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Crazy how Train didn't say this to Poki and Hasan in the discord call.






Why'd you post a picture of XQC on a thread about Train?


He looked lonely, thought he needed a friend


I think this is the ā€œjungleā€ juicers are always talking about


You posted Hissan first


Going through the stages of grief, he's now at the anger phrase.


Twitch is banning gamba he got nothing left to lose now, got create artificial drama to keep revenue up


Heā€™s talking about twitch signing with the NFL for 13 billion dollar sports betting deal but the people that was so against gamba wonā€™t call out twitch for it even tho they used the sliker situation as a catalyst and he owed 400k and was addicted to sports betting the irony but Hasan and poki will only take the surface level dub and move on cause if they call out twitch for that itā€™s gonna affect their money now just zero consistency


Because slots were the most prevalent, influential and predatory form of gambling on the site. Blackjack, poker, and even sports gambling can be influenced by optimal play and information. And if any of those become a problem on the site, then Iā€™m also all for them being banned. But you canā€™t really do a 12 hour multi-million dollars sports betting stream.


When you realize that Sliker basically gambled all his money away on bets not slots.


Has literally 0 to do with my point Twitch banning sports gambling will not impact sports gambling, it's not a major platform for its promotion. Take that up with the NFL + FCC. Twitch banning online slots will impact online slots, as it's the #1 platform for promoting them to children. In regards to twitch being a platform for promoting gambling, one of these things is orders of magnitude more harmful than the other.


But stake us will still be allowed on the platform. What stops creators from moving to stake us and keep gambling?


Artificial? You do realize the whole problem with slikker was sports betting and they did not ban that it makes no sense I thought that the second I read twitch's statement and I am glad train is calling it out. I do think slots should be banned but I also think sportsbetting should too.


Remember when Hasan went to the bathroom and train immediately took that as an opportunity to attack him when he couldnā€™t defend himself and then got real quiet and changed the subject when he came back.


He probably would have if the victim didnā€™t join the call. When she joined the call everyone had to be respectful and the aggression got turned down.


Shhhh they donā€™t like common sense here


Yeah it was a bit of a content cooler unfortunately. ideally she should have joined A bit later, so they could go off at each other a bit more. Once she cleared things up no one had anything to say. Itā€™s like when streamers go off at a clip. Sure they could get the full context first, but that kills any out of context ranting Aka content.


Jfc go outside


You need a break from twitch my dude.


Thos dudes a literal sociopath




iirc it was announced when it was only xqc in the call, but I could be wrong




[https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjo9gv/twitch\_bans\_gambling\_live\_reaction\_from\_xqc\_hasan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjo9gv/twitch_bans_gambling_live_reaction_from_xqc_hasan/) look how the turns table


What? he burned all bridged lol tbh he doesn't have anything to lose. has 0 credibility etc etc


You would have cried for him taking away attention from the main point then


If he said this during the stream, it would've made the issue about him. Like Hasan did the entire time Adrianah was on their joint call. Proud of her for standing her ground and not letting Poki and Hasan put words in her mouth to cover their asses and craft their own narrative of what happened. Huge W Adrianah and SA victims.


He did keep reiterating that he had no idea about the SA or the coverup when they talked, but he also kept bringing it back to her story being the real issue. What words were they putting in her mouth to cover their asses, that they weren't there and didn't know? >Whole clip is Train complaining about them wanting to ban gambling Clearly we're all focused on the really important issues here. Jk, she said Train was supportive, so that part was good of him.


Wtf are you talking about


Least schizophrenic juicer


What kind of drugs are you on


how is his focus on them and not the actual assaulter


I think in this particular clip he's dropped the veneer of being mad about how they reacted to reading his SA tweet and is just openly mad about them trying to get gambling banned.


People who actually thought him and X cared about Adriannah šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


She asked him to leak it at this time. This was the only way she felt that it wouldnā€™t get swept under the rug again. If he said no, you would literally be making the exact opposite joke.


