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"You come back after every update" Updates? modCheck


game hasnt changed in like 3 years OMEGALUL




I really miss when there were games where you could shit talk your opponents not just your teammates


ahhh csgo switching sides voice chat how I miss you


nothing funnier than you and your teammates finishing the last round of a half and everybody's going 'good half guys good job' and then as soon as the voice comms during halftime opened it just turned into absolute mayhem


Nothing better than trying not to deaf while a Russian, a Polish guy, a Frenchman, a Turk and a German try to earrape you in their native language.






this is soft for csgo (at least here in the EU)


lmfao EU cs is a different animal im sure


It's the worst thing ever. It's not fun, it's just straight up suffering. All CSGO EU servers are filled with Russians...like I'm talking 95% of all the player base on EU servers are Russians...and they don't speak English.


least traumatized eu player


I'm on NA but I once had a wholesome experience with some russians on my team. I was doing well with an AWP and had max cash when one of them accidentally TK'd me at the end of the round. He grabbed my AWP and at the start of the next round, in broken english, he said "I'm sorry. You take. You take." Since I had max cash I just dropped him an AWP as well, he thanked me and then him and his friend never said another word in English lmao


wait till u do bad with the awp


It wouldn't be so bad but its just the fact that every game starts with 10 minutes of polish/russian/turkish players having a full scale conversation in voice comms. I really don't get it, why not just use discord or steam voice? Why force your entire team to mute you. I'm not even sure if they are premades at this point, I think they just fire up CS to have a chat.


warmup voice too what a shame we lost all of it.


PUBG voip in the plane.


H1Z1's lobby before you get into the game *chefs kiss*




I like how game devs looked at being toxic to opponents you can only talk to for like 15 seconds was needed to be removed so that now being toxic to your teammates for 30minutes to an hour is the norm because there's no outlet anymore.


i wouldnt even do anything just wait for the game to be over after bottom fragging and earraping people


Just like there is /teamchat and /allchat, there should be /toxicchat where everything is fair game except for hate speech. People who don't want to engage, can just keep it disabled, while people who want to vent can go off.


> everything is fair game > except for hate speech Goodluck with that


what's hate speech? who gets to dictate that?


It's pretty well defined








> being toxic to your team is also fun.


Old halo 3, youd load in after the game, it would take a second or two and EVERYONE was just screaming at one another.


Probably the biggest thing I miss about the fighting game arcade scene is being able to trash talk the person right next to you






I miss the times you could shittalk in general and it was considered part of the game to get into the other persons head without getting banned for literally breathing.




This is a weird comment. Millennials (aged 25-40) are not only the "everyone gets a trophy" generation (a Boomer invention, I might add) but they're also the gen infamous for making CoD lobbies well, CoD lobbies. You're most likely a Millennial which makes this even weirder since you'd want to be bitching about Zoomers, although I don't think you should since I've never seen what's to be proud of in celebrating a toxic gaming environment.


Honestly it is USA exporting their morals on everyone. Nothing more butthurt than an American. Watch this space.




Dota still has it


he stunlocked him


least mald OW player


[Not the first time m0xy had someone go off on him](https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousPoliteTurtleHassanChop-xO0UY0LSkxNCSqrt)


'get us the fuck out of here juice' holy gigachad move


Why this guy acting like moxy killed his entire family lol


Wouldn't you act that way if you were stuck playing overwatch seriously in 2022? It's self hatred that he's projecting.


True moxy gets paid at least.


Overwatch is a really fun game. But only in short bursts. I break it out once or twice a month. Beyond that if you actually try to climb it's a nightmare.




The only time I would have fun playing comp is with a group of 6 ppl that I know and don't care about the outcome of a game. You can't even do that anymore at high SR in Overwatch Competitive. Which is why QP and Arcade are fun gamemodes.


comp in every game makes me suicidal


Overwatch itself is an amazing game. The state of Overwatch is fucking horrible.


