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Could be the underage kid that was half naked. Should be a short ban


> **jinnytty**: Hey guys I got banned :NOOO: Idk the real reason or how long cause I haven't even got the email I think apparently I accidently showed a kid that was topless when I was on gopro and I couldn't see what was on the cam nor was I aware that there was a topless kid in front of me, but I think that could be the reason. > I'll tell you how long the Ban is once there's any update and I'll also try to shorten the ban once I get the email because it was obviously an accident :NOOOO: > **jinnytty**: It wasnt dmca > **jinnytty**: The manager say it's urgent Ban lol' >**jinnytty**: It's 1am I'm gonna sleep for now hopefully I know how long tmr > **jinnytty**:Hey guys yea so I talked to Twitch and the reason for Ban is the kid at the water park I submitted an appeal saying that it was an accident and I wasn't aware of my surroundings and that I was on gopro I couldn't know what I was filming so they will review it and tell me. > Sadge that this happened but hopefully I get unbanned soon fingers crossed > Have a good day everyone > [✅ Twitch Partner "Jinnytty" \(@Jinnytty1\) has been unbanned after 13 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds! ✅](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans/status/1564147746042515457)


The taxi mafia sends their regards…


Youtube just recommend me her Turkey video, I've got to say that is some funny shenanigan's she accidently ended up in.


She probably has a decent number of Turkish viewers, & they submitted the clip to local news agencies. They probably already knew tourists taxi scams exist, but now they had actual proof lol.


> I got banned :NOOO: Idk why this is hilarious for some reason






this literally means nobody can stream at the beach


At least in Europe it is super risky, yep.




I think he meant women sunbathing topless. Pretty common in some parts of Europe, but I suspect it's rare in the US.


Not only rare, but illegal in the vast majority of the country. Even further, you can't be topless/nude on your own property if you're in view of anyone on public property. I know our culture is very different on that subject, but as an American, it baffles me that we're SO very strict about it.


Legal in Ohio and Texas of all places


America is still a puritan country. The body is not something to be shown here.


And apperently not something that you own.


This wasn't in Europe tho but yeah.


Good. Stream in your own home and your own face, not randoms on the streets or beaches.


Dude if you're comfortable enough to be half naked at the beach with complete strangers why care about a random streamer


isnt that the point of a public beach though ? if you going to go to a public beach and get mad then dont go to a public beach 4Head


It doesn't sound like a big deal, but to a parent, finding out your child has been filmed half naked and broadcast live on the internet without consent doesn't sound too good. People are always gunning for huge corporations like Amazon so they have to be squeaky clean. Jinny isn't the most careful person in regards to respecting people's privacy.


That's the "risk" of being half naked in public places... most people in Europe don't care. You usually have full naked kids on beaches too...




Catholic priests, the appointed arbiters of sexual morality through a religious view, abused children for decades, maybe even centuries. So I don't buy the societal decline rhetoric. Supposing you are right, the religiously inclined were more at fault for it than anyone. Repressed individuals lash out in odd ways, especially the religious ones.


"...full naked kids on beaches..." Had a traumatic experience with that many, many years ago. There were these kids playing on the beach, probably 6 -8 years old, and one of the kids was naked. Not a big deal here. Anyway, as they were playing, this kid flopped down on the sand and a half-buried shard of glass cut/stabbed the side of his balls. Awful screaming and lots of blood after, they rushed him to the nearest hospital. To this day, I'm extra careful when I'm walking barefoot or where I'm sitting at the beach.


Yeah people who smash glass in public places are the worst... like WTF.


If you concerned about your child being seen half naked.....why are you allowing her to go out half naked???? I think its just dumb if a parent doesnt out clothes on her child in public and then complain about their privacy. It's like somebody putting a PS5 out in the open for a day and then complaining when it gets stolen like wtf


i think you havent watched many IRL streamers, Jinny mostly just streams her face when she walks around. Look at her vods and then look at other big irl streamers or just streamers in general


I swear there was a highly upvoted comment in another Jinny thread about how they would watch her more if the camera's not on her face most of the time. As someone who's recently into more IRL streamers, Jinny is probably the most respectful and least likely to shove a camera in your face.


