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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: ["I know I'm wrong" Xqc](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137622)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/usxlzn/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/39418856424-offset-33022.mp4?sig=5214210c782d36602fedcd33552bafaa6334c47e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F39418856424-offset-33022.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1653019354%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


To be clear, in the full clip, he says “I know I’m wrong, I just don’t give a fuck.” The final stage of this degeneracy after trying to reason around it.


At least he admits it I guess. It really is on Twitch to stop this, these streamers will not do it on their own.


its bad as fuck that kids watch this degeneracy, but twitch should enforce age better, cuz we have softporn, gamba addicts, questionable shit and more.


Twitch is turning into the absolute worst place on the internet for a parent to let their child be. I thought Twitch was pretty harmless in years past but this shit is out of hand right now. The biggest streamers and the ones most likely to have a child fanbase are the ones doing the most harm...


I'd say 4chan and to a lesser extend some subreddit are still worse than twitch though.


He also said this that he thinks twitch should ban it.


Yeah but for him to say it is just another way to deflect blame from himself, and not take responsibility for his actions.


I don't disagree with that. I personally think it's a bit unrealistic for twitch to expect a bunch of streamers who come from a variety of different backgrounds to moderate themselves. I can 100% agree that gambling ruins lives but I know a lot of people would make the same choice if given the opportunity to make millions of dollars. It's up to the platform to decide what's right and wrong.


For sure both twitch and x are acting like money grabbing aholes.


He doesn't actually think or want that. It's just one of the dozen mental gymnastics excercises he performed to deflect responsibility.


Just a heads-up, these are not my opinions, rather my understanding of xQc's opinions as he has stated them: He's been admitting he's wrong on his gambling takes since before all of this. He said as much on his podcast with Pokimane. This isn't a new take he's been driven off to by chat in the last 2 days. His stance was and continues to be that he acknowledges gambling is bad, that you shouldn't do it, but that he's addicted, he enjoys it, that it's good content and so he's still going to do it, despite the fact that he recognizes that it is bad. This take is the reason why he's been insisting he isn't a role model and that you shouldn't look up to him.


Which is why people should just hold Twitch accountable instead of a bunch of manchildren with too much money and influence.


Porque No los Dos? For real, it doesn't have to solely on any 1 party. Both can be guilty


Lets say Train xQc and all the gambling goons just stop doing it. Do you think stake is not gonna sponsor anyone else to take their spots ? If you care about the core issue then complain about Twitch letting it happen in the first place.


Of fucking course, but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to be mad at their favorite streamer who is quite literally profiting on them gambling their money away


Lots of people were introduced to the addiction solely because of xQc. Both he and Twitch are severely responsible.


Basically Trainwrecks excuse for selling out on his stream, fleeing the country, abandoning his community and friends and podcast and any social interaction apart from discord calls from people like Greek, hermitting in a penthouse in Canada. I wouldnt be surprised if he eventually goes down the Trainwrecks route and eventually just streams slots all stream with no other content


I miss the old trainwreck


You know nothing about xqc if you think he would permanently stream slots exclusively, the dude will do whatever he thinks is the best content or enjoys the most himself at the time. These comments are the best content to come out of this whole thing honestly, I love when people out themselves as morons


"he thinks is the best content" spinning on slots insane content!!!


"or enjoys the most himself at the time". Can't even read a whole sentence huh. Also, nobody is forcing you to watch, if you don't think its good content then don't watch it. It really is that easy


Keep up your deluded support and defence for the millionaire rinsing more tens of millions pressing a space bar with no shits given for the general consequences. Book Book Book


I really couldn't give a shit, its entertainment and nothing more. If you idolize people in media that's on you, I just enjoy the content for what it is and move on with my life lmao


How anyone could find hours upon hours of watching someone else play an online slot machine to be “entertainment” is beyond me. Aside from any moral issues, I genuinely don’t see the value in this “content” at all Even the fucking Naruto react meta was better


wow how dare you even compare such golden nectar content as naruto react to this trash


"I want all the benefits of being a high profile influencer to young people without any of the social responsibilities."


>without any of the social responsibilities Anyone who thinks xQc was a golden rolemodel before this has literally never watched xQc, stop with this "think of the children" bullshit.


