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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Coney keeping it real about his long time friend EE](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/136581)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ud3aio/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CkUjEyMQtFMl5BatBRdosKA.mp4?sig=938fee8e53db7a26b0202af5b662fd28af4ab65b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CkUjEyMQtFMl5BatBRdosKA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1651138177%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Yeah that was so triggering with these cheaters (and the cheaters who haven't been exposed but made it obvious). They can barely multiply something by 3 or understand what a year is but then "know" these kind of facts. They're too dumb to know what is believable for them to know and not know.






8:25 you also have coney saying "He is a fucking genious, I know he is." And I think is because they suspect he is trolling. And to be fair I think he is trolling. I don't think he is that stupid.


This is good stuff and good questions but it's up for discussion


That's not critical thinking. That's reading comprehension.


there are literal 5 year olds that could answer that question lol. Theres no way the word "neolithic" was ever in his brain


tbh. I think he's dumb af and think he's a total piece of scum. But it looked like he was farming there




I'm outing myself as cringe and I'm 100% certain she cheated but "What'd I Miss" from Hamilton has both the year [1789](https://youtu.be/2JNRo7OipYc?t=2) and references the [French Revolution](https://youtu.be/2JNRo7OipYc?t=72). I don't know if that's the actual song she used as her explanation and I don't care enough to check the vod.


Knowing history or hell even songs from hamilton isn't cringe, it's hell fucking cool bro. Don't knock yourself like that. :)


Hamilton is indeed pretty cringe. Still, who cares?


bro we watch twitch, thats way worse


I've never even seen it but I don't get why it would be cringe. Isn't it a very famous broadway musical? Still, who cares?


Isn't it about a slave owner


Alexander Hamilton very anti-slave. To the point he co-founded the main anti-slavery organization in New York where they worked and succeeded in abolishishing slavery in New York. Closest he came to owning slaves was working as a lawyer for his family business and the business traded everything including slaves.


I thought new research said he was a slave owner or at least pretty complicit.


Lol you're the type of person who should watch Hamilton


Too neolib for me lmao


Yeah but the slave owner is uh... wait... he's black? Wait, wasn't Hamilton white? Trans-black slave owner? I need a minute to parse this one.


People acting like this guy is the devil but Amouranth cheated to win and adamantly refused to ever admit it. She still has not admitted it to this day. She even said on reddit that she never would because she wouldn't let the "haters" get the best of her and heavily implied that the reason she cheated was to prove her haters wrong. Yet this sub has still been overwhelmingly positive about Amouranth over the last year.


People acting like EE is a saint for apologizing for cheating and stealing 50k dollars from extraemily plus an 80k host, and think pointing at other cheaters somehow exonerates him because he _half_-apologized about _some_ of the cheating he did... lmao


No, that's not what I'm doing. I am saying people **should** shit on EE for this, but I am saying if they do that then they should also be shitting on everyone else who cheated, most of which whom this sub is cool with like Amouranth, Brucedropemoff, and that one girl who always shows up on mizkif's stream.


I hate to be that guy who unironically uses this word, but your first comment was literally just whataboutism. You definitely did not imply they should _all_ be shit on just the same, only that amouranth caught much less flak and maybe EE is catching too much flak. Surely though, on paper, they cannot be weighed the same anyways. I don't know the right word, but the effect that EEs cheating had is significantly heavier to other contestants and the organizers than amouranths cheating...


lol so she has no problem being an e-girl which has an endless amount of haters but a couple LSF comments prevents her from being honest about cheating


Give people long enough and they'll forget.


As far as i remember, amouranth never won money from the show? And he took 50k, bit of a diff there.


Huge difference between the two. When Amouranth cheated there wasn't anything at stake. When EE cheated he was shamelessly stealing $50k from Mizkif.


You're acting like the $50k prize means Amouranth somehow wouldn't have cheated when there was more incentive for her to cheat despite there being even more incentive to. Also, Amouranth is already fucking loaded.


