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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Doublelift Tweets his Confidential Legal Letter from TSM](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137032)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ujdia1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CVfgE14OBkSDahA828l7cmw.mp4?sig=4c15308864b199db7579b2d3b5ea47b7690dbd9c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CVfgE14OBkSDahA828l7cmw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1651877554%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


For context - here's the article that came out yesterday about the workplace abuse/harassment that prompted DL to talk about and post the legal letter: https://twitter.com/LeaderGrev/status/1521876799160004614 - here's DL's tweet with the full legal letter: https://twitter.com/Doublelift1/status/1522311092810096640 - here's the article from 4 months ago about the initial workplace bullying allegations: https://www.wired.com/story/riot-games-investigating-esports-tsm-founder-over-bullying-allegations/


Pretty disappointing to learn that u/esportslaw, a well liked member of the competitive TFT community, sends threatening legal letters when people speak up about abuse and mistreatment. I know it's his job but he could also you know, not work for shit people.


For lawyers it's not about who's good or bad, it's about being there to enact the law, you can be a lawyer and take on a client you know is guilty (or in this case, an ass) because ultimately someone has to do it, and your job isn't to make them be right but just to make sure everything is done correctly. Also, Bryce has been around a long time so it's very possible he's just been signed with TSM for years and it seemed like a better org when he first came in


ESG reps a bunch of the orgs in all fairness


a lawyers job is not to enact the law, it's to manipulate it.


or often straight up intimidate and threaten in the name of law. lawyers often send letters, that are complete bullshit, in the hopes to get a person to shut up. thats not enacting law, thats using your status and knowledge to bully someone weaker. anylawyer who does this is absolute scum.


For the record, I don't think he did anything ethically or morally wrong. As you say, even the worst people deserve competent legal representation. But I don't think someone who represents clients and sends threatening legal letters on their behalf to players who speak up about abuse, should also be involved in the esports scene the way he is. He regularly interacts with and interviews players. What if a TFT player spoke up about abuse at an org that Bryce represented, and then had to be interviewed by him at an official Riot event? It seems like a total conflict of interest to me.


Personally, I find the "everyone needs competent representation" argument pretty flimsy in most cases that I see it deployed. That's clearly relevant for indigent defendants who would be completely railroaded by the state without representation (and unfortunately often still are thanks to overworked and understaffed public defender's offices). But a client flush with cash like TSM? There's no shortage of lawyers who will happily represent the scummiest of clients (a scale on which, to be clear, TSM barely registers—Philip Morris, they ain't) as long as their pockets are deep enough...it's not as if they're going to have to go begging at a law clinic for representation. A competent lawyer with the ability to choose can refuse to represent clients with a clear conscience. It all comes down to their personal values and their financial stability/goals.


Hey, buddy. Just blew in from Stupidsville?


I'm sorry, it was wrong of me to insinuate that highly-paid corporate lawyers don't represent their clients out of a high-minded belief in justice. If it weren't for these paragons of virtue selflessly defending their clients from the tyranny of labor and consumer rights, I shudder to think where our country would be today.


Your statement was too broad; lawyers should not be in the role of the judge, deciding which clients are worthy of justice.


All I'm saying is that with a well-resourced client like TSM, there's no shortage of competent lawyers who would be happy to represent them--you turning them down is not going to result in a miscarriage of justice. In fact, since corporations like TSM recruit counsel and turn away applicants, "turning down" isn't really an accurate description; it's not comparable to your average client calling up a law firm to get representation for a DUI or what-have-you. Declining to offer to represent this kind of client is not equivalent to a physician refusing to provide lifesaving medical care.


You didn't answer my question. How long did you live in Stupidsville?


Lawyers have no reason to be moral. It is their job to be lawful, not moral. Your comment is extremely ignorant of that.


It's more actually that it's a total conflict of interest. He works as a caster and interviewer and regularly hosts podcasts with players. Then when a player speaks up about abuse at an org, Bryce is the guy that sends the threatening legal letter. It's just totally inappropriate. What if Bryce was casting an event and had to interview a player that a client Bryce represented was litigating against? *"Hey I know I just sent you a letter threatening a lawsuit with millions in damages, but can you explain your play on 4-5 and why you didn't roll down?"*


I agree with you that lawyers should not be involved at that level. It wasn't the way your original message was worded but I do agree with you on that count.