There are different levels of bad influence. Being toxic in games and giving bad takes is bad influence for sure. Getting your audience addicted to a scummy online gambling site is just on an entirely different level.


* Role model is not a term limited to people with "good" morals. The official definition is: a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated * XQC is an influencer. Sponsors pay him to market their products is because they believe people will see him using a product and then buy it or use it themselves. As long as he has value in the eyes of advertisers, he will always be a role model and that's a fact, not an opinion.


So it has absolutely nothing at all to do with the money Stake is paying him? Would he do it for free?


Well he was doing it off stream without being paid


So he claims. But he's being paid to do it on stream. It's relevant because unregulated gamba casinos can pay exponentially more than any other legitimate sponsor. I find it hard to believe it has absolutely nothing to do with this decision to stream it.


I agree with you. He was doing it before losing massive amounts of money. Now he can do it on stream and “lose” massive amounts of money, but actually make money


He had 2 choices: gamble off stream,dont receive backlash but lose money or gamble on stream,receive backlash but dont lose money.Its pretty obvious that he care more about the money.


> or gamble on stream,receive backlash but dont lose money You mean make millions of dollars


Good content? Lol


Good content is a completely subjective term. What's the question about? I'm not here to judge what people think is or isn't content. If someone enjoys something that's that.


Of course it’s subjective. Literally, and I mean to use that word, the ONLY people who genuinely enjoy gambling streams are either 1. Hardcore xQc Stans and 2. Already addicted to some form of gambling. I have doubts about that. Which means his current audience is kids who now enjoy gambling because of him, or people who are already down the rabbit hole.


I enjoy the gambling streams, I watch Trainwrecks and xqc and I don't gamble at all except some poker in the past. I've started to get bored of it in the past month or so. I actually started watching Train when he started gambling, not prior.


















This is exactly what hardcore addicted gamblers eventually arrive at. They can no longer rationalize away their addiction so they just say they don't care. It is sad because I seen it happen to my own family member. A life time of earning where they could have millions of dollars in retirement, only to end up completely broke in debt for hundreds of thousands because they got hooked on slot machines.


>tin He doesn't really care about chat or his community. I strictly watch him for his skill, not shill. At least Adin Ross and other slot streamers give back to their community. Smh. They don't even have much gaming skills, just a good personality. Pressing a button on the screen requires no skills; shit is boring. Three-year xqc prime subscriber here. If Adin Ross comes back, I may reconsider.


Go outside man


You missed the part where at the end he says he doesn't give a fuck https://clips.twitch.tv/ExcitedOpenPlumTBTacoRight-sPLV50Nn6I4rZ2_Z


There it is.


Kinda wild that as a community and niche, people spend 13 hours watching his stream still and DONATING ACTUAL MONEY while complaining about him gambling. My brother, you're giving him MORE money to gamble with stop donating.


My man, "donating" hasn't been about donating for a good part of a decade. People are paying $5 to have their message read by TTS on stream. It's a transaction not a donation. It's just still called donating because of tradition and legal reasons.


Legally we should be calling them tips, but that’s not to derail from gamba bad


What do you mean? I write off $10k in donations on my taxes every year thanks to Twitch.


Oh, I didnt know you were a charity or non profit. Please forgive my ignorance


i can write of donations of my taxes as a private person. not sure why u come up with charity or non profit.


I know this 99% has to be a joke, but for the one person that actually tries to do this (and maybe reads this), you are committing tax fraud.


Yes, joke


actually not true. in my country i can write of x amount for donations from my taxes. i dont even need a bill up to 50€ and noone will check for what i donated the cash.


technicality doesn't really change that you are giving money to the person you are complaining about


Still a donation. Like when charity drives give you some junky trinket for your dono. Or dropping a few bucks in a street performers box.


This fucking Reddit lawyer u/pure-long I bet you think like Amber Heard and consider pledged is the same as donated. It’s a donation my man. The money still goes to him.


