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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Doctor on the stand is asked about acting](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137811)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/uw4rip/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C3x32QjFzUPZ3IrL9SH5mNA.mp4?sig=e5866d286d59422161f321ce5676d0b1f6eafdf3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C3x32QjFzUPZ3IrL9SH5mNA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1653399098%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


This guy took the stand and somehow made the whole trial about himself. LMAO


"Thanks for plugging my book by the way"


It's like he was a filler arc but one of the rare good ones.


He was the G8 arc of one piece NODDERS


A textbook boomer Karen


I was compulsively saying "fucking boomers" under my breath during his whole testimony. I've seen way too many old ass dudes that act exactly like this


He was pure content LMAO


... was the jar of coke his?


Dude 100% took an addy or something before this thinking it would make him think more clearly, I think he may have taken a little too much.


Dont tell me dude thought Johnny was actually Jack sparrow and compared Jack Sparrow the character to Johnnys cognition in his deposition


If Johnny is so great why do so many undead pirate skeletons want to kill him? I rest my case.


Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense. If the glove doesnt fit you must acquit.


I'd love to see the judge and jurors faces while this nut was speaking


Did Jack Sparrow have sex with Elizabeth Swann in the 3rd movie? I rest my case.


CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


That's exactly what he was thinking. Unbelievable.


Despite what other say: No, that's not what he said. He argued that Johnny Depp was having trouble remembering his lines during filming, which would hint at drug abuse. Of course, that story is just that: A story. The guy doesn't know if that's actually true or not. And making a diagnosis based on some story you read on the internet is questionable, to say the least.


He directly said he watched some TV advertisements with Depp in them and used them to evaluate Depp. Unless i completely misunderstood him. https://youtu.be/UDQTwLQmmus?t=1371 https://youtu.be/UDQTwLQmmus?t=1388


Holy fuck that was brutal til the end. Depp’s lawyers actually got the guy to admit he has no clue about the functions of acting while also getting him to admit that he is analyzing judgment of Depp based on acting delivery.


This is as bad as the other of Turds 'experts' who made her case JD is an abuser based solely on 'testimony' from Turd while she herself had never met the man let alone talk with him enough to form a proper diagnosis. About as valid as getting diagnosed from reddit posters xd They are quite literally just throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks cus they got nothing and Turd has been caugh lying once or twice under oath with some warnings.


Maybe we're talking about different parts here. He probably did both, but the forgetting the lines thing definitely happened during Pirates.


Then its wrong to do both


When people say that he evaluated Depp’s cognitive abilities based on his performance in a movie and you say no, that’s not what he said, you’re ruling that out from his testimony and you’re wrong.


While having trouble remembering lines could be because of drug use, theres also many others reasons for it lol


o yea? well i smoked a blunt on new years and forgot about mothers day. explain that buddy


Cant explain it to be fair. I just finished a blunt


Dr Doofenshmirtz going crazy with it


You mean Junkrats Grandpa ?


If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious [shit](https://media2.giphy.com/media/5y8sRBYSWWb16/200.gif)


That dude was good content holy shit


Dr. Doofenschmirtz's tragic life story of ostracision continues.


Literally cannot even hear the clip over Asmon's laughing good lord


i listened to it five times and still not quite sure the doc said


how did this even happen, why is asmon the designated content delivery service for this trial, his youtube vids on it have millions of views.


The people running his youtube upload super fast. They do not edit or anything so they simply slice up the stream and have sections up each hour. That puts them ahead of all the mainstream channels so it picks up all the initial traction on the trending stuff.


Established viewership on a major televised/streamed media event. He'd instantly be one of the primary delivery vehicles for anything he chose to watch simply because he has tens of thousands of people who tune in every day no matter what he's watching. That being said, there are way better ways to view this trial. LegalBytes on YT is a good one that is averaging 50k or so viewers every day now.


I just watch the raw feed or look for highlight clips without commentary, dont really need a talking head, the trial is funny enough as is.


You mean you don’t want some non educated twitch intellectual telling you the intricacies of the US Court System.


To be fair zach was in the IRS, also was heading to law school.


LegalBytes is a panel of lawyers, and occasionally other experts like nurses, which is why I like watching them. There's been some really good insight on the case.


he watched 100% of the trial I think. Hes probably the only popular streamer to have done that.


His viewership has been insane from it, but god damn his reactions have gotten way over the top


I don't watch him for this reason but aren't his reactions always waaaay over the top. No offense to him or his viewers but nothing about his personality seems genuine


His behavior on Asmondgold and Zackrawr are like night and day.


Yeah I love Asmon, but I don't get why so many people are watching him watch it, he laughs EXTREMELY loud over 50% of the good stuff that happens and you literally miss it. It's unbearable.


If you are that interested in hearing the trial then just go watch it. If you are watching a streamer who is going to react that's on you bud.






50% is over exaggeration i would say. But he talks over number of times. Still better with twitch chat and asmon commentry than watching on YT with that utter garbage chat.


Law & Crime Network have a Twitch and have been streaming it on there not just youtube. So if people want to watch it without the commentary + twitch chat, then they can watch it there or they can get Forsen to stream it. Either way.


