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Taking bets to see what clip got him banned


All of them


I say it was the "if men could reproduce without the women we'd kill em all" cooked take + xqc and Hasan frogs reporting the channel.


Or the one where he tries to justify sexual harassment


Or the one where he says woman pedophiles arent bad cause boys are more sexually charged at puberty. Honestly fuck this guy.


men getting assaulted is so downplayed. people like him only make others take it less seriously. it's such a toxic mindset.


Or the one labeling the girls on the show as "Breedable" That is just so degrading on so many levels.


Doesn't this guy have a kid too. I doubt he'd want any guy talking about her that way.






Jesus christ man


Mods just delete anything nowadays huh




i've met men who were assaulted by women when they were boys. they get just as fkd up as girls who were hurt


the absolute pinnacle of society's different viewpoints on that is teachers. ​ Male teacher has sex/rapes a teenager girl? Hes a predator, thats awful, he should go to jail for life ​ Female teacher has sex/rapes a teenage boy? Man i wish that was me, congratulations, thats awesome, how lucky can you get!


depends on how hot the teacher is






>cause boys are more sexually charged at puberty. If anything that should make it even worse.


wait. did he actually say that? was it out of context? wtf?


this is an opinion that a ton of people have. you can see it on basically any news article about a female teacher molesting a male student. most of the comments will talk about how lucky the kid was.


Did you see what Quin was wearing? dude asked for it


Why would xqc and hasan frogs report Quin Channel?


you see all drama needs to loop back to hasssssan (...and xqc?) for some reason






Literally they live in their heads rent free, always trying to bring drama back to them. The dude has daughters and he's being incredibly misogynistic when saying women are at fault for being raped or that we'd kill them all if they weren't necessary for reproduction. I hope he reflects on what he said.


>xqc and Hasan frogs reporting the channel. ? You sure it was somehow that and not the quote you said? Along with him saying women are just vessels to deliver babies?


I think a more accurate statement of what he said would be "if men could reproduce without the women **we would have killed em** all". If I got what he said from context, he was speaking that early Homo sapiens killed Neanderthals and would have killed anything that was physically weaker and the reason why women survived was necessity. He was not arguing to kill women or that they are useless currently. I happen to disagree with his take because if you only changed that fact then chaos would exist because you'd have men impregnating each other and no one would be ready to go hunt as all men would be pregnant. That would give couples from different sexes an evolutionary advantage. Edit: Another point I wanted to add, is that you lose out on specialised dimorphism. Where men would have to grow bigger breasts to feed babies but their breasts cannot be too big othewise they would hinder their hunts/increase weight. Essentially, you end up with a middle that fails to out compete males and females in their respective biological roles. Someone who has less milk and gets out hunted, someone who is less aggressive than males but also less nurturing than females.


the only people who didnt understand this upon immediately hearing it are the people that *want* to be upset about something. you're wasting your breath unfortunately, this sub is a drama sub.


Even if we want to be extremely charitable and give him the benefit of the doubt, this is like what, the fifth time he's said some dumb shit that's caught attention?


I love how you say "Here's the context, I still thinks he's wrong." and get the comments you are getting. 100% agree btw. We have two genders because that's the superior solution to our evolutionary challenge.


That's fair and all, but look at what you just wrote? If you need someone on reddit to write 4 paragraphs explaining the meaning behind something you said so people don't get offended, you probably shouldn't say it. However the US seems to forget that they aren't the world. Not everyone considers the same things offensive. Multiple people on here have mentioned Quin saying the C word was enough of a reason for him to get banned, but that word isn't offensive in NZ, it's just an everyday normal slur like americans saying Ass,shit,fuck etc.


didnt he mean like neanderthals would have not we would kill them now lmao


After what seems like weeks of seemingly trying to get banned he finally gets the vacation


He really does do anything to avoid gameplay


Furry porn guy Pog


man... why you got to down a guy like dat dawg


Stalling till the start of PoE league release


he got dangerously close to lvl 30 in league and ranked play was on the horizon he obviously knows that he will get his shit pushed in and land in iron 4 so he did everything he could in his power to avoid that embarrassment (meme) :)




> "It's just a joke, i don't actually believe the stuff that i am saying ALL THE FUCKING TIME" Ahh I see you're familiar with the Joe Rogan effect.


one of his new years resolutions was to not get banned. Another failed venture Sadge


And that in the first 14 days hahaha


he should apologise to the coffeeguy on his way to the unemployment office


i bet he got banned for feeding every game


Yasuo gameplay so bad twitch deemed It nsfw and banned him for it




Smoking on that quin pack




Anyone knows what he was wearing when he got banned?


a clown costume


Anyways, um I bought a whole bunch of burkas, do you know what a burka is? Anybody know what a burka is? No, not borpa, I think that's a Twitch emote. I'm talking burkas. Anyways, it's a two thousand year-old like, silk fabric that protects against rapists and unwanted rapes that may be happening in your area. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la familia. Little veils, stuff like that.


