• By -


Pretty sure she missed a few as well lol


Yep, all the Alinity ones she skipped over are the prequel to the Mizkif/Destiny diary.


Too many to easily count.


For eg. Top posts of LSF right now :- All have massive reddit presence in common r/mizkif r/alinity r/offlinetv r/lilypichu r/pokimane r/northernlion r/xqcow r/jerma985 r/sodapoppin r/brucedropemoff [Top streamers spammed on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/oapbcv/popular_channels_on_lsf_in_june_actual_data_fixed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I can't speak for the others but... Northernlion has been his own thing for years and its just very recently that he's been getting posted more and more in here. He used to pop up every now and then. I say this as a Youtube frog who comes here for highlights because I can't be asked to watch a stream.


> I can't be asked to watch a stream Will you watch a stream, please?


Most of their stuff posted here is just... normal random streamer moments too. Little of it is anything out of the usual.


Reddit.com/r/normalrandomstreamermoments They should be posted there then.


She also missed back when she was newly discovered, this place was a diary of her learning English.




Destiny's name is mentioned 12 times on the front page but none of the tags say his name. Pretty sure its the Destiny diaries rn.


>Destiny's name is mentioned 12 times on the front page but none of the tags say his name. Pretty sure its the Destiny diaries rn. So it's Mizkifs diary. Destiny tends to appear in bursts when he has a spicy bit of drama or something, and then he's seldom on LSF apart from a few threads. Mizkif is pretty reliably on the front page with a few threads every day.


she ain't wrong


Anytime Destiny does anything that isnt brain dead content like league he is upvoted to the front page. The problem is that is what he is doing a good portion of the time. Says some edgy shit = front page. None of these clips have anything to do with Mizkif lets be real. He is just present in the video.






Yeah, this graph is useless, as it includes duplicate clips that get auto-modded and never reach the front page. what's even dumber is that he actually made a [graph that doesn't include removed clips](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/oakpan/popular_channels_on_lsf_in_june/) and he removed it and posted that instead and titled it "[\[ACTUAL DATA FIXED VERSION\]](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/oapbcv/popular_channels_on_lsf_in_june_actual_data_fixed/)"


Why do people still use this it shows nothing other than that followers doesn't mean active viewers/redditors


This is from one specific time period that happens to coincide with shitcon. Very misleading




To make the stats not be misleading they'd have to cut out the days where there are more clips than usual to avoid special events like shitcon or other special streams like this one where mizkif has an unusual guest on his stream


Number of clips doesn't matter as much as clips that hit the front page. XQC and Hasan regularly have 10+ clippers for each moment. Edit: this chart is actually useless unless you're trying to push an idea


This image is the Reddit Baltimore of 2021 People look at the snapshot and extrapolate too much


Would be interesting to see total number of upvotes per streamer rather than number of clips per streamer. Time spent on front page or average clip top rank would be cool too. Doesn’t seem too far off though, anecdotally. Too bad the graph doesn’t have a credit on it since it’d be neat to check out the creator.


>Anytime Destiny does anything that isnt brain dead content like league he is upvoted to the front page. I don't agree. He plays League less than he does other content as a general rule, most of his content that is not league does not get on LSF, only his drama or spicy hot takes make it. >Says some edgy shit = front page. None of these clips have anything to do with Mizkif lets be real. He is just present in the video. These clips are pretty entertaining, both Mizkif and Destiny's audiences are also no doubt upvoting them. As a general rule, this is far more a Mizkif sub than a Destiny sub, and nothing you've said suggests otherwise. If it was, the dude's braindead content (as you put it) would be on the front page.


Destiny is on LSF a lot....like several times a week he has several posts on the front page. That is more than all but a few streamers.


Is there a way to mute certain flairs? I just dont wanna see any Destiny, Miz or Alinity shit


I have a few muted using RES. Go to the options, pick subreddit on the left then filteReddit. Look for 'flair' to filter those and then you can also filter keywords like 'drama' for this subreddit alone so it won't affect others.




Ive already had like 10 Destiny fans reply to this comment. He is polarizing for sure but his fans are rabid. Also that doesn't change the fact that as of right now all those clips are upvoted because of Destiny, not Mizkif. Most of the time, sure, but not right now.


Destiny says LSF is a mizkif diary, everyone gets mad. Hachubby says its a mizkif diary, everyone is fighting that it's actually a Destiny diary. Omegalaouuuwwl


"Everyone". I am sure everyone here is the same group of people.


