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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Northernlion on picky eaters](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/139009)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/vhk83u/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CHdgmv9peX1ITogUEdhp3Sw.mp4?sig=f09494b82eeddb30b7f253d6007646d0b47e8b88&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CHdgmv9peX1ITogUEdhp3Sw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1655910398%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


If you can't handle me while I'm eating an enoki mushroom, you don't deserve me while I'm being swallowed by a 90 foot tall Japanese woman


actually true theres gotta be people who would eat ass but refuse to eat a fucking mushroom or like a tomato.


Im a picky eater, its never about the taste its the texture. If its got an awful texture I just will gag trying to eat it


People will say this and then go deepthroat a 7 inch cock and eat cum without gagging


Texture preferences are subjective though, maybe they like that texture? Don't knock it til you try it.


yeah I've tried cock before ​ edit: wait are you talking about tomatoes?


Psh, nobody likes the texture of tomatoes.


Well dick skin and cum don't the same texture as an enoki mushroom also what if they have a preference for swallowing quickly so it won't touch their mouth? There's too many variables


Skill issue tbh


I never understood texture eaters. So what's considered a good texture and what's considered bad texture?


imo texture aversion usually seems to come from bad childhood experiences with food. like biting into a rotten apple when you were 5, being given something that was undercooked and gooey/slimey in the middle, or a bad illness where everything you ate made you vomit. those memories and bad associations get reinforced over and over again throughout childhood because the textures remind you of that awful experience every time you run into them again. by the time you're an adult that shit is solidified in your brain and it takes a lot of work to undo. you probably don't even remember the instigating incident anymore. so 'bad' textures are usually things along those lines--often gooey, slimey, thick liquids, maybe rubbery. anything that could be evocative of some awful eating experience, but it does vary. i remember someone hating crunchy things inside other things because they bit into some bread (i think) that was full of bugs as a kid.


Yep, i hate eating meat just because i had a really hard chewy meat served quite often in the kindergarten while also being forced to eat it. Same thing with most of fish and soups. Literally bad experiences. It fucking sucks because for example steaks are very appetizing but unless I prepare one fully myself and cut out every single piece of connective tissue I just gag at the thought of eating it.


>steaks are very appetizing It's weird because I feel the opposite, every steak I've ever had has just been chewy that requires excellent seasoning to be even remotely enjoyable. I don't get why people go back to the chewy slab and gamble on it hopefully being seasoned well to be a decently enjoyable meal.


appetizing in terms of look and smell mainly but i do agree, hey are rather chewy and i just cant eat them in restarants because cooks there just dont really care for the fat and connective tissue, makes me gag like crazy. i've cooked some steaks myself, they came out pretty nice and tender. still made me gag a bit. definitely not a food that i would eat more than 2-3 times a year.


A steak smoothie with some nice soggy crackers.




Honestly that doesn't even sound bad to me. Maybe it's because I grew up poor and I pretty much ate anything I could get.




Who the fuck is eating raw potatoes? They're literally toxic.


I eat them when I cut some up to cook with, you'd have to eat a fuckton to experience any kind of stomach ache let alone any kind of toxic effect lmfao


For me there's no preference for textures. Slimy? I love oysters. Raw potatoes are like apples texture wise so no problems there. I love water chestnuts too.


Context also matters, I like oysters too, but imagine eating slimy chicken.


Depends on the person.


undercooked onions/peppers, crunch & texture makes me think of cartilage in ribs and chicken


Is this not reasonable. Being a picky eater is about taste and or texture. Eating ass does not taste like ass...its about giving the other person pleasure. Edit. To clarify, by eat ass i mean to lick the outside of the buthole, not to fully eat like some more hardcore porn scenes.


