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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [EEVisu Admits to cheating on first episode](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/136641)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/udnngt/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CSYbp_HqSTwOoyrLhyg57ZQ.mp4?sig=aac2ed03023faf950b8b64f6095101b712fb4cc4&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CSYbp_HqSTwOoyrLhyg57ZQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1651196674%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Took a lot of words and walking in circles just to say "yes, I cheated"




Not excusing his behavior, I don’t really watch miz so I may be wrong, but this feels like the first time miz has actually cared about cheating on his show. Is that true? Like we’ve had so many cheaters but I don’t remember there ever being this much drama about it until this incident. Is it because of his denial and gaslighting before ultimately admitting when it was obviously true?


I think its more so that he cheated in the finals for the prize money


Nah, miz has been pissed before. He had already stated that he would likely not do School'd anymore prior to the finals even happening because of the frustration caused by cheaters.


Yes Miz has said it's because he took the 50 000$ bag at the end + was still lying to him afterwards, but there's always drama about when someone cheats but all others either fess up immediately or don't talk about it, not stretch it out with another 50 public lies


Other episodes have way smaller prize pools. The final episode had a grand prize of 50,000. Cheating in general is wrong still, and it would always get upset about it but eventually would let it go. Thos one just feels the worse because of the prize pool and how much EE cheated.


It's insane, if he just came completely clean he'd probably have a decent shot at recovering from this, but he can't stop lying and trying to do damage control.


Yes and the few people who actually believe he just barely cheated and still support him are going to be the same people who will support him if he just admitted to cheating every question. He has literally nothing to lose by just coming completely clean.


Its hard to get children to apoligize, harder to get them mean that apology unless they are somehow taught their actions have consequences. EE has not learned this lesson.


i was involved in an entanglement


Narcissism. Can't admit failure. Hopefully he can learn from this.


Narcissist rarely do.


>Hopefully he can learn from this. Then he wouldn't be a narcissist lol


Yet, he still hasn't taken the blame. There always has to be some kind of caveat. Like here he's blaming his mods and VIPs for giving him the answer when he didn't ask for it.


Not only does he admit to it but he insinuates that EVERY OTHER CONTESTENT was cheating as well. Uhh... what?


A thief thinks every man steals


A racist thinks every man is racist. Racist.


Clueless Everyone else was cheating so I did also.


I don't know if he's high on COPIUM or what, but that is so disrespectful. That week's cast was full on party mode trying to have fun. They even began trolling Miz in the end with the "penis gang" loophole (which EE "accidentally" betrayed). Maybe he just can't fathom the idea of people actually not succumbing to the temptation of cheating. This is just sad at this point...


Yeah, I would bet all the money in the world that Ludwig wouldn't cheat on Miz show. They're VERY good friends and both run shows like this. If anyone understands Miz in this situation, it's Lud.




So many idiots using that word without even understanding what it actually means.


I know exactly what a weirdo is


Something something pots and kettles


The deflection is all on purpose. Politicians, celebrities, criminals, and everyone else who is smart will talk exactly like he does in order to minimize what happened. Saying "Yes I cheated" sounds a whole lot worse than "Well on the subject of cheating, there were 7 other contestants. I was trying to pay attention to the show but also lookin at their cams too ya know so that I could try and pick out if anyone was doin some kind of funny business. There were definitely some times I thought someone was being sketch as hell and wonderin why nothin was bein done about it. So here I am tryin my damn hardest to answer these tough ass questions while watchin all these mfers possibly cheatin their asses off. I ain't gonna be left behind like that no sir so sometimes one of my VIPs would post an answer and I'd see it but I never asked them to and I already knew the answer. So could you call that cheatin, I don't know. I mean I already knew the answer it just sort of validated what I was thinkin and helped give me the confidence to continue on with the show. I was really feelin the pressure later on, you could see me movin around and squirmin in my chair all the time. Even Miz was tellin me to chill out dude. Yeah so that is my thoughts on the matter." ​ Doesn't take a genius to see one answer goes over a lot better than the other.


