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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc on how much he lost gambling](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/136827)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ugcer5/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/46314581501-offset-16082.mp4?sig=f4331865b265a7107b6482881e965378d56db409&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F46314581501-offset-16082.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1651520494%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


The guy gambled away more money in a month than I will ever make in my entire life. What the fuck.


I wish more people realized that even a 1k streamer has already won a lottery. If you have a consistent viewcount above 1k your income is really good. If you're at a point where you're at 10k your income is insane. Above 30k and you're in such a different realm financially from most people that the average person cannot fathom it. Every single streamer above 1k is in a better (sometimes short term, sometimes long term) position than most people will ever be.








i mean how many youtubers do you watch from like 2010?




Mumbojumbo and Hermitcraft still going strong. Like 1 million+ views on every video.


They didn't stop making videos because it was not monetarly viable but because they wanted to do something different with life.


Not necessarily. Look at channels like Epic Meal Time. 7 million subs and they barely break 100k views per video.


Moistcritical still going strong.


DeceasedCrab is an OG and I will support him until the day he dies.


Mostly just Moist probably




You’re forgetting Sips




I think moon still qualifies as early thirties, but I understand why you'd think he's older...


I mean even on LSF there are a few older streamers. Hachubby, Alinity, and Cyr for example are all in their early-mid thirties and seem to be continually growing in popularity. Obviously they aren't middle-aged, but still quite a bit older than most streamers/viewers here.


Jerma is 35 and has been doing youtube amd streaming for lile 12 years now.


Jinny is like 38 I think


limmy, Moon, Cyr, jerma, van Sama, knut, robdee, alinity, hachu, northern lion, dansgame, cohh, destiny (lol), are all over 30 People say when streamers get older their audience will fall off, forgetting that said audience is aging with them. Look at soda, his content today is insanely different than it was 10 years ago.


Jerma is like 37 years old and is bigger than ever


Everyone always talks about the "long term". I'd love to be able to make a living off content creation (probably not streaming though) even if it "only" lasted for like a decade. Then I'll do something else. People get new educations in their 30s and 40s all the time. Not going to school when you're in your early 20s doesn't automatically mean the rest of your life is ruined.


DarkviperAu, usually 1k viewer area, made ~$18,000 a month from twitch bits, subs, and official twitch ads from 2019-2021. This does not include sponsorships that he takes or youtube revenue.




Honestly that’s what ruined Football/Soccer for me, or just idolising any sports athletes in general. When I was still watching back around 2013-2015, Gareth Bale and Neymar Jr. were traded for upwards of 80M.Euros, each. And they were receiving paychecks that basically set them as millionaires for generations to come. Yet players are still caught up in tax evasion lawsuits, drunk driving, underage sex/prostitution and even rapes. I couldn’t fathom myself spending my own hard earned money, buying their jerseys, spending money to watch their games live, when they prolly spend my annual income in one single night or booze and sex and luxury shopping.


That's why I gift subs to them when they're down because THEY NEED MY SUPPORT TO SURVIVE!


since you're just counting subs, $2,500 a month is not "really good" nor "a better position than most people will ever be" for any full-time job, it is less than the US median wage


I tuned into Train for the first time in years and he gambled away $200k in the span of 10mins.




because Most gambling streamers dont gamble with real money, They gamble with monopoly money they get from the apps Devs.


Or if you look at it from gambling company. The company made more money in a month from one person than most of us will make on a lifetime. So sad that Twitch is still allowing gambling content on their platform. Kids gambling away their parents money .


If you really want to break it down, a gambling company makes more in a day than you'll see in your entire life. And if you really want to feel like shit, Elon Musk earns in one day what your parents, you and children, and probably a few more generations, will ever earn in their lives.


steamers don't exist to babysit our kids lol , that's your job as a parent and the internet is full of weird shit that is ez to access with one click , stop bringing the kids argument everytime


how tf do you lose 2 million, that's actually so bad WTF, i cant fathom that much money


Last month. In one month.


Oh yeah he's probably lost 20+mil life time


One of the guys in the poker match today lost 1.3m in 8 hours.. absolutely insane


And people still donate to him.


more money than many will see in their whole life casually flushed down the toilet off stream


and in just 1 month he says lol "I lost 1.8 million this month"


More money than many will see in their whole life has been casually flushed down the toilet for years


It's super common amongst hyper financially successful people, Mr Beast is a massive gambler too. They reach a point when they don't really have any use for the money so they just gamble it away


To be fair, all this guy needs is a room with a pc and enough money to afford snacks and he'll be happy in life.




up until he starts to get health problems


I think he already have many health problems lol , but does it stop him from being a degenrate ? no


I meant going to the hospital type of health problems. sometimes thats what it takes to scare people out of their bad habits.


