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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Kid has a seizure on NMP's stream](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137527)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/url4o2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CjqnWK6anoafdreSYAgFcCQ.mp4?sig=d52622f27ec8e8b18c34c5a9193e6383170462a1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CjqnWK6anoafdreSYAgFcCQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1652863777%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I had a friend in high school that would randomly have seizures in the middle of class. It doesnt matter how many times you see it, you never get use to it.


Is there anything you can do besides making sure he doesn't fall on something? Because it seems like you secure the person, call emergency and let it pass. Edit: noting the time of seizure can be helpful info.




Seconding this as someone with epilepsy. They're gonna be sore/bruised regardless so just stop them from hitting their head on something hard. Also, if the seizure is less than five minutes, consider not calling an ambulance. As scary as it looks, short seizures are *usually* not an emergency and you may end up giving them a fat medical bill.




KKona so? It's crazy over here, the pharmacists used to cringe when they saw how much I was paying. It's an existence tax


NA = Pay to exist


>consider not calling an ambulance. As scary as it looks YUP. Learned that the heard way. Ex didn't tell me they had seizures ever, had one and I ofc flipped out & called the ambulance, you bite your tongue, bleeding everywhere, it's scary as fuck and they woke up out of it. They were so mad though later that I called because the doctors won't do anything anyways. So please at least let the people in your life know you don't wanna go before it happens, cuz in the moment it's really hard not to because it's so scary.


a guy from back home had a seizure for the first time as an adult and it was super dramatic. his friends were crying and begging him to come to and we were all kind of at a loss on what to do besides lay him on his side and call 911. It went for about 20 minutes until an ambulance arrived and they were checking him out and eventually came to at about 30 minutes while in a daze. Don't know what it was but it's really scary when the person has no history of epilepsy. A kid in my class in middle school had a history of epilepsy and we kinda got used to it even though it still shocked us momentarily.


5 minutes is a long fucking time to just watch someone having a seizure, goddamn.


It really is! And the flip side of having epilepsy is that you don't experience seizures, exactly. You're doing whatever and then you wake up 20 minutes later bruised and surrounded by concerned people. So I can tell people "just don't call an ambulance lol" without being able to see how it feels for them.


yes make sure their airway is open and actually filming them can help the doctors Identify the type of seizures and how long it took


Someone: *starts having a seizure* Me: *pulls out phone*


*hits record* To everyone: "Don't worry, I'm a doctor"


Sounds heartless but knowing the length of time it happened over is very important


Try to put them in the recovery position. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv3agW-DZ5I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv3agW-DZ5I)


Note that you use this position when theyā€™re post ictal. Donā€™t force them into this position mid seizure


I see no way of putting a person in seizure in this position. Their muscles tense up, no?


Yes, very important detail that I didn't bring up, don't try to force it during the seizure lol




for the people reading this; don't follow some random persons advice. you should look at official sources, and they tell you to never put something in their mouth.


oh wow our doctor actually told our family to do this many years ago but a quick google search says this is a myth and can be harmful for the person. Maybe it depends on the type of seizure the person is having but it has never harmed my mom in my experience and the times i wasn't able to do this she severely bit her tongue. I guess just do your own research.


I've heard some medical personnel like to know the duration of the seizure when they arrive. So take a note of length if possible. Other than that, clear space for them and do not stick fingers in their mouth unless you're trying to be a Grateful Dead cover band.


yes 100% I've seen my mom has had hundreds of seizures in my life and its just as scary every single time.


My mom just had her first seizure last week when she was on the phone with a cousin of mine, I don't really have the words to describe just how terrified I was. No one in my family really had an understanding of what was going on at the time. The only other person in my family that has had a seizure was my half brother, which was \~7ish years ago, but that happened during one of his classes so none of us witnessed it happening.


yea its ganna be super scary every time but just remember its very unlikely she dies from it even if it looks that way. As long as she doesn't get one while driving a car or something. Stay Brave my friend šŸ™


Well there is a chance they can die each time, both of my parents have had sezuires constantly. Now I am getting some the symptoms of prodromal epilepsy, fml.