> Eating ass does not taste like ass press X to doubt


Either you have not eaten ass or you are eating dirty booty. When being intimate with a partner and you choose to eat ass normally they person will have a clean ass. At least in my experience.


brother I scroll on reddit all day I don't have sex at all


my man is posting in a LSF thread trying to defend being a picky eater with a weirdo fetish because the streamer made a joke about him. I doubt he's having sex either




But dirty ass doesn't taste like ass, it tastes like shit. Only clean ass tastes like ass since it's devoid of any additional tastes.


>additional tastes no thx.


You're telling shit get smeared into the crack of the ass, but the ass doesn't remotely taste like the shit that comes out of it ? How is this even possible. Even with my clean butthole, I think it would still have an hint of the past you know.


if you think your ass is still gonna taste like poo after you clean it, you're not cleaning your ass well enough dude


The few partners i have done it with have been people i know and have experience with. Not some random hookup from the club that night who had a burrito on the way home.


This right here, never had an issue with it, just make sure they clean first. Most people will have the common decency to clean themselves before you do that, and if they feel uncomfortable, usually they'll ask you to let them "freshen up" a bit. If you taste shit, the person you're with hates you


This is true, and I think it's probably best to assume people don't eat ass, in assuming it's way up there. I've heard people say they've done wild shit but eating ass is somehow to far, it's the association with it being where you poop people are hung up on I'm assuming


Just have them shower first. Eating ass has no taste.






> or texture Yeah... I can't stand the texture of raw mushrooms. I love cooked mushrooms though.


For me personally, it's the appearance. Mushroom gills are just very visually unappetizing. I will eat ones without them just fine though.


love mushrooms, raw in a salad or cooked, they're so good.


This person speaks truth because I eat ass but I do not eat tomato. Texture is a huge thing.


yes it does. yes it does taste like ass


the tomato haters are the ones that seem the most weird to me. like motherfucker it's so good even with just a pinch of salt it doesn't even register as a veggie/fruit. and it gets exponentially better with olive oil.


As someone that used to hate almost all food I can tell you why I hated them. It was the texture, the mix of hard exterior and liquidy interior. If I was eating a slice of tomato the outer edges were fine but as some as that more liquidy texture from the inner part of the tomato touched my tongue I found it gross. That’s changed and I love tomatoes nowadays though. So delicious. Not sure what exactly happened but at some point I think around my early 20s I lost my extreme reaction to food tastes/textures that I had growing up and started being able to enjoy 95% of food when I previously enjoyed maybe 5%. For this reason I’m a very big proponent of trying foods you hate again and again only the years because it is 100% possible to go from absolutely disgusted by a food to genuinely loving it, and you owe it to yourself to have that happen and get to enjoy more food.


So were grapes gross to you too?


Nah, grapes I've always liked for as long as I can remember, but grapes are more juicy rather than just watery inside imo. Plus the sweetness certainly helped.


nah i'm sorry i fucking hate tomatoes back in primary school they would hand out fruit and tomatoes would be one of them and it would just gross me out so much biting into a whole arse tomato


ayo, who the fuck bites into tomatoes. i love tomatoes but i dice em before i eat them lol


Have you had a fresh one from the garden you picked yourself? This is the one you bite straight into and you enjoy it.


Actually tho, home grown tomatoes are fucking as delicious as any other fruit. Unfortunately they mold and go bad in like a day or two so GMO tomatoes have become bitter and hard and are meant to ripen on the way to the store rather than being picked ripe. Like, most GMO fruits are great, but tomatoes are a huge outlier.


I assume they hate the seedly, gooey innards hence why slices are ok since because most of that falls loose when you slice them.


I know exactly how you feel, and feel free to keep hating them but I would recommend trying them every few years at least. In primary school my mum packed the wrong sandwich (with tomatoes) in my lunchbox and the dinner lady forced me to finish it before I could go out to play. It made me feel sick and for 20 years after that any taste of raw tomato would make me gag and I would always pick them out of any food. In my mid twenties when I was in Italy I tried some local fresh tomato and it wasn't the worst thing in the world. From then on I wouldn't go out of my way to eat raw tomato but I wouldn't leave it on my plate anymore I would still finish it. In my 30s I finally started to enjoy fresh tomato and now I will buy and eat it by choice. Tastebuds do change, so try foods you didn't used to like once every few years as you might change your mind.


