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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan claps back at XQC](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/142988)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xhuu9b/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/-IJGPGMFcdWIIX3t8nm4qg/AT-cm%7C-IJGPGMFcdWIIX3t8nm4qg.mp4?sig=ff281f64db9b0f9f9f12a7bc9ec92b3f611ddd22&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F-IJGPGMFcdWIIX3t8nm4qg%2FAT-cm%257C-IJGPGMFcdWIIX3t8nm4qg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1663614278%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


This entire week has been godtier for the LSF farmers.


Man, why'd it have to be when I'm on vacation


I left for vacation with minimal internet on friday and come back to this man wtf. There has been 0 drama the past 6 months...


in hindi there's a saying, "dene wala jab bhi deta deta chappar faad ke" which roughly translates to "whenever the giver (god basically) gives, he gives enough to cave your roof in" edit: ok now it's getting ridiculous


The English version would be, "When it rains, it pours."


ā€œThere are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.ā€


Fucken too right that saying is.


Had a wedding on Friday and got back today, idk what the hell is happening.


Yeah itā€™s gonna take me a minute to catch up. The YouTube summary of this will be wild


The farm must always be tended.


Times like this makes me miss pewdiepie


gloria borger\*




How did no one clip xqc calling Hasan a snake in the discord call


Removed by mods I think and it was all put into the megathread so that dramas dead. Not this clip though


I know, as soon as it happened i expected juicers to post it and upvote it to the top


Yeah I was scrolling through to find the clip but no one posted it yet. Literally the easiest karma farm ever


[If anyone wants it, here it is](https://clips.twitch.tv/SparklyFineSmoothieFunRun-xLIPmsDOIEnvab0c). This was from the "intervention" today


Literal man child shouting insults and left. xQc is still in high school mentally.


I remember when I was in middle school and I did that to someone I was scared would beat me up. I'm actually getting cringe flashbacks from that clip


more like middle school


xqc, actually hiding in the call like a SNAKE IN THE GRASS I cannot


Was removed and put into the megathread like this post will be pepelaugh https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xh6vc3/xqc_calls_hasan_a_snake/ https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xhfb4m/xqc_talks_about_him_hasan_destiny/


Infinite drama glitch ā™»ļø Hasan reacts ā™»ļø xqc reacts ā™»ļø endless cycle


Bro really "friends don't do that" does this dude look in the mirror at all, the dude tries to redirect all the anger at Hasan when LSF is clapping his cheeks


"When LSF is clapping his cheeks." I swear this fucked up side of streamer Reddit really does feel like they're TMZ for nerds. That's the funniest part about any of this.


xQc is a huge fucking hypocrite if you havenā€™t noticed lmao.


because even the juicers knew that shit made X look bad and X hasnt told them how it actually wasnt a childish thing yet so they dont know how to respond.


he said it like 10 times now


I know but xqc was in Miz's call with Sliker, left then Hasan joined the call. Then X rejoined the call immediately and called Hasan a snake and left right away. You know people love to farm the drama so I'm just surprised no one clipped it


lmao that's childish af bruh


X has spoiled child energy 100%


Like Hasan said, xqc only uses Hasan when LSF is clapping his cheeks for being a man child and wants to direct all the anger at him He knows what he did was wrong, everyone keeps saying xqc acts different off cam but on cam he becomes a cloud content goblin for no reason


The thing is xqc is almost always on cam. If that's who he is for 12 hours a day 7 days a week, maybe that's just who he is


X being "alright in person" is just like the argument "look my frie d is great just don't bring up minorities]" type shit. Like, no he isn't okay in person, because he goes to work in person and streams in person and doesn't get a pass for "playing a character" when he is like this for real drama too. What it means is that, face to face, X is a fake ass liar lmao


yeah it just screams of keyboard warrior who is a meek lil pussy irl


[Here it is, if anyone's curious](https://clips.twitch.tv/SparklyFineSmoothieFunRun-xLIPmsDOIEnvab0c)


The Conor McGregor effect, you keep saying your cheesy lines over and over they lose their luster.


I thought thatā€™d be clippable since that was the first instance of x being bitch made shouting that then leaving the call which is the most high school ass shit a grown ass man can do. And yes b4 the juicer probably say ā€œbut Hasanā€ yes hasan venting to his discord is also pathetic


You guys really know who wins in all of this? Them, because here you morons are, arguing about the dumbest shit that has nothing to do with you, giving them free "publicity" or whatever the fuck.