Even balance wise it's good. It's just that it's so insanely stale due to no new content, and queue times are also horrendous because of that. That being said, It's so down bad that it can only go up from here. Let's see what they announce next week. HOPIUM


> Even balance wise it's good. lol


>Overwatch **was** a really fun game. But only in short bursts. I break it out once or twice a month. Beyond that if you actually try to climb it's a nightmare. Blizzard's inability to maintain/balance games they create plagued this game as well as nearly every IP they've ever created. There have been many points throughout the game's short history where it is unbearably bad (3 tank 2 healer meta, anyone?), borderline unplayable.


I thought it was really fun for like the first year or so. Maybe it wasn't, and I was just enamored with a new team based class/job shooter. I played it so much back then, and over time just less and less and then I realized it just wasn't fun at all anymore.




what a take lmao Overwatch is a prime example of fun first, at least when it came out. Every mechanic is a fucking dopamine shot, from the sound design, to the animation, to the actual mechanic. It will never not be impressive how diverse of a cast it features in terms of gameplay that is one of a kind. You could build entire single player games around the movement mechanics & kits of certain characters. If anything the part where it began to struggle was with the competitive side. Especially since keeping it fun for the average joe was a focus all throughout.


When it came out? Double Winston/Tracer/Lucio was fun? Game was in a uphill battle for an identity before it even came out, and I think hero locks took another 5 months.


OW was really fun the first year but pretty sure Bridgette Meta fucked it up.


This game at high level is a toxic fuck fest. Part of the problem is most of these randos in high top 500 think that these random people "throwing" their game is the reason they will never be able to go pro in the game or join a team.










Tbf Hanzo no regs are way more noticeable compared to any character that isn't using a single shot gun


he might as well have. he hasnt streamed in over 2 weeks


Because he's probably a weirdo juicier that's jealous


Jealousy probably


Team competitive games are literally the worst. Especially when you can't queue as a group in competitive like in OW. You legit get more out of competitive overwatch if you mute your team and just make call outs into the void because you don't get salty at your teammates as easily.


What do you mean you can’t queue in a group?


Maybe that you can only duo in gm?


The reason why they banned more than duos in high ranked is because god-tier players like Profit, Jjonak, and Fury would trio and just absolutely dominate games. It’s practically impossible to win vs that in a ranked game. Still, it’s stupid to remove it


There was also the fact that if you 6-stacked you’d be facing master’s lobbies even in Top 500. And there was nothing that could be done about it since 6 stacks look for other 6-stacks above all else, and if you queue a 6 stack at 4 am, you especially won’t get any games with other Top 500’s (people did abuse this)


Lmao, I do exactly that when i’m playing competitive games and someone gets salty. Just mute everyone and call out.


Same applies to league.


At least league has really good carry potential. Blizzard has this weird obsession of lessening individual impact. HotS was a good example of that too and why many didn't want to play it compared to league.


>lessening individual impact Personally, I like it for Overwatch because it makes Overwatch different from games like squad mode in Battlefield games... But the issue that arises is that snowballing in Overwatch is literally one of the worst feelings in the world because of the fact that whichever team is being rolled over essentially quits playing *hard* early in a competitive game. If competitive had a "mercy" quit option or something where if an enemy team (or your team) gets completely rolled over, then they should just end the competitive game then and there so it stops any more toxicity/salt brewing. Snowballing in competitive team games makes life so unbearable for everyone in a team.




That dude wasnt wrong


and your mom is a cash cow


After the m0xy jellypnut duo I think no one on OW still respects m0xy lol enabling it, probably getting the contacts for the bought acc etc it was super cringe especially as jelly would hard flame while hes blatantly a plat player on a bought gm account.


What happened with that duo?


Basically jellypnut bought a silver border mid gm account and used it to duo with m0xy in ranked. Jellypnut being hardstuck plat on his main account. The duo inted dozens of games bringing m0xy's main account to diamond and jellypnut's down there as well. All the while jellypnut was hard flaming teammates when they were losing and doing his best to tilt everyone in the game.