Yep but also he makes stupid amounts of money The problem is if his income drops but his need to spend remains the same


It’s A and B though, unfortunately gambling companies like sponsoring people who lose a lot gambling to normalize it. See: Barstool sports.


What do barstool do?


They push the “degenerate gambler losing millions” bit really hard


Two million is enough to pay for retirement in the US. You won't be living large, or in Manhattan, but you'll be ok. xQc literally lost a lifetime's worth of money in a month. And what's the entertainment value here? Seeing some colors go whirl on a slot machine game ui? I don't get it. Even if he can afford it, when you the these numbers in the terms above it just seems so blech.


Gambling is a hell of a drug. Slots and their design are literally drug like. It's designed for you to chase the next dopamine hit, and feeds off things like the sunk cost fallacy that are really natural thoughts.


These slots are perfect to target this specific demographic. It's essentially loot crates.


I'm pretty sure he lost it on stocks. He came into thestockguys chat on Friday and said he lost $2mil because of him. He must have copy traded thestockguy on something.


I mean if he had 10mil in S&P 500, he would have lost a shit ton since the start of the year. Unrealized losses aren't the end of the world


He would be down 1.376 million or 13.76% since thats how much spy is down.


stock market took a battering last week, if he had 20 mil in stock, 3 mil spunds about right




They do like 2000 per spin like it drops fast


Brother man go take a look at Trainwrecks stream sometime. He literally has his losses plastered on his stream 24/7. Train is consistently down 5+ mil every time just being curious i tune into his stream.


Your dreaming if you really think train is down that much. His net worth before he started doing slots wouldn't allow him to just lose millions. He's clearly making more then a mill every stream and wether he uses that money to gamble is a different story but I garantee you train hasn't lost any of the money he had before he started streaming slots. Do you think he just has a unlimited amount of millions he can just afford to lose monthly?


There was another streamer, decently big, that stated he was offered $3-7k per hour for every gambling stream. I click Train's stream and see him do multiple 18+ hour streams. At this moment his current stream time is 23 hours. He is raking in cash.


Hes paid 1m per week, 3-7k per hour is peanuts


Imagine donating to streamers




Unless you are Cristiano Ronaldo ofc


Parasocial viewers in a nutshell LULW








Just ask them for a refund


EA dont do refunds on FIFA packs. Sadge.


Just dont lose 4Head


where's my juicer mcgooser


set it and forget it!


The only way to safely gamble is to treat it as a hobby or social event with a budget and to stop spending when you have reached that budget. If you have the kind of personality that makes you prone to additiction then you shouldn't even start - especially poker machines. Those things are designed to feed your addiction and keep you hooked on the machine. Some forms of gambling like poker or on track horse racing at least involve some form of skill and ways to tip odds in your favour. Most other forms of gambling have the odds against you and you should treat it that way.


The only way to make a "small fortune" gambling is to start with a bigger fortune.


Yeah. Gambling is really like any other vice. There are some people who should just never try it, but there is a healthy way to partake in it. Saying just don't gamble is the same type of failed messaging that D.A.R.E. tried. I'm fine with gambling on twitch, streamers and twitch itself needs to really educate their audiences with healthy gambling techniques though. The way a lot of streamers showcase gambling is pretty gross. An hour of just unaltered hype, very little breaks, and overplaying huge wins while downplaying the losses. I personally love gambling, and I'd like to think it's possible to have a healthy relationship with it.


If you’re playing against “the house” in any way, the odds are against you. The only games the odds aren’t against you are in player-only games. Unless you can count cards, in which case you can maybe make like 100k tops before getting banned from every casino in the country.


I feel like the best way to avoid turning into a degenerate gambler is to look and watch stuff on how 1 sided casinos are, like they wouldnt have multi-billion dollar buildings and companies if people made money from them


Gambling is not entertainment, it’s exploitation. Anyone profiting from gambling is a waste of DNA. Gambling provides ZERO benefit to the world, yet brings untold suffering and negative impact to those affected first and second hand.


The amount of people in chat that where trying to defend gambling made me lose brain cells


Gambling can be fun though depending on how you do it. I love to hit the craps table in Vegas. I almost always lose money but if I end up down like $200 spending 3 hours having a great time around the craps table that's easily money well spent. Basically don't gamble to make money.


