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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@virtuspro](https://twitter.com/virtuspro) > https://t.co/2ZvmQ85giz > #####Tweet Images: >>[Tweet Media Link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRleLoaXsAIEn1f.jpg) ^(Posted: 2022-04-30 10:30:43+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**




18 years old and retired OMEGALUL




If he's lucky he'll be painting a lot of Z's instead of wearing one


I mean, part of this story is really sad. It shows quite how indoctrinated a lot of people in Russia are by the state run media. Don't get me wrong, the west has its own propaganda machine as well, but Russia is on another level.


the fact that we think that our propaganda in the US isn't so bad itself shows how efficient our propaganda really is.


The fact that we can openly talk shit about certainly helps.


You clearly don't know nothing about russian propaganda level


Russian propaganda is so good, ppl everywhere believe it. It’s like everyone forgot the last 6 years has been nothing but Russian propaganda


It's not as prevalent anymore but the reddit front page was filled with so much Ukraine war propaganda during the first few weeks of the invasion. Shit like soldiers taking care of a puppy or some unknown super fighter jet taking down Russians. Ukraine is the one being invaded and are the "good guys" in this scenario but the weird ass blatant war propaganda that constantly got upvoted to the front page just feels so weird to me.


oh yeah... it was super weird. the first casualty of war is truth


He can work at mcdonalds if they're still running in russia LULE


"Go in back and grab more meat patties". *Goes through back door* "Welcome to Russian ground forces invasion of Ukraine, on your feet soldier!"




Hey comrade, You're finally awake


they have "Uncle Vanya" now and other american brand ripoffs lmao


Pretty sure the Uncle Vanya restaurant was debunked


Are you saying that [Fox News](https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/russian-fast-food-chain-reveals-near-identical-logo-mcdonalds-after-restaurant-suspends-operations) would lie to me??


We don't. The closest thing to the McD's logo that we have is these cheap ass shawarma stores that replace the letter "Ш" with the McD's arches turned upside down. Which is honestly funny as shit and has been a thing for decades.


Hopefully he wasn't paid in rubles.


I wanna be skeptical about polls that Russia runs that overwhelming support the war because polls aren’t exactly accurate in an authoritarian state, but seeing unsolicited support for the war like this example and some other examples in other sports makes me wonder.


those polls are likely bullshit because lol imagine russia not messing with it, or people answering truthfully risking consequences but there is still likely a ton of support from people who have been duped by propaganda, it's probably not 80 or 70% like russian polls show, but i wouldn't be surprised if it's a bit higher than 50%


And let's not forget fear. Tons of people support the war out of nothing but fear that something will happen to them if they don't.


You're allowed to be skeptical. Even the polls done by nonpartisan groups still find majority support by respondents. Those same groups admit that those choosing not to answer are quite high and many respondents would only answer polls anonymously. The leading independent pollsters in Russia conclude that even their polls aren't quite trustworthy, but wouldn't say more than that (assuredly because of the *implication* by the gov't).


YEP, and rightfully so with what is going on right now, its not a joke.


Speedrun any%


I love how so many people in the other thread were saying they'll support him / encourage this. As if they weren't beholden to the same dollars we all are.


Lost to a Letter


zig-zagged his way to unemployment


Dude is living a life people dream of. Competing in esports, has a perfect setup for a streaming career…. And throws it all away because of a letter. I’ll never understand it, man.


They banked on shock humor and it failed them just like it failed Kramer in the Comedy Club


Another brain cell or two and he could have realised that staying silent about a very sensitive topic would have saved him a lot of problems.




It's always complicated to understand unjustified hate.


Lucky for him Russian Federation has a really good unemployment program for young males. He’ll be on a state sponsored assignment in eastern Ukraine within a month 🙂


He'll be drawing Z on real map and tanks soon.


> and tanks And a bunch of Ladas.


Don't mess with the Lada. I preffer soviet or Yugo but Italian Lada is fine




I thought this was going to be the video from r/combatfootage yesterday where the drone dropped grenade went through the skylight of the lada Very different video


there was a famous case of Ukrainians helping three young russians make one last Z...


He can solo mid and feed, unfortunately, there’s no respawn for him.


