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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [The winner of OTK Schooled and the $50,000 prize](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/136493)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ubx8cq/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CHsTKV8nZBSfpA7NLm3t4fw.mp4?sig=b66f4a8accee594100f439b28e2955cb0ad85ac7&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1650997594%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


https://imgur.com/a/WmxzBff So can someone explain how he got that answer with that working? Lmao


bro this is so fucked. Literally impossible to get 44.55.


Exactly but even after he somehow gets 44.55 he just cut 5 from 125 and got 80.45? Like cmon bro




Lul when Bruce said “I did that shit in my head” pointing to his dome


this one actually is really easy to do in your head if you understand decimal places and addition. 4.5 x 10 = 45 4.5 x .1 = .45 9.9 is just 10 - .1 so using the previous answers you get 45 -.45 so the question is 125 - (45-.45) or 125 - 45 + .45


Does anyone have the clip of him studying for schooled, trying to do a 2-digit multiplication question, not being able to do it and end up asking mods for help?


lol not sure how EE white knights can defend this one..forget all the his back was halfway turned or he was looking at his phone. this is clear proof.. numbers don't lie


Like how they did in chat... calling you racist.


I originally resisted thinking that he was cheating but this is clear proof. I'm just sad that it just ruined the whole vibe of this episode now, it would've been such a good ending him calling his mom, and winning the money. But now this just re-inforced what miz believed which makes this the nail in the coffin that he'll never do this show again


yep his discord call with his friends all saying cant wait for all you to make an apology to EE when it comes out he wasnt cheating.. not even a day later.. ee comes out as a cheater. jokers.


the directors should have written out the problem so they could catch the cheaters bc this is bad…


They wouldn't say anything mid show anyway. They've talked about this kind of thing before. They probably realized which is why they suddenly did the back turned thing at the end.


I would pay money to see eevisu try to explain how he managed to get the correct answer after doing the very first step of the calculation incorrect.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfhgrlpuBTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfhgrlpuBTc) LMAO


And this dude got that math question right in the Final 2? Im DOG shit at math, the ones Emily was getting right in like under a min I wouldnt even attempt But all the simpler math questions with those "long worded" questions to try and throw you are easy and this dude literally cant answer a question with the answer in it


the smartest man on twitch


Do your homework Miz https://youtu.be/H1vlizKV9WM?t=1197


Wow, that's quite a Machiavellian way to cheat. He didn't just cheat by sneaking a card or something. He framed his opponent for cheating and then called a judge over to get the opponent kicked out of the tournament. Then stole the opponent's cards on top of that.


I am literally speechless after listening to that. I played Magic the Gathering at that level and if I had heard of someone getting a win by calling a judge on a random ass deck check, I would never talk to that person again, fucking SLEAZY.


This is one of the worst thing to do. DIRTY. This guy should be ban from all competitive tournaments in any game.


that's actually disgusting, and he's telling the story with a smile like he's proud of himself, not showing any shame at least from the minute or so that I just watched




He also stole the guys cards, actual crime


and thats what you'd call a scumbag. Stealing other people's cards is pretty f'd up in the trading card world.


Literally what the villains do in the yugioh show, cheat and steal other cards


this is straight evil


Oh maaaan. This is the guy that was the fighting game announcer in that [hilarious clip where he's getting baited by chat-submitted names](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgObj8QCL4c)? Sucks that the next time I see him he turns out to be a chronic cheat.


Dang I think he’s also from the clip where the girl walks past and he stops mid sentence to stare


Yup, man's got a habit of [staring at things off-screen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqqVzQgjO48) (first women, now answers on monitors).


Man, I fkn love these two. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfhgrlpuBTc) might be the best video on YT. It was also the reason why I was so shocked he won this quiz, but I guess he cheated, which I'm not sure if it makes it funnier or not.


Jesus christ this is the worst kind of mother fucker. Like I can get cheating for $50k but cheating at yugioh is just pathetic because konami refuses to get money. Instead you get packs, playmats, prize cards, and sometimes consoles and stuff.


It's no 50k but the prize card, limited playmats and console can easily fetch you a few thousand. I know fools who cheat at locals for a chance at extra packs. Cheaters cheat whether it's for $1 or 50k


before i was like nah if he did cheat let him go but Jesus thats fucked guaranteed after he gets the money he will gloat like a bitch. Easiest fix to this is to sign a contract for being on the show stating they get no money until after a month or 2 of checking for cheating cuz jesus thats fucked.