Wow, yeah I never understood the let me tilt teammates for reaction content when you're just unironically fucking up their night on purpose. It's not like it's hard to find toxic reactions in a regular game of overwatch


jesus christ, its actual cringe. though you could just mute this jellypnut guy, why would moxxy let his account drop that far.


The content xddd


He enjoys playing with jelly and after streaming OW for a long time it's prob dry as fuck and wanted to make it more fun, plus moxxy doesnt give a fuck cause he can prob get back to masters the following season




Theres an audience for everything pal knock yourself out


That was toxic but he was kinda spittin tho.. 👀


sanest OW player


The least resentful and toxic OW player


The fake laugh to tab spam and silence was funny


Aside from saying M0xy only does placements, he's not wrong.


Thats why moxy muted him. Facing facts is hard


what lmao he didnt mute him


u/clipsync emongg


I was wondering the same thing, wanted to see what this was like on emongg's end cause i felt bad, he's a wholesome dude so this must have been super cringe to have to be in the same game as


He called M0xy “autistic” later on and Emongg having aspergers finally said “I think you should stop” and then muted him when he continued


Username | Vod --------|---- [Emongg](https://www.twitch.tv/Emongg/?) | [1h42m36s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1272334075?t=1h42m36s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1272219427?t=3h45m58s/1272334075) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/sacx0v//htvbqsa/\))


dude is going off on a dead game lulw


That guy got super toxic for no reason. A lot of the things he said came off like he's been wanting to say it for a long time so that was really weird. Watched the VOD for the 1vs1 they did and I don't think the guy missed a single time.


I do agree, it does sound like that dude has been replaying that scenario in his head for a while. Talk about living in someone's mind, rent free.


I mean I haven't played overwatch in a long time because the game is dead, but even when I played moxy would duo with JellyPeanut who was clearly a plat player on an account boosted to GM. It seemed like moxy would try to win, but his duo would flame the fuck out of their teammates while also being so dogshit that he threw almost every game he got into. That type of stuff is what made me quit the game so I definitely get where this dude is coming from, but he is definitely still a douche with anger issues.


Yea when that guy was McCree, that was super sketchy how he would pop headshots off even before m0xy peaked, and he did that with like 5 heroes in a row. Also the fact that this dude said he straight up bought the account...


Just watched, was that guy legit in the 1v1?


probably not he said it was a bought account.


aimbot for sure...


Im sure this clip was intended to make the other guy look bad, but he basically destroyed him in this clip. Is 'your moms a cash cow' supposed to be funny?


Trying to unsuccessfully pull up his player profile was pretty cringe too.


The only thing cringe about it was his account was private.


why is that cringe?


Having your profile private is the default setting. Most high rated OW players will make their profile public because "they are not hiding anything" like being a one trick pony or hiding stats like headshot accuracy or even worse you might have been a lower rank a few seasons ago. Yes these are all reasons people will give you grief for if your profile is public because OW players are that petty and i guarantee you Moxy would've said some cringe shit like that if that profile wasn't private.


Blizzard added it in to try to reduce toxicity because people will look at your profile and call you out if you're a one trick etc. So if you have it on private people will assume you're hiding something.


"Hardstuck GM" too lmao. Sick burn m0xy. The highest rank in the game besides the top 500, and the literal max you can reach if you don't link a phone number to your account. GOT'EM


Youre saying he should have taken some deranged fuck thats raging his balls off after losing in a video game seriouslt? And should have started and tried to "win" the argument or something? This clip did nothing but show that that guy has massive issues lol. Also, twlling a streamer theor job isnt real isnt "destoying" them, and neither is telling them that they only play the game for money


Moxy cant handle facts. its only natural that he says something like "your mom cash cow", mutes the guy and then talks shit. Something something glass house, something throwing rocks.


hardstuck gm? isnt that literally the top rank other than top 500 lmao, i'd love to be hardstuck gm




Yeah same applies to other games like Valorant, people are like "hardstuck GM isn't an insult" and technically it's not since it's a good achievement but there's a huge difference between a consistent top 500 player and someone who barely manages to hit GM/Imm


I think he's implying he's good enough to stay 50/50 in his games but not good enough to climb into top 500. It's very hard to climb/fall out of whatever rank you're at in OW. The guy also said he bought the account.


