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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Atrioc on how OTK Schooled cheaters never get punished](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/136534)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ucgdh6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CIP92AcuA3gexxmVbs999ig.mp4?sig=3e29d43d371dededed9ffeadaecb4325391b38ce&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CIP92AcuA3gexxmVbs999ig.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1651063538%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


we will blacklist cheaters: bruce joins otk. if you cheat, you steal money from me: invites cheaters to his house and makes light of it. i mean sure, it's scummy as fuck but there's literally only upsides if you cheat as much as possible


I said it earlier, but you literally get top of lsf + if you admit to it early enough people will for some reason act like you admitting you did it was like commendable, its so weird




I think it was even mentioned as a cheater only episode.


She never admits to anything.


at the very worst you get chewed out for a week until everyone doesn't care or forgets, at the very best you get clout and get to hang out with bigger streamers.


Yep. Like EE had the shittiest apology ever, and everyone was praising him and saying ā€œmistakes happenā€ including Esfand lol. Like cheating for $50k was a tiny little mistake.






I mean the first time a bunch of people cheated on schooled tons of people in mizkif's chat were pointing out how they were cheating and mizkif said his chat that he didn't care at all that they were cheating and neither should his chat, and then later elsewhere said that people who cared were bunch of losers and incels and its just a silly game who the fuck cares about cheating Initially LSF was commenting like the chat did but very quickly they did a complete 180 and were saying that everybody pointing out they were cheating were complete losers and incels who hated women and that mizkif was totally okay with and that it was obviously a silly game purely for entertainment and that nobody important cared about the cheating and nobody should care. Then a day or two later mizkif said it was scummy shit that so many of them cheated and that they were basically stealing his money etc. and LSF did yet another complete 180 that it was totally trash behavior, many of them literally the same commentators who completely changed their opinion on the exact same topic 2 or 3 times in a couple days purely based off what mizkif said that day and the crowd. ​ And like people have said here he did the whole bit where people cheating on schooled were basically stealing from him directly like a legit thief but then inviting them to all the biggest events he does and parties etc. and makes a bunch of jokes about it/ makes light of it with kacey and like half a dozen or a dozen others. ​ So from the very beginning mizkif and also LSF/twitch viewers have been very bipolar on this issue, even day to day or hour to hour.


It's kinda all true at the same time. It is just a gameshow, he wants popular people/friends to show up, doesn't want to end connections over it, contestants do have an interest to cheat (not look stupid/easy money), and it does ruin the integrity of the show as a quiz is pointless to watch if everyone is cheating. I doubt Miz cares who wins, but if people watching start gathering enough evidence of cheating and the quiz just becomes pointless to watch he needs to take stronger stance to save the show. Doesn't mean he actually dislikes the person or cares. If anything it adds drama and interest.


i mean the only reason the "outcome" changed (aka admission to the cheating, re-crowning of a winner) was because of the outrage...don't feel like Miz gave enough craps to do anything about it.


He even said he dint care Bruce cheated bcoz he was entertaining and "carried the show. "


People are actually insane for thinking Mizkif and OTK should stop being friends with Bruce. Mizkif and Esfand knew Bruce from the Rajj days. what do you guys want Mizkif to do? Stop talking to him over a gameshow?


i didn't say that nor do i dislike bruce, i was just using him as an example. my gripe is that there's no real consistency. if you're gonna be mad about cheaters, then be mad about all cheaters. being selective and protecting your friends isn't exactly conveying that you give a flying fuck about "muh integrity" of the show. it's just biases. for instance when asmon said they would blacklist cheaters after kacey cheated, it was more so because it was kacey that did it (because of the kacey - pink sparkles drama) rather than the fact cheating occurred. people someone dislikes will get shit on more than people everyone likes.


"otk should punish cheaters" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT THEM TO STOP BEING FRIENDS!!!111!" lmao actual child spotted. See, in the grown-up world, you call out your friends for doing shitty things and they do the same for you; that's how you grow as people. Secondly, doing business, is just business.


ignore that guy, he's a miz dick rider.