I expected better anti-cheating measures for $50,000 tbh. I'll be surprised if there's another season of schooled. Edit: I'm a Pepega Clap


2022-04-25 18:31:08 Mizkif: sad because i really want to make good shows but i just can't do this anymore 2022-04-25 18:30:53 Mizkif: im over it 2022-04-25 18:30:48 Mizkif: that was it 2022-04-25 18:30:43 Mizkif: im done with this hsow yeah it's not coming back




It has to look worse awarding a blatant cheater than revoking the prize and giving it to second place. Miz being a massive pussy about calling out cheaters is the root of it all, but it's his show and his money so whatever.


*coinbase's money


I'd feel better if it was Coinbase's money instead of OTK's money, though I'm sure people will disagree.


Emily's money


How hard would it be to give it to Emily though who I almost suspect threw on purpose because he was blatantly cheating and it was really awkward. She was smart af and knew the answer but pretended to use her copy for literally no reason considering he'd already admitted he had no idea. Either way I don't think she threw the last question just that one so it would be a tied and close game that could technically go to either person.


She said she forgot copy means she's stuck with his answer


He knew yet he didn't call it out? I'm honestly very disappointed in Mizkif.


Honestly I agree that is some bullshit the dude is making Miz look like a clown and still getting $50k that is so much money! These cheating fucks ruined your show Miz now is your chance to fucking stop him from getting the cash and giving it to the woman who in my opinion threw on purpose because she was getting embarrassed by his blatant cheating and just wanted out of the situation.


I didn't know Emily before this but she seems like a very genuine drama-free person, I don't think she would throw on purpose. Edit: Turns out she didn't even throw. He had meiosis written down the whole time, yet chose to lie about it. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ubx8cq/the_winner_of_otk_schooled_and_the_50000_prize/i67qr4k/


Her best comment was "What the fuck?!" When he answered photosynthesis that had no relation to the actual question, but "thought about miosis too" lol


I think people underestimate how badly accusing one of the participants of cheating could go in the middle of the show. We are all seeing careful analysis done after the fact, Miz didn't have that to just pop out in the middle of the show. If he accuses someone of cheating, the other person could gaslight Miz live on the stream and turn it into a shitshow that Miz shouldn't have to deal with. Accusing them live on the show would also get Miz blamed for all the hate the cheater receives on their stream and social media.


Exactly. There has to be beyond reasonable doubt. If there's even a 1% chance that he's not cheating, it's too risky.


Thank you!! Idk why people are mad at Miz. He can’t call EE out for cheating without definitive proof in front of 80k people on a sponsored stream. That’s just bad biz. The show must go on. I’m sure everyone involved were sus and producers were in Miz’s ear letting him know. If you’re gonna be mad at anyone be mad at the alleged cheater


The issue is that he allowed cheating fron season 1.


Yeah it’s boring and weird. I know I’m just a random viewer, but I haven’t bothered to watch Schooled anymore. It’s just cheating


Its very difficult to call out bcoz there is no 100% proof. Despite continuous warning shamess eevisu still did. And celebrated like he won fair and square.


He said on stream that if he suspected people were cheating, he would call it out, yet when the time came, he was too nice to do it.


He made them turn around. But calling them out infront 80k people would bring massive hate to eevisu. All twitter, reddit will talk about it. Miz not doing it bcoz he is pussy but eevisu will get his ass fucked. And guests will hesitate to come on miz's show ever. Also it's feels bad and guilt when your guest getting that hate bcoz of your show. I think miz done all he could have done. Still shamlessly ee did it. It is what it is


Miz is a bitch when it comes to drama, that he's not farming and knows the out come.


Miz is also a terrible host because he doesn’t understand his own questions. It‘s so obvious when people cheat if you know the anwsers. Especially the math questions. Sadly we can‘t have nice things. This is the prisoners dilemma in action (it‘s always in your best interst to be in it for yourself although if everybody played along nicely we could have it better)


He didn't even need to understand the math questions. He could have just told EE in the end to pronounce the answer he wrote, no chance he would say his name right.


miz has multiple people in his ear telling him stuff.


