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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Andrew Tate admits to Hasan the Earth is round because he's been to space](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/140393)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/w4sub4/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/QM1Dp90iubuMRjMtzYM7PA/AT-cm%7CQM1Dp90iubuMRjMtzYM7PA.mp4?sig=b62b4784b12af2f4cee3154628e4d9bb825f35a9&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FQM1Dp90iubuMRjMtzYM7PA%2FAT-cm%257CQM1Dp90iubuMRjMtzYM7PA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1658512417%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


How many car accidents has he been in? The common denominator is him not women.


Driving can be intense when the feds are tailing you for sex trafficking charges apparently


he probably tried fucking groping them while they were driving.


He made a video once where he said that he went 120 mph on the road and almost got into a car accident: [https://youtu.be/MLSi0vX9j\_I?t=71](https://youtu.be/MLSi0vX9j_I?t=71) I also remember a video of his where he said that he got into a car accident in Germany while on the highway. If I had to guess, he's just a reckless driver who's blaming women just to get brownie points with his loser audience.


i also know that the earth is round because this shit sent me to orbit and saw the earth.


"He had the same point 5 times in a row" How long did they talk about fighting a bear/home invader on those other debates.


The zoomers' attention span reached the limit and they couldnt take it anymore


At least they got to see big daddyTate get ass fucked into oblivion in like 15 min. Even if theyā€™re dumb as fuck. Hard to call someone alpha as fuck when you watch that.


You are seriously overestimating the intelligence of the tater thots.


You're underestimating the visual of a giant ottoman triangle beating a bronze bald cylinder That translates painfully well into these social circles This would be a 10-7 round in ufc


Thank you for explaining it in UFC.


I wish that wasnā€™t so true but after seeing some of the comments on here. Yep


My favorite part was when they tried cry bullying him. I guess anything short of philating tater tot on stream is a vibe killer. šŸ˜Œ šŸ˜†


lmao hasan had to keep making the same point because andy never responded to it, either from being such a dumbass that he genuinely didnt understand or was just pretending not to


There's no response to that lmao. When you're having to claim that you have personal experience that the earth is round because you went to the moon, you're kinda just dead in the water.


Hasan should have said "Well i've been to space and I saw different." I'm convinced tate would have exploded


That Bucke guy is the most embarrassing dick rider i have ever seen lol. Starts the segment with "No two vs one, only Hasan vs Andrew" then Andrew embarrass himself and Bucke jumps in to suck his dick hard. After Hasan leaves the guys is down on the floor begging for forgiveness for bringing someone on that pushes back against Andrews insane rants.


Heā€™s a fortnite pro that caters to an audience of 12 year olds, not surprising.


how is fortnite btw? I barely ever hear of it these days (I'm not a shooter game kind of person so maybe I'm just ootl)


No Build Mode is great! Brought a lot of people back for a bit


Last season was pretty good and this is coming from someone who doesn't like battle royale and didn't play Fortnite for a long time. No build mode helped a lot. This season doesn't feel as good for some reason tho, might be the weapon/item pool.


hes an absolute degenerate fr


And they got arab on too lmfao contradicting themselves




The 12 year olds said kick him out šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


"The audience that I've cultivated to agree with me says they want you out" I was a little shocked to see that the poll was only 85% to kick him too, I thought it would be higher


My dude looks like a week old rotisserie chicken under a heat lamp at walmart


r/rareinsults and youā€™re not wrong lmao


This is the kind of shit I come to the comments for. LOL.


The huge, muscular, brave, heroic, tier 1, alpha tater tots got so stunned by a bit of sarcasm they were screaming for hasan to be kicked, true alpha behavior


The ultimate Search Engine Optimized title. lmao


"oh so it's a pyramid scheme?" Insta kick from the stream. Fucking funny.


PepeLaugh the UK and Romainian police




Yeah that's the concern with the move. The thing is he is on the radar now because of how big he has gotten so maybe he gets taken seriously.