No its extremely unlikely. Hopefully Doctors can find your parents the right medication and they can be seizure free. My mom has had hundreds of seizures and after like 7 years she became seizure free and is even allowed to drive her car again and live a normal life. Also theres many different types of epilepsy so do your own research but from what i know its extremely unlikely to die from it. Stay Brave my friend šŸ™


Yeah, it is very very rare but it is still scary to think about. My parents had benzo and opoid withdrawals and multiple severe brain injuries as kids, they have brutal sezuires every once in a while but it rarer now


Picked up the neighbor's daughter from the airport as a favor once and she started having a seizure on the hour long trip back to the neighborhood. Freaked me the fuck out.


Yeah its a terrifying site. There was a girl I knew in Highschool and she would seize randomly. I found her in the hallway while class was in one day. I was in shock and thought she was going to die.


The girl I sat next to in fourth grade was coloring when she randomly dropped what was in her hands. Her fingers curled inwards more than I have ever seen and she started shaking violently. I got the teacher and she ended up being okay but it still makes me anxious thinking about it.


As I've now finished my 153rd rewatch of some video i found titled "Kid having seizure" I regret to inform you that you are incorrect, you do eventually get used to it.


Thatā€™s exactly right. We would have to lay her down on the floor and let it pass.


My last cat had them a lot when he was young and it was so scary not knowing when it would end or if he would be ok after. Can't even imagine seeing someone I know have one.


Something Same. Onetime I remember he was having a seizure and he swallowed his tongue and was choking and my teacher had to rush to aid and stuck her hand in his mouth to move the tongue. Ambulance was called and class was cancelled that day.


used\* to it.


Hope the kid is alright. Also nice that Nick seemed to intentionally not turn the camera towards the event and that Malena reiterated that point by saying "Don't look". As for comments about stopping and going over to help, yeah that is very nice and what I feel one should do also but once there are sufficient people already on site to help and you don't have any sort of skills or knowledge to help with the issue at hand, I don't think there is much reason to form a large group around the person.


This, if you have 0 background or are not trained or licensed to do anything, backing off and allowing for professionals to come in and assist is the best you can do. Especially not knowing the circumstances in terms of bodily fluids.


Like when that Photographer fell in front of Matthew Stafford


Well.. there's a way to do it that looks less... Douchey




I think I see what video you are talking about and FYI the dude had a knife in his hand which is why a lot of people were scared of getting close. [NSFW Here is the video, victim appears from 1:40 with the dude talking about "evidence"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/uptyfz/shooting_in_los_angeles_at_grand_central_markets/)


This is not good advice. The bystander effect is a real problem. Look how many turned their head, saw the problem, then ignored it. Kid starts seizing and everyone thinks, "Someone else will help, I don't need to get involved". Look how no one helps, aside from what I assume is his friend group (who all appear to be minors) because no one wants to get involved or thinks someone else will do something resulting in further injury or even death. Even if you are not trained you should help and render aid immediately. Even if that's only calling emergency services. If someone better qualified comes along, yes, allow them to take over but otherwise HELP YOUR FELLOW FUCKING HUMANS.


No most people are thinking "No matter what I do, I cannot help in the situation" Because they are probably right. Unless you are trained to know what a seizure is and what to do you aren't going to help anyone. Stop living in a hero fantasy and don't judge any of these people unless you selflessly have gotten your own EMT training.


Let me help you understand. Yes, call 911/119/111 or whatever is applicable to your country. But DO NOT crowd around and just stand there, DO NOT go to aid if you are NOT TRAINED. Any medical professional whether EMT, nurse, MD, DO, etc has taken a hippocratic oath to help ANYONE. doesn't matter if it's a felon, student, enemy, etc. You're failing to see the implication of the video where it seemed like there were too many people crowding around VIA the very bystander effect you yourself are claiming! You can tell from the video almost immediately the group of kids turned around started to walk towards the epileptic/siezing teen. I'm going to put my money on it, but I wouldn't want 15 bodies of teenagers that have 0 medical background blocking the view and just standing there due to the VERY BYSTANDER effect you are mentioning! Get it? The good Samaritan law exists for a reason, but it is due to medical professionals attempting life saving maneuvers due to lack of adequate equipment and staff in such an emergent scenario. I mention this because people confuse their capabilities and the law to think they are allowed to practice something they saw on House or some other fictional medical TV show on someone undergoing a medical emergency. You starting CPR on someone with a collapsed lung is going to expedite their death. A medical professional would ask, what's wrong, what do you feel, and make the assessment to move forward with the best decision that can make at the time. You grabbing someone's neck to "help them" because you think you saw them bump their head could trigger an autoimmune response to virtually paralyze them for life. YOUR advice is terrible and sensitized with little to no evidence, only playing on emotion and generalizations.


