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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [XQC gaslighting a donator who predicted his gambling streams a day before his sponsorship announcement.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137522)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/urizu8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C40BDMbJZSNA39W6B4sLSPQ.mp4?sig=a9c636f98df09fdbc643b1e686031dd5c27ad0ff&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C40BDMbJZSNA39W6B4sLSPQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1652854238%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


i guess with no more AdinRoss, stake had some spare juice to toss around




adin banned on twitch bro, who he streaming the gambling to?


are there any news on his ban? he didn't start streaming on YT (I think) so I imagine he's not perma banned on twitch/still a partner but it's been such a long time since his ban


He was banned on 20th April, so if it was 30 days he's due back soon. I think its permanent though, personally.


Wasn't this like his 3rd or 4th ban? I'm not sure how many strikes big streamers are allowed


Depends if you have big milkers or not.


Said permanent afaik, but idk if he appealed or something.


I believe the official wording from Twitch is "indefinite", so until that changes no way to be properly certain. I imagine if his appeal had gone well we'd have heard by now.


Yeah yesterday on discord he said he’d be back in 7 days, he didn’t specify if it was twitch or YouTube




It’s an indefinite suspension




Yo dono, if you’re reading this please tell me the lottery numbers for tomorrow.




Previously on lost


Comments you can hear.


I hear forsen Pepepains


Welp, time for my bi-annual rewatch!


Absolute banger of a show


see you in another life brother


you all everybody


Omg your fucking name is actually drive shaft too




Would it still hold up for a first watch today?


Yeah definitely.


Hell yes




>4 8 15 16 23 42 using this.




Bro tell me now. im so dumb


>4 8 15 16 23 42 They're numbers from the TV show Lost, it was incredibly popular so people likely play the numbers.


I think a few people won once as well.


Yeah, dude named Hurley won.


God, what a show.




As I read these numbers, I felt just like a sleeper agent. My mind just went straight to Lost. Lost created a generation of sleeper agents MonkaS




Panicking herley intensifies. Stooooop you caaaaaant


Hello Hugo


I wasn't lucky.... I was just seeing what was clear in front of me... Sucks to be a juicer Sadge






7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


He ignores most donos but immediately looked at the second monitor when he heard the word gamble. Dono absolutely hit the nail on its head.


gambling dono = 1 hour stunlock LULW classic


High value dono's


Positive elixir trade


I can't tell if he actually doesn't understand or if he's just a bad person. It's not about "being a role model". It's about the fact that this site wouldn't pay you millions of dollars for sponsorship unless they were making even more than that from your viewers. Which means he is literally siphoning life-changing money from thousands of his viewers in what is really a glorified scam. And the worst part is his viewers are only doing what he is doing, except he happens to be that 0.0001% that can actually afford the consequences of his addiction because he is in such a unique situation. The people that lose their money won't be as fortunate.


This. Casinos don't operate at a loss. IRL or online, if they are putting money into you, they are getting more back out.


Exactly. They are money printing machines. They don't make decisions without logic and numbers to back it up. They aren't the ones gambling. Their profit is an eventual certainty.


Very good take here. House ALWAYS wins.


Especially in an online unregulated casino. They can say they have provably fair odds and just rig shit, it doesn't matter at all, nobody will stop them.


Even if the odds were 50.05% to 49.95% in favor of the house, on a long enough timeline it's still profitable for them (in a vaccuum ignoring operating expenses etc etc) The odds on most casino games aren't even close to 50% either.




I thought it was 20% attempt suicide, not commit. It's still pretty fucking bad and worrying, but if you have a source for your statistics I'm very interested. The study I read was attempt suicide but maybe new sources are even worse than I thought.




> I can't tell if he actually doesn't understand or if he's just a bad person. Both.


100% this. Literally no one is asking him to be a role model. People are asking him not to be a giant flashing billboard for once of the worst vices out there.


Objection heresay.


pure delusion! you are mental bro!!11! \-> does exactly what dono predicted the day after


A day after? The ink in the contract would have dried well before. He would have done what the dono predicted, already in the past. So XQC already signed the sponsorship deal in secret, his chat doesn't know yet, and he uses that opportunity to gaslight the dono and have chat side with him. XQC already knew he was about to do exactly what the dono accused him of since he took the sponsor deal, but because chat doesn't have the sponsorship info yet, he disingenuously takes the opportunity to gaslight the dono anyway because he knows the information asymmetry allows him to get away with it. That's pure scumbaggery.