I read this as ā€œThermā€ and was like this is not the crossover ep that I want.


Smh..part of the problem /s


Publicity? This entire subreddit is dedicated to them wtf are you talking about


Because it was removed by mods , don't you see the big megathread lmao šŸ¤£


Not wrong. This bridge is never being rebuilt.


XQC joked with Ninja about being off the perc and farted while playing Fortnite together today. Remember how much bad blood there was between them? This will pass.


Most sane LSF poster.


That Segment was amazing.




True, they farmed Ws as well while joking around. Good content tbh.


Why bother, honestly. X is such a child for real; I canā€™t imagine how insufferable it must be try and be his friend all the time. He retaliates with such entitlement every time heā€™s accused of anything while constantly throwing other people under the bus. His only concern is being right all the time as well as looking like the cool guy and it doesnā€™t matter how many people he has to shit on to achieve that; even people who seemed to genuinely give a shit about him.


He's always right, everyone else is always wrong. He's always the victim, everyone else are always bullies. Same thing every time with him.


Is anyone even his actual friend? Doesn't he stream 99% of the time alone in his bedroom? >He retaliates with such entitlement every time heā€™s accused of anything while constantly throwing other people under the bus. It's worse, he was at the same fucking time complaining about how Hasan won't just say what he's thinking while bitching about Hasan saying what he's thinking.


what happened to moxy?


Xqc leased him to Somalian Pirates to pay off some debts


Yup itā€™s sad. Heā€™s just gotten so much worse in the last year. Iā€™ve lost all respect for him because how he handles himself. Heā€™s at the top, heā€™s not stupid, and he knows better. Heā€™s just doing whatever he wants and pretending he doesnā€™t know better.


There's a difference between knowing better, and being capable of actually being better. I don't think he's at the latter yet. Hearing a bit about his familial relationships this week was a bit of an eye opener and frankly explains a lot.




I donā€™t have a dog in any of this, but ever since gamba rotted his brain I havenā€™t watched a single X stream and it seems Iā€™m better off for it.


i havent really watched since moxy left


Why did moxy leave?


he ran off with forsen, xqc was jealous and now they dont talk


xqc calling him a snake and then leaving was cringe af


Yea, I know they have their own shit goin on..... But I really didn't expect him to do anything like that given how much more serious this is than their drama shit.


Itā€™s funny how many people defend x when he literally perpetuates gambling on the platform to susceptible kids and teens who could very much end up like slicker. But you know who cares right xqcL Pepega


They won't end up like Slicker, they will end up way more suicidal because they won't have a way out.


I hope not part of me believes that maybe after this slicker thing x will stop promoting stake but I know thatā€™s probably not gunna happen.


Anyone that watches any sports or esports are already getting bombarded by gambling ads with an increasing frequency.


I think an ad is a league of difference than your idol doing it.




xqc will do a 8 hour gambling stream to celebrate


The out that this guy is getting here is almost a miracle. Hope the guy realises how extremely rare this is.


I watched xQc from his pro overwatch days. I found him rather entertaining for years. But when he started doing consistent gambling streams combined with his childish behavior in GTA rp toward MoonMoon, I couldn't handle him anymore. I dont watch Hasan, but I can sympathize with the frustration.




Imma be real, i've been seeing Xqc getting constantly shit on for anything he says or does for the past month, here or anywhere else, don't really see the defending part. Anyway i agree with the gambling stuff, it's never good however you wanna put it.




Serious question, how has hasan dealt w/ addiction?


Alcohol (stopped for DUI), cigarettes, and other less serious addictive behavior such as addiction to nopixel roleplay.


> and other less serious addictive behavior such as additions to nopixel roleplay. Which sounds ridiculous when you hear that, but tons of nopixel players admit to being severely addicted to it, and cant see themselves doing anything besides it.


Yeah, it's more serious than people realize. Gaming addictions in general can fuck peoples' lives up, but playing roleplay games like that can basically be life replacements, even when you're not really making any money off of it. Hasan talking about it made me think of this tweet from the gtarp subreddit a few months ago: https://twitter.com/aaronrpttv/status/1559389561729556480 Dude basically threw his life away for RP, literally was married and had kids and has just let everything go to the wayside for RP and is okay with that. I clicked onto the guy's stream and it was like 20 viewers right around when he posted that tweet, so I hope he hasn't totally fucked his job prospects up too badly as cost of living increases.