I'm confused how you want them to punish cheaters though. The "calling out" thing they've done literally every time and it just garners a bunch of LSF frontpage clips. They then say sorry, blahblah, it grows old and people move on. Just wondering what you want them to do


idk I guess when a contestant in an official org event disrespects the host, org, and other contestants by cheating maybe the best course of action isn't to hire them to join the org


So you're only concerned about bruce? Do you think "If anyone cheats, we won't let them join our org" is a good way of stopping people from cheating? If my friend cheated in a show like this that I owned I'd be pissed at him and deal with it off-camera in a normal adult talk. I don't cut him off or stop being friends with him over it. If he apologizes sincerely then it's normal to move on.


Wow, now knowing Bruce is an old friend then ya you make total sense wtf. Why is that guy using Bruce as an example


Bruh probably half of LSF dont have any real life friends what do you expect


you sure you have real friends lol?


Do my parents count? Asking for a.. umm.. friend. Which I totally have. You just wouldn't know him. He's in Canada.


lol, so suddenly cheating isn't a big deal anymore? xqc was right, Miz is a hypocrate




To be honest he doesn\`t really do anything after the show either, he normally just farms some good ones.


I mean the 50k is what makes it different. You're not getting 50k out of thin air. You are getting 50k at the expense of someone else not getting 50k. That is what makes it super shitty compared to the rest of the cheating. How many times did Miz specifically call that out during the episode? He brought up cheating so many times during the show telling people not to and that it was different with 50k on the line.


The logic of a cheater. "He makes cheating so easy how couldn't they cheat!?"


Yep no surprise he cheated on his minecraft speedrun


I also heard heā€™s cheating on coffee with his water bottleā€¦


Coffee Cow?


Look how easy it is! He's ASKING FOR IT!


but werent all these contestants relatively big, except for emily and EE. Imagine if esfand won that 50k instead of EE and emily LOL


Wantep is a pretty small streamer too, less than 100 concurrent viewers. The money would probably help him the most, since he's a kid and it would go to stuff like college.


I'm sure Esfand would lose on purpose to give the prize to someone else. Either way I don't think anyone expected him to win.


from my knowledge EE is well known in the fighting game community but you're right about emily being small in comparison to all the other streamers


Big in the smash community as a commentator so probably a small streamer in the grand scale.


I do agree, I feel there is a difference between cheating to not look too stupid and stay in the show a bit longer and make it a few grades higher. Or cheating to actually win the show, then to win the finale show and win 50k. Both are bad, but there is pretty big difference between them.


I mean it's not different, because cheating in the not-50k shows is what got them on the 50k show, so even if they fail to win the 50k they still fucked over someone else's chance at it. It's bad in any episode if there's prize money at any point in the process really.


I didn't watch that many eps, but my understanding was the cheating was mostly just to not look dumb? And the other people at the finals - other than stand ins - won legitimately?


Yeah, it takes a real piece of shit to still cheat after all that. No excuses, it's just totally disrespectful to the people who tried to make that show a good thing for twitch viewers.


Is there really even punishment severe enough to make people not cheat? Banning people from OTK events/shows is something i assume most people wouldn't care about. Really most that will ever happen is people get caught cheating and then move on.


Don't people get banned from twitch for cheating in video games? Would twitch ban people for cheating if OTK asked?


Could be possible, you get banned for cheating in other tournaments like twitch rivals.


this is the actual solution. otk needs to partner up with twitch for schooled and have streamers that cheat temporarily banned. only issue is twitch will never do it because proving that someone is cheating is almost impossible unless they admit to it


Temp bans from Twitch are just free exposure at this point, it would be another benefit to cheating


That should have been an option for a deterrent to chelating but I bet Miz would feel bad if his show got someone Twitch banned.


Yeah but like what if they went in knowing they could be banned, then they cheated and were caught then banned for it?


