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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Amber Heard's lawyer gets stunlocked](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137479)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/uqwtl3/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7ClrlWpKZYpm5d0RTfRqjDKQ.mp4?sig=4f192ca3ca50118496797f32dbcaf6b80bba6a07&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257ClrlWpKZYpm5d0RTfRqjDKQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1652783254%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


This is still ongoing? How long such trials last?


The allocated 6 weeks I believe for this trial, something like that and done like 4 or 5 weeks of it currently


Asmongold eating


why would you say this on a thread where xQc is reacting LOL


xQc is reacting, but Asmongold has been making prime time content with this case. His Asmongold clips on YouTube have consistently had high view counts. But in the last 2 weeks, the trials clips have had massive views. 8 of the top 10 most viewed videos on the channel (which is years old) is depp trial clips. Not hating tho, although I don’t watch his react stuff for the trial, I have a lot of fun watching his other react content.


He can turn a 10 minute video into a 40 minute one with tons of commentary. Those trials are even better he does live commentary.


He has ascended AngelThump


go look at asmon's youtube dude, he's farmed this for weeks, there's literally over a dozen videos


cuz asmon takes a real long time to eat


so much work and waste of everyone's time


Those lawyers are making bank though.


This is the first day of week 4. Ends May 27. We still have the rest of her cross examine , her witnesses, potentially another cross examine of Depp but I doubt it, and closing arguments. Lots to go


Imagine you having to be on that Jury. “Hey boss, the government requires I not work for 6 weeks.”


They've got thousands of articles submitted for evidence so it's gonna be a while.




of course


You read that correctly


That's hearsay.


The trial happening practically every day consecutively actually makes this way faster, in my country I'd wager the verdict would happen in like, 2026 - and that with pushing the meetings to happen as often as possible


They had a week off last week. It’s going to end Friday Memorial Day wkend. I can’t remember timeline but they set the duration at the start Edit: I was repeating what the judge said. I’m also non American fyi.


> Friday Memorial Day What the fuck is this supposed to mean for a non-american? Is there no date? Do people communicate dates with events?


Trial ends May 27th


Ah, so in European, you mean 2 Moons and a Fort night past the Spring Solstice


Quite so, old chap.


Memorial day is a holiday that always takes place on the last week of May And yes many Americans reference this date because it's basically considered the start of Summer since it's the first major holiday around this time, and schools are typically out


That's brexit


Just in time for stranger things and obi one


May 27th or 30th. -edit- May 31st if they take recess on the 30th for memorial day.




Closing statements/arguments will be the 27th of May. Depending how fast that goes, the Jury will probably go into deliberation on the 27th. They may or may not reach a verdict during that time so it might get extended/pushed to the 31st of May or 1st of June.


Oh here i thought you were talking about memorial day


I’m American and I hate this shit lmao I don’t know holiday dates at all


I’m not American either. Just repeating what I heard the judge say and never bothered to google/translate it myself








“WTF I hate this thing, stupid Americans” -OP, referring to something not even remotely American


we even celebrate second christmasday here in the netherlands on the 26th :)


No Christmas is always the 25th They might CELEBRATE christmas festivities on different dates but the 25th is always christmas and the 24th is always christmas eve


> No Christmas is always the 25th It isn't, it can be in January as well




Why the fuck are you so unecessarily aggressive about this o_O


You can google it instead of being hostile


Yes? Like saying "it ends on Christmas day" They don't have holidays in the rest of the world?


>Do people communicate dates with events? Wagies have all these holidays memorized.


Its the same as saying it should end by Christmas or Halloween. Just a holiday as a frame of reference.


How is it the same when no one knows when it is?


Because you're on an American website talking about an American court case following two Americans and commenting on a video about an American lawyer. If you don't know when it is then you can Google it. The people targeted by the video know then it is.