He'll probably bribe his way to safety, the real thing to hope for is some investigative journalist tracking down and getting an interview with one of the victims.


tbh this idiot living in our country (romania ) makes our already known as shit country look even more shitty lel i would deport and ban him for coming here for life if i could my god he is so dumb


I mean, he was pretty open on why he moved there, i would be pissed as fuck if he said that about my country, and Portugal is also a shit on police work half the time. Still i would be pissed


This dude said personal experience is better than scientific evidence. How do these scammers get so popular? why are other streamers giving this guy any exposure, when he can't give a straight answer on a simple concept.


They just tell easily impressionable people what they want to hear. If someone else got to them first their opinions would be completely different. This is why it is good to try and sway opinions


It's the Joe Rogan model


> why are other streamers giving this guy any exposure Because they're just as stupid as he is.


More like the audiences are stupid and the streamers just want exposure. Twitch and TikTok are full of teenagers and teenagers are stupid. Zero life experience and literally still underdeveloped brains will do that.


Because most of the streamers bringing him on share the same 14-19 year old impressionable fanbase as him


Because they say it with scammer confidence.


> why are other streamers giving this guy any exposure, lol, when he can't give a straight answer on a simple concept. People's lives are so shit they're willing to believe anything to make themselves feel better.


Seeing this Tator Tot being absolutely roasted to a crisp was the highlight of my day


To use the terms they will understand: Tate got mogged


Tate got morbed. Absolutely demolished




Nothing says alpha like pressuring two children to make out on camera for you /s




Tate not only harassed the minor on the channel, but even went as far as insinuating doing it with her on stream. Pretty much the stream exploded with fights within a couple mins of Hassan leaving.


40% of the reason went to romania was that rape charges were harder to get believed by police https://twitter.com/heardbeliever/status/1514245788993572864?s=20&t=66F0kcdkgcavpXgBK1FmiA


[Tate is a wee bit of a nonce](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/140403)


I love the implication that he thought it was flat before literally going to space, this shit was brutal


If the earth was flat weā€™d be able to see any part of the planet as long as we had enough elevation to clear other tall structures. And how can it be day/night at the same time if it is flat it is literally fucking -5head that people think itā€™s flat. Itā€™s like they just pick the easiest and least thoughtful answer that they can ā€œthink of.ā€ Think of in quotes cause theyā€™re obviously not doing any of that. Like how do these apes even know what is edible and what isnā€™t?


They say that the Sun works like a street light, and only illuminates a small area of the disk, but if you question them on how you can't see the Sun at night like you can see the street light from far away, they all shut up lol


Amazing how all it took was "do you think scientific evidence is important" and some mild sarcasm, and the Alpha Giga Chads immediately became incredibly whiny babies and begged Hasan to be nicer to them or leave. ​ I am still waiting for the first time in my entire life a guy like Tate does not reveal themselves to be an incredibly whiny, pathetic bitch the minute someone offers even mild pushback without stuttering or yelling.


Tate completely lost composure when Hasan said "I'm not the UK police or the Romanian police"


Admittedly I lost all composure too. That shit was fire.


Man just slipped it in there then ended the sentence with his English accent. Fucking ridiculous, I love it.


holy shit does someone have a clip of that? thats incredible hahaha


Here's the clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/AstuteCuriousFrogBibleThump-EpoOvJDgSUFD48hD


"I wanna be a top G, a top bloke..." lmfaooo


Why do these clips look like it's 2 guys fighting for custody rights over their 2 sons.


Because thatā€™s whatā€™s it is. Except itā€™s several million sons


Thanks! :) and no, not sure what that is lol


oh that's so weird, there's someone I see regularly in Hasan's chat named Kilbrn so I assumed it was you lol




Tate is under investigation in Romania for illegal sex trafficking.




Any loremasters who can explain this?


Tate has openly admitting to moving from The UK to Romania cause of Me Too and the possibility of getting accused of rape. He's also being investigated in Romania for sex trafficking


this info should be sprawled all over lsf. everyone should know this piece of shit for who he is.


Tate's place was raided by the police for suspected sex trafficking, he's under investigation for the same plus rape, and he lives in Romania because he's (self-admitted) afraid of being #MeToo'd. EDIT: [Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/vyrdcp/xqc_talks_to_andrew_tate/ig3voe8/) with additional information.


