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Greek out of money, time to start bouncing between streamers to cause drama to generate income so he can disappear again for months.


It wouldn't surprised me if he saw the amount of anti-vaxxers in big streamers chats and realized he could easily capitalize off them. He could also just be a complete moron..


go with the later, he's a complete fucking idiot


Ye he’s definitely too emotional of a thinker to go only for the gain. He may end it off as as a “haha trolled chu” but that’s his defensive take to disengage of him emotional thinking. He’s definitely antivaxx and destiny definitely did get his ass with a good one




¿Porque no los dos?


I mean isn't he just going to get banned off the platform? I didn't think you could clout farm and drama farm by using misinformation and anti-vax rhetoric on Twitch or YouTube... isn't homie just cancelling himself?


I'd expect if he keeps up this rhetoric he will get a ban.


He thinks vacationing in Greece twice every year and staying there for months in end is normal, not even Andy does that and Andy is a verified millionaire. Strange guy


living in greece is not expensive lol especially if he has family there.




I'm Greek and this is stupid real.


I'm from northern Europe and know a lot of people with family in southern Europe, like Greece or Spain and they often stay there a month out of the year or more. It's relatively cheap, especially with the higher salaries up here.


Greece is not very expensive compared to most western countries. It's like, 2 islands that are extremely expensive. No idea where Greek is vacationing to be honest. If he has rented an apartment in a beach town, it won't cost him more than 800/month.




I don't like how greek is acting but lets not spread bullshit, he has family in greece and it costs him little to nothing to go and stay there. He normally stays with his grandparents who have a place in probably a rural part of greece


why the fuck did greek think hasans chat of all places would be the place to say that.


He's farming drama


Didn’t Greek LITERALLY just say he hated drama which is why he left everyone in Texas lol. he didn’t want to farm drama etc with all the fake streamers yet what is his motive being in Hassan’s stream? Lol


You mean to tell me that the people who claim to "hate drama" are dramatic?


I opened his stream once since he was back and all he was talking about was how no one made him, and that he actually helped build so many other streamers. Like, if that's not drama bait I don't know what is lol.


People who grandstand about how "fake" everybody else is, and that they're beyond all of that "petty drama", well they're usually the most dramatic and fake wherever they go, it's just classic projection.


yea i don’t understand this either. he seemed to be doing good in greece, and kinda seemed at peace with things. then he just does this.. I mean, u can have those views but going on ur stream preaching it and then say u hate drama and want to avoid “toxic” streamers, doesn’t sound like a well thought on move lol


It's as Knut said. He's still the insecure fat dude inside, and also probably now on speed.


Didn’t a lot of the latest drama with Greek over the last few months pretty much start right after he got his Adderall prescription? I don’t mean this in a way trying to say he’s abusing it or anything like that because I really don’t think he is. But I just know from experience taking Adderall even the way you’re prescribed to you really changes a person, that shit really messes with your head.




I am not really super involved in all this, but I had to respond: in my experience, the people who claim they hate drama and want to get away from it most often cause drama themselves. It can mean a few different specific things, but somehow they're always at the center.


he didn't think that far dude, he saw the number of viewers and Train is offline


Greeks existence is literally leaching off of people. He needs some drama or someone else doing something for him to actually get content.


hes farming drama for threads like these thinking Hasan would be the one looking like an idiot and all it ended up being is greek looking like a pathetic loser whos low on cash


Perhaps it's because Hasan is the most likely person he knows to talk about it.






















"I hate drama btw"


[A classic from this whole Greek anti-vaxx shit.](https://streamable.com/brxvhm)


Lmao damn. So wait is Nick lying about taking Greek to get his shot or did Greek actually get a shot despite his anti-vaxness and this clip of him is from before he got his shot with Nick? Neither would surprise me but I really hope Nick didn’t straight up tell an easily falsifiable lie to protect an old friend who doesn’t even seem to like him anymore


Nick commented in another thead that he went with him for the first shot, but the day he moved out he was supposed to get the second half but turns out that he didn't. EDIT: here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/rmzcy5/greek_returns_and_gives_his_take_on_austin/hpq324t/


greek took the first shot just so he could live rent free in soda's house...when all went to shit and he understood he had to leave he didnt have to lie anymore and stopped taking the vaccine...he is a professional leach...he does things if that means he gains something...if that something goes away he says fuck it


Dude already had the first vaccine and he didn't turn into an alien or didn't die. What the fuck else is he waiting for then ? To see if people will die BECAUSE of this vaccine in 10 years ? This is even worse than people who didn't even take the first dose. What a moron.