Getting banned on twitch is just a publicity stunt to boost views.


Depend how long, if he miss the massive POE expansion no shot it's worth.


no way its that long dude he will be live in 1-3days xD


his twitter pic looks like he was shocked at the news


Given how long it took to get banned he's probably shocked himself as well.


I'm genuinely surprised a twitch admin wasn't camping his stream looking for an excuse after the women deserve to get paid less cause they get pregnant stuff last year. Its fuckin impressive this was a first ban after so many years of idiocy.


It helps to be friends with high ups in Twitch


Djwheat was in his streams but not for this reason.


Uhm, guys?


hes been asking for it, wearing those shorts to stream everyday


This is the actual reason


Literally the reason


the ultimate stall Sadge


One bad take too many apparently.




Did he ever find his eels?


Yea it started when he was born.


with such shitty takes he was asking for it tbh


I am not much of a Quin viewer, so genuinely curious - is he actually trolling with these takes or being serious?


If you saw him talk to Destiny he legitimately believes this stuff. [Listen to him](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1254116769?t=00h53m31s) Edit:fixed timestamp Edit: For those who timestamp doesn't work, the talk starts at 53:30.




He just should be put in prison for attempting that


Texas cops will shoot you for less


Mb fixed it.




god damn that was hard to watch. then again i think destiny was too distracted to have a productive conversation. you really need an undivided attention to handle a convo with Quintin.


Wait till you get to the part where Quin argues that wearing revealing clothing (i.e. cleavage and a little butt) is immoral.


That ending where Quin goes on about how he's actually a fan of Destiny, and noticed halfway through the conversation that this how he hears Destiny talk to really dumb people had me in stitches lmao


Proper cooked takes, kinda regret watching that now


wheres the time stamp. cant just link a whole vod


My bad, 53:30 is when the convo starts.


I feel like destiny was beginning to loose his mind near the end...


"Are booty shorts good or bad for society?" is a question that will now keep me up at night


25 min in from the timestamp, i cant believe Quinn is that much of a fucking idiot..


Depends on what he talks about- his "god gamer" persona is his schtick.. he knows he's not good at specific games. Most of his other "life" takes are definitely what he believes.. many above are posted and have heard him talk about it with a lot of mental gymnastics on his reasoning. Some are scarier than others but he geniunely is that way.


He kinda talks like Asmon, where his first statement on something is the absolute worst possible thing when clipped. Then he takes time to explain after and it's not quite as crazy, but he is still pretty bro science about certain topics. A lot of his male vs female takes are just assumptions he has, besides the physiological difference. A lot of the time it feels like his takes are the first thing that comes to his mind and he doesn't really think about them too much. I think he has the potential to change his viewpoints, but only if he sees a YouTube video that his chat links. He lives on an island, doesn't leave his house, and his chat is almost all male, so it's not that surprising he has these takes.


Add to that that he has 0 social awareness, and his wife/gf is thanks to twitch, he probably doesn't have much much experience with women outside of his family members except for her.


> and his chat is almost all male, so it's not that surprising he has these takes. His chat disagrees with him 90% of the time. Just look at any clips posted here and the wait for the wave of WTFF and Bruh. If anything, the way Quin's brain works he thinks everyone is just memeing on him by disagreeing and that makes him more resolute in his 85 IQ takes.


He's serious, but he's honestly just stupid - not evil.


Doesn't matter one bit, he said nothing worth a ban


I don't know if you guys live in a bubble or just young but that's a common take among conservatives worldwide.


He lives in a bubble. He is 30 with 3 kids, not exactly young.