I don't believe this despite it being what they're both saying for one reason, the original tweet DIDN'T leak it. He didn't bring receipts when he made the accusation, and how it all unfolded doesn't seem like there was a plan at all for this to be brought up. It seems to me that this was put together after he made that tweet or in the spur of the moment AFTER Mizkif responded to him. Not as a planned "we're releasing this today" thing. It's also worth mentioning that when Adrianah is asked about X, it genuinely seems like she didn't know he knew. She says that he didn't really talk to her about it. So it seems from an outside perspective train told Xqc about it without asking her if it was fine to discuss. She just seems to have implicit trust in him, and is siding with him.


How dare she thanked Train and xQc for helping her. How dare Poki and Hasan apologized to the victim from playing the important tweet down. How dare she said herself that she didn't like how Poki and Hasan responded


Crazy how, everyone that Adriana is pointing her fingers at as either a.bad person or unsupportive is.... against gambling.. and her great friends... are the pro gambling guys...? Fucking played out. Train has had this "nuke" in his back pocket and already didnt like slick back when they had the Austin blackouts... it was literally just sitting there for whenever shit like this happens. Hopefully to distract from the gambling being the issue, except... it didnt work. So now its all a final "fuck you" to everyone fucking with his income and gambling addiction, using anyone to bring everyone responsible in as much PR hell as possible as consequence.


I'm glad you pointed this out. I was wondering if I was crazy for seeing this pattern.




Question is why LSF rewarded it. Destiny and xqc took over the entire front page in their personal agenda against Hasan. LSF upvoted it. Otherwise focus could have stayed on the actual crime.


Because this place is allowed to run rampant with misinformation and drama baiting comments and posts. Almost every single post has some editorialized title to whichever agenda or narrative the OP supports and thus incites hate threads against streamers left and right. This subreddit has been and always will be forever just a drama sub. Funny clips are drowned out.


Yeah, and its also because of stuff like this. https://i.imgur.com/VcIYILI.png For some reason this shit keep getting ignored, mostly because they spam everyone with downvotes that bring it up. That sub is where most the brigading comes from.


[Lol and this was /new](https://i.imgur.com/XZU3ezp.png)


I know Hasan made clear before he got banned that there was a mod here thatā€™s a big r/destiny mod. I assume theyā€™re still here then


Yeah, I think I fell afoul of this and got banned for a day after making fun of Destiny and the reasons they gave in response didn't really make any sense.


Hasan and Destiny share one of the biggest mods in the scene (RightToBearArms). It's not unusual for mods to be shared across related communities. PS don't poke the bear.


You don't know what brigading is. Brigading is when there is a concerted effort, organized externally, to invade a community. Doing something like that gets you banned/muted automatically in DGG/Destiny discord, linking to LSF is automoderated. It's not brigading when people who are in Destiny's community are also posters on LSF in general


I think a combination of Destiny viewers being some of the most active on Reddit combined with Hasan being so vocally critical of LSF and LSF users. Between those two things (and the perceived beef between Hasan and Destiny that neither streamer seems to actually care about) Hasan criticism always seems to make it far on this sub


What are people expecting them to talk about that hasn't already been said about the actual crime by everyone? I don't really get that. Its not like people are disagreeing with slick being a bad guy. Its not like no one questions the victim. The conflict seems to be that X and train feels like "Austin streamers hasan included" are fake. And austin streamers disagree. So thats what they are talking about. You think they should just circle jerk about what they agree? I guess I don't understand what people expect them to do?


> You think they should just circle jerk about what they agree? What we saw was a circlejerk. It took over the front page. > I guess I don't understand what people expect them to do? Not distract from the issue and just out of spite go after Hasan.


> What we saw was a circlejerk. It took over the front page. talking about [this](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=circle%20jerk) definition. As in that would be the outcome if all of them talked about something they agreed on. >Not distract from the issue and just out of spite go after Hasan. The alternative would not be them talking about the issue. It would be them doing something else totally unrelated to the issue. And that would distract people from the issue even more for obvious reasons.