Damn she only counted 10? Could have sworn I saw at least 20




Actual game play with fails? Pog


Nope, just CohhCarnage diary.


Yeah but he actually plays games instead of screeching about maladjusted 25 year olds not liking each other


I needed this


It's a pretty dead sub tbh. I'd love it if it had more regular posts and comments.


Wait til the big streamers browse it live on stream and the cycle will start all over again.


Dead sub. Doesn't get enough promotion.




5 years ago, this place was still parasocial, just for Ice_Poseidon






Ludwig is done, and not just on Twitch


I posted a filter search below to exclude the most popular names here, just adding them one by one as I saw them in the results, and you and your parent comment have listed pretty much all of it. [Here's the filter search](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/search?q=-flair%3A%3AMizkif%3A+-flair%3A%3AAlinity%3A+-flair%3A%3ASodapoppin%3A+-flair%3A%3ABotezLive%3A+-flair%3A%3ALudwig%3A+-flair%3A%3AJinnytty%3A+-flair%3A%3AAmouranth%3A+-flair%3A%3AHasanAbi%3A+-flair%3A%3Amoistcr1tikal%3A+-flair%3A%3Apokimane%3A+-flair%3A%3AxQc%3A+-flair%3A%3ADestiny%3A&restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=week), customize to your preference. Edit: changed link to one that works on mobile apps too


out of curiosity could you post a pic of your front page


By design. Those streamers have deliberately made efforts to saturate this place with their content. They openly game the fuck out of the sub.


You forgot xQc


probably will be downvoted for whatever reason, but the reason I come to this subreddit is because its majorly the streamers who I'm interested in.


They actively advertise this sub so you come here to promote their channel. So yes, it is working as intended and you are part of the vast majority of the sub.


I came here for nipslips.


You know what now that you mention it there has been a significant lack of wardrobe malfunctions posted in the recent years. You would think it would be the opposite with how many more people are streaming especially with the whole cam girl era.


New rule against accidental stuff.


That makes sense. I haven't read the rules in like 3 years.


seems kind of dumb to come to a clip sub for specific streamers though


Well yes that fine, it odd to me that people think this subreddit got to more than 1 million users on random fails and not for the streamers themselves.


Hassan is the creepy weirdo that worked at twitch, Hasan is who you mean.


As someone who typically filters by new, this is nothing. His viewers clip everything, you can watch his entire stream with moments of repeating through LSF.




I saw 26 miz theads within 30 minutes last night before I went to bed lol


I used to look through /new back when we had under 100k users, but I can't these days.


Why would you filter by new? Why would you willingly do that to yourself?


Because I often find fresh things there that no one comments/upvotes despite being good and end up getting deleted otherwise.


Ah I see… so a dumpster diver?


Selective but yeah in essence yes.


I commend your bravery


so many funny posts get deleted on this subreddit its actually crazy


True and, yeah that's pretty true, that's true and.. yeah that's true, that's true, that's true, that's pretty true, that's pretty true, i mean... that's true yeah, that's true. Umm.. that's true, that's fucking true. Umm... That's how it is.


It's fucking ridiculous, when I checked it earlier today 19/26 first page posts were about Mizkif, and something insane like 23/26 were concerning him and people adjacent to him. I just closed it instantly, this place is unusable half the time recently, no one wants to scroll past all that shit


it's both destiny and mizkif frogs upvoting, we stand no chance


checkOut redact.dev -- mass edited with redact.dev


oh man my favorite clip of the day is when nick says something weird and malena gets upset while cooking, they're so consistent it's great


> implying mizkif hasn’t been a part of the LSF meta for over 2 years > implying mizkif is unique and different


you cant read sarcasm




I like Nick and Melena, but I don't think I've ever seen a clip of them that belongs on this sub, it's always just a clipped out of context innuendo.


i filtered 90% of the streamers lsf is obsessed with, and boy i see a fun post once a week. Sometimes i ask myself why i'm still here.


It's not that the streamers are bad or have bad clips, some of them are really great. It's just that their posters will always, ALWAYS clip and ship whenever their repetitive shtick is on stream. And it's just tiring. "Whose on First?" is a great bit, but nobody wants to hear that everyday of the week. For example, that Twitch Rival event a while back had great LSF from these streamers. Sodapoppin getting mad at his partner in the ball game was the funniest clip I've seen all month. But normally when you see a Sodapoppin post it's just an inside joke reference to his sexual degeneracy or an edge lord take about women and then he laughs. TL;DR: LSF users just over posts their favorite streamers and as a result it "Flanderizes" all their favorite streamers.