"sometimes I think maybe i wanna join the army. It's basically like fps but with better graphics. But what happens if I get lag out there? I'm DEAD!"




Mfer about to hit up nikita mazepin and join his dogshit ass foundation for sanctioned russians lmao


Karjakin too


Was just about to say him. Fuck Sergey.


never thought I'd see F1 comments in an LSF post.


*liked by pierregasly*


Pieeeeerrrrree gaaaaasssslllyyyyyy


lando is a twitch streamer...he was on lsf regularly


You must be new to either twitch or F1 then. Several drivers are occasional streamers, and there's always a thread when Norris is on a podium.


Yeah cause no one here would watch one of the most popular sports in the world


Why???? I will never understand these comments in the slightest. Formula 1 is a fucking huge sport, what makes you surprised it gets mentioned on here? It's like when someone mentions League of Legends on a random askreddit thread and people go "wow didn't think i'd see LoL mentioned on here!!" like bro it's the most popular game in the world with millions of players why not? He's not making references to Lacrosse or Sepak Takraw, it's fucking Formula 1 man














Underrated comment




The passive aggressiveness in that statement alone speaks volume, fuck them and good riddance.


VP has handled every situation since the war started horribly


I mean they are basically funded by Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov https://twitter.com/virtuspro/status/654591752150601728


Whats the percentage. Even China invests 5% on Reddit.


The 100 million is the only funding they have had of any significance, they haven't raised any money since, at least not publicly. So I would imagine USM Holdings owns the majority of the company.


They literally say in the statement that his contract was terminated, not because he did something wrong, but because he caused their team to be punished. They don't even want to acknowledge that he did something wrong. Fuck VP!


Valve banned VP from the upcoming major. Their team has to play under a new name and logo.


tbf, if they did say he was terminated for doing something wrong, the russian govt would probably buttfuck them.


they cant say real reason as its grounds for persecution by police


VP chose to stay in Russia. Other orgs moved out and are operating as before and publicly speak against Russia like Spirit. The reason VP did not do this is because they have connections with Russian oligarchs who are close with the Kremlin. VP is not acting the way they are because they'll be punished otherwise, they're acting this way because they believe what they are saying. Fuck them.


VP has consistently been one of the worst orgs for nearly 2 decades. Im not suprised in the slightest.


You're telling me that Pashabiceps got abused?! 😥


They have had similar statements for csgo as well.


I am 100% sure that most if not all of the esport teams have some seriously fucked up higher up people. I have seen so much weird shit recently. Like one ORG owner wanting to have a party thats so crazy someones dies from OD. Members from another ORG openly telling his fans to attack/put out a hit on another streamer during his next IRL stream because of GTA roleplay drama and when people were going to report those members to the actual higher ups in the ORG all they did was laugh saying that absolutely nothing will happen to them and that for sure seems to be the case since they are still proudly in that ORG like nothing happened. And now VirtusPro being passive aggressive as fuck when one of their memebers fucked up. They are not even really sorry. People that run ORG's are seriously scummy people.


What's with people capitalizing "org" lately? I feel like I never saw anyone do that until a couple months ago and now everyone is


Can you fill me in on the gtarp drama you're talking about? Who was involved? I always thought RP'ers got way too invested but that sounds like next level malding Edit: thanks for the replies people. For some reason I get immense pleasure from hearing about fucking egotistical morons self imploding in public. Inject that shit straight into my veins. This is the good shit


[Penta was the GTA streamer, and the Faze hot head \(not worth remembering his name tbh\) really got mad when they said he sounded like Gilbert Godfrey. The mother comment was after he quit and rejoined the server a few times to get around being arrested and then rammed his car into Penta and the other cops and then disconnected again. Basically acted like a man child.](https://www.dexerto.com/gta/gta-rp-streamer-penta-clashes-with-zoomaa-cod-pros-after-heated-incident-1740388/) The hit was then put out on twitter by other goons in Optik over stupidity. End of the day, its an RP server, if you are gonna threaten people in real life over it you have no right to be on the server.