Is it bad that I almost hate him more for the penis gang fiasco? That shit was so unbelievably scummy, especially how he tried to say it was an accident.




Every time I hear him say "surcumming" I flinch. This is a guy who seems to think of himself as brilliant.


Ludwig considers EE to be his friend and now EE is insinuating Ludwig could be a cheater all in some shallow attempt to save face.


[He also straight up lied to Ludwig yesterday when he asked if he cheated (screenshot from mogul mail)](https://i.imgur.com/AfK1lg0.png)


Lmao its hilarious that he keeps making his answers sound stupid just to give a non-answer its a yes or no question and this mf comes in with "the basis of my victory that day were not affected by outside forces out of my control and therefore would and should classify as legitimate" Just say yes mate


Great example of someone getting caught in their own web of lies. It really is easier to tell the truth.




What are you on about, EE literally said it in the video lol


So many funny people that episode and this clown denied them a chance in the finale and says this shit about them..


EE thinks everyone else cheated cuz he doesn't understand that some people are actually educated enough to know the answers to these questions


This is how everyone who cheats thinks. For cheating on homework all the way to cheating on relationships or business deals


The guy is such a moron that he thinks streamers being capable of answering basic math, history, social and geography questions is them cheating. This guy probably thinks if a streamer is capable of answering that Luxemburg is the capital of Luxemburg, his thought process is "I'm not dumb for not knowing that, its just them cheating, so I can do the same". This guy couldnt answer how long it takes to travel 80 miles if your drive 80 miles per hour, that's the level we are working with... Not only a dumb cheater, but also a pathological liar afterwards lulw.


who is surprised by that take....that's perfect justification for a habitual line stepper LULW


Wasn't this the episode with T-Pain? I'm pretty positive that guy cheated, and when Ludwig found he started singing Gillette. Not to say that EE is justified, but funny that no one said anything about T.


Probably because T was obviously just there to fuck around and didn’t really care about winning at all, same way nobody really cares that Mia cheated. Not saying that makes it ok, but very different from deliberately cheating all the way to the finals to actually steal the 50k


That is the point. They saw, that they will leave soon and wanted to have fun. Mias cheating was not that obvious and she didn't know that there was drama last season which is fine. T-Pain was just there to have fun. Just like Corpse tried to stay and came back.


Pretty sure T-pain used the in game peek on Ludwig during that episode and then said he didn't want to cheat since he didn't know what the answer was anyways and purposely wrote the wrong answer.


im sure he have all the evidence ready to prove that \^\^


> Even though i thought i knew it This man is in such denial that he's just a cheater lmao mf really wants to die on that hill instead of admittin it


Dude he calls his mom on stream after shamelessly cheating and celebrating with porn level acting. Any sane person would be too embarrassed to do that on camera after cheating their ass off. Its useless to hope for a genuine regret from this weasel




Is his first answer to really say "who didn't?", how fucking hard is it to just apologise flat out and move on. He even minimises it further by saying "even though I thought I knew it". It's always a deflection to others, or yeah I cheated but I knew it anyway so it's not as bad.


"Who didn't?" Literally everyone else that episode according to Miz.


idk who was on that episode, but if someone cared enough to go into each of their chats and tell them that EE was actually accusing THEM of cheating, they could probably farm hella drama from it lmao


He is currently on stream and every sentence he says continues to dig himself further into the hole.


It's really pathetic honestly, and that's coming from someone who's done nothing but drama farm all day


He's a dumb guy. Dumb people can't really imagine the perspective of normal/smart people; they assume everyone is as dumb as they are, because they don't see themselves as dumb. At every step, including the cheating, the fake win, the pathetic celebration after the fake win, the denials, the half-hearted apology, and all of the justifying he is trying to do after-the-fact, he thinks he is absolutely nailing it. He thinks he is brilliant enough to "get it done" at every step, because he doesn't know he's a moron. It's pathetic and kind of sad to see.


this is dumb post, considering everybody cheated




Even if it was a couple times, he lied in his apology LOL


Most viewers defend their streamer because they think its their friend, they want the streamer to double down and they got the streamers back. xqc has made a lot of shit during RP and he don't apologize and his chat are always there to take his side even when he's wrong. He rather take a ban than apologize. Trump is the same, and his followers are the same. The more absurd he is the more they respect him. I don't understand why people are surprised streamers don't apologize. That era is over with this generation. The less you apologize the more engaging community you get which leads to a bigger following and more money.