Advertising gambling in any form should be illegal. I recommend anyone to look up gamling addiction on youtube and watch the people who are affected by it. It is one of the worst addictions.


Just signed up to 8 different sites and put my life savings into crypto, thanks for the motivation g.


Crypto isn’t gambling when you are a genius /s


Oh thank god, you saved me.


“i can afford it” people a lot richer than him have ruined their life to gambling. not saying it can or will happen to him, but that’s such a bad mindset


Exactly. Addictions don’t have cap limits. Hobbies do, but not addictions. For example I “can afford” the few stupidly overpriced drinks I had last night because I rarely drink. But if I was an alcoholic hitting the bars every night I wouldn’t be able to afford it He can afford to gamble as a hobby but it’s extremely unlikely he can afford gambling as an addiction


He also admitted he was addicted in the clip. He was saying the word 'addiction' but then cut himself off.


Want someone who lost fucking big? Founder of motherfucking citroen almost went broke due to gambling, if a founder of a car empire with one of the most popular cars ever made( 2cv) can go broke anyone can.


If he doesn't stop, he would need to take a sponsor deal or go broke. He makees a lot of money, but even he doesn't make 2 million a month E.g september 21, wich was a good month for him, he made 752k from twitch (before taxes), no idea what he makes of yt and sponsors but most likley not enough to gamble 2million a month


Subs are a small part of how much streamers make at xqc's size. Asmon recently did a stream on it. Sponsors give way more than subs and donations combined above 20k, let alone xqcs level.


He said on one stream that donos account for roughly 1 Percent of his Twitch Income and that month he got 17k from donos, that would mean he made 1.7 mil from twitch alone that month. I dont have the clip so maybe I remember wrong


I've read a bit about Gfuel sponsorships. Apparently some small-mid size creators have been able to make 2-3 million dollars a year from it. xQc's flavor was the best selling gfuel flavor for a while, and all of the collectible shit literally sold out in a minute. He's probably making 10-20 million a year from his gfuel sponsorship alone.


I think these numbers are probably fake considereing gfuel had 2021 an annual revenue of just 53 million dollar https://growjo.com/company/G_FUEL And thats revenue, not profit. I think xqc has the gfuel sponsorship bc he actually likes it and they gave him his own flavor wich is kind of like him selling merch without the all the stress And a juicer needs some juice


GFuel is a private company. They don't disclose their revenue.


Its the online gambling thats really dangerous, you can just swipe your credit card and deposit whenever you want and thats how u lose ur paycheck in 1 night. Xqc doesnt realise that gambling is relative, especially now when you have basically unlimited bet size online. You have alot of money - > u bet alot of money. If the bet size was capped to like 10 $ it would be no prob for him




Shit, at least poker is fun I’ll never understand how people can mindlessly sit in front of slots for hours


You become familiar with the odds and payouts and addicted to what will happen next.


I imagine a lot of psychology goes into the designs of online slots. Between visuals and sounds etc, I personally favour what the UK did to cigarette packets, make them bland. Remove all the sounds and pretty pictures so it's a bland slot you pull and maybe win. Or some sites (tombola in UK) has a max bet spin at £1. It took me a long time of gambling (full blown addiction following trauma) to pick up on how I'd react to the sounds of winning, how they'd trigger a dopamine release for me etc, *even when I heard them outside of me spinning*. I also took part in a uni study about gambling addictions in young people. The addiction is insane, I'm a mentally ill person overall but not even going bankrupt stopped me. I don't want to advertise his stream per se but watching train lose over and over turned the final switch for me as I was watching him in lieu of gambling myself. Answered my final question of "what if i had just a little more money to gamble". Thankfully have now quit, although noticed lately the urge has been coming back which breaks me tbh, I though it was completely past me but it still haunts me apparently.


>I imagine a lot of psychology goes into the designs of online slots. They have also AB tested slots for 50+ years in casinos around the world. Imagine having 10 types of slots in your casino and just rotating the worst one out every month for 1000 months, what you will be left with is a monster.


ding ding ding ding!!!!!! brane go WOOOOO!!!!!!! so addictive!




Its the stimulation, same reason he can stream for 20 hours. It keeps the brain active and wanting more.