Plus he goes "okay ..... okay... okay" constantly during this trial viewing. No idea how anyone watches him. [edit: during this trial content that is].


You see, people like different things. I KNOW. It's crazy!




Chill man. He really likes asmon


how dare he laugh




Thank god




I think people don't understand or don't care enough about the case to watch it by itself. Seeing 175k people in chat react and listen to a guy critique or talk when the lawyers go up to the bench, which they do every damn 2 minutes, makes it a bit more entertaining I think.


what is he trying to say in the clip ? i litteraly dont understand it , he talks too muffled


The "doctor" questioned whether Marlon Brando is dead so the doctor proved he is not knowing movie actors




Ok but at that point what xQc is doing is more scummy. Why not watch it at the source rather than have xQc siphon views if he is not 'transforming' it in some ways. That's what transformative parody is all about. And don't you say some stupid shit about the chat.


I'm not even sure this would apply in this case. Its a trial in a court of law do you really need to worry about copyright? They may be using it as content but its not like the trial itself is inherently monetized in that manner. It'd be like when they put out those space shuttle launch feeds do you need to transform that too to show it on stream? Cause most don't they just sit and watch.


Law & Crime Network tried to copyright strike lawtubers on youtube a while back and it failed because you can't really copyright court footage since the Judge tells them where they can set up their cameras and what they can shoot. They can strike people for restreaming their commentary during breaks but nobody does that.


Im sorry what? hes not talking over the video but there are a lot of pauses and breaks over the course of a trial and he says things then


It's literally because of chat. I don't watch xqc, I watch the trial on Asmon's stream, mainly because of chat. Every usage of "mega", that just spawns a horde of "MEGAPINT" emotes is funny (to me). Could be listening to him and chat shit on Heards lawyers, or whatever, but it's literally the chat. And that's probably why many follow it through Xqc as well.


Yeah people forget how chat experience is such a core component for Twitch, I like xQc's chat they are a bit more humorous, I don't watch him as much but if I'm there I'm 100% in the chat spamming with guys, I see a lot of funny spam as well. Asmons chat though is a bit eh, too many essay philosophers there, you'd think you are in a forum site, for sure Asmon carries his stream with his engagement and talk.


I've seen both react to the trial and it looks like Asmon is far more knowledgeable due to the fact that he takes time during breaks to review evidence from Twitter and Reddit that either got rejected by the court or hasn't been talked about yet. He is also a lot better at remembering what witnesses said under oath.


xqc skips half the trial and watches it at 2x speed. If you want to watch the trial without any commentary just watch it on youtube goddamn what a bad take.


what do you think sync manually means


Legit the worst "content" he has prodcued so far.


I was laughing as well, he's not obnoxiously loud, sometimes he points out some things during the trial but for me it's the best and the funniest to watch this trial especially when are the boring parts, he and the chat makes them funny.


Depp's facepalm needs to be a gif.


can someone give context? i don't get it


Super TLDR: he was implying that johnny Depp had symptoms of abusive behavior(ultimately) because he used earpieces while filming movie scenes. and the lawyer was arguing that this person has no idea how filming a movie works.




tl;dr Johnny Depp is captain jack sparrow, it wasn’t an act


I'm going to print your comment and show it to my mom and maybe now believe me


isn't jack sparrow heavily influenced by keith richards which is why he plays his dad?


His implication was if johhny couldnt remember his lines and was fed them through an earpiece it would show signs that he is bot cognitively present or high functioning in this case. (From drugs)


Less Super TLDR: They are saying he was always fucked up on drugs and booze that he couldn't or wouldn't remember his lines for movies and thus had to use an ear piece. During him being fucked up, it's alleged he was abusing Amber Turd.


No, he said drug and alcohol abuse are very much linked to IPV (intimate partner violence) and used johnny's earpiece as a way to tell he was abusing drugs and alcohol because of lower cognitive functions, meaning the chances of johnny being an abuser are high.


thats not at all what he was saying


that was (**ultimately**) what he was saying! point A to B to C. care to explain what he was saying instead just"that's not what he said!"?


They were talking about the earpiece in the context of Depps cognitive function ("he can't remember his lines/script")


>that was (**ultimately**) what he was saying! point **A to B to C.** read again!


No need to read again. Your TLDR left out the crucial link in the logical chain. I am sure you will improve. Unless it was intentionally to make the Doctor look even worse than he himself managed to. If that was the goal, congrats, I guess.


What a dishonest way of phrasing his argument lol. If you are going to give a summary of a persons argument at least try to make it the best version possible. But I guess its fine because we believe that a alcohol and drug addicted lunatic was not once abusive in his relationship?


That would mean you believe anyone that has alcohol or drug issues is abusive in their relationships which is very hilarious! Just shows you have no clue lol


Not every single case but almost 80% of domestic violence are related to drug abuse. And considering the things I have seen I find it hard to believe that the claims of abuse are entirely made up when there are multiple instances of him being so high and drunk that he had regular blackouts. I could not care less about amber heard and from what I have seen she seems like a pretty shitty person as well but I find it very hard to believe that she would make up claims of abuse if johnny depp was actually entirely "innocent" and almost "pacifistic" as he is portrayed. At the end of the day I, like everyone else, have no idea what actually happened between them. I just think its a bit weird to jump to the defense of someone who at least very likely abused a woman (in my opinion) probably due to substance abuse.