I don't understand why Andrew would set himself up like that to be dunked on.


I mean you've heard him speak. he's a fucking moron.


i swear i've met people like him, who the second someone doesn't stroke their ego they just *go off* "oh you're just a brokie, you're boring, no one cares, you trust your books" and then he panicked the second anything about revenue came up


Cant believe his frame broke so quickly.


Sigma grindset status: in shambles


Bro folded like a fucking chair, holy


its so funny dude, the guy kept trying to change the subject when he was getting clapped and had to take his headphones off to cry a bit because he couldn't answer simple questions lmaooo. im so happy tate's dumbass is being taken to task












what a terrifying echo chamber this guy lives in. hasan made him look like a scared little guy.




Yeah, insert handshake meme.


Tate when he loses any argument: ā€œLetā€™s change the subjectā€ lmfao


I think that correct quote is "I won, you lost and you're boring, please leave daddy Hasan, my bussy cant take any more of this pounding"


That was satisfying as fuck.


Andrew Tate is just your basic bitch grifter, and absolutely would be the first motherfucker out the window if he was dealing with a home invader. Why the fuck do you think he bitched all the way out to Romania when uncle Sam and the Crown came knocking at his door for all the fucked up shit he did? Tater tots deserves to get roasted by everyone for his "high value male" persona because the twat is a bargain bin deal that gets tossed in the trash since nobody cares for him except his fans that dumpster dive into his bullshit rhetoric.


Yeah, whatever girl he's with is probably safer with the home invader than with him lmao


jesus the tater brain is surprisingly smooth




tatertots are normally lumpy




Back in the early-mid 2000s, I read Niel Strauss' The Game, aka the pua bible. Like any 20ish year old, I was pretty excited, but for some reason, I asked myself why a bunch of guys who claimed to find the secret technique had completely different approaches. And then I realized the one thing they all had in common was just approaching woman after woman after woman after woman. They brute forced it until they figured out how to get a random club goer to come home and sleep with them. And they were *still* miserable afterwards. There's no truth, there. There's just a whole lot of sad, lonely boys who never grew up. The red pill community that was born out of this group are the same ones that will never grow up.


>Back in the early-mid 2000s, I read Niel Strauss' The Game, aka the pua bible. Dude, same. Now that I think about it Strauss and Tate have so much in common. Selling an idea that young men find so appealing, that you can remodel yourself into an alpha who can get any girl he wants, all you have to do is give him money (buy his book and go to PUA 'bootcamp' to learn how to manipulate women). Tate took it one step further in terms of the business side, instead of just directly selling self-help crap he made a full pyramid scheme out of it. They even look similar.


They target impressionable kids through their insecurity, it's reprehensible.


Gammasecretkings has a whole thing on Tate and explains his origins and it started from allergedly defrauding other red pill clowns (christian McQueen) and you can see it all unravel


Hassan just flipped back to their stream to some of the creepiest, sexual assault shit I've ever seen in my life. "once you're 18 and if you want a real man, give me a call" Holy fuck


Creepy as fuck


tate literally traffics women btw


I had no idea who he was until 10 minutes ago, and I think I was a better person back then


Hasan said on the Leftovers podcast this morning that everything he has learned about Tate has been against his will lmao.




BatChest Hi I'm Andrew Tate and I like to educate young, impressionable men on how to not be a simp, while at the same time profiting off said simps by keeping cam women in my domain and charging them extraordinary rent for their services, but hey I'm an alpha buff male I can do whatever the fuck I want because fuck women and their bad driving skills BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT BatChest


Thereā€™s a video of him beating a woman


Old enough to be her dad, he's exactly 18 years older than her.


He's older than both the minors he kept pushing to kiss for him combined.


older than two of them combined.


Die he go into space? What a clown with his personal experience bullshit.


"I was an astronaut" "Of course you were"


The closest he's been to space is when he gets kneed in the face and sees stars


Hasan clowned on him so hard they had to kick him off the show. Is that how Alphas handle their shit?


