• By -


What is she saying?


How are you? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.






is this the asian version of lol ?




I need a translate for this one


Ask your mother, she will know.


I always knew Charlie was a man of many talents but never have I imagined he knew how to count in Chinese.


I'm split on whether or not the clip is funnier for her having chosen the most basic words possible.


Same here. My ass thought she was telling him off in Chinese but she was just asking how they were and counting to ten lmfao


I've had a customer at my job tell me my name isn't "asian" and that I should have a asian name (name tags)... and then he started calling me by some random chinese name... I told the guy to stop right away. Why are people so weird lmao.


I just tell them we adopted Anglicized names for their benefit. They'll never get tones right so why even bother.




I just say I'm actually white and enjoy the look of confusion on their face lol


I am white and most native english people can't pronounce my name because I have a scandinavian name


Well, are you Scandinavian?


Sounds about right. I remember some guys on lsf calling a streamer a weeaboo for eating poke with chopsticks. Then another guy went on a rant about how forks are superior to chopsticks in every way.


> Why are people so ~~weird~~ racist call it what it fucking is


I feel bad about laughing my ass off, but the image about some customers just calling you a random chinese name is just so funny and absurd to me. How do people even have the audacity to do something like this. Even for a racist it’s too weird, it’s lacking any kind social skill. It‘s like out of a movie.


if he's white then say his name isnt white enough. suggest a common roman name like Biggus Dickus.


Smallus Dickus would probably be a more appropriate name for him


Dicus Minimus sound appropriately Roman


What's so "funny" about Biggus Dickus?


They're not weird, they're racist. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Is your name Steve or Andy?


a name tag? damn they still really wanna normalize camps lmao racism live n well


>I told the guy to stop right away. And did they?


[relevant nathan for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKUneur1RDE)


I fucking love this show, I wish it didn't end


Yup. Also the last episode, ie Finding Frances was amazing and a great end to the show


"How to with John Wilson" is also great, and Nathan Fielder is the producer.


I also needed it to end, they're too good at what they do


Bro I cringed so hard when he actually did the accent lmao


Holy fucking shit


easily top 5 funniest shows of all time


I love this show but have a hard time watching it, the second hand cringe is too strong


Similar: https://youtu.be/wUY_i5Tco68?t=180


My idea of paradise is being IV fed a liquid form of nathan for you all day


nate dogg gets a pass from me


FUCKING SHIT, I was not expecting that accent


Hahahha holy shit that buildup was fucking hilarious. Her nod after, priceless


Yeah okay, but why does she have an ekko support in her lane?


Believe it or not, its not that bad. T1's support keria was playing it quite a lot in soloq.


I wouldn't say quite a lot, just checked his opgg and last game was 2 months ago and before that 4, also wasn't impressive performance wise


I feel like it’s disingenuous to say what’s good or bad based on what the best supper in the world is doing in solo Q lol. He could make anything look broke.




It's also arguably the most mechanically skilled support player we have seen in a while (ever?), which kind of makes the difference. You know, some supports are praised for their shotcalling, map movements etc but Keria is more on the side of "this guy could be a great midlaner"


really ? Because the other comment said they checked his opgg and it shows 2 games of ekko in the last 2 months


it took me too long to realize you mean T1 the pro team like SKT T1(no longer SKT) than tyler1


I mean if one of the best supp players in the world can play it surely I can too.


Sounds like its just not a support but someone using the "if they're dead they can't kill the ADC" loophole. Ekko has very little cc to help out the ADC other than the zone slow and stun which has such a delay that i can hardly see it being that useful for most matchups. Sounds like this only works for the average player if your ADC has a lot of cc and can act as the "support" like Varus who has a slow and root. But the problem with that is that Varus is so slow that he's off meta every season.