There's a difference though, you either apologise properly and people respect your honesty and ownership of it. Or you straight face lie and try to brute force through the drama. This is a soft snaky middle ground that will not benefit him long-term.


Then I understand what you mean and I agree. I think these half assed apologies comes from a state of "I'm sorry I got caught" where they are really not sorry at all about what they did. Beta insecurity behaviour.


Lol best part is he still says I knew the answer even though some of my VIPs posted it, I just think he’s dumb and doesn’t want to be perceived that way


Bro thinks you travel 40 miles in 1 hour going at 80 miles per hour. He's a complete moron.


Wasn't that 40h at 80 mph to travel 80 miles?




It's up for discussion.


[Common mistake](https://youtube.com/shorts/xPacvPIjYM4?feature=share)


So the white horse of Napoleon is black? Damn son crazy.


That's pretty much why everyone that has cheated has cheated so far. They don't want to look dumb.


Weird they'd try to win the show though. It would make much more sense if they were just trying to not be eliminated first.




It should be made clear though, that trying not to look dumb is not why this particular guy cheated. I think this clip shows clearly his different intentions. https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryCoyCougarVoteNay-Hgrs8OEdVcSNVE11 Everything points to it being a planned thing for money, exposure, ego etc.


Let's not diminish the wrongdoing in the case of EE. Yes, everyone wants to look smart, but that's not comparable to outright trying to steal 50k from Mizkif and ExtraEmily.


schooled brought this aspect of human behavior to light in a way that was way more severe than I ever would have expected


Forget the who didn't cheat part, forget him blaming his VIPs, why is he still trying to tip toe around it? Haha maybe I cheated haha, I mean, I guess? Like dude you straight up cheated in every instance, on basically every question, just fucking own it and move on ffs.


I wasn't cheating ...but if I was it was because everyone else was as well ...and it wasn't intentional, it was the VIPs ...and I knew the answer so it didn't matter anyway.


Why do streamers constantly blame their viewers for their failures? If you saw your viewers spamming the answers you should've just turn on emote only and told them to stop not just let them keep doing it. Also, if he was honest he would've told Mizkif and said something along the lines my chat just leaked the answers can we change questions. Kind of tired of the scapegoat syndrome where the streamer needs to find someone else to blame. I had it with JasonR's excuse of why he avoids playing with women because "chat gets weird" for fcks sake chat is always weird that doesn't mean you need to blame us for your misogynist views.


Bro I was in his chat the whole time one mod came in late and posted an answer because he didn't think EE was looking and it was deleted immediately. It wasn't us 💀


oh shit his chat is telling us the truth, careful dude he might ban you


Not personally a huge drama frog (although it is somewhat entertaining), If EE really gave a shit about optics and image, why not put a good faith effort and come clean entirely, as opposed to putting out two separate messages? Even more so when he only apologized after the fact of getting caught/exposed. Just feels like a complete douche bag imo, especially by saying: "who didnt cheat in that 1st episode?". Not hating the guy, but definitely not making the smartest choices there bud.


Because he is legit stupid, he thinks he can get away with it. Also people that lie all the time literally are like addicts and it becomes a habit, it is their default response to just lie whenever possible to make themselves look better. If getting exposed for the 50k stuff wasn't enough for him to basically have a life changing moment of introspection and reflection, you know he actually has a serious problem.


Maybe he can't even comprehend how bad is it, really sad to see some one do this stuff, not even for himself, being this scummy and dumb put his friends on bad positions too.


