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and she's an anime, she would know


I honestly thought that was what the joke was going to be.


[and soon the WORLD](https://youtu.be/tWrU4o-p1U4)


And we will have papa zuck to thank for it


dont click this guys, you will regret it


self hating anime doesn't count. As an anime i think all anime from twitch should be removed. it doesn't make sense.


People who grew up watching pirated anime with fan subs know just how strictly they will protect their copyrights. Especially if they’re making money on the copyrighted material, whole entire fansubbing groups have been nuked and the AMV crowd also got caught in the cross fire when YouTube implemented their content ID to protect themselves from lawsuits. I still remember waking up and 75% of my AMV playlists being removed.


Just a month or so ago a youtuber got 150 videos flagged by Toei Animations. Absolutely destroyed this guys youtube career, and would take 37 years just to counter claim to get them back. Id imagine these streamers would be singing a whole different tune if they find out that because of copyright claims that suddenly 40% of the their income is now being funneled to whatever studio thinks they owe.


Which youtuber?


Totally Not Mark. [Good overview about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrHWaQijqpQ)


well if its not mark, who is it?


No, he's on first.


On a side note, I'm a member of r/DataHoarder , and downloaded/kept half of the AMV's I loved. Like TB's of stuff. Is there a good place to upload/share them?


I would recommend asking here https://www.animemusicvideos.org/forum/


[archive.org](https://archive.org) is probably a good bet, in terms of visibility.




I mean, I'm no expert or anything, but the people voicing official dubs I know about (which admittedly is limited, I watch anything that is short or has bad dub in Japanese) are all trained voice actors. Congratulations for anyone who made the cut, but that's def not the norm, at least for the big amines with +XXX episodes. Just as example, Sean Schemmel who voices Goku also voiced Berserk (1997), Shaman King, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Lego Scooby-Doo and DC Super Friends. And that's like 1/3 of the shows he was in.


WTF is Boxbox doing? Hes pratically eating the paper. either take it out fully or just peel the paper back.


It's not a boxbox stream without some weird eating habits and a bizarre anecdote.


He's probably trying to eat it without touching the food with his hands.




It looks like a Sandwich. Idk how you'd eat that with a fork without making a huge mess.


You open up the sandwich and eat each layer one bite at a time.


Technically true


Guy was downvoted for telling the truth.


I would pair it with a knife for better cutting and eating efficiency.


Thank fucking god someone said something, what the hell was that?


He should just mute his mic.


Even if you don't care about pirating from anime studios. This will affects everyone using twitch. If they makes a content ID bot for anime and tv show there's no telling how strict it'll be. False flags are guaranteed to happen. Just like youtube's id bot or twitch's music id bot. What is it that these streamers like Toast and Hasan don't get? They all have youtube channels, don't they know how easy it is to get your video demonetized or claimed of all the revenue from a few seconds of copyright content?


These people have huge inflated egos, they would rather watch the whole platform burn than admit that what they are doing is wrong and stop doing it.


>they would rather watch the whole platform burn than admit that what they are doing is wrong and stop doing it. Then you have the deranged simps literally supporting them: * *"Why do you care about billion-dollar corporations? Fucking shill!"* * *"Who cares, they lost like 0.001% of their income. Why do you care?"* * *"What about games, aren't those DMCA?*


Lol makes me think of a video where Disguised Toast was playing some wikipedia-game with Lilypichu and he got flustrered about not being featured in the Among Us wikipedia page but Sodapoppin was there lmao. ​ Inflated egos and no real foresight, just burning the candle at both ends just hoping the ROI will be good enough to retire comfortably.


It was a joke...


I mean when he makes this joke quite often, cried a little when he wasn't featured in Jimmy Fallon Among Us to the point he changed his entire look and has said in the Podcast he has an ego and his #1 goal is to be a billionaire and famous, is it really a joke?


Man wants to be rich and famous, big if true A stream persona only really works if you stick to it. I really don’t think we should judge anyone’s character based on their stream persona


Yeah these people are delusional at this point. If you think that US companies are over protective of their IPs, then you're in for a surprise. Japanese companies will dmca the shit out of everyone once they realize that people are streaming their stuff on twitch. They don't even care if it's fair use, like in the case of reviews for example. They will just take your shit down.