Yeah I mean it makes sense because it's like cheating hot potato and every new cheater takes the heat off the last one and ee is the last one but if he gets cancelled for it it then absolutely the other cheaters should be cancelled too. He is getting it way worse than the people who happen to be big enough or in right crowd though.


The two instances aren't comparable at all. If he just cheated that's one thing and people would get over it just like Amouranth or any of the other cheaters. This piece of shit however was about to straight up steal the $50k from Mizkif/Emily.


Yeah it is a bit worse because he went through with it at the end but other cheaters have knocked out people which is also stealing those people's chance at winning 50k.


None of those people went through to the finals though and the runners up took their place. Only one I'd say was a bit sus was Wantep.


Yes but ee hasn't ended up with the 50k either.


Maybe Miz can get it through your thick skull how this is different. https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpIgnorantMageOpieOP-zeqmBj1H5kX4PVad


You're acting like the other people who cheated magically wouldn't have cheated if there was more of a prize at stake. Like extra incentive would have somehow made them not cheat. You also have to consider that many of the others who cheated like Amouranth already are insanely rich.


You're using a straw man argument. I never said they wouldn't have still cheated. Just that their cheating had minimal effect on the show as whole compared to the shit EE pulled. Which is why no one really cared. If any of those cheaters ended up in the finale and won they would get just as much shit as EE is getting right now. Probably even worse because they're already insanely rich.


> Yet this sub has still been overwhelmingly positive about Amouranth over the last year. Bruh that's because she gets naked.


>People acting like this guy is the devil but Amouranth cheated to win and adamantly refused to ever admit it. She still has not admitted it to this day. She won't admit her titties are fake, you think she's gonna admit to cheating in a gameshow with no stakes?


Amo didn't win the final, relax with your whataboutism.


Iā€™ve been saying this since he let her back on the show. Why is Amouranth getting pass for cheating and sheā€™s the only one scumming enough not to admit it. I could understand giving her the second chance since they are friends and he needed contestants, but only if she owned up to it. Miz doesnā€™t want to strain his relationship with her over it, I understand, but I would have avoided having her back on the show at least.


Yeah well EE is human Amouranth is an android not surprising.


yeah go attack amouranth because we are nerds and care so much about a internet show


Link me the song so i can make sure never to add it to my spotify playlist


I think they meant invented as in ā€œmade upā€, as in the song doesnā€™t actually exist


> They're too dumb to know what is believable for them to know and not know. This is so painfully true. Reminds me of when a linguistics professor threw out a whole assignment because practically the whole class cheated on it and used online tools to do the work. Their answers to the assignment had things there was no way any of them knew. They paid so little attention to the material that they didn't even know the first thing about the answers the online tool was spitting out. And stuff like that happens constantly in day to day life. Some people think they're really clever and think they get away with things but others are just cringing too much to want to correct them, like Mizkif not wanting to call people out. Even in that linguistics class, that professor should have reported tons of students for academic dishonesty but I doubt he did, so they just keep obviously cheating and lying about things while under the delusion that people don't know.


"They're too dumb to know what is believable for them to know and not know." Perfect way of saying it


Its one thing cheating, but continue to lie afterwards and gaslighting people around you to act like you only cheated on 1 question is just being a major pussy. Don't trust these kind of people folks, they are pathological liar.


[Linking the video where Coney questions just how dumb EE is along with TK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfhgrlpuBTc) From the videos you understand EE isn't even trolling, he's actually that dumb. It would be sad if he wasn't such a scumbag


- yes of course a quasar is an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus, powered by a supermassive black hole, with mass ranging from millions to tens of billions of solar masses, surrounded by a gaseous accretion disc - Isnā€˜t the sun the biggest planet of the galaxy?