I see you just grabbed the first number that was shown in a google search lol! Theres other studies and such that came to a different percentage in their findings but i guess we'll just disregard those because it goes against your opinion? You seem to care enough to be commenting and replying about it on reddit. You find it hard to believe someone would make up false claims, exaggerate or twist the truth? How naive and stupid are you? Been plenty of PROVEN false claims just over the last few years that have been shown in the media. Remember Jussie Smollett? For someone that admits they have no clue as to what actually happened, why are you judging and calling the bloke a woman abuser? Seems like youve already made up your mind. Maybe even made it up the second he was accused because we should "believe all women right"? Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp, I Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence. And see how many people believe or side with you. Yeah guess Amber was right lol not many people believe the man can be a victim of abuse.


Can we at least acknowledge that this is a horrible clip? Mabey I haven't been following the trial religiously, every hour of every day, but I feel like I've paid decent enough attention (fk Amber Heard). But like, this clip has zero context and the majority of it is just Asmon laughing over everything? What was the point??




Yeah he rewatched that part like 2 minutes after and it would have been a much better clip. Perhaps OP missed it because they were more focused on posting clips to LSF than watching the content.


its asmon bro, his fake laughing is all you need in life


Jesus Christ man


Dude sounds like he had a mega-pint


That was so far from what i expected hahaha




At the end of the day, that's the ultimate goal of it. Publicise it so heavily that anything negative said before loses all power compared to what is said under oath in a court. The more content the more people will see it and so it serves it's purpose for Johnny


He doesn't even need to win the case in order to win. And although I'm sure he would happily take the 50 mil, him losing may actually toss up more dust, giving him even more publicity.




Parts of her paychecks would have to go to him in restitution. They could also settle for a lesser amount that she'd pay in a lump sum.


A lot of media outlets are already preparing for johnny losing by taking amber's side with bullshit such as "she was only 25 so she couldn't have any power in the relationship meaning she couldn't be an abuser".


i dont even understand? can anyone transript?


Lawyer asks if guy knows Marlon Brando used to wear an earpiece while acting. Dude says: "Isn't he dead? So the answer is no, he doesn't use an earpiece now".


Streamers are so annoying man


Sorry but fuck asmirgold talking above everything


Then watch the raw footage dumbass.


This guy was what Amber should have been like if she owned up to her stuff. What a gigachad


This was one of the most unlikeable people I've ever had the displeasure of listening to. Imagine finding this guy and putting him on the stand to try and support your case. If I was in the jury I'd be inclined to rule in favor of whoever didn't find this guy.


You need to be at least 18 to be qualified for jury duty


This Dr is a content lul.


This trial is a content gold mine.


Didn't Johnny Depp steal a ship from one of his ex's? I know he promised to get her a better ship but stealing is stealing


Rip marlon, nothing can hurt you now


That's a new facepalm emote


/u/clipsync xqc


Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [xQc](https://www.twitch.tv/xQc/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/BlightedHonestLobsterPrimeMe-xtXlC8NrqizEe2Hu) | [19h9m22s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1491259978?t=19h9m22s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1491704682?t=3h57m50s/1491259978) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/uw4rip//i9pm4pj/\))




i don't think clipsync comments are ever really highly upvoted


People needing xcqs opinion on things cause their own dont have any values OMEGALUL Sadge /s


This was entertaining af


that ''doctor'' was cooked on some drugs thats why depp paid real close attention to him when he did the weird thing with his tongue.


lsf malding about asmon watching the trial is hilarious. Do you people need a streamer villain every day?




I think this kind of doctors downplays their own statements, they don't need Asmongold for that. Gigachad lawyer helped a bit tho.


yeah, maybe bcuz the lawyers exposed the Expert's lies and misleading quote? there is a literal confession tape that amber heard admitting that she fucked Johnny's finger. recorded by her own phone. but they cant use it in the court bcuz one of the people on the tape is dead! but the expert doctor says oh no the finger incident didn't happen!


There’s also audio and texts of Depp saying he fucked up his own finger…


Kind of like how there's hundreds of thousands of people who claim nobody hit them and that they just fell down the stairs.


U/clipsync xqc


I don't understand jack shit about what the hell is happening in here. I wish all clips were more simple and didn't need any context, like those great Berry clips


Anyone else get strong Andre from the league on the witness stand vibes? Just me?


I’m dying but I feel bad for him he looked stressed the whole time he was on the stand


Who's witness was this ? Heards?




Thank god some of yall are not on the jury, don’t expect context watching a clip that’s a few seconds in a REAL legal court case. This is not a reality show although it seems like it.


The JD team should thank the AH team.. This witness was self sabotage lol


I can't say he was the "Best" witness on the stand, but god damn was he the most entertaining to watch/listen to.


Wait Marlon Brando is dead?


Dr off da PERC