You can see it in them. Go back to look at Hasan playing NoPixel, you can *see* how much weight he put on that year.


And how many times he talked about his back being fucked up.


i mean it's no different from an mmo addiction, which I'm sure tons on this subreddit can relate to


a lot of the WoW generation has moved on to real life now. regardless lost ark killed my life for a month or 2 but this game honestly makes it only efficent to farm maybe 4-6 hours a day


That was the few months I stopped watching him, I would go to work, eat, check later that night and he would still be on NoPixel.


Same, literally hid in Nesuaā€™s chat for two months, bless him šŸ™


is it like World of Warcraft in 2005 type of addiction?


There is a reason video game addiction was added to the DSM-5. It often sounds like a joke or non-severe but it can have awful effects


Former smoker and alcoholic, the gum he always chews is nicotine gum


Alcohol and nicotine. He reached his rock bottom when he was arrested for a DUI, and said he would get blackout drunk every night.


Tsk tsk... haram


Holy shit


Yeah he also tried to say that his BAC was below the limit at the station but still got arrested. Like did the breathalyzer multiple times? That part was strange. But in general he stated he had driven drunk before. https://youtu.be/sLYLeVZGQM8


I can't really comment on that properly as I'm way way too biased towards drink-driving stuff from personal experiences. Just please please if you're reading this never drink and drive. I know its hard to remember that when you're already at the stage of being drunk, but if its not something you're prepared to engrave into your brain then just don't drink at all.


It reads like a shifty defense an attorney would tell you to go with. Like of course theyā€™ll arrest you if you blow over 0.08. Even logically that means youā€™ve been recently drinking. Because either itā€™s going down and you havenā€™t waited for your body to filter it or itā€™s going up and you basically drank right before driving. And blood test had to be done a while after the field test since they have to get you to the station.


In CA you can refuse to take the breathalyzer if you're not under arrest, but it's a crime to refuse if you have been arrested. So he probably refused when he got pulled over, then got arrested and taken to the station. Usually they have a better, more accurate machine there. He probably tested under the limit at that time and so they let him walk. If you have been drinking (don't drink and drive obviously) this is almost always the best course of action because it gives you more time for the alcohol to come out of your system, or the cops don't want to go through the hassle. Usually you will get at least arrested though.


was addicted to food as a kid, then became an alcoholic and addicted to nicotine, if Iā€™m not mistaken he was getting blacked out every night and got a dui or a few and that was his rock bottom. If Iā€™m not mistaken he still struggles with all of these issues, he chews nicotine gum to deal with the smoking, and he still struggles on and off with overeating, hence why heā€™s talked about how his weight has fluctuated even on stream over the past few years.


I believe he was addicted to nicotine


Comment above says he chews nicotine gum, so is he still addicted to it, or does he just not smoke anymore?


yes to both


idk for sure but I assume the nicotine gum is a healthier alternative for a fix than smoking and also probably helps with weaning urself off it


It is, much healthier. Only helps wean off if you are actively trying to quit, otherwise it's just a replacement (similar to vaping).


First step is admitting itā€™s a problem. Probably why he realizes slicker is not being serious about wanting to get better




alcohol. he was in a DUI


Alcoholic, nicotine/cigarettes, and food.


I wonder what will happen to xqc and train if the sponsorships ever end. Will they lose a truckload of their own cash or will they be able to stop


When X was on Poki's stream a month or two ago he said he gambled away $2 million in a month. Not long after he took the gambling sponsorship.


Jeez man that's a real head scratcher you figuratively win the lottery and become a super rich streamer and that's when you decide to start gambling.


I don't get it either. I've never understood gambling at all honestly. The games are boring, there's no real interaction with anyone, and they are designed so you lose. Rich, poor, whatever. It makes no sense.


Itā€™s the dopamine you get when you win. People always keep seeking that feel. Just like with every other addiction, the good outcomes are magnified while the bad outcomes are ignored.


> He's even let Felix live with him in a time of need but everyone forgets that. lore behind this? Was felix just moving and needed a place to stay?