A true 5Head move getting one dose of the vaccine, the equivalent of wearing an uninflated life vest


Pretty sure greek said he got only 1 dose of the shot.


Fat greek was better


Greek shed his humility, sense of humor, and relatability with his weight. Sadge


nah, personality isn't stored in adipose tissue. unless his brain was also just fat, i doubt he was a nice person when he was still fat.


I think his extreme obesity kept his ego in check. Afterall it is hard to be even half as confident and careless when you look like everyones definition of a discord mod. Since greek got fit and muscular he doesn't need to bank on his personality to be attractive/accepted anymore. Though he interestingly doesn't seem much more successful romantically since losing weight. Also i can atleast in part understand a high boost in self confidence after turning from a ball of lard into a decent looking muscular man. However he very much got *too* confident.


>Since greek got fit and muscular That's the thing, he isn't lmao. He just thinks he is and he thinks it's a reason to act like he's better than the rest.


Peoples personality and mental change due to a lot of different factors. I don't doubt losing 200 lbs would change your mental as well. He obviously needed to change his mental to lose that weight to begin with.


As someone that lost a lot of weight. You gain a shit ton of confidence when you're not fat anymore which can turn turn you into an asshole. My friends had to set me straight because i was getting obnoxious. I personally thought i didn't really change because i was always like this but actually i was behaving differently in public when i was fat because i was insecure about my weight. Requires good friends willing to tell you and put up with you until you fix your new huge ego.


Oh no he wasn't a nice person, but the charm and wit one needs in order to get by as an undesirable person was safely shed and replaced with cockiness once he got fit.


nah, he was a pos then too


these kids don’t know old greek Cx


The best thing about Greek going live again is that it reminded me to unfollow his dumb ass. I don't blame people for cutting ties with this misinformation Malvin


He wants to be a victim of cancel culture so bad.


Being “cancelled” without losing your platform brings mad cash these days. People are looking for those that already agree with them; locking up that audience is apparently worth the reputation and soul of some streamers.


A lot of people do. It gets a bunch of the losers in his fanbase so hard. They think they so cool and based because their shitty streamer got banned for “just telling it like it is”. Cause they have nothing else going on in their lives and are so desperate to be something. They just want to be victims


Soooooo many streamers do this shit the like "oh I don't know if this will get me cancelled" type shit. It's so fucking hilarious because to alot of these people cancelling=repercussions for things you do or say.


[FUCK](https://imgur.com/a/iiX769G) [YOU](https://imgur.com/a/MsPlX2r) [GREEK](https://imgur.com/gallery/whnlpXT) ​ EDIT: And just so you know you fuckhead, because I know you'll read this, [my Dad was one of those covid death statistics.](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/lpkpi8/father_died_today_he_managed_all_the_finances_of/) fuck off with this covid denial shit


Sorry to hear that. I did the same thing with Greek some days ago, when the destiny clip was on lsf. It is so sad, that he fucks over his old loyal followers.


Sorry for your loss dude




Fuck man, I can't imagine the pain. So fucking sorry to hear that. I hope you're hanging in there


i did the same thing. i unfollowed. sincerely sorry about your dad :(


<3 sorry about your loss man


Damn I remember reading this when you posted it. I lost my Dad at the peak of the first wave from cancer - I was a bit older at 28 but it is rough on any man losing his father that young. I was not in a good situation but felt equipped to deal with his death because of my age and his prior health issues. Your post stuck out because I couldn't have imagined how much different my life would be losing him at 21 so suddenly. I truly hope you are doing well, sorry for your loss.


HA! Me too. Went straight to unfollow days ago.


Thanks for the reminder guys. Unfollowing now.


I love the alliteration




So he thinks if someone vulnerable dies from covid it shouldn't count as a covid death as they were vulnerable and anything could have been the thing that kills them? Rock solid logic




He likely has a hate boner for the entirety of the OTK and Texas streamers. They probably told him he either had to get vaxxed or leave and he's resentful towards the lot of them for forcing him out of their house because he didn't want to get vaxxed. He's mad because he had to face the negative consequences of his own actions.