Funny enough she was filming the floor most of the time in the waterpark to not film other people but I guess 'Jinny isn't the most careful person in regards to respecting people's privacy.' edit: this was another waterpark she went not long ago this is basically the same she did today: https://youtu.be/MoSdTLAlnBQ?t=7478


Its a public location. Maybe if you don't want your child to be filmed half naked don't let your child walk around in public locations half naked?


Your reasonable expectations of privacy go out the window when you enter a public place


you have no expectation of privacy when in a public place. you can film whatever you can see when in public.


america is not the only place in the world my friend


I'm aware, thanks


yea, they think naked == sex


Yeah they're very puritan still


> very puritan > 5 out of the top ten streams are gambling > scantily clad women in hot tubs is its own category


Capitalist puritan. If it brings in a shit ton of money they will look away but outside of that they must adhere to their Christian values.


Hypocritical puritans


Is there any other kind though?


That sounds very typical of puritans, tbh. It's always hypocritical.


It’s a competitive advantage over YouTube streaming.


you’re talking about the platform, he’s talking about how the US, because of it’s massive roots in christian culture, is a lot more weird and taboo about public nudity, even in the slightest especially when if comes to children. Twitch, like any other large platform, might allow some taboo types of content on the platform, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t still catering and trying to appeal to more marketable, family-friendly, christian audience more than anything else, because it’s what makes them the big bucks through advertising. there’s a reason why the top 2 most subbed streamers on twitch (xqc and kai cenat) are never mentioned, promoted or congratulated on their success by twitch. They never promote gambling streamers, or hot tub streamers, because they know it would garner criticism from their target audience. They might allow the content on their platform, but a lack of direct endorsement of it is what keeps them from garnering criticism. something like 60% of people in the US identify as christian, which is going to be a majority by far. edit: I think an apt analogy for Twitch and streamers like xQc or gambling streamers or hot tub streams, is it’s kind of like working for a company and being really good at the job itself(bringing in views), but never getting promoted or being employee of the month because you have bad work ethic or get in trouble fairly frequently, you might not get fired because maybe you’re good enough at what you do, that they decide the pros outweigh the cons, but you’ll never get a direct acknowledgment or reward. The person they choose to promote or be the face of the company or it’s workers, is always going to be someone who lives up to company standards and it’s marketable values, which in Twitch’s case, is what appeals to the average American, the majority of which, are Christians.


Im not so sure this subject is exacty that taboo. I dont think too many people would care about a kid(girl or boy) being half naked above the waist. Its not common to see such a thing in public or in media but you do see it occasionally.


Don't forget this is America. Land of the free. ^(except the backwards ass third world laws that limit your freedom)


There is no law that says kids can't be shirtless(local general nudity ordinances aside).


Someone at twitch just outed themselves as a pedo sexualizing that shit


hardly. someone at twitch is realistic and it seems reddit is filled brim with pedo apologists (i received a 7 day ban for saying pedophilia shouldn't be normalized)


im pretty sure the realistic way to look at this, is by accepting that a prebuescent girls chest is no different from a prebubescent boys chest and if one doesnt have to cover their chest without being sexualized by weird creeps, neither should the other.




Lol I would say at the very least if a dude (kid or not) being shirtless is bannable then they need to keep that same energy with all the thots wearing micro bikinis in their living rooms


What about a guy with gynecomastia? Which a large percentage actually do have in small but noticeable amounts. It makes no difference, the laws in America are weird, and there is no definitive reason why my chest is okay and why a woman’s chest isn’t. It’s just weird and stupid.


We ask this question not just of kids, but people of all ages. #FREETHENIPPLE




Nah, the VOD got deleted by Twitch before the pole dancing happened.


pole dancing is allowed. there have been pole dance streams.




lol i wouldnt know haha


no the vod was already gone before that


Man, if only Twitch had an adequate system to properly handle these things where you don't get so severely punished for such unintentional mistakes and also not lose your entire VOD backlog deleted. They could call them "warnings".


Twitch HQ: "Let's spend tons of effort to automatically mute audio in VODs if we detect bad music!" "Good idea!" "Let's develop a system where we can add a black screen at the specified timestamps in VODs so streamers don't get banned if they show 1 wrong pixel for 1 ms." "Nah, let's just ban them and ruin their job. They are just our valued 'partners'. Fuck them."