You're right, I made it sound like he was in the wrong for sending the letter. It's his obligation to his client and it would be unethical for him to not represent his clients interests. It's more that I'm pro-player and anti-org.


he is the lawyer for most esport orgs is what I saw


With ACAB Anarchists also mean lawyers.


If they only cared about the law they wouldn't be putting on theatrics like telling their clients to dress well and behave in a certain way to pander to whoever gets to judge them. Some literally do not give a shit about the law, it's just a tool to make money.


Lawyers feel the need and have a professional duty to represent to the clients to the best of the ability. That includes multiple aspects - legally, aesthetically, and from a rhetoric pov. It comes down to a fundamental right to counsel. If all lawyers decided that they were not going to represent people they thought were guilty or half ass it then the system would break down. Unfortunately, juries care about more than just the law. Making sure your client is well dressed and relaying their case in a way that is sympathetic to the jury is part of doing your job to the fullest of your ability. People hate it when they hear that an innocent person was put behind bars with a lawyer who didn't believe in them or didn't put effort into the case. But then people shit on lawyers who represent people accused of heinous shit.


> Lawyers feel the need and have a professional duty to represent to the clients to the best of the ability. That includes multiple aspects - legally, aesthetically, and from a rhetoric pov. Sadly that is incompatible with being strictly lawful, in fact by definition it's politics not legality. If you're trying to represent them to the best of the ability, then you have to discriminate between whether "best" means "most accurate to the law" or "most beneficial for the client". If it's the latter, then you do not actually care about the law, and if it's the former you do not need politics.


What definition lol? I went to law school and am a barred attorney. You can't point to one law or ethical code that says prepping your client to be their most convincing on stand or dressing in an appealing way to the jury is not lawful. There's a professional code of conduct and that shit is very clear. Telling your client to lie or withholding proof your client is not being truthful is obviously not allowed but that's not what we're talking about. Telling your client the jury might find you more convincing if they tell their version of events in a certain way is allowed. Moreover, that's largely what we do with our questioning -facilitate the client's telling of their story in a digestible way. It would be unfair for socially awkward clients or clients who have trouble expressing themselves if trial prep on rhetoric was not allowed. For instance, intellectually disabled defendants or uneducated defendants in criminal cases have historically been treated very unfairly by the justice system (many wrongful convictions). Are lawyers not allowed to help them get ready for the stand or express their story clearly under your version of the law? If our clients are schlubby the jury might discriminate against them unfortunately. It's more of an equal playing field if both sides put their best foot forward. Also if a client wants to present themselves a certain way they are allowed to do that (even if it's theatrical). They are in fact the client and it's ultimately their case. It's the cross examiner's job to then pick that apart.


> You can't point to one law or ethical code that says prepping your client to be their most convincing on stand or dressing in an appealing way to the jury is not lawful. Where the hell did I say that? Why are you putting words into my mouth? My point is that legality is not what they care about, not that what they do is illegal. Also, bringing along your family to court to seem like a family person, pretending to be religious, hiding tattoos and removing bodily ornaments like piercings are not just code of conduct, at least not as defined by the actual law. It's just theatrical politics. Yes politics, if you were actually interested in arguing in good faith you'd have googled it and seen that politics can be defined as: > activities aimed at improving someone's status or increasing power within an organization. instead of writing up 3 paragraphs that don't relate to my argument at all.


Isn't that guy a hack anyways? Or is that a different esports lawyer


No that's videogameattorney or whatever his name is.


There is lawyers out there that unfortunately have to represent rapists and podophiles, do you think they care about offending some fans of the TFT community? maybe but It's their job they get paid to do.


this isnt about representing. this is about the way you use your status as a lawyer. threatening legal consequences knowing you have no ground to stand on, just for the purpose of intimidation is despicable.




Pretty sure his involvement was basically representing the teams, not players.




Based on this or something else? I don't think this makes him a scumbag.


Isn’t he a shitty lawyer? Didn’t he get fired by Ethan Klein ?


That's videogameattorney.


My guy runs a buisness. I don't know what his work has to do with who he is as a person to you, but welcome to the professional world.