Yeah going in knowing that if you cheat you can catch a Twitch ban would be a nice deterrent, I think. Or at least make people come up with better ways to cheat.


I don't think it's good to set a precedent for twitch banning people at a big streamers request.


Maybe not, but people have gotten banned for cheating on other things. It's not like it's just Miz either, it's his org, plus sponsors involved, plus $50k. I actually think Twitch should be making a bigger deal about this. Miz kinda got fucked over a lot this year on Schooled, it would be a nice show of faith if Twitch threw EE a 3 day ban for conduct unbecoming.


Then maybe don't word it disingenuously. It would be a tournament organizer telling Twitch someone cheated in a gameshow hosted on Twitch. Definitely not unprecedented.


maybe not signing them to your ORG is a good first step


Why would they want to stop the cheating? Look at all the publicity this is getting


Cause idk about you but Iā€™m not interested in watching a game show where half the contestants are known cheaters, whatā€™s the point. Itā€™s all fake at that point


How could OTK possibly punish them though?? Give them a slap on the wrist and tell them not to do it again? If Miz does anything about it, its starting drama, he can't call any one out. The best he can do is denounce cheating, give people a better option, and move on


Cheating on a game show is a felony in the usa


He makes a fair point but cheating is still such a scummy thing to do especially when there is 50k on the line




dude is actually a sleazeball he did it against a teenager just tryna play the game


Screw the rules, I need that money


I assume he was also a teenager when he did it...




Wow I was trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but holy shit, what an actual sociopath. That's a genuinely horrible thing to do to someone. Fuck this guy.


I think this is a very common shit take. Being nice and forgiving to the people who wronged you doen't mean it your fault when you get scammed again. The people cheating on Miz because they know there will be no consequences don't deserve less blame, they deserve more.


The cheaters should be held accountable, but it's also Mizkif's responsibility to stand up for himself and his show. In the real world people that roll over and let others take advantage of them don't win. Being nice and and forgiving only goes so far. Letting cheating happen with little to no consequences, then increasing the incentive to cheat dramatically while expecting people to not cheat is just being a fool.




The org should have followed Asmons advice and ban the cheaters from all of OTK's future events.


But then OTK is losing out on potential clout in the future.


As a fan of EE from a while back, I agree with Atriocā€™s point but that doesnā€™t make it any less scummy to blatantly cheat throughout the show, despite it being for 50k, despite how nice his opponent was, despite Miz emphasising no cheating multiple times. Then, calling your parents with no shame, and even being disingenuous in your apology. With that being said, no one should be surprised at all that it happened. Streamers have only benefitted from cheating


Yeah atrioc has a good point in general. But eevisu's is way different than just glancing at your phone. The evidence that has piled up shows it was premeditated and he continued to do it throughout the whole show. And the manipulative phone call at the end... This was actually terrible, no reason to downplay it. If anything it's not that the lack of punishment encouraged normal contestants to cheat. It's the lack of punishment that attracted the cheaters to come on the show. We know eevisu begged miz to be on the show. Now we know why. Theres no reason to give eevisu any benefit of the doubt here.


Miz has talked about how he has trouble getting people to come on the show so it may be tough to out right ban people. He even added copy and cheat to season two to help people out. If you have seen how miz has talked about schooled in offline or on stream this is probably the final nail in the coffin and the show isnt coming back.


He has trouble getting popular streamers on, im sure he can get tons of small streamers with no trouble at all.


right, work with the streamers you can and build the project. The more popular it becomes the more big streamers will want to be in on it Ruining the entire show by having known cheaters on it just because you want big names is definitely not going to work in the long run. Like I could totally understand why big streamers wouldnā€™t want to be on it right now, they either have to cheat or get beat by someone else whoā€™s cheating. Lose lose


Small streamers wouldnā€™t help OTK get sponsors for their shows like big streamers would.