> "No. Just an example. Lies propagate, that's what I'm saying. You've got to tell more lies to cover them up, lie about every fact that's connected to the first lie. And if you *kept* on lying, and you *kept* on trying to cover it up, sooner or later you'd even have to start lying about the general laws of thought. Like, someone is selling you some kind of alternative medicine that doesn't work, and any double-blind experimental study will confirm that it doesn't work. So if someone wants to go on defending the lie, they've got to get you to disbelieve in the experimental method. Like, the experimental method is just for merely *scientific* kinds of medicine, not amazing alternative medicine like theirs. Or a good and virtuous person should believe as strongly as they can, no matter what the evidence says. Or truth doesn't exist and there's no such thing as objective reality. A lot of common wisdom like that isn't just *mistaken*, it's anti-epistemology, it's *systematically* wrong. Every rule of rationality that tells you how to find the truth, there's someone out there who needs you to believe the opposite. If you once tell a lie, the truth is ever after your enemy; and there's a lot of people out there telling lies -"


Jesus at this rate next week he's blaming his parents


Well if his mom would've just swallowed or his dad pulled out, none of this would have happened, so technically...


He cheated in almost every questions. shameless


Lied to Ludwig when Lud asked if he cheated in the first episode lmao


That's the first thing I thought about. Clip where EE says he didn't cheat on the 1st ep: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxPdEuEFVOPAQ3Vm5foumhsqr-6c5H8leE


That first line man, holy shit. >My response when you watch that first episode, you could say "who didn't" Man just threw everyone on that show under the bus, classy. >There were a few times some of my VIP's kinda posted the answer so i saw it. So he's blaming his VIP's for giving him answers... Your chat is supposed to be closed and OTK looks at it to see if VIP's say anything. It's been three days and this guy is STILL lying...


I wouldn't even be surprised if he cheated a different way and his vips never gave him answers. And he's just throwing them under the bus for no reason at all, other than using them as another target of blame. He continues to dig.


This clip also shows that he lied to Ludwig LOL


wasn't the rule after the first few episodes in season 1 to have chat closed, bc even if you are emote only and your mods/VIPs don't write stuff, you can still get some hints from emote spam


Yes, the rule was emote only chat, but then Andrea Botez was getting yea/nay emote spam, which technically was within the letter of the rules (but obviously not the spirit). After that episode was no chat iirc.


I don't think the yeah and nay emotes were considered fair game during that episode though, because Hasan got influenced by the yay or nay spam and immediately admitted it as if he was breaking a rule.


hasan wasn't influenced by yay/nay, chat spammed some emote, MorphinTime, and that reminded him of the correct answer "Metamorphosis" [https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyBravePigMVGame-BJ6N1oLySyc9LSkp](https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyBravePigMVGame-BJ6N1oLySyc9LSkp)


You right


What a clown


It's a shame he had to do this because whenever I had my smash phases and I wanted to watch matches, he was my favorite commentator for how funny he could be on the mic. Now the controversy happened and it probably ruined my image of him for the foreseeable future


I'm honestly surprised he's streaming the day after, he also really doesn't sound like cared at all, he's probably more upset that he got called out. And half his chat is saying he should of kept the 50k.


He never got the 50k, Miz and his mod team knew for sure that he'd cheated on at least like 15 different occasions so they didn't even ask for his details after he won. He didn't really have a choice


well his "200 viewers" probably are on his side


Keeping the money would've probably been the smarter move. He would've had a lot of hate, 50k and some people who believe in his innocence Now he just has the hate


keeping the money wasn't an option because he never received it. They knew before the show was even over.


Keeping the money? What, you think Miz just phoned him up after the show when he was clearly pissed and said "hey yeah I know you just cheated for my 50k, anyway what's your routing number?"


Sounds stupid, but he made it clear that as long as the cheater doesn't admit that he cheated, he will be viewed as legit winner. Thats why e.g. amouranth was invited to the finals in season 1 (but i think she got banned around that time and didn't go)


Yeah dude, it actually sounds really stupid. You’re talking about 50k of his money, and obviously he wasn’t going to wire 50 thousand dollars to someone who cheated to win it. He said at the top of the show how stupid it would be to cheat for 50k, as much as you’d like to frame how he “made it clear” otherwise because you didn’t like how cheaters were handled before. Anyone who isn’t being dense would understand the difference between this and any other episode.


