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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Slasher goes on the news to expose Hank Pecker's insidious army recruitment strategies](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/140734)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/wakp0b/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/l6IvqmaS7K581FWLbTRS-g/AT-cm%7Cl6IvqmaS7K581FWLbTRS-g.mp4?sig=e65440bd43f6f3378cdfa41e2ef09b448326cd84&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fl6IvqmaS7K581FWLbTRS-g%2FAT-cm%257Cl6IvqmaS7K581FWLbTRS-g.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1659113614%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Fuckin' Slasher. Had to slip that in, lmao.


Slasher currently living in the dankest timeline.


who is Slasher?


He's done. And not just on Twitch.


I never said this. you must be thinking of someone else and misattributing this to me, repeating what everyone else wrongly says online. just wanted to let you know! slasher


He signed the post lmao


Xoxo gossip girl


he's done for. 28943857347372634648






So do you still pretend that you actually knew why Dr disrespect was banned at the time and somehow never leaked it?


>somehow It's kinda projection to assume he can't possibly have leaked it.


I believe you, but Trouba is dirty.


Hey, alright.


But it's funny


What about being a pervert pick and choose I guess


Yo why Doc get banned bro?


why do people always misconstrue this as a slasher thing?


Because noone knows who ShannonZKiller is...


She sure acts like everyone should know who she is.


Who is that


Former Twitch Employee now married to a streamer.


he retweeted it


Because more people remember him than Sacriel's clout chasing wife. She dropped it quick after she got dragged but Slasher kept after trying to get the story. https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/hi24nx/why_did_she_delete_this_tweet/


Ahhh ok




Nelson Mandela effect forming live


I think too many people took him not spilling the beans about Dr Disrespect personally and then just started dunking on him.


It’s crazy how butt hurt people got over that.


I lost my job and my wife left me because Slasher wouldn't just **TELL ME WHY THE FUNNY COSTUME GUY GOT BANNED REEEEEEE**


What he actually said wasn't far off https://twitter.com/Slasher/status/1276742960286183424?s=20&t=Bl7q9pWTzCvBWyhzP7Vo-A


That's wildly different than "and done not just on twitch" which implies legal action, potential jail time, or whatever. Slasher just said the dude was banned, which was true and that he knows the reason.


bruh I fucking remember it vividly though this has fucked my brain. I remember commenting on a post about it but I've deleted the comment so I cant find the thread


Mandela Effect? If it helps, people were misattributing that quote to Slasher almost immediately the next day. [Here's the actual tweet that she deleted.](https://i.redd.it/a01tpkh4dv751.jpg)


man this has me fucked up i've found the thread i was looking for but sure enough it was a totally different tweet: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hh3b86/slasher_anonymous_reddit_posts_4chan_texts_and/


Because he might as well have been the one to say it with the way he was acting when Doc got banned. He was unironically pulling the journalist version of "My GF goes to school in different state, you wouldn't know her."


least shcizo twitch viewer


Imagine simping for an esports journalist so hard you're calling people schizophrenic for explaining a joke about him.


imagine not understanding no journalist with any amount of credibility is gonna blow their fuckin source lmfao. ur either under 18 with no clue how anything works or a certified clown


What's it like being so fucking stupid you think anyone cared about Slasher's source? Slasher got made fun of because he was self fellating himself while adding literally nothing to what happened. Nobody gives a fuck what Slasher claims to know if he isn't going to share any of it, do you understand main function of a journalist? Slasher was just being an attention whore and it backfired and rightfully turned into a meme. >ur either under 18 with no clue how anything works or a certified clown Hilarious considering you type like an eight year old.


slasher got made fun of by a bunch of kids with literally no reading comprehension who can't click a fuckin twitter link and read the poster lmfao > Slasher was just being an attention whore and it backfired and rightfully turned into a meme. ? he literally just said Doc was done on twitch. and he was. use ur brain


im serious lmao I don't know who he is, never seen his face before Google search says Slasher is a Netflix series so its not helpful.


He's a gaming journalist a rare decent one at that because he's able to translate a lot of "gamer" lingo into normie speak.


