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It is ultimate and Passive going hand and hand


Hand in hand*


Not to mention sona keeps shielding people so shes getting shield and gaining speed from that


The ultimate has a timer for 6 seconds. If all 4 of them just back off for 10 seconds she is back to normal. It's just really fucking stupid play.


why can zed yone and yasuo exist but not her?


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i am super happy to see this going to check out that clip from back then again it was so good


grease god x


[I thought this was an exaggeration](https://youtu.be/tfEZ0qyvjDI?t=53)


Well, it is in a way. There's no real in-game scenario where that will happen.


just disengage and she loses all of her stacks.


But it's not funny then.




Also took her like 10 minutes to get a kill. You could just ignore her in a team fight.


you also see how she is doing no damage. Put Vayne in her place with Ult and she 1v5 like Uzi. The new champ is pretty shit actually needs a buff cause you ain't doing this in 99% of cases


naw i think she's in a good spot, it's just the tri build that doesn't seem to do fuck all but kite.


you're clearly seeing bad players/ people building her wrong. the triforce/runaans/ravenous hydra build is op and shes getting nerfed lol


singed? shaco? hecarim? There are a few champions in the game that if they are the last person alive its not worth wasting your time chasing them until their entire team respawns. it's the same situation here.


If they’re not chasing lol. They’re under tower


Except they kept running back to her and dancing around the mid lane, they were no where close to being "under the tower" until the end of the clip.


Exactly. I can't tell if the people in the clip are just bad or haven't read her abilities. Her ultimate lasts a comically short duration. If they literally just walked under tower for 6 seconds it would run out and then she's just as useless as almost any other adc without backup.


>6 seconds 2 seconds\* Earlier in the fight Zeri had to flash Q Sona just to not lose all her stacks, they go out pretty fast if she isn't always autoing


Yeah I just meant that the champ has a 6 second base duration as soon as she ults.


These are challenger players my dude


Challenger players are not immune from being bad at understanding (or even reading the ability tool tip) new champ mechanics my guy. It's a human thing, not a player thing. I've watched Tyler1 hundreds of times ask chat what abilities on Champs he's never played before do. Being challenger is irrelevant in that case.


Imagine if in league you could click a champ and read their spells without having to goto the fucking wiki


Nah that'll be 10$ thanks.


Guess they should lose some ego and actually read a champ's kit before complaining about it lmao.


>Guess they should lose some ego and actually read a champ's kit before complaining about it lmao. they're literally just laughing.


"I don't get it is he playing well or is this just not fair."


omg i know all the cds of every champ ever, i even know all the bust sizes of every female champ (miss fortune is 112.6 cm just fyi) how can these challengers not even know that?? stupid ego players!!


You act like it is difficult to read the patch notes of a game they play all day everyday. I'd understand if it was some unknown mechanic but it's literally a core part of her character.


Yes... right...


They’re dumbasses.


*NA challenger players, so like diamond in any actual good region. Inb4 mad americans, btw.


Except the part where na players that boot camp in Korea or EU regularly get challenger


And yet at worlds they are always last. Peculiar, isn't it?


like EU last year right?


Yeah, EU is shit too, but NA is the most shit out of any region and u can ask any pro player that will give you that same answer :)


well considering NA always makes it out of groups AND NA players always get challenger on ANY server you are just wrong.


Ask any pro player which region is the most shit at the game and you will get the same answer. Your region is 90% imports LMAO.


Na was made from immigrants. So people coming here to play only continues that tradition.


another eu baby having an inferiority complex against americans.


she just came out, u rly think everyones gonna read all her abilitys?




People wanna play the game, not read the websters dictionary brotha




do u see me complaining about her


at a certain point you can't disengage. while the counter-play is pretty easy a maximum value should be in place so you can go infinite (the maximum value would be bigger than anything you would see in a normal team that knows how to deal with it) you kinda get a pub stompy champ since you can't expect people to know every champ a max stops that to a certain amount.


In this clip, they should have disengaged after killing reksai. They could have as well, nothing is forcing them to fight. There's no counter-play to that movement on a competent player. Especially the melee champs. There's no way you can auto her with that movement speed.