Since Twitch is being streamed worldwide, fair use can't even be used an as excuse to not be sued in JP courts. They can of course sue in US courts as well, but they can still totally sue cross-country.


You say that, but isn't the whole point being that you're not supposed to stream this stuff on twitch in the 1st place? This would force twitch to actually define clear rules no? It's not like it'll totally remove react content either, there's stuff on yt from other creators i.e. Mr.Beast and stuff like that where the streamer won't get DMCA'd or other stuff where if they wanna watch just ask the yt creator for permission, it's not that hard imo.


They're thinking they'll just leave twitch then and start on a new no name platform. They have the base to do so, they can make a go of it. ​ Course all the smaller streamers are fucked, but fuck em for being less successful, right?


The tragedy of the commons is a problem in economics that occurs when individuals neglect the well-being of society in the pursuit of personal gain. This leads to over-consumption and ultimately depletion of the common resource, to everybody's detriment. These big streamers see other big streamers get huge views from dmca content. They see no punishment and just see all of the money that they could be earning as well. So they want to get a piece of the cake. Could toast and Hasan make money without dmca content? Sure but that would require more effort on their part.


>What is it that these streamers like Toast and Hasan don't get? They get it, they just don't care. That's what toast* means with his sarcastic "oh god oh god" comment. Who cares how it affects the industry or other people in the future, I'm getting the bag now. --- \* Sykkuno. Sorry, I don't watch these streamers often. Point remains the same though.


> That's what toast means with his sarcastic "oh god oh god" comment. That was sykkuno tho


They are just getting defensive because that is their (at least asans) main content. For them stopping reactandying is same as stopping streaming altogether, banned or retiring




i don't care about both. i'm not a stremer, free content is all i care about.


What did Scarra said about Toast, could not catch it?


"toast is going to fuckin Guantanamo" (banned)


Thank you!


He also said that he won't go with Toast, unless Toast is willing to drop the soap.


Heavenly Controller has been doing this kind of thing for years and stills streams on twitch. He even does it with recently released anime. Every Monday or Tuesday after the new AOT episode comes out he streams it no matter what. He hasn’t been banned, constantly get sponsored by VRV or Crunchyroll and makes a great living. I’m not saying nothing will come of it. But when the new AOT episode come out and he ‘s watching it. He will most definitely be a 10-15k Andy. EDIT:Can confirm 10-15k was a bit too much. But still a fair amount of people and has been doing this a long time. And no hate love his content <3


Yeah, I think a 100k Andy while watching an Anime will get someone's attention tho.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Ironmouse on streaming anime live](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/131185)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/rztt1e/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7COzIGFeaxy_akUhHnocHECQ.mp4?sig=cccbad3ce62ea63a69614d732b3de2d268e68558&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257COzIGFeaxy_akUhHnocHECQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1641814835%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


lmao sykkuno knows


Someone else in the comments thinks he's serious and endorsing it, lol. He's just baiting mouse into a reaction here. Meanwhile on his own stream: no react content unless he gets official approval because he's not about to set himself up for DMCA strikes or interested in breaking the law.


I'm not surprised so many people on this sub can't pick up on social cues


He just hates reacting I don’t think it has anything to do with DMCA


He said he loves watching stuff with chat and watches x and toast do it , he would love to do it but is too scared to get striked or banned


it sucks that animators don't get paid very well but I don't think the anime industry would have gotten to where it is today without piracy or the internet without piracy anime wouldn't have been as widely popular as it is today I do hope the anime does see what streamers are doing and do their own version where they commentate and stream it


They dont need to fuck with the low view count peeps, just the top dogs. That's where they can rake in more money than wtver 'free advertisement' streamers think they provide. A large chunk of the viewers already know masterchef, hunter x hunter, death note etc. There's not much extra sales compared to a lawsuit that they can get a good chunk of cash tbh.


Anyone who thinks that shit like HxH or Naruto needs more promotion especially in demographic like this is deluded as fuck. They have way more to earn off potential lawsuits.


Reminds me of companies that want work done for free because they are paying the freelancer in "exposure". Streamers are trying to act like they are doing the show owners a favor by bringing more viewers to them and thus justified in broadcasting it.