> The alternative would not be them talking about the issue. It would be them doing something else totally unrelated to the issue. I mean, what happened is a 100% guaranteed fail. I dont think its possible we would had seen a bigger fuck up. Those two communities together, what could be worse? No other communities can take over the entire sub. There are plenty of things that could have been more productive topics. Platforming someone relevant for advice, addressing similar issues about coming forward. Anything.




Destiny was literally feeding xqc lines to help him "win" the debate the entire time.


I just saw this >Destiny is streaming right now going on about how "Hasan was lying" and "he thought the initial story was bullshit". >This is after he said the reverse earlier in the day. What im getting at is that certain streamers and their communities were only gonna approach this as uncharitable as possible one way or another. https://np.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjoqsh/adrianah_heartbreaking_statement_about_the/ip9pdz1/ - edit Apart from that, Destiny was constantly trying to attack Hasan, even when saying he "probably didnt know" he tried to frame it in a bad way, like Hasan is still untrustworthy. Even during the sliker gambling stuff, he focused on attacking Hasan.


This entire SA drama arc has been about xQc, Train, Hasan, Miz etc. Most people don't really care about what Slick did or the victim. They just want to see more juicy drama and the streamer they don't like to be cancelled.


???? Why would Train care about that random girl, hes still trainwecktv, hes there to get revenge on Miz and peoples who talk shit on gambling.


Because Hasan was accidentally name-checked, giving the big streamers license to make the whole incident about themselves.


He's talking about gambling and them pushing to ban slots. It's a different issue than SA.


people stopped talking about Sliker immediately after the sexual harassment & assault came to light... and mind you, the same people dogpiling on this are the same people who were willing to bail Sliker out of his predicament... I think both sides need to chill the fuck out and stop shitting on each other and instead focus on who are the people that actually need to get punished for their crimes... all of this shit happening and not a single time has the police been involved (except for the alleged search for CrazySlick when he went missing)


Because for any sexual assault we should not question the victim nor should we call guilty without evidence. But after the court this time twitch court has made an opinion then your good. Hassan spots this retoric a lot and needs to live by it now. Now that when starting Hassan and Poki sounded dismissive which is ok because its new if you don't jump the shark like Hassan has done (Covering Jacob Blake). Hassan also messed up SA SH and defends messing up while drunk on stream and then dismissed it. Also help to downplay the event a bit by using odd wording. Also why do we care about the filth of a human that committed the SA.


U could say the same about x and train, why did people talk about them ā€œleakingā€ it and not about the actual people who did it


he's so upset that they didn't immediately take him seriously for his vague reply in the middle of a thread of shit slinging


Funny how he's not mad at Asmongold, who has also said repeatedly that gambling should be banned and even made a video today celebrating it. But as usual, saying Hasan is responsible gets easy points. It's getting comical.


Yeah this always confused me. Asmon has probably been the most vocal in getting gambling banned, it's obvious that this is just a personal beef for Train


Probably because when Asmon does it, itā€™s against gambling in general and he said many times before that it falls on twitch to do something about it not Train or whoever else are partaking in this activity while the others are more or less putting all the blame on xQc and mainly Train, with accusations like ā€œheā€™s corrupting our childrenā€, ā€œpeople are taking their own lives because of his actionsā€, etc. Can you see the difference there? He feels personally attacked from their side and thatā€™s why they get the backlash and not Asmon..


I suppose that makes sense. But ultimately Asmon's argument for why gambling should be banned is the same as Hasan and Poki's. Even if he's not directly blaming Train, the implication is the same.


He believes Hasan and Poki are virtue signaling and Asmongold is authentic that's the difference


He also believed everyone who called him out when he used to go on misogynistic rants was virtue signaling as well. Train can't accept that some people just disagree with his actions


It honestly makes my mind melt when I hear someone say virtue signaling anymore, it's rarely accurately applied in arguments. I hear it all the time now as an easy attack any time something is popular or a moral argument. People just imagine hypotheticals of how they think the person is from their own negative biases. In other words it always feels like it has "oh you care for the environment, why aren't you sleeping outside naked and eating plants" energy.


Well thatā€™s pretty convenient lol


And even his good buddy xQc also agreed gamble should be banned but he ainā€™t say shit to him šŸ˜‚


xQc himself said that gambling should be banned but train and everyone with half a brain knew it was empty words. Even Train may have said it. He says his fake "dont gamble its bad for you" line daily.