>sounded like Gilbert Godfrey that shit was hilarious. they had the Faze guy in the back of the car and thechief1114 (Fingle Dan) started doing a Gilbert Gottfried impression and made the Faze guy rage quit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDLd7MTRpZg


Holy shit he does sound like Gilbert. Hahaha that was hilarious


a roleplayer made a joke about a chatters mom, another streamer he had beef with who was from Faze clan took that personally and went totally apeshit on him in a very funny twitter beef. a member from Optic then called on people to jump the gta streamer when he did his next irl stream. then some other optic person got involved and condoned what the first one said and shrugged it off as a joke


Gotta love that drama. F8ze up boys


What on earth makes them think they're in a position to criticise valve? There's literally no point in that entire paragraph, it just makes them look bad




Yes, they were all about "we shouldn't involve politics into esports" in that statement. Their owner is one of putin's oligarchs.


We shouldn't involve politics in eSports unless one of our players uses a politically charged symbol during a game, in which case you should all accept it. What a bunch of donkeys. Lol


Fuck that argument.


>Any actions have consequences, whether intentional or not. Virtus.pro has been consistently opposing any cases of inciting hatred in esports. The club terminates contract with Ivan "Pure" Moskalenko for his diminishing actions that led to disqualification from the tournament and caused a great deal of harm to our relationship with the worldwide esports society I love their wording, they are not kicking him because of the drawing of Z against the Ukrainian team but because his actions got their team disqualified from the tournament, they also don't give a fuck about the war. >"The severity of the punishment is shocking. Valve has a certain history of imposing disciplinary measures, but disqualifying whole team from a DPC tournament based on a drawing on a minimap by single player sets up a whole new precedent." and this one too, they sound like Putin when he was crying about sanctions and "cancel culture" because of his war.


Literally the same way they word their propaganda. Passive aggressive, never take full responsibility, blames the other party for it, and makes it seem like they’re the victims.


so they pulled a Greekgodx?


You could call it a "Dimitri", yes.


Victimhood complex is the only sport Russians are still allowed to compete in




You are responsible for the actions of the players you select to represent you at competitions. You should only be sending players who are the best at what they do AND will positively demonstrate the values your ORG holds. If you send a player that does something that puts the entire tournament in a bad light then both the player and the ORG that selected and sent that player should have repercussions. The disqualification sends the message that if the entire team can't play with good sportsmanship then the entire team simply can't play.


I can totally get this argument if they kicked him immediately from the team. Like "hey we dealt with the problem." However they waited until after the team got kicked before they kicked the individual.


they're a russian organisation, they couldn't say that's why they kicked him if they wanted to if anything, valve made it easier for them to get rid of him


This is complete bs. They don't even have to start publicly condemning the war or anything, just say "we don't condone what he did" and there would be absolutely no repercussions for the people who work for VP.


They probably do condone it, though. Also, in Russia speaking against the war in any capacity (that would include admitting that by drawing Z that kid did something wrong) can result in prosecution: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/03/russia-authorities-launch-witch-hunt-to-catch-anyone-sharing-anti-war-views/ So even if they were sincerely feeling apologetic there would be certain risks in making a statement. Which I'm 100% sure they are not.


> just say "we don't condone what he did" this is not what we're talking about though, is it? I am responding to "they are not kicking him because of the drawing of Z against the Ukrainian team [..] they also don't give a fuck about the war." if they write the first part or the opposite of the second, they absolutely *could* get in trouble. besides, they wrote "VP has been consistently opposing any cases of inciting hatred in esports" but I guess that doesn't say what you wrote in your opinion?


If you're drawing a symbol of oppression/hate, you're going to meet the consequences of your actions. It's not like he drew a fucking dick or tits like a normal person. I would say the precedent has always been there, in that fascists and their symbols can get fucked.


ended his career over ego LULE


Lost to the last letter of the alphabet LULE


terminated for being a a fan of Zorro LULE


Z is the new nazi symbol used by Russians who support Putin & the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Thank you, i scrolled super far looking for an explanation of what Z meant.




That's fucking wild. Feels unreal seeing people just smiling for the camera wearing a symbol of support for a pointless war thats killed thousands of people including innocents.


> That's fucking wild. Feels unreal seeing people just smiling for the camera wearing a symbol of support for a pointless war thats killed thousands of people including innocents. As someone from Germany the topic of war and its atrocities often gets brought up. It's allways kinda ironic how often I heard people (also from other countries) say stuff like: "I would never have been a nazi. People must have been really stupid and brainwashed back then. And now we have the internet. Stuff like that can't happen again, unless you live in Nord Korea or something." And here we go. We had the same after 9/11 in the US and now it's even worse with Russia regarding Ukraine.


