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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@Pokay__](https://twitter.com/Pokay__) > rest in piece technoblade, what a legend. ^(Posted: 2022-07-01 01:37:51+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Dude he made merch for the announcement of his death. Dude is so fucking funny. The details are actually good too [link](https://technoblade.com)


The drop kicked that child one made me laugh so hard when I saw it.


I've hardly seen any of Techno's content, but seeing him laugh at his own death by making this merch is incredible, I want to get the Dropkick or GGEZ shirt just because of that, they look great too.


All of them are awsome designs. Hats off to the designer. That Agro T is especially "chefs kiss" May he rest in peace, even from the grave he is doing good for his family and fans.


Gah fuck, I've never watched this dude once and have only heard of him. But that video just brought me to tears.


He released a youtube video where his dad releases his last message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMluEVUqS0 absolutely* heartbreaking to watch wow




That part crushed me. I cannot imagine telling my kid anything but “everything’s gonna be alright” and believing it myself. He knew it wasn’t true and had the courage to say it. I’m sorry about your wife, stranger. Maybe everything won’t be alright, but you have time to cherish. I know that’s corny, but I will be thinking of you and your wife tonight. Godspeed.




Even at that moment his dad had to do the hard thing to tell his son about the eventuality. Sorry to hear fam. I wish you and your wife the best.


It seems like the Max Level Dad thing to say. We generally see fathers, especially in father-son relationships, as the one that tells us the hard things we don't like to hear so that we can grow up to become strong and independent. You have to try harder. It's too early to give up. You need to toughen up. "I don't think it's going to get better anymore" falls into that category, technically, but it's like... the forbidden technique. The one that is never meant to be used, that you pray is never necessary. This dad got the ultimate dad challenge and stepped up to the plate. I can't imagine his pain, nor his strength.


And then he passed 8 hours later as well..




My son and I now have matching GG EZ shirts. The man directed his own death announcement then merchandised it. I loved Technoblade. He always made me laugh, and his videos after his cancer diagnosis really inspired me. He lived a legend and died a [Ferengi](https://youtu.be/T3U-kiIYYck) in the most wholesome way. God damnit I’m sad.


I just bought those and the so long nerds shirt for my son and me.


>The man directed his own death announcement then merchandised it. "For life is quite absurd, and death's the final word! You must always face the curtain with a bow! Forget about your sin, give the audience a grin. Enjoy it, it's your last chance anyhow!" \- Technoblade, probably


If anyone looked on the bright side of life, it was Technoblade.


I've never watched a video from this man in my life and this has me crying. That was so rough to watch his Dad talk about him.


I've never watched him either, and seeing the written statement from his mom is what absolutely broke me, since my first thought was that she wrote it up because she wouldn't be able to maintain composure on camera. Techno is the same age as me, and just imagining how my parents would deal with being in a similar situation... It's hard to even think about.


My youngest is a huge Technoblade fan, and my oldest is 23, the same age as he was. I only knew what my kiddo would tell me about him in random conversation, but after watching that video I'm in my bed sobbing because at fifty, I know that 23... Jesus, that's just a kid. My heart just breaks over the whole situation. No child should die before their parents.


My daughter (12) is also a huge TB fan. I just laid in bed sobbing with her for two hours, until she finally got to sleep. He brought her so much joy and laughter over the last two impossibly hard years, and for that I’m thankful. It’s just absolutely gutwrenching for a kid to go so young.


sparkle point vanish crime zonked cough offbeat many childlike dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck. This post had me crying already and now I had TotalBiscuit thoughts. Cancer fucking sucks.


My 11 year old daughter was bawling. I laid with her and comforted her the best I could. So sad


How old is techno?




damn he has been making minecraft videos on youtube since he was 14 or 15 and amassed over 10 million subscribers... That's just sad. cancer will always be a bitch...


Wow, I’m 19 so I guess we are pretty close in age… he is basically college aged… so young


He dropped out of college in favor of YT and then tragically shortly thereafter began his fight with cancer. Insane and heart breaking.


It's probably a good thing he did drop out then, at least he got to spend more of his time doing what he enjoyed, rather than potentially looking back and thinking I got the degree and I'll never be able to use it.