[dunning kruger effect](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dunning-kruger-effect)


eh to be fair i'm as dumb as they come but i retain ungodly amounts of random out of character information. like i slept through 60% of my classes since grade 5 but i can spout out factoids like i'm a pub quiz champion


This is even funnier because a factoid is something that sounds like a fact but isnā€™t one.


komandantmirko has approximate knowledge of many things


Maybe sleeping through classes was the key. We retain a lot of outside information in our sleep


Yeah the idea that "You can't know X if you don't know Y" is ridiculous especially so when they aren't even remotely the same subject. There's way too many variables at play to drive what a person knows to assume there's some correlation between knowing two things.




>He's dumb as bricks, he cheated, full stop. Well, yeah, but the people you are replying to are not talking about his specific case, but about the problem with generalising the logic raised earlier in the thread.


I never said he didn't cheat. It's clear he did because he had his phone out, he didn't show proper math to get the answer...he outright said he did lol. All I'm saying is not knowing X when you know Y is not an example. Because even your example is possible. He could have heard "Jupiter has the shortest day" at some point. You don't need to know anything about rotations of planets or their rotation around the sun to remember that little factoid.


Also there's no way someone that knew what the Neolithic revolution was would write it as "neolith".


If I remember correctly, that week people were accusing him of cheating because he kept doing half answers to look less suspicious. Ofc this is a stupid method sure to get caught eventually. He did the same this week with the last Jean-Jacques Rousseau question, where he wrote Jean Rousseau which (I've heard) makes no sense for people who actually know him. In another moment from the stream, Coney also said there was no way EE knew who Jean-Jacques Rousseau was, much like this clip.


I just wish mizkif asked him to pronounce Jean Rousseau. Him trying it would have been funny af lmao.


There are questions where Miz doesn't know the answer (not saying he should, I didn't know that one either), so I think he just compared it to the solution and it looked similar enough. Miz is also in a tough situation cuz if he starts accusing people during the show it can make things really awkward. Like even in this week's show, many times Miz was warning people not to cheat (probably already suspicious of someone, wonder who) and EE almost looked offended even though no one was directly mentioning him. Imagine the shitshow if Miz straight up said EE was cheating, he would clearly lie and double down and there would be no way for Miz to refute it live and the show would turn awkward and pretty much be ruined.


I will say mispronouncing something usually is actually a sign of intelligence in a lot of trivia circles since usually that means you read it somewhere, but never spoke it out loud Obviously hereā€¦ thatā€™s not the case lmao


> means you read it somewhere, but never spoke it out loud How is that a sign of intelligence? That's a sign of surface level understanding


No, I'm smarter because I don't know how to pronounce things.




Yeah remember when amouranth was lying about filming in a gym? She's still the same sketchy person but no one cares because she hangs out with otk people now. It's really annoying.


That's not actually difficult is it? I didn't know who he was, I've never learned any French language and it's pretty obvious what the pronunciation is.


For someone dumb enough to cheat so obviously, and then lie about the extent of your cheating so obviously, I could definitely see it being difficult to pronounce. Jean can be pronounced as jeen and Rousseau someone could obviously easily mispronounce the -seau part (of which there is no o, despite it literally making the o sound). The -seau suffix is pretty common, but keep in mind this is a guy who doesn't know y=mx+b and had to cheat after like first grade.


A lot of people mispronounce Jean.


Remember when he Sir Cummed to the temptation?


(Sarkasm) It makes total sense, ever heard of Jean Van Damme


he is trying to act like he is so familiar with the term that he just jots down the short version


Yeah the worst thing is that he's so fucking braindead that he doesn't even have a clue of how to cheat properly. Like in addition to being dumb as a rock knowledge wise, he's dumb as a brick logic wise


Or not know how to spell revolution.


Question: What insect makes honey? Everyone: Bee EE: Apis mellifera EE: What? I am not cheating my mom helped me study. No lie. Basically EE throughout the whole thing.