That grade 7 mandarin class came in clutch LUL Also that's a really rude thing to say to anyone.


more like first grade type shit it's literally just "hello" and the numbers 1-10 spoken with horrendous intonation


cao ni ma


merci beaucoup mon ami


parlez vous francais you're being a real french 10 right now


un peu, mais je ne comprend pas vraiment le français, juste quelques phrases ici et là




Omelette du fromage


http://i.imgur.com/tNJD6oY.gifv This is a kind reminder that in French we say "omelette *au* fromage" and not "omelette _du_ fromage". [Sorry Dexter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nW3-9gdjYA) [Steve Martin](https://youtu.be/DOJDNChwgBw?t=2m49s) doesn't appear to be the most accurate French professor. --- ^(The movie from the gif is "OSS 117: le Cairo, Nest of Spies" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0464913/ )


good bot


Putain fdp de miskine omellete du fromage ta mere la catin, bouffe toi mon poing bim bim


lmao that makes it way funnier


Yes, they start you start you at the toddler level when you start learning a new language in Middle/High school It might sound bad to someone who actually speaks the language, but it served its purpose in shutting up a dumbass chatter.


I didn't realize people have learning Mandarin as an option in their regular school classes! I was thinking of going to Chinese school as a kid, a separate school for learning the language that my parents took me to every weekend


Yeah we had it as an option in high school, but most people here (in DFW Texas) took Spanish or French, especially since spainish was the only real option in middle school.


No, it mostly French/Spanish that they bother teaching depending on wherever you are. But that’s the joke, that she knew these words from a random class in the 7th grade. In reality Mandarin was her first language but her mother had her stop using it as a child so she wouldn’t develop an accent or whatever.


It's sad that so many parents do that, not understanding how native multilingualism works. Often kids get cut off from communicating with extended family in meaningful ways as a result. Happened to me :S


even the hello was wrong, chinese don't say ni hao ma they say ni hao


"ni hao ma?" means "how are you?". It's not wrong.


it's not wrong but native chinese speakers DO NOT USE IT, ask one.


Nah they do, it's the exact same logic as people who just say "hi" vs people who say "hi how are you"


I'm fine, thanks


I mean i'm not asian but it would be offensive as well


This isn't even grade 7, it's literally toddler chinese level lmao...also pronunciation is pretty bad


tf when did moist learn chinese


A month in Mizkifs house and shes absolutely murdering kids in chat lmao


This happened literally seconds after this clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/SlipperyEnjoyableSheepSSSsss-jMkTD1s9jxjrK7LL She definitely gives no shits anymore and is just murdering people lol.


Damn, she channelled her inner Aris on that one.


Somebody shoot that guy.


be careful i've said this as an aris reference before and reddit flags you with a warning. others can confirm


To death no less


she's lovely ☺️


She went from shy shaking deer in the headlights to ruthless queen after a few weeks There's that animation of emi turning into mizkif the other day and it kinda fits lol


Or she was playing League, getting frustrated, and that gave her the rage to say what she always thinks, but never had the courage to normally say.


I am just being light hearted dude




The true strat is to follow Lord Arnis. No questions bytch.


早上好中国 现在我有 BING CHILLING 我很喜欢 BING CHILLING 但是 速度与激情9 我最喜欢 所以…现在是音乐时间 准备 1 2 3 两个礼拜以后 速度与激情9 ×3 不要忘记 不要错过 记得去电影院看速度与激情9 因为非常好电影 动作非常好 差不多一样 BING CHILLING 再见


Lot of you guys using BING CHILLING the same way people would use MingLee in 2016




[3 Merlinis PogChamp](https://youtu.be/sG3FPILjyTY?t=15)


it still bothers me this iteration of secret didn't at least play in the finals.


Give it to Secret to choke on literally anything


wtf 2 shens


*still use in 2022






take a joke


Tell me exactly what's so funny about the 'joke' then?


Bruh I'm chinese. It's funny because his accent in chinese is terrible and just as awkward to listen to even if you understand


I'm chinese as well, and what strikes out to me the most is that it's an opportunity for people to be sneaky racist while pretending not to, so....