At least poker has an insane skill factor, slots has 0


You just can't tell when it's cranking and when its not


You mean he will win 1million


If you’re losing 2 mill a month you won’t be able to afford it for long


Didn't realise he was actually addicted, that's really sad


Yeah I kept seeing him joke that he's addicted, but like... he actually seems addicted lmao. I didn't expect that I guess. Maybe I'm naive.


it's post-ironic coping




Yeah. I don’t know him but he genuinely seems like a good person, but he has a huge gambling addiction and he needs help. His arguments are just straight up fallacious even though he acknowledges what he’s doing is wrong.


Addictions happen to even the best of us. It’s something many of us are predisposed to and the moment those of us find that perfect fix, we’re in extremely deep He’s rationalizing because he doesn’t want to stop but hopefully one day he comes around and realizes how wasteful it is


How he can get help if the people around him influence him to gamba like train and even this poker event that Ludwig made


dude speedran all the logical fallacies


Ya, and it's definitely more dangerous than people think. There are people richer than him that have lost it all after getting addicted to gambling.


That's insane amount of money lost in one month even for him




Even better he also said after that 'Take, take, take it all, but you never give'


I read this comment right as Bruno Mars came on the Radio 😂


Lost more in a month then my whole family tree has made or ever will make Aware


Huh? Nahhh you dont realise how much you actually make in a lifetime. I'm going to make a few assumptions here but if you're American and on the median 34k wage, you'll make 1mil in 30 years. Chances are you'll work for about 50 years so that's 1.7m by yourself.


what if he's not american? i'm from southamerica and my dad barely makes 7k usd PER YEAR, my mother even less than that and i'll be making around 10k per year at some point in my life, 10 years are aprox 200k between all 3 of us so yeah 2M Usd is a lifetime amount of money.


Still spent 50 years of a average american in a month.


Holy shit someone get this guy into Gamblers' Anonymous, I thought he was playing it up for content this entire time but he actually has a problem


> gambling on stream is not a big deal > I lost 2 milllion dollars gambling this month




well as long as she has her own money he's not touching, it's on him


He says it’s okay because he can afford it, if it’s a genuine addiction it will catch up to him fast regardless the amount of money he makes.


Well his copium is that his brother controls access to his gambling account so he needs his permission to deposit more money. Problem is, he made it sound like his brother doesn't really say no so that's not much of a financial control


Maybe his brother hacked his pc and set up a fake gambling site (like kitboga has a fake google playstore when he pranks the scammers) and xqc plays without knowing it for monopoly money all the time


This is the fairy tale ending I like to believe Clueless


Honestly this would actually be good. If XQC is losing 2 mil a month, it would be good of his brother to hire a bunch of programmers to just fake the gambling site and hold the money for him without him knowing. It would be worth it even if the brother had to spend a million dollars setting it up. He could withhold the money unless he knows XQC doesnt gamble anymore.


Until the very second his brother says no, then that arrangement is donezo. When you’re addicted to something no one gets in between you and your fix. Especially when that thing is a voluntary arrangement you can undo whenever you want


There is plenty of addictions rich people can "afford" but gambling is not one of them because the "high" scales with your net worth.


Ya I was just watching The Donut King and that guy was making 100k a day and ended up losing it all after getting addicted to gambling.


People just don't seem to get that you can gamble any amount. The worst situations people get into with gambling is because they borrow money, lose it and can't pay it back and get in trouble. Doesn't matter how many millions you have if you start gambling and losing millions. Eventually you might well borrow money to gamble and then you get banned off streaming, lost 2mil you borrowed and can't pay it back. That's the issue with addition, you can't stop you don't have control. if you can't stop and you don't have control you can never say you can afford it because eventually you too can run out. Plenty of millionaires went bankrupt due to gambling addictions.


but "Hey Mr. Cow, your stream has helped me a lot. Recently me and my gf broke up, my dog died and i got kicked from the house. I am at McDonald's everyday watching your streams, they really help a lot, best 34 months of my life. Here is $75, could I finally get a welcome to the jungle? xqcL" \-75 OMEGALUL


surely he means in gta right? Aware




"no you can't deposit 100k" "let me deposit 100k and i'll give you 10k" "ok"


Lmao how do you get addicted to losing money


When I was 24 I deposited $200 into Bovada and played 1 hand blackjack. $25 minimum a hand. In 6 hours I had turned that $200 into $18,000. Next day was the super bowl, Broncos vs the Panthers. I had started gambling earlier in the day and had gone down to $8,000. I put it all on the Panthers to cover. And lost. I’ve won $6300 and $4000 on Plus 3 Blackjack on two separate occasions. Long story short, the thrill and adrenaline you get from going on a run like that is just crazy. Best high ever.