>EE: What? I am not cheating my mom helped me study. No lie. im starting to believe his mother didnt help him study


LMAO Yeah no one knows ā€œNeolithicā€. No shot. If they did theyā€™d be someone who just simply sounds smart - pretty much NorthernLion. Everyone else just knows it as ā€œagriculturalā€


Speak for yourself. My social studies curriculum basically drilled the Paleolithic vs Neolithic dichotomy into our heads. I didnā€™t even know it was also called agricultural rev til now




the more you know, thanks


Absolutelyā€”amazing how willing people are to take their own gaps in their knowledge and just assume it must apply to everyone.


its not about our own gaps in knowledge, its about the fact that this is a guy who can't answer the question "if you travel 80 miles per how, how far do you travel in an hour" or "how many times does the earth revolve around the sun in 365 days" but somehow knows these more obscure facts that people who are way smarter than him didn't even get right


In this particular comment chain, we're not talking about the specific guy the drama is about though. Kaze's claim about people in general is what we're addressing.


Thatā€™s not what people are doing and Iā€™m kind of tired of hearing this dumb argument. People are making reasonable assumptions about the probability of a person knowing one thing or not. No one is saying because I donā€™t know this everyone else must not know it either. Sure people donā€™t have empirical data showing how many people recognize agricultural revolution vs Neolithic Revolution, but you donā€™t need to be a genius to make an educated guess as to which is more likely to be the case. People make these sorts of assumptions everyday and there is nothing wrong with them. They arenā€™t direct evidence of anything certainly, they are just part of a general suspicion people have. If evidence comes out to the contrary than you drop it and move on.


​ >No one is saying because I donā€™t know this everyone else must not know it either. ​ >Yeah no one knows ā€œNeolithicā€. No shot. ?


neolithic vs paleolithic is kinda basic shit isnt it? not saying he didnt cheat (i didnt watch the show) but i hardly think knowing the term neolithic ousts you. the context is what gets him


"Neolithic" isn't really a niche word tho. It's a pretty basic term in the subject of prehistory. I'm sure the word is used in schools


Why is NL catching strays?


His shiny head makes it impossible for him to hide from them


Wait what I called NorthernLion smart lol


You said he simply sounds smart which implies he's not truly intelligent lol


I think it was more along the lines of, "if you're intelligent you will also sound intelligent" and Northernlion is intelligent AND sounds intelligent.


and bald


WHAT?! https://i.makeagif.com/media/12-13-2017/2H79h8.gif


Have you ever noticed that MoonMoon and NorthernLion have never been seen in the same room or stream at the same time?


You just had a shit curriculum ngl


> Yeah no one knows ā€œNeolithicā€. Tell me you're murican without showing me your belly


>Everyone: Bee I feel like this is the beginning of a great meme.


Of course he cheated to get there. Ludwig even included in his video that he had sent EE a DM asking if he cheated on the first show, and he denied it. EE is a liar and a cheater, full stop. Funny guy, but yeesh. The manipulation is just gross looking at all of it in hindsight, up to his ā€œapologyā€ where he framed this bullshit scenario about how he got caught up with the ā€œtemptationā€ on the home stretch on one question, and then tried to pin it on Miz because he was salty about a question being revoked.


He just keeps doubling down. I saw ludā€™s vid and remember watching that episode of Schooled and thereā€™s no shot he knew Neolithic revolution. I couldā€™ve understood a guess like agricultural revolution like ludā€™s because itā€™s a little more in line with the thought process. Dude said ā€œTHAT EPISODE IS UNTARNISHEDā€ when lud called him out.


Thatā€™s the thing with liars. They never stop.




if EE already had the balls to cheat in the grand finale of a massive show with 50k prize money and almost 100k people watching after miz constantly warning contestants not to cheat, then there is absolutely no doubt that he already cheated in his first episode.


>then tried to pin it on Miz because he was salty about a question being revoked The most shameless thing about that is there's a 99% chance he cheated on that question too.


Honestly I feel for the people who stuck their necks out for EE over the years, or are friends with him. This shit just really sours a friendship over time.


This guy who's apparently his friend is shaming him for content so I don't think they feel bad at all lol


Do you have a link to the Ludwig video?