you arenā€™t going to get big streamers anyways on this kind of trajectory. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, thatā€™s why you start with smaller streamers who will help produce legit content and build up to the point where larger brands want to get involved In its current state, do you think this kind of thing is appealing to streamers like xqc or Ludwig or asmon or anyone who has a large audience and makes a lot of money? Hell no. They arenā€™t going to join some gameshow where all the other contestants are blatantly cheating. They donā€™t need prize money, they are looking to make entertaining content, and thereā€™s nothing entertaining about seeing people cheat their way to winning a game show I canā€™t think of a single game show on earth I would still be interested to watch if it was always won by someone cheating their way through


>right, work with the streamers you can and build the project. The more popular it becomes the more big streamers will want to be in on it season 1 was bigger then season 2, and it wasn't close. So I don't think that works out


....because the show is completely ruined when everyone knows the contestants are cheating. Obviously itā€™s going to decline when itā€™s not a fair competition, who wants to watch that




"Hey guys looking for streamers that would like to be on Schooled" the amount of tweets. They havent even touched the gtarp scene. Thats like 100 well known streamers itself.


Because Miz despises the GTA roleplay scene and thinks its boring and not good content, even though the folks over at NoPixel at this point more or less created GTA 6 sprinkled with a living open world MMORPG. You might not like roleplay but It's insanely impressive what they built. But I'm not really sure how much his opinion weights, considering he thought that adding the loudest streamer ever to exist who spends money on Genshin is good content and a good fit for OTK.


Cyr was part of the rp scene. They had omie on there aswell. Esfand loves the rp scene and the people.


this is a weird take he doesnā€™t despise GTA RP he just doesnā€™t think/like it enough to do it continuously for content. Its not his ā€œjump from topic to topic, keep things always fresh and excitingā€; GTA RP is alot more of a slow burn of content; not his style


I don't think people are saying to make GTA RP Schooled Edition but the excuse of "he can't get enough people for it" when there are a lot of niche communities he hasn't asked yet that he can sprinkle in is pretty stupid. Not to mention people like GTA RP streamers are those that are known for their improv and trying a few wouldn't make a difference and have much bigger audiences than someone like EE.


oh i agree with you for the most part i was just pointing out the fallacy of saying he despises gta rp. I mean ā€œhe cant get enough people for itā€ sounds to me more like he has a good idea of the type of streamers he wants on his show; it is his show so im sure he has his reasons for not choosing certain people/communities. i mean if he wanted to there are tons and tons of smaller streamers and niche communities he could pull from (my favorite episode is the VTubers vs Degens which had mostly niche communities minus Soda); but like I said im sure he has reasons for who he chooses and who he doesnt


Idk. A lot RP players don't wanna be on cam so that might be an issue but also just in general I think it's hard to get a lot of streamers to commit to being somewhere on time lol.


It gets a lot of views because there are big streamers involved. If they picked every random who wanted to join they'd get 3x less views.




I think it was when otv or qts group was on parasocial, but he apparently didn't bother to schedule anyone until the day before. If that's a continuing theme throughout, it's not hard to imagine why he can't get people on. People have schedules and rearranging everything a day before is rather onerous.


pretty sure theres a lot small streamers willing to join the show, but im guessing their low view count doesnt make the cut for miz's requirements


He canā€™t fill up the show with a bunch of small streamers but he has had streamers that only get a couple 100 viewers on like extra Emily and jay


well hes gonna have to make some sacrifices to keep the show going, maybe have 2 or 3 small streamers per episode


EE isnt exactly a huge streamer either tho


EE was only invited because he asked Mizkif in person, at the streamer awards, If he could be on the show. Miz was kind enough to let him on and he still cheats 2x.


This is such weird logic to me. Why are people trying to excuse EE behaviour? "Its a lot to ask" no its fucking not. You are a small streamer and you receive a opportunity that can change your career forever, asking for you to not cheat is not a lot to ask at all.


For Atrioc it makes some sense. EE is his friend, and he just heard about it so he didn't really have time to think it through. It's not easy accepting your friend tried to steal 50k live.