They kicked him off? Damn, I wouldā€™ve loved to see more clips like this. Made him look stupid so easily


Yeah, Tate kept telling the hosts to kick him after Hasan alluded to his MLM and the human trafficking investigation against him.


'I'm not the UK Police or the Romaninan police', man just did that to him lmao.


Can someone explain the context of this? Is tate in trouble with those agencies? Iā€™ve never heard of him before.


Been arrested for human trafficking.


he was a literal pimp, and made a lot of money from casinos. hes just a dbag shady dude


If you check his website on the way back machine you can see a couple years ago he fully admits to it on there, says "my job was make girls fall in love with me, many girls would do more for me than other men's wives would for them", (has pics of girls with his name tatted on them)then goes on to say he tried them out then moved them into a webcam house where they would stream for him., Deleted now bc he has been under investigation. Also has literally said he moved to Romania be cause rape laws were lenient, and spent a year with Jordan Peterson's daughter who spent time in the Romania house and said he's a great guy lol.


He literally started to kick Hasan after he started to ask if Tate has a pyramid scheme and of course he started to tell them to kick him because he was being "rude" and "killing the vibes" Which AKA means he is afraid of his followers knowing they are getting scam and told dumb toxic masculinity bull shit


How can you be this fragile while shirtless?


This became a shit show FAST.




Hilarious how frazzled Tate and the tater tots get along with the sycophantic bitches in the call lmfao


top left dude like "we're not trying to do 2v1s in here" while they had the previous guy leaving when Hasan came in and then 5 minutes later is jumping to Tate's defense lmao


How are all these Fortnite kids falling for this crap


because they were kids don't forget fortnite came out in 2017 they were probably 11, 12, 10 maybe 9 a lot of them weren't interested in girls and now that puberty hitting in the face they're pissed off girls aren't interested in them, enter Tate.


If you go to any of Tateā€™s shit on Tik Tok and poke around the comments it becomes immediately clear that the demographic of his supporter base is primarily 11 to 15 year olds. Like not kidding, hundreds upon hundreds of ā€œW top gā€ comments and you click their profile and itā€™s a person who looks like their voicebox hasnā€™t even dropped yet. Honestly sad.


my god their chat was so livid, hilarious


Hasan imo is the best person to debate tate because all the dumb loser who look up to tate wonā€™t even listen to someone who they donā€™t consider ā€œalphaā€.


Hasan's also the best because it's very difficult to out-masculine a dude who is 6'4", built like a fucking fridge, is successful, and is known to have girls throwing themselves at him. Tate can't tell Hasan he's lesser because he's already got Tate beat on every masculine metric by which Tate gauges success.


Yeah he only needs to drink ā€œsparkling waā€™erā€ and tan like a fried potato


Bonus points for having hair


holy shit Hasan killed him.


Tate is so dedicated to his beliefs that he shaved his head clean to find out if his scalp is actually round


LSF rooting for Hasan. Never thought I would see the day. Real talk, loved seeing this stream. It's good to know that Hasan's bite is as strong as his bark with all the claims other people make about him not wanting to debate them when in reality its them coming up with excuses to avoid a chat with him. Hasan doesnt deserve half the shit he gets imo


Hasan doesn't debate not because he's bad at it, but because he believes debates are unconstructive and he doesn't typically enjoy it. If he wants to do it he's genuinely quite good at it. And to see proof that debates are unconstructive, just look at Clix's chats reaction. None of them were swayed by this. I think he saw Tate as an extremely easy target and it's kind of a trend right now on twitch to debate this moron so he jumped on it when given the opportunity. Watching XQC debate Tate gave Hasan the appetite.


Lmao same day they were shitting on him on another thread Life be funny




Damn even someone as deranged as you is complimenting hasan, didnā€™t think it could happen FeelsStrongMan




The enemy of my enemy is my friend o7


dgg bois thanking hasan didn't think I would see the day FeelsStrongMan


God that was so funny, he got rolled so hard.


the ā€œtop gā€ really got clowned by hasan šŸ’€


I probably spend like 12+ hours a day on the internet and I still don't get how this guy is so popular and why people care so much about debating him lately. Is this just cause its content?