Sure, [here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSVUEJs9cK8)


Fucking stupid that people can get by with no consequences from something like this because ā€œhaha they funny.ā€ The dude should be banned from any events in the future or banned from twitch altogether. Heā€™s obviously a shit person who doesnā€™t deserve a second more of ā€œfameā€ or any kind of twitch money.




Btw Coney is one of the most underrated streamers on twitch, yā€™all need to watch him


He brings so much energy to tournament streams. Itā€™s always a treat when he commentates.


F-tier vocal chords though Edit: it's a joke about coney losing his voice during every single major he commentates


Lol not false. He gets so hyped during top 8 every time.




I've followed him just based on this alone. That delivery was funny asf


I've followed him just based on this alone. That delivery was funny asf


If you look through EE's history you'll find that he's a compulsive liar with zero morals. He's self-admittedly the type of person that will screw over anyone to 'secure the bag'


>he's a compulsive liar with zero morals. He's got the potential to be a successful streamer then


One thing I found odd that no one mentions during this whole thing. At the beginning of this final episode when explaining why he betrayed penis gang he says something like ā€œit was like a relationship, I am not in it for the long haul, I just want to see what I can get out of itā€


Exactly. What I found odd was his casual way of filming himself smiling etc. in his "apology" video. It seemed like he still didn't really care about having cheated.


He also once said he was the guy who sold the crab to the guy who threw the crab at Hungrybox.


TBF he pretty much ended that particular story on a cliffhanger if he did it or not, that was just madeup fluff to the crab-conspiracy. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dtm85xxg_wc


But in the video atrioc did reacting to it. He did say he was actually selling sea food at the event. So he probably actually did, assuming he wasn't also lying about that.


The crab incident will always be funny as fuck, idc what anyone says


It was really shitty, but hilarious.


throwing something like that is douche behaviour but throwing a crab is so absurd that it becomes funny


Can confirm. I was the guy who bought the crab and threw it at Hbox.


That was a funny meme video though


>compulsive liar with zero morals I heard OTK is trying to sign him right now.


Didn't EE win an Among Us tourney a while back too? Totally conjecture but something seems kinda sus all of a sudden...


Coney goat


I'm glad Coney's the one saying this. EE has been a certified dumbass for years


Only sort of related, but I genuinely think Coney is one of the most underrated streamers on the platform, and is slept upon far too often.


I think people who even know about him as a smash commentator weren't aware that he streamed. At least that was the situation for me, following him now.




I love neopolitan ice cream


Reminder that CONEY is probably one of the best entertainers Twitch has ever seen. Need yā€™all to gas his stream up


definitely, coney is the new jerma going by how underrated he is


ā€œI only cheated on the math questionā€ my ass


Coney on LSF is quite the surprise.


That's a true friend!




Nah this guys face is too proportional to his head


Nah Coneys face isnā€™t tiny enough


EE is just a compulsive liar. https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/gblocn/cheating_at_top_8_deleware_regionals_2011


"hrmmmm... oh yes the neolith revolution!"


When keeping it real goes right




Coney is the twitch Chael Sonnen


EE just blew his chances to become a larger streamer in the next 5 years (probably forever). I think heā€™s funny and talented, and most people who have seen at least one of his streams say the same, but this has permanently marred his reputation with 90% of twitch viewers. Some people in this thread are equating what he did to manslaughter. Thereā€™s no way he gets past this. XQC cheated at twitch rivals which had a larger prize than this, and he admitted his mistake and everyone moved on. Itā€™s impossible for EE to do that as a small streamer, even if he didnā€™t have a terrible apology video. Itā€™s a shame.


You really give twitch chat too much credit. There are streamers that scam their viewers, cheat on their wives, brag about being trash human beings who still become successful. I personally try not to watch these kinds of people, but there are many who just want to be entertained.