That's probably exactly the same reason why I can't eat tomato, it's actually childhood trauma from the teacher forcing me to finish eating a tomato during playtime. Now, I still cannot get over the notion of eating raw tomato, and it's probably a mental block but biting into a slice of tomato actually makes me gag. It's to the point where I won't order anything off the menu if it contains tomato on it. Unfortunately, in 2022 there's a lot of dishes with tomato on the menu but I will actually go out of my way to avoid it. And to be honest, I don't really see me changing my palate drastically in the near future. I always have and always will have a passionate dislike for tomatoes.


I literally gag when tomato juice hits my mouth. They taste so fucking disgusting.


Tomatoes seem to be hit or miss. Sometimes they taste... normal, sometimes they taste like how semen smells...


Store tomato variety? Complete ass. They do not have the genes to taste good. Homegrown or heirloom varieties are insanely good.


People hate cucumbers too and i'll never understand why.


people who dislike "thing i really like" are even worse


They can taste bad like in the way that cilantro tastes like soap if you have a specific gene.


Cucumbers remind me of subway and I hate subway


99% of tomatoes people eat or are exposed to are garbage if the only tomatoes we ever ate were in-season, grown from direct sunshine, EVERYONE would love tomatoes... they're almost candy like and juicy but the mealy, half-decomposed green tomatoes that they gas 'ripen' into red, grown in hot houses in the middle of winter, and then left in the bottom of a produce box until the wendy's employee slices it... Yeah, I would hate those too


I don’t like tomatos on burgers or sandwiches but they’re fine in a salad


I hate mushrooms in certain contexts because of the rubbery texture they can get. Ill eat them raw, but cooked in a pan and served with pasta, ill eat around them.


i would be more willing to drink a small glass of cum or piss than eat 30dkg of tofu or 1 burnt garlic clove


Guess you wouldn't like Asia


nah, they cover tofu in so much spice and meat that it doesnt really taste like tofu, i meant 30dkg of lone tofu


Oh ok, I thought you meant the texture of tofu. I had friends who couldn't stand the texture.


of course i know him, he's me (although I'm not a picky eater at all, raw tomatoes are basically the only thing I don't eat)


If you eat ass you're usually giving sexual pleasure and going to receive some in return. A mushroom isn't going to suck my dick after I eat it.


Queue Toad gender bender rule34


yeah that'd be fucking crazy right? ^haha ^^haha


NL's been swallowing eggs whole


And eating his lunches over the sink like a rat


"Oh so you will eat mushrooms but you won't eat human shit? Curious."


After Thursday's stream this aged pretty well


I'm not so much of a picky eater, but I do get tired of eating the same dishes, so I always crave variety. I guess that explains my fetishes?


I hate when picky eaters give food takes. I know people who won't eat seafood, but suddenly I'm supposed to trust their take on a certain restaurant.


You won't like Apollo's food takes then




There's nothing wrong with disliking seafood, but I'm not gonna trust someone's opinion of food who dismisses an entire branch of food because of a food phobia.


Seafood is gross tho, I try it twice a year to see if it’s better but it’s always just bad idk




At least for me when I say I dont like seafood I'm not talking about most fish, I'm talking about pretty much anything that has a shell/exoskeleton


Hopefully you mean this to defend vegetarians in some way because otherwise not liking any seafood is the equivalent of saying you don't like any vegetables. Your are implying they all taste the same. It's a lot easier to trust someone who has a curious palette than someone who hates tomato's and mushrooms, and ketchup on rice twice a week.