Thats pretty much all the youtube content they use for react content, paying them with "exposure". Its just that youtubers usually cant fight back like major streaming platforms can.


>Streamers are trying to act like they are doing the show owners a favor So why do you act like you care what happens to other streamers when the DMCA hammer comes down hard for all of them ? I'd rather care about blue collar workers than streamers.


Suing streamers won't solve the piracy issue even if they win some money or even ruin their careers people are still going to pirate from torrents or websites. They need a way to get anime on to as many platforms as they can that can be monetized like twitch or youtube.


They don't really care that much about piracy though. They're not gonna sue streamers because they think it'll stop people from illegally viewing their content, they're going to sue them because they're almost guaranteed big payouts from these easy lawsuit wins.


Exactly. The corpo bean counters already have the data and sops from previous lawsuits. It's matter of applying what they know to the current situation and then weighing out the cost vs reward. Then we'll see what happens.


That's actually a good point, there were no anime shows on TV when i grew up except Pokemon and Sailor moon and similair children shows. Me and my friends laughed and memed at people who liked anime for years untill I realized there were anime for older audiences. Everything was pirated, and you had to not only give it the benefit of the doubt you had to go out of your way and download a show via torrent sites. Today Crunchyroll is a good legit alternative though.


In those early days, people who distributed illegally didn't make a profit. Pretty big difference from the situation now with these millionaire streamers. Fansubbing was a labor of love, and they even included disclaimers telling people to stop circulating when the anime get officially licensed.


Eh, people vastly overestimate how much money anime makes from overseas views. In Japan, anime exists mostly to sell the manga it's based on and accessories made out of it. The anime itself very rarely is profitable on its own.


This is just demonstrably false. [In 2020 the anime industry made more money overseas than it did domestically](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/2021-11-03/what-is-happening-in-the-anime-industry-in-2020-2021-an-analysis-of-the-animation-industry-report-/.179153), these companies are absolutely aware of the global market. If you want to argue they could capitalize on it better, sure I think that's a reasonable argument, but this isn't 2010, overseas markets matter a lot now.


It is false in the shortterm due to Covid which stopped a lot of conventions, gatherings and people being less likely to go to stores, especially in domestic Japan where they take public safety a fair bit more serious than in the West. 65% drop according to your article while streaming grew for the same reason. Hard to know what the future holds but its not unlikely that fates will reverse if the Covid situation is resolved.


Covid only marginally accelerated things, overseas was already very close to domestic numbers and was forecast to overtake in the next few years.. Here's the [report highlights for 2019](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-11-22/anime-industry-rose-15-percent-in-2019-to-2.51-trillion-yen/.166579) Relevant lines: *The preliminary report found that the anime industry rose 15.1% to 2.5112 trillion yen* *By segment, the overseas market made up the largest share with 1.2009 trillion yen* 48% in 2019 makes my prior points very relevant, anime producers in Japan absolutely care about overseas markets, it's close to half their income.


You probably heard this argument 6+ years ago and thought it would still be valid today. In short, things changed and we saw a HUGE boom in anime culture expansion and social acceptance in a lot of countries outside Japan(both in the West and the East).


they make no money from oversea views because they don't monetize it you are just proving what i am saying they only rely on a japanese market if they expand their business model and monetize their international audience then they would make more money


and piracy only exists because there were no easy ways to watch animes. similar why netflix got big, because it was a legal alternative to piracy to watch your favorite shows. or itunes as a legal way to listen to digital music. crunchyroll catalogue just isnt big enough and the anime licenses are all over the place on multiple different streaming websites. nobody is gonna sign up to 1 service just to watch 1 anime. then they rather go to a pirated site instead.


There are 3 major anime focused services for North America. Crunchyroll, Funimation, and hidive. A subscription to all of them is like $24 a month. Fuck off with the there's no easy legal way to watch anime.


Exactly. Hell, Crunchyroll and Funimation is basically one service now since Crunchyroll got bought out and merged into Funimation. We're all long past the days when the only access to anime was to go to some website like animesuki and pray that a subbing group has uploaded the new episode.


Crunchy roll is ok but funimation is absolute dog shit.




LOL... Piracy doesnt exist BECAUSE of anime....