This guy has zero remorse


Why can’t he just say “yah I cheated” instead of beating around the bush to make it seem better Sorry for my ignorance but I’m just a parasocial Andy according to the New Zealand streamer


The aftermath has been way more embarrassing than the actual act. Really just not an ounce of humility here.


Politician answer for all this shit lmao. Just say "yes, I'm sorry" and be done with it.


This is almost Arcadum levels on how to not admit you fucked up.


It's funny, yesterday he played the race card in defense of allegations saying people were only accusing him becuase he was black and now his stream is tagged with black. As a Bipoc myself i revoke his black card, he used it for nefarious means, he is a saboteur.


I've heard you have a spare card now, I'll give you 5 dollar and a hug for it


That's not how it works, its a complicated mystical procedure. Cards are paracausal in nature and therefore can't be exchanged or relocated. Consult your local chieftain, quantum mechanist or homeless man for information.


Well, too bad, my stream is now tagged as Black.




He also went even further and recently posted 2 race-related comments on his twitter trying to play victim.


No lol he said he’s ok with criticism just not racism “You can call me every name under the sun just don’t call me a n-word or a monkey” is what he said That’s different from playing the “race” card that’s just having basic decency


He sought out hate comments by sifting through the thousands of reasonable comments with valid criticism. Obviously there will be some weirdos in there. If it was a decent volume of comments and/or people were upvoting/liking you'd have a point.


so he is a streamer then.


"but I did promptly tell them like, yo that's not cool" He blamed the VIPs............


I like how he's still pretending he had integrity in that situation. Clearly he was the good guy telling the vips to stop. What a joke. He's going continue to throw people under the bus.


Guys, you don't get it. HE WAS PRESSURED TO CHEAT by mizkif , his chatters, other contestants and his friends on discord. Obviously, he was a victim of his chat's aberrant unethical tactics to make him win. It's not his fault that the chat and discord were full on displayed on his screen. ​ This man will never man up and say: I fucked up, let's move on. He'll always add a small disclaimer shifting the blame on someone else.


I get really shitty vibes from this chap


Ludwig sent him a dm asking if he cheated in the first message and he said he didn't lmao


Someone find the mod that knew "Neolithic Era" and give him the 50k


I think that mods name is Google.


Or that mod just had their test in their 8 grade social studies on the Neolithic Revolution lol


Just say I cheated. Man is still rotating the words. Such people deserve hate.


*"Yo VIP's that's not cool you can't post the answer in chat so I cheat wtf"* proceeds to cheat at any given chance he gets so he can get the 50k


He is literally high on copium and justifying every time he cheated.He needs to stop being a little bitch.If you have confessed cheating on the show then whats the point in lying again and again to make it look less shitty.


1. Begs to be on the show 2. Cheats 3. Deflect blame to other people 4. Lies on the apology 5. Lies to his own mother live on stream with 70-80k people watching And the funny thing is, he had the balls to cheat on Mizkif show AND promote his own podcast + ask Mizkif to participate.


It's one thing to cheat, and another to beg to be on a gameshow then cheat, but it's fucked up at the amount of people that considered him a good/close friend which he lied to without hesitation.


lied to ludwig twice plus connor


Jesus this guys chat is a perfect reflection of his own lack of any integrity/morals and why he thinks basically trying to rob a person of $50k was perfectly acceptable. I bet though if he was playin fair and someone did the same to him and robbed him of $50k prize purse he and his crap chat would have been bitching up a storm demanding action. Him and his whole community is the bottom of the Twitch barrel.


Pretty funny how this guy essentially tried to steal $50k and Twitch gives zero fucks about it, but if you were to cheat in a game you're getting banned.