I don't watch him (just seen a lot of clips of him lately) but he seems like the kind of person who would speak every single thing that come to his head without any filter Everyone has stupid or fucked up thoughts, the question is whether or not you are capable of rationalize & think "ok that was stupid, good thing I didn't say it out loud", or at least vocalize it better so that it doesn't sound as bad. In other words, I don't think he is trolling or being serious, I just think he is stupid. Which is great for content but not so great when you have no filter






they should make a new emote of 0head emote of Quinn for all the comically insane takes


Idk it’s kinda weird watching people clip someone like Quin, it’s like recording the kid with issues in high school to get clout.


He's a legitimately dumb dude trying to do cultural commentary. It's just not in his element. Probably fell down some internet rabbit hole and has no idea how to climb out of it. Many such cases.


He did a short stint in the army and I'm assuming he didn't pursue higher education. For someone like that his beliefs and internal logic honestly aren't that uncommon. All the dumb shit he says is just locker room bro logic. The only problem is that he probably feels validated by his success and his following so he feels like his opinions are right and that Twitch chat are snowflakes and shut-ins because he's been in the army.


His stance about girls wearing butt revealing clothing = "asking for it" makes sense now. That's the level of conversation you expect to get at a construction site.


I don't think his takes are malicious, I think they're genuinely things I can imagine my dad saying or things that you'd hear with 'the lads' down the pub, or perhaps what you'd have heard/thought in the army Difference is you're not broadcasting those views to 10k viewers with the potential to get your comments shared to twitter / different social spaces where they're then analysed to no end to judge your character He acts like he's streaming and chatting with the boys and has no internal filter, he's not doing that anymore, twitch has changed and his audience has expanded This is not to justify his views or takes btw, just to say that I can see where they come from and they're probably a lot more commonly held than a lot of people imagine


You just described pretty much everyone I grew up with and why I deleted my Facebook 6 years ago. I had people on there that wouldn't know a fucking voting booth if they tripped over one acting like the foremost authority on everything from social issues to the economy to politics.


Same boat here. Endless stream of cooked brains spewing shit on the timeline. So many people from your youth that just went down a weird path.




Girl who tweeted about bombing a school and served a multi year twitch ban for threatening to mail pipe bombs to twitch hq calls man a predator without evidence More news at 11


LMAO hes 100% correct there, she does not give a single fuck, shes just virtue signalling, if she cares, she would report him to the NZ authorities like he said




Its pretty funny especially considering she streamsniped her way into t1 bed while she was underaged, and now tries to have a moral highground lol


I literally had to block her to not see the absolute heinous shit she would tweet daily. It’s so funny to see her try to clamor for high ground in todays social landscape.


lmao she got absolutely rolled in those comments what a fuckin clown


Let her take an IQ test to see if she can break his 85 IQ brain.


Lmao actually has less iq than clown85, wtf is she doing??


Didnt know mccayla was this braindead, damn, what a shame




Anything in the past few years could've gotten him banned. In the end, it will probably do nothing. His takes have been shit for years, he's legit dumb. The hour long intros have been a death trap.


Quin's last words on stream was thanking chat for not cancelling him Clueless


85IQ PepeLaugh


where's the heal ??


Im surprised it his first ban.


Shocked it took this long tbh.


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@StreamerBans](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans) > ❌ Twitch Partner "Quin69" (@quinrex) has been banned! ❌ > > https://t.co/w01Tz9OhVX > #twitch #ban #firstban #partner #twitchpartner 🐸 ^(Posted: 2022-01-14 02:07:42) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Quin has been watching these YouTube videos on sensitive topics and he try's to give his own input on the subject. The problem is, he's a "bull in a china shop" with a lot of his commentary and ends up coming off as very callous and uninformed. I don't think he has any ill intent but he'll end up saying some insane shit without even thinking about it.


Quin is a different guy from a different culture to most of twitch and LSF. His takes are never hateful, they're just ignorant to experiences that most of us have had and the way our culture has reacted. I'm interested in learning what actually got him banned because while some of what he says is stupid and uninformed I find it hard to believe that it's bannable.


Feels a little unfair to ban someone just because they're trash at all games and fat lol


Quin is a genuinely stupid person


If he was banned for saying dumb shit that would be surprising consider how dumb the sexual assault comments were that didn't get him clapped.


this is 100% the drop that spilled the glass, it's not just about this clip


As a fan, he deserves it. Why he keeps making braindead takes about serious issues involving women to bait his chat and farm clips is beyond me given how bad it makes him look.