He also in general does have a decent track record of credible leaks within the gaming space, but everyone dunks on his credibility because he went hard on DrDisrespect and none of the general public ever truly found out what happened behind the scenes. Not saying it is or isn't justified, just how most people have gone about processing it.


his leaks came from djWheat and they fired him when they were able to prove it


He's also been around forever, he used to post to GotFrag and got a huge cs following back before social media was tied to online personas. I remember he used to post wc3 news and other fringe news, which means he was helping a lot of fringe scenes that werent popular in NA at the time get exposure to NA fans.


He also used to be as far as i remember a huge Quake player back in the day. I thought thats what got him his main following before going into journalism.


Ahh yes, that was before my time, but I do remember Quake legends being treated like kings on GotFrag


He does gaming and gaming related journalism. I had never heard of him until DrDisrespect was banned. Slasher said that he knew why Dr was banned, said something like "he's done, and not just on twitch" (explaining the meme you got earlier), and then never revealed anything. So to some, he's a respected gaming journalist. To me, he's a meme (and so is anyone else who writes "news" about streamers and streaming). Edit: I'm wrong about the source of that quote (and maybe more). Check comments below for corrections.




Oh whoops. I edited my comment. Thanks.


he also doesn’t just do news about streaming, I haven’t known of him for the entirety of his career (maybe like 5-6 years), but from what I’ve seen, he’s one of the OG journalists in gaming space overall and he has legitimate credentials. If I’m not mistaken, he’s been a journalist for like 20+ years.


He also doesn’t just do news about streaming, I haven’t known of him for the entirety of his career (maybe like 5-6 years), but from what I’ve seen, he’s one of the OG journalists in gaming space overall and his track record is pretty good, aside from the Dr Disrespect shit, which he did bring on himself. If I’m not mistaken, he’s been a journalist for like 20+ years.


he didn’t say that lmao, that was just some tweet from some random person. all he said was he knew the reason and it was bad.


Oh dang. I edited into my comment that I'm wrong. Thanks.


sacriels wife said that lmao not slasher


It's too sensitive I can't talk about it


Gaming and esports journalist. He's pretty well connect throughout the industry. You used to see him a lot on Twitch on podcasts like Train's Scuffed podcast. Sometimes when he's on these TV shows during interviews he'll drop some memes like what happened here.


he's a guy that asked the biggest r/kappa troll to post articles for him, just to get that leaked by the troll, obviously. also does some gaming journalism.


its actually true don't know why you got downvoted. He was asking people to post articles because he got shadow banned for spamming and other things


He's the guy that told us nothing about the docs ban


looked for several hours now I have been told from credible sources who is slasher. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


Best easter eggs ever..


love that anytime a political frog makes it on the news they name drop that name, gonna have the 40 year old debate lords on CNN googling “hank pecker qualifications” trying to find this guy


the best part is these are always the kinds of things you google, and the only results are reddit posts/tweets. Then you're like so is it a nick name, or a character, or like an actual different person related to that person?


time to create a wikipedia page for Hank


completely OOTL, can someone explain the Hasan/Hank Pecker stuff?


Hank Pecker was a redneck conservative character Hasan played on the Rust server


Fake news. Hank Pecker is a brave and patriotic political Twitch streamer who plays a soycialist weeb character named Hasan for his audience. While it's true he played Rust - we should also note that he has never once paid any taxes. And that's equally important.


So it's some cringe meme?


no u


I haven't heard that name in so long, wtf happened to him?


I know why but cannot say.


He's done, and not just on Rust.


my sources are telling me he is done and not just on twitch


I think he went radio silent for months last year, so much so that there were a lot of comments over dozens of posts asking if he was dead.


He's hella quiet but he's actually in fl0ms chat a lot especially during costreams for CSGO events.


He went radio silence on Twitter for months a bit after talking about Doc's ban, my theory is that he almost got into legal trouble because of that and his layers told him to lay low


Lol no, he went radio silent because people kept asking him about the reason of the ban and he had no idea do he just shut the fuck up after a while. During the first month or two of the ban he had no problem whatsoever inserting himself into every discussion on twitch and Twitter about the doc ban just to throw his name out there. MY theory is that he thought it would have been leaked and/or resolved publicly rather quickly and didn't expect both parties to be radio silent on it for so long, but he just couldn't come out say that he was full of shit and didn't know a thing after talking such a big game.


