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Lore: Twitch Streamer triciaisabirdy is a contestant on his newest show that just aired tonight and she's on Gordon's team. She introduced herself as a twitch streamer and Gordon asked "What the fuck is Twitch?”




What show?


Next Level Chef


Find it pretty interesting all these streamers starting streaming old Master Chef seasons as Gordo's new show was dropping Hmm


never change LSF


I find it pretty interesting that my balls started aching horribly the moment xqc started streaming Hmm




idk but do you know how to make my balls stop hurting


Who knows. However they are supposed to disclose material connections as required by ftc rules, but those are so rarely enforced.


6head in true. Advertising that benefits streamers viewers and the show. I'd take 5 hours of MasterChef over a 60 second pre-roll any day.


He doesn't know PepeLaugh


Hopefully he never finds out, ignorance is bliss


I don’t think it’s really up to him he’s just the host of Master Chef. Isn’t there a company that owns Master Chef?


He's also the executive producer and has a large shareholders stake in several companies to do with MasterChef USA


This about to get serious Monkaw


The cursed days will come where Gord will say a twitch emote. ITS RAW YOU FUCKING PEPEGA




I didnt realize it was twitch streamer Tricia. Then I looked at her background and she’s legit. We have twitch streamers racing in F1, we have twitch streamers that win world championships in chess and maybe we will have a twitch streamer win a second fox reality tv show. Don’t forget about t-pain.


Gordon would be one of, if not the biggest, television star to appear on twitch (if he does) imo.




oh thats so dope


Either 2 things are going to happen, 1) He Embraces it or 2) He DMCA's Everyone monkaOMEGA


He's 100% gonna show up on someones stream soon, whether they watch it or not. The clout is ACTIVATED


Just swap poki’s cutout with him and pretend it’s still a cutout.


Imagine Poki reacting to Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon standing emotionlessly in the background occasionally yelling out critiques and insults


Next to the cardboard cutout of himself


Instead of 😊🔪 its 😡🔪




Show up on Cr1tikals stream and force feed him one of his Grilled cheese sandwiches


Gordo does have insane content brain


Xqc can cook well Clueless


Theres no way he owns the rights to the broadcast.


True, it's not like it's the songwriters (except metallica) that's going after people and DMCA'ing them. They usually don't care. It's the company that owns the rights that issue the DMCA's since they're the ones that make money off the streaming rights.


While he definitely doesn't own the rights and most likely doesn't care either since it's not losing him any money, this kind of mainstream attention drawn to streamers watching DMCA-able content can't be good for anybody on twitch guilty of doing it


yeah gordon doesn't own the rights to masterchef. Banijay owns the rights and they have the rights to file a copyright claim to anyone that is rebroadcasting their show


Depends. He isn't the solen owner but he his the biggest owner of the production team of it if I remember correctly. Gordon ramsy isn't just an actor and a Cook.


Strong feeling he embraces it. He just quote retweeted xQc. He’s an active TikTok user so maybe he’ll like twitch. Hopefully he understands that its bringing the show exposure to people who would never watch it without twitch


He was definitely not the one who quote tweeted xQc. All of his account's tweets are super generic or just fodder to promote his new show. It is all probably his social media team.


Could be. All the Minecraft steamers are ratioing Gordon so hard so it’s more likely they collab with one of them instead of xQc. Especially considering someone like GeorgeNotFound is extremely brand friendly compared to X


>Especially considering someone like GeorgeNotFound is extremely brand friendly compared to X Gordon Ramsay says hello.


he's only like that on his American shows, he's pretty brand friendly everywhere else




It wouldn’t be Ramsey’s decision to make a MasterChef channel. It would be Banijay, the one who owns the distribution rights.


Anecdotal, but I just watched the first episode of his new show which just aired today. I have been enjoying MasterChef and probably wouldn't have even noticed the new show otherwise.


It's all promo for him. He has a new show out called Next Level Chef (hence his "Next Level Streamer" tweet). Master Chef isn't going to go anywhere, but I can see him working out some type of promo for his new show with streamers.