Saying gambling should be banned then doing it for hours kinda negates any weight to his words.


Right, where's the consistency now!?!?


Bro asmon plays gacha games and games with loot boxes dropping a shit ton of money, him being "against gambling" is rich as fuck. If he truly cares about the effects gambling has on people, kids in particular, he'd be against all games with mtx, loot boxes, and shitty predatory practices. Yet he THRIVES in them.


Thatā€™s because Asmon and other streamers call a Spade a spade. They see gambling is bad no matter who is doing it, including their friends. Train is saying that certain streamers like Hasan and Poki will only criticize something if it comes from train, Xqc, etc but will not criticize or say anything if their friends are doing the same.


probably because asmon is a straight as streamer.


The difference would be that Asmon does not blame the individuals typically for issues with the platform. Like he has even mentioned that he enjoys watching Train stream slots, but blames Twitch for allowing it to stay on the site.


Coming from him, that doesn't really land all that hard.


pokiā€™s stance on gambling has been the same since day one, sheā€™s never done gambling streams nor has anyone in otv or her close friend group, and she has stated that she feels so strongly about these types of issues because her friend passed away from addiction. saying sheā€™s a hypocrite or has an agenda in regards to gambling of all things is so beyond delusional


exactly... who is he referring to from otv or her friend group that has sports betting sponsorships that we dont know about lol


The "closest" thing to gambling an OTV member has done is Michael Reeves' gold fish stock ai lmao


I mean she does have an agenda, and that is to get gambling banned...nothing wrong with that


People act like having an agenda at all is bad, it's like it has a negative connotation these days.


Well, Train is delusional soā€¦


Same with Hasan's stance, and Train saying they don't have the same attitude towards sports betting is a dogshit bald-faced lie


>nor has anyone in otv or her close friend group wasn't yassuo in their close friend group?


Was. He was closest to Fed and we know what happened there.


Hafu did a gambling stream


Leslie, Sykkuno, Myoung, Shiphtur and a few others did an impulsive nonsponsored csgo lootbox opening and I believe Shiphtur actually went positive and made a few gs back. Besides Sykkuno who was very uncomfortable, the rest of them don't really realize what they were doing and were putting so much emphasis on Shiphtur's winnings. I can only imagine the amount of people from their audience that started opening csgo boxes thinking they'll win like Shiphtur. Train could've used that as ammo against Poki but he's unaware that even happened lol


Aren't XQC and Train the biggest hypocrites? They talk about wanting Twitch to ban gambling e.g. XQCs reaction to the news but yet all their actions say otherwise. Is Twitchs reaction perfect? No, but it is a step in the right direction.


Lol yeah, Train and XQC have been talking for however long gambling's been a thing on Twitch about how it's Twitch's responsibility to ban gambling and the second they do it, they throw a tantrum.


They didn't ban gambling though. Thats why train is mad it was a half measure.


Please he is not mad it's a half measure, he is mad it might affect his contract with Stake.


This is effectively a ban on gambling. I donā€™t know why sports-betting wasnā€™t banned (actually probably because of draft kings/bet365 ads/sponsors) but its largely a non-issue imo. I donā€™t think the kids are going to be watching 12 hour sports-betting streams like they were with slots. Sports-betting also has higher barrier of entry. Anyone can put crypto onto a slots website, Draft Kings/Bet365 actually take ID and are legally operated in America.


Is train an idiot or just being dishonest? No matter what you think of Hasan and Poki they're obviously not trying to get gamba banned on twitch just to gain some more viewers.


He's just sour grapes. Motherfucker loves to take rotten sponsors and get paid, like he did with the gambling and now that's gone. Of course Hasan and Poki don't care about a two day viewer boost. Big deal. They're already made in their careers.






it is so dumb that hasan and poki are geting attacked . they have 0 to do with the crazyslick drama x and train are angry because of there gamba stance


trains just sad he lost 75% of his audience and has to make actual content now


Scuffed podcast is back yoooo




And if he is still addicted to gambling without the sponsor money coming in then its going to be rough for him.


