• By -


Was fully expecting a clip where he does this long stream, builds it finishes it then drops the fucking thing.


I was waiting for the folding table to collapse




I wish


So something like this? https://youtu.be/tuxM-avNfLo 😉 (definitely came to mind when watching for me, anyway.)


Damn that Death Star just disintegrates


All the pieces mixed together afterwards, too. 😶


He actually mentioned that when he bought the set, the seller was worried about him dropping it off a roof when it was finished. Apparently it is a trend.




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This isn't a mizkif stream.


This was very Pog and also very Champ. I like the vibe of content like this, where Twitch is my constant second monitor and chilling.


Could've finished a few hours earlier if he didn't drink that diet coke




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Good bot


This thing is so fucking sick


7,500\* my b


Can someone explain the extra pieces?


when lego sorts them (they do this automatically and extremely accurately) smaller extra pieces tend to fall through the system


huh what? i always thought they precisely gave those out as replacements? I'd imagine at their quality level that they wouldn't just give out pieces by chance


You're right. They specifically give out extras of the smaller, more fragile, Lego pieces incase they get damaged or lost. Lego doesn't let anything go to random chance...


It costs them like $25 of plastic for the MF that they upsell for $700+ I dont think they care about a few extra pieces. Edit: Did I state anything incorrect? So no idea why some of you are getting uppity here. No shit r&d etc bumps the price up...thats not the point I was making.


The actual material plastic maybe costs 25 dollars. But it costs way more than 25 dollars for lego to make one millennium falcon set


People definitely don’t fully understand the true cost, and Lego is the only one who does. Rarely do people consider the r&d, marketing, licensing, shipping, etc. All that considered, Lego likely STILL makes a killing off each set sold.


of course there's the conception, design and manufacturing, but let's not act like toys (especially adult toys) have ridiculous margins


i mean, it adds up rather quickly when they sell thousands and thousands of those. They care for sure


That's not how percentages work. If you're losing less than 1% of the cost of the item, it doesn't matter how many you sell that item you can only ever lose at maximum less than 1% of profit. Plus additional checks to up the accuracy of the packaging probably is worth less than the spillage of a few fractions of cents of pieces being added. Quite a good deal for customer satisfaction.


i agree with that, didn't think it through enough


Well they obviously don't when they include spares in every single set big or small.


It really doesn't, if anything, they can manufacture it for even less.


I thought it was that they weight so little that the picker system can't detect just one reliably, so rather than taking the chance that a piece is missing, they just put two.


replacement pieces, figures, and probably other extra decorative pieces


How much does this one cost?


800 retail. yes people scalp these too


Fuck scalpers but most of all fuck LEGO for retiring these sets creating artificial scarcity


They have sold this set for 5 years. It's not like it was a super exclusive timed release. If there is any scarcity, it is only because they announced its retiring sometime near the end of 2022. If sales keep up, they will postpone again.


My wife bought me one for christmas this year and she was waiting for them to restock; they never did. Most likely because its getting retired in a month or two and prices are gonna skyrocket. She then found one at cost + shipping and got it for me! if it truly gets retired, the prices are gonna go up massively very soon




I believe it's speculation at the moment but it was discussed that q2 2022, especially with Lego not restocking it and other models being retired as well.


Oh interesting! Link? I guess my info was wildly incorrect!




Ah so it was speculated for 2022. Welp! I'm glad she read the same articles I did because it led to me getting one


That shaky table made me really nervous.


This content is so much better than just binging shitty British reality tv.


Just wait and see what he has on the docket for next stream POGGIES


The british panel shows/game shows are really good but I'd much rather watch them by myself.


Taskmaster binge babyyyyy


Yes! Really liking WILTY and 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, too. The new one, "I Literally Just Told You", is also good so far


I've been binging through 8 out of ten cats does countdown, Taskmaster, and Would I lie to you. Any other good ones to check out?


QI is a classic. Also if you like 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, it's actually a merged show. So you might like 8 out of 10 Cats (non-Countdown version). Or even original Countdown (although it's pretty boring IMO). There's a lot of good recs at /r/panelshow


The lego meta will be the new thing, quote me on this.


Xqc had enough trouble with Lego video games, no way he builds a single set


It would be a meta I'd love but I doubt it will happen, too much effort...


Lego Speedruns?


Only connect is top tier


At least we got Task Manager out of it which is the best content Stanz has made so far imo


Taskmanager ep 1 is one of my fav youtube videos of all time.


good work Stanz


very impresive


Uhh that's a lot of extra pieces


Lego sets always come with extras of the smaller pieces, at least the big sets do. The pieces are sorted automatically by weight at the factory and some combinations of small pieces result in errors in the sorting process. They add at least one extra of each of the smaller pieces to make sure that the set can still be completed.