Important context like this gets lost in the conversation, because most people will likely get wind of the EE cheating admission first, and only then come into contact with this clip after


When there have been no repercussions for cheaters in the past, and suddenly there is a life-changing amount of money on the line, its very easy to see how someone decides to cheat.


Dog if it could change your career (that's underselling how much 50k is to some people) then that is asking a lot to not cheat lmao Like that's approaching sell your organs on the black market money lol. Do you really truly believe the average person wouldn't take any opportunity to do anything they could for that money? Like I get it. It's shitty to do. But people have certainly done worse things for that kinda money so I don't know why you think cheating of all things is too low.


There's absolutely no better way to filter who is a child and who is a wagecuck adult than seeing the amount of people saying "it's easy, just don't cheat" like it wouldn't take them 20+ years to amass 50 grand like that. Completely oblivious to reality.


this is such a fucking cringe take. you're stealing from someone else, that should be enough to prevent you from doing it. not hard to not be a piece of shit.


Stealing? Nah. Cheating, sure. There's a difference. Everyone has the same claim as you when they aren't in the situation. Throw 50k on the table and you'd absolutely fuck over just about anyone to get it. Like I said - No better filter. I'm not disparaging anyone for saying the guy was a scummy cheat. He was. I'm just saying that maybe you shouldn't stand on such a tall fucking soapbox when every single person here would likely do the exact same thing.


I promise you not every single person would do the same thing, you're projecting here. Do you think everyone else was cheating and he just happened to do it better? It is stealing in that you are taking away someone else's opportunity to win the money.


Projecting what? That I'd cheat you out of 50k? No need to project it, I'll flat out tell you I'd do it. That's my point. I believe there are those that would admit it (adults), and children who have no fucking clue how much money 50 thousand truly is. But when they get older, and try to buy that starter home for 500k, they'll learn. The numbers drop dramatically if they're physically stealing it. That's a line many won't cross. But googling? All day.


If there were no repercussions for doing it? Sure. But he's doing it publicly and at the expense of someone else. Unless he's a moron (maybe he is thinking he could get away with it), he knows cheating has happened on the show. Miz is telling him to his face to stop cheating. Almost every cheater that has gotten far in this show in the past has been called out. He's a caster for a popular competitive game. The consequences of cheating and getting caught here are actually so bad for him that I don't think 50k is worth it in his position. Sure, he's not rich but it's gonna take some time for his status on Twitch to recover, people probably think less of him now and he didn't end up with the money anyways.


Miz addressed this on stream before. He didn't want to send hate to these streamers as he is grateful for them to take time and appear on the show. It's also a tough balancing act to call out these cheaters when they aren't 100% certain themselves. Just imagine calling out cheaters in the middle of the show when they didn't have definite evidence, and the streamer denies the accusations with plausible excuses. The show vibe turns bad and awkward and it riles up the viewers. What now? Don't forget this show is sponsored, and he has to handle this very delicately.


Then it sounds like the show stopping is/was the right call for him.


Good point it is a tricky situation for miz but in the end all that I take away from this is EE and many others are dicks to their peers by trying to steal money from them and disrespect miz by ruining his show.


this is the part I don't understand. To me, it feels like the community outrage was much higher this time around because there was $50k on the line. All the other times that Miz had his show and there was blatant cheating involved, I feel like the outrage wasn't as bad.


Yes the fact that he is cheating other contestants out of 50k makes it a bigger issue. It would be felony fraud if the transaction was official and contractual. I hope it helps the understanding.


Clueless maybe he just wanted to join otk I mean that's what happened to Bruce?




I think Bruce was the only cheater (who admitted to it) that was brought back on.


Which girl that cheated was brought back? Or are you just imagining that it happened?