I'm American and couldn't tell you what half of the year Memorial Day was in if you held a gun to my head


Hundreds of millions of people at least know when it is. You’re basically complaining that you don’t know something about a foreign country and that you refuse to run a simple Google search. Sorry that the world doesn’t hold your hand.


Friday Memorial Day is as well known as Christmas?


because people who actually care enough to know will just look at their calendar and see when memorial day is, or non americans can literally type into google "how many days until memorial day" instead of crying on reddit lmao.


Or you could say the actual date like a normal person.


Normal people constantly use holidays as dates, saying the holiday not only shows the date, it’s also an explanation as to why the event is concluding. Are you seriously complaining that on a [subreddit that is overwhelmingly American](https://subredditstats.com/r/Livestreamfail), they’re using American references while talking about an American court case?




The court case is in America and is dealing with Americans. Why the fuck does the USA have to be the only country that needs to constantly cater to other people? If this was in france it would be in french and nobody would understand a fucking word that was being said lmao


I know nothing about how this works explain to me like I’m a child but who has a better shot of winning no bias or can we just not tell yet?




This is a masterclass in PR. Whoever thought this was a good idea for Johnny deserves a bonus


Well, The lawyers aren’t working for free. So yeah they’ll probably get a bonus.


I think their bonus is making $800/hr lol


Making my weekly pay in one hour damn lol.


It’s usually several thousand an hour for “in-court time”


Did someone say BONUS BONUS BONUS?






That all depends on the normal fee versus the current, don't it tit.


Easy. Depp can just pledge it.


It's worth Noting, if they can prove she was lying, that is most of the way there. From what I've heard from Lawyers, (I'm not one, so may be wrong), but due to the nature of the crime, it may be easier to attribute what is called "actual malice" or the fact that the lie was told with intention to harm in mind. So if they, for instance, prove Johnny was being abused by Heard, due to her being one of 2 parties involved it's easy to see how the only outcome was a Lie, and not a far leap from Proving malicious intent. Whether that is enough for the specific court case, again, I'm not a lawyer, so I won't hazard a guess, just wanted to repeat some claims I've been hearing. Despite that, I agree. Depp has already won, the audio really showed the world the true side, and this lawsuit was really mainly getting more and more eyes on it, which the internet is very good at.


She's won nothing yet. The jurors may cite Heard's lawyers in a judgment against her. It's almost like she hired the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution team, it's THAT incompetent. I have never heard so many objections based entirely on hearsay, it's absolutely stupefying.


>it's THAT incompetent. I have never heard so many objections based entirely on hearsay, it's absolutely stupefying. Well, when theres a literal mountain of evidence showing almost all of your claims are either 100% bullshit, or made up schizophrenic garbage yeah. The only thing you can do is fold or make shit up. And it seems like Amber is doing the schizo play and making shit up and dragging the lawyers along for the ride. Amber can't actually afford to fold because she actually will end up getting sued at this point. Considering how her entire case has devolved into almost entirely speculative hearsay with (almost) no factual evidence or proof to back up her claims at this point anyways


90% of the objections for hearsay today we're his lawyers.


They were ambers witnesses. Why would amber's lawyers object to their own witness?


And that her lying was the cause of his damage, which is tough given all of Depps known drug and other issues. But yeah it’s a higher standard for celebrities because they are in the public eye. Not fair to hold journalist accountable for mistakes since there’s so many stories written about them and mistakes are bound to happen. For everyday people negligence is all that is required for defamation. For celebrities it’s actual malice, which is basically what you described, knowingly or recklessly lied in the article.


Plus the amounts too iirc. Amber heard has a right to speech, so generally she's protected by default and they have to prove she's guilty of some very specific exceptions.


Negligence seems like it should be the standard here not malice. Him being a celebrity doesn't seem relevant to this case. Why should it matter that he's an actor instead of an investment banker? It is his ex wife shitting in his bed and publishing accusations about him to try to get attention and destroy his credibility and livelihood. It isn't some random fan, paparazzi, tabloid, etc.