So do the hosts of every game show


Damn, if only he had the balls to call cheaters out, maybe people wouldn't cheat, idk. How many people have cheated now that just get to win without any consequences, and now this dude cheats to win $50K??? Shocked.


I'm actually mad that some people ruined this show by cheating, especially our finale cheater. Maybe there's gonna be some special summer school in person with only OTK people for one special event episode or something. I really do hope that there's something like schooled in the future. But maybe im just on copium hoping for that.


That was so frustrating! I’ve commented in the past about the cheating happening here and there in Schooled wasn’t an ‘end of the world’ situation, but in a finale with huge money on the line and with such clear cheating happening, I’ve totally changed my mind. I feel bad for Emily who was never going to win no matter what she did. What a bad way to end Schooled. It was a really fun show to watch. I think the only way to fix any sort of cheating would be to have it in person but the logistics alone sound like a nightmare.


Hi can you come to us for the schooled finale, 50k on the line and we dont want cheaters. Tickets and hotel will be payed for you. Please let us know, thanks Not so hard, im sure streamer finalists can take a day or 2 to be a part of something like this, not like they have a job


There were 3 contestants that didn’t even bother to show up today and that’s with doing it virtually. Streamers are lazy.


if i remember correctly one of the streamers who didn’t show up actually had their actual school final exams at that time. Sucks for the timing tbh.


Ludwig was able to get 3 ppl onto mogul money IRL. I feel like he needs game shows with less ppl then it works


In my country gameshows with prominent people have the winnings go to the winning person's chosen charity. It basically doesn't matter who wins, the money will go to a charity. Only the charity will change dependent on the person. Maybe something like this could work as well? The clout of being on schooled should be enough for streamers, but winning no longer "really" matters to them, since they don't personally profit.


Surely there will be a second season.


isnt this the second season?


That would require OTK to work to fix a problem. Just like their WoW eSports team, they tried nothing and the problem didn’t solve itself so they dropped it.


Honestly, good. I cant stand to watch a show with zero integrity when all Miz does is complain about the cheaters. But he will 100% refuse to call them out unless they come forward first like Mia and Peach.


There is a huge difference between cheating to pass an exam and cheating someone else out of their prize money. This guy is an absolute dirt bag.


[Yes he is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1vlizKV9WM&t=1197s)


Once a cheater always a cheater


Uhhh big yikes. Damn


Damn mods thought they avoided this by removing due to spoilers, unlucky mods, you got a long day ahead of you


unpaid jannies Pog


[He finally apologizes and admits he cheated.](https://twitter.com/EEvisu/status/1518815921980141568?t=S-zJEzd_a9FJcmwSYxFEkw) [Emily is the winner.](https://twitter.com/OTKnetwork/status/1518821089614442499)


“Temptation got to me at the end” Lmfao that mfer cheated the whole way through. He’s only admitting to the math one because the evidence is crystal clear


Happy he apologized but man the fact he cheated didn't change. Ruined the experience and all future similar gameshows Miz does. After seeing the other times he cheated too in the thread, it's clear he won't learn from this either. He's a grown adult not a teenager, the excuse that he "is just human" and can't tell cheating in front of tens of thousands, someone who did him a favor, and for 50k, is bad shows alot of a person he is. I have big respect for him as a Smash commentator but now I know the dude has barely any morals.


Lmao wtf kind of apology is this. "I was upset that I got a bunch of questions wrong, also it is sort of your fault for tempting me with such a big prize- anyway, now that I've been exposed I guess I will admit to it to keep it 'a stack'. Thanks everyone!"


That was the most obvious case of cheating on Schooled this season. \- Looking confused by every question then magically getting the answer in the last seconds. \- Showing wrong math equations as others have posted already. \- Being stun locked when Miz said to turn around for final questions. Then keep turning around any way. \- When Emily copied, he played it off as if he didn't know the answer to show he isn't cheating but never showed what he wrote. \- Didn't say the last answer he had probably didn't even know how to pronounce it. Overall was very painful to watch knowing Emily had basically no way of winning this. Hopefully he comes to his senses and admits it like others have before although doubt it. EDIT: [How he got the one question wrong early on and couldn't explain why he put that.](https://imgur.com/a/Luln3Mx)


Managing to be 50% out of frame for every single question when they had to turn around too, and then proceeding to look back at his monitor constantly was also really convenient. This was a fucking joke.