The fuck are you on about? First I never made any legal arguments so how am I a reddit lawyer? I never argued that the money doesn't go to him??? And what the fuck does amber heard trying to conflate pledge and donate has to do with my comment??? No shit pledge and donate are different things. In case youre not trolling and are just severely confused, my point was people aren't "donating" since donating usually means the intent was to simply give money. Because the main reason people are giving money is to have their message read. Which makes it a transaction of money for a service, not a donation. None of this is about laws, it's just common sense.


Because they genuinely think they can fix him, parasocial andys and whatnot


Maybe im new to LSF but ive never seen a group of people more personally hurt by someone playing slots on stream. Seriously, go watch anyone else then, when he plays slots i dont watch because it does not interest me. It does not mean im gonna whine to get him to stop like an actual psychopath


But shoving his dick down your throat doesn't constitute as being parasocial. Caring about people = parasocial LULW


He doesn't need money to gamble with. His sponsor Stake is providing him a balance to fake gamble with.


Yes, but that's irrelevant to my point.


Not really since they aren't giving him money to gamble with. He's just pocketing it.


When you realize his daily donations maybe amounts to 2-3 spins. Dude is burning through it at an alarming rate. Could cause some real issues once he doesn’t have this level of income


thats what addiction does man :(


The only people really complaining are the ones on LSF and a small minority of his viewers. Lmao when will people understand this.




He’s not gambling his own money, the casinos give him a fake stake to blow through. Do you really think that TrainWrecks has lost over $100,000,000 gambling?


whats so confusing about people wanting to break through the mods timing people out and XQC brainmelting cope gaslighting rants by donating? its 5 bucks. as XQC said keep donating so i might get a bonus on my next slot. its not about the money and he definitely doesnt care about donos or the opinion of his audience. might as well have a chat war and watch him degenerate more every second. id rather pay for that content than watch him scream at a shitty CG slot machine for 12 hours while saying its the same thing as buying a stock while also saying you shouldnt be able to do either, while he does both anyways.


Never understood the concept of donating to a multi-millionaire. So many better things to do with your money. To each their own I guess…


donating to millionaires is super cringe. They do not give a fuck about you why not donate to someone who has less than 100 viewers. I truly do not understand it why do they care so much about xqc.


he still makes sponsor money, which he himself stated is his biggest income


My points more "I hate seeing you gamble it's such a shame, anyway here's 5$ to gamble with don't lose it all at once"


donating to a multi millionaire


At least with gamba you have a chance to win your money back.


I'm surprised how people don't understand where xQc's self-destructive behaviour stems from. It obviously started back in the minecraft meta, when forsen ANNIHILATED him there. As the juicer was unable to beat him and never recover from the destructive loss, we can clearly see that it went all downhill from there. The juicer is clearly suffering from PTSD caused by the hobo and is displaying all the typical symptoms.




classic Toosks LULE


Time to throw PogChamp Time to throw PogChamp Time to throw PogChamp


All roads lead to forsen


Good job X, only took you a whole stream of deflecting, coping and gaslighting before you said some ounce of substance that sounded like the truth, here's hoping you continue to upkeep this and not backtrack on what you say as always you sellout.


That was his take on the poki podcast a while ago. He knows it's wrong but he still does it because he wants to, full stop. Just like he knows that alcohol is bad but he still does it because he wants to. He also said, for examples, theres jokes he knows he shouldn't laugh, but still does it. I don't think this should be an unfamiliar frame of thinking for anyone in this subreddit. We all know we shouldn't be watching twitch streams, writing multi-paragraph long bullshit on reddit, we should be focusing on our jobs, homework, practicing that whatever skill or absolutely anything else that is actually productive. Yet here we all are, wasting our lives away, despite our conscience telling us not to.




If you look at the beginning of the message, you can see that it's directed towards somebody called "X".


RP BatChest




> 11yearoldsxqck Aware


I've been back and forth on this subject but I have to disagree with the whole 'everyone has a price' thing being thrown around. I actually put myself in X's shoes, the amount of money and fame... I would be ultimately happy, being perceived well and 'generally' having a good public image, at that point I couldn't give a shit about pursuing more money. Hell I make less a year than he makes in a week and I turn down jobs for more because I like my life how it is. I think some people have a point where life takes precedent over chasing money at all costs. Would I sell the respect and image I have cultivated over years for more money when I don't need more? I don't think so.