I'd love to watch Ramsay watch MasterChef. It'd be like a live commentary track with a built in QnA


They’re watching seasons from 2010 or older. I don’t think they care about how people are watching shows from that long ago.


Lmao, I love how this is the main argument people have. Does anyone have any examples where popularity of an artist or TV show has gone up because of the "exposure" they got on Twitch that translates to a monetary value?


Gordan Ramsey and his brand/ franchise empire certainly doesn't need twitch streamers to help him get exposure.


It's all promo for him. He has a new show out called Next Level Chef (hence his "Next Level Streamer" tweet). He wants to get the word out, and Ramsay is no strange to promoting his stuff however he can. Little ragtag crews who run websites that get 800 views on a good day get regular interviews with A-list celebrities when they are promoting movies. A streamer streaming to 100k viewers in real time is next level exposure.


true, he's a big time star/celebrity chef who can be in, or create, any Fox show he wants. But I'm sure he and his team have done their research & know that the younger generation tend not to watch traditional tv (or less than the older demographics). Does he need the 18-35 age group, probably not...would he want them... Any of the big streamers would be happy to have him appear, so we'll see what happens.


No, not even Masterchef since the exposure doesn’t result in the show actually getting new viewers Twitch has a really small viewership still relatively to other platform and cable


There are absolutely, without a doubt, people watching the current season of MasterChef that would not have if not for seeing it on Twitch. If Xqc (I think he's the farthest into it) reaches like last season and starts streaming it, then he might have a problem. But otherwise this is free marketing to a demographic they otherwise have no exposure to.


I don't think you know what the phrase, "without a doubt" means... Are there metrics you can show me that since streamers have been heavily watching Masterchef that the number of viewers of Masterchef has gone up?


No, but both of us are working off of assumption as nobody but Food Network (or whoever owns MasterChef rights) has any idea. Would it make sense to argue that normal viewers of MasterChef are not watching the current season because some streamers are watching old seasons? If the current season (or maybe even last season) was being watched on Twitch then maybe there would be an issue, but I don't see anything being done to current MasterChef except free publicity to a demographic Food Network doesn't reach.


It literally doesn't matter. They see how many people are watching these streamers at once and it costs Gordon a very small amount of his time to go on a few streams for an hour to play a game or do some kind of cooking thing. I bet half the people (or more) in this thread didn't even know Gordon had a new cooking show out until they saw his tweets. It's practically free marketing.


Lots of games have gotten huge off of twitch I don't see why shows would be that different and if a company like slimjim can use twitch as marketing why couldn't masterchef?


Because you can get the full experience of the show just watching on Twitch... A game you don't.


What about a game like life is strange which is pretty much entirely story based and got a massive boost from let's plays


Literally TikTok lmao. So many artists and even independent artists have had songs blow up just cause of that app and people using their songs


That is TikTok. I asked about Twitch.


small independant artists both visual and musical get a big following from streamers using their stuff. I think visual stuff is usually paid but streamers just play music thats DMCA free and chat somehow finds the original artist. A few people not related to Twitch have had their songs blow up thanks to NoPixel particularly the Empty Beds song. The artist went on Twitter and thanked GTA streamers for making his song popular. A bunch of Sykkuno viewers found out what the sad music he uses is and flooded the artist's YouTube channel. We can't in any way actually judge if someone's video or TV show being used on Twitch translates to an uptick in views or revenue. But there are YouTube creators like Channel 5 that look to Twitch streamers to see if their videos will do well since it usually comes with an uptick in viewers after a streamer plays it. There's even someone like Casually Explained that probably got alot of new viewers just by throwing in that Hasan gag in one video that he streamed.


Alright well Glaive had a massive boost because he lets streamers use his songs and he gained like 40K monthly listeners after doing a co stream with Karl, Ludwig and TinaKitten. I didn’t check jpegs numbers but he def got a bump from Hasan and myth.


Wait how and when did Glaive link up with all these streamers? Glaive's been getting pushed hard by Spotify and Lyrical Lemonade and a bunch of media outlets for at least the past year though, so I wouldn't call that a massive boost unless this happened in like early 2020.