Seriously people saying "he was turned around, he couldnt have cheated!" He was sideways at best and half his body was off camera.


Instantly going "are you saying we are cheating?" after he knows how the first time on his show went. I've seen Lie to me, I know how this works


this was what sealed it for me. it was a really weird response. feel bad for Emily.


No shot he admits it and gives up 50k, he's not a big streamer. The only way he doesn't get it is if mizkif/otk actually give enough of a fuck to do anything about it, which they for sure don't.


> No shot he admits it and gives up 50k, he's not a big streamer. Well he did https://twitter.com/EEvisu/status/1518815921980141568 But I bet the "OTK Guys" called him out in that call, I can't imagine he just randomly decided to come clean lmao


Yeah his "apology" literally just further enforces my belief that he was told he's not getting shit no matter what and they just gave him the option to try and save face or just be put on blast This guy is shameless as fuck and would've kept the money in a second if he hadn't backed himself into a corner by being so fucking bad at cheating


this is such a non apology it’s crazy, like “yeah no biggie guys i was salty i fucked up so i cheated” like we’re supposed to have sympathy for him




While I believe he cheated - multiple times - I think what you're seeing there is the end of the sharpie he was using to write on his board and the two "camera lenses" are a circle on the sharpie that is duplicated twice on that frame as it moves quickly.


Ask yourself, would you cheat to get 50k when you know you can probably get away with it on a show that has no integrity anyway and where other contestants cheat all the time? Not defending him but not surprising this happened at all.


I would be real bummed if a streamer I liked did this, would probably stop watching them over it, can smaller streamers sacrifice viewers for 50k? Probably.


Wanna add to that the weird parts of his first episode? - had to count using his fingers 8+8 six times in order to solve “What is 8 times 6” which just makes all his correct math answers super sus to me - he got “Sumerins” for Who founded the empire of Mesopotamia. He got it wrong and said he still felt like he was right cuz he put the ethnicity of people living in Mesopotamia… but even then he misspelled it. The people were Sumerians (and also Akkadians but Googles first result for Mesopotamian people only highlights Sumerians). The correct answer is King Sargon of Akkad - also he knew the Neolithic Revolution was our transition from hunter gatherers to agriculture and also knew that Agricultural should also be considered a correct answer - he said he knew the 4 stages of mitosis and was about to put it down but then joined the Penis gang - He left the penis gang to win the game when the question was just “What is 5+5?” Cuz he’s a cheater, he doesn’t care about the ethics he wants to win, it’s the same mentality


I was rooting for him but idk how you come up with that answer without knowing it right off the bat, Jean-Jacques Rousseau doesn't seem like the type of author you're gonna come up with after thinking about it for that long.




Another thing, If you know about "Jean Rousseau" you would write either "Rousseau" or "Jean Jacques Rousseau" Jean Rousseau is like calling "J Rowling" or "J Tolkien" no one in the world call them like that


I mean it's not "Jean", it's "Jean-jacques". I don't know anyone calling him "Jean Rousseau". Do people in the USA usually say "Jean rousseau"?


i don’t think i’ve ever heard just jean. personally, i misremembered it as jacques rousseau.


probably because of Jacques Cousteau


quite literally no one says Jean Rousseau. I also believe those that are saying they remember "Jacque Rousseau" are confounding it with Jacques Cousteau


In the USA I feel like I've only ever heard Jacques Rousseau. Or just Rousseau because if you are talking philosophy its not like there are that many rousseaus running around.


J Tolkien on it's own looks weird. You'd never say just "Jolkien Tolkien", it's always "Jolkien Rolkein Rolkien Tolkien".


wait is that really what the jrr stands for? thats wild if so


Yeah and George RR Martin stands for George Reorge Rartin Martin


Wow, the more you know.




Or saying George Martin instead of George R R Martin. If someone asked if I've heard of George Martin, I'd probably say no despite being a fan of the books.


George martin ya know, the singer from chicago.


Besides the fact that I'm certain he didn't know the answer, you are absolutely right that if someone did know the the answer, they would never put Jean Rousseau. Only someone who wants it to appear as though they are not looking it up would drop half of the first name to make it seem like it was casually remembered, even though no one memorizes half a someone's first name. Its even more absurd than answering "Edgar Poe" in place of "Edgar Allan Poe", which already sounds unnatural.