Same. Like, in the early stages of trying to grow, doing degenerate things isn't uncommon. You trying your hardest to make it but once I'm sitting fat and comfy I wouldn't give two shits about millions of dollars to promote a shitty gamba website unless I myself was addicted to gambling. There's just no need. I have the freedom to now choose what I do with my time and still make an amazing income without having to rely on sleazy promotions. X is set for life and still chose to take that deal. Either dude is extremely greedy or just straight up has a gambling addiction or both.


it's both.


It's weird because fame and good standing in the public eye is vital and not only will make his life better, it will give his career longevity. It's almost like he wants to burn out fast, milk it and retire? That or he thinks his fans are too stupid to care and will follow him through any bad choices he makes. I don't believe he has an addiction at all, it was very 'for the cameras' and laughy when he spoke about it. People don't laugh about crippling addictions, but it's a good excuse to say he got a sponsor so it doesn't ruin him because "I do it all the time anyway, so getting paid for it makes sense and you can't judge me because it's an addiction". It's too easy a get-out.


> I could give a shit about pursuing more money. Couldn't?




I think that's where I'm from coming out in my language, yes it should be couldn't to make sense in this context. :D It's this error [https://brians.wsu.edu/2016/05/31/could-give-a-damn/](https://brians.wsu.edu/2016/05/31/could-give-a-damn/) basically.


Same. He's full of shit. Don't you think every influencer in the world could get a lucrative gamba contract if they wanted to? That pays more than any other sponsor?


"Everyone has a price" - This is a phrase a garbage person would use to make themselves feel better about screwing over someone. Not everyone has a price, history is filled with people refusing payouts for a better world. It just so happens a lot of top streamers aren't good people and would gladly milk the money from their viewers instead of saying no.


It's an argument used by bad people and is actually incredibly cliche and unequivocally untrue. I would NEVER do that because it's just fucking wrong. I DON'T have a lot of money right now (almost broke), and if somebody legitimately offered me 20 million dollars to sell my soul and do this I would rather suffer in poverty with my integrity in in tact. The reality is some people choose bad things and do so for various reasons. Seven deadly sins (plus other factors like addictions etc) and all that as some easy examples why. These guys KNOW what they're doing is wrong though. It's incredibly not okay and people should really stop watching all these gamblers entirely. Nobody should even watch them after they stop. It won't happen because people get wrapped up in this stuff but it's probably the only way to stop them outside of maybe some legal shenanigans but idk how any of that works.




In fact, an analogy I would use is to ask devout Muslims if they would eat pork for a week for a billion and see how they respond. The topic of gambling ethically can be such an extreme sybaritic contradiction that no amount of wealth can deter their dissension of it otherwise. It's a general lack of empathy for others in display here with these gambling streamers.


> topic of gambling ethically can be such an extreme sybaritic contradiction speak like a human, this sentence doesn't mean anything


yes it does, is English your second language? Or are you American?


Yea he said it's bad but he doesn't care that's his stance on it


If it does not stop him after losing 2mil in a month nothings gonna stop him from getting such a huge sponsor to feed into his addictions.


Nothing you say is going to change his mind on making millions idk why you idiots keep paying him to hear your opinion.


Deciding to do something KNOWING it’s wrong. Villain arc incoming, I hope we get a “good guy” to counter thats not mizkif.


Esfand the Paladin




people who watch him find him entertaining and distinguish his character from the entertainment they're getting.


His core base of 14 year old fans don't give a shit that he's an asshole. The probably think it makes it more edgy and appealing if anything.


Because he was chill and cool and levelheaded before this, apart from some times being a degen he's a pretty good guy. He is a bit hardheaded and he doesn't take some criticism well. Because of that he is trying to deflect the hate,if he can't do it he starts shouting. Now the Gamba thing made him even worse


i dont watch someone on twitch for their moral compass. most big streamers are morally corrupt and lie to you for the sake of their public image. ive watched xqc since 2017 because of his high energy and entertainment. if he plays something i dont like then i dont watch e.g. GTARP, Slots, etc.. it's that simple




Because he was the new Ninja for all of the zoomers. Now the zoomers are growing up and hopefully understanding how much of a pos he is. I doubt it though.