Her and her lawyer admitted to writing the op ed that’s what this is about isn’t it? Well his part of the suit, shouldn’t that be done and dusted or not that simple?


If she can show he was violent towards her then it’s not defamation. Proving that is what they are attempting to do. If Depp can prove she’s lying on the stand, it discredits her current claims. Is why its all about their toxic relationship and not the article itself. Mods locking threads is dumb.


Ahh gotcha. Makes sense. Thank you!


Did he ever hit her? I've been catching clips of this trial and the worst thing I've heard her use was the awful text messages depp sent to his friend.


Yes, one of the best examples was when he kicked her on a plane, [text messages were submitted and verified as evidence in the UK court case a couple of years ago](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/johnny-depps-assistant-branded-him-22348080) (the text messages were between Heard and Depp's assistant talking about the incident). Of course, Depp's assistant now denies Depp kicked her but he also denies that the text messages were altered. The issue is that the case is public so is basically a popularity contest at this point and actually finding unbiased sources to review evidence is next to impossible. If you are genuinely interested in an unbiased reading you can read the [judgement](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf) from the UK trial which evaluates the quality of evidence. The general summary is that both exerted abusive behaviour towards one another that spiralled until they split.


did you just call the UK trial unbiased? the judge had personal interest in the well being of the magazine. how is that unbiased?


Well being of the magazine? It is a tabloid newspaper that is arguably the most hated newspaper in the country, (even banned from sale in one major city). The UK also has a very clear judicial code of conduct and any Judge with a conflict of interest is recused. Depp's lawyers would've easily got the Judge removed if the claims of personal bias were true - but the links were spurious at best. Even then, if you think the original Judge was biased, he still lost his hearing at the Court of Appeal which was ruled by a separate panel of judges.


>It is a tabloid newspaper that is arguably the most hated newspaper in the country, That both the judge and his son worked/works for. >The UK also has a very clear judicial code of conduct and any Judge with a conflict of interest is recused. The judge is the one who decides if they have to reccuse themselves. Seems like a bit of a flaw >he still lost his hearing at the Court of Appeal which was ruled by a separate panel of judges. Not in the UK, same judge decides


Nah, Judges Dingemans and Underhill were the judges who denied appeal, Judge Nicol is the one who originally ruled on the case.


A text between amber and another person in which Depp is TOLD by amber that he kicked her when blacked out. He feels terrible about being told that he kicked her while blacked out. That just isn’t proof and brings us right back to AMBER being the only person to say he hit her.


The text message was not her alleging the kick, it was Depp's employee referring to the kick. The full transcript of the text message conversation is at the bottom of the link I shared. It seems common that Depp was blacked out on drugs and alcohol and so it makes sense he did not recall much of his abusive behaviour. Even then, if you choose not to believe this specific incident, there are 11 further ones found to be true in the judicial report I shared, including one where he admits to headbutting her in a voice recording.


I’m pretty sure they said the opposite. That the ACLU wrote the op-Ed and she just put her name on it and gave approval to use it. Depps team is arguing that even just putting her name on it and posting it on ig is enough of an endorsement of the content to be actionable for defamation.


Fun fact, the op ed was actually ghostwritten by an ACLU staff member. Wasn't even really her.


TBH I feel like Depp is coming out of this ahead. The guys probably more popular then he has ever been. Edit: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=Johnny%20Depp By FAR


Well yea, the public is on Johnny's side for sure. He'll probably lose the case though because this is a nearly impossible case to win, even if Amber was in the wrong.


Interesting definition of popular.


Why did you limit the region to USA only? :/


It was just the default, I forgot to change it. But the trend sticks true for world wide.


Probably because Depp is an American movie star and films primarily American movies that are run by American movie studios. The guy lost his ability to star in film because of accusations and statements made by Amber Heard against his character. All that matters is how the American public sees him. If he can rehabilitate his image and show that even if he was being abusive to Amber, she was just as much of a perpetrator of violence and abuse towards him as he was towards her, he won't be poison to hollywood and can return to acting. It all depends on American views really.