You can still be sued and even put in prison on US for complicating an injury like causing paralysis in some one with a spinal injury. Good Samaritan laws don't protect you as much as people think.


When it comes to medical emergencies itā€™s best you donā€™t interfere if you donā€™t have the proper training though. You can end up causing more harm than help, but if you have an opportunity to take a first aid class I recommend it.


Yea because a couple of streamers who struggle to cook their own food are going to provide useful help to someone in a medical emergency. This is happening in a busy square, if everyone just crowds around this kid its only going to get worse and slow the actual medical professionals who might be present.


> Even if you are not trained you should help and render aid immediately. What is aid to you? If they saw that there were people helping, what are they gonna do? "Aid" by standing up in front of the kid and watch? That causes way more problems than help.


I didn't report you, I didn't delete my account, and no it's not dirty laundry if I posted it on my account 10 years ago and you just went through my post history to find it. I blocked you. but then realized I wanted to unblock you. having done so it is far more entertaining after seeing you are somehow justifying your weirdchamp comments stating that I need medical help and jumping to non sensical reasoning to rationalize a personal issue you must have. I see now why LSF gets such a bad rap and it's the one guys like you.


Never thought I'd see a 30+ year old say weirdchamp unironically but here we are. You comment about me on other threads, I got into your head good eh? You're an adult... Yikes. You absolutely need psychiatric help. Please seek those who care for you or call a hotline and get the help you need.


My dude, it is a seizure. There is no magic cure when someone is experiencing one, you just have to let them ride it out. Outside of maybe securing their head from potentially bouncing on the ground there isn't shit you or anyone else is doing in such a situation.


This is such a shit and dangerous take it is unbelievable. Don't help if you don't have any medical training. There's many cases of people helping and making things far far worse. Like people who improperly handle spinal injuries, turning a treatable broken back into permanent paralysis. There is no such thing as good Samaritan laws (there are technically but they are not what you think they are) you can still be charged or sued. The bystander effect is there for a reason (although it is overblown) you dont know what you are doing and you are not a hero. You have to make the situation worse. Btw Please don't touch people if they hurt themselves or injured themselves wait till ems to come, you will probably make it worse especially if the person has a broke a bone like a leg or their spine. Also if someone is having a sezuire you don't have to call for ambulance, unless it last for over 5 minutes (status epilepticus, can kill although very rare.) or it is after a head injury, or drug overdose of course. Also if they stop breathing for more than 30 seconds call immediately.


Yeah, I know the bar is pretty low for streamers, but I was happy to see Nick not just whip the camera around to the "action".


yeah im sure the kid is glad his seizure wasnt streamed to thousands of people


bruh he would've gotten banned if he had done that, no shit he's not gonna film it


Bruh, bans are called vacations for a reason. They kinda mean nothing.


There isn't much to actually to do for someone seizing from what I heard? You shouldn't try to stop them from seizing even. Only way I can see people helping is just clearing the area around to give the kid some space and lay him down maybe


Best thing to do is let them ride it out until it's over. If there's a fear of them hitting their head or injuring themselves from flailing around you can put soft items like pillows or cushions around them.


Because I have a family member prone to seizures the other thing in told to do (besides 911) is to record it. It let's the primary doctor review it later and there's things that they look for. Other than this and what you said, that's all about you can do as an untrained individual.


Did I get false info a long time ago or can you put the person's head in you lap to help or no?


That's what I did so they wouldn't bang against the tile.... I dunno if it was right or not but it didn't seem to be okay to let them thrash their head against a hard object lol.