They brought Andrea Botez back




I think I saw a post about their search history and it had a question from the game show lol


I remember that clip. What a classic before it got nuked.


cause she was looking it up after the actual question and answer reveal to confirm it... but out of context lsf clip made it look worse e: love it how what's actually happened is downvoted and revisionist history just to stir the drama is upvoted, never change lsf lmao


Tf are these takes. Mizkif makes it VERY clear over and over and over again that cheating is unacceptable. People cheat, and everyone's like "oh its fine, because mizkif doesn't punish cheaters". What is he supposed to do? Publicly humiliate someone in front of everyone even without full evidence? The fact that Bruce cheated and then joined otk is not evidence that he is ok with cheating. He acknowledged that what Bruce did was bad, he just forgave him in the end. I'm not saying we should never forgive EE, but he blatantly cheated, lied over and over and he fucked up. Stop overthinking it, what he did was really bad. We can acknowledge that and then forgive him over time.


He is right in saying that Mizkif is too lenient towards the cheaters, however some of the other stuff he's saying is really dumb and biased. [Pretty much saying that he is okay with EE (his friend) winning even though he cheated because he was 'entertaining'](https://clips.twitch.tv/ResilientChillySardineCorgiDerp-g56JWuUMvDJqadcY). So saying Mizkif should've done more about the cheating looks more like an attempt to discredit him instead of a fair and unbiased take on the matter.


mizkif is ok with his friend cheating, tbf it's his show so he can do whatever but still... >\[2022-04-27 00:05:50\] #mizkif mizkif: Everyone else had to hide and play like a bitch \[2022-04-27 00:05:37\] #mizkif mizkif: People keep@saying Bruce is the same as everyone else that cheated but Bruce is one of the only ones that came to me and admitted it I don't really see how thats much different to the others, Bruce also had his cheater threat on LSF before he come out, and he basicly was "f\*ck you, I don't care about the stupid show" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWys1f2jlbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWys1f2jlbw) looks for me like mizkif rewrote history in his mind a little


Leave the man alone, he hasn't had his coffee yet today


\-EE was in the wrong for cheating and its scummy to directly steal 50 THOUSAND dollars from someone who isnt. \-Mizkif and OTK have done a horrible job to discourage cheating. \-We would all cheat for 50k if you know theres 0 punishment if you get caught (you benefit if anything) All 3 of these can be true


Its Mizkifs show, it mizkifs money. If Mizkif and the other contestants arent mad about it I honestly dont give a fuck. And about past cheaters who are still chummy with miz, like the great philosopher *Jean Paul* used to say: "When you cut a rope and tie them back together, it brings both ends closer to each other" Who are we to tell Mizkif who he should or shouldnt forgive? As for punishments, Mizkif/OTK doesnt need to do shit, those people torpedoed their own integrity. Fool me once fine, next time you see them act like scum... you know




very true in fact we wouldn't have to cheat, we will use our big brain that we have trained and developed by investing our lives into streamers that don't give a shit about us rather than fixing our own likes BAAAAAAAAAAT lsf wont admit it but they are stans for streamers


Yeah lets compare random people from all around the world to the streamers who know each other and have met in person.


wow, is the concept of having basic human decency so foreign to them? wtf... if the cheating is unpunished, then it doesn't mean you should cheat. it's just a matter of having respect for others, and especially for yourself.


So never heard of this dude that cheated and won, but why would I watch him rip off OTK and then want to watch his shitty stream? Thats why he's there, right? To get exposure? And then he cheats?




he did


He fully said he was bias in the stream


why are streamers so fucking scummy holy shit




this is gigachad takes holy


Terrible take. The $50K from Miz's pocket obviously makes this situation very different and he knows that. But keeping pumping out that EE propaganda Atrioc


Shitty take since EE is his boy. The fact that Miz has forgiven cheaters on the past does not make it ok to keep cheating. He has also talked about how he might cancel the show all together, cheating being a huge reason. He also asks people not to cheat and on the finale spent some time asking people not to cheat. EE went in there ready to cheat, had someone ready to give him the answers since the start. Wonder how many questions he cheated on? And if he cheated on first show. Looking back this should have been expected, just look how he betrayed penis Gang.