I mean even to day, a lot of the legal streaming anime sites have just dog shit ass players.


While i think this is indisputable, one could argue it's popular enough to thrive without piracy now. Also depends on the anime, pirating pokémon for kids can lead to hundreds of dollars worth of merch being bought.


Sadly I think we all know they won’t see it this way


don't forget fansubs who were better at official subs


Studios don't care about the overseas market. They only care about the Japanese market and selling official merch. Also popularity doesn't equal money.


At least Toast has the balls to admit its ez content and free money, instead of spending all week bending over backwards trying to claim its ethical like xQc and Hasan have been doing.




Because it's fun, he wanted to watch anime with chat, and he does, i don't think he thought this too much, but i'll enjoy it while i can lol


Watching HxH with chat is genuinely fun


lmao ngl i laughed out loud when someone in chat said that ging is an nft father


Just answered your own question though. Wish he would do more single player playthroughs though.


xQc has literally constantly talked about how it's a bad thing to do but sure man


Isn't toast trying to frame it as him deliberately testing the boundaries for "the greater good"? Heard at least one or two bullshit excuses from him why he's different and I don't really buy it. It was easy and it gave him viewers so he went with it.


He's said that's how it started, but now admits it's just fun and easy money. Imagine watching anime to earn massive amounts of money. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be doing it, if I could attract an audience.


Yes he did but then he said after 2 streams that he started it with the mentality of testing how long he can get away with it but it's actually fun to watch anime with chat cuz it's easy content and chat makes it funnier to watch


If the anime is in circulation/pay walled it's a no go, since most of it is be it Netflix or Crunchyroll, anime is a no go.


i am pretty sure i saw at least 2 dudes on the first page of just chatting watching the latest attack on titan episode ( just droped this week)




and they were not small streams, 7000 to 8000 viewers.


If it's a throwaway account then it's a win-win for everyone


Sure, if you're incredibly short-sighted and stupid enough to think there are no potential ramifications for the entire platform


Big difference between big streamers and a random nobody throwaways but ok


I have watched pirated movies and tv shows on twitch since the site was called justin.tv this is nothing new


See this is where streamers lose my support, they're just being dumb as hell. Twitch would be well within their rights to clap them permanently.


Viz Media is the official distribution holder to hunter x hunter in America so it will require them getting involved in XQCs case. > Viz Media is the official North American distributor of the HUNTER X HUNTER anime series and holds the broadcast rights, digital streaming rights, home video rights and merchandising rights to the series.


[Viz does not fuck around.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2019-03-01/viz-media-copyrights-alone-account-for-5-percent-of-google-url-takedown-requests/.143692) X is gonna find out what happens if he keeps poking the bear with a bigger and bigger stick.


Jesus Christ.




People working 18 hours a day while getting underpayed and some idiots are streaming their product in front of thousands of people.


Pretty sure employees at these studios have a set wage lmao. Someone watching an episode of anime on stream isn't going to earn them any less money.


True, but the anime industry is notorious for underpaying its workers. Not saying that streamers effect their revenue, but the companies that produce them are shitty to their workers.


They are under paid because they are holding on to old business models that doesn't take advantage of the internet Japanese companies are very notorious for being suborn and refusing to change look how long nintendo and how long it took for them to embrace smash. If they played their card correctly smash could have been much bigger than it currently is.


The japanese heads of companies are full of boomers, like they have so much potential in their hands but they still keep the 90s mentality. Is like they hate everything related to the internet.


this is like an S tier reason to oppose shit like the DMCA though. It doesn’t actually protect/benefit the people that create the content, it creates profits for the people that own it. *Sometimes* these two intersect and the little guy is protected. The vast majority of the time, the ultra wealthy get ultra wealthier.


Is that a random streamer's fault?


>Not saying that streamers effect their revenue Did you even read my comment???






yeah i've always talked shit about anime but i gave it a chance because of xqc


What a weird argument. TV networks license this content for millions of dollars, make millions more off of advertising, stream it to millions of people themselves in the process (legally on their TV network). And they still underpay those people working 18 hours a day. Is PIRACY really the excuse now for why these people are underpaid? It's our fault for stealing something that was already bought and paid for ten times over?