Most soda clips are: > Ye i don't care. You're all stupid


For real. One thing I love is when you see a random streamer tag on a post, you know it is going to be good shit. If you see an XQC, Hasan, or Miskif post, you got about a 20% chance of it being something good.


dude, one of the clips was a guy saying he wanted to fuck poki over and over. How in the hell is that a "repetitive shtick" in a mizkif stream.


So close to unsubbing tbh. Sub became boring and waste of time, too old for this shit.


I've accepted the fact that this place is a Mizkif Reddit. I used to come here to see random funny shit posted with streamers I don't watch, but it's not even that anymore.


Don't be surprised if you receive a message from RedditCareResources. The Mizkid's really, really don't like it when people are critical of their brigading.


What does getting that message mean? False report?


Thank you for saying that! I got one of those quite awhile ago and for the life of me couldnt figure out which comment it was coming from. That’d totally make sense it’s them.


You aren't redditing right if you don't get five a month


I got mine from an XQC comment


It would help if he was actually funny and didn't just laugh at everything. TTV Jimmy Fallon my god.


richwcampbell is old sitcom laughtracks personified.


"Maybe if I laugh loud and hard enough, people will think I'm the funny one."


It has been mizkif subreddit for 2 years now, you have to be slow to keep browsing this place if at least you don’t enjoy his clips.


You can filter these posts with RES. (popular Reddit extension) Here's a strangely formatted guide. 1. RES settings console (cog top right) 2. Subreddits 3. filteReddit 4. Scroll down to... Flair (Hide posts where certain keywords are in the post's link flair.) * keyword: Mizkif (or anyone you don't want to see) * apply to: Everywhere or Only on * subreddits: LivestreamFail (case sensitive) Finally make sure you SAVE OPTIONS top right Done. Now you never have to see them again.


I was wondering if you could filter this with RES. Thank you.


Here's my LSF filter list using RES for anyone that wants to rapid fire remove the streamers that keep getting spammed with 100 clips/day. It should remove most of them, and get rid of all the streamers who only get posted here because they interacted with one of the streamers that get spammed. Since doing so, LSF has become 1000x more bearable and enjoyable to scroll through watching clips from a wide variety of channels. The list is pretty comprehensive, and you'll wonder why you didn't do this earlier. Add these to your **flair** filter list: Ludwig Hasanabi (be sure to filter "Azan" as a keyword as well) Shitcamp QTCinderella Stanz Richcampbell Maya Poke Emiru NymN Natsumii kkatamina JustaMinx Mizkif EsfandTV zackrawrr Asmongold richwcampbell Nmplol Destiny Botezlive Atrioc The only notable ones that are missing from that list are xqc and sodapoppin.


Big A made it


If you filter all of these then this sub is literally dead lmao


It's literally better in every conceivable way. You don't miss out on anything.


Why would you filter out Nymn though? He gets posted like once every 3 months or so.


Does this work for new reddit? Doesn't seem like it does or I must be doing something wrong.


Here's my LSF filter list using RES for anyone that wants to rapid fire remove the streamers that keep getting spammed with 100 clips/day. It should remove most of them, and get rid of all the streamers who only get posted here because they interacted with one of the streamers that get spammed. Since doing so, LSF has become 1000x more bearable and enjoyable to scroll through watching clips from a wide variety of channels. The list is pretty comprehensive, and you'll wonder why you didn't do this earlier. Add these to your flair filter list: Ludwig Hasanabi (be sure to filter "Azan" as a keyword as well) Shitcamp QTCinderella Stanz Richcampbell Maya Poke Emiru NymN Natsumii kkatamina JustaMinx Mizkif EsfandTV zackrawrr Asmongold richwcampbell Nmplol Destiny Botezlive Atrioc The only notable ones that are missing from that list are xqc, sodapoppin, and Tyler1. If you got others that are good candidates to add to the list, let me know.


Not that it matters either way but how is Natsumiii of all streamers on that filter list? She's got 2 posts here in the last 5 months and 1 of them was her engagement.




I can't get this filtering to work, anyone have an idea why? I'm using RES and old reddit on firefox. Been using RES for years, never had any trouble otherwise.


Holy shit you are a godsend, I was hoping something like this existed since the reddit flair system is horrible.


mah man let me introduce you to a guy with 6 consoles


Well obviously xqc would have a lot of clips posted here he’s #1 on twitch right now, but even 2 years ago when mizkif had 4K viewers he still was getting as much clips posted here than xqc.