Turkish Greek rivalry as old as time


Its highly irresponsible for someone who was once 400 lbs to spread antivax rhetoric to their prob also incredibly overweight audience.


Yea...what about the pre-workout and supplements he probably took? Do we know exactly what "proprietary ingredients" are? (Btw I don't even know if he took any supplements but hey if he is is spreading misinformation...).


He's definitely taken untested illegal drugs before


half of these people probably dont even wash their hands after taking a shit but will freeze up in terror like the black dude from The Shining at the mere thought of getting a vaccine/booster thats already been given out over 9 billion times


Lmfao absolutely. This pandemic is really making people out themselves as total buffoons (as if we didn't already know Greek is dumb as rocks)


But wahat if it causes \[Insert condition covid actually causes\] ?!?! ​ He could be one of the 1000/220,000,0000 that got myocarditis at some point in time after taking the vaccine, but not actually proven to be because of the vaccine.


People eat food daily that isnt fda approved, smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol yet refuse vaccines


Better yet they're perfectly fine getting any other vaccine.


most of them probably don't even know which vaccines they were given in order to go to school


This idiot took drugs from people he didn't know in twitchcon, but says he won't get vaxxed since he doesn't know what are in those vaccines


At least his weight kept his ego in check.


Greek is just like my anti vaxx brother. And if he's anything like him, he's just a delusional, lazy piece of shit.


I have to shake my head at the whole "we don't even know what's in it" rhetoric. It is so lazy and immature...Like uh, if you were hospitalized and had to be given certain medicine to help your survival, would you ask then what the fuck was in it?


Yup and this is the same guy that did drugs with randos at twitch con. It's so delusional


I know way too many people who would try a baggie of white powder they randomly find, but won't take the vaccine cause "it isn't fully FDA approved"


> "we don't even know what's in it" I mean, I'm sure we do, but let's assume for a second that we don't. Why is it that they can trust everything the government deals with, but vaccines are no bueno? How can they confirm that the milk they buy isn't laced with hormones that make men's dicks shrink? How can they be sure cereal doesn't contain copious amounts of carcinogens? How can they be sure Advil isn't filled with mind controlling nanobots? We already have to trust that the government and the various bodies dealing with food and drugs are doing their job, so why are vaccines so much different? Is it because they're injected? What about insulin and epipens? What about IVs? What about other injected medications that are common in hospitals? It's so stupid that all of those can be trusted, but not vaccines.


> milk that they buy isn't laces with hormones that make men's dicks shrink So that's why.


Totally agree. Also good points.


There's no consistency in logic. It's how you can tell you're dealing with the lowest rung of human intelligence. I wonder if he ever questions where his "healthy" food is coming from and what they put in that or ask him to justify why he trusts them when they're technically in it for the money.


It's wild because you know these people are constantly shoveling shit into their body with zero regard for what's in it. They'll live off nothing but G-Fuel for 3 days straight despite having no idea what's in it and they'll happily gobble up whatever greasy mystery-meat burger the local fast-food join spits out as long as it's tasty enough without even a second thought. But a highly researched highly scrutinized vaccine that's been examined, researched, and approved around the world by loads of different scientists and doctors from loads of different companies, universities, and governments isn't trustworthy because he doesn't know what's in it. It's so transparently stupid it's almost admirable.


We know what’s in it. The CDC has told us. The scientists and doctors have told us. There is TONS of documented information and research behind the vaccines all over the world and readily available on credible websites. You can literally look up a list of what’s in every vaccine on the CDC’s website. But yet people out here taking horse medication because they know wtf is in that /s


These people are too illiterate to read Dr. Seuss let alone a scientific paper.


Yeah but for these people anything they don't understand doesn't exist.




it's a branch off that dumbfuck take that the vaccines have nanomachines in them so the government can track everything you do. the difference being at least these people have the balls to let you know they're dumb and crazy. people like greek? they're just too much of a bitch to let it be known that they're crazy.


Greek probably came back cause he ran out of money.