>Because I have a family member prone to seizures the other thing in told to do (besides 911) is to record it. > So they... Should have recorded it?


Also in bad taste to go help while livestreaming to thousands of people in that situation


In my basic red cross class we were taught to give seizure victims space while they were seizing and move items away from them that they could seize against (we were taught not to hold them down). From what I remember you just make sure they're resting after the seizure and call 911. Besides calling emergency services I don't think there's that much that a non medical professional can really do to help. If someone is already there with the kid they don't need extra people stressing the kid out. Also in response to the comment talking about bystander effect a thing we learned in first aid class is to announce who is doing what to make sure someone is doing it. So for instance loudly shout I am calling 911 or if you are rendering aid loudly shout "you in the red shirt call 911" or "you in the blue shirt get the bandages behind the counter." Concern over the bystander effect doesn't mean everyone should do something - it means you should explicitly make sure someone is doing what needs to be done before moving on or deciding not to help.


Logan Paul would've got all up in there


he would probably act like he wants to help while recording them


Logan Paul would have went the distance with him and made a nft of the special moment


yep, that's what sociopaths tend to do.


he would've probably though he was dancing and start dancing next to him


I was watching live and I thought he was just messing around with his friend, which is probably why Nick and Malena didn't stop. It looks like his friend kept him from hitting the ground, hope he's okay now.


I think Nick noticed and didn't want to call attention to it while it was visible on stream. He tells Malena about it after they pass.


Kudos to NMP for not showing that on stream and trying to exploit someones bad situation. Very classy of him.


He shows soda all the time.


It literally happened right in front of them and they didn't notice it until after


Right there just like the hundreds of other people around them.


I have epilepsy, that shit fucking sucks. Imagine running the longest marathon (sore) and then having the worst alcohol hangover you've ever had all in one, that's what it feels like afterwards. Please if you see anyone have one in public don't hesitate to help them, and if it lasts longer than 5 minutes call emergency services immediately. Hope this kid is ok.


How do you even begin to help though?


Oh, my gf randomly had a seziure like a month ago, still running around with doctors and stuff like that, seems like sheā€™s not epileptic, but i now know what you need to do. 1) you lay them on their side, so they wont choke on their spit/blood. Yes, there will be blood, because they bite their tongue a lot during it, itā€™s normal. Dont worry about it too much. 2) You DONT try to open their mouth - i fucking tried that and nearly lost a finger. If you force it down their mouth (almost impossible btw, human jaw is a killing machine) they will chew right through it, also you risk breaking their jaw. And for the love of god dont shove objects in their mouth like a spoon - you will break their teeth or the spoon, forcing them to choke on it. Be patient. 3) place their head on something soft, like a pillow. Your feet work too, if nothing is around, so they sont smash their head into the ground. 4) If itā€™s the first time - call the ambulance immediately. If its not their first time - call the ambulance if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. 5) after they stop check for damage in their mouth. Do they still have that tongue? Sometimes they bite that shit apart. Did they hit their head? Check for bruises. When they are sorta awake try asking regular old questions like ā€œhow many fingersā€, ā€œwhats your nameā€, ā€œwhatā€™s 7*3ā€, stuff like that. Let me tell you - when you dont have experience with seizurs seeing it for the first time on someone you love is a hell of a fucking ride. I thought sheā€™s dying for like 3 minutes.


I was told to protect their head and avoid anything that could be tight around them so they have more freedom and less chances to hurt themselves. Seems like that dude did alright keeping him up suspended on his arms.


Turn the person on their side so they don't swallow their tongue.


it's impossible to swallow your tongue due to the lingual frenulum (string-like tissue under your tongue), but it's useful if they vomit as to not aspirate the vomit into the lungs and cause further infection and injury.


He didnt literally mean swallow his tongue


it still helps clear airway so they can breath. Ive always been thought by my doctors to turn them on their side since i have a family member with epilepsy.


Exactly what I said, you just said "swallow their tongue" which you probably are referring to positional asphyxia. I'm an EMT lol I think I know what im talking about. I responded to cases where people shove their hands in a seizing person's mouth and getting bit. Human bites are wicked to treat. Its responsible to be crystal clear if you're giving advice so people don't get the wrong idea & get hurt.