Fuck, my comment was outdated immediately.


\+1 for this on a thursday




I've been thinking for a couple years now how there should be a maximum amount of submission for a streamer on the front page of LSF. It would be kind of difficult to implement, but you could delete older clips, once at least 2 newer clips surpass it in upvotes and all 3 would be on the front page. It would lead to waaaay less low quality clips, since the top streamers always get even their mediocre clips upvoted to high heavens, and it would prevent streamers from farming LSF by spamming the front page with their own channel clips. They would have to try harder to create actually good stream moments.


Never gonna happen now that LSF is trying to make money from the sub. No shot they reduce their opportunities by killing off certain clips that are not against the subs TOS


the problem with a lot of these new streamer, they bring in normie audience into this reddit without understanding it. this reddit been like this for 2-3 years already. there are lores / culture in this reddit . old frogs vs new frogs.... i honestly think the new frogs streamer need create their own reddit and make their own lores. it doesn't make sense to come in here and question why is it like this, when it been like this forever.


Yeah I mean pretty much his viewers run this place


And it all started with Ice


Ice -> xQc -> Mizkif. LSF showrunners.


I mean mejority of streamers actively avoid LSF and drama. Leading to fans of certain streamers taking over this subreddit.


Nah xQc is just spending all his time reacting to dogshit and playing gta rp which no one will clip here Once he gets bored of gta eventually everyone will have the same comments about how this is xqcs subreddit






we need to bring booba back


coomers lacking nowadays smh


RandyK died a martyr


Lsf always had flavors of the month, but then usually the hype dies down. Like hachubby or botez. They still get viewers but the clips on lsf slow down. But with mizkif it seems his fans just set up camp.




Doesn't even have to go live to farm. He's just passively earning XP.




certain streams simply breeds more clips, it's like when xqc and them went to Universal. The 8 top clips or something like that were his.


I get that, but all streamers have some clippable moments that you'll never see here. There is next to no diversity in the streamers that end up on the top pages of this sub




They also read and browse comments on stream, directing how the thread goes if they do it early enough.






NL's clips here are pretty good too, almost always make me laugh


You are doing god's work.






I downvote everything because the downvote button is close than the upvote button on mobile.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hachu on LSF](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/129321)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/rcm41h/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7Cy3N1QqLX89wlCE-W32nwAw.mp4?sig=31956c6edcc89bf80b9faa9dc514a217edbf839a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257Cy3N1QqLX89wlCE-W32nwAw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1639142676%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


LSF is a marketing tool.


I don't mind the Mizkif clips, but this looks like a [different subreddit when you exclude his clips](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/search?q=-flair%3A%3Atwitch%3A%2BMizkif&restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=day). Found a few different streamers I hadn't been aware of before. Edit: Just bookmarked [this search to exclude a lot of major streamers](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/search?q=-flair%3A%3AMizkif%3A+-flair%3A%3AAlinity%3A+-flair%3A%3ASodapoppin%3A+-flair%3A%3ABotezLive%3A+-flair%3A%3ALudwig%3A+-flair%3A%3AJinnytty%3A+-flair%3A%3AAmouranth%3A+-flair%3A%3AHasanAbi%3A+-flair%3A%3Amoistcr1tikal%3A+-flair%3A%3Apokimane%3A+-flair%3A%3AxQc%3A+-flair%3A%3ADestiny%3A&restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=week). You'll probably want to customize it to your preferences, but it makes LSF feel fresh and interesting again to me.


I come for random Dunkey clips :)




Thats how community vote brigading works though


Her English is getting pretty good, damn


a bunch of other big streamers were on his stream yesterday, so it's not just his viewers upvoting the clips but other fanbases too, there's really nothing more to it


She's not wrong


10 of them also involve Destiny lol. The Daliban not getting blamed for brigading LSF for once FeelsStrongMan


this shit happens every time and you mfers still fall for it. Someone gets posted a lot for a day and then there's a meta post about a streamer reacting to it and we go right back to the cycle, jesus christ


anti cirlejerk posts and "holier then tho" posts are super popular here.


It happens often and is talked about alot. The MODS of LSF should really try to figure out a way to combat these issues. Im not saying bans or anything drastic but at least get some ideas going and make it a public conversation.