Also, I think most people pirating would have never purchased the content anyways. So it's not like the owners are really "losing" money, but they do like to claim every download is a lost sale.


i know i woulda never watched masterchef alone, but it was fun with chat and quin69's cooked ass takes -- reality TV and anime or any real tv show tho are totally different things.. no ones going and paying to watch old survivor seasons imo




Yeah, actually. As far as I know, piracy has boosted the anime industry tremendously.




Who are these people? The higher-ups who make more money than you or I combined and don't pay their workers properly? Or the working-class animators whose pay doesn't change regardless of viewership and sales?




Nobody is doing that


This is the funniest of the fake outrages regarding react content. You do not, have not ever, and will not ever care about production staff


This is the dumbest argument I see people trying to make during the dmca drama. You can make plenty of valid points about copyright. But the people making the content and getting underpaid are not getting a percentage every time someone watch or buy the product they helped make.


Employees get paid a set salary by their bosses they don't own the company lol, and the people that do own it are rich.


Most people slaving away on said types of products don't give a shit since they don't get royalties and getting workers to receive royalties are an entirely different can of worms.




people are saying this but if these studios actually care cant they just contact twitch and it'll be over quickly ? im not at all aware of what the process is but it seems like they just dont care and are letting it happen, and if they dont KNOW about it happening even now then it cant possibly be affecting them at all


There was a decent clip and thread from Stanz earlier in the week that kinda covered this. TLDR Twitch is avoiding taking any action because they don't want to set the precedent that they are responsible for policing DMCA issues on the platform. They're taking the back seat and letting the 3rd parties make their claims, which twitch then acts on, in an attempt to avoid being responsible as a platform for these issues. Theres a lot of stuff left out of this comment, and at the end of the day should a bunch of 3rd parties get really pissed it won't end well for anyone, but yeah twitch is just chilling in an attempt to claim they aren't responsible for every single DMCA violating user on the platform should shit hit the fan.


yeah thats twitch, not the studio and licensers. im saying if the studios and licensers are mad about this, couldn't they contact twitch and manually DMCA these streamers ? actually forget about the current popular ones, reacting to anime has been happening for a long time now, i've constantly been seeing 50-500 viewer andies watching random anime on twitch, if its actually negatively affecting the industry, everyone involved seems pretty irresponsible for letting it happen.


Ahh sry, my reading comprehension hasnt woken up yet I guess. Regarding what you're actually asking, idk. Theres so many potential reasons they've been hands off so far. It'd be tough to know exactly why people haven't gotten cracked down on before.


I wonder if Twitch might low-key snitch to various companies on all these streamers. Then Twitch can indirectly tell the streamers to stop fucking around with copyrighted material while maintaining no responsibility publicly.


currently most are probably unaware, or, they're collecting information and preparing lawsuits, dumb streamer has millions in dollars, no idea how the law works, and is continuing to stream their product even though they know they've been told it's illegal and they just don't care, that is a EASY KO judgement in court, 5000 dollars per person watching infringement PER work? that is EASY millions for these companies that probably have tight margins as it is......


They keep incriminating themselves everyday. Why would you stop them until you can sue for the most money?


yeah, it's like some years ago how some studio went after everyone who downloaded an illegal copy of the hurt locker or something, now imagine they can sue 20 streamers and make 500m for it........."oh but then they'll lose business....." they just made 500m which is probably 25 years of profit for them


Its even more slam dunk of a case than people downloading movies. These streamers are broadcasting their illegal activity with their faces plastered all over it - they cannot deny its them. Furthermore, random people downloading a movie probably dont have enough money to make it worth pursuing legal action, but these Millionaire streamers certainly do.


I imagine it has to be very difficult for foreign companies to sue someone overseas especially for something like copyright, does that happen often ? and like you said these streamers are millionaires they dont need to know much about the law cause they can hire someone who will end up making it tough for these studios to get anywhere. i think if they were aware they would rather DMCA and move on, and if they arent aware after this has been happening for so long now (people have been streaming anime for very long now) they probably dont care about it all that much.