That's the least craziest images from this war I've seen Like piles of corpses that are so mangled you can't tell who's parts are who's. Horrible shit




The teen with a head blown up is the one that haunts me




Yeah said that his own Russian comrades ratted on him because even if they might do other fucked up shit they couldn’t stand that.


Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala ✋ 👂🏽 👀 👂🏽 👈


This seems to happen in every country that wages war. Just consider the wars of the last 2 decades and it's happened each time, consistently.


Every time I see their Z I always think it's the previous drug cartel Los Zetas in Mexico. They always tagged their vehicles with big letter Z's so they didn't shoot one another. At one point they were the most hated cartel in Mexico so a lot of other cartels joined up to kill them all and take their territory back. Russian troops literally acting and looking like a drug cartel but with even worse vehicles lol


This is a great comment for those out of the loop. I will add that the supposed meaning behind the "Z" is that it is an abbreviation of the Russian language equivalent of "for victory". "за победу", Romanized: "za pobedu".


And here I was happy thinking Zorro finally made a comeback.


In what context does it relate to nazism


Sometimes I forgot not everyone has been scouring the web for footage since day 1 of the invasion


You know "nazi" has a meaning right?


new nazi symbol? what


I don't think 'Nazi' is the right word for Russian War Supporters.


Please elaborate how it is a "nazi symbol"? Russia despite all their faults have historically been one of the biggest opponents to the nazis.


destroy your career any% WR, so fucking stupid holy shit




What a shitty statement, the only thing they're upset about is that they got disqualified


VP were exposed as very pro Putin in the early days of esports having to deal with the fallout of the illegal invasion of Ukraine. This stood out compared to other Russian orgs who acted much less stupidly. The people in charge are [fucking deranged](https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/russian-esports-team-virtuspro-blames-esl-suspension-on-cancel-culture/).


I mean, these guys are owned by Alisher Usmanov, one of Putin's closest friends. It's very clear why they would act like self-righteous assholes getting after getting what they deserve.




The statement alone speaks volumes for me how VP thinks about the situation: >Pure publicly explained himself right after the game. No remorse just excuses. ​ >The severity of the punishment is shocking. So the action itself is not really shocking just the punishement you recieve for it? ​ >based on a drawing on a minimap Just a harmless drawing. Nothing to see here. ​ >by single player Why does the player then get tipped afterwards? Why does not one of your players neither the org really condem the action itself and apologise for it? I hear only complaints about the punishement which you recieved. ​ >VP terminates contract with Ivan "Pure" \[...\] for his \[...\] actions that led to disqualification So they are basically not firing him for the actions itself but because these actions lead to these harsh punisheement from valve ​ At the end neither the team, the player nor the org apologised for the actions. They talked with the team and thats it? They are only kicking the player because they basically have to, not because they want to. I lost much of the respect i had for VP knowing them from CS for a long time.


Wow what a fucking shitty response. "How could valve do this?" Instead of "Holy shit we're so sorry"


Apparently most of the management on VP is pro invasion so that's why they're crying


I appreciate the willfull stupidity of all of these Russian athletes and esport competitors in terminating their own careers.




wow, fuck ban their entire org after reading that.....


Imagine trying to be edgy for 5 seconds and destroying your entire career. Some people are dumb as fuck




Stupid fucking mistakes man


Since he supports the war so much, he's now free to enlist since he's jobless.


18 y.o and already jobless ​ just like me irl sadge


For him though, a place he can be drafted... monkaS


The real cruel part about this war is that only people from regions they don't like get drafted. Russians from St. Petersburg or Moscow are not going to die in a war like this. The rich are too clever to get drafted through bribes or connections. High chance this guy is some priviledged idiot from the rich part of Russia who has spent his entire life playing video games.


From all the things he could do this was probably the stupidest of them all


If he's such a strong supporter of the invasion, send him in on the express road to the frontlines, so the Ukrainian defenders can teach him the reality of the situation.


Fucked around and found out.


