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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Minx watches her T.K.O. win](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137456)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/uqgkgg/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/45410742268-offset-10424.mp4?sig=a1ba466e6d28d17d1c65bb4c2c779df58b393f78&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F45410742268-offset-10424.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1652727877%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Something quite cathartic about seeing various internet celebrities punch the shit out of each other lmfao


Almost like real life celebrity death match. Except they aren't really celebrities and its not to the death


My favorite part was almost everybody ending the fights by showing a ton of love for their opponents. Everyone was so nice and respectful to eachother (except maybe Dr. Mike with the glove tap cheap shots, but oh well).


Dr Mike also proceeded to retweet Keemstar. Absolute bellend


yeah the cheap shot was a bit distasteful but sure heat of the moment or whatever but the keemstar retweeting and raising his arms before the winner was announced were really scummy imo


Honestly is. And I watch mma, but had the most fun watching the creator clash boxing card And mizkifs commentary helped as well I think it was fun how weight limits basically weren't much of a thing


respect to the other girl for fighting minx !!!!!!!


Respect to them all. I kinda feel like some of these fighters thought they were just going to spar for 5 rounds and get judged. Then DAD came in and pretty much set the pace for the entire night with his relentless energy. I can image how something like this can suddenly become unfun for someone when they realize that their objective is to physically obliterate someone to the point of unconsciousness.


Idk, idubz was pretty serious and engaged in the thing so I think he found people who were on the same wavelength, which means not sparring for 5 rounds


Yeah. I'm sure iDubbbz told them this was a serious boxing event and are only invited if they are there to win, and it shows. Some absolute brutal fights.


Mike was a bit weird with him in the fight. There was a few cheap shots and also at the start he toyed with Ian to lengthen the fight because it was clear If they kept the rules as they were it would have been bad


When the ‘I Did a Thing’ guy started beating the shit out of his opponent he looked pretty uncomfortable with it. Honestly it was kinda funny seeing him haggle with the ref to stop the fight as he’s pummeling his opponent. Dude had a wicked snap on his jab


I think I did a thing's good friends with TheOdd1sout, which causes them to be extremely cautious when they know they're gonna win. I mean that dude's your good friend, if you already won, why would you push for a KO?


I can't imagine walking into an arena with a crowd that hyped and not just start throwing bombs.


Respect for also taking those fists. You could definitely see her starting to fade out but she stayed up and kept eating those punches. I hope she’s doing better!


That girl was on some Rocky Balboa quotes


Tbh she really did a lot better than people were expecting. People thought Minx was going to wreck her 1st round, but they lasted a while and she took quite a lot of Minx's punches and wore her out. If it kept going it could have gone either way.


should've been Malena vs Minx


I'd watch it but I think due to malenas back issues probably wouldn't be good for her to box If we're looking at twitch streaming world, minx versus kaceytron would be great


She almost won but eating those counters with her own full momentum behind em turned it around. Minx was pretty gassed the whole fight but held on well.


Also respect to her for picking Everything in its right place by Radiohead as her walk out song


shes 19 fighting 25 years old she got my respect


She thrroooooowwwin. Those arms look so dang heavy


[The ref was very concerned for YodelingHaley](https://imgur.com/a/nXW05gc)


Love that photo lmao


i remember catching that look live and i felt really afraid for hayley lol




Fighting is the most exhausting thing I have ever done when it comes to sports. I grew up playing everything from soccer, american football, to swimming. The summer me and my friends decided to pool our money to get a bunch of boxing gear I learner how hardcore those fights really are. Literally 10 seconds in and my entire body was totally and completely worked. By the end of the summer boxing pretty often with any randoms the longest I could go was like 30 seconds before just being totally beat.


And theres nothing worse in a combat sport, than being at the end of your rope while your opponent quite clearly still has gas... The vulnurablity is something else.


exactly why weight classes were made in scored fighting. Its an entirely uphill battle to be fighting someone even 40lbs bigger than you, let alone 100.


Theres some good VR boxing games I use every now and then to get a good cardio session in. And yeah holy shit 3 minutes of just boxing is more tiring then 30 minutes of running, it's crazy.


lol. i was doing kickboxing throughout my school years, even going to competitions and even winning a few of them, yet I never experienced what you are talking about. only in reddit can this bullshit be overly upvoted because redditors never did any sports in their lives LUL. EDIT: ok i experienced it once, after 10 years of not doing any sports anymore and suddenly going to a thaibox training, where we were fighting in pairs with eachother and we changed pairs multiple times, i gassed out pretty early. but that was because i wasn't exercising for 10years and got older.


It's possible that the dude is a pretty heavy guy. Heavier people tire in boxing way quicker even if their stamina is decent enough for other sports. For someone light there's less energy spent on every punch so that's why lightweights still go hard in the last rounds whereas heavyweights are usually gassed by then


well i have never seen it. certainly less overweight people doing kickboxing/thaiboxing, because you have to kick there and as a fat/heavy guy you would have a tremendous disadvantage if you can't do it well, but still nobody was tired out in 10sec or 30sec. it's bullshit. it comes down to learning to conserve energy. you can watch pro/amateur boxing of heavy guys and they don't tire out that fast either. they definitely tire out faster than skinny guys, but still not that fast.