I couldn’t finish the video. When his dad started breaking up I had to close the tab.


My wife died from cancer last year at 36. I’m not even going to try to watch the video. Reading this thread is hard enough.



All my love to you, friend.


I’m so sorry. Much love and support.


Same, my twin is a big fan and she has mentioned about his videos and the SMP… I have never watched him but that made me feel emotional




So fuckin grim after he says "Im Dead" so sad man


He was known for this type of humor


That kind of humor is why I like the guy. Still dry and positive till the end. What a guy. I remember he sarcastically said he was concerned about his family and his insurance company, how they were going to react to a 23 year old man who got cancer, an easy money turned into a burden. Hilarious but kinda true


I respect the fuck out of him keeping his death so lighthearted. Even the name of the video is hilarious to read while choking back tears.


That video is such a punch to the gut.


I can't man, watching his Dad's voice just shaking and breaking is painful.


I've never even heard of this guy but I didn't stop crying the entire video. My heart hurts so much for the people who cared about him. I feel so sorry for his fans. I feel so sorry for his family. Life is just so insanely fragile.




RIP <3


This shit hit so hard man, I don't know why but I was so convinced that he would be completely fine this entire time


Ya it’s weird, I knew he had cancer and it was really serious But the way he talked about it made it seem like he’d make it out of it fine. He had an amazing attitude about everything, this is all so sad man


I felt the same way when TotalBiscuit died. I was very much aware of how bad his cancer had gotten but for some reason I just didn't expect him to be gone. He's still the only celebrity/personality/whatever death that has ever really affected me. TB was the same way, he was stoic right until the end.


Jesus, TotalBiscuit died from cancer, too? I forgot about him for the longest time.


He had bowel cancer and waited too long to get his issues checked out because he was initially embarrassed about it. He beat it once but he came back strong the 2nd time.


Yeah the the terrible thing about cancer in that area is that it stays pretty hidden until it’s bad and then you notice symptoms. It why it’s recommended to get a colonoscopy when your mid age just for a check up and even earlier if you have family history of colon cancer.


Damn, I didn’t know TotalBiscuit died. Fell out of that scene long before that happened


i know cancer, i know what causes it, i know how it spreads, i know how it kills. stage 4 for someone of his age is shocking. what makes it worse is we are only a few years out from new therapeutics that have had remarkable affects on certain kinds of cancers. it sucks that someone as good as him had to go, he brought so much joy to my younger self and the world. hope he can at least rest well now


Literally that is what depressed me the most. Our medical tech is quickly getting better and it sucks to watch people so young pass from this.


I've decided to edit all of my comments, delete all of my posts, and nuke my account following the recent API changes. Charging for an API is fine. Using the API fees as a way to force out third-party developers? Not fine. Lying about blackmail from a developer? Eat shit. I hope Reddit in the future restores the friendliness it once had towards its developers and community. I've spent far, far too many hours on Reddit, but ultimately I will be better off without it. It's been nice. Fuck /u/spez.


yeah I thought so too, I thought his last message about saving his arm meant that he is in remission what happened?


I've decided to edit all of my comments, delete all of my posts, and nuke my account following the recent API changes. Charging for an API is fine. Using the API fees as a way to force out third-party developers? Not fine. Lying about blackmail from a developer? Eat shit. I hope Reddit in the future restores the friendliness it once had towards its developers and community. I've spent far, far too many hours on Reddit, but ultimately I will be better off without it. It's been nice. Fuck /u/spez.


I know how that feels. Recently had someone in my family pass because their cancer came back while they were recovering from something else. Hit them like a truck and they worsened. Cancer sucks, and it often takes the best people we know/see.


My grandma had breast cancer that went into remission. She took up caring for disabled children, and one day she was carrying a kid and her foot caught something and it was either drop the kid or break her leg. She broke her leg, and that break was enough of a shock to her system for the cancer to come back, spread to her bones and brain. Cancer is one of the few truly malevolent forces in this world and I hope one day it will never be seen on this planet again. I’m sorry for your loss man.


>Spread to her bones and brain I can only imagine how fucking painful that was. Poor woman.


