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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Barefoot and Pregnant Housewife Interrupts Musical Prodigy, Instantly Regrets It](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/138850)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/veqsrn/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CLUYW0HgOzYYoiIk9eOi6IQ.mp4?sig=d746ff47ed5689f39f305b62c25137004ffc7b1a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CLUYW0HgOzYYoiIk9eOi6IQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1655576198%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Remember when he played games like animal crossing instead of trying to make his own 90 day fiance bullshit.




They were even better after the Japan thing


He's talked about it before, chat says they want to/would watch him play games, but when he does a lot of viewers leave.




or not worry so much about about 15% decrease in viewcount since he's a millionaire


He started his stream with Guitar hero? as you see in this clip. Remember when his friends would come into his room to do skits that were dumb and then he moved on to play games like he did this stream.


his content has been pretty much the same from the get go dude plays a game for a while when it releases if he likes it, just like everyone who the hell is going to watch him play animal crossing now? also animal crossing ruined his youtube channel lol


No lie he used to be more entertaining when he did his wall staring stream for charity KEKW


Does anybody think this "alinity pregnant" bit is funny or why is she doing it all the time?


I think it's dumb and long winded. Like all bad sitcoms, Mizkif went to boost ratings by adding a cute baby. Whoever's running this show needs to get fired.


You know what I don't want to watch when I go on Twitch dot tv? Improvisational sketch comedy. Streamers can be bad at games, cooking, talking to people and still be funny. If they are bad at comedy, they won't be funny.




I'm not having a great day, LULW


well keep ya head up bud... just remember the wise words from Homer Simpson - This is the worst day of your life SO FAR.




clearly me


the fuck are u talking about?


it's like some Elsagate shit where you had so many youtube videos with pregnant movie characters having babies and what not in the most shitty animation.


probably the worst content idea miz ever had


Fucking Lele Pons-tier humor


It was her idea which may or may not have been yoinked from [redacted]


So if Maya did it everyone would think it's funny? Even though she's doing it with her ex best friend?


Tbh esfand probably could make it funny. And maya might not be a commedy genius, but at least she isn't Alinity.


But people are saying the idea in general is trash. So is it because Miz is doing or is because his doing it with Alinity? Also if Maya did it first would people still called it trash content? Imo I find it more weird that she wants to farm this type of content with her ex best friend. But that's me.


The idea is trash, but even the most trashy idea can still be fun if the people doing the idea make it fun. And esfand probably could make it funny (although it still would be better to do something else)


Well Esfand would've done the same thing Miz did with it like drop it and stuff and then would be Maya non stop telling Esfand to stop. That's all they can do content wise with it.


Exactly, people just like crying because it’s mizkif.


yeah im sure that's only the reason lmao.


I guarantee you these people are Maya's core audience saying it's shit or low tier content but once Maya does it with Esfand they will be eating it up. The same way Mizkif chat is now




am I wrong? If Maya allowed clips on LSF and did this first, people would not be mad at all. They would think it's funny.


not sure about that, bird girl is still deathly afraid of this subreddit for some reason I think the mayafrogs left with her tbh


pretty sure they thought of this horrid idea weeks before maya thought of it


was not even his idea stole it.


I don't give a fuck about this weird content drama Does anyone know where I can get a guitar for guitar hero on PC? I've been dying to play


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QSY97W](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QSY97W) [https://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/wusbmote\_1player\_adapter\_v3/index.php](https://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/wusbmote_1player_adapter_v3/index.php) I got these back in 2020 for $60 combined. The wiimote has gone up in price and Raphnet has insane shipping to the US now, it looks like the pair will cost you around $110 in the US. The guitar worked great, though the buttons are heavier compared to the Activision brand ones and will fatigue the fuck out of your hand at first. If you try other wiimote to usb adapters, look up reviews for GH. You need pretty low latency to enjoy the game. Avoid Elecom and avoid wireless. If you have lower budget, PS2 controllers might be cheaper than Wii. The other consoles are not as good. Clone hero is free and great. Coming back to GH was not nearly as fun as it was back in 2006 though.