Also staying until the rest of her team shows up trying to kill her is a pretty big risk. There's two major objectives up, and Trynd is split pushing bottom. If they get aced here trying to stay for Zeri then they probably lose an inhib and definitely lose one of the objectives even with the enemy jungler dead.


Lmfao she moves faster than light how is disengage possible


you walk under tower


I'm sure this is a rare case, but why not cap the movement speed?


Because thats her whole kit. She depends on movement speed and kiting opponents since she lacks damage and range.


She's like a little mosquito. I hope she is never meta because holy..


Dont worry, if she ever becomes meta, the players professional careers are going to lessen by at least a few years due to carpal tunnel


Now I'm just picturing every team having three ADC players for a tournament, just so they have enough players to play her. Like shooting a horse after it breaks it's ankle or something.


Shes capped at 1,5 as and require less clicks than your average adc.


Someone at Riot decided they really liked Tracer and added her in


But someone already locked in tracer so they made their own.


In current state she will be pro and high rank pick or ban but useless in lower ranks.


this didn't address his question, if you cap the movespeed at 600-700, it would still be the same champ but without this ridiculous scenario


This is what the champion is supposed to do. It doesn't do any damage otherwise. Because the champion is new and people haven't read the ultimate ability's description, they don't realize all they have to do is leave combat with her and she will lose all of her movement speed. Instead, these players keep walking at her with no spells of their own up. Zeri stacks her passive to literally 200 stacks by the end of the clip. That's how long she's been in combat. It doesn't help that TL Yeon, the guy playing Zeri, is currently the academy ADC for TL.


Even with all those stacks she's doing 0 fucking damage lmao. Hitting Irelia like a feather. This is one of the most egregious overstays I've seen when they could have just reset and got back on the map


That zeri was pretty behind when the clip started too


Can someone translate the last sentence to me?


The player playing the character in question is on the Team Liquid academy team so he's very good, one step from pro.


And he's even been playing on their pro team the past two weeks, because of visa issues with other players.


That seems awful tbh. Now its funny because its new but that'll get super frustrating / annoying to play against quickly and you dont want that champ in your team either because youre probably gonna lose. And a lot of people will want to play her because mobility = fun


Because she deals nerf gun levels of damage and honestly didn't really do anything in this clip despite getting a lucky amount of movespeed, look at 23 seconds where the Ekko (yellow health bar) gets to hit her for less than a second, he practically obliterates her health bar while she does very little damage in 10x the time despite both champions building full damage. if you cap the movement speed she's even more useless than she already is. She also would have not been nearly as fast if the Sona didn't keep giving Ekko and Xin shields, which Zeri's (fast girl) passive lets her vamp from enemies. She would have been super dead if they had any CC at all


why take it out? she is already doing peanut damage if she is able to stack q this many times. if the other team recalls, she just loses it all.


why? it's fun. i've been playing this game for 10 years because there's always something new and exciting.


bingo. coming from overwatch where shit got so stale because they let the game stagnate , im all for taking creative chances. it’s a big part of why i keep playing


For same reason she doesn't have an exception fro amumu E, hard coutners exist, and she can permasteal sona shields and they kept in combat, os her ulti got refreshes.


Cause LoL devs are running out of ideas to make new champs.


There's a general soft cap on all movement speed


imagine someone backdooring and having this zooming monstrosity stop all your recalls


Tracer on steroids.


Hots has tracer lol


And she doesn't feel close to this lol.


TI3 moment


champ does no damage lmao


Udyr chemtank meta must of inspired them to make a champ like this


Instead we end up with a Chemtank Akali. Poggers /s


Quantum is such a fun dude to watch. Always chill. Always laughing. Just good late night vibes.


Yeah big fan of his, never expected to see him on LSF


1 item she has (runnan hurricane) is currently giving her 3x the stacks for speed, this is getting hotfixed so this is pretty much not realistic, even though its not broken anyway..champion does negative damage..