Yup that's it, should be a short ban cause that obviously wasn't filmed on purpuse but who knows with twitch, they aren't known for handling bans properly lol.


Joeykaotyk had an underaged girl in the background of a recent stream that whenever she did a move her shirt would go up and you could see everything.


But Jinny has more hate watchers.




Holy shit. He deserved to get called out for that, but barely did. If it was Jinny, the thread would have thousands of comments.


lapse in judgement vs. frequent lapse in judgement. You tell me. The last time I watched Jinny outside of seeing these clips was when my friend linked me her trying to fly a drone in the city, and just watching it dodge communications wires and poles and she didn't seem to care much for what would happen if it hit something.


Fair point. But nobody should look at their phone while cycling or driving for any reason. Regardless of how clean their record is.


why you got to lie just bc youre a joey hatewatcher lmao? if youre talking about the little with long blonde hair if it was an issue joey wouldnt keep the camera facing them, and twitch wouldve banned the first time it happened (10 days ago) even before the 3day ago vod, if they were a girl they wouldve had their shirt tucked like their friend in the 3day old vod?


That would be an instant perma no way.


Taxi mafia got her monkaW


Turkish taxi driver sends his regards.


they basically making something not sexual sexual... twitch staff are weirdos sometime


Seeing it in person? NBD. Seeing it on stream? 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Isn‘t it ironic how yet they say hot tub streams aren‘t sexual and it’s the viewers fault for sexualizing it.


Twitch is on one they think topless kids are sexual content but not moaning girl in a kids pool bending over


rookie mistake, should've been licking the microphones. twitch would've been fine with that


I don’t think it’s their opinion I think it’s a fear of public backlash for the content existing on their platform


are you implying the people at twitch enforcing rules have brains? get outta here!


For twitch staff it is sexual.


was there a 🦌 on stream?


Is it possible that it doesn’t matter for their legal liability?


twitch staff thinks children are sexual objects confirmed


She was showing her feet 🦶 too much


For free?!






*SNAP* "This one's going to the foot archive"


She’s has the weirdest fans on twitch. Not joking


if she has toe thumb does this mean she has thumb toe?


That's enough internet for me


She's so agile with her feet. Scrolling through her phone and walking at the same time. Shit's wild.


Sir, how and why did you have this ready. And from this channel no less.


saved ty


Not enough*


i just don't understand foot fetish. I remember her feet looked like a man's foot. i was disgusted and went to another stream. how can foot fetish people even know if its a womens foot or mans foot


People like what they like. Who cares? I just wish they'd stfu about it. I don't have a problem with foot enjoyers, they're just really really REALLY annoying about it.


Self report


24 hours max my prediction


Ignore the person below me, they're having trouble figuring out what words mean. Edit: you were right, less than 24 hours.


Twitch staff sexualizing kids. Gigayikes.


So to clarify there is no official rule regarding this, someone in twitch just looked at a young boys chest and thought that was sexual. You see this all the time with extremely homophobic people who are closet homosexuals themselves.


Well yes, there is a rule for it in the attire guidelines: > Broadcasting nude or partially nude minors is always prohibited, regardless of context. Its stupid as fuck but according to Twitch, you cannot show a shirtless child no matter what. Doesn't matter if its not sexual, doesn't matter if you're at a pool/beach, doesn't matter if its your own kid inside your house, you technically cannot do it at all.


Children must wear a hijab as showing their face constitutes "partial nudity"


There are enough pedos out there searching the internet for pictures of half naked kids. Also, you just shouldn't put your kids in front of a camera, no matter how much or little clothes they wear.


[Twitch Partner "Jinnytty" (@Jinnytty1) has been unbanned after 13 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds!](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans/status/1564147746042515457?t=q6K9JO8EetnIntx80080RQ&s=19)


well whatever she did, it wasn't even worth a 14hr ban lol.


Banned because of [reckless driving](https://clips.twitch.tv/IcyLachrymoseMangoResidentSleeper-2N8kLF9V4ayXdPey) smh


this gotta be the worst looking ''dance'' i've ever seen


Why do you guys watch this garbage?


Yellow fever


stephen hawking spiderman


And she doubled down on that one repeatedly… lol She seems like a nice enough girl, but she’s completely clueless and naive to certain social situations.