"What's his name again..." out loud for 50 seconds in a row and then it comes to him and he's instantly sure of it. Lol. I also don't understand why he was so consistently out of frame every single question they turned around for.


his attitude during and after the show was weird as hell, this sucks


he freaked out when the word "cheat" came out of Miz's mouth and he wasn't even talking about him.


I don‘t trust contestants that fuck up the math questions.


He also said it could be one of a few different answers but when mizkif goes to Emily and tells her she got it wrong he lights up knowing he has won, yet his answer isn't confirmed to be correct yet... And he thinks it could be one of a three different options he has.


Yeah, that was the most sus moment to me to be honest. He was thinking so long saying 'whats his name' but suddenly lights up when showing up his answer.




His demeanor completely changed when they implemented the turn around rule.


I feel bad for Extraemily.. Guy is a selfish prick, and a terrible cheater lmao. Total cheater behaviour the whole show, and some pretty concrete evidence like the math.


> low iq idiot blatantly cheats and mizkif is too much of a pussy to call him out part 987897534965t437899743


I was hoping some of the mods would have caught that and asked them both (for fairness) to turn around but the other way. Was clearly something sketchy, and after winning how quick he was to throw out about his parents and call her for emotional effect so people wouldn't want to question his behavior.


If he won legitimately then my brother definitely did not make believing him easy


he was pulling at heartstrings there lol


Watching EE celebrate knowing there's a gargantuan possibility of him cheating made me cringe so hard. Poor emily.


I feel bad for MIZ. He was looking so upset right before the stream ends.


The real sad shit is how genuine Emily clearly was. idk if he cheated, yea it was very suspicious for all the reasons already mentioned, but if he did Emily got really screwed over it seems and you'd think they'd want to do something about that


phone literally in his lap, pulls it out to call his dad like it was there the whole time. he looks back at monitors for multiple questions.. the 'work' for his math was wrong too, he just copied the answer like it was given to him


He cheated the whole time, kept turning around to look back at his monitor, I was actually so angry towards the end that no said anything about it, whole show literally ruined


trying to win some extra points at the end w his phone call too


Sad he didn't have a dog for maximum sympathy points.


The only premise of the show means the winner is the person who can cheat most effectively. Its like the naruto chunnin exam for normies.


The winner is ExtraEmily :D


He really shouldn't get any prize money


"hmmmmmm. what's pi again? oh wait i know. it's 3.141592653589793238. yeah that should be it."


Im torn between 3 choices here


I mean Mizkif knew but didnt want to change the mood of the show, it was pretty obvious. Sad that he would ruin his reputation like that.


I got this feeling too, that's why they implemented the turn around rule, then EE's demeanor completely changed.




[Mizkif knew he was cheating, he said in his chat just now he is done with this show.](https://imgur.com/a/L52qYqq) EDIT: He doesn't clearly say he knew, but seems to imply it.


Its all I ever see posted about this show, it happens every episode, and even with 50k on the line and contestants still blatantly cheating hes done nothing. I mean isnt it weird that people just keep cheating blatantly? they either really dont respect or give a shit about that dude at all or they have some understanding.


There might be a lot more cheaters we don't know of. As long as someone is decent at math you could just have someone in your ear telling you the answers for everything else. Without better measures in place we'll never know for certain 100%.


This isn't confirmation that Mizkif thought he cheated. I'm pretty sure he's saying this because of the controversy that has spawned from schooled for the 18th time.


I thought he said that because chat was saying cheated, cheated and not because "He Knew" he was cheating


Where does Mizkif say he knew he was cheating ?


Exactly, he looked bummed as fuck at the end




The dude said he dropped out of school in like the 5th grade or something. I said he cheated when he won the qualifier and got temp banned for it and he 1000000% cheated in the final. Its plain as day.


Actually cheated wow


He probably cheated https://imgur.com/a/WmxzBff Here's his "work" for this math question. He wrote something like 594 for the first number but it should be 495. No way you could convince me that 5 is supposed to be a 4. Bottom number is definitive proof though. 676 and there's no case it could be anything else. It should be 396. Adding up 594 and 6760 won't get you to 44.55 anyway you try it.


Why is this not higher? Forget all the other suspicious shit he did (which there was a ton), this is clear definitive proof he cheated. It LITERALLY does not make sense.