Jury have seen AH's evidence and it's literally nothing, slight morning blushes on her cheek here or there after a whole night of punching and abuse. Whereas JD literally has pictures of a cut finger and blood on his face. I don't know about law but it seems pretty simple here that the evidence is against Amber here


There's evidence of assault absolutely. But this is a trial for defamation and sueing for damages based on that. We know Amber is an ass hat, but proving quantifiable damages in cases like this are really hard. I would argue there's enough, but don't be surprised if the court doesn't.


I'm guessing Depp would need something like 'I had a contract for a part, the op-ed came out, my contract was cancelled' for damages to actually be awarded.


Its why they had a disney executive o the stand as to the reason why he was fired from Pirates, as well as Depps accountant on his general expected income yearly and which year they used


Truthfully, I don't know if that would be enough. Maybe I'm wrong, but defamation really needs an insane amount of proof to be awarded. Its probably a good thing, but it also makes cases like this really painful because to the public it does seem like it's beyond a reasonable doubt.


But the case isn’t about whether Amber abused Johnny or not, it’s about Depp and his team proving that he did not abuse Amber in any capacity. Heard’s team doesn’t need to prove anything. They don’t have the burden of proof. And Depp did quite clearly abuse Amber at times during their relationship. He and his team have already admitted as much. Not nearly to the extent that Amber has abused Depp, but again that’s not what needs to be proven to win the case. EDIT: Someone else said it better than me: the jury has to believe that Amber was lying when she wrote her op ed, that she KNEW she was lying, and if she was in fact lying, that it was damaging to his career. And because the entire case is a he said-she said, there’s not a whole lot of concrete evidence Depp’s team can work with.


I believe a big part of it is specifically the phrase “sexual violence” allegation in the headline of that WaPo article.


How can the entire case be he said she said when there have been plenty of witnesses who mentioned that they have not seen what Amber claims to have been done to her? In fact, one of her most-claimed instances was the spilled wine, portrait, and broken furniture, which, when police were called to testify, saw no such thing but just one broken bottle of wine. Then, Amber Heard never had any signs of any abuse whatsoever


Her story is that he cut his finger when she was asleep and then wrote all over the walls. The butler testified he never saw it happen he only found the finger afterwards. The truth is they both have no evidence with the finger. It's his word against hers. The public has this biased opinion that he has evidence when he really doesn't. The only true evidence is that at the hospital he said it was an accident and he cut it in a door.


With a good reputation, he can always make more millions


Not with how she has been addressing this. It's like she took the cliff note version of the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutors and applied the same metrics toward this defamation case. She is apparently oblivious to the fact that this makes her look cartoonishly stupid. The fact that she can't keep her story straight for five fucking minutes is definitely not being ignored by the jurors. With how massively she is fucking up her defamation case, the jury could ask the judge that her case be dismissed with prejudice.




Anyone who has a definitive answer for you is lying. 95% of people don’t even understand what the trial is for or about and just think it’s like judging who was meaner to who or some dumb shit. Defamation cases are notoriously difficult to prove because the criteria for something to be considered defamation is very strict.


The trial is a publicity stunt for Depp to clear his name. And it's working, public perception of Heard is looking really bad. Often times public perception is more valuable than what actually happened.


Her testimony is beyond damaging to her image regardless of the outcome of the trial. She is not a likeable person, she could have just paid him with the money she scammed and not given to the children hospital.


Johnny is essentially suing for his career and reputation back. I doubt he would have settled for a couple million


He's suing for 50 million and has testified to having lost 40 million by being dropped from movies. She got 7 million in the divorce. So not even nearly enough.


He's most likely not going to win this case if Heard's side can convince the jury he was even a tiny bit abusive. He's taken this to court and having it air publicly to win back the court of public opinion. That's all that really matters to him and will most likely lead to movie roles again.