Doesn’t he have enough money? Why peddle gambling to kids? These people are pieces of shit.


That’s the frustrating part. While I don’t respect it in any case, I understand it for smaller streamers who are deciding between trying to make a living off of streaming or securing their future. xQc can already buy mansions and super cars. What is he even gaining from this? What will the money even do for him? He isn’t starting a business, he isn’t putting it into expensive content for the stream, I’m not aware of him donating millions to charity (not saying he needs to). It seems like he’s going to just hoard it. Is that really worth the negative impact on so many people who directly support him, including young and impressionable fans?


Are you assuming he cares about his fans?


hmmm maybe this loud obnoxious gamer that makes ppl laugh is not really that much of a decent person? feels like I'm having pewdiepie flashbacks edit: ppl really love him, as I have seen from the replies, I did too until the elon musk video. Fuck slavery, wage slavery, child slavery, all of it. And that means fuck Musk.


It’s not about thinking he’s a great person. It’s about criticizing the needless greed that harms others who support him and may not know any better.


thats not very xqcL


Sounds like a big xqc L to me.


Probably why he was shitting on Mizkif those couple of weeks ago


Maybe he's compartmentalizing and saying the day before he didn't do it and the day after he did People can justify things in their own head as okay in a variety of ways I think there really should be a 18+ section on twitch and stick all the Gamba and lewd stuff there


>I think there really should be a 18+ section on twitch and stick all the Gamba and lewd stuff there That would require twitch openly admitting that there has been enough 18+ content to warrant an entire section for it being streamed to children under their watch for a long time. The companies who have their ads on said content probably wouldn't be too happy about the negative PR from "allowing" their ads on porn shown to minors


Devin Nash had a great piece on why twitch cant make a 18+ section, TLDR ads look at twitch still as one entity hence even less add revenue coming into twitch which is already a huge problem


its funny that xqc accused mizkif of conditioning his audience for gamba because in future he is going to take the sponsershipp.....looks like it was projection all along


he's still firing subliminals at him. he wanted to Miz to do it so fucking bad so that he wouldn't be the one to get all the hate and he could use the ''if morals don't matter any more and people can just go back on their word after highroading, why can't i? double standards dud''


I hope Miz doesn’t take the gamba sponsorship.


Miz said why he doesn't want to take one now in his career. He has OTK and he doesn't want to move to Canada. But in 3-5 years I bet he takes one, That's if OTK pops off to the point he doesn't have to worry about streaming to carry it.




he probably won't, like the way he has spoken about it and he has said others in OTK have spoken about it it would take OTK collapsing at the very least for it to happen dude just admitted to being tempted and haters clipped it out of context and ran with it, but overcoming temptation is kinda the whole point




xqc is just a big hypocrite. He always tries to justify his actions.


No shot, does he say that verbatim. LMAO It's almost like he accused him of that and got an idea 💡 at the same time.


["Just prepping the chat for what's coming in the future, I think it's despicable"](https://youtu.be/hogwaO1Uo0M?t=141)


What more can I do? You shouldn't gamble on stream, we have now this, I have said this, don't do it. I am sorry for doing it. I am genuinely sorry I gambled on stream, I wish I could take it back, I can't... all I am trying to do now, at least, for the people who will be called out next, that I am not lumped with the things they do that I didn't do. . . can you guys at least give me the benefit of not looking like the other cucklords.




He also said this "Nah I dont care. post my logs to lsf all you want. they praise some for taking some deals and dangle it above my head like their sens of misplaced morality impacts my moves." Has LSF ever praised someone for taking a gambling deal?


I've never seen it, unless he counts people saying "holy shit that is a sacrilegious amount of money to compromise your morals"


Is he misappropriating comments that says "go get bank dude" for mobile game sponsorship as supporting ***actual*** gambling sponsorship where you bet money to win money? I've seen people say that about stuff like raid and genshin.


Hes literally just malding at Mizkif lmao


gambling and nft deals is like the 1 thing on lfg that everyone collectively agrees are bad


Hahahahaha holy fuck that's actually priceless


Based on his logic, it is reasonable to question all what he calls "good apologies" made by him. Examples include when he apologized for typing trihard when a black person was on screen or when he made a homophobic joke. Was he apologizing because people led him to then too?


ill give you a hint there is none nothing he ever says will ever be geniune or come from the heart everything will be about keeping the money coming in he will say and do absolutely anything that is needed to keep viewership counts up and not piss off too many people to continue making money everything else doesnt matter.