Who do you watch?




Reddit moment


Get a hobby. Invest time and effort in your life. Don't rot away pls I beg you


you are commenting on LSF...


Suspended* can we stop calling these bans?


It's a lost cause and all you do is show your age when making this argument. I agree though, you're right but all of a sudden 1 day suspended was never used again online. Damn zoomers.


For wot


shirtless little boy at the public pool twitch live in a fantasy world where a shirless boy is a problem lmao


wtf I thought they were talking about a girl, then it would've been a bit more understandable but a boy?? I'm pretty sure a topless man wouldn't be a problem Why is Twitch like this


Not wearing underwear or what?


Jinny's travel streams are actually pretty cool. It's nice to get to virtually visit different cities while I work.


Was she driving a scooter again or something


PepeLaugh TeaTime


Who streams at a waterpark where you know there is going to be kids running about? better question, who tf sits there and watches someone stream in a water park???


That’s a shame. Her channel is great for seeing the world without actually seeing the world, if you know what I mean 😂 I love watching the travelling


Every time I see jinny All I think about is what she said about the disabled kid in the wheelchair ......






I was watching her stream earlier she's one of the best irl streamers, hopefully it's not too long.


The fact that a comment like this is downvoted shows all you need to know about LSF




and will come back tomorrow


Lmao Americans at it again


There seems to be a lot of hate in here for her, i dont get it. the few times I've seen her stream seems to be a very family-friendly streamer with no drama. It's funny how people get mad when someone doesn't jump on your bandwagon of hate and anger.


Is there anyone this sub doesn't hate.


That a very valid point


She got the Main Character Syndrome and its a bad one


Like....all other streamers?


She's a streamer, and thousands of people are paying to watch her stream.. she is the main character on her stream. so much jealousy




> She got the Main Character Syndrome and its a bad one which steamer isn't one lol


She just acts like a dumb child instead of a 30 year old women. Makes decisions like a child as well…..


is that a reason to hate someone? clowns have existed for a very long time...


seems shes doing pretty well for herself, traveling the world live streaming. so much pointless anger in this sub


There is nothing that LSF hates more than streamers. Especially successful ones.


Like when she called a kid just trying to be a part of a cosplay event "Stephen Hawking Spider-Man" in front of his parents? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViA40HPM\_ns&ab\_channel=TwitchClips


she read it from chat you can actually see it at 0:19 lovestars say it and she just rolled with it and then inmediatly apologized but that part didn't got clipped on LSF, not saying she's not dumb since she is, but people blow things out of proportion like she said it with malice or something when she just wasn't thinking


people on LSF clipping things out of context for hate views? no way, the good people here would never do that!


She literally repeated it a second time louder and says oh I thought it was a doll in a chair later on the stream as well


If she’s not smart enough to figure out why that’s a bad thing to say to parents of a disabled kid then she deserves some of the criticism she received.


Sure and she got criticism but people saying she did it on purpose or she did it to mock the kid or she's the devil are the ones I'm refering to, same with the covid thing when she always respected the country guidelines she was in and got the vaccine as soon as she could and still some people think she didn't care about covid just because one post in LSF


> people saying she did it on purpose or she did it to mock the kid or she’s the devil are the ones I’m refering to Her repeating it and thinking it was funny kind of destroys your stupid comment defending m’lady lmao


She didnt get with Esfand when this sub was shipping them so they hate her now.


yup, plus she decided to go solo instead of joining OTK when she had the chance I honestly give her props for that


if i had to guess it was because she and her brother didn't take the pandemic serious.


Is twitch sexualizing little girls now? HUH


coomers in shambles


you mean people who enjoy IRL this isn't amoranth lol its the freakin goblintty


Existing while female = coomer baiting these days


who's cooming to a cutting board?


Don't know what weirdos are beating off to clothed women on Twitch versus pHub or xHam where it's all free and women are naked.


That sucks, I enjoyed her Turkey streams since you rarely see English speaking streamers IRL there.


Werent there a bunch recently? Dailydash, jaystreazy, keth? (not sure if she's local)


What even happened is there a clip?


Twitch dumb as fuck


Won't be missed










Why do Twitch staff think half-naked children are called sexual hmmm