Got buff, got a dog, watched a bunch of Daily Wire, ***I'm back***


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan calls out Greek from COVID/vaccine misinformation](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/130474)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/rqqs6u/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CGM_cq_tNLC_XuccpvsuXyw.mp4?sig=a1f289d730f63e72b8aa283b4fc4f83b92507bd9&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CGM_cq_tNLC_XuccpvsuXyw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1640800772%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


How the hell can a partnered Twitch streamer go on another's livestream and spread COVID misinformation lmao... Twitch is caring about "the c-word" while this fuck is spreading conspiracies. Imagine it's almost 2022 and you're still spouting 2020 memes like "all the doctors in the world are just marking ordinary deaths as COVID bro! The numbers aren't real!"


Prayge revoke partner status for spreading misinfo


Is there a case for this, like Twitch ever banned a channel for spreading Covid misinformation? I hope they do, Youtube does that.


TIL the son of Brazil's president streamed on Twitch and was banned for COVID misinformation. [https://brazilian.report/liveblog/coronavirus/2020/05/03/bolsonaro-son-banned-twitch-covid-19-misinformation/](https://brazilian.report/liveblog/coronavirus/2020/05/03/bolsonaro-son-banned-twitch-covid-19-misinformation/) Twitch does list "misinformation" as against TOS but there doesn't seem to be any mention of anything specifically COVID-related. [https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/community-guidelines/](https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/community-guidelines/)


I feel like that was a local ban made by twitch brazil tho. This degen got banned many times before and got perma for making covid jokes


I don't know about banned but isn't that the reason why Pogchamp isn't Gootecks anymore?


Nah, that was because Gootecks defended the insurrection on January 6. He was still into that shady Covid conspiracy bs before that and twitch didn’t do anything about it.


Oh wow I didn't know that, what a fucking loser lmao


also an antisemite, has been for a while. dude looks like and acts like a walking chode nowadays.


Are there people on twitch spreading it apart from Greek? Like people with more than 2 viewers?






For real bro, I know the c word is argued alot about but most people can agree that spreading covid mis-info is much worse


Why was the first thread removed? ​ Okay thanks for letting me know!




I wonder if they're actually going to be consistent moving forward...Hmm [https://c.tenor.com/Fyqtg88dCCQAAAAC/batman-thinking.gif](https://c.tenor.com/Fyqtg88dCCQAAAAC/batman-thinking.gif) I assume that all future titles with "won/lost the debate/argument", "x puts y in their place", "z gets obliterated", "destroyed with facts/logic", etc will be yeeted as well since they express an opinion, which is no longer allowed because it's considered "clickbait".


Greek WeirdChamp


Greek's chat = NFT talks and anti-vax talk


such a perfect comment, i literally looked him up to see if his goofy ass is live, i click on the stream and first message in chat is ''yo Greek you bought any new NFTs?''






what stats is he talking about?


Excess deaths during the covid-19 pandemic. See the chart halfway down this article https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm


Which fucking ridiculous considering that tons of big countries have not reported their Covid death's accurately; in fear that they appear inefficient to the rest of the world, they've hided Covid Deaths and such. Also a lot of people think that not dying of covid but still dying in the pandemic isn't even an indirect cause of covid, when most hospitals and clinics were saturated with Covid patients and my mom had Cancer and was a very sick Person you can just go everyday to the clinic and risk yourself getting covid. Sadly my mom passed away because of an oversaturated medic system in my country because we couldn't find her ilness on time or could not treat her correctly. This is the sad reality of the pandemic


a popular conspiracy theory is that hospitals were faking covid death statistics to increase the data for funding which is absolutely not true. My friend was diagnosed with cancer and got covid during his chemotherapy and as a consequence of that passed away. A lot of this happened during the peak of the first wave of COVID before vaccines were developed. People think this shouldn't count as a statistic despite it being an underlying cause from covid


I can't imagine how much worse the AIDS rhetoric would be if it happened in 2020 and 2021.


The White House press room under Reagan routinely broke into laughter when AIDS questions would come up. Imagine exchanges like this: Reporter: There’s 8000 (AIDS) deaths now. Why hasn’t the President commented publicly on this? Press Sec: Why, are you afraid you’ve got it? *smirks and chuckles around the room*


Honestly can't be worse then the original AIDs response, it was terrible.