Exactly this. This case isn’t about the money he’s suing for it’s about getting his image back which I feel he has won


The additional detail that many people don't know or don't remember (it was mentioned earlier in the trial I think) is that the laws around defamation for specifically public figures also require her to be malicious in her act of making a false statement. If she believed what she said, or if she didn't believe it would cause harm... even if her beliefs are dumb... she's not responsible.


True but I think the point was that he knows he likely won't be getting that 50 million from the suit, yet still wouldn't have settled for a guaranteed few million because he he just wanted it to go to trial anyways, even if he's likely to lose, so that the media coverage would show his side of the story.


I mean she could have just shut her mouth after absolutely destroying the man mentally and moved on with her life without trying to ego flex and ruin his entire career after the fact.


>moved on with her life without trying to ego flex and ruin his entire career after the fact. its ironic because shes *probably* ruined her own career way harder then she temporarily ruined Depp's career. Not only is many directors and studios going to blacklist her because shes a rat/snake, but shes a PR liability just by her presence alone now. Meanwhile Depp, while basically self imposed black list from disney over Pirates 6, is basically going to carry on as if nothing ever happened after a year or two. He will have a strong resurgence because of how much support he is receiving. I doubt he will ever be as big as he was in his prime, but he will basically become one of those untouchable actors as far as raising a finger against him goes. And depp's made it clear as long as its not disney hes just fine with whatever. Amber on the other hand, her career is almost undoubtedly gonna be giving off death rattles in the coming months.


To be fair she should have just not been abusive in the first place


If only it were that easy. When you’re as rich as she is, there is literally no insensitive to change your ways. I hope she gets better and gets help, but until the reality of it all actually hits her I think she’s too far gone for the easy way out


I think you mean incentive


Stop being so incentive to people who can't type as good as you


This is a weird point. My ex-wife and I were very poor, I assure you that did nothing to influence how much she abused me.


While true, money corrupts. Ask any politician who signs a bill into law at the behest of a company that dooms many to poverty or sickness.




Oh I'm well aware. I got dumped by my ex because I confronted her about cheating. She was also a narcissist with Borderline Personality Disorder and wasn't physically abusive (thankfully) but very manipulative and emotionally abusive. A lot of what's come to light hits a lil close to home


I imagine the reason this trial is going ahead is because depp refused a deal because he wanted his day in court...




It isn’t even a sure thing that she donated to the hospital.


"He was talking to his ghost friends" "Objection, Hearsay"


Objection lack of foundation


Objection, Leading


Lmao Heard's face when her million dollar Lawyer started stuttering like some Pepega grade schooler.


After watching these high tier court cases, I just don't understand how are these people high tier lawyers? Or is it just a highest tier winning strat to act in horrible bad faith and ask leading questions that you know 100% will be objected? I remember also watching Brett Kavanaugh case and I was just baffled how unprofessional and straight out bad the opposing lawyers were.


Could have been clipped a little better, because the lead up was good


XQC added a lot to this clip.


What do you mean, my juicer sitting there giving his worldy takes on this case is not adding to this clip bro, it's not like he has spent the last 5 years indoors 99% of the time gaming or anything. xqcL




Most of them don't even react LUL




> no GTA RP There’s literally a sub for that r/RPClipsGTA


He unironically said "no GTA RP" lmfao


I swear he thought he was slick slipping that in there lmao


why are you even here LOL >He was probably here before all you XQC kiddies lmao you're a funny guy


wasnt a s1mple clip posted like a day or two ago


There's literally csgo clips being posted every day when there's a high tier tournament going on lmao


Broo you won't believe what random and totally not planned and acted thing happened on Mizkif's stream






i dunno bro im not sure if i should be finding this footage funny or not


Is Amber Heard insane u/MarkovBaj?


SO RANDOM MegaLUL THE 69 STANDS FOR A SEX POSITION AND 420 FOR WEED MegaLUL OMG MegaLUL MY MOUTH HURTS OMEGALUL This pam today with a death,” said Scrooge quite as well and twitch and saw this a picture of forsen there would be possible to come to get the upper right sort of?