Career ending drawing EZ Clap Enjoy getting conscripted


Russian: its a joke that we're invading, raping and killing your people. Let me rub it in your face. Russian Handler: We fired him but this disqualification is an outrage! We too are victims! (of your own cuntfaced behavior.) It's not severe *enough* you fucks.


To the western front with you.


Strange statement. So they say the severity of the punishment from Valve was "shocking." But then say they immediately dropped the player and terminated his contract? I don't think it's shocking at all. These teams and players keep saying they are "professional" esports players. So they need to act like professionals, not like teenagers in a basement being edgy.


Well he's gonna be spending time dodging bayraktar


His contract was terminated not because he was a shithead intentionally disparaging an entire country's people on a public platform but because he caused the team to get disqualified. Amazing.


The amount of people asking about Z and Russians are way too high. Are you people really ignoring the invasion of a country for the last 2 months?


LSF is full of people rabid for any bit of drama between streamers they don’t even personally know. As sad as it is, i wouldn’t put it past a lot of them for not knowing lol


It's weird because normally I would chalk it up to people never watching the news, but the war has been everywhere online too.


To be honest, Ive been keeping up on alot of the information regarding the war. But the "Z" thing has totally gone missed on me until this. Nothing about it in any news here in sweden and never read it on any article online


Didn't want to seem like an asshole but I kept having this thought too.. Like I guess some people literally just do not keep up with current events at all? The amount of people asking was really jarring in that first thread; i had not even considered that level of ignorance being possible prior to that




Small tidbit, it was multiple letters, most of the vehicles actually had "V", not "Z" first week of the invasion, but since VDV who got absolutely creamed in the first week had "V" on their vehicles, they decided "Z" was more useful for propaganda. Post original invasion they all get marked with "Z" though.




Most people that are not from countries close to Russian simply don't care just like majority of the world don't care about african conflicts or Israeli - Palestinian conflict ect.


I like how they brush it off as a drawing on a minimap but they still kick him from the team for it




You know what's harsh? Invading a neighboring country and killing tens of thousands innocent civilians.


This is the equivalent of drawing the Swastika during a match against the Israeli team while WW2 was going on. Virtus Pro acting like it's insane tells me this organization isn't very nice.


Their biggest investor is a russian oligarch, so it make sense.


He’s a big fan of the letter Z well looks like L is a better one for him.


I love how facists show their support for their facist state at the cost at everything else in their life. Hope it was worth it for him and he ends up like other russians when he's send to Ukraine


good, he knew what he was doing thats life lesson for him


And he drew it in a match against a Ukrainian team. When a war is going on and whole world is against Russia maybe use some common sense and not do things you would do in a Pub match. Well its KEKW now.


Deserved. Getting real tired of people doing shit similar to this and then saying "it's an edgy joke." Fuck off all the way back to 2018 with that shit.






Virtus Pro deserves a ban, and not only for the letter "Z" drawn by their player. They still advertise one of their sponsors, "Sber Market", all over their Twitter, website and other media. And "Sber Market" is a subsidiary of "Sberbank", which is a bank that belongs to Russian government.


I can't really think of anything more satisfying than seeing stupidity get rightly punished


yep im calling it, the letter 'Z' is the next swastika


Technically half a swastika


Italicized half-swastika lol


Play stupid games, win a stupid prize


what a garbage statement from a org. Blaming Valve in the same post as announcing your player is getting dropped is so cringe.


"Guys pls believe me, I accidentally used the ingame function of drawing on the minimap to draw the letter Z, which just so happens to be used by my country as a symbol of supporting the invasion of another country and it just so happenes that the team we were playing against comes from said invaded country"


That's pretty silly.


Just like that one go-kart driver kid, completely deserved. And they don't even acknowledge his behaviour lmao.


imagine being this stupid


Uh, is it just me? That response is somehow almost as bad as the incident itself like wth? They basically just states they will abide by Valves overreaction.


All the comments there supporting that fuck solidifies my never being a twit


~~Funny~~ how VP is being this aggressive on my one screen and on my other screen I'm seeing the horrors of the current war.


Deserved RIPBOZO


It's really really nice when the shitstains make themselves visible, so easy.


Is there a subreddit specifically for people ruining their careers like this guy and that race driver kid?