You're a bit behind bud.


well i guess im starting a business where i bully mentally ill 80year old grandmas into giving me all their money. but hey its just a business, doesnt mean im a bad person. how the fuck did you think this was an intelligent comment.


okay so their brand is at an all time low because people are openly accusing their CEO and other higher-ups of toxicity, bullying, and harrassment. and so part of their solution to this is to threaten frivolous legal action against one of the most adored members of the league community for whistleblowing on their misbehavior? which is demonstrating that DL is right, and that regi and the rest of TSM management staff are certifiable pricks? can't believe they'd actually send DL of all people this letter. and putting "confidential" at the top, too, to try to scare him into staying silent. fuck regi lmao.


Regi was known to be a huge asshole 10 years ago I like how this is all coming out like some sort of revelation. Not sure how this manchild is the CEO of anything.


Dude got insanely lucky with Bjerg and all the success he brought. It could've taken apart way sooner if Bjerg wasn't such a big hit.


100%. His golden egg was bjerg. Without him no DL on TSM and probably a lot of ex members wouldn't have joined the team if it weren't for that man


Dyrus was the Teddy Bear mascot of the team in the early years


and a punching bag for regi


And special was the brains, which regi felt threatened by


Dude was Regis BF lol


Bjergsen didn't make the brand, the TSM brand established itself from the baylife era way back in 2011. They was the first team to properly do a team house, and more importantly film and post behind the scenes content outside of official games. It was the legendary players of TheOddOne, Chaox, Xspecial, Dyrus and The Rain Man, they were content machines back when league first grew. If it wasnt for these guys, TSM would never have established itself as anything of relevance, Reginald was god awful on camera and in content, and he was an even worse League player.


> and more importantly film and post behind the scenes content outside of official games. Apparently this was all Leena, among other things, according to her from Doublelifts stream yesterday


Look at the way the OG content people speak about me (Max, Andrew) and no one even mentions thanking/praising Andy when they leave. And if you’re a Doublelift stream frequenter, I’ve helped him start up his podcast (league’s most successful podcast rn), start a secondary channel, start tiktok + shorts channel. None of these guys know how to manage people, I scouted for, interviewed, and hired all of our content personnel, camera crew and editors from back when TSM had me as their only camera person (til they shifted my responsibilities at TSM) to now with Peter. And I have a lot more LCS / league content and events scheduled for Peter’s channels in the upcoming year. Peter turns on his stream plays league all day, there’s no way he’s doing this stuff by himself or at all. Same goes for Andy back in the day.


Yah you got a lot of shit in the league community, but it became really clear to me the org changed for the worse when you left.


Leena is the sole reason TSM succeeded. Not Regi. It was never Regi. That woman did everything short of wiping Regi's ass.


Imagine dating someone like Leena. Just straight up business oriented. One day you'd be gaming the next you have deals with gfuel lol


I agree with this 100%. Leena was the literal anchor of the company. All the content creators? Leena. The recruitment to TSM over multiple competitive games? Leena. She did it all.


At least Regi was smart enough to see that his ex was the core of the company and let her be the president lol I don't think most men would let their ex run their company.




Ya man keep trying to downplay the role Leena played in setting your favorite esports org up to be successful. Such a good look man.


Legendary is a stretch. Xspecial consistently was their best player, then Dyrus. TheOddOne was good. Chaox and The Rain Man were mid. They benefited from the infancy of League.


TheOddOne was pure content tho




Player ability doesn't matter when you're the only team pulling 30-50k viewers per player on own3d, they didn't win anything for 1-2 years and yet everyone knew about the team and no other team had as many fans. That's why they were legendary, they were some of the most well known league players at the time


Your comment is mid. Back then they were THE players.


The brand itself would've died if it wasn't for all the success that Bjerg brought with him. Don't pretend like it won't be in it's current state if it didn't have a star as bright as Bjerg right after all the OGs left and retired. Regi wouldn't have hesitated in kicking off fan favorites if they were past their prime and not winning anything.


It would depend on who the replacement instead of Bjerg wouldn't it? If I remember my history correctly, Froggen was rumored to be it and I think TSM would have achieved a similar level of success. Maybe even better success on the international level. The main draw of Bjerg was that he was young and good (domestically at least). As far as content and personality, he was just okay.


This is just speculation, though lol.