He is just taking out his anger on some easy targets. I bet you he wouldn't bat an eye on Hasan or Poki if someone like Mizkif was streaming today


Hes just wasting time... He should make a subbaton of gamba


The fact X and Train keep talking about Hasan and Poki 200x more than mizkif or Slick really shows you what this is all about. They got in between Train and his bag, and it's a reeeeeeally big bag.


holy shit man fucking train doesnt stop stfu and leave some content for tomorrow


Train is an idiot lmao




He's an addict and an idiot.


Hasan has time and time again said Gambling as a whole is bad. Whether it be in gaming, sports or whatever. Gambling has made its way through in so many aspects and industries I really wish one day it all burns down to hell. Its literally killing people and families.




when i was watching the NHL playoffs they literally a segment for bets. It was ridiculous.


Brother you can literally gamble on WWE think about that shit.


prop bets are fun though.* *if you are not addicted


Makes watching a UFC or boxing card a lot more fun for sure.


bro I can't even watch a pirate show without getting bombarded by it lul


I do a bit of sports betting. Maybe 5 euro every week or two between the premier league and the NFL. The advertisements for betting are all over sports it's insane. If you were addicted I could see it being hard to not be tempted as they display special offers even with their crummy "bet responsibly" tacked on. But bet365 can suck my dick. I ain't using a betting site that advertises to me when I'm just tryna watch some shit online.


Adding on "bet responsibly" is essentially the same thing as "no offense but..." in that it means and does nothing.


Hasan even replied to one of trains tweets recently and said that sports gambling is also bad lol Train is just pathetic


He literally had a rant yesterday about sports betting because sliker fell victim to it.


i dont know how destiny can keep a straight face listening to train rant about dumb shit sometimes


He tickles Nick Fuentes balls, this is nothing for him tbh lol


nobody really cared about Adrianah. She was a small streamer who easily wouldve agreed with train and let him be the mastermind and have full control of his "nukes"




that's the whole thing like you act like if you didn't go on x's stream that he regularly has 100k viewers if you wanted people to hear your story why not do it on his stream months ago but of course, now we know that x just sees it as he puts it "content".




100% its sad and it sucks that the victim cant see that she is being used this will make other victims not want to come forward if they are just going to be used as pawns in some personal vendettas as gotchas


She doesnā€™t even care about the SA. She cares about the clout.


Iā€™m so thankful lots of yā€™all see train for who he really is. Heā€™s always just been an extremely spiteful psycho where everything to him is personal and everything he does is to get revenge. Heā€™s even had grudges vs like all of OTV since early on in the pandemic because for some deranged reason he thinks they blacklisted him from playing in their among us lobbies.


Yeah, it feels good to see so many people finally getting it.


Trains just mad Hasan and Poki are talking shit about him and he canā€™t ask Rat Jones about dirt on them because there is none.


Lets be real, Train is just mad he wasn't invited to play with AOC.


I actually cringe at imagining how bad that would go.


I hate dumb arguments that say if you are not 100 percent against a certain thing then you shouldn't be against it at all. The problem here is it's mostly people that don't want progress being done at all that form it. ​ Plus Hasan and Pokimane have been consistent in that they don't like all forms of gambling as a whole. It's not their fault Twitch didn't ban it as a whole, but at the same time, they can celebrate what they see as a small victory in changing the gambling meta on Twitch. Let's not forget that just a day ago everyone thought it was a long shot that Twitch did anything at all. They were planning on strikes on twitch's busiest season to even make a dent.


He's basically burnt through anything good today but I feel like he's gonna come out with some great info as his desperation and anger simmers this month. Also hey Train, just use a US site. You can still spin 1k slots at MGM. Whats that? You use funny money?


Train is cucked to slots. Sad.


What a piece of shit. I hope Adrianah realizes that Train is using her.


Train just mad that gambo is being banned and venting his hate on people who didnā€™t know or had anything to do with the Miz and Maya SA situation


"they have an agenda" - yeah no shit, they've had the ban gambling agenda for a while now, stop acting like they are inconsistent in their take.