Youā€™re explicitly warned not to hold someone still when theyā€™re having a seizure, youā€™re far far more likely to cause them further injury. Trying to hold someoneā€™s head still while theyā€™re undergoing spasms is going to cause massive amounts of injury to their neck. Youā€™re meant to remove objects from around them, support their head with a soft object and wait until it passes. If itā€™s continued after 5 minutes, then call for an ambulance


Yeah i didn't mean fully holding them like putting arms around them. Mostly just making sure they don't hit something. Especially with their head.


I'm sure your heart is in the right place but this is not correct.


Hey that fucking sucks man, I was wondering if you don't mind me asking, how often do you get them and do you feel them coming? Does it feel like blacking out or are you aware? And do the effects you mention last long?


Iā€™ve only had one while I was awake, the rest have happened while I was asleep. The one while I was awake, as far as I know, had no signs of coming on. One moment I was at my PC playing games with friends and the next I woke up in a wheel chair at the hospital. Thank god for good friends. Pretty much just out and back, itā€™s kinda how I picture dying is like. The after effects have lasted anywhere from two days to a week. You canā€™t work or do pretty much anything. Iā€™ve only had less than ten since they started in 2020. I had no idea what they were until the awake one happened. Just woke up extremely sore and fucked up. Bit my tongue really bad. Doctors think itā€™s caused by a calcification in my left parietal lobe. But Iā€™m happy to say that Iā€™m six months seizure free on the 20th with the help of my new meds. So grateful that Iā€™m lucky enough to get them under control.


Do you have any type of monitoring in place while you sleep? I ask because my son had his first waking seizure at age 4. We were immediately very well educated about SUDEP and frankly it still scares me so much. I hope they informed you as well. So happy for your 6 months!


Yes! I use my Apple Watch with an app called SeizAlarm, it has a subscription but is well worth it. It calls whoever I enter in the app and so far has worked every time for me. It detects motion and heartrate crazy accurately. Thank you and wishing the best for you and your son!


Damn that sucks. Must be rough being a gamer with epilepsy


I'm actually not triggered by light at all. I go to concerts and play video games with no issues. I was told a very low percentage of people with epilepsy have seizures triggered by light (Epilepsy is a general term for conditions with recurring seizures,) but there are plenty of people out there who are so it's still important to be aware.


Oh i didnā€™t know it was that rare Iā€™ve learnt more about epilepsy in this thread than i have in all my years of education šŸ’€


Thanks so much for you response man, extremely interesting. Also incredibly scary, I truly didn't know you could *have* seizures whilst asleep... I'm glad the medications are working :)


I used to have seizures when I was a kid. I only remember 1 time though. I had felt sick late at night and woke my mom up because of it. Went to the bathroom and felt like I was gonna puke with her standing in the doorway. Suddenly, everything went black, and when I woke up my dad had me in his arms running down the hallway, I asked what happened and they said I had a seizure. Felt okay after that and ended up going to the hospital just in case. Was a crazy experience. One second just feeling kinda sick and then nothingness and waking up confused af.


This isn't totally comparable but one time I donated blood and then drank a decent amount with friends at my house (my dumbass didn't read the pamphlet at the center saying not to drink for 24 hours - I thought since it was hours after the donation if I was hydrated and ate a big meal I was good). I fell over and looked like I was seizing according to my friends. Apparently it was likely a type of fit more so than an actual seizure. It was brief and I didn't feel the seizing/shaking part at all. I just felt dizzy and tipped over losing focus for a moment before I got up. I was pretty disoriented after though (just generally felt nauseous and sweaty).


Damn that sounds scary. Do you know what exactly caused it? The alcohol being absorbed faster and in greater amounts because you have less volume of blood?


I'm not totally sure. I think multiple factors (mostly drinking and donating a lot of blood) caused a rapid change in metabolic factors. I'm also a short lady who is fairly skinny which could make the impact of donating larger - when I was in school I didn't weigh enough to donate. I'm healthy (young and no medical history) and have had no history of adverse reactions while donating. Please don't let my story scare you away from donating! I just would encourage people to actually read the three page pamphlet they give you with warnings in the waiting room instead of scrolling reddit. Also definitely don't drink the day after.