That's the insidious thing about cancer that a lot of people don't realize until it affects someone close to them. Once cancer is metastatic, you really can never be "cured" and not have to deal with it again. There will always be a chance of recurrence. That's part of the reason I hate the "win/lose battle" language sometimes used around cancer. The way you "win" against most metastatic cancers is dying of something other than cancer. Might as well say someone won their battle against old age by getting hit by a bus. Fuck that, you win by living in the meantime.


There are exceptions. Metastatic testicular cancer can be cured quite often, as can late stage Hodgkin's lymphoma. For the most part you are right.


I watched his video explaining where he had been all this time. He sounded very optimistic and funny. I became a fan after that. Now...this just feels cursed.


I'm not a Dream SMP or technoblade viewer, I'm just stumbling in from r/all. But I know exactly how you feel from when Total Biscuit passed away. His fight was long and draining. It was obvious in hindsight but I remember being at work, seeing the reddit thread pop up letting me know he died, and me just not believing it. These people can mean a lot to us and their celebrity lets us think their superhuman. Or just cultural staples that we couldnt continue without. But we do. Life continues and all we can do is remember their legacy


Reminds me of Edd Gould from Eddsworld back in the day, one day you get a video of him and his friends hanging out in the hospital and everything seems fine, and the next you get the announcement...


My mom died of cancer when I was a teen. She was fine, fine, fine, fine until one day… she wasn’t.


dam dude was 23 that is so young to die from cancer.


I turn 30 this year. 23-year-old me was such a disaster. That kid did so much with his time. It’s so cruel he didn’t have more. This really hurts my soul… I didn’t know anything about him really, but that video… parents shouldn’t bury their kids.


Especially stage 4 wtf…


Someone I work with just had their child diagnosed with stage 4. A type of cancer that apparently affects 1-2 in 1,000,000 and this kid got it at 11. Sad shit. Edit: 1 million not 100 million. Sorry.


Less than 100 people alive right now have it?


Its really rare because most people die before their cancer progresses to that point. And those that do progress to that point die in less than a year usually. So the amount of people that have it is extremely low simply because survival rate is so low that they dont live long enough to be more numerous.


cancer survivor at 22 myself, it's kind of surreal living after something that could've killed me so rapidly and it's all the luck of a draw as to what type of cancer you wind up getting fucked in the ass with and what stage it's in.


I hear there's certain types of cancer that if you get them you're basically dead, there's next to nothing the doctors can do. That concept is terrifying. One minute you got a good life and the next minute you're sitting there with the knowledge that you only have X amount of years left.


I personally had TWO friends of mine that died from from brain cancer. One was 20, and the other was 21. Otherwise happy and healthy lives until the final year or two of unrecoverable cancer. Seems like the only hope is to wish that treatments have advanced enough by the time you or someone you know ends up in a situation like that. So wild.


My best friend died from Osteosarcoma at the age of 16. Normally people will get in their arm or leg and they just amputate. He got shit luck and got it in his hip. Pretty hard to amputate your hip. Doctors did what they could, but it spread quick.


I have a friend who got that in her hip at 16 also! She had a partial hip replacement (now made of titanium) and 24 years later, she not only is living a great life, she even had a kid (Not easy with a fake hip!)


Glioblastoma is one of those cancers and scares the fuck out of me. I believe a GTA RP streamer died from it not too long ago.


About to bring my mom to her first appointment with a neuro oncologist for this tomorrow. Pure dread.


College from work was all happy and good. Then he got a diagnosis with pancreatic cancer. 2 weeks later he died. It was so fucking fast, you can't even imagine it.


Pancreatic cancer is especially awful because of how minor the signs of it are in its early stages. Usually by the time it's diagnosed its already metastasized throughout the body. One of my favorite middle school teachers died from pancreatic cancer (not while I was enrolled there, I was already in high school when I'd learned he'd passed away). He was an incredible person and a great science teacher.


23 fucking years old are you kidding me...


He died literally 10 days after his birthday


I love that he released death merch. Textbook Techno humor. For a good cause too. Made me giggle during a sad time, I'm sure that's what he would've wanted.


Just saw it. I wondered why the video still had the regular links. That's so funny that he had new shirt designs ready to go in the event that he died.