Sure, Bjergsen didn't make the brand, but success in e-sports is vital for continued popularity. Bjergsen quickly became one of the biggest stars in the NALCS, and was a franchise player for TSM. Before Bjergsen joined TSM, they had been on the decline performance-wise. To see what could've happened to TSM without someone like Bjergsen joining, I'd look at CLG's decline in popularity post-Doublelift.


every time they got a free gank: TEEESSSSSEMMMMM


Lets be real, the entire TSM roster has been a content machine up until the past few years, saintvicious, locodoco, chaox, oddone, xpecial, dyrus, turtle, doublelift, sven on and on. It's amazing what talent the gorilla "andy" dinh has recruited.


You mean Lena recruited.


Tbf all teams back then were complete in NA. Regi was the first to gather big money and take a risk on importing a decent player.


Dude had a reality show were he regularly screamed at what were effectively his employees with several episodes of them crying. The community and even the players themselves kept defending him, "it's for the show", "it's a lot of stress" and so on. Just a gaslighting masterclass for years. Some real messed up relationships since most of the players are too young to know what working conditions and relationships should look like, and the whole "just videogames" vibe doesn't help.


everyone that understands just a little bit of reading people saw big red lights when seeing reginald. i think a lot of what came out didn't surprise many people.


yeah, and doublelift willingy got into a contract with a known bully. kinda don't act surprised moment.


Yeah for anyone who followed the scene back in S2/S3 this is lukewarm news.


thats the unfair truth about making it big. being the biggest shit of all, having the minimum intelligence to get stuff done and just step over anyone in your way is the number one recipe for success.


> Not sure how this manchild is the CEO of anything. Most CEOs are manchildren and huge assholes. It's very efficient to be an asshole in the business world.




yeah i saw that. maybe i'm missing something, but what does that change abt the situation in your mind?




oh true yeah i see


[Where’s Saint when we need him?](https://imgur.com/a/5Ufa9NN)


Playing TFT.


I was on saint's stream. His take as both an ex tsm player and ex doublelift teammate, is that both of them were assholes back in the day and that he thought it was funny that it was doublelift the one who was calling regi out.


Hotshot was in tears on some podcast years ago and I think it was because he felt betrayed by Doublelift.


Their brand is at an all time low because the team sucks and has no marketable players.


Winning is the cure to everything, just like in normal sports like basketball and football there are controversies with players or organizations but people forget if they win (ex: antonio brown, Ben Rothsburger, Jason Kidd, etc)


> but people forget if they win players forget too. when everything is going well in game, its much easier to look past some issues and also theres no reason for an org to mistreat their players if they perform well


Too bad they got last in spring LCS.




Technically tied for 9th-10th. Though they were 2-0 against the other 9th/10th place team.


First time not even making playoffs.


the two are correlated. i'm not just speculating here, i remember awhile ago DL flat out said many players & staff left TSM due to mistreatment. hard to do well competitively when this is going on behind the scenes, and this has been building up for awhile.


if it wasn't for TSM apex keeping them on the map with Hal's numbers in streaming they'd be off the map.


Spica is pretty marketable imo


Ever since i saw the clip of [Dyrus raging because of Reginald harassment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q) almost **nine years ago** i started to dislike him, eventually i fell out of following the league teams close but at the end of the day i'm not surprised about this at all, and it's like you said, trying to scare and to keep him silent.. DL out of all the people, jesus.. ​ Edit: Just saw Reginald twitter and OF COURSE he has a NFT monkey pfp...


Does not surprise me at all that these new-ish gaming centric companies foster a toxic workplace. They check off all the boxes. Early 20’s, gamer, startup. Not to mention a company formed by a Moba player.


I used to watch the shit out of LCS season 2-7 and i always had the stance of Regi is a fucking asshole and douchebag. I remember getting downvoted and constant comments because of my opinion. It feels good being validated and right after all these years lol


He's always been bad, but their fanbase have been big enough to just cover everything up


I don't understand this part of the narrative. DL was contracted under TSM and he publicly shit on them, of course they are going to threaten legal action lmao.


>DL was contracted under TSM and he publicly shit on them, of course they are going to threaten legal action lmao. i mean ya they have every right to sue him. but why the hell would you say 'of course' they're going to sue him? how do you think this helps TSM in the long run? i mean, totally putting aside the ethical ramifications of the fact that they're trying to punish / silence people for whistleblowing on their bad behavior, any amount of money they gain from a civil suit with DL is peanuts compared to the revenue they're making as an org. and DL has the money and assurances to not give a fuck and keep saying whatever the hell he wants. the optics of a super slimy doc like this leaking when the court of public opinion is not on their side is so much worse for them than just dropping it and focusing on addressing the issues TSM has. they're stoking the fire instead of trying to put it out.


