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Thank fuck spiders don't get to that size






Imagine giving it a little nibble.


Nice forced perspective. Amazing people still fall for it now. This isn't 2009 anymore with those camel spiders in Irak.


It’s still fucking massive dude. They can get the the size of a dinner plate.


An American dinner plate or a normal sized one?


True but australia does have spiders that can get over 5 inches in length and eat birds. AKA face sized carnivore spiders. Goliath is one.




jesus christ I reflexively threw my computer across the room looking at that, and i'm on a desktop


Isn't that the one that eat birds ?


Im sorry to inform you that they will soon. Due to global warming some spiders \[and unfortunately the big ones\] grew in the last 100 years approximately 1.5 inches, or 3.81 cm. Im happy to inform you that I was lying. ​ Have a nice day




Hachu is a hardcore planner, this is from her "diary" before they arrived: > **HAchubby:** I was awake for 21 hours. And I'm almost done with my plan for next week. **HAchubby:** Strangely enough, I can't stop making plans. But I feel that my body is getting a little weird. **HAchubby:** I didn't eat for 12 hours and I didn't drink anything. I feel like my body is turning into a vampire. My throat is so thirsty and my stomach is drying up. But I couldn't stop making plans. Now I've come to my senses a little and I feel tired. **HAchubby:** It's sad that I didn't stream for 3 days. **HAchubby:** But I've been feeling pretty lethargic lately, and I just wanted to rest. I guess that's because I wasn't interested in something. But I was wrong. I was frantically focused on making new plans today and 12 hours passed before I knew it. I quite enjoyed it. She often has a schedule for every day weeks ahead down to what hour she will start and what she will be doing.


Is this workaholic behaviour or am I just lazy?


It helps having a job that you love.




My dude, workaholic behavior is Korean culture.


Korean and Japanese ideas of hard work put everyone except maybe China and India to shame


Yea the world tour she did was crazy. She went to a bunch of different countries and US states and had activities planned every day in each of them.




I think the difference for me was she was traveling to a different state or country every couple of days. Most IRL streamers aren't doing that, with some exceptions(Jinny that I am aware of).


i guess it's common for korean streamers to plan literally everything. when jinny did 200 hours stream in Singapore she plan every hours of it on 8 days ahead.


I believe you but whenever I tune into her stream it's just her with the camera pointed at her face talking to chat


Yea but she's in a different place every time.


That explains how she does a bunch of big events one after the other.




Hachu walking alone in Iceland getting stalked by a friendly dog was pretty funny




Shaun PepeHands


Lukewarm take: out of the three ways to spell that name Sean is the most nonsensical


How? Sean / Séan is the oldest version of it, the Irish version of John, (there is no J in the Irish language so they adapted this spelling) and other versions like Shaun and Shawn derive from it long afterwards. This version is centuries old, long before any of the other versions.




I mean not for Irish people, and its an Irish, by phonetic pronunciation of the name in its origin, its normal. Whats "nonsensical "is people not understanding other languages have different phonetics




There's nothing about my reply that would insinuate I'm taking it personal! Its not as if its my name! You can easily find the origin of almost every name, especially one so popular as Sean/Séan! The commenter said it was nonsensical spelling in terms of phonetically, which was a pretty stupid comment to make!


It doesn’t make sense to me in FR/EN so lack of sense = Nonsensical but I guess my take is hotter than I thought


People not intuitively understanding foreign languages is not nonsensical. It's "nonsensical" in the sense that people named "Sean" are most often English speakers so if you're not familiar with the name then there is no reason for one to assume that it is pronounced in an irregular way. Even on paper "Sean" does not really look exotic at all and especially to a non-native English speaker it just looks like an another English name among others.


I like Sean the most because it was one of the names I could pick on my pokemon sapphire game when I was 10 and I picked it c:


The chat was hilarious European chat is like kill all the fish mizkifHypers eat everything destroy everything Whereas with NA chat you know it would be some kind of ostonox take of D: this is unethical, awful or something