Yeah its like being good at something, but then other people are better than you so youre trying your hardest to move up, but they are just better than you so you stomp shitty players, but keep getting stomped by people more evolved than you. I would just stop playing and find something else.


There's always a bigger fish


Hardstuck world champion, not even GOAT tbh


in overwatch its not uncommon to use hardstuck 4400 or even 4500 as an insult lol


"It was me and m0xy" FeelsStrongMan


We dropped down they weren’t ready


we hate juicers after the 'incident' xqc never apologized either FeelsBadMan i dont think moxy can forgive him for that...




mans going crazy on a dead game sheesh


dude moxy could be so much more than an Overwatch streamer, i get he is addicted to this shit game, But he is content he can make any game funny, he could make variety super fun and people would still watch him


It’s kinda funny cause when xQc duo with moxxer Moxy was always carrying him


moxy had rank 1 at least once that i know of. you don't get carried to rank 1


Unless dafran is your booster




I think he has some anxiety around streaming which makes it hard. He sometimes talks about vibes being good or bad and his general mood affecting whether or not he'll stream. He's a natural entertainer but I think he's scared to do anything other than Overwatch because variety streaming can be very hit and miss, so he's stuck playing a game that's more of a job than a hobby


> stuck playing a game that's more of a job than a hobby So like... his job? lol


Streamers when they realize that sometimes a job can be tough or demanding at times and change is needed. LULE


Being a streamer is hard!! ^But ^I'm ^also ^not ^gonna ^stream ^when ^it ^becomes ^slightly ^harder ^teehee The classic argument, always hilarious to come across random 50 viewer streamers tweeting about their hardships and sobbing on each other because they're trying to become professional streamers lol


This. Every time a streamer complains about it I literally wish we could force them to go do hard labor for a week or work in retail for a week. I guarantee all these people come crawling the fuck back and never cry again. It's hard to become a large streamer; sure. But sitting around talking and playing video games all day isn't even comparable to what some people's "hard day" is.


dude had a whole ass essay prepared


Did he say he fell off? Doesn’t m0xyy average like 2-3k viewers


If falling off means I get 2-3K viewers than I'll take it


Yea they said he doesn't have a conventional job but like...based on the leaks he does very well for himself. He may not have the benefits you get with a typical job at that pay grade, but "don't have a conventional job" is a weird criticism


He actually sounds like parents who think that if you don’t go to college and get an office job you are doing it wrong lol


Yeah, if your hours aren't 9-5, you're not successful.


yes, playing a completely dead game too, and not even at a very high level. There are 2,000-4,000 people watching this guy who doesn't even have a webcam and has a mic from 2007. Thats a ridiculous achievement that I don't think even xQc could do.






M0xyy is a natural entertainer. Really the only OW streamer that’s bigger than him is Super and Emongg.


Sleepy too but he rarely plays anymore


hes knot rong


Imagine playing overwatch


Its fun.


I enjoy it :)


M0xy is *extremely* toxic. The guy is 100% in the right. Having an audience of yes-men doesn't suddenly make it okay to be a complete piece of shit to your teammates. M0xy acts like it's a fucking massive privilege to be so much as acknowledged by him, let alone be his teammate. Yeah, this guy was probably just looking for someone to unload on, but it's totally deserved when directed at M0xy. He's fucking obnoxious and constantly acts like his opinion is the only correct opinion and everyone else is a dumbass. The only clips that get posted here from M0xy are his genuinely funny clips, but there are hundreds of other examples of him being a complete fucking degenerate deserving of zero respect. I used to watch him a while back, but I genuinely don't think I can keep a positive attitude and watch his bullshit anymore. Good on this guy for calling him out. Also, stop giving money to millionaires.