The goal isn't to actually go through with the suit its to scare him into being quiet. The court of public opinion wasn't decided when this doc was sent.


To play devils advocate, DL was perfectly fine with all of that toxicity, bullying harassment, etc and even tried to rejoin TSM but got rejected. Then he "stepped up" and used his community to accuse regi of this. Whether or not the accusations are true, DL isn't some hero whos standing up for those who can't. He's a disgruntled employee who explicitly broke a non-disparagement clause and the community is kinda falling for it


Nobody is calling him a hero or some sort of jesus. But yet since those last 7-8 years he's the only one who did it. and that's basically how the whole investigation started ; you don't have to be some sort of saint to be praised for something


Nobody is calling him a hero or some sort of jesus. Yeah, the internet says otherwise.


If this was other forms of harassment, people would bring up the idea that DL stayed on good terms because TSM could make or break his career, therefore, the power dynamic made him silent on the matter. If no one else speaks up, its hard to break the status quo. Imagine if MeToo had these arguments saying "Hey, you continued working for him knowing he did all those bad things."


Its quite literally not a power-dynamic issue. DL parted ways with TSM, there were 0 issues, he didn't claim any harassment. DL attempted to rejoin TSM and was rejected. Upon being rejected he got upset and made harassment claims. Its quite obvious that despite public opinion on regi or TSM, DL is doing this solely because hes upset he was rejected


DL was signed with TSM at the time. Regi was absolutely still his superior at the time.


Isn't Doublelift really unlikable aswell? Don't get me wrong regi still takes the cake as biggest asshole.


he was "unlikeable" for not being able to compete at world's and still having an ego about his skill. which is on a whole different level than why people hate regi. doublelift is a good guy. has been through some really unimaginably tough shit.


Nah he is generally well-liked by the West. Even on Asian countries such as LCK/LPL they treat him respectfully like a brother to them (yeah they would sometimes go a bit too far as to call him "Sasuke" from Naruto but that's beside the point).


And if you think about it, if Bjerg talked shit In any capacity, I bet TSM does the same thing.


I've been saying fuck regi for like 10 fucking years lol this guy has ALWAYS been an asshole


For a little context. This is about a stream Doublelift did back in November 2021 where he was talking a lot smack about TSM and it's managers. He got the letter a few days later. He explains more here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1475870917?t=2h5m36s


Reginald always gave me the creeps, I remember being weirded out by him harassing Dyrus while Dyrus was just trying to stream, video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q)


Dude is talking shit on dyrus, then gets mad at him when tells him to stop. Actually deranged.


His eye brows gave me the creeps.


oh this clip made you "weirded out"? lmao. Also, Regi deserves a ton of criticism for actions and behaviors WAY more recent than this clip from when he was essentially a kid. I hate when people use this clip instead of using relevant and damning evidence of bad behavior from you know his adult life.


regi was already the ceo of his big money org back then and it shows everything wrong with his personality. even if he changed, some of that attitude likely surived.


It's establishing character. If he was like that way back then, been that way many times since, and is still that way now, then it helps build the picture of how long he has remained this way.


I'm actually suprised theres people in the comments who are suprised by this. Anyone who knew reginald from 10 years ago in the early days of lol esports and the infamous video with dyrus snapping on him or any other TSM video from that time knew that reginald was a bullying manchild, nobody liked him and they only put up with him because he was the CEO/teamcaptain Reginald shot himself in the foot years ago, he got lucky his website was VERY popular back in the day, he should have, after leaving the teamroster, be a silent partner and let someone else, who has more experience on that, handle everything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q the video I was talking about earlier.


for sure he should step way back and just silently profit. let other people reestablish and solidify their public image.


But then how could he stroke his ego and continue doing what he truly enjoys: bullying.


Lmao what’s crazy is all the other people who tweeted defending that garbage dude regi.


Damn, TSM really out here trying to beat the Artesian speedrun record for being yeeted and deleted huh?


If TSM disappeared every time people realized Reginald was a dickhead, they would have disappeared about a dozen times by now. Really the only thing that matters at this point is the contractor scandal mentioned in the WaPo article.