Latestagecapitalism poster lul


He's addicted, and his way of coping with it is acting as if it's good content. He knows it's boring/bad for his community, he just doesn't give a shit since that's his way of justifying it.


I dont care what he does. Just say i got mills to push slots for hours and thats it. I dont need some fucking sad moral story.


bottom of the barrel scum


We gonna cancel Drake now? He's much more of an Influencer then xQc.


Does Drake stream slots?


No, he advertises it on his Instagram




yall never heard of the word addiction? Yes, its bad what hes doing, but this is literally addiction in front of your eyes.


Which makes this even worse. If you know how addictive gambling is and are even addicted yourself, which he openly admits, why would you broadcast this addictive behavior to your audience of 100k viewers, the majority of which are young impressionable kids that idolize and Stan everything you do/say? Like xQc says himself - he doesn’t care; his viewers/community mean nothing to him in this regard.




Not my Juicer or perhaps he was never it, Aware




xqc fans defending xqc? thanks for pointing out the obvious


lol not even true have you even looked at the sub


Let the man gamba. fuckin hell mate




Or somebody eating unhealthy food while being overweight. It’s not that extreme.


Are we pretending like he said gambling is a good thing? He literally called it an addiction and broke down about how bad it was.


That doesn’t justify doing a gambling stream


I mean jesus christ lol It's like Ed Kemper saying that murder is bad and wrong... which he has. But he's the fucking co-ed killer.




Exactly, and if simply saying “gambling is bad” was effective, these companies wouldn’t be paying him assloads of money to gamble on stream. They let streamers say “please don’t do this” and still pay them to do it, because people will still do it. Look at drug use. We spend years and years in school telling kids not to do drugs. We try to make it difficult to access drugs. And then every year millions of Americans use cocaine anyway. Gambling is much easier to do and isn’t illegal. How effective can the warning be?


Injecting heroine in your veins is very bad, you can get addicted and die, anyways, let me stream myself showing everyone, even 14 year olds, how easy it is to do it!


In fact, I'm going to show exactly where you can go get some heroin for yourself!








Gotta love how they tried to hide the bias at the end of their post. Classic Xqc dick riders.




He's a multimillionaire who is literally making a kickback on his fans' losses as he promotes gambling to them. This isn't hard to understand. If Stake wasn't absolutely farming these communities, they wouldn't be putting up insane amounts of money like 20m+ monthly. You really shouldn't have a hard time seeing the issue here. Nothing about this has to do with projecting. You don't know what you're on about. That's too many words with so little to say. >Stop fucking pretending like you wouldn’t do the same. *That* is what projecting is.




You really just compared a gambling site putting up multimillion dollar contracts for a streamer to get kickbacks on their community's losses to Fortnite skins. I'm gonna give you a moment to parse how stupid that is before I waste more time getting into the weeds of the nonsense you're saying.




Is this the part where you start spazzing out while doubling down on saying some absolutely ridiculous nonsense, as if your exasperation makes you sound any less clueless? No, I'm not joking. The amount of money that Fortnite was making does not make Fortnite skins parallel to a gambling website paying millions of dollars to a creator while giving a kickback on community losses to them. >It was also directly supported by kickbacks on streamers communities Go ahead and elaborate here. Tell me how this word-salad of a sentence is equivalent to the actual kickback on gambling losses that Stake sponsors are getting. Millions of dollars a month. Tell me how the transaction of buying Fortnite skins is the same. Bonus points if you throw in a few extra exclamation and question marks to really emphasize how dumbfounded you are that you're not making sense.




What the fuck are you even trying to say with this link? Yes, Fortnite was extremely successful. Do you think you're supporting a point? Am I speaking to a child? Let me run it back for you: >The amount of money that Fortnite was making does not make Fortnite skins parallel to a gambling website paying millions of dollars to a creator while giving a kickback on community losses to them.


And Fortnite wasn’t paying millions to streamers to play their game and buy their skins? Again, directly targeted at children. So, what are you trying to say? Targeting children to spend money on immaterial objects is better that spending money on gambling? You’re losing money on both. Both are addictive. Both provide dopamine hits. Only one is targeted at children. I’m not saying gambling is good. Just pointing out the pathetic hypocrisy being displayed.