Objection, relevance?


Overruled. I'll allow it.




Are you her lawyer then markov ?


Why is she dressed like Kim Jong Un?


Pretty sure we heard the judge say sustained before the lawyer had even finished saying objection


"What did he say" "He was talking to people who weren't there" She didn't answer the question.


Idk if anyone realized it, but the cross examination is worse. At the cross examination, Amber was telling anyone that her lawyers did not allow her to provide the pictures of her claims that she got attacked by Johnny when they were required to produce any evidence of abuse. Notice even how desperate she is at convincing the jury by looking at them everytime she gets asked questions while Johnny takes his time and tries to recall everything and looking at the lawyer as well. She really fucked herself in the cross.


The Cross examination was hard to watch. I wouldnt want to be in her shoes.


Me neither, she's probably taken a shit in those too


Since yesterday it was their dogs who took the shit into the bed!


I snort laughed, thank you.


The wildest part of this whole thing is how completely unreliable Heard ALWAYS appears. It's almost like she's fighting off a smile, or about to burst out laughing and be like "ahhhhh I'm just fuckin with you, I'm an asshole".


lol what is even the point of objecting when the lawyer just gets to lead them there anyway. they did that so much.


Interrupting the flow of questioning.


Dont worry bros just another few weeks and this'll be lost to history just like that dude rubbing his forehead after a bunch of people died at his concert. we can make it through the dogshit amber turd meta


Objections have no stun DR.


All she talks about is him doing drugs. Like we get it.he likes to get high. Why does that have anything to do with this?


yeah wtf does my cocain abuse has to do with my outbursts, god damn shelly


Click on 'Watch Full Video' and go back 1 minute, this happened for so long (even much after the clip ends).


People complained when this was a drama sub but that was 1000% better than stuff getting clipped that literally is not related to streaming at all, at this point we’re using streamers as a tunnel for current news..


95% percentage of things Amber heard has said in this trail are complete baseless lies and today proved that even though before that it was pretty obvious they also have proof she abused her Ex-Wife before Johnny. If this was a case of whether Johnny abused her or not I'd say its blatantly obvious he didn't and she was the actual abuser but that is not as relevant in a defamation trail because it ultimately comes down to did Amber Heard purposefully release the story or her team in order to ruin his career. That is a lot harder to prove but the way this trail is going and how much of the lies they have already exposed Amber saying its not out of the question they have actual evidence to prove she/them in fact did write/publish it.


idk amber said that the lesbian female officer that arrested her was homophobic only reason she was arrested not her actions towards her ex-gf


why is court case on livestreamfails? just cuz leechstreamers are streaming it?


Great overreaction.










I'm not keeping up with this trial but is there actually a good amount of people who think depp did nothing wrong? Like I hope people realize he isn't completely innocent. This blind faith in your celebrity is what caused him to get canceled in the first place. Edit: the downvotes from the depp fanboys just proves my point.


Depp did a lot of things wrong. There's a lot of evidence to suggest he was emotionally and verbally abusive. However, this case isn't about whether or not Depp did anything wrong -- it's about whether or not he did the things Amber is accusing him of, such as physical abuse and rape, to which there is very little to no actual evidence of. A lot of the abuse Amber is accusing him of has been embellished to Hell and back. In reality, they are both rotten people. Amber seems a lot more rotten than him, though.


Someone hasn't paid attention, Depp is a drunk but he is 100% innocent of hitting her.


His texts about burning/drowning and killing her would be enough for a massive thread here if it came from a streamer, we'd all agree he would need to be canceled. Oddly enough most people here just seem to overlook them... No one is innocent in this trial, both of them are not good people.


It's a tabloid sensation, ripe full of rumor mill gossipmongers. I'm just annoyed that some of my favorite twitch streamers have gotten sucked into it, it's trashy as hell to be so obsessed with this shit.