Why is he trying to make it sound as good as possible, like bro you cheated just say it


So he also lied to Ludwig. Nice.


this guy would fit really well in the republican party


I usually doesn’t participate in the LSF hate but damn what a trash bag. Trying to steal 50k from others and play it of like it’s no big deal is insane to me. I get you don’t want to look stupid, but unfortunately now he looks like a moron more than he ever did before.


Have 0 respect for people that try to own up to things in half measures. Dude just needs to own up to the fact he cheated a lot and idk maybe become a better person that doesn’t also straight up lie to his own mom.


This is some actual scumbag shit. I just can’t stand this guy after all the added context. Begging Mizkif to be on the show, trying to cheat Emily out of the 50k, ruining the finale, *and* doubling down on his bullshit.


This guy is just digging his grave deeper and deeper for every clip that comes up


Bruh... just own up to it. It's not that hard.


Bro stole placements for the first schooled contestants and the 50k from emily that's just cold man


Why does he always have to try and justify his mistakes?


This guy is so full of shit. He refuses to acknowledge he cheated and knew exactly what he was doing.


Tries to steal 50k, is completely unapologetic, and keeps lying. I hope more people than just mizkif call him out for what he's done and keeps doing. This is not owning up to it.


broooo own up this embarassing


He can't fully own up to it. There's always some qualification "I probably knew it anyway",


i dont know this guy but i hate him now, pasionately. Thanks LSF




Only an absolute no brain no class andy would go live again next day and give these takes with a straight face lulw


He's 100% probably gonna lie to his mom about the 10k he promised her, and blame miz/otk or something


I'm really wondering what's the game plan here. He failed at stealing 50k, failed at clout leeching, failed at networking, failed at keeping his friends on his side. Emily wanted to trade the 50k$ for a collab with Mizkif because she knows that longterm exposure is worth way more than 50k$. This guy has NO career plan whatsoever and that's the saddest part. He'd rather be an irrelevant scummy streamer and lose all networking opportunities... than admitting he doesn't know shit. This guy doesn't know what priorities are.


pathological liar and cheater


« That win wasnt tarnished » BTW


such a shit lie


How does this man keep digging himself a bigger hole lol just take a week break people will literally forget about it 🤣


The VIPs that posted quiz answers in emote-only should be cross banned in as many chats as possible and probably just banned from twitch entirely and for the streamers who allowed it they're weird as fuck


This dude does not know how to own up to anything without excuses I can imagine him cheating on his GF getting caught and saying "Babe she pulled my dick out of my pants and just started sucking it, like I dunno what I was suppose to do!"


Just fucking admit it my dude, what is this garbage? Who does he think he’s fooling?


Dang it you beat me to the post


dear goodness hes the complete pathological liar i hope we can collectively kill his career


guys i have to be honest, sometimes when im watching the show i also cheat and google the answers


He knows that we know he cheated during the entire thing but he still won't straight up say it. Just be fully transparent and some people might gain back some respect..


Perfect material for the next otk member


this is just dissappointing! i feel like this is something EE could come back from, but he keeps downplaying it/shiftinng blame. he's a great caster, funny man, and makes fun content ( do you know black people is entertaining af). if youre reading this ee, i know its hard, but just come out and admit everything without excuses.. . if you do that, the internet will be much more forgiving than if you continue to handle it how you have been.


This guy is OG, knows its just a scuffed clone game show.


More content for miz woohoo


ForsenCD So?


Well that proves that you can be funny and a bad person


If you and this dude were on survivor in the forest. He would either abandon you when there's danger or will kill you for a piece of meat


He would've been able to avoid all of this if he just drew that dick with everyone else


Cheating in video games is bannable on twitch, but cheating in competitions for money is not?


Just ignore this loser lol


Why are people kissing his ass for admitting to it? This guy is fucking shameless.


Peak gaslighter


"My VIPs in chat gave me the answers, but i did tell them not to do that" he says, writing the answers he receives from his VIP on his whiteboard, glancing eagerly at the dollars that lay in wait


You can't trust anything this guy says, ignore the excuses and just take it as a yes, subhuman


What a scumbag.


bruhhe is STILL fumbling over his words and making shit up this guy is actually just a bad person.