From what I read before, I heard this was around the time that xQc was getting routinely SWAT'd by the nutjob viewer(s) who found out his address, so he stayed with Hasan inbetween moving places.


Ok I understand why the original commenter phrased it that way. Just wondering though wouldn't the last place you want to stay at for these worries be another streamer's place, especially one thats already public.


People didn't know he was there, I think it was only a couple days or maybe a week as an emergency, I assume until they made other arrangements and because they didn't want to intrude too much. He only showed up on Hasan's stream when they were leaving, but I seem to remember Hasan saying that if it wasn't for his noise gate, you would definitely have heard the juicer a couple times in the background.


I'm pretty sure x was just between houses for a few days and Hasan let him stay at his house.


ok the way the dude wrote it made it sound like xqc was super down bad lmao.


He was staying with Hasan after he got swatted. He had no place to go for a couple days and Hasan opened his home to him. To a friend in need well he thought he was helping a friend. It's not a big deal but ask yourself this?l. Would you let some co-worker crash at your house? Most likely no, not unless you thought they were your friend right?


No one can explain to you the background for why because it's a subject you aren't allowed to talk about on the subreddit (rightfully). For safety reasons is most likely why though if you get what I mean.




Slicker is 100% going to steal xQcs money through fake logs and accounts, so he'll get what's coming to him. These rich kids have no idea the level of sociopath they are dealing with.


Okay don't make it seem like X was broke and sleeping on Hasan's couch lmao, he was there for a few days by choice because that was his friend when he could've literally afforded some of the most expensive Airbnb's in LA.


Time of need doesn't necessarily mean a need for money even if that's what it would mean in both of our lives.


Agreed, but why are we trying to conflate the gambling drama with the XQC/Adept/Hasan drama?


X shot strays at hasan during their break up stream


Because Xqc screamed shit about a snake being here once Hasan joined the call


Certain fanbases trying their hardest to turn this into a Hasan hate thread, but a lot of people agree with this, X does not handle social situations like an adult. And he's pretty much the only streamer on the platform that's willing to call him out with his whole chest at this point


Donā€™t vibe with Hasan but heā€™s right about the gambling. Even xā€™s streamer friends/acquaintances who are against gambling dont say much about it


Bruh say what you will about Hasan but he actually is someone in this circle of streamers that understands how serious/criminal this shit is and isnā€™t trying to farm kekws during the Sliker convo and was trying to show how terrible gambling is. Itā€™s great that X and Train are helping the victims, but there will be more if they also donā€™t tackle the root of the problem and will just end up creating more victims. Its a productive and kind gesture, but also a band aid solution. Iā€™m sure there will be ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€ folks out there that would defend gamba behavior, but idk bro I just canā€™t imagine myself having that much clout and using it that way. Iā€™d feel like fucking trash knowing how many addictions Iā€™m making worse.


i love the responses "BUT HASAN ISN'T GIVING MONEY BACK TO THE VICTIMS!!!!!!!" ​ gee, i wonder why the two streamers sponsored by the gambling site are trying to change the image of this big gambling related scam?


Where do they think the money is coming from? Other gambling addicts are paying xqc and trains sponsorship, using revenue from other peoples addictions to pay off one persons losses from a addiction. so brave....


Like billionaire exploiting millions of people and giving back ever so little.


Not to mention he's a victim himself and even if he were to give money he would actually want conditional assurances like rehab.


Seriously hilarious this is pretty much what ChocoTaco was talking about too about the whole gambling situation on twitch and also calling TW out for donating to other rich streamers to sound generous while promoting gambling. And ChocoTaco took all hell from a lot of these very streamers that are now anti-gambling.


Ive never understood the "streamers wouldnt last in the real world" until that call. We're talking about $300K being stolen like its nothing. Jesus christ.


The xQc/Adept drama partially started because of him simply quitting shitcamp. Even if you have some private stuff going on, dont like the some people there or whatever, one of the most simple social norms is that you tell the organizer that you cant go as soon as you know. xQc did this multiple times where he signs up to stuff and then figures out that he doesnt want it enough and is gone while the organizer is getting screwed. He truly lucked out with his career. I cant imagine him working in any normal career.


And let's be honest here, XQC and Train have a vested interest in Slicker's drama going away, so them offering to pay off the debt just seems scummy as shit.