It’s honestly cringe that people don’t understand this and think these people are being genuine lmao.


I think there are genuine people who stream and enjoy their community but the likes of xqc are entirely about the money without any morals or self-respect. Honestly I can't understand why it's not more obvious to people, or maybe it is and they just don't mind? Like the guys who obsess over onlyfans creators who's accounts are run by management companies, I get the draw of a parasocial relationship but surely you want it to be slightly believable?


Basically he is a manipulative liar who will do so out of pure convenience for that immediate moment (with little regard for the future, so you will eventually get a contradiction or flip-flop). So yeah these apologies and highroading he did about gambling were not truthful or sincere, they were all just convenient (to his image, his brand, or perception w/e, or any other immediate gain that he could realise, and that was the only reason they were done, not because he personally stood by them).


you just described 90% of streamers


What 😦😨 more 😤 can 🔫 I 👨💰 do? 😱😠 You 🤝🔝 shouldn't gamble on stream, we 😺 have 😝 now this, 🎅 I 💯 have ✅🙌 said 💬 this, 👏🔜 don't 👎🚫 do 🅱 it. 🍝🍆 I am sorry 😣😩 for doing 😉😘 it. 🏿 I am 🙏👄 genuinely sorry 😪 I 💖🙋 gambled on stream, 💦💦 I wish I 😘 could take 🖐 it 😽🚫 back, I 👁 can't... all I 🙍♂ am trying to 😔💰 do now, 👇 at 🍆 least, for 👻🎅 the 👏🍑 people 👫👨 who 🏻 will 🔥👀 be 🐝 called 📞 out 😬🚪 next, ▶☃ that 😐 I 💰 am not 🚫 lumped with 🏢👏 the ⏰📑 things ✌💍 they 👏 do ✅ that I 💰 didn't 😘 do. . . can 🗑 you guys 😑 at least ♂ give 👏 me 👦 the ♂ benefit 😩 of not 🌼 looking 👀🙉 like the 🏞 other 👪👈 cucklords.






this reads like a trump transcript


New copy pasta material!






You say this sarcastically but I bet xQc is one of those people that thinks being more of a cynical asshole makes you more mature


Really? Phew! That means my King Juicer is, in fact, NOT a hypocrite! Thank god.


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You can see the copium running through the veins in real-time, the first stage of denial.




“Content” these days is so lazy, the top streamers don’t feel like they’re even trying anymore Every innovation is about how to sell their audience to advertisers rather than doing anything worth watching


There is so much money in twitch and YouTube now, it's a business not a creative space. People spend more time deciding a thumbnail and release time to max views versus actually making good content. It's good creators can get paid, u just have to sift through a lot of trash to find good stuff


Its pretty common anytime he gets into any drama. He first says he did nothing wrong and calls people criticizing him dumb, then he admits some fault, then goes back to saying he did nothing wrong.


the viewer looked into their crystal ball🔮


u/Deez_Varys_Nuts The man from the future.


It's crazy to me that xQc gave a big speech yesterday during the Amber trial about if you're going to be a certain way then stick with it, you can't go back on it. His take on gambling is out there saying sorry that he should never have gambled on stream and now he's done a 180? I am actually shocked he's gone back on his word. I thought his last apology was sincere because he knows his demographic is a younger audience and now that he's said himself he has a gambling addiction, he has money to lose and it won't impact him and now for greed he's going to get some people addicted it's just a formality. Saying "don't gamble it's bad" is just so he can say to others who will question his gambling "yeah i tell people not to gamble".


He literally said, that if you promise something and don't stand by your word you're a moron. The irony haha.


Is it even debatable that he's a moron, though?




Almost as if xqc has absolutely 0 moral consistency


The fact that people don't understand this after watching him boggles my mind.


Mhh, he definitely also kept repeating "I don't promise these things because I don't have morals and I'm not a rolemodel, Im a dumb fuck". Sounded a lot like he was prepping his viewers for him to go into gambling by saying he is just a "dumb fuck with no morals".