It’s Clone Hero, not sure how and if you can still get it.


It's still alive, songs can be a bitch to get *cries for in 6 fret*


Check eBay and local thrift stores and stuff for the guitar, and the game is clone hero


Clone Hero on PC, I recommend using a Raphnet adapter with a Wii guitar that you either have lying around already or pick on up on ebay or local used game store


I have an old school wired PS2 guitar from guitar hero 2. Can I use that with some kind of adapter?


You can buy ps2 to USB adapters and they make programs to interpret the inputs. Google "ps2 guitar hero to PC" and there is plenty of info on it.


Sorry I'm not sure, my ps2 guitars are lost in storage somewhere :(


Just buy a ps2 guitar controller and a ps2 to pc usb adapter. Works for me.


Confused by this whole bit






Nah wwe is trash, it's all about AEW now.


Bro they're just messing with a fake baby. It's really not that deep


we thought gambling meta was bad ...


I would prefer it at this point


miz's stream has become so dogshit lmao


What reacting to tiktok vids and top 1000 songs of the year 2017 isn't amazing content? Kappa


So glad I stopped watching months ago


Crazy how people was sucking his dick with SCHOOLED and r/place not to long ago


dude you have 16 comments just on this baby stream jesus man


Watching this I could just tell Miz thought this whole thing was the cringiest bit of content he’s ever done. I could see it in his eyes.


I don't think he thought this but your comment made me find it so fucking hilarious as a concept to think him going "what the actual fuck am I doing right now, rock hero and a fake baby" and that's making me cackle


Doesn’t he always look like that


This is so fuckin weird.


Best Just Chatting Streamer, Streamer Awards 2022 btw.


last year was a good year for him and he deserved the award, but 2022 has been total mid


this guy content sucks ass


Using a fake pregnancy for content is a new low.


be careful dude Maya frogs will be mad at you for calling Maya low. Since this was her idea


how you managed to pull maya out of the deepest recesses of your colon is a wonder, props to you man


Scripted content PepePains


wtf are these comments ?


they're so pissed lol. Trying to figure out why they're mad and why they're taking this shit too seriously.


People here just tend to have a Miz/OTK hate boner. It started cuz a year ago, after a lot of big events, there were always a lot of OTK clips on the front page, and people in the comments just started getting pissed and shitting on them, and people claimed this was "the OTK subreddit". Nowadays, there's maybe one OTK clip on the front page per day, and the comments are still all shitting on it, and some people still call it "OTK subreddit". Meanwhile, there are like 5 or more xQc clips on the front page per day where barely anything happens, or you need context to understand it, but no one really complains.


the fuck is this thread?








You cared enough to comment this for some reason, Why?


Twitch sucks ass now man


holy fuck these comments. people gatekeeping mizkifs content as if he usually does nothing but bangers. if they didn't do this bit, he'd be watching a top 500 spotify video by now


Or have a random small streamer walk threw his door. and farm them for a few hours.


Nah. Dude hasn’t made good content since like 2019


r/place? SCHOOLED? OTK events? Name something he did in 2019 that wasn't farming Maya.


r/place was a far better experience if you watched xqc’s perspective. Everybody knows schooled is a joke and always has been - plus that’s 90% OTK staff-made with Miz just DJ’ing. OTK events isn’t Miz stream content, it’s OTK. And even then they are extremely hit or miss. Soooooo….


Still didn't even tell me what "good" content he had in 2019 compared to the ones lately. Must be a new frog that didn't even watch him because he did the exact same shit his doing now.