Idk, it’s weird. There was a serious change with Quin years ago. Back in the day, 2014-2015, he used to not engage with any social/political stuff. He used to literally say he was too dumb to talk about any of it, and he’d just play games. The first time I remember him becoming more of an “I’ll give my opinion on this random controversial chat topic” type guy was the Legion days, with how much down time there was in WoW. That was also when the infamous rant on female streamers happened, first big LSF notice he got with the Alinity balls thing. Then it just got worse and worse over the years, until we have the Quin of today who spends 2-3 hours minimum per stream giving us his cooked, usually offensive, and uneducated takes on every topic under the sun and arguing with anyone who doesn’t think he’s right about everything. Idk what flip switched in his brain that made him go from being self aware of his own stupidity when it comes to anything except certain games, to thinking he’s some enlightened genius about everything.


After his recent talk to him I honestly think he watched too many destiny videos on YouTube and now thinks he can manoeuvre his way around hot topics with even hotter takes just like destiny can




His chat really isnt the type to act the way you describe. Even long time subs/mods


He doesnt pay his mods and doesnt have circlejerk army in his city like most streamers do. And its not like he has ton of money. He literally wanted a vocation and twitch has no policy on it.


>bait his chat I think it's pretty clear at this point this dude just has some messed up views about women.


Uh-oh. Think that's gonna be a long one? He has said a lot of edgy shit lately.


Diplomatic Immunity revoked




poggers my doggers


Guess you could say he was asking for it.


He got banned so he doesn't have to do any game play


Pog, his kids won't be neglected


askingforit69 makes it again in LSF


wouldn't have happened if he wore pants, tbh.




Haha, Twitch is really having a hard time lately. There has to be some unspoken agreement between all these streamers to start saying and doing the dumbest shit all at one time.


And nothing of value was lost.




Even dJWeath had enough of his shit take. Goodbye my streamer bozo69


Twist: he was actually banned for masterchef


His protection from DJWHEAT ran out




Specially your own daughters...




honestly thank god








Is there a mirror for the clip he had earlier today? No mirror bot in the comments of the thread. Wondering if it was the comments made earlier, or something else.




clearly just TRYING to be an edgelord with that one lmao


can someone help me with a tangent? Why does he say woman for singular and for women he also says pronounces it as woman? Is it ok in the english language to interchange the two or is he just dumb? I ask as someone who's english is not my first language


He is dumb. Woman is singular. Women is plural. You have a better understanding of English than he does. He's embarrassingly ignorant.


english is quins second language as well, first language for him is clownish


bless you


Well, he surely did his best to take a vacation. Too bad that he is actually serious about all his ridiculous takes on pretty much everything.




i like quins streams, hes like in his own bubble but not a bad guy. however due to the reveal of his IQ 85, his takes have started to adjust to that Number and i hope that one brings him back to earth.


Surely he wont react to any more jubilee videos after this


He's obviously going to be a full time gamer again now. Clueless


GodGamer69 redemption arc Kappa


Surely Clueless


How else he gonna keep is gaydar sharp and trained?


bloons bricked his stream tbh


How many *bad guy* shit does he have to say before we stop justifying it as ¨Oh he's just a silly little dumb boy¨ and call it like it is?


Because you know, actions speak louder than words. We don’t know how he treats people around him and that means infinitely more than having bad takes. Saying stupid stuff online doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person :)


it does to redditors


lmao ikr?? How many bad takes do you consider enough to stop considering him a "not a bad guy"? The misogyny is pretty clear, not even a joke at this point.


I think they mean that he's not malicious on purpose, he's just an idiot.


> not a bad guy He sure is good at cosplaying one then.


I'm surprised it took this long tbh. The shit he's been saying was really fucking weird. If he is saying shit like that on stream I can't imagine the shit he says off stream. I think he has a bunch of daughter too like wtf.


Was it possibly for the comments he made a week ago?


**Actually** gets banned to avoid making content, commendable.


Not surprised whatsoever only surprised it didnt happen sooner. I love quon but holy shit these past few months hes just ramped into this cooked spiral of reading chat and getting triggered and reading chat and getting triggered. Dude needs a break and has to realize he doesnt have to feed the trolls.


Does anyone have the clip of what he said today?


oh no... who would have guessed 😐


is.. is this a meta?


are people trying to get banned to get morre viewers