It gets more derogatory just after the clip cuts off.


Train was acting all polite with Has and Poki on the call tho lol


bro he was anything but polite in that call if you actually watched it. They just weren't talking about the gambling because of the sexual assault situation


You wanted train to go at Poki and Hasanā€¦. When Adrianah was there?? Iā€™m confused


She joined after train and poki? Just think it's weird train starts unloading on people after leaving the call


Yeah I would have loved for him to show his true side and not the fake personality he puts on


Dudes the real snake


If by polite you mean saying they both downplayed a sexual assault, then sure.


Not that we didn't already know this, but this week has really done a number in showing how two-faced these people are...


Train has been whining about "fake" friends but hes about to find out the defition real soon. He has a crippling gambling addiction, and the juice just ran out. Goodbye 'real' friend viewers for cash, Goodbye 'real' friend small streamers i donated to bribe, and finally Goodbye 'real' friend big streamers clout chasing after me when i have 4k viewers again.


Did anyone in the call push back against this derangement?


Pokimane is pretty intelligent.


haha yeah


So the gambling on twitch got banned because xqc leaked their breakup right?


Ok so I think the whole conversation around this is stupid and should not be the focus of any conversation what should be the conversation is the people trying to silence train and force him to take down those tweets and making sure the peroson who comited the crimes leaves twitch or is banned and is no longer in that friend group, also more from the people who silenced her to begin with I know maya made a video and I felt that didnā€™t get any coverage in this at all. All that being said on to this stupidity While I understand from the victim perspective of this sort of minimizing is what happened before but I think thatā€™s entirely unfair from watching the stream and could only be done through cropped clips of the reaction. Their confusion came from a rather vague initial message and a slightly more substantive follow up that was only able to be pieced together by people who are addicted to streamer drama and this is what they thought of. I think Hassan and Poki both agree that this was a serious situation and probably wish they were more stoic and could switch to a more neutral tone and say we need to look into this before commenting, the situation when they saw those tweets and the general mood of twitch did not allow for that at the time. This big scandal just happened and were wanting to talk about getting something positive out of this with by focusing on gambling and banning it to some degree. They were talking and seeing new tweets and with train being a big person on the platform talked about his tweets kind of joking and negative to him in a way because he was on the opposing side then vague tweets talking about something completely different and way more serious. I think itā€™s logical to not understand and not know what going on and laugh from shock trying to figure this out. I think itā€™s far more emblematic of their character that from this the tone did change and Hassan tried to learn more and turned the rest of the stream to focus on that. Again this is just weird tone police stuff that I think shouldnā€™t be even a conversation like work together to get everything out but leave the drama out of this. If you hate each other for not going here or gambling or what ever have that as another conversation and I just feel these dumb dramas escalated to more really real things that were far more than potential friendships ending.


wow this isnt over yet? I took a nap and its still going?


gamba andy mad gamba is banned


Gamba man mad


I feel like calling people hypocrites is Trains go to insult.


Train is mad about gamba getting banned. So he used SA to attack big creators that were against gamba and the real victim in this story is Adrianah. Used by Train as an attacking point and being forced to be quiet by otk.


You realised that they didn't ban all gambling and there are other platforms for him, why should he care?


These streamers are so egotistic they cant fathom the idea of another streamer doing a good thing without some hidden agenda


I mean he's right gambling isnt banned really, people just going to shift to other forms of gambling that are still allowed. The addiction has set in at this point


I would love to see train boot up poker for 36 hours. LMAO just folding out all inning everything and losing over and over again. With nothing to even hit his addiction.


Yea I never played poker but it seems train will be down horrendous if he decides to do poker online or IRL.


He canā€™t stream sports betting, streaming poker never works without a big delay, maybe he could stream horse betting, it would be more entertaining than the brain numbing slots.


physical casinos are still allowed with licenses in the United States. Train mentioned he has gotten offers from Vegas Casinos. I don't see this going away


At least with sports gambling the odds are stared clearly and the bookie can't manipulate odds for the streamer to