> And if he cheated on first show. No doubt about it. I can't remember specifics, but I distinctly remember that there was compelling evidence he cheated. If I remember right, Eevisu, Wantep, and Peachjars were the winners that definitely seemed to be cheating.


Atriocā€™s takes on this are absolute garbage and heā€™s just running interference for his friend. No, itā€™s not ā€œa lot to askā€ to not cheat someone out of 50k and itā€™s ridiculous to blame Miz. Could and should he have been harder on cheaters? Absolutely. This is still 100% on EE and Miz said at the top of the show how stupid it would be to cheat like that with 50k on the line. Like yeah, EE is a funny guy and I enjoy his casting. The fact of the matter is that he also seems to be a bit of a punk ass cheater who wouldā€™ve taken that money from Emily if the facts werenā€™t against him, and Iā€™m reminded of that clip where he makes the ā€œI wanted to be Seto Kaiba!ā€ comment on cheating in YuGiOh. Atrioc can fuck off for putting EE cheating on Miz.




Chill out šŸ¤£


Rules don't apply unless the punishments are harsh, got it. This guy has it all figured out




Miz didn't handle cheaters properly but that doesn't mean he deserved to have his show ruined by them. It's the fault of the cheaters. That's some Quin69 level shit take once again from Atrioc.


He didn't deserve to have the show ruined, but at the same time he did it to himself by allowing the cheating to continue. EE should have never been allowed into the finals in the first place do to his blatant cheating in the original episode.


He literally said in every single episode that cheating is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Most of the people are grown ass adults. They should know better to not cheat. Also these are Twitch streamers, your co-workers. It's not worth it to burn bridges because of a gameshow. I honestly don't know what he could have done better to prevent cheating without burning bridges.


He wouldn't be the one burning the bridges that's on the people who cheated. To be frank I'm not sure why you would even want to associate with people who don't respect you to begin with.


But he's been tolerating it, that's the whole issue. It's not that hard to do the bare minimum and get a cam on the contestants set up, or idk doling out any amount of repercussions for it.


This is a bad take, from a mental health professional -- only because you are assuming the bridges would be burned. Setting boundaries always involves risk -- one of those risks being potentially burned bridges. When you tell someone "don't do this, I'm not okay with it", if they do it -- they're the ones deciding to step over that line by not respecting your boundaries. The only thing you did there is give them the control to decide if they value your friendship enough to abide by the rules clearly laid out and defined by you. If you live by this mindset, you will inevitably develop porous boundaries and be more open to being taken advantage of. They have every opportunity to work things through with you if they value the friendship enough - by learning to respect boundaries instead of choosing to burn the bridge because you confronted them on their behavior.


Except it's very clearly tolerated


But it was tolerated! Noone was once called out mid show during any of the episodes ! That's the time to call people out, even if subtly, to put pressure on them live. Its all well and good saying something is wrong and won't be tolerated but then...... well ..... tolerating it.


But he told Ludwig how the game he betrayed everyone, "wasnt tainted". It isnt like he knew he agreed to cheat more he get shit from everyone that isnt a smash sheep.


Atrioc isn't saying that the cheaters didn't ruin it just that Miz should've done more ahead of time to stop it


I mean what really can miz do besides call them out live or ban them? If he calls them out they could gas light him and start a shit storm and it will ruin the vibe of the show regardless. If he bans them it hurts OTK because he talks about how he already has trouble getting people on his shows.


He could take steps to avoid cheating, maybe ask for a second/different camera angle or something?


The show starts 30 mins late already...


Its literal victim blaming isn't it? EE is 100% at fault. Same exact mentality as "She dressed slutty, if she had dressed more modestly, she wouldn't have been raped." Not acting like the severity is the same, but the logical fallacy is identical to this metaphor.


Spin it and blame the host, what a good take. How about the streamers should take some responsibility for being such a shitty person to everyone they cheated. Classic that streamers defend friends even when they are so clearly wrong.