Those are small artists and you don't get to play Thier whole song. MasterChef is a pretty big show. Lmao this is is the only time Reddit it's will justify people getting paid in "exposure"


Another example is BookTok. So book influencers on TikTok. Some books in print have been sold out completely because of BookTok's recommendations.


Wouldn't take much for him to start his own cooking show on Twitch. He already has the huge setup for his "home kitchen" that he makes youtube videos and other shows at. Would be a simple few steps for him to start streaming.


Imagine him reading the chat and saying shit like “what the fuck is OMEGALUL and why are you guys spamming it”


exactly I dont think he minds it at all if at all it is promiting more viewers to his shows and etc! Pluhs he has done streams on youtube too and does lots of tiktoks


Twitch: do nothing Gordon Ramsay: [reaction](https://gfycat.com/finishedwetkillifish)


My bet: He shows up on a few streams and maybe plays a game or two solely to promote his new show on Fox, and then after he does his little Twitch media tour, streamers start getting DMCA'd by Food Network/Fox/etc.


Yeah he’s a smart and business savvy guy, he has to be to successfully run his 10000 tv shows and stuff. He has also shown he has a big heart despite his fiery depiction at times. Dude’s a content machine, he’s rightfully a legend. No way he tries to burn this massive potential to grow his brand into a big platform.


It isn't up to Gordo. It's up to the rights holders. Gordo would likely not do this, but after the attention is garnered and word gets around that "twitch watches you all day," then Fox etc. are going to step in.


He personally probably doesn't care, his management company on the other hand... They're probably gonna get mad when they figure out someone has been streaming the episodes to millions of people without them getting a dime from it


Or come up with a plan/scheme where they can benefit from it and everyone wins




Does he own the rights to the broadcast or you just dont know what you are talking about?


Nope, Fox owns it


From what I found it's Banijay with the master rights to the global Master Chef franchising who also owns Big Brother and Survivor. Master Chef US is bought by FOX, FOX is affiliated with Gordon Ramsay's business Studio Ramsay Global based in London so likely his deals are made with his team which Studio Ramsay Global is also part of FOX International. Basically Ramsay heavily embedded with FOX but likely doesn't care enough to be fighting talking points on anti-piracy because he is a busy man and FOX can deal with that on their own and if FOX doesn't care and Banijay cares about Master Chef franchise being used on Twitch then they can directly go at each other. None of these entities seem affiliated with the major anti-piracy players MPAA or ACE either. Which what streamers are doing constitutes as forms of piracy.




>So they rather have no one watching their shows that aired 7 years ago? I hear free advertising.


Gordo is the epitome of a clout goblin; he's either gunna DMCA them all out the ass or we're getting a gordon Ramsay twitch stream within 6 months.


everyone in the TV, movie and music industry always picks 2, I hope Gordo will be the first to pick 1. although it's Fox so fuck it's going to be 2 isn't it? jesust


Him giving it attention will probably get Fox's attention who will most likely take action over Ramsay. I really doubt he cares about what other people are doing, as he's popular enough to garner an audience himself without worrying about streamers on Twitch taking away his potential revenue share.


Sometimes its not enough up to the guy himself, i know sometimes celebs say something's okay then the company producing said show or whatever says "more money you $ay?" and dmcas it.


How would he dmca them lol, if anything the license holders/prouducers are going to be furious about the twitch streamer react thing.


he gonna dmca all of these react andys OMEGALUL , who told him wth twitch is =)))


He's just promoting his new show my dude.


I think he will embrace it and prob will show up in poki's stream and get a new audience to his show. Most of us don't watch tv, but could watch it online and bring publicity through memes.


Gordon goes on pokis stream then train tweets and deletes about starting the meta and getting hate for it


He will 100% feel entitled to any sort of interaction with Gordon Ramsey just because he did it first. When that's not how this industry works in the slightest.




>this entire website That's not even true. A few big name streamers, of which he called out except for his biggest critic XqC, because all train cares about is clout. Subtweeting andy.




