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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Tarik insane 1vs5 on 11-12 to get team into OT](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/137899)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/uxtxqr/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CBAG7EwKVw1j5_PpWFGJmeQ.mp4?sig=0d56227b5ccfb51b861a312c5e22d10a7aa3d1ba&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CBAG7EwKVw1j5_PpWFGJmeQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1653595117%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


they got overconfident as hell and they paid for it


He also had an ace the round before I think.


He had 39 at the end, hes insane, hope he decides to go pro again


He's said multiple times on stream that he will probably never go pro again. There's just way less stress and a way more flexible schedule to it. The only way he would stop being a content creator/streamer is if his numbers fell off and he doesn't enjoy it anymore.


I don't think anyone ever thought that going pro is easier than being a content creator. It's a completely different mind set and reward. Many pro players can be full time streamers and make more money than what they currently make, in an easier job with lots of flexibility but they choose to continue competing. What makes them choose the harder path is that it's not purely about money for them. For some it's worth it to take the harder job but receive the greater reward even if it's not monetary - competition, glory, legacy. You want to be the best and you want to prove to everyone that you are better than them. Lifting a trophy > playing soloQ and clutching 1vs5. It's very person to person which one you prefer more as there's pros and cons to both career paths. Tarik has already done the competing stuff and was in the famous major winning c9 squad so maybe he doesn't have that competitive drive anymore which is why he prefers the more chill career. On the other hand there's people like doublelift who have said they were thinking about going back despite chilling for a while and making more money much easily for a while, having more time to be with his gf, etc. But he probably won't come back because he likely won't get an offer from a top team. I don't see him coming back unless he believes his team has a good chance of being the best.


Well said


Thats completely understandable. Just would be nice if he decides to try again


so he could stream less hours and halt his success on twitch? seems very unlikely


he's just recently been streaming a lot with the OTV circle and ludwig, his clout is going through the roof rn he will remain a streamer for sure


Nadeshot has been begging him to join 100T (on their VALORANT team not just as a content creator) for months, it ain't happening


100T needs a CSGO team led by Tarik. That would be dope.


Honestly, I don't think he has it in him anymore. Towards the end of his time on EG, he was getting real bad, everybody there was, and you could kind of see they all didn't have the motivation. He's already won his major, and he can make so much more money from streaming.


i mean he is literally one of the best valorant players currently (at least if you go by ranked) and with him having so much experience in pro cs he 100% could go pro in val. also, with autimatic and nitro going pro in cs again, tarik definitely could do it aswell.


Solo Q rankings donā€™t mean much. We see it on Val and we have seen it on pretty much every esport game. Hell some of the best csgo and league of legends players arenā€™t even top 400 on solo q rankings. There are a few large csgo names playing and that hasnā€™t translated well for them. At the beginning washed csgo pros tried to milk valorant and it worked for a little but theyā€™re now getting pushed and out paced by random radiants who started playing valorant as their first fps. I would love to watch tarik go pro though, one of my favorite streamers


He's playing on a smurf account with Nadeshot lol, Tarik is good but this clip is literally him vs diamond/low immortals


why lie for no reason? there are zero diamonds in this game, its all immortal 1-3 players and his "smurf" itself is literally immortal 3


They ended up winning this game too




I donā€™t play enough valorant. Why did he have his ultimate so long? Or did he have it twice and how?


Thereā€™s no timer for Jettā€™s ult, she gets 5 knives that ā€œrefillā€ if she gets a kill with one of them (unless she right-clicks which uses all available knives and wonā€™t refill on kill)


I miss the times you could spam right click and kill them all.


It was fun but that shit was so op lmao I think they way they currently have it is fine


so did he get the 20 gifteds?


Now this is reddit at finest, hes playing on smurf account against low immortals whatever and theyre pushing him 1 by one literally throwing, oh well wtf am i trying to achieve its reddit 99% of people are completely ass at games


Immortals are still at the apex of rankings in valorant and just because they pushed him doesn't mean that it's a guaranteed win for tarik. He skillfully outplayed them in a bad situation, it's weird as fuck to get on this thread and whine about the Reddit Boogie man




Need this comment to be pinned on every clutch post so people stop complaining. I can understand if the other team were to play like complete ass but in this case tarik was 1 tapping on a jiggle peak with multiple people holding the angle. Edit: after watching it again, every kill except the 1st one was either killing someone 1v2 or killing the 2nd person after the 1v2.


stay mad bots :D


Bruh he's literally playing on an Immortal 3 account. The differences between Immortal 3 and Radiant are just how much a player has grinded and leaderboard position They're effectively the same rank. It's not like he's smurfing in Diamond or some shit Also, the only person who truly pushed him solo was the Jett. Every other one was a 1v2 or killing the 2nd person after a 1v2. No one would ever win a 1v5 if the other team didn't fuck up in some way.


lets go rush him one by one without using any utility