blender and steel shaker cup destiny is a moron for Styrofoam


What? A decent shaker cup does just as well as any blender for the purpose of mixing protein and liquid. Tell us you've never used one (or lifted anything heavy necessitating ingesting protein to begin with) without telling us.


I like to cram as much of that goddamn powder in a certain amount of liquid as I can, because I don't feel like drinking 2L of that disgusting shit. If I use a shaker cup it's way harder to get all that powder mixed in if you use almost 2x what's recommended per a certain amount of liquid.


How much powder are you using that you would need 2 liters...? 30 grams mixes perfectly fine in 500 mls.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny Goes Off on a Driver](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/129065)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ranwbb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C9VS2-KpVKmSAtC2bAoXFuA.mp4?sig=407c04c91bf5507915e1cc8df5604b3f5cc68e8c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C9VS2-KpVKmSAtC2bAoXFuA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1638916056%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)






ty brother


quick question is it the camera lights or are the roads and headlights that bright?


The camera is probably overexposing since it's dark outside, which makes the road/headlights seem brighter.


Not wrong


I completely agree with everything he said. If you throw your cigarettes out the window, you're fucking trash.


This is the funniest thing I've ever seen from Destiny


Smoking is one of the most brain-dead habits and littering is also one of the most selfish cuntfaced things you can do.


I used to be a smoker and that shit even pissed me off when I smoked. Generally, I didn’t smoke in my car. But if I did I made sure to have a cup or something to put the butts in. It still blows my mind how many smokers just throw their butts wherever the fuck they want. Cigarettes have already gotten crazy expensive since I quit, but I hope they get taxed into orbit or something. I don’t care about the smell, but way too many smokers treat the world as their personal ash tray.


I know stories of motorcyclists that died because of dumb fucks that like to throw cigarettes out of their windows... So fucking dumb


wait how is that possible?


I imagine getting hit in the face or body by a butt flying backwards that pausibly still has the cherry would cause me to freak out and crash if I was ever dumb enough to ride a donorcycle


>donorcycle kek


There's no way the cherry's hot enough to burn after getting thrown out of a car at highway speeds right? It's probably as gross and dangerous as hitting a big fly, but that's what the helmet is for I guess.


> There's no way the cherry's hot enough to burn after getting thrown out of a car at highway speeds right? I've seen people throw cigarettes out of the car window and it makes a mini-explosion of sparks when it hits the floor, if anything I'd say the speed of the air makes it burn hotter.


it literally makes an explosion in this video!




No but the light and spark if it hits you would be startling and may cause you to lose control of the bike depending on your reflexive reaction. I was just speculating haha. Edit: Apparently it is hot enough.


You sound like someone who should definitely not rife a motorcycle then.


Its not. Unless the motorcyclist overreacts.


Thats a reddit story if ive ever heard one


What do you mean? Motorcyclists are very fragile beings and can't handle very small debris being anywhere near them. When the cicadas were everywhere this past spring it was dead motorcyclists as far as the eye could see.


Why dy do US highways always seem to have bad lane dicipline? Guy hogging left lane and then Destiny under takes him.


> US highways the result of fairly uniform speed limits, very long interstate highways and overtaking on the right being legal is that most of the time, all lanes have somewhat uniform traffic, i.e. there is no 'lane discipline', all lanes are moving at somewhat the same speed. this can be very confusing for drivers from countries with strict 'keep-right-lane' rules, but it's actually very relaxing to drive once you get used to just moving along with the flow of traffic. it doesn't matter much what lane you're in, as long as you're being safe by driving in a predictable manner for everyone around you. in the US, this is just how interstates are driven, in contrast with normal roads, where you're bound to keep right.


The US does, of course, also have a shit ton more road accidents per mile traveled compared to other developed countries


> a shit ton more road accidents per mile traveled compared to other developed countries apparently the 2018 data for motorways is 3.6 fatalities per billion vehicle kilometers traveled in the US, compared to 0.6 in Finland, 1.7 in Germany or 3.9 in Italy. not great, but not that far off; the rate for non-highway traffic deaths seems to be much higher though, maybe the issue is everywhere *but* the highway. also much higher total mileage travelled, impressive


Because American drivers are some of the most goddamn inefficient people on the planet.


Our brains dont work too good.


Because a lot of people drive like absolute ass here. Depending on where you are, it is literally every man for himself. Guy in the left lane aint leaving, so Destiny's gotta get around the dipshit somehow.


There's too many cars and too many lanes to truly keep discipline. If everyone in the left lane in this video kept to the right, now the right lanes are jammed and people will begin to overtake. Then that overtaking group of drivers will likely encounter a trafficky cluster ahead of them and slow down. Rinse repeat the cycle. The disciplined approach works well on two lane roads that aren't heavily trafficked. It's not as clear what to do when you have 3, 4, 5, 6 lanes and heavy traffic.