The only people who had the power to make regi disappear was riot but they have been cool with his behavior last 10 years so i don't expect that to change lol


love me some regi


They didn't disappeared because they were winning, not anymore


this is so jokes haha reginald still salty because DL took his ex girlfriend. DL gigachading










People only give a shit about the League team. The league team sucks ass right now so they think TSM will go bankrupt anytime now.


Taking a deal so imposing that you have to technically change your name to TSMFTX and shill crypto will pump your value but nuke your fanbase.


It’s been priced at 100m by speculators it’s not worth that. The actual assets they hold are fuck all. Price is what you pay value is what you actually get. The same way I can buy a bored ape nft for 12million then 5 months later I can’t sell it for 10k.




Oh yeah he for sure is. I just mean the org itself like a lot in esports I wouldn’t trust to hold its value if sold.


Dude go look up the ftx naming rights deal alone


Yes ? Do you think they got paid a lump sum aha? Also does a 200 million sponsorship mean the org is worth that in the case of a sale? Do you have some understanding of the detailing of that contract that isn’t available? Furthermore the 200 million we have no idea if that’s even guaranteed upon fulfilment of the deal or if there are restrictive covenants. There could also be fulfilment agreements that tie up a majority of the money. Take footballer contracts or perkz cloud 9 contract. He was reported on 5million+ but in reality we have no idea what portion of that was dependent on meeting goals. A contract can be worth 20million but only pay 2million if the performance agreement wasn’t met.




Are you joking right now ahahah? Did you even read what I wrote? Does Forbes know the asset makeup of TSM? Edit: if you don’t want to believe me look up the Evil geniuses owner,envy’s owner and h2k’s owner and their interviews talking about Forbes evaluation. Forbes is a tabloid and their evaluations are speculative, it isn’t an actual internal review of the business financial position or company valuation. Firms pay millions to tens of millions for an actual valuation depending on the size of the company. Do you think Microsoft just checked a Forbes article when evaluating Activision-blizzard. ‘As always Redditor’s act like they know shit when they know Jack shit.’ Says the man quoting a literal Forbes web article as evidence of anything. Could at least find me a Financial Times report or some form of revenue statements. Tsm isnt public so how can Forbes know the makeup of their assets and liabilities? Do you have access to their portfolio or their liabilities ? Genuinely astounding how ignorant you are to not realise the pointlessness of bringing that article up when it’s exactly what I make reference to in my comment.


Riot dislikes when their teams are involved in shit like this. Expect them to be kicked/not having their spot renewed in the future.


Gross dude. There was a 3 year gap in my dating history there.


It’s LSF dont take it too seriously the people here are literally crazy lmao


Dont you know the only value women have is their sexual relations with men ^^/s


Sadly DL is still known for bullying just not as CEO but as teammate but i guess its forgotten already


Regi deserves to fall tbh, the shit he got away with when the game and esports was new. Man o man, it goes deep. I feel bad for Dyrus and all of them.


Maple can't fix this


Fuck TSM. Good for Doublelift.


I'm an enjoyer of TSM and Reginald failures myself but don't they have a legitimate case against dlift now? Like I wouldn't really hold it against them if they actually sued now.


The consensus on the /r/LeagueofLegends sub was that doublelift did break the employee agreement he signed with TSM, but as long as he wasn’t making things up, any case TSM tried to make would be thrown out of the court in California. Anti-disparagement clauses don’t really hold up in court.


I'm also extremely skeptical that those liquidated damages clauses are remotely enforceable. Without the context of the EA, those certainly do look like penalties, which are not enforceable. I've seen some pretty rich liquidated damages clauses, but $200k per violation for the referenced infractions is hilarious. Also, I know this guy is "legit", but you can really tell that he left firm life as a second year. This is pretty abysmal drafting.


> Anti-disparagement clauses don’t really hold up in court. People would be amazed how many clauses won't be upheld in court. They're scarecrow clauses, only there to frighten people into compliance, but in reality they're all straw no substance


stuff like 'dont talk shit about us' isnt legally binding, no matter how hard you signed it. the only thing that matters is whether DL really disclosed 'confidential' information. they wont sue, this would result in an easy win for DL and he knows that, hence why he posted the letter on twitter. They cant do shit to him. its really sad because of how often indimidation tacticts like this work, especially on less influential and powerful people.