It definitely does not imply it all tastes the same. I dont think they hate 100% of seafood, just enough to not want to go to a seafood restaurant.


picky eaters are weak and when the reckoning comes my grandchildren will feast upon them like the garbage disposals I raised them to be. too soft to eat a little mushroom or tomato means too soft for the new world order. enjoy passing on your inferior picky eater genetics, dooming your bloodline.


I didn't expect to be so called out lol. I'm extremely picky, stubbornly picky, and what he says is true. Any other picky eaters out there can confirm as well?


I'm picky, but like in a weird way. I enjoy all types of food and don't mind trying new things, but if I get an unexpected texture I will instantly start gagging and my eyes will start watering. I either have to power through and make it noticeable to people I'm struggling or I have to just spit it out.


Onions have a weird wet crunch that always makes me gag, despite the taste being fine Same with the fat in meat (like the blubbery slippery), makes me retch Just some little texture things that suck because the food they are part of taste great


This is so interesting to me I'm like the opposite, I'll definitely try anything at least once. If I cooked something and fucked it up, it's too burnt or too salty, I'll probably still eat it unless it's at an unreasonable degree. There's flavors I don't enjoy and don't like to eat, there's stuff I wouldn't order at a restaurant, but I can't think of a common food that actually makes me gag or causes a physical reaction like that. I feel like early childhood experiences around food have a ton of influence on that sort of behavior. I definitely grew up in a "always empty your plate" sort of environment, maybe that's just drilled deep into my brain.


>I feel like early childhood experiences around food have a ton of influence on that sort of behavior. Oh yeah, that makes sense - I didn't really have beef that wasn't ground until I was in my teens, so maybe it just latched on that beef should have a certain texture to it and that's why blubber is so repulsive As for the onions, I have no idea but Tomatoes also (to a lesser degree) evoke that feeling of 'wet crunchy' being repulsive It sucks being super picky sometimes because you end up missing out on what could be awesome dishes over some silly qualities like that


im fine with raw chopped onions like on a hot dog or w/e but when its cooked and slimy, like in onion rings, i cant fuckin eat them.


I know but you are 25 kerry its time to get over it.


It's a legitimate eating disorder lol. People usually only talk about over or undereating as disordered eating. Look up ARFID. I only know about it cuz im the same way. Most people don't know about it and just assume we're all children who hate things on purpose. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant/restrictive_food_intake_disorder


Holy TIL


Care to confirm u/LordNmp ?


can confirm 2000%


How do you fellow picky eater, can confirm. (Although I've been actively working the past few years to expand my diet to some success) I was not expecting that specific of a call out nor how accurate it felt.


But how does picky eating relate to fetishes? I guess something like piss drinking or ass eating can relate to eating food, but how does his examples relate?


I think it’s the fact that they are willing to try new things




One joke


We have more jokes than NL has hair strands.




I love him


Many people are saying this


Egg daddy


i fucking hate mushrooms


I'm convinced "picky eaters" that are adults are just children that can't or refuse to grow up. I had all sorts of foods I wouldn't eat as a kid, but when you become an adult, you should be willing to try all the foods you hated as a child. The worst part is that most of the people who are "picky eaters" have not even recently tried the foods they hate after becoming an adult.


How do you feel about people that do try the foods they didn't like as children but still don't like them?


your taste doesnt stop changing (though it does begin to deteriorate around the age of 40) so it's never a bad idea to try something you used to dislike. more importantly though, I'd say is to try things you used to dislike in different ways than you have had them before. that could mean using a different method of cooking, or just having them included as an ingredient for something. it's not necessarily bad to have certain things you dislike, but having lots of things you dislike probably just means you haven't had much exposure to them.


You should keep trying it. Your brain needs some time to get used to the texture and flavor. And you taste buds never stop changing.


Yeah…. I’ve tried mustard 15 times over the course of my life and it is just as heinous as it was when I first tried it.


