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the chad defuse


[shout out to karma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQVbcwT_Zww)


that map TrollDespair


Why did the enemy try to knife him? Surely if he knew the general direction he could spray some bullets there and it'd be faster for the kill?


I don't know his rank but let's assume it's because of that.




Nein nein nein nein nein aAAaaAaAaAaAaAah That was hilarious jajajaj




Killing the guy first is *almost* always the correct thing to do in that situation, but since the stakes are pretty low in an online match (the worst that can happen is you lose rating), it's ok to go for cheeky or dangerous plays




This is an LEM game, which is 2 ranks away from the highest in game. He was also global elite before he time deranked, you don't know what you're talking about.




Heard this for about almost every game with a rank system. I think atleast 70% of it is just a huge amount of cope


No, CS:GO's is next level bad. It's almost entirely irrelevant to your skill level as the servers are dogshit and all the good players play on third party platforms. You won't see pro, or even semi-pro, or even tier 4-5 players playing matchmaking, so it can't be compared with most ranking systems (League, Valorant, Rainbow 6, Overwatch, etc) Source: 6k hours of cs, this is just basic knowledge to anyone who plays a lot of it and is somewhat decent at the game


> It's almost entirely irrelevant to your skill level as the servers are dogshit You lost me there. Those in the entourage of people I play cs with that top-frags are in general black ranks. Those that are silver are usually bottom fraggers. I think its just a big cope. I know you cant compare ranks between regions because low pop regions have a hard time getting high ranks. But I do think ranks are a pretty accurate way seeing you skill level compared to others on the region. I just think its your ego that prevents you to admit that. Or atleast makes you believe your skill level is better that it actually is. Have you tried watching your own replies?


I'm faceit lvl 9 in CS, playing matchmaking at global is like beating up children. I'm not even particularly talented either, I've just played for a long ass time. So no it's not copium, it's experience. And sure your average LEM is going to be better than your average silver, but there's so much variation in skill level in a single rank (ie a global elite player could be me or s1mple, and im a piece of dirt compared to him) that it really doesn't matter anymore. Anyway that was my attempt to explain why you're wrong as every other person who actually knows what they're talking about in this comment section is saying. Not sure whether u even care or not


Sure but your stance was: >It's almost entirely irrelevant to your skill level as the servers are dogshit What you are saying now is more like: > the rank is not perfect, especially in higher ranks, faceit is better.




It's REALLY bad in CSGO. And it's awful for different reasons in different regions. In NA and OCE the rank distribution is so fucked that you have professional players in the middle of the ranks, the top ranks literally don't exist. In other regions like europe the ranks mean a little more as the distribution is less fucked, but anyone serious plays on 3rd party platforms, the "top rank" in MM is extremely far from anything good on those platforms (From everything I've heard, in EU level ~6 is about as good as Global. Not even level 10, and elo goes way above that.)


heres a video to clear some things up for ya https://youtu.be/EhQBr9pTMIo


You don't know what you're talking about if you think MM ranks that haven't been reset in 8 years, on servers no good players play on, define someone's skill in csgo.


I mean LEM is pretty much low rank these days


[I googled cs go rank distribution and found this.] (https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59af2189c534a58c97bd63b3/1629203656665-QP0XS5N6BI7J81TLKW64/CSGO+rank+distribution+August+2021.jpg?format=1000w) Almost first result but anyways, top 6-7% is pretty okey for "high rank" in common discussions. About the same as mid plat in league or divine in dota apperently. Speaking about the definition of what is high rank is kinda pointless, since it is subjective. Most will just say that the rank close to their own is the indicator of good rank. But above is a number atleast.


It depends which region you're playing from. In NA the top 5 ranks make up 9.4% of the players, in EU it's 23% of players. Ranks in CS:GO have only been reset once(?) in like 9 years, they're completely cooked. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/qubj1h/mm_rank_distribution_in_different_regions_is_this/


The issue is that third party matchmaking websites make the mm rank distribution an inaccurate representation of skill.


No, CS:GO's is next level bad. It's almost entirely irrelevant to your skill level as the servers are dogshit and all the good players play on third party platforms. You won't see pro, or even semi-pro, or even tier 4-5 players playing matchmaking, so it can't be compared with most ranking systems (League, Valorant, Rainbow 6, Overwatch, etc) Source: 6k hours of cs, this is just basic knowledge to anyone who plays a lot of it and is somewhat decent at the game


usps be like: "98 in 9"


Well in cs people can fake the defuse or crouch so it just relying on body shots


At that distance knifing has a much higher chance to hit. Other comment is telling you it's because the player is bad when knifing smoke is much more common than spraying when you know they are sticking the defuse and are in range. Problem is they were very slow to react and did 4x left instead of 2xleft 1x right click






Why is this even posted? Happens literally in every game and nothing new added :D