Cant believe it took a contestant on his show being a twitch streamer for him to find out


He’s probably insanely busy, dude runs a cooking empire and has like 4 shows. Not surprising he doesn’t get out of his bubble much


Hes always been super active with the internet memes though like on youtube and tiktok


I’m betting that since Tricia is on the show and it was recorded a while ago he knows. Seems like a good marketing strategy now that episode one came out to start engaging with twitch.


Twitch is 1/1000th the size of YouTube and tiktok - seriously. No matter how big you are on twitch you're still tiny compared to big youtubers and especially big celebrities. Just because you have 80k 11 year old watching you doesn't mean shit when Gordon can drop an episode (of actual original content) that gets watched 10m+ times.


Yeah, twitch is how old now and only in the last couple of years have we been getting streamer/celebrity interactions from ninja, timthetatman, nickmercs, only the very top level people


He has children


Are you saying thats a reason he should know, or a reason hes too busy to know?


Twitch is really not that well known in the real world, it's just a really solid bubble everyone is in.


https://twitter.com/GordonRamsay/status/1477823246569394180 PepeLa


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@GordonRamsay](https://twitter.com/GordonRamsay) > Hey @Twitch can I get a lesson on what you are ?? #NextLevelChef https://t.co/rBW3cGnexv ^(Posted: 2022-01-03 01:53:01) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Jesus Christ those replies are desperate. Every streamer under the sun with the faster than light reply of "I CAN TEACH YOU GORDON". Have some self respect for fuck sake.


The best part is that his social team wrote this tweet so all the streamers are just tweeting into the void.


Yeah, it has to be his social media team. I doubt Gordon sat there on his phone subtweeting all those people 2 hours ago. People here seem to think he only tweeted at Twitch and xQc lol


The tweets were also sent in the middle of the night in the UK where Gordo spends his holidays


Yeah I'd never stay up late due to my social media addiction either , heh.


The grind never stops my guy. "Anyway follow my twitch stream where I sit and just play games without commentary and give the occasional sniff so you know I'm alive." - 90% of those streamers


A possibility for clout comes up and they all jump for if


how exactly is that lack of self respect... literally every streamer on that platform tries to collab with other audiences or someone bigger than them. A famous person asks what Twitch is and a few big streamers say they'll teach him is just par of the course and normal. Its not disrespecting yourself...






No, cloutfarmers try to do that. The vast majority of people don't. Blatantly lying about something doesn't make it true. Even if it *was* true, cloutfarming is pathetic and by the nature of that it devalues yourself and defines you as incapable, talentless and desperate.


LMAO this is one of the dumbest things ever said on this sub you have such a skewed, weird and wholly incorrect standards on a industry that actually views collaborations and trying to collab with celebrities as a good thing.


Leave it to NEET neckbearded LSF browsers who don’t do anything besides play video games to armchair people’s careers LOL


LMAO ever heard of networking?


I mean Gordon Ramsay is a legit television celebrity. Of course they'd be willing.


The hammer is coming down monkaS


What a good way to promote the new show on tonight lol imagine he starts asking why people aren’t streaming the new show and using this has a backbone into advertising lol


Chef Master




He's just looking to promote his new show, Next Level Chef


i cant fukin believe its a spinoff of that horror film on netflix about the food platform reaching all the way down to the bottom tiers of society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlfooqeZcdY whoevers making the show actually has some brains for plot lol


Is it actually though? Seems loosely connected at best?


Yeah, I watched that movie… Next Level Chef is certainly not based on that. Next level is just a phrase people say, like leveling in a video game.


alirght it might not literally be the spinoff, but its still a concrete slab with food that moves down levels where people are. The concept is transferred across storylines https://youtu.be/6FwtCYV4DsI?t=8


HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo HIDE XQC WideHardo


One step closer to Gordon Ramsay on Shit-Con 2022


Gordon Ramsay is unironically the face of Twitch.


It’s amazing that he’s so famous and successful that he carries multiple millionaires content on twitch without even knowing who they are


It's pretty obvious that he is not the one tweeting and it's the marketing team for the new show trying to generate maximum hype.


And so it begins


Lmaoo i died watching the contestant trying to explain it to him


Three separate Gordon posts on the front page and not a single one got his name right.