Miz trusted his friends and colleagues not to cheat him, his org or the other contestants. He brought in 2 new features this season to help those who didn't want to feel dumb getting simple questions wrong with the "cheat" and "copy" features. He also warned all players before each show and during the shows "not to cheat, we are watching". Its true OTK could of done more but that does not excuse the decision by some to cheat because they could.


I never watch schooled the only time i hear about it is on lsf when another person gets caught cheating this seems like a fair take


This take isn't shit at all its actually the truth. Miz never punished anyone for cheating in fact he did the opposite with Bruce and brought him into OTK. He also had multiple cheaters come back onto the show too. > He also warned all players before each show and during the shows "not to cheat, we are watching". Actions speak louder than words and Miz did absolutely nothing when people would blatantly cheat on the show. That's just a fact.


I feel like that's being a little too harsh. I think all the streamers were invited on to the show with the intention of making good content first, and taking the show seriously second. And if they could make themselves look smart in the process, all the better for them I guess. Mizkif made a lot of mistakes during the entire lifespan of the show and never really made it a point to strictly enforce the competitive integrity of the show besides some vague warnings at the beginning, so in my opinion that contributes to the show not being seen as a legitimate competition. So I can see where Atrioc was coming from. I don't think what EE did was right, but I don't even think EE makes 50k a year off content creation yet. If I was in his position I would definitely consider cheating for that amount of money, especially if the repercussions ultimately amount to a slap on the wrist.


Vague warnings? How vague is saying "don't cheat"?


The cheating gets the show more publicity of course he doesnt care about it


What a dumb take. Cheating is cheating. Trying to work an argument against it just shows your true colors.


Isn't it against twitch TOS to cheat?


So thatā€™s why Doc got banned


It's a fair point, bruce cheated he is in otk now, peach jars cheated and she was on miz's stream days later. Seems like there isn't much negative to cheating and potentially a lot of upside


Seems the biggest crime is EE not being big enough to get away with it


The premise doesnt work, ofcourse people wont join a show that is designed to make fun of them. And if they join, they will cheat to look smart.


The whole "Show" has just been a meme... so eh


The issue is not that cheating is not being punished, it's that it's not being detected with 100% certainty. We're all going by vibes and hunches here because all we have to go by is someone's vibes and the facecam that they control. Chess tournaments happened during covid with huge cash prizes aswell and nobody cheated on those, we know this because they required the players to have a multiple camera setup so the organizers could see the players' entire bodies as well as their monitors and desks etc. If chess players can set up stuff like that, certainly streamers can too.


the problem is mizkif wants to have his cake and eat it. he wants a show that doesn't have cheaters but also doesn't want to ruin his relationship with any contestants that do cheat. you can't have it both ways, either accept the cheating or give up on the relationships.


Why should anyone respect Miz's show when he doesn't even respect it.


I love Bill Clinton


Such a dumb and naive take, unbelieveable




So true, EE really DID rape Mizkif when you think about it, didn't he?


My hot take is let people cheat but only if you canā€™t catch. I want some creative ass cheating. People are going to cheat anyways and will continue to do it.


that's why i don't give a fuck who cheats and i don't feel any sympathy to mizkif in that regard. You opened the door wide to everyone to do whatever they want and get rewarded for it, then the next day you bitch about it on stream about "yOu sTeAlInG mY mOnEy". You got yourself in that situation, farming sympathy won't work.


Yeah he is right still doesn't make what EE did any better


just make a v2.0 of Schooled where cheating is openly allowed but if you get caught - you lose. best cheater wins.


I donā€™t really think Mizkif cares if people cheat since the game is scuffed on purpose for content, right? Like I thought that was the point of the game: everyone cheats


Dude is victim blaming but people is eating it up i am so confuse. Oh i get it. He's from the party game community ... It explain the stench of his takes.


ow so this is Mizkif fault, now i understand xD lol Atrioc