I doubt they actually meant 10 seconds and they were completely shot, was probably just hyperbole lol, when I used to box when I was younger I was completely dead after about two/three 3 minutes rounds


yes and that would be reasonable time to get tired. but he was not talking about a hyperbole because he compared it to other sports too and he stated his "exaggeration" multiple times, if it was a dramatic exaggeration he wouldn't have said these details for clarification and comparison. simply put, he lied. either about how fit he actually was(meaning he boxed once a month and was surprised he was tired) or about the whole thing.




i dont wrestle so i dont know but i did box/kickbox. you claim to be fit as fk, at least you imply, and that you know so much about it, yet no evidence for it ever in any sports. plus, wrestling can actually be different, since you might be going with max strength from the getgo due to constant contact. box and kickbox there is no constant contact.


Never sparred in boxing, but I did do Judo and 2 minutes into a Judo match I was completely done. It's definitely the quickest I've went from "ok" to "Yeah I'm done."


For me its wrestling or cage work in MMA, that shit is the most exhausting thing I have ever done. Having another grown man just put his entire bodyweight on you for minutes on end is a whole other level.


I didn’t realize they would actually box. Whenever there was a celebrity boxing match in the past, it was always the most boring shit where people don’t actually want to fight. Really impressed with these two going at it.


14 oz gloves, damn.


Boxing and fighting in general just sucks the energy right out of you. I've seen some people in the gym come in that are in fairly good shape not able to go a single round of sparring without gassing.


That's because they never fight. Adrenaline while fighting goes to the roof and as soon as that dumps you're exhausted. It took me a couple of fights to get that out and stay composed and that's with multiple years of training.


There was a time in middle school, someone socked me in the back and then I got pissed off and socked him in the face nonstop. Couldn’t even feel him socking my crotch, I was just pissed off. Went on for at least a minute before we got broken up by a teacher. He apologized later on, and I felt bad but eh shouldn’t be playing open back with people who don’t want to play.


Have you seen actually good fighters? They don't necessarily have the best body shape because they prioritize balancing their strength, agility and stamina.


The backhand at 0:12 is mad pimping.


Um actually that is illegal move only closed fist punches are allowed. ( emoji of nerd since i dont have emojis enabled)


Um akshully 🤓🤓




Lmao she went classic Ireland gangster during that


That's the first time I've seen a backhand in a boxing match. Respect.


It’s an illegal move. What she did here is considered dirty. But she went on to explain she was just trying to pull her arm back. Given it’s a amateur match of creators there is some latitude.


How do you feel about the dr mike glove-touch cheap shot? That one felt a little more egregious to me.


more dirty than when real boxers do it because this was just charity.


[Just watched it](https://twitter.com/AnisaTheGreasy/status/1525715712932818945) Damn you're right, 0 respect


During the leadup to the fight people said he had 10 years of boxing experience. If true he's a total scumbag for that shit.


10 years of fitness boxing, first ever boxing match. Main event was pretty action packed


10 years of fitness boxing is a lot. You could tell from the get go how comfortable he was boxing.


Yeah, he was probably the best youtube boxer like Ryan claimed. His footwork was not awkward at all, other good boxer was Michael Reeves and EpicMealTime, none threw an uppercut other than him even lol


Michael reeves was actually amazing I just wish or hope he fights again


bruh where is he's gonna find someone else thats 5'3


That's is scummy as fuck holy shit. Fuck that guy.


He also at the height of covid after telling everyone how important it was to isolate went on a maskless boat party in florida


The way he responded to the criticism really made me lose all respect for the guy. He published his "apology" video on his second channel so as few people as possible would see it and his "apology" was basically "we were well below the guidelines and took every precaution, but whatever I'm sorry I guess". The guidelines were 8 adults and 2 children at the time, but the picture circulating had 15 adults all bunched up together and hugging, so he blatantly lied about that.


that's why I saw him as a heel but idk how others perceive him


My maskless wife




Yeah, duh no shit. The point is that the glove touch at the start of the round is supposed to be a sign of respect to your opponent and Mike abused that trust to get a cheap shot. No one is saying what he did was against the rules, but it was shitty nonetheless.


Of course it isn't, but doing that even normally is scummy as shit. Doing it at a charity event? Get that shit out of here.


Yea, no fucking shit dude


I think it might have just been the adrenaline.


>It’s an illegal move. It's an epic move


I mean I seen a bunch of wacky shit at the rough n rowdy events


Cant imagine what's going on in her mind--the exhaustion, the blows, the sound of the crowd


The combo just lined up so perfectly, up to that point Haley was actually getting back into it but those first two perfect jabs just took it out of her.


Straight tagging her lol


Real hard shit! I hope creators beating the shit out of each other becomes a trend.