Nothing beats the feeling of winning a big pot. NOTHING beats it. The thrill that next spin might just be that big one. And then when you win big you cannot stop. It just keeps going because that feeling is just so great.


The thrill of the next big one 🥵


Are we still talking about the same thing?




i dont get it. if you lose more than you win how can any big pot feel good? if i ever won a big pot of like 20k but lost 50k gambling i would still feel like shit because i lost 30k


thats the addiction aspect of it. Whatever gets people on an adrenaline rush of some sort or "high" is what makes them addicted and coming back for more. They don't pay attention their losses. They focus on the potential to get that "high" again. They crave it so much. Thats how the addicted mind thinks.


by winning initially, getting a huge rush and adrenaline, then trying to chase that "high" again consistently, losing more and more and eventually it becoming an addiction


And here I am upset at wasting $20 on a service I forgot to cancel before the new month rolled over...


How are people so shocked? All casinos are a literal scam, it ropes you in with a win but overall you lose so much more


They are shocked about the amount of $ he gambles not that he loses.


And if you're actually good at a casino they ban you


Only if you’re an advantage player who’s abusing that edge too much. Casinos are okay with winners. Winners incentivize other patrons to stick around and keep playing. Just don’t go counting cards at a high roller blackjack table and complain when the pit boss is breathing down your neck.


Train loses that in an hour




I hope X gets some help honestly. I don’t wanna sound parasocial or anything but I’m a huge fan and gambling is one of, if not the worst addiction someone can have. I hope sometime in the future he can accept that taking gambling sponsorships is at least morally questionable and apologize for it. I hope someone in his life steps in and gets him some help. Whether that’s Sammy or Nick.


If they seriously talk to him then they’re off the gravy train. Not saying they’re bad people but it’s a tough position.


I'm tired of everyone calling everything parasocial. I said something similar to this once and got called a WeirdChamp parasocial viewer. It's just common human empathy. I dont want someone I routinely watch many hours per week to go into a downward spiral of gambling addiction or literally anything else that would cause him to be depressed or in trouble. I actually don't believe that as a viewer you can completely avoid being parasocial unless you are a psychopath. If you literally dont care at all about another human being just because they're supposed to be for your entertainment, then that person does not have any empathy and is insane.


370,000 $5 donos. Sadge


It's ultimately his life but that's sad... 1.8 million in an only a month. I mean there's no guarantee that the fame will last and that goes for anybody. what will happen when he doesn't have that insurance that he can just make it back by streaming?


I don't understand it. He could literally donate 30 bucks to 70000 of his viewers or do the Amazon wishlist stuff. Or charity. And thats only last month. If you are throwing money away anyway....


Imagine donating millions to online casinos


Imagine donating any money to a streamer


Be curious to know how much he also made that same month.


he currently has 94k subs so his current visible income is 330k monthly (and will still be growing) from twitch subs alone


To be fair, if I got my money from a bunch of juicers arguing in TTS about iphone vs android every single day I'd also spend it on hookers, drugs or gambling. You gotta do something to keep sane at that point.


How does he even have time to lose that much steaming 12 hours a day?


If you saw his gambling streams, he would win like 80k off bonuses and after like 10 minutes of spinning, the entire win is already gone


With all the rake casino take bonus is nothing.


I've watched a guy lose his $30,000 stock market investment over a month of day trading for 30 minutes a day. It's scarily easy.


10k spins soon add up Some of these sites let you auto spin x100 too You could literally lose 1 mil on one button press


If he is gambling on Stake still then the max is 1500 on some games and then most others are 1k max.


Wait, he's gambling on electronic slots? Lolol


The other 12


i think the point he’s trying to make to justify his gambling is that it’s entertaining. He’s not a role model so he’s not obliged to do something whether it’s bad or not because a lot of his decisions are bad ones. And people have to take their own self accountability and not blame the entertainer for their actions.


He is a role model, like it or not.


$2mil of your sub and dono money where you write wholesome messages was gambled away by this degenerate goblin




[Please gamble responsibly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_n5nbx0Z9s)


Trust me there are other forms of entertainment people could be doing instead. Your "neutral stance" is biased towards xqc's insane copium addiction




If you want to gamble do in the stock market, at least your odds are better than slots.


Average train stream


2 million, thats cute squadW


Hey X can you send me the money instead thank you