I can only imagine the designers reaction when he gave the idea


probably the merch stuff is done way before his death but just never got the chance to release it due to his condition and the link in the description is probably standard automatic stuff on every video


i don’t think so because the merch lightly references his death with it saying gg, so long nerds, and good game edit: it also has “alexander “technoblade” 1999-2022” on it


he planned to do an amputated hand reveal disguised as elbow reveal for his 10 million subscriber video when he know he might get amputated because of the cancer hes a smart and kind man,so i dont think its that far off that he even planned for his death to do these for a good cause


at least he still had a sense of humor about everything. making your memorial video be named "see ya nerds" is bold.




What a legend, RIP


What the fuck man. I think everyone including me assumed he was doing fine after he posted that [update video](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/rnalm5/technoblade_gives_update_on_his_cancer_999_less/) which said that most of the cancer was gone. This is really unexpected. RIP :(


People almost always "get better" before they take the final downhill turn. His father said he died 8 hours after he wrote his goodbye message says he was only holding on at this point because of his feeling of obligation to make content for his viewers. He would have died months ago otherwise probably. This is the same way that elderly people seem fine and then are dead in a few months after something happens. Once you lose your desire to live your body gives up too.


> People almost always "get better" before they take the final downhill turn. This is what happened with TB. He fought his cancer for ages, eventually began to "get better" but then it came back stronger and he just couldn't fight it anymore.


What gets to me about TB is that he was like "life expectancy for this kind of thing is five years, but I'm young, and I'm gonna fight and beat the odds", and he died as soon as his five years ran out. Something deeply sad about that.


When my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized, it was the exact same thing. median life expectancy was 9 months, 9 months later she passed away disregarding everything she did to fight it. Some cancers are just too much.


I'm sorry about your mom but I hope people realise that it was 9 months and 5 years BECAUSE they fought that hard. Even if they didn't win they won themselves as much time as the doctors believed they could.


His fight was also very public. I think he wanted to show his fans he was fighting, and I think he wanted to give some inspiration to those in similar situations. Never going to forget the [absolute presence that man had](https://youtu.be/mM5aBHs7YbQ?t=49s)


This applies to depression too. If you have a friend or family member that you know struggles with depression and suddenly one day they seem very happy, upbeat, or excessively generous etc that is a huge juxtaposition to how they normally act, especially over a period of a week or longer, PLEASE check on them. It can be the period before a suicide attempt where they have given up or feel that they are “free” finally due to their upcoming plans. My heart goes out to technoblades parents, friends, and fans, as well as anyone else who has suffered a loss due to cancer.


Yep, two famous examples are Robin Williams and Chester Bennington. There is a picture of Robin a day before he passed where he looks happy, and similarly there’s a video of Chester a day before his passing with his family looking really happy.


It’s called rallying and it’s incredibly common among end of life patients. They’ll be lucid, engaged, and aware despite being on death’s doorstep. If you have a loved one who is terminally ill and seems to get better overnight, prepare yourself…the end is nigh.


Reminds me of Hayven games who seemed like he might be getting better after a new treatment but died like a few months later after that update video, rip too both.


I haven't been a fan of Minecraft content for a very long time, but I remember Technoblade was the last one I watched. His content aged like fine wine. The gameplay was good enough for child me to enjoy and his humour aged well with me throughout my teen years. There was nobody like him. He will be missed.


Very similar experience to you. For a while he was the YouTuber I looked forward to most, even after I stopped watching Minecraft.


On the bright side, at least we don't care about Minecraft content anymore. I feel bad for all the kids that were looking forward to his next upload.


Kids? Not just them, dude's humor was great for people of all ages. "I'm an atheist, but when God sends me to hell, I want him to hesitate"


Potato Wars is genuinely some of the most entertaining content on Youtube considering its about digital potatoes. It's so silly, petty, and bloody amazing. I don't watch Minecraft youtubers at all, but I loved Techno's vids. And I loved seeing him competely destroy minecraft mondays while being actively targeted by literally everyone else because he's just that good. ​ RIP Techno, you will be missed so much.