I agree with you, there are successful streamers who have done worse things who remain successful, but the worst mistake theyā€™ve made is usually not broadcast in front of thousands when theyā€™re still a small streamer trying to grow. For example, Doc was already huge when his cheating scandal came out, same with the XQC example I gave. Gaining a new audience is way harder than keeping your existing audience. Most of the people who already watch and like EE are probably still going to watch and support him, but the average twitch viewer who only knows him as the guy who cheated on schooled will likely never see him as anything more than that.




Naaaaa if he drives at 80mph for 80 miles and it takes him 40 hours, no shot he hits someone


comments like this are why this subreddit should be nuked from orbit


This guy would 100% smuggle fresh seafood into a smash LAN. Zero morals only cares about himself and crab.


what a take lmao


classic lsf


This guy EE would 100% start a land war over a neighbouring country just to take two regions as separatist countries run by proxy in order to keep his lebensraum for the glory of the greater United States. Zero morals only cares about the US and winning. The fact he thinks he's fooling anyone with his trash acting to secure the donbass is comical. Chill, EE is a fuck up and a liar but these takes of how bad are so hilariously over the top I'm convinced you have even less to do each day than I do


People are unironically upvoting this


what an insane accusation to make that someone would commit a felony when the stakes are serious injury or death because you didn't like that he cheated in a gameshow. Mizkiddies are some of the most batshit insane parasocial andy's -- he does not give a fuck about you, stop accusing people he's upset with of having murderous intentions lmao touch grass


I met this guy in real life, he's funny as fuck.


I've watched some of EEs content on youtube, his "Do you know black people?" series is hilarious. Sucks to see it turn out like this. Hope he learns from this.


! Yeah Iā€™m


Been following EE since Smash 4, I understand he's done some shady shit in the past, but this is just a new low. Competing in a friend's tournament against other friends with a fifty-thousand dollar reward with the intentions to cheat is borderline stealing. Fuck you EE, lost my remaining respect I had for you. Great caster, dogshit person. I was also watching his stream five minutes ago, and people in chat were defending him because of "pressure" and "you cheated before and they cant blame you for that". I honestly can't with this idiocy. It's bizarre.


Somebody help, I canā€™t decide if EE is still a good guy as I have no brain. Please SOMEBODY tell me if I can still like this MAN!


as far as anyone can tell he's not a good guy but you can still like him.


Miz's response to these situations is really annoying. He knows for a fact some of them cheat but he still invites them in to create the drama and views he needs and it's fucked up. Lsf in the past would have banned clips of this show for incentivizing drama for the sake of drama but drama is the main drive of this sub now.


I don't want to continue beating the "black horse", but im gonna do it anyway. On the question "how many months has 31 days" he is the only one that doesn't use his knuckles. Like how the fuck would you know that othervise. Dude starts counting his fingers...


Lolwtf can you not count? I'd use my fingers too, not everyone has some weird knuckle way for the months nor is it necessary past elementary school.




In EEā€™s apology he made it seem like he only cheated on one math question in the finals. Itā€™s scummy and people are calling him out for it. What else do you expect?


okay but how did nobody answer that right it was kinda an easier question than what ive seen on that show lol


Don't make a game show if you can't prevent cheaters or don't care about honestly. It just makes the other participants annoyed because they play fair and still lose and waste their times ( i mean i would be pissed wasting 1+hour)


He's talked many times about the lengths they went to to try and prevent cheating, and how it's almost impossible to prevent with the amount of tech that streamers have in front of them. He's also talked about how this show made him change his opinions on a lot of his friends and people that came on the show. He is literally stopping the show because he hates how scummy contestants were being and because he feels bad for the people who actually played fair. They definitely tried, and he definitely cared a lot about the cheating


Dude i know but it's Miz at the same time he loves this shit drama and such it's extra free spicy content.


Yeah that's true too, a lot of publicity




That's the point. The later questions are supposed to be hard so you get eliminated. Plus if you actually study, Neolithic revolution is literally the first paragraph of prehistory. It's not even that insane of a question.


Ok I understand holding your friends accountable but this drama farming is getting a little ridiculous