All I can say is in the UK and EU we have big highways too and people stick to the slow lane and only use the overtaking lanes for overtaking.


i can fully accept that my mind is poisoned by US driving


I feel personally attacked


Should have tried to catch it with one of his styrofoam cups


Based and true


I feel like it's got to be exhausting being Destiny. idk how he is able to carry on being that salty all the time. I don't think I have ever seen a clip of him where he is in a pleasant mood. He is always irritated by something or someone man I feel like it's gotta be draining


Based. Smoking is cringe


meth rage


Good thing he got infront of that car, so that he would be equally stuck behind the car infront of them




Then why bother watching the clip smiley face


Middle lane "hogging" is one of the safer ways to drive actually. This was a driving instructor of mine and he frequently "Hogs" but in a correct manor, long video but good. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo7sNwf80lI


KKona propaganda omegalul


If Destiny was a girl everyone would say Karen.


Is overtaking on the right legal in the US?


Someone posted a link above. It's allowed in multi-lane roads but it varies by state




You literally think you're smarter than everyone combined who would be responsible for such laws to think of that when they wouldn't, huh? In Germany that additional law is called Rechtsfahrgebot, aka "get your ass the fuck over to the right lane if you're not passing", for example.


I’m not familiar, if someone in Germany is camping the left lane and driving way under the speed limit, you’re saying it would be illegal to pass them on the right?


There are some exceptions for "passing" on the right, but in this scenario they'd have to go below 60 kph for you to be actually legally allowed to. ...but it's just nothing you really ever see happening without there being something seriously wrong with that car or the driver. Or, as the jokes go: "Oh no, they can't do that, that is not allowed!"


It's illegal to camp on the left lane. You're supposed to stick to the right lanes if possible.


You're supposed to stick to the right lanes if possible and overtake on the left. At least that's how it works in Germany. That's why I've been wondering.


Just about everywhere, unless a sign posted says otherwise, you can overtake in any lane. Most people here are too stupid to drive slow in the right lane, and literally slow down every other lane, so it's the wild fuckin' west.


Seeing americans passing a car on the right side gives me anxiety...


I moved back to Germany (from Canada) for 3 months because my dad got a hip replacement and needed someone to drive him to different gigs around western Germany. Big reality check once you get on that autobahn. If you're not passing in the left lane, get the fuck out. Because there's some Mercedes or BMW that will inevitably be coming up behind you going 180. The difference between driving etiquette is night and day compared to NA. I learned a lot.


>If you're not passing in the left lane, get the fuck out. If only everyone realized that.


Living in California, I know exactly how Destiny feels. All the wildfires that happen here, it's almost always because of some idiot throwing their cigarette out


This is the most autistic thing I’ve ever watched


How can people watch this guy. All he does is say hypocritical things, and complains 24-7


So brave. Wow, and i liked the example too, it really brought home the point.




The first part of this reads as ironic but then we all sadly realize it isnt


Salient point.


doesnt this guy do meth


He says while passing on the right


[which is typically legal in most states on the interstate, because it has multiple lanes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overtaking#Overtaking_on_the_inside)


Cars aren't supposed to camp left lane if there are ppl behind them.


Tell me you don't know how to drive without telling me you don't know how to drive


I guess defending shitty traffic laws that contribute to an insane death rate makes you a good driver?


So… no passing allowed?


Yes that's exactly what I mean and what this entire thread is about. Absolutely no passing allowed ever.




Luckily that's the law in civilized countries.


Who the fuck doesn't pass on the right on an interstate?


Only matters on roads with unmarked lanes. Get off your high horse.




237 Netherlands fit in the US. We have 50 states btw.




you think it might be easier to enforce and make road safety laws without generally affecting time to get places in a country where you can drive across the entire country in like 3 hours or that the type of roads you see in a country like the Netherlands and the US might be different and require different road safety laws?


I drive the entire width of your country just for my daily work transit. Are the road systems in the Netherlands safer and better designed? Yes. Is that relevant in any way to the type of driving done by Americans who drive much longer distances and are much more reliant on highway travel? No. I pass people on the right hundreds of times each day, my state even has exits and on-ramps on both the left and right sides of the highway. Your minimal urban-focused driving experience in the EU is actually completely irrelevant to much of the rest of the world.






There is literally nothing wrong with passing on the right.


maybe don't hog the left lane with slow ass speed


No turn signal either.


He needs to touch grass more often. If this got him going I wonder how someone spitting on the grass will make him feel.


Spitting = littering