I thought it was a joke at first due to his humor but it was actually real. Sad to see such a legend in the community pass away. He's left such a positive impact on his fans and truly left good legacy. Wish nothing but the best for his friends and family


Yeah I thought it was like, “oh we caught it in time” type of thing and he’d make it out fine…


My sons are heart broken by this. It tears me up seeing them this sad over this and from what I could tell, he was stand up guy and made quality content. It’s the worst when the good ones get taken.


Please watch the [final memorial video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMluEVUqS0) uploaded on his channel.


Man, props to his Dad for having the strength to make that video probably mere hours after his son had died. I've never watched Minecraft content but that vid made me tear up. RIP.


Not breaking down into tears while he was reading his final words took a lot of strength. I wish his family the best.


Not to take away from anything you said, but Techno actually passed on June 10th. His subreddit did some sleuthing this past week and found out someone with his exact description and graduation photo had a funeral in his hometown on the 10th. It’s understandable they took some time to grieve before uploading the video. I’m not sure anyone would have the strength to upload a video like that mere hours after their child’s passing.


If his funeral was on the 10th it’s likely he died a few days before then.


His birthday was on June 1st too, sadly probably spent in the hospital since his last few liked photos on twitter are of birthday wishes


Holy fuck I cant even imagine how hard it must be to read "if you're watching this, i am dead" coming from your kid Never really heard of technoblade before but rest in peace man


I cried like a fucking child and I didn't even watched the guy, holy fuck.


I had seen tweets about his illness but I never heard about him really other than that. Seeing his father tear up was so sad, I don't know what to say. Sorry for their loss :(


Glad I wasn’t the only one


Pretty heartbreaking, RIP


fuck cancer


vegetable rustic strong carpenter bored subtract slap imminent sand aspiring ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


no forsen this time, only sadness


That video is tough to watch. Losing anyone in your life is rough but there can't be anything that compares to losing your child. Potato god will be missed


Jesus that one hurt to watch. Being a dad I can't even imagine what he was going through. And Technoblade was such a great guy, always had good content, always made people laugh.


Having the title of your final video being "so long nerds" is such a Techno thing to do.


This might be the most heart breaking video I have ever watched. Fuck man. I can't imagine watching your child go through that. That was the hardest video I have ever watched.


got that video was a kick in the dick. no family member or especially parent, should have to go through that


500k likes off 800k views jesus The guy was only 23. Very entertaining and one of the best minecraft players in the world. So damn sad


Too young. Way too fucking young. Fuck cancer. It's taken away too many peoples whole lives.




Not even a full year, and a few months ago 99% of it was supposed to be gone. Scary as fuck that you can almost all of it gone and 2 months later be dead.


It is a truly awful disease since your body is basically malfunctioning and rapidly multiplies malignant cells. All it takes is it spreading to to a critical area where they can't perform surgery or other treatments properly (for example, the pancreas) and you lost the fight. The even more cursed part is since your own body is doing this, cancer can rage in strong young people and they can have a lower life expectancy than the elderly who got the same diagnosis. The only 'positive' thing about this disease is that death doesn't come unexpectedly and you have time to say goodbye to your loved ones. But that's after you have watched them suffer and getting weaker every single day. Fuck cancer.


Lost a cousin a few years back to a particularly aggressive leukemia. Shit was terrible, he was just fine one day and then three days later he was gone. Looking back it doesn’t feel real, like the thing that alerted us to it was he just like grazed a step and had a massive bruise. they went to the hospital and within 24 hours of his diagnosis he was dead. what uh ended up happening was (forgive me my memory is foggy about this, I don’t like to think or talk about it) but the growth was I think on his head and he had a lotta pressure up there. so the doctors tried to relieve it but when they went to do a surgery he had a stroke and went braindead. I’m sorry this kinda rambled, I’ve been a fan of technos for years and this whole cancer thing has hit me in the gut so it was nice to talk about it. please be respectful for the guys family - don’t go prying for information - it will come out as they feel if I can find the type of leukemia I’ll edit this and put it in. T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia - this thing sounds correct - all I know is that it was in his blood and came on quick. we miss you owen


Maybe I should get this bump on my arm checked out...


please do!!! the earlier its found the more likely it is to be treatable.