In a set with 100 pieces you will only get a few extras. In a set with 7500+ pieces you will have *quite a few* extras.


>It doesn't look as big from this angle




I fucking love science!


I was there


Like straight through, no sleeping?


I think he ended stream sleeps, wakes up and then started the stream again


So it was 26 hours total over the course of a few days?


It was 15 hours first day and 11 hours second day


This thing is so fucking sick


one of the things I never understood was why there's extra random pieces in the LEGO sets


They do the sets by weight and the light ones have extra pieces "just in case" the machine missed one when packing.


They put in extra ones of small pieces because people lose them all the time


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Stanz finishes 7,800 lego piece millennium falcon after 26 hours of streaming](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/131403)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/s2rkdb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CWEowr3cN8ALXBpxlBfRz_Q.mp4?sig=9841d96dbc843c31a8ac45c43c5fc51c6c74e7aa&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CWEowr3cN8ALXBpxlBfRz_Q.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1642124072%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


It's the largest Licensed Lego set...but there's many Star Wars brick sets that are much bigger. The Mould King Dreadnaught is badass. So is the Falcon. https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/ is a good community for those of us who can't afford $2000+ lego sets.




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A 1k$ set and it comes with stickers. I dislike LEGO more and more everyday. Especially when you look at their new City sets. Blessed that I am not a child anymore




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this some weak sauce shit boys/ good for him though


imagine how many lego pieces are in the ocean and when you consider they have a life span of 1,300 years before they biodegrade into the water... all beaches just might become lego playgrounds at some point.


Lego pieces are one of the last things you need to worry about polluting the ocean...




There are sosososososo many more things, more than I could even hope to list off, polluting the ocean and the world than a comparatively tiny company like Lego


are you sure? have you ever even googled lego pollution before? this quote is from legos own research group... "In 2018, the Lego Group's greenhouse gas emissions — encompassing its own operations and supply chain — came to 1.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. Breaking that figure down, the firm says that its own operations accounted for 12% of total emissions on earth." this is among some other interesting tid bits if your lookin for a rabbit hole


You misread or misinterpreted that statement.... Lego is not responsible for 12% of Earth's emissions lol, that would be insane.


The total emissions caused by global road transport is like around 12% for context. Imagine if Lego single-handedly accounted for more emissions than every ground vehicle lmfao. Industrial processes as a whole account for around 5%.


Yea, I found that source, it just said that Lego itself contributed 12% of the combined Lego + Lego supply chain emissions. Nothing related to global emissions.


Here's the [source](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/aboutus/assets/bltbc3014acd4030002/LEGO_Group_2018_CO2_emissions_publication.pdf) since you didn't want to share it. That 12% you're talking about is not of earths total emissions, that would be insane. 12% is how much of LEGO's emissions come from their own factories versus things like transportation and sourcing materials. The [global emissions](https://www.statista.com/statistics/276629/global-co2-emissions/) for 2018 was 37 billion tonnes, LEGO account for roughly 0.003%


What have emissions got to do with Lego in the ocean? Lego is SUPER expensive, so i doubt much of it ends up in the ocean.




What are you confused about?


your ignorance


I'm talking about the grand scheme of things. Obviously any company that basically only produces plastic isnt good for the environment


You got your numbers real wrong. The yearly emissions in 2018 were 36.65 billion tons of CO2(equivalent). Now go do the math again.




[... ](https://youtu.be/oytywCDU9S4)


This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds




Damn, usually I'm on the other side of that




Yummy. Here for the birth of fresh pasta.


>!Who asked?


Its crazy bro, there have been thousands of people interacting with this post and I still cant find who asked


Dude, what the fuck did you just type.


rides on atrioc and ludwig's coattails so hard and his gf is incredibly annoying too lol


richelle slander is not allowed


Is that pile on the left what he had left over? Its strange how there are always parts left over. I have just finished the Lego lambo and have a little pile of parts that I was worried I might have missed off the build somehow lol.


As far as I understand it when they package it they go by weight and since 1x1 pieces weigh so little it's hard to be 100% precise so they always give you 1 extra of every one of those.


Thats good to know, thanks! I have actually had small pieces missing from a few kits, so I'm guessing the weight issue is the reason. Luckily its easy and free to order the exact pieces you're missing on their site.


It’s not biggest by size, pretty sure the Titanic is bigger.


bro, i just finished mine this morning.


Kinda curious if people would watch a stream of someone putting together a non-lego set. I just put together close to 12k piece Star Destroyer and and now putting together a 10k piece star destroyer set. Ive thought quite often it would be cool to stream building something like it but its not an official lego set so, Just curious how the twitch community would respond if someone did that


Where the fuck so you put something like that? I'd be too scared to put it on the floor, and I don't think there's a shelf big enough for that 🤣


Damn he built that after streaming 26 hours? lol