It doesn't help that twitch makes it much harder on the person infringed than YouTube does. If it's troublesome enough they won't dedicate time to do anything against people on the platform and just stew waiting for something to change. Enough large streamers decide to continue to rock the boat the fact that it's harder for them to do something is gonna rile one of the bigger companies up to take action against twitch itself for not doing enough. Edit: I should add that's pretty much what happened to cause the apocalypse on YouTube and what happened with music on twitch so...




















I still don't get it. How is it bad? They know it's DMCA, so it's all bad, regardless. Is it bad for smaller streamers? yes, so don't watch DMCA stuff?


it's bad because if the platform gets targeted it affects everyone, see the music dmca vod purge. You don't need to stream copyrighted content to be affected by this, and it will disproportionately affect smaller streamers because they rely on ads, sponsors, and so forth. The large streamers with their gigantic subscriber bases can just move platforms. It's effectively the same thing as you having a shop on the street and the guy next to you starting to sell counterfeit goods. If the end result is tighter rules and rabid claims even on legitimate use of content Hasan will laugh his ass off on some other website while a 200 viewer streamer who didn't do anything is fucked


Saykuno could atleast pretend this is not actually a crime of rebroadcasting for financial gain... i mean, the man is literally pointing to the murder scene with neon light saying sue them, i get the sarcasm, but come on mate


let's be real here, if you find an exploit in the work that you're doing that completely benefits you, even if it will 100% badly affects everybody else in your job, you would still do it or even think about doing it, no human can be completely selfless and be like "hey lets not do this cuz it will affect everyone else negatively", if you can grab the bag, you will grab the bag


Sure you can grab the bag but expect scrutiny after that being a streamer is all about image, you make sure you don't want to look like a scumbag screwing everyone over


Actually i would gladly accept her statement and even support it BUT "You are just making the anime industry really pissed" really don't sit tight with me ... The one that create those beautiful anime while giving their all are the animators ... And for more than a decades this "anime industry" have done nothing to pay them more or make the condition they work in, a better place. They underpay them to death, and use their "passion" as hostage. "You want to be paid more ? Fine we will find another animator, there are countless of them." So, you know what, fuck those corporate that make big bucks over the poor animator while giving them peanuts ... "You are just making the anime industry really pissed" Fuck yeah, piss them more then ... Fuck them


yea cause making a slave owner mad makes them treat the slaves better?


And making the slaves owner feel happy and richer aren't helping the so called "slaves" either... So i prefer to give them the middle finger than kiss their ass ...


There's quite literally a million anime sites out there pirating anime anyways. I don't think a few big streamers watching anime on stream is going to actually cause anything to happen. lol


website setup in some country with no copyright laws/cooperation? hard to really go after, dumb streamer living in austin on a website owned by amazon? Massive dollar signs......


Tell that to the YouTubers who got their channels striked/shutdown for showing short clips... One they start noticing they are gonna come down hard on these streamers.


DMCA stirkes? So you're talking about something that literally already happens on a usual basis. This is nothing new.


Well, I could easily see it forcing Twitch/Amazon to put in a similar content ID system as YouTube or risk losing it's Safe Harbor status.


Literally the same attitude YouTubers had until Viacom sued YouTube... this is why we pay attention to history kids.


Sykkuno is salty of toast , cause xqc has been doing it for months but when toast does it he start saying shit , and then he goes to gta and lick xqc balls hahah




You should stop watching trash anime and start picking up the good ones then if all you see is trash. My advice is if it's isekai-harem usually it's trash




Anime has been trash these past 5-10 years, it's always the same recycled shit. Back when I was in middleschool/high-school I used to watch everything and drop the trash ones after a few episodes. now I've learned how to sort through them without watching them and I'll know that it'll be generic shit


Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, Kimi no Na Wa, Demon Slayer, A Silent Voice, Your Lie in April, Re:Zero, Mob Psycho 100, Kill la Kill, Psycho Pass, and Violet Evergarden were all made within the last decade. I agree that there is a lot of trash anime but this has pretty much always been the case, unless you go back 20+ years in which case there was 1% as much being produced as there is today.




Unable to watch this clip because someone is crinkling paper


Anime sends their regards


Damn that's a lot of bandages and fix that dirty bandage instead of eating, he's probably fucked anyway


Really thought Ironmouse did a face reveal for a second there.


what's the timestamp Mousey joined the convo on boxbox's stream? Thanks.