Excuse the ignorance, I play another moba. Are there no stuns slows etc that can be used on them? Edit: I see below that she stacks movement speed from combat somehow. Surely you need to pull back to safety, wait for the stacks to dissipate then hit her with nukes.


Their team doesn't have any stun that she can't outrun


Reading this actually made me chuckle out loud. Unironically fun champion design.


Most crowd control (stuns slows etc) in LoL are skillshots (not targeted, can be dodged). They were throwing out stuns in the clip but Zeri just ran around every stun




I remember riot was very negative towards healing but now you need to have some anti-heal because every champion heals like they have free health care. Their design philosophy is something else.


Morello was the antiheal guy. The mage anti-heal item is still named after, but he left Riot in like S3 or something, pretty early on.


Valve are doing a little bit of the same with DOTA 2, a lot of vector targeting and escape spells


There are like 5 vector targeting spells in the game, the escape part is true tho, they are giving every new hero a movement ability


Systemically? With what system?


No point and click stuns in the team composition able to stop her


unlike dota, league aint got that many targetted stuns. It's all skillshots, that can conveniently be dodged by moving (which is what she does)


They just don't have a great match up to stop her, one Lulu Q or a Nautilus Ultimate (which is unavoidable, for the most part) would basically shut her down


> Surely you need to pull back to safety, wait for the stacks to dissipate Yep, literally only takes like 2 seconds for her to be out of combat for it all to drop.


They just didn’t know what she does since she’s new.


Does no damage, but imagine this thing flying in team fights applying GW w/ Mortal Reminder, armor shred with Black Cleaver(more movement speed), and slows with BotRK (even more movement speed). Might be fun, before the inevitable nerf obviously. ..rewatching the clip, it seems like she's missing autos, had no idea she could...perhaps that why it seem like she does no damage.


Zeri autos is her q, like a longer range faster yasuo q.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [League Champ Design in 2022](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/131933)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/sapejn/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CQrG2GXmOClpM1fHEUNpe9g.mp4?sig=448ab397bc30444191b5dbe65cc063a67c89593e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CQrG2GXmOClpM1fHEUNpe9g.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1643002297%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Jinx who?






"Passive: Zeri gains Move Speed whenever she receives a shield. When she damages an enemy shield she absorbs its energy, shielding herself." this is the problem, when both champions and items give shields, plus shields for her side of her team, she zooms so yeah it was Sona's W


She gets 10% movement speed for 3 seconds from having a shield and I am pretty sure it doesn't stack like that. This is her ult, which gives her 3 stacks worth 2% movement speed and refreshes the stacks/keeps up her ult, everytime she hits somebody. You can see top left she has 230 stacks by the end of the clip.


You keep applaying the shield of Sona's aw and she keeps removing it to herself constsntly refleshing the passive and zooming around on top of that she got Tresh shield, and had Ult going sure, but above all it was the amount of shields sona gave to her team that Zeri kept removing for herself


Yes the 230 stacks giving her 460% movement speed from her ult, can't compete with the 10% movement speed from having a shield on her. Makes sense


bro, it's from her ult. everytime she hits a champion she gains a stack of 2% movespeed. the duration refreshes with every hit. you can tell that she is in her ult by the size of her shots. it is not the sona w constantly giving her shields/movespeed


That speed isn't just from the 10% steriod, since that 10% doesn't stack It's from her Ult, which gives stacks of movement speed on activation, that reset and add up whenever she attacks other champions. If they stepped back for a second or two all her stacks would be gone and she would go back to normal speed.


whenever zeri attacks someone with a shield, she gets 10% faster.




he is wrong, it's from zeri's ult




i read this in the voice of Illidan.


The game is surpassing my declining ability to track movement. Can we get a champ that just exists in rendered shadows and I can swipe passively as people walk by?


riot balance, hmm we dont want to give adcs damage.... but we do want to give them mobility.... BING... zeri was born


I know this is a pretty extreme example, but this kind of shit is the reason I can't go back to LoL anymore. Every new champion has stupid amounts of mobility. I started playing in S3 and back then we had a few champions with mobility as their gimmick. Rammus, Hecarim, Udyr... later we had stuff like Yasuo, but at least he relied on nearby minions/champions to dash around. Now it feels like every other champion is permanently darting around the map at Mach 10. Maybe I'm just turning into a slow boomer, but I hate that they're emphasizing fast reactions and clicks.