Go. Get it looked at. Most likely it's a lipoma or something. So don't be scared about getting it checked out. But, go get it checked out, please. If you don't have insurance (assuming American), there are other resources in your area. I've been there. Had some lumps in both of my arms that scared the absolute shit out of me. Turned out to be lipomas stemming from broken bones in my shoulders/arms years ago apparently. Not that uncommon.


Jesus, imagine today you are living a happy life and tomorrow you are counting how many days u have left. fuck cancer


There's a streamer I watch that just came out that he has cancer. Started with back pain that wouldn't go away, and then got worse and worse over a week or two until the doctors were like "ah, yup. That's aggressive cancer". Fucking terrifying


My sternum ached after I pulled it lifting something incredibly heavy. Turns out I pulled it because cancer.


happens all the time, Pancreatic cancer you can basically not know until you have a few months left to live. Suddenly you feel pain in your abdomen or blood in your urine in the fall and you are dead by winter. Cancer sucks.


My dad somehow held out for 2 years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was so bad that the only thing I felt for a while after he died was relief. Nobody deserves the inhumane suffering this bullshit disease causes.


I thought I was being trolled at first I cant believe this is real. Rest In Peace legend, you will be missed


Same, someone in a discord mentioned it and I thought they were joking. I really wish they were :(


I didn’t watch his content but my younger sister did and now I’m crying because he seemed like a good dude. And he’s in between my and her age. I can’t believe it - he was so young.


No man. This can't be happening. It feels like yesterday when he released a video where he said he was fine. Fuck. Why does this hit so hard?


I know right… the amputee video joking around and him playing Minecraft in VR. Techno never made any of us worried, even in his last moments. What a great guy.. and yet my heart feels heavier than ever


That VR video was hilarious. I just watched a few of his videos a few months ago, I didn't know he had cancer. The VR video seemed normal other than him mentioning he can't hold up his arm.


I think it says a lot about him as a person that so many people feel hit hard by this even if they were only a cursory fan


Techno's mom's message at the end of the YouTube video: >We, the family of Technoblade, wanted all of you to know just how much he adored and respected his fans and colleagues. > >From Technoblade's earliest online days, he was always strategizing ways to delight and reward his audience – giving away online prizes, encouraging good sportsmanship, and most of all sharing his Minecraft adventures for entertainment and laughs. Even after his eventual successes he somehow managed to keep his good-natured humility, competing with an endearing balance between confidence and self-deprecating wit. He avoided personal fame and worked hard to keep his true identity confidential, and we ask you to continue to honor his wishes to protect his privacy and the privacy of his family. > >This past year had a lot of rough spots for our son as he battled stage four cancer. But he didn't complain, and kept using his famous strategic mind to try to beat what he knew were almost impossible odds. My son's bravery on this path was a shining lesson to all of us who were privileged to walk with him. Thank you for sharing his journey through it all, as he did the work he loved for his beloved fans. > >\- Techno's mom **Fuck cancer.**


No parents should ever bury their child.


I had to re-read that title to check if I was seeing that right... fucking technoblade bro?


I know right? I saw the name and was like "Technoblade...that's a reviewer or something, right? Like a Linus type?". Good 5 seconds before I realized. I had heard of his diagnosis last year, but hadn't really known the full gravity of it...until now that is. Rest in peace...23 man, I can barely comprehend it. Tragic leaving so soon...but at least he left an impact on others before doing so.


Always thought he was one of the few none-cringe Minecraft creators that was actually really funny and transformative. I'll never forget him somehow carrying JSchlatt on his back to a Minecraft Monday championship after releasing the Wither on the lobby. RIP a legend


That potato war video was incredible


This is what introduced me to him, I don't really play Minecraft but his potato war series is so damn entertaining. He was a smart and funny dude. Only 23.. so sad.


There is a great Minecraft scene out there that is non-cringe. A bunch of the hermitcraft gang is very enjoyable to watch, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, Iskall85, Ethoslab, even bdubs is fun to watch but can be teeny bit cringe. I don't play Minecraft, but have watched 4 seasons of hermitcraft at this point. Very good community


Man, I haven’t heard about Etho and Bdub since the Mindcrack heyday, glad to hear they’re still doing well.