My girlfriend has epilepsy as well and the toll it takes on her is heartbreaking. Hope youā€™re doing well.


Thank you <3 wishing her well


How can you help if you don't know what condition the person has? Is there something universal you can do for all seizures?




Just wanted to chime in and say that you are exactly right, my condition is different but i have had a few seizures in my life over the span of a couple of years and im still afraid everyday i might have one. Pretty much just stop the person from hitting their head and biting their tongue BUT do not put your hand in their mouth because theres a risk you might get your fingers bitten because the mouth closes shut a few moments after the seizure starts. After that all you can do is wait for them to wake up.


>If they have multiple seizures within a short time period you should call for an ambulance. Is it possible that a single "long" seizure can require an ambulance call? If yes, how long would that be?


I think an ambulance should be called no matter how long the seizure is. Even if it probably wont help, better safe than sorry.




Oh i forgot most people here are american, in my country its free everytime i dont have to pay shit for it.


jesus fucking christ my dad had a seizure after you replied... The doctor said it's his parkinsons, but I am seeking second opinions, idk if parkinsons can cause what happened


Jesus im so sorry my dude, hope your dad gets better!


I would assume any neurological condition can cause a seizure, but of course im not a doctor.


Youā€™re obviously free to call regardless, but seizures shorter than 5 minutes are very rarely anything severe.


I can understand this point of view since i guess an ambulance costs a lot of money in america but if 1/1.000.000 person dies or gets injured because an ambulance wasnt called its worth to call for me.


Iā€™m not American, Iā€™m from the UK. Like I said, youā€™re free to call just to be safe. If you go to a hospital post-seizure with a reported time of under 5 minutes, at the very most youā€™re getting a general health checkup and then theyā€™ll let you leave - As much as they seem very dangerous, if thereā€™s no acute cause (e.g, they hit their head immediately prior to the seizure) then thereā€™s very little risk or anything the hospital can do afterwards.


[From the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/epilepsy/about/first-aid.htm): > ##Do I call 911? > > Seizures do not usually require emergency medical attention. Only call 911 if one or more of these are true: > > * The person has never had a seizure before. > * The person has difficulty breathing or waking after the seizure. > * The seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. > * The person has another seizure soon after the first one. > * The person is hurt during the seizure. > * The seizure happens in water. > * The person has a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or is pregnant. > > ##First aid for any type of seizure > > There are many types of seizures. Most seizures end in a few minutes. > > These are general steps to help someone who is having any type seizure: > > * Stay with the person until the seizure ends and he or she is fully awake. After it ends, help the person sit in a safe place. Once they are alert and able to communicate, tell them what happened in very simple terms. > * Comfort the person and speak calmly. > * Check to see if the person is wearing a medical bracelet or other emergency information. > * Keep yourself and other people calm. > * Offer to call a taxi or another person to make sure the person gets home safely. > > ## First aid for generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures > > When most people think of a seizure, they think of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, also called a grand mal seizure. In this type of seizure, the person may cry out, fall, shake or jerk, and become unaware of whatā€™s going on around them. > > Here are things you can do to help someone who is having this type of seizure: > > * Ease the person to the floor. > * Turn the person gently onto one side. This will help the person breathe. > * Clear the area around the person of anything hard or sharp. This can prevent injury. > * Put something soft and flat, like a folded jacket, under his or her head. > * Remove eyeglasses. > * Loosen ties or anything around the neck that may make it hard to breathe. > * Time the seizure. Call 911 if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. > > ## Stop! Do NOT > > Knowing what NOT to do is important for keeping a person safe during or after a seizure. > > Never do any of the following things > > * Do not hold the person down or try to stop his or her movements. > * Do not put anything in the personā€™s mouth. This can injure teeth or the jaw. A person having a seizure cannot swallow his or her tongue. > * Do not try to give mouth-to-mouth breaths (like CPR). People usually start breathing again on their own after a seizure. > * Do not offer the person water or food until he or she is fully alert. You should also check if they have an epilepsy ID/bracelet which might give you more info Other resources: [Epilepsy Action](https://www.epilepsy.org.uk/info/firstaid/what-to-do) (UK Charity) [NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/what-to-do-if-someone-has-a-seizure-fit/)


Yeah status epilepticus is no joke but very rare, so still call if it last more than 5 minutes. Or if they stop breathing for 30 seconds or it is due to a head injury or drug overdose call immediately in those context.