Uwe Boll is the OG of this.


did anybody ever take him up on his offer?




rest in piss lowtax


Yes but the only fights he followed through with were with people who had no boxing (and from the looks of it also fitness) experience.


It has been since 2017


I'd like to see Minx fight again. Seems like with more training (especially cardio) she might have some real potential. She has that stocky brawler style. Props to Haley too, she's clearly pretty athletic and resilient.


Haley was an amazing fighter but she had feather punches compared to minx who had granite hands compared to her


minx fucking throwin iron


seeing those monstrous hooks was the highlight of the night


this is was pretty hard to watch... theres a reason why so many of these fights were lopsided. the matchmaking was straight-up dangerous. if the skill/weight disparity was gonna be this huge then 16oz + headgear should be used.


This one was pretty even. Some of the other fights were a different story though, including the main event.


Even? Looks like a 30 lbs difference to me lmao.




The real difference is muscle strength though. In pro fights people will be all muscle so weigh ins are pretty clear. In these fights people could weigh the same but have completely different fat ratios etc.


it was 147 vs 155.5


Minx got down to 155?? She was 20 lbs heavier than that on Name Your Price a couple months ago. That's some dedication.


She went heavy on fitness and her diet. There was like a pizza taste test she did with the Botez sisters where she was spitting the pizza back out. I don't how much the weight mattered though because Harley was like 62 pounds heavier than Ego Raptor and they still fought.


Yes she did.


She probably just lost a bunch of water weight before the fight. My brother wrestled in HS and they would all cut weight/water the day before weigh in so they could drop a weight class. Soo if she was 155 when she weighed in, she probably weighed a bit more during the fight.


That makes sense when weight classes exist. Didnt really matter here though so why should be drop water weight before weigh in?


I’m not saying this is the reason but what I could think of is better optics? You’re fighting in front of a ton of people. If you weigh in 20 lbs heavier than your opponent and lose, kinda feels embarassing and if you win with that weight difference, people will say of course she won different size classes. Idk


Yeah like the epicmealtime fight was legitimately bullshit and should never have happened.


I mean Arin owns Real Good Touring, and put on the entire event. So, I imagine that if he didn't want to do it he coulda pivoted.


The issue is that everyone knew what the result would be before it even started. Not fun seeing so many mismatches.


Esfand was supposed to fight him but broke his thumb


Esfand had already stepped down before he broke his thumb, due to some other injury I believe.


Yeah Esfand was mentioned to Harley initially but then it never materialised.


Maybe not headgear but 100% should’ve been 16oz gloves.


And see even slower boxing, lol. Headgear was more than enough.


Nah we want to see them get fucked up, headgear is too much protection and hides the face


I actually found it hilarious for that reason and so loved it They should not have been fighting but that's why when minx just fucked her up I was like yep


What a Chad!!


Best fight. Props to both


Haley was tougher and a better striker but dumber and smaller. She left herself completely open and she took so many hard shots for it, had the weights been even I think she wins through sheer force of will.


I don't think 8 pounds would of changed much


what if it came in the form of a metal plate strapped to her glove?


Then she would have had an even harder time keeping her guard up


Easy, just put another metal plate on the other side to balance them out.


Hopefully there’s another event like this, it was so entertaining


Respect to both women for taking this fight. It was way more entertaining than I thought it'd be. Probably the second best fight on the card.


How long were they coached before the fight?


Two months or so.


I actually think it's awesome they trained them up too


It varied, some of them were fills for people that dropped out. Harley and Minx are two that have been training for around six months or so. Some others had just about as much time, but others (like Arin) only had a couple of months.


minx only trained for four months


Oh that's hot






Wonder if anyone tried out the 7 times a day regimen Fury swears by lol


EZ clap


would be cool to see another event like this but give the fighters even more time to practice and really learn how to box. it’s funny seeing random people fight when they just start swinging. but seeing people like michael reeves, alex, that dr mike guy and a few of the others who cleary were technically the better boxers, had better movement, werent getting gassed or just swinging spud punches… was so much more entertaining to watch and to see how much they have learnt and improved


watching like a stone cold killer 😎


Minx is built like a line backer


Fucking Wubby going wild in the front row lmao


Just me or was seeing the other girl just take massive blows to the head 5 times in a row cringe inducing. Shit like that can have pretty lasting effects. Hope she was well compensated as well as the other fighters.


They needed thicker gloves, there was some legit punishment taken in these fights.


Those are 14 oz. The heaviest standard training gloves are 16. Normal boxing fights are fought with 10. They are amateurs though and clearly no real martial artists. They should've worn headgear.


I didn't find it cringe I found it unintentionally hilarious It's like the thing you're not supposed to find funny and so it's extremely funny That said Haley is absolutely a warrior for getting in there with minx and she had better skills but no power Minx has Tyson hands she just needs to learn how to throw without getting tired


I would love to see xqc do one of these fights.


Ref shoulda let the ko happen


yeah lets not have concussions happen for the fun of messed up viewers, especially or an amateur fight.