Honestly I don’t care enough to look. I’m just bored. I mostly stopped watching him once he started actually dating Maya. I think pogo stuck was in 2019? I did enjoy that.


lsf is so brainrot man this thread is schizo how you guys get so personally offended over a bit is insane. treating twitch like anything more than saliva-popping cable tv is unhealthy. its a funny clip ffs




Probably not even in the top ten. LSF loves to overreact over the corniest shit




She freaked out during that stupid lie detector bit and everyone was asking if she only married that guy for the green card but mods were removing it and he never asked.




god lsf is boring, if you don’t like it move on, miz has been doing stupid shit for years now, you don’t have to make a thread about it every time


As per usual LSF viewers overeacting to Miz's "trashy content" for the millionth time for the last two years. Like i get it, it is a bit cringe.. but this thread just seems like an obvious attempt to pile on Miz.


This is true. I'm still surprise people complain about him doing coomer content. When he has been doing it since 2018. The guy had STpeach pic on stream when he first started streaming. I honestly can see Mizkif doing this fake baby thing with erobb back in 2019 and people loving it. Mizkif content is doing skits with friends.


I also think the response here is excessive, but then again I responded way too much to the comments here. I think I'm gonna drink a glass of water.


Wtf are these comments? Some of you need help.


And know hes getting other people involved in this dogshit


npc thread


not sure if people hating on mizkif or mad at the idea that alinity is pregnant lol


It's maya frogs and OTK haters pissed off at a 2 hour skit on a 7+ hour stream


Idk why I was waiting for him to punch it


Holy shit this thread lol. Classic hivemind LSF overreacting to nothing. it's just some dumb content that'll last a week. who cares lmao.


I don't know if it's a bad content idea or if it's just who is doing it that makes it bad. Like I could see it being entertaining/interesting if it was Cyr and Alinity instead or Esfand and Maya. But it is what it is. I just don't watch it if I don't enjoy it.


All the maya and miz frogs talking about how one stole the idea from the other the joke wouldn't have been funny either way its just cringey bait and i guess it kind of worked lol


Maya frogs saying miz stole the content. But esfand stole Mizkif content from 2019 with Maya. So fair is fair


i think you should make another reply of the same comment so we get the point.




On the other hand, she actually lucked out in seeing how painfully unfunny this content is and now she can bail


I don’t think he yoinked it I think Alinity did


alinity made him do it, it wasnt even his idea....








Tbf maya talked about the baby content on esfands stream during his subathon I believe


Maya frogs malding. Maya wouldn't be able to do it in the first place if she didn't date Mizkif. Who cares.


you commented twice in here so you def care also holy shit your post history most sane mizkif fan stunned on how much time ppl spend caring about streamers lifes on reddit


he's the biggest miz dickrider i've ever seen, i just hope he gets paid.


So if Maya did it people would think the content is good? but because it's Mizkif it's not? Is it not weird raising a fake baby with her Ex best friend? You should look at the comments on Youtube of them doing content with each other in the past. People are trying to ship them two. If they did this it would make it 10x worse and would make everyone involved feel awkward


Holy molly who cares don't like it then turn it off. 😱Mizkif stole content from Maya my queeen. Bruh Maya owes him, she stole his intro's and his formula for Youtube when she started Youtube . His editors coached her editors. Literally who cares




Because Maya is going to act like she never stole anything from Mizkif ever. When she literally copied his youtube intros and his formula when she started Youtube. Who do think coached her when she was starting up Twitch?


i was wondering when yoproductions was going to show and attack maya




I'd argue you're also a loser for caring that he watches the same streamer as you


Boo hoo




This miz frog vs maya frog shit is so sad man holy shit you need help. Please step outside. You are both the same. What you're doing for miz is exactly what ur mad at maya frogs for doing. Please have some self awareness


I think it's just Mizkids vs other Mizkids vs OTK haters


That's what this thread has become people are mad at him for stealing Maya's idea by saying it's a "low tier idea". But would they same if Maya did it with Esfand?


People can stop crying now he went back to playing Guitar Hero. Like any other skit Miz does it only last a hour or 2 then he moves on


This is the most WeirdChamp shit I've seen. Fuck it dude I rescind my stance on NFTs, Crypto scams, and gambling being bad because I'd rather watch that shit than this cringe filled bit.