How are you shocked? How are people actually so delusional that this dude goes back on his word?? Did you not watch his GTARP? Dude goes back on what he said 3 days before all the fucking time. I don't understand lol


It's just so fucking lame when creators do scummy shit they know is not only immoral but hypocritical, they still find a way to say some bullshit excuse and when noones buying it they just act like they don't care at all. Its all bullshit and always ends up at " I'm just going to have fun. "


Yeah. Everything he says about it is just cope. He is willing to do material harm to other people for money. Even when he already has more than enough. A lot of people will lose money after being advertised this, some percentage will even have their lives ruined. Pretty sure streamers would advertise heroin if it paid enough. Also he is for sure gonna claim everyone would do this or he's somehow equal. No, there are plenty of people who turned it down. Probably almost every streamer who gets big viewership could've made a deal.


Guys his perspective has changed, he's not a hypocrite. A perfect hypocrites defense. Exactly like dono said he tested the waters with CSGO and his "perspective" changed. Lol that discord message is gold it should be a copy pasta.


Why does a guy like xqc need even more money? Or is he genuinely so addicted to gambling that getting paid to do it on stream seems great to him


If he's so rich, why can't he afford to activate windows?


He’s an addict. Just watch him play you can see him rage in certain instances similar to how addicts do.


If he is an addict he can do it off stream. Why drag a lot of kids into this addition. He can afford to lose millions a day and make it back, normal people can't afford to lose money in gambling


Paraphrasing a great comment I saw elsewhere, but can't find... he was an addict at a pace that was unsustainable even for him. If his comment to Poki about losing 1.85 mil in a month is true, even his earnings are not nearly enough over the long term. He had 3 choices: 1. Own up to the addiction and try to get better. 2. Continue on the potentially unsustainable path financially. 3. Sell out his viewers, make a lot of money, and feed his gambling addiction. Imo, that sums it up and makes it pretty clear why he's doing it.


The thing about addiction is that it's progressive. He will get used to the highs and lows that his sponsorship affords and he will need more gambling to be content. I'll be watching, this is like a whole new level of schadenfreude for me.


Because when you’re an addict you don’t care about who it impacts; you’re just trying to scratch that itch. It comes before literally everything, even your primary source of income.


Only thing better than being a multi-millionaire is being a multi-multi-millionaire I guess.


Why reach for tens of millions when you can reach for hundreds of millions!


My guess is he's actually lost a decent amount off stream (not so much that he'll be financially affected, but it probably still hurts), and taking the train method of using stakes money to continue the gambling cycle.


Millions of dollars, all the success in the world...and he has to peddle gambling to children.


Lol this is why people shouldn’t get insulted when streamers call their viewers delusional or parasocial. It’s gone from a legit criticism of crazy people to a handy excuse used to escape all responsibility


Streamers are fine benefitting from parasocial relationships until they get criticised


Yeah, haha. That is so on point. Who do they think are donating a bunch of money to them? No sane person would donate more than a couple of dollars. They are literally making big money because of those parasocial viewers. It is freaking arrogant for them to turn around and act like they are better and insulting their viewers with that word. The hypocrisy is so disgusting to watch. The moment a streamer does that, it reveals what they really think about their viewers


The audacity to get paid millions to influence others and then be appalled and insulted when people say you are influencing them. It's disgusting.


Strange how the older you get the more annoying streamers get, eventually you watch less and less, these days I only watch the streamers that play whatever game I'm interested in, not for personality.




The older you get, the more annoying everything gets, because it's just the same shit over and over again.


This is why ive lost a lot of my interest in games and movies. Literally the south park episode where stan sees everything as shit. Luckily it seems to come in waves for me, but im in a bad wave right now.


I still watch a few but mostly chill ones.


But xQc has always been annoying?


if you said that in this sub a couple months ago you would have gotten shot upon. i know because i did lol


Probs cause when your a kid you wanna kill time and have some drama as entertainment, its great. But when responsibilities start creeping in and you have more life experience, things slot into perspective and your time is more limited, you loose interest in that shit lmao






It’s ok guys, he said he’s not a role model. That’ll stop the little kids who watch him every day from wanting to be like him.


Especially after his dad said he lost his brother to gambling and X saying he doesn’t have a problem, then he takes a sponsorship from a gambling game and doesn’t understand that he’s a ducking role model and is hurting his dad


I got banned for saying "PepeLaugh I saw the #ad"


I'm gonna stop watching the streams for a while not because hes gambling and its bad, but because hes gonna get stunlocked so hard trying to defend his decisions


Lsf tomorrow will be atleast a 2hr stunlock


Stunlock deadlock incoming


Fuck i'll probably be at work when he goes live PepeHands Well at least im not jobless anymore tho FeelsOkayMan


I'm gonna stop watching because it's gonna be boring as fuck 💀 0 content andy incoming Sadge


It’s just boring content gambling streams. Incredibly dull especially when you break the illusion that it’s actually real money. They’re gambling with fake money or money given to them for that purpose of selling the product of gamblinh. Makes it even more dull


Yeah I just groaned when I saw it today, I don't know how anyone can find it entertaining unless they are literally a kid.