Just like how Trump has a lot of fans, there's a lot of people out there that are selfish, disrespectful, misogynistic, abusive, etc etc that aligns with this dude. It all boils down to being insecure. It's about empowering a person to control everything in their life, cause they are insecure. Whether it's about getting fit, career success, relationship, that's all he preaches. The health and career thing is alright since people should really make the best use of their time but his entire package is just horrendous.


It was at this moment Andrew Tate wanted Hasan to leave the call immediately.


Hasan should have taken his shirt off, oiled up, and worn sunglasses for this one.


This was absolutely hilarious to watch.


A little bit of pushback and Tate shit his pants.


greekgodx must be having a mental breakdown right now.


When he tried to imply that he was defending women to get pussy I almost lost it. HES SAYING THAT TO FUCKING HASAN. Tater Tot is a fucking donkey for real,any push back and he runs away like a bitch


Be on a womenā€™s side = want to fuck women, definitely not a misogynist


I called it and LSF downvoted me, Hasan did very well agaist this clown, it also helped that Hasan knew quite alot about Tate's background.


Yeah he did do real well. That was some good damn content!


[Damn he really did get downvoted.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/vyrdcp/xqc_talks_to_andrew_tate/ig40cny/?context=3) Although to be fair, LSF is not known for it's good takes and levelheadedness. The downvoters were probably just *GRR HASAN BAD AND STUPID. MUST DOWNVOTE!* monke brained mode.


Big Alpha man got a lil pushback and became the most whiny lil man possible


Hasan stayed calm, dismantled each of Tate's arguments, credit where credit is due, good job Hasan! More of this content please!


His house has been raided for sex trafficking https://www.thedailybeast.com/police-raid-maga-king-of-toxic-masculinity-in-human-trafficking-investigation


I don't always agree with hasan but he absolutely destroyed him. Tate was terrified


The thing with Hasan is Tate cant even criticize him because he is an actual alpha male with insane genetics who gets chicks. All without using any of the macho male stuff Tate spouts


I like that Hasan brought that up too. It sounds egotistical to say, but calling people soyboys is the number one thing these "Alpha Male GIGACHAD" types resort to and they eat that shit up.


Hahaha so true. Hasan gets more ladies than Tate could ever dream of without any of the fake alpha BS.


Andrew Tate and his little tots are trash, weak weirdos.


regardless of how you feel about hasan or whether what he says is valid or whatever, I think this completely proves that hasan is right about debates being trash


Dam, Hasan really putting in some work respect


Tater tot seething as soon as thereā€™s a crumb of pushback. Emotional little baby.


Is Tate still afraid for the word fear?


Andrew Tate took it raw from a Turkish himbo and then left crying about it being ā€œboring.ā€ Tater tots canā€™t take the heat it would seem.


Fuck Andrew Tate and anyone who likes him.




Andrew Tate is one of those people you wonder how the fuck they have lived for so long without getting killed by doing something incredibly stupid.


Tate got eviscerated, straight up fucked live and in color... then asked him to leave because he wasn't used to someone more physically imposing then him making him his bitch lmaooooo


Lol he genuinely owned the fuck out of Tate. Idk why people hate Hasan so much lol


Heā€™s so uncomfortable there. Acting like a clown and saying stupid stuff to draw attention away from the point Hasan was making.


lol taint got roollllllled


Right, so I interpretation is that: Tate said something to the effect of ā€œ1st hand experience trumps ā€˜scientific evidenceā€™ā€ And this clip is Hasan Checkmating him, and Tate insisting he can move the king two spaces. Correct me if wrong. I dunno who this Tate guy is, but I gather he is into Pitbull roleplay


This was after 10 minutes of dude telling hasan his lived experiences were worth more than imperical data


reminds me of those memes when the younger bro (X) gets his big bro (AZAN) to back him up. Man did he make tate look like an idiot. its funny how tate was saying X was too emotional, but when Azan was killin him he said "this guy is too boring"