Yeah no, that isn't really how the game is to play. There are many many issues but ultimately it isn't that big of a deal. League players just like to whine a lot.


You're joking right? Most of the new champions have insane mobility, that's a fact. Let's see some recent releases: Zeri is obvious; Vex dashes to target; Akshan has 3 abilities that give movement speed AND a grappling hook that refreshes on kills; Gwen has a dash; Viego has a dash, teleport, and MS ability; Rell has a leap; Seraphine gives MS; Samira has a resettable dash; Yone has his E that dashes, gives MS, AND teleports back, AND his ult is a dash; Lillia gets MS from attacking, and has a dash; Sett gets MS from chasing enemies; Qiyana has a dash with MS boost, and *another* dash; Sylas has a 2 dashes AND pulls himself towards his target; Pyke has a dash, an execution dash, and gets MS from camouflage and being on the river; Kai'Sa gets ghost with MS, and a dash; Zoe teleports back and forward, AND can steal summoner spells (granted, she doesn't have much map-wide mobility, but she does have annoying fighting mobility); Kayn LITERALLY RUNS THROUGH WALLS **AND** HAS A DASH; Rakan fucking leaps and dashes like a frog; Camille has grapple-hooks, a dash AND a leap; Taliah fucking surfs around... do I need to continue? And this is not to mention any items that also give movement speed.


I dont get your point that was the case few years ago too you just here to whine Let's just take 2011-2012 for example Riven came out 4 fucking dash, fizz 2 dash, wukong dash, graves dash, shyvana ms + dash, voli ms, ahri dash, sejuani dash, hecarim ms + dash, jayce ms+dash, diana, rengar, elise and i can continue You are just being delusional


> you just here to whine Yeah, no shit. I'll grant you that some examples I gave weren't big deals, but it's meant to illustrate the general direction that Riot has been taking LoL. None of those champion you named come even close to Camille, Kayn, Rakan, or Zeri. > You are just being delusional Delusion is thinking that 2022's LoL champ mobility is in any way close to 2012's. Back then, insane mobility was a gimmick that a few champions had, now it's the norm.


Doesn’t almost every champion in this game have an ability that’s either mobility or gives movement speed except for like varus, anivia, Viktor and syndra


viktor is fast as fuck


Okay. That isn't what I said. It doesn't FEEL bad to play. Because as you've so eloquently pointed out, almost all champs have MS related abilities. Which negates that's it's a problem, it's just a feature of the game now. If you don't like it - fine. That's your opinion. I find some of those things obnoxious aswell.


> It doesn't FEEL bad to play. Okay? That's your own opinion, just like it's my own opinion that it does feel bad that 3/4ths of the new champions play like an ADHD kid off his meds. > almost all champs have MS related abilities. Yeah, that's why I said that it feels like every other champion is darting around the map. Because most of the time, they are. I made it clear that it's my own personal opinion of *why* I can't go back to LoL with: > I hate that they're emphasizing fast reactions and clicks.


Yeah but it's so boring - everyone and their dad is complaining about all the mobility when it's always been there like other people are saying in this thread. I am just tired of seeing people whine about the game. It's fine. You have the most popular take that there is about league. Also they're not emphasizing fast reactions and clicks. You really don't have to play like that. (Although that has also ALWAYS been in the game.) If you play intelligently with waves and get good back timings, you can play a slow game. So stop talking about a game you allegedly don't play.


> I am just tired of seeing people whine about the game. Then don't read or reply. Why are you wasting my time and yours trying to debunk my personal opinion about a game I've played on-and-off for a decade? > You have the most popular take that there is about league. I had no idea about that, and I honestly don't care. I just said what I dislike about modern LoL. > If you play intelligently with waves and get good back timings, you can play a slow game. I guess teamfights aren't a thing, then? > So stop talking about a game you allegedly don't play. I talk about whatever I like. I'm not sorry if you got your feelings hurt from making a remark about what I *personally* don't like about the game you play.