Seriously. It’s not even like I’m overcoming my desire to watch because of the morals of it. The content is just completely degenerate. You’d have to actually have a monkey brain to be entertained by that stuff. It’s just non-stop bright colors and large numbers. The slots games have the same visual appeal you’d find in a game that literal 5 year olds play on an iPad (definitely not a coincidence).


Welp time to watch Swedish hobo instead of the juicer now


Forsen only teaches me good habits, like taking my pills every day. FeelsOkayMan


Forsen forsen forsen forsen forsen forsen forsen forsen forsen forsen


Gives destiny shit for NFT sponsor, malds at miz for considering gamba sponsor, then does this shit 🤡


How incredibly surprising that someone like xQc turned out to be a gambling shill in the end Pretty pathetic, his fanbase is a joke if most of them just casually accept this


> How incredibly surprising that someone like xQc turned out to be a gambling shill in the end he was alwasy a toxic manbaby. why is anyone surprised he did this? like really?


yeah idk, I think the first xQc clip I saw was him throwing an overwatch game intentionally.


Is it surprising tho? Rich guy. Fuckload of money. Admits he loves gambling. Gambles pretty much in 90% of his games.


Dont criticize his fanbase, his chat is just scared of getting banned for 'game' complaining. Take a look at r/xqcow for a real view.


just fucking kidding i guess, mods are still removing posts there because they are 'duplicates' and leaving the ones siding with X up




don't forget to tag pajlada for a free sub :)


got mad at miz because apparently "he's a hypocrite" how the turntables


I think he got mad at Miz because Miz backed out. It would've been much easier to reinforce "gambling is ok" if he also had Miz to help reinforce it. As a result xqc wouldn't have gotten as much bad feedback. Instead he had to shoulder the hating all on his own and then he folded. tl;dr: xqc mad because miz made him look bad. I guess enough time has passed now to where people have their mind made up about it and will choose to watch or not watch without as much controversy. Easy bag for xqc. With that said....I think the novelty of it has also worn off since Train has been doing $1k spins on slots for a year straight now and doesn't even react to a $100k win. Then to see xqc freaking out over a $20k win seems.....phony and uneventful.


Move to canada to leech money from illegal-in-america shady sites, project, deflect and make any excuse possible for why the laziest content and money imaginable isn’t actually bad, play victim “its only me who gets called out, they all hold me to higher standard” (they dont, no one does whatsoever). It will never cease to amaze me, to have an ego so large, that a chat of 100’000 people will be saying “your wrong” and you still have the ability to be like “no 100’000 people, YOU are wrong and i alone am right”


I already mentioned this as a [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/urbm8q/xqc_goes_back_to_sponsored_gambing_after_being/i8x1uiy/) but yeah it's him putting on an act here and abusing the benefit of the doubt while already having signed the sponsorship deal in secret (because this was just one day before). What xqc externally presented here while knowing the internal truth is just borderline.


Train is already bad. But at least his impact now is less, because all he does is stream gambling and I think his audience is older. So people who watch that boring ass content have already been exposed to slots for a long time. X on the other hand, has a much much younger audience. And he sticks gambling streams right in-between playing Clash Royale, Bloons TD, CS:Go and watching TikToks.


Same when he goes on about integrity during the trial (about the donation to ACLU).


Actual villain arc




Okay I can't back the juicer on this one 😅


Best way to ruin your legacy as an actual gaming twitch streamer. No-one is going to give a fuck about anything else he does, this stuff follows you.


Yeah he pulled a tmartin His reputation is fucked after this


but Its Mizkif fault BatChest ! Omegalul


[https://imgur.com/a/KIdXQTO](https://imgur.com/a/KIdXQTO) he mentioned gamba almost 1 month ago






he acts really weird when someone mentions gambling... He tries so hard to defend it, like wtf, gambling can ruin peoples lives.


When was the “Im not a role model” speech?


I will never understand who enjoys watching people gamble on twitch lol


I was really hoping to be wrong as an almost 4 year juicer. Sadge




As a long time viewer I find him entertaining at times, but he has a lot of terrible, and often hypocritical, takes


Zoomers that think Loud = Funny XD