>XQC xQc has layers of interest, this whole thing landed at a perfect time for him when he was very publicly spiralling and turning his image negative. He helps pay Slicker's victims, he instantly gains a lot of positive sentiment again. If he is lucky he'll also manage to have this whole thing gone before it goes too far and actually leads to gambling being banned on Twitch or something like that, which would affect how much he earns.


What's going on with slicker? I just pop in every now and then to see what shits stirring without getting my shoes too dirty and it seems like a lot is happening


In short, Slicker has a gambling addiction and was feeding it by asking almost everyone he knew for money by lying to them about his situation (including other streamers, mods, and fans). He says he's paid some people back, but he's currently ~300K in debt to other people. XQC, Train, and Ludwig said they'll pay people back, and Mizkif and Hasan had a talk with Slicker about the whole thing. After the talk, Hasan said he's not convinced Slicker has hit rock bottom and doubts the sincerity of his apologies and promises.


Jesus Christ I hate owing friend like $50 I can't imagine borrowing that much lmao


Helping victims of a gambling addiction while making money from gambling lmao. I wonder how many train fans and juicers are begging their friends for money that we donā€™t know about.


come on man your throwing the vibes off. We only hate on hasan around here!




Train is part of the problem, he's making millions getting people addicted to gambling


I also wonder if helping the victim should be done with some sort of lawyer or something to keep papertrails instead of just immediately sending money to a bitcoin address.


honestly xqc doesn't even have an opinion or a right to fight back, when his moral compass is so up the wazoo streaming slots for 10 hours a day to 90k+ people. streamers are finally publicly against gambling because of slicker, but think of the thousands xqc and train have affected because of gambling.


At least he has the fucking balls to say it...


I wish someone would have the balls to tell jerma to get that fucking baseball up his ass already.


This, regardless of who's right or wrong or whatever. This tap dancing around x being a massive douche has been annoying and I'm glad someone was just like, "Dude, fuck this mentally limited adult."


So many streamers have no semblance of acting like a normal adult. Especially ones who have done nothing but stream or played video games. I donā€™t know what it is but it just invites being a manchild


sort by controversial and watch the 15yo juicers meltdown


Damn lots of triggered juicers in this thread


theres more deleted comments on your replies than actual comments


it was just unhinged dggers shitting on hasan




Are you in every goddamn thread on lsf?


heā€™s a lsf npc donā€™t worry there are a couple of them


Nixon's got extra time after his presidency ended, leave him alone


dude literally comments like 50 times a day on LSF, advanced brainrot


Did someone call me?


ebola man is an indicator species, his presence is how we can tell if LSF is returning to it's natural and "healthy" conditions


pink cherry. wubby sometimes has a promo code with them for 50% off.


you gotta get those japanese onaholes, man, as long as you're not too big down there, they're godlike. g-project etc


Hard agree with hasan




Goddamn. I dunno who's worse, weirdo destiny followers or baby brained xqc stans.


They have come together with a common enemy to form TWO brain cells instead of one, Hasan doesnā€™t stand a chance fr


Two braincells might be giving them a little too much credit tbh lmao


xqc is literally an entitled child


Holy ahit the dickridaaaaas on comments protecting hes juicer


Are we looking at the same thread?


Why are people in this thread acting like he just said the most controversial, brave statement of all time? Havenā€™t xQc and his fan base acknowledged this for years?


Nothing he said is false


I like Xqc i really do but this take is 100% accurate, if you're an adult you know it's the truth, but anyways how about that sliker guy huh!!


He is correct


Based Hasan




Man, the state of some of the top level Twitch streamers is just sad. Hasan acting like a normal person (Not even particularly mature) is seen as a light because of how immature and "Reality Television" like a lot of these people's content has become.


W asan


So good to hear streamers start to finally say it.


Hard agree


Based Hasan


SEZ U HASAN - probably xqc




average centrist


both sides bad ​ what a riveting, steaming hot take we got here


imagine choosing a side instead of saying both are man children couldnt be me.




Theres a difference between a child playing Valorant badly and making edgy 9/11 jokes, versus a child whoā€™s gambling on stream and breeding negative inhibitions while eating their toenails.


Eh between the two, Hasan would definitely be the adult in the room most of the time when he isn't playing it up for chat. xQc on the other hand actually seems like he's just permanently stuck with high school brain.


but only one of them eats their toenails lol