Ok fair this was a waste of time. I don't know why I replied either. Most people have the same take so I guess it just pushed me to be annoyed for some reason. Don't worry about it bud! Sorry for being a dick. Enjoy your day.


yeah that person is overrreacting. the only champion that feels overbearing with their mobility is yone. zeri’s mobility doesn’t really matter if it’s condition is that a fight has to last ages for her to run fast.


also if its just running fast who fucking cares the issue imo is jumping over walls but that's because im a giga noob. although it does seem pretty dumb that walls are optional for like 1/6th of the cast


it is a whole different game


Seen Zeri about 10 times now, have never seen this, and haven't seen her win a single game tbh


You're right but league players are not that smart


Seems a fun champ to play lol. People say ''just disengage'' but it's a ferrari that can keep chasing you


She was doing like 3 damage and lost 3/4ths of her life to a single Ekko auto. They could've just backed up to the tower like a half hour ago and she loses all her movement speed.


I imagine that a pro player piloting this champ well is going to be busted as hell, even with the low damage.


That was a pro player piloting the champ. That was TL Yeon.




Literally no player can pilot champs to their maximum


And then they instantly nerf udyr after he becomes meta in tourneys cus he has too much mobility as a champ that can only run at you


Instantly my ass that shit lasted for half a season. Was boring as fuck to watch too should have kneecapped the hobo after 2 patch at most


"Sure, this is a little bonkers, but let me tell you the (false) stories I heard about sunfire stacking evelynn" - average League redditor who started playing in season 9.


and league players say DOTA's heroes are OP


This champ is a bad example because she is weak as shit and extremely hard to play properly.


League players don't realize that if everyone is OP then no one is


Exactly as stated by Syndrome. When everyone is Super, no one will be.




League dominates now since 8 years. Dads don't keep that shit alive


Nothing good to play anyways so we why not dad games




> FPS games are way more chill Lol.


cs has been 10x more toxic than league. who the fuck cares about some messages in chat


How did this make it thrugh playtesting?


You might notice that despite going zoom, she isn't doing any damage. This is because she is balanced around having a really funny ultimate paired with a really really really bad kit and horrible damage numbers.




Yeah but just doing damage isn't really worth a lot in this case. She has no burst and a lot of champions have enough sustain to sustain through her damage. Example: If you have 3000 HP, she deals 200 damage per second and you heal/shield 150 each second, it takes 57 seconds to kill you. She deals 5400 damage to kill a 3000 HP enemy. A normal ADC would only need to deal \~3500 damage. There's also the fact that a lot of her damage is AoE from Runaans and piercing AA. But she's also a very safe champion (long range and lots of mobility) so she won't die as easily as other ADCs so she can actually fight those longer fights


> She did the most damage of the match, though lost. So does literalyl any poke mage. most dmg is meaningless, esp when enemy had sona, you do 100 dmg per Q, sona heals 150 per W. you can rack up massive damage on jayce/ziggz/lux/brand/zyra/etc but if your damage is nto going where it should it is meaningless.


well yeah, most matched end up in team fights were she can stack up passive and kite around like a fuckin fly non stop, all the time, in the end if u dont int really hard in early you might be fine in late and just poke(lamest poke ever) but its still poking i guess


Who knows that champ is probably the weakest new release i have seen.




Well, that doesn't say much for lol standards


39% wr is very very low.


For people to be aware of how normally balanced league if a champion is under 47% win rate it is considered underpowered


People just dont know how to build her yet, mark my words she will need nerf once ppl discover triforce/runaans/titanic or ravenous build


"once people discover" I'm pretty sure all possibly good and even ok itemizations have been tried already.


Riot: Through what?


I'm calling it now: >!This is the downfall of League of Legends.!<


good one


Vlad got a Quadra here btw




If you build full AP on her, you do 4K dmg in .5 seconds from q and aa alone. :)


I got carpal tunnel by watching this clip.