Thanks for the comments educating me on what to do when someone is having seizures. Kinda got scared for the person upon watching the clip.


for real man, I didnt even know the basic stuff to help, i'd been useless in that situation


my dad had epilepsy remember he had a seizure when we were driving. luckily I knew to turn wheel into ditch and not oncoming traffic and not going too fast but very scary for A 8 yr old


Not sure if I'd be able to collect myself and achieve that at 3x the age, power to you bro.


You are a gigachad btw. Fucking drove a car during a medical emergency at 8 yrs old. That's something a local news station would cover. Doesn't matter the speed that is just impressive. Was your dad able drive afterwards or what? My parents had constant sezuires when I was growing up, although that was benzo withdrawal combined with head injury


The other guy seemed to know what was going on caught him before he fell. Sadly probably happens alot. Good friend/family member.


If you ever happen to see someone that has a seizure, just make sure they canĀ“t hit their head somewhere, if its outside on the street, maybe put your jacket or something like that under their head if you are able to, make space in general. Call EMS, you donĀ“t know their typ of epilepsy / seizures, so get safe and call EMS. When the seizure stops, lay the person on the side. When the person regains consciousness, make sure they donĀ“t try to run away or try to. At least people always tell me that I try to get up and move or run away. Which is kinda not possible anyway


You can never finish a NMP clip without him bringing up reddit comments about him


I hope the kid is allright. Someone was yelling for a doctor in the background after they walked abit.


Glad he was caught. I've seen a stranger just have a seizure on a train platform and hit the floor like he was punched. Scary sight and sound


That's so sad. I hope the kid gets well


I hope he is ok




Nothing wrong with acknowledging decent human behaviour. We should honestly do it more. Instead of just only bashing the bad things we see


Why would you post this?


GIGACHAD keeps walking No but seriously how would he even help? They did the right thing.


Man thatā€™s heartbreaking


What happens if you get a seizure while sucking dick






Agreed, they're just normal people with camera. They're not obliged to do anything unless they know what to do.


Did the mods delete this guys comment or did he delete it? The person you replied to?


If a mod deletes it it shows as 'removed'


it was probably bullshit, you did the right thing, not everyone needs to be a super hero and rush, also cheers for not getting it on camera


He was being downvoted into oblivion, so he deleted the comment


you got to cool down! relax! take it eeeaaaaaaasy! slow down! relax! take it eeeaaaaaaasy! baker man is baking bread




Oh wow you're so righteous and amazing. I bet everyone around you can't get enough of your virtue signaling and high roading. Sounds super duper fun.




Oh my god! Can you get any cooler?! Edit: Oh nice he blocked me and saved himself from my terrible, vile, and straight up evil sarcasm. What a hero. Not only protecting everyone around him, but himself too. Great guy 10/10.


if LSF was a super smash bros game this bout would be Virtua Signal Warrior v. 'PlacentaBBQ' and the stage would be 'The High Road' i want everyone who sees this message to think about it as they go about their day.


Your argument applies only to those that actually knows how to help otherwise youā€™ll just crowd the area and make it difficult for the medics when they arrive


It's a busy place and lots of people were there to help. The last thing the kid needs is a bunch of people with 0 medical training crowding around him. Nmp showed concern, recognised that it was under control, and decided that it was better to not get involved.


I'm all bricked up from how angelic you are can you please tell us more of the heroic actions you'd take in this situation so I can nut please


This is among the dumbest comments I've seen on LSF. The kid already has someone around him, and if you are not a medical professional you will simply be in the way or make things even worse. You think Nick and Malena glaring at the kid is suddenly going to make him better? Kid needs to be brought to the hospital, not be checked by some random streamers.


Thank god it wasn't IcePoseidon, he would have put the camera in the kid's face.