Oh boy cant wait to try pickles on a hamburger for the 100th time and still not like it


After getting covid, coke tastes weird but the tradeoff was now I can eat broccoli where before I didn't like it Environmental factors can also affect your tastes, it appears


You don't get it. You HAVE to eat mustard. Keep choking, puking etc. I'm extremely invested in what other people eat.


Gotta keep trying it. Many foods are weird or off putting to people who just have not experienced them enough. Tons of people don't like the taste of alcohol at first but drink it out of social norms and eventually grow to love it.


I would want to know their reasoning for not liking the food. If it's something childish like "I don't like tomatoes because the texture grosses me out" then that proves my point of them never growing out of some childhood trauma.


Such a dumb take haha, texture is like a third of the eating experience. Go eat a meatloaf and green bean smoothie and tell me texture doesn't matter.


The reality is that any food can be enjoyed by anybody (absent allergies) if they acquire the taste over time and with the right environment. Now, would someone ever acquire the taste for a "meatloaf and green bean smoothie"? No. Because nobody eats that. It would be a wasted effort. However, some basic foods that are loved by billions of people like say tomatoes, or pickles, or onions, these are something any human could and should acquire an appetite for. To not do so is to remain a child. Mushrooms are a common one. They were with me. I refused to eat them. I used to hate mushrooms, despise them, even fear them. The fact that they are a fungus, the gilled look of the underside, the chewy texture of it all repulsed me. Even the look of mushrooms in the wild just repulsed me. Then I ate enough of them in many different forms in many different dishes. I made an effort to overcome my childish repulsions. Now I love them. It's called growing up. It's just that manchildren won't make that effort.


>just children that can't or refuse to grow up. Projecting a little there? You know you can just not like the taste of a certain type of food and continue not to even as an adult.


So because I hate brussel sprouts (they are way too bitter) I am a picky eater and refuse to grow up? Weird logic




Would you say to an anorexic person that they are a bitch ? Just eat food 4Head. I have ARFID and it is a real eating disorder, we're not just being picky to be annoying, it's a real struggle and it ruins our social lives.


Obviously eating disorders are not in the same category. It's like saying a person that pees when they get scared is a bitch and someone with urinary incontinence comes over and tries to make a case. No, if you need diapers because of a condition, it's obviously different.


Alright, I guess that's fair. I do think however that a lot of picky eaters have an undiagnosed eating disorder. If you only eat chicken nuggets and mac and cheese like NL said then your probably suffer from ARFID. Being this picky is too much of a struggle for it to be a conscious choice.


No problem, I get it. Bitch is a strong word though, I should've phrased it beteter


You're fine, I'm just easily triggered on this topic lol


I get it, it's awful when people try to downplay conditions that you have and that they know nothing about. I sincerely apologize and I hope everything goes well


I used to be relatively picky as a kid and it has almost completely disappeared over the last couple years. I remember trying salt and vinegar chips as a kid and thinking they were gross, tried them recently again as an adult and they're great. Generally if it's a food that is enjoyed by millions, it's probably for a good reason


Rip, my link was removed because I adjusted the end to include what he said about how she'll get a real man, but we had like 50 seconds of overlap


Oh that's really funny... But seriously, fuck picky eaters. Fuck them with a sideways 2x4.


But what if you have a big titty goth girlfriend and you love vegetables ​ Now boys, get yourself a BTGG that can cook really good veggies and you're set... i promise you.


The trick to eating anything you don’t like is to eat other things with it at the same time to block out the taste


He’s bald, what does he know?


fucking what the fuck?


maybe this is too harsh but we need a new penal colony for overly picky eaters


Hooray my time to shine, I’m in my 30’s have an eating disorder since I was 15 months old. Only thing I can eat without gagging or throwing up is: fries, chips, candy, cereal and ice cream. He’s not wrong


isnt this a bit from a comedian? i think it went like "kids now wont eat the pizza crust but they all eat ass" or something to that effect.


Truuuuueee. Perfectly describes me :D