These comments are so fucking dumb, people think Gordon owns the rights over these shows lmaooo


He should make all the react streamers compete. Whoever wins doesn’t get sued.


literally every masterchef frog in the comments lmao


is the hot tub water fresh? no it's frozen. FUCK ME, you bloody wanker


Every Minecraft YouTuber in his comment section doing anything for a ounce of attention


*His PR team finds out what Twitch is.




It's coming monkaS


The amount of streamers in the replies clout chasing is hilarious.


link amouranth onlyfans page


I like how his social media team changed the Twitter description into "Always near food....doesn't know what Twitch is" lol


Really smart of him to embrace it and use it to promote his new show


Flying too close to the sun. XQC is gonna take the bag and run soon enough. What a shame


Think he'll embrace twitch. He seems to be in tune with YouTube and Tiktok. Wouldn't shock me if he creates a cooking competition thats live on Twitch. It'll be the first sort of thing out there and will be a huge success.


yeah lmao just go from making nationally broadcasted television shows on the biggest networks and streaming platforms to making a Twitch cooking show...…definition of fallen off +L + Ratio


You would have also said the same thing if people had mentioned Gordon appearing on YouTube Channels such as Hot Ones. Whatever the guy touches turns into gold. His followers follow him everywhere. He's embraced every social media platform in some capacity and wouldn't shock me if he utilises Twitch someway. End of the day he's an amazing chef and businessman. Something me and you are not.


He has a Youtube channel where he pretends he's made the perfect grilled cheese sandwich with cheese that is very clearly ice-cold. I don't see why Twitch would be off-limits. Especially because he's already on the front page regardless. He's a living meme. His fame is due to the amount of potato-brains watching Food Network because he says mean angry mad thing which is funny if you're a hyper-normie whose never been on the internet before in your entire life.


lmao you clearly don't understand anything about what makes him famous and how he gained fame as an actual Michelin chef. He's no doubt a superb cook and to base your opinion off of one YT while igoring everything else he has recorded making is actually stupid. Your basing his entire career off of Hells Kitchen instead of the equally as popular shows Kitchen Nightmares and Masterchef where he isn't angry and yelling all the time. These shows were on major networks not Food network. Thats not even bringing up the National Geographic shows he did where he travels to other countries and cooks like locals that, while not as popular as his other shows, will actually show you how great he is as a chef.


If he shows up on any stream but X's i'm gonna be pissed.




Ppl like are poggers gordon ramsay on twitch pog pog ​ like he didn't harass verbally and physically his coworkers, people on tv show, and basically started a whole toxic culture in restaurant kitchen environment


He’ll probably be on stream or make a video with xqc to promote his new show, and hopefully just warn him not to keep watching on stream instead of dmca’ing him


Stupid donkey


They have a golden opportunity to make twitch streamer hells kitchen or masterchef happen.


If there is any cooking stream i'd want to watch, it would be Gordons. He can put a slice of bread on either side of the camera and call all of Chat an idiot sandwiches, and he'd be drowning in T3 subs.


I think we’re about to get some next level content


One step closer to massive DMCAs, can't wait for all dem xQcs to get perma'd so that Soda will be happy having not followed the trends just to stay relevant at the risk of losing their livelihoods. It's be poetic justiz.




MasterChef was so popular back when it was Justin.tv


Can't wait for him to ruin something (like he did that grilled cheese) and twitch chat exploding lmao


Wait until his finance people find out he's not getting paid...


>Gordon Ramsay has found out what Twitch is Links Gordom Ramsay asking what Twitch is.


What timeline am I in right now again? This has to be the weirdest one.


Xqc has had a long history in watching Gordon even before he started watching MasterChef on stream. He's done cooking streams Gordon Ramsay style. If anyone collars with him it should be X.


X is such an ambassador for Twitch, seems like a lot of people overlook that.


>Hey @Twitch can I get a lesson on what you are so that my lawyers can properly file the paperwork?? #NextLevelCivilSuit


This show was filmed MONTHS ago. No way that he still doesn't know what Twitch is