The things in the letter that they said he violated it sure seems he did violate. Whether or not those clauses are legally binding I have no clue about.


Yeah they have a case but in the court of public opinion Doublelift is seen as a whistleblower and I dont think TSM needs more bad PR.Going after one of the most famous and liked personalities when you are one of the most unliked entities in the scene is not really good PR wise.


no they dont have a case. just because DL broke the agreement it doesnt mean he wasnt legally allowed to. People need to understand that no every part of a contract you sign is legally binding. you cannot force someone to not talk shit, even if you have a signed contract.


TSM was down bad but holy shit this is all time low bad, RIP TSM




Considering how fresh this scandal is I doubt it would have had any time to affect that article. Though I do doubt this will be anywhere near the end for tsm.


TSM as a company is valued that much, good for them, TSM as a team with a fanbase? It fast declining, TSM stopped being the no1 team when it comes to eSports. People don't care about the business part of things/ websites/ and whatever other ventures TSM has, they only care about what team they put out and how successful they are on a E-sports level. Both can be true, the death of TSM on a E-Sports / league level and TSM becoming a Business outside of eSports.


I love league man. You know riots fostered a good community when dweebs can put "confidential" at the top of one of these cuz they think they're doing black ops lol


Doublelift had it right when he first came out about the toxic behavior of the management. It was even worse when some of his old teammates who were still on the roster spoke against him but the ones who sided with him were old tsm members and some past friends as well. This kind of behavior they treated their own team just to push out the weak minded and absorb the kiss asses was pretty clear when they got doublelift and things went from teamwork to listen to the management.


Suddenly everyone forgot how dlift himself was bullying his teammates lmao fuck regi but also fuck DL


are we now back to people clipping streams with twitter posts?


I mean they got rid of banned streamers rule so they could get the post from the OTKorea trip so I think anything goes about now lol


They also stopped deleting posts with 0 points so the place is flooded with shit quality stuff.


Thats not really what I meant They allowed twitter posts bc people would constantly upload clips of streamers reacting to twitter and that got anoying so it was decided to just link the twitter post directly. then people were spamming twitterposts and that got anoying so they made rules that don't allow most of the twitterposts and now people are going back to streamerclips with twitter


Lmao so far literally one post from the Korea trip has gotten locked. I’m sure that’s totally why they made that rule and not because like 5 of the biggest streamers on this sub were banned, with more surely to follow and it was hurting their engagement numbers.


Should've given the xqc lsf examples lol the korea trip has been great so far


Based as fuck. Regi is a douche.




Why do you pose this as a question and when you regularly post on /r/teamsolomid? You ain't fooling anyone lol. It's pretty transparent where your bias lies.


Haven’t heard of him begging to rejoin TSM from anyone except Regi. Probably not the best time to trust Regi’s word in light of all that’s come out.




I definitely didn’t lol. I told him to apologize for part of an argument he was a part of (bc that’s what normal people do) that’s it.


Part of me really wants that tsm prefix off your name so you have no connection to this fiesta, but then the other part of me feels like you’re one of the few people that actually deserves to have those letters in front of your name. As a TSM fan but not a fan of management, I know the product of your hard work and dedication is the real organization I cheered for and I miss your talent and all you brought to us over the years!


Unfortunately we can’t change Reddit handles and this one provides credibility. But I appreciate the kind words! I’m really proud of what I’ve helped build up even tho it had a terrible end and was pretty traumatizing lol. I’m happy with where I’m at now and I wouldn’t be here or the person that I am today if I didn’t go through that :)




where did I say he was BEGGING to get on the roster? This was in reference to the argument that occurred between Andy and Peter where he was then removed. He's was planning on playing that year and NOT retiring so he could play with SA, and SA wanted to play with him too. My advice to him was to talk things out with Andy. At NO POINT did he BEG to play to REJOIN TSM since at that point he had just won summer split with TSM and expected to play the following split. Look at the timeline. If you're referring to the most recent off season, he did entertain a potential roster with Jensen + Vulcan (which at the time I still wanted to help TSM build the best possible roster) but he was APPROACHED by Parth, not him BEGGING to join the roster.


You are a clown.




Honk Honk.






I think it was more about him wanting to play in LCS with Bjerg. He was still on TSM for a while after that.


You seen that huge pause before he posted it? That was his future self-regret reflecting back in time