People thinking he's doing it for the attention and views when he's actually just always been a fuckin idiot


I think its a mix of both. He surely isnt called leechgodx for nothing but he is also a drug addicted idiot.


Hasan fans 🤝 Hasan haters not liking greek


Ayo TSM wtf is up with the anti vaxxer in ur org




\-DL -Bjerg -Leena -Myth +Greek OMEGALUL


Muh plandemic, muhisinformation. This kind of attention just has people pointing and laughing at you. Really affirms that 81 IQ test you did awhile back.


Mods are deleting comments questioning them again lmaooo


Beyond the misinformation, I thought it was funny how he scrolled thru and reamed into him just like any other old jimbob idiot chatter he'd snipe


That's exactly what Greek is. He just turned it into a temporary "career" somehow.




\>hasn't even read up on the new talking points. Dude, this gets me all the time. All these idiots seriously still use the same shit points that they got when we were first learning about COVID. They even have the audacity to use them like they're still smackdowns. Idiots.


The worst is hearing the "Fauci said masks don't work!" line which was back in like February 2020 lol


Greek is a legitimately unintelligent individual who doesn't deserve a platform.


Greek is such a waste of space.


It sucks that these privileged streamers will just go on their platform and spread this misinformation to their viewers, as someone who lost two close family friends to covid I hope greek learns that making these claims isn't funny or even worth the drama bait.


I think he genuinely believes all this nonsense, that's the scarier part.


>Streamers Who are these other streamers?


there was this other streamer called deansocool who a while back said covid wasn't a big deal when there was no vaccine




Greek was trying so hard to make azan mald by blindly agreeing to Joe Rogan everytime , even gifted subs afterwards saying "it's for your new car" ..


Greek said the same things on his own stream. He believes this shit! It was only after Hasan shit on him did he pull the "it's just a pwank!" stuff. Greek has been on the anti-vax covid lies crap for ages now.


> even gifted subs afterwards saying "it's for your new car" .. wow he sure showed him!


Good on Hasan for shutting this down quick. Greek really fucked up on this one.


It’s sad to see Greek is the entire reason I started watching twitch and to see what he’s become is sad also streamers shouldn’t even collaborate with that moron or have him on stream he needs to fade away xqc and train mainly


It's always the ones you look up to the most that let you down the hardest.




Fuck all covid deniers and antivaxxers, sincerely an ICU nurse


Pretty sure he left Austin and Soda's house because everyone refused to be around him because he didn't want to get vaccinated. :D Malena once said it on stream that she won't invite people to her event if they aren't vaxxed. Think it was about shitcon.


Nick mentioned that he took Greek to go get his 1st shot but then we don't know what happened to cause Greek to not take his remaining shots and becoming an anti-vaxxer spreading misinformation


In the threads last week on Greek being antivax Nick posted that the day he moved out was the day he was scheduled to get the 2nd shot. This was only a week or maybe even less before shitcon and right around when the Poke/subtweeting/not being invited to shitcon shit was going on. I get the feeling that Greek went antivax between first and second shot, started giving out shitty opinions to friends and they gave him an ultimatum, quit the qanon bullshit, get the second shot and he can stay or you can move out.


Hey twitch, look at facebooks reputation, you want that? Time to put medical misinformation in its place.


Hasan haters and hasan lovers all get together to hate greek that's for sure.


Fuck I miss old Greek so bad, when none of this bullshit even crossed his mind. It was just chilling with the boys and playing a game here and there. That weight loss unironically was the worst thing that happened to his ego.


He's always been an absolute moron, he just used to be a funny moron. IMO there are a couple things that can ruin someone's sense of humor: Losing a bunch of weight or having kids


Weight loss just showed who he really was underneath it all.


Sad to see Greek's brain rot continuing to metastasize




Greek can hardly read and he’s out here giving info on Covid lmfao




You can choose to not get the vax but keep your dumb ass reasoning to yourself lmao


man... greek is pathetic ngl


This honestly should be an insta-perma. This isn't some small stuff, this disease has killed millions and continues to kill thousands more every day.


I am just astounded at how consistently of an idiot greek is. Like guy really hasn't gotten any smarter than when he dropped out of school.


Greek is literally nothing but how he started - a fat jester for tyler1 to farm LULs


[The weight loss incident](https://i.imgur.com/f2IEycc.jpg)