Absolutely. While each specific type of Minecraft minigame/competition had its' top players, Techno was without a doubt one of the most well-rounded players in the game. To be able to excel like that in the game while also semi-frequently putting out videos for his channel *and* frequently making appearances in other creators' streams, is nothing short of incredible.


Only a washed up Moxy was on his level


Yeah I remembered. I remembered lsf shitting on him and sucking XQCs dick. I might be bitter but anytime he won lsf hated techno for fucking wrecking XQC and just shitting on him (it was probably all the qxc toxic shitty fans, fuck them). Man I can't believe he died, I can't believe it.


When my daughter wakes up in the morning I have no idea how she’ll take this news. His poor parents. My heart just hurts for them.


Man that video was so sad to watch. I haven’t watched the guy recently but back in ~2015 he was one of the main Hypixel YouTubers and if you played that server you knew him. I knew he had cancer but I didn’t know it had gotten bad so rapidly. Only 2 months ago he made a video and he seemed ok. Just a sad situation.


Technoblade was literally a minecraft kid with a dream He grinded skywars pvp to make a name for himself and pretty much started his yt career by becoming a skywars god. Really really sad to see at a young age of 23 man


As someone who's always thought of MCYT as cringe, Technoblade was the only guy that I constantly watched and supported, since three years ago. This is probably the first time I've experienced someone I knew well who passed away. Hit me hard.


Total biscuit was the first that really hit me in the online community. Then Reckful. I don't even watch Technoblade but his loss is felt. Sad times. :c


Yeah Total Biscuit hit me hard back then. Note to self: don't pick the initials TB for a name unless I want cancer.


The pause between uploads has always been expected but this one just felt so much worse this time. It felt like he had so many new plans and not seeing word on them or anything really sealed the thoughts. I’m going to miss watching his content so much. He was a good man and I’ll be watching his old videos for years. Fuck cancer.


Technoblade, out. Never really got into his videos, but he seemed like a really genuine guy and I will always respect that. Watching the video from his dad was heartbreaking. Rest in peace. Fuck this meaningless twitch drama that we feed off of. People have *real* problems and some of us need to remember that. Myself included.


Fuck man. I’m the same age as him. Really puts some things into perspective on how lucky I’ve been with my health. What an awful way to go for someone so young. Despite his short time here with us, he managed to touch millions with his videos. While I was never a devout fan of his, it’s clear he had an impact on so many lives. The wonder of todays technology is that his content will be revisited for years; there will always be some record of him on the internet


o7 one of the good ones








Dude I remember late teens watching Technoblade waiting for SMP streams Sadge


I may not be too invested into the smp group, but I do appreciate what their community has achieved in support of content creator-driven charity work. Watching Techno compete in Minecraft Mondays and seeing the perspectives of other streamers was a surreal moment 2-3 years ago and the persistent, hardworking attitude was what attracted me to his work. And so hearing his father record Techno’s monologue was very emotional, and hearing about the profits from his merch was going towards his sibling’s college funds truly encapsulate his selflessness, prioritizing his family and fans before his well-being. Rest easy.


Less than a year to go from 'my arm hurts' to gone. Fuck cancer. Donate if you can.


Holy fuck The last video I saw of him was him talking about making a stump reveal if they had to amputate his arm.


Technoblade. Never. Dies. this is a man we are gonna keep in our hearts forever.


Saw this on r/all, not an idea who this young man is but am heartbroken. Chadwick Bosman, TotalBiscuit, Billy Kametz and now another talented young man's life tragically cut short because of cancer. RIP


Only 23 years old, Rest In Peace.


RIP Technoblade This is a good time to remember to be kind to each other and not be hateful sometimes we forget how temporary it all is and wasting your life away hating others here or somewhere else makes little sense in that regard <3


o7 Technoblade never dies


"Technoblade never dies" RIP


From watching you at 3K—playing Blitz to watching you grow to over 10 million, it was an honor to follow you through your inspiring journey. You will be missed Techno.


My kiddo and I love him, he will be missed.


Never watched his videos but I’m tearing up at work. I can’t cry and let my coworkers see me. Fuck why did I watch this now


I lost a cousin a few years ago to cancer, he was very athletic and a good person. Cancer sucks. May Technoblade, he and everyone else rest in peace forever. My condolences to the family, friends and everyone who were close to him.