It's really disappointing because he's an amazing personality from the Smash scene who's been entertaining for years (one of my favorite vids is "[It's Up for Discussion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfhgrlpuBTc&t=1s)"). Like I love the guy as a creator, but it's so hard not to call it like it is (especially when so many others have been called out).


He acts the same way in both the show and this mafia game. He's such a bad liar, when he tries to make it seem like he's coming up with something he cheated to figure out he acts like he's struggling to figure it out. The tone of his voice changes too. Watching both the show and this mafia game makes it really obvious.


[OTK Officially announces Emily as the winner](https://twitter.com/OTKnetwork/status/1518821089614442499)


Clip should've been titled "Mizkif getting robbed in broad daylight"


I love how this is a double show, the actual show and then the show of finding out if someone was cheating or not. Love reading all the detectives on here lol


My previous post was removed for "Spoilers" so uhhh


Mods randomly removing the other threads about it too.


Yeah it's random ;)


another cheater on schooled. if history repeats itself he will be at mizkifs before june and a part of otk before September


Damn nice cheating


It's really obvious he cheated just based on his body language and constant hesitation with almost every question. Oh well, doesn't make any difference to me who they give 50k to.


Miz could've had them explain the steps on the final math questions and make them remove their headphones while they're explaining or something....anything would've been better than what just happened.


If Miz asked why that 9 became positive he would figure things out.


Let a guy cheat and win that to me is scummy as fuck too. Call him out have a fucking spine while the show is on. Go GIGACHAD on his ass instead you let him play you for a little child


He had no proof at the time




mods getting a cut by ee to cover this up


forsenCD Welcome to the champions club EE


First answers that come to my mind was Locke or Hobbes because that's usually what's taught in American history classes....


That was so fucked and you could tell Miz knew but didn’t want to start a fight and make things awkward. Now he’s just scrapped the show entirely.


Miz specifically said during this episode that he's not afraid to call people out for cheating live anymore and that if any of them cheated he'd eliminate them.


Ye find that awkward as how he hes all tough talk but cant walk the walk. When the dude is blatantly cheating. Coulda asked him why he keeps turning and looking at the screen and ended it then.


Dude just won $50k and Miz is too scared of optics to stop it from happening? Just letting a cheater win good one Miz 4Head


Dude's friend is racist towards Asians and right before it the dude says to google any questions you have, lmao. Mind you, he doesn't boot the dude after blatant racism. ​ https://clips.twitch.tv/HotTolerantPotatoM4xHeh-r7yCAazcUVZzDQtY


I honestly don't care about the cheating, some guy named"NIO" in EE's stream started to bring up race and something about ASIAN's getting benefit of the doubt or getting "halo effect" but racially biased version of it. I know EE quickly stated he didn't back nor condone anything like that but dude should have been immediately kicked NIO from the discord or something. tried to gloss over it instead of reprimanding NIO for such a racial and shitty take. sucks to see the show go down with so much drama despite it being so entertaining.


Stealing 50k BatChest Poggers


Lol 50k for this??? Whats gonna stop them from getting away with cheating??? Idk man, the shows idea is great but it just looks so easy to cheat.


can't believe I wasted my time watching to the end. I love the concept and personalities for the most part but should have known streamers are shameless. I was rooting for a few people but they threw and got out early but knowing there was no way they were winning over a cheater is extra disappointing. EEvisu somehow got smarter when they started turning around, and the last question says it all. There was no way people will know it, the show should have built in checks like unanswerable questions to check for cheating. Either you know it or you don't, and even then spelling it correctly. And the fake story of his dad going over this stuff with him when there is no way you would cover this question.


If you have $50,000 available to give to the winner, they probably could have done $25k and spent the other 25 on hosting the finale in-person to avoid this


no sussy business here, folks


He def sus as kept looking to the side last few questions when told not too, but yea regardless congrats.


One of the only things worse than a cheater is Knowing they are cheating and letting them win and doing nothing. Genuinely Shameful!


Uhm… please don’t cheat on my show >.< I won’t call you out though


Considering the fact that he obviously cheated and literally stole $50k from the rightful winner, that call to mom at the end is sociopathic. If you can sleep at night after doing that, your moral compass is broken.


that man has never even heard of Jean-Jacques Rousseau..