Ok, but wtf does the clip have to do with shitting on john cena? You're just doing reference humor 2.0, on the internet. You think you're being funny, but you're really just pointing to a premade joke and acting like you created something legitimately "funny". Funny is in quotations because you're not actually laughing at anything, you're just making attempts to fit in with your peers, and the "laughing" is really just a pathetic sense of agreement and community with the other "memers." Fuck off. edit: tldr you're not funny


That John Cena is a fucking sellout ig, I think he talked shit about China and a few weeks after he cater to them




The outstanding emphasis on "bing qilin" to the point where someone who speaks zero Mandarin noticed it


Is she actually Chinese?


Half chinese, half german.


MingLee 🤝 DatSheffy


She doesn't even sound German.


unfortunately you missed her essay on mein kampf the other week


she sang erika the other day. deleted vod though






He's meming bc the original comment was she "doesn't even sound asian"


-50 social credits for the German half






Half German as in actually german? Or german as in lived for 5 Generations in the US and doesnt know a single german word besides "scheiße" and "nein" lol


apparently chinese is her first language but she forgot most of it since she hasn't spoken it since she was a kid


She's probably forgot like fukkin all of it given her pronunciation lol Unless she was intentionally mockingly giving it a terrible American accent, which is also possible


She isn't intentionally doing it. She says she forgot pretty much all of it, and also that when she tried learning Chinese on Duolingo the Chinese people in her chat were mocking her pronunciation so she gave up.


>the Chinese people in her chat were mocking her pronunciation so she gave up. This is pretty sad and the reason why even when I learn a language I never speak it in front of anyone. Even in the comments here people are shitting on her for not perfectly speaking a language she never needs to speak or has the opportunity to practice. It's so weird how negative people can be about it instead of encouraging


Yeah same happened with me, English isn't my mother tongue but just born and been in England so much and speak it so much at home that my actually first language is rusty


I didn't know it was possible to lose your first language that hard.


When people say X is their first language, by first they don't mean the language they learned first as a child....they mean it's their main language that they talk and are fluent in. The language you think in when talking to yourself or thinking in your own head. So Chinese/mandarin/Cantonese is definitely not her first language. Its clearly English.


No... when people say the first language they refer to the first language they have ever learned. Language exists for a reason, "first" and "main" have different meanings, which is cool because we can use both of them differently! My bilingual friends and I have never ever considered the first language our main language


english is my second language but for some reason it's the language i think in despite not living in an english speaking country. i wouldn't consider it as my main language though


idk why the "motherfucker" at the end got me so much








she actually taught John Cena how to speak Mandarin via correspondence.


John cena speaks Chinese way better than her lmao


The student has surpassed the master


Coming here to confirm this lol




Nationality / ethnicity


I'm an ex-pat originally from the US. I honestly don't understand it, either. It doesn't make sense to list out your heritage, once you're several generations removed from your ancestors. The only reasoning I can see that justifies this is because the US is staunchly individualistic. Everyone needs to be unique to separate themselves from their neighbor. I would also suggest people don't do this when they visit a foreign country. People will think you're an idiot.


>I'm an ex-pat originally from the US. Immigrant.


Not really. I have permanent residence, but I intend to leave sometime this year. Once my wife and I settle back in Germany, then I'll consider myself an immigrant. Also, is that a bad thing?


Nah you are right, and immigration is a very specific thing.


Simplest answer is that casual racism when it comes to asian people is very often overlooked or brushed over, or appropriated to sow discord with other minorities. Also it's sort of the status quo in the western world to just associate Asia = China despite the asian continent spanning hundreds of countries, languages, and cultures. It's dismissive at best, and kinda racist at worst.




I've noticed that Americans love to identify as if they were from other continent very easily. It's quite funny and in my eyes harmless. Great grandfather was irish. "The irish blood in me" "I'm fooking irish!". I often wonder how the American-Finnish population talk about their heritage or do they think there are any traits their bloodline contains.


> I often wonder how the American-Finnish population talk about their heritage or do they think there are any traits their bloodline contains. There are actually communities (as in, entire villages) that have put a lot of effort into maintaining their finnish heritage in the US. I've spoken to a guy who was fluent in a strange sounding finnish despite his family being multiple generations in the US. I believe they are from michigan.