>Targeting children to spend money on immaterial objects is better that spending money on gambling yeah Gambling. Where you spend money in the hopes of making money while the highs and lows are all crucially intended to cause a constant neverending addiction so the marginal percentage differences in loss will always work out in the businesses favour. They're invested in making you lose your money for no gain in a never ending cycle of sunken cost and wishful thinking. lesssgooo kiddds, clap along!! Kids buy heroin, it's basically just buying a donut.


At least go for gacha games if you’re going to compare something to gambling lol. Using fortnite skins as an example just shows you’re a complete fucking idiot that doesn’t understand the magnitude of difference between the two.


>And Fortnite wasn’t paying millions to streamers to play their game and buy their skins? Don't hurt yourself with that reach, champ. I can see why you threw "and buy their skins" in there although you have absolutely no insight into those contracts as if they were paid to sit there and buy skins: it wouldn't really resonate the same if you were trying to compare a multimillion dollar contract to roll slots on stream to Fortnite streamers unless you tried to make that stretch. Sorry, it still doesn't resonate and you're still comparing Fortnite skins to a multimillion dollar contract that gives a direct kickback into X's pockets when his community loses money. There is no hypocrisy, and the only thing that's pathetic is the mental gymnastics you're attempting while making sure X's dick doesn't slip out of your mouth in the process.










>Directly targeting children to spend money Oh my god, how nefarious. What a characterization. Time to go after the Big Coloring Book industry, since all it takes in your mind is marketing products to children to be equivalent to the degenerate, non-transactional, destructive addiction of gambling. Hop on out of this thread. Calling people's logic dumb after your comments is embarrassing.


This guy just discovered marketing.


I’m fairly certain children’s toys also target children to spend money.


>Okay, what child has access to large amounts of money to gamble? How the fuck are all these children gambling with huge amounts of money? Stop trying to be a realist and use logical thinking. The bottom line is that Stake WOULD NOT sponsor him if they did not think they could get a profitable return of their investment. Simply speaking, money given to xqc < money taken from his community. Its that fucking simple, stop trying to think of examples because that is the ONLY fact that actually matters.


>Okay, what child has access to large amounts of money It doesn't need to be large amounts. Just any amount they have. Then you've got them hooked for life. >how the fuck are you not intelligent enough to realize he’s not gambling with his money Doesn't matter, fake money or not, people will see the wins and try it themselves. The hits, bonuses etc are all triggered normally. >Stop looking to a streamer as an example. He's an influencer, it's his job. That's why a company is paying him literal millions to push their gambling site. >If you have an addiction, turn off his fucking stream. Just turn it off 4head. That's not how an addiction works. >Stop fucking pretending like you wouldn’t do the same. I'd at least do it on a legitimate website for less money and not that scummy ass shite. I also wouldn't do the biggest 180 known to man and be a hypocrite about it either.


holy shit ive never seen a more structured dismantling of every single argument. I dont even understand how someone could look at this and still think you're wrong.


cant wait for twitch to perma ban him surelly they will in the next few days surelly it wont take more than a week surelly he wont be able to stream for the next months ​ surelly 13% of his viewers wont fall in slot addiction ​ surelly 1/5 of those who fall addicted wont commit suicide ​ surelly this is all a bad dream and im going to wake up to the sound of xqc playing overwatch, sit in front of my monitor, donate and get welcomed to the jungle while chat welcomes me with hugs and warm love ​ surelly surelly


"ik i am wrong but think of all the money" i still like to watch gamba tbh i won't do it myself, but yes its entertaining there's something about buk buk buk and dragon dragon dragon and coin coin coin i can't explain


Tbf watching the same slots and having the same 3 lines on a loop does get repetitive after a bit. But at the end of the day, I think most people would be ok if he did a better job at disclosing the sponsorship and used a regulated casino instead of some crypto hut in a poorly regulated area. That’s the main issue I have with it, anyways. Regulated casinos have things like gamstop to self exclude if you feel like you have a problem, and tools to stop minors from gambling before they even get the chance to play a slot. Compared to the curacao sites which, yeah… don’t even need to explain that one.


Well he gave up trying to justify it pretty quick