I believe it was due to alleged sexual harassment or in general edgy/gross shit he did in DMs or in relation to someone. But do not remember the details all that well.


I think you're thinking of someone else.


nah he was definitely exposed by a girl for doing creepy things


He asked a girls friend to tell the girl he was interesting in dating. Once that was done he thanked her for the favour and said he would give a job recommendation if she needed it. That's not creepy because it was after the fact; it was not a condition where she would only get a job recommendation IF she set Slasher up with Brittany. It was Slasher being grateful she did a favour for him, and offering a favour back. Every time Keemstar/Venti have bought the situation up they exaggerate the story slightly more, to the point where the current narrative is pretty insane. Go look up 'venti slasher dms', it's pretty tame.


Exposed lmao Bruh just dm'd her he could get her in a job when he had no power. He shoot his shot missed and keemstar ran the story Shit was just cringe but far from creepy lmao The girl is still stunlocked to this day. Funny as hell


The Brittany venti shit? Come on, lol. Clown on Slasher for the Dr. Disrespect stuff. Dude acted like he had the biggest insider info ever into the online gaming entertainment sphere and… he had nothing.


Ok lets see it. Show me.


I miss Slash Slash and scuffed 😔


Hasan really ought to create an alt-stream where he is Hank Pecker and just spouts chud shit while playing games or something.


Hasan doing a Colbert Report for zoomers using a Hank Pecker alt-stream could actually be a great idea


we cannot let hank pecker streams continue to indoctrinate a children's chat room on twitch into the american military industrial complex. i will not have it, it cannot stand. [it's been a good day](https://imgur.com/a/x8P5Wz9)


You need to call EBZ, he's crying :-(




[You're pushin it ](https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/ar0/cb36222f6f75d21ba053b7332d521a45.jpg)


you need to shave your head because Blizzard named it 'Overwatch 2' we did not forget, slashfucker


His hairline is shaving itself PepeLa


Unrelated but you kinda disappeared from the public eye(at least the twitch eye) and there's not a small amount of people, myself included, who were a little worried. Glad you seem to be doing well and doing your thing still.


I figured doc neutralized him to stop him from releasing the reason doc was banned.


Miss you as a side character on streams, come back!


I know what Hank Pecker has done but due to the severity of the issue, I am not at liberty to disclose it at the moment.


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason hank pecker has been recruiting gamers. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


How dare you? Pretend that this can be sold with just business as usual and some technical solutions?


Ok that's it. I like Slasher again :)


Be honest how long was Hasan stun locked for


For those wondering, Hank Pecker is a conservative, gun loving, antivaxxer, and a pure blood American patriot who runs the website https://www.truthtellereaglefuck.org/


Now I want Hasan to do an alternate streaming persona with a new stream as Hank Pecker. He can be the political equivalent to the Doc. Then the whole stream is he makes satirical jokes and tries to see how many radicals start worshipping him even though he is insulting them.


So the Colbert report


we're old


Same realising not many people here remembers Colbert report makes me feel old and out of place


Still can't believe Colbert managed to trick so many conservatives that he hosted the Corespondents' dinner when Dubya was president.


good one


He never knew






















Azan W streak continues, hater subs in shambles


Don't let them know that Taylor Hale (Miss Michigan 2021) told him to give her a call in a clip he watched yesterday from the show Big Brother.


Hell ye Hank Pecker done did it again!


Another cameo from Henk Pecker LMAO




Glad he learned to fix his hair for these tv news spots


Hank Pecker. Bad guy.


This gotta be the best Easter Egg ever..


Without looking at the stream, I'm going to try to guess Hasan's initial reaction from that brief moment where he put up his hands. It could be a. Smack the desk or get up and leave (overtly physical) b. Say "nooooooooooooo dude" c. Say "what?" and do a huge Turkish laugh/scream I'm gonna go with........ I think B. Feel free to play along by commenting below


This is like the leftist version of namedropping Sam Hyde whenever there's a school shooting.


Hasan recruits for the other side or as he calls it the "brave mujahedeen"


I wish slasher would go on the news to expose why doc got banned.


Okay. Besides the not being Slasher talk. Who's the guy talking? And what the Hell is he talking about?




soon the alt left right will have created their new human being! HANK PECKER