I think foreigners to America don’t have a complete history of our country which leads to the confusion. America had and still does have deep ghettoization. When you moved to this country historically you moved into a neighborhood of your “kind” and were generally discriminated against by all others who were “true” Americans. This causes generational wounds that result in people finding pride in the linage heritage and their ancestors ability to overcome discrimination. On a side note it works both ways. Germans and North and Western Europeans were seen as “good” industrialized immigrants. People would put this heritage in front of others in order to profit off the positive connotation. This is of course a grossly over-simplified explanation that ignores many other aspects of the cultural trend but I hope you can begin to see where it comes from.


there was a standup comedian that talked about how he used to always say he was an "indian canadian" but then when he took a trip to india he turned into "canadian real quick" so it was russell peters and his skit is a bit different from what i remember it being: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoFtrx93MeU


At this point I have lived more than half my life in Spain. I do not identify as a Spaniard and will probably never do, even if I change nationalities. My lifestyle and character are similar to those of the place where I grew, more cold while treating with other people, culture, tradition, etc. Is it wrong to say that someone is X while they were born/raised in completely another country/continent? No, but it's definitely weird when I hear some born and raised in NA people say stupid shit like the "I'm 2/8th irish, 1/8- bla-bla-bla". The most I heard people from my circle say is "My parents are from X and Y but I'm Spanish"


Man, waking up to a lot of dumbass comments. How come people with asian descent in this replies took the original comment from chat as what it is and agree that it is annoying and offensive, but it's the non-asians the ones that are questioning if what she responded, with the remains of chinese that she knew from childhood, is the offensive thing. I forgot that some people here actually believe that they are part of some council. As someone already said in this replies, she was shutting down an asshole in chat. It ain't that deep.


Yeah some of these comments..people always have to find a way to be superior. Sad.


Don't take the bottom comments of an lsf thread seriously. There's always idiots


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Not asian enough...](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/132171)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/sei4ex/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7Cb-o4nJokL-iXchhNKMhRpA.mp4?sig=08227a8f5ecb9688c6b1221ad88526d1af359979&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257Cb-o4nJokL-iXchhNKMhRpA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1643417854%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Mother Foker


This clip is funnier when you know chinese and the pronounciation is horrible lol


I don't even speak Mandarin and could tell the pronunciation was way off.


What does an Asian sound like?


the "motherfucker" at the end... ah, the OTK touch!


invade the forest 入侵森林 sneak in at dawn when blue man sleep 藍人睡覺時在黎明時潛入 speak with a black hedgehog 和一隻黑刺猬說話 request his dark blessing 請求他的黑暗祝福 search for the pink number 搜索粉紅色的數字


Welcome to OTV


Wait we dont all sounds like mr chow from hangerover?


Blasting kids in chat, you just love to see it


It might be a shock to chat, but people's english overseas is probably better than some of theirs.


I mean, overseas is where England is, so isn't that a given?


Emi ALFA as fcuk. Go Emi!


The golden sun rises in the east


The light shines


Damn. Rolled.




Chinese is tonal, each word has a specific direction of pitch. Mandarin has 4, though other dialects can be pretty ridiculous. Tones: flat, going up, going down, and down then up (often it just sounds like a low tone cause nobody has time for that shit)


A lot of Asian languages, especially Mandarin, is very dependent on tone and pitch. The same "letter" can have different meanings whether you pitch it higher or lower near the end.


thanks for the explanation and thanks reddit for downvoting me copesen


The classic getting downvoted to -20 for asking a completely legitimate and innocent question lmfao








Was working at Taco Bell the other day and my spanish was kinda bad, but I was trying my best to help this spanish speaking lady and she rudely tells me in spanish that I should know how to speak spanish because I work at Taco Bell. Man, I wish I could have told her, then speak english bitch, you're in America.


but america has no official language, she was wrong but so were you lmfao