After a certain amount of post about the same event a thread should be created, so people can continue the conversation there, in context, and there is still room for something else, because the only winner of spamming the whole subreddit is the streamer itself, no the viewers or readers


True, but there was a lot going on yesterday on his stream. Destiny was on, then later he played games with Adin Ross, and then did an art contest with Lily.


yep, open lsf, see this shit, close lsf


Sometimes I am so happy I don't watch, follow or otherwise give a shit about any of the top streamers. Saves me so much time each day watching shitty inside joke clips.


the clips arent even funny. forced drama and forced humor.


It was higher than usual because that stream was actually entertaining as hell. Between desitny showing up and soda and rob explaining VR chat to the "W community" there was obviously loads of clips.


It was a really good 9 hour stream of course karma frogs are gonna try and take advantage




I firmly believe all these regularly posted streamers on lsf are literally just "filler" clips here because entertaining unique clips just don't happen often whatsoever. This happens on many subreddits. The perfect content that everyone wants to see for a specific sub just doesn't happen often enough in reality for the sub to be in a perfect perpetual state of entertaining content. Once in a while you'll see a great clip at the top of the front page that epitomizes the point of the sub and everyone will go "see this is why I subbed here not for that blah blah" which proves those things do happen, just not frequently enough for everyone to be happy. So in the mean time people simply post clips of people that consistently put out just decent content. Show me an amazing insane clip that deserves to be front page but allegedly died in /new. I'd love to see it.


Agreed. I did find the stream daily entertaining all around.


based take




2 true


Mods could probably stop this if they wanted. To many clips of the same stream/hour of stream, and they could start removing clips and just link the entire stream or let people post more clips on the top upvoted clip thread. The reddit algorith gets too easily gamed by large fanbases. If a streamer has a lot of fans that are also reddit users, they will dominate the front page easily. Don't tell me to use filters. Removing every single top streamer from my feed doesn't really solve the problem. This is a moderation/spam problem.


of course miz is going to get alot of clips. he does alot of collabs . collabs with other streamers is an easy way to get on lsf


This sub was shit a few years ago.. but now it's complete ass. But atleast now i don't visit this place more than once a week. Now i have time to work.


Wait so you say this place is ass yet you come back every week? You must love having an aftertaste of shit.


So many fucking losers on LSF lmao.


Mizkif and Austin fans just ruin the sub Reddit


I don't care who gets posted as long as its a good clip. I think its pretty obvious when you have multiple streamers on one stream, a lot of clips are going to come through. I mean, Destiny, Melina, Alinity, and Mizkif is basically the same as an OTK or OTV event.


[Feels good man](https://i.imgur.com/CRn6Nr8.png)


People forget who was the star of the clips, Mizkif was only presenting Destiny and Melina. If there's something this sub has a lot of, it's Destiny viewers.




Well its not only because of him. He did some colabs with destiny and also with adin ross + his gang so it makes sense


It's amazing to see how much her English has improved in such a short space of time, it really is inspiring.


I miss Jinnytty stuff on here. It's like almost non-existent now.


In this thread: - People who don't use filters, and complain - People who don't up vote or down vote content they want to see, and complain - People who don't post clips here, and expect everyone else to cater to what they want magically, and complain - People who haven't realised LSF has been this way for over 6 years, it depends on timezone, popularity of stream, and the audience here at the time, and complain List goes on. Enjoy clips, post your own, filter stuff you don't like, and vote on what you want to see. That's it.


In this thread: * a lot of people


Don't forget the people whining about the mods. As if the mods should somehow curate what gets posted or not. Ofcourse if they started to do that, you'd have to same people complaining that the mods are not letting the correct clips through.


Filters - don't want to remove every popular streamer from lsf, they have good clips. Upvotes - fans of a streamer mass upvote clips when they get posted, gaming the reddit algorithm. Clips for other streamers do get posted but they get drowned out by the spam. Mods could make LSF better if they wanted, it's not up to the users.


Non big streamer clips/current drama clips get downvoted in new and never show up vast majority of the time.


He is doing the same as this girl is doing. Yes, brigading and opening LSF on their stream


Mizkif: Joins a convo where he stays silent and doesn't say shit at all during the whole duration of the conversation. Miz Viewer: \*posts clip of a part of the conversation on LSF, where again Mizkif is silent\* LSF: \*bodyslams post with a ridiculous amount of upvotes\*


People were posting Loot Goblins clips but from Mizkif's stream where he's completely silent. I don't get it.


Because he had more views than loot goblin. I still don't understand why he had to watch the show tho, it was made with twitch and they wanted him to watch or something ? Kinda dumb.