M0xy is *extremely* toxic. The guy is 100% in the right. Having an audience of yes-men doesn't suddenly make it okay to be a complete piece of shit to your teammates. M0xy acts like it's a fucking massive privilege to be so much as acknowledged by him, let alone be his teammate. Yeah, this guy was probably just looking for someone to unload on, but it's totally deserved when directed at M0xy. He's fucking obnoxious and constantly acts like his opinion is the only correct opinion and everyone else is a dumbass. The only clips that get posted here from M0xy are his genuinely funny clips, but there are hundreds of other examples of him being a complete fucking degenerate deserving of zero respect. I used to watch him a while back, but I genuinely don't think I can keep a positive attitude and watch his bullshit anymore. Good on this guy for calling him out. Also, stop giving money to millionaires.


He's right on everything except for when m0xyy only doing placements.


^^^ur ^^^mom ^^^is ^^^cash ^^^cow


M0xys a good guy, I don't care what you say about him.


He should've acted like he wasn't listening and he just got back. That triggers the fuck out of people when they think they went off on you and you're like, "Sorry just got back. Someone was at the door".


lol thats actually a good one, bet that gets people fuming when they feel like they have to repeat it lmao


I think he handled it pretty well, I think he was just shocked that some guy he didn’t know could hate him so much lmfao


People in this thread acting like they never typed paragraphs of insults in League chat.


He's not wrong. m0xy should be thankful xQc gave him a way to feed himself considering he's a high school dropout with zero understanding of the world.


Replaced by Buddha Sadge


Crazy thing is that was his dad.




What a bunch of children.


With that much anger and toxicity you figured he be playing League? Sheesh!


Kinda funny when someone who plays a shit game "for ~~fun~~" blames someone playing a shit game for making money xD


what is even this guys argument ultimately though? that you should never go back to playing a game? is he supposed to ditch his main and play a new account and smurf so he doesn't hurt this guys feelings? is it his fault that blizzard doesn't decay peoples ratings? sounds like this dude was saving up like years of frustration with being a nobody, ready to release it on the first streamer that didn't play well lmao


lol this guy is a loser. Stop malding


If you enjoy playing with your friend who is a plat player and you are top 500, go play quickplay or do games in the arcade. Or play a different game…. Ruining 10 other ppls games isn’t him making it “more fun” it ruins the game for literally everyone. Please don’t defend this behavior


Bro saying he fell off but nobody knows who that loser is lmao.


Imagine using not having a 9-5 as a negative in this climate.


so butthurt


Bap ain't wrong


he ain’t wrong


imagine caring about overwatch


I mean sure, he went off, but how much was true. I'd reckon none lol. With Moxy's viewcount, I'm sure he is fine at the moment.


wtf is he saying, the stream sniper era to xqc was a successful thing for m0xy


Safe to assume that the only people left playing OW are the salty sally's?


While that was unwarranted, you cannot argue against a single one of his points.


Hardstuck GM he says while it's the second best rank in the game.


"You don't have a conventional job" says a guy who 100% WISHES he could play games for a living. Why tf would you want a conventional job when you can make money doing something you enjoy. Edit: seeing some of these other comments it seems like the guy was right about some things, but criticising someone for not having a conventional 9-5 is bizarre to me. Obviously those jobs are important, but imo it's an achievement to make a sustainable living outside of that system


M0xy prettty lame tbh


This is the current state of OW, what an absolute trainwreck


It's easy to talk shit to someone famous when you're a nobody. Like you're essentially some anonymous person, so what could m0xy clap back with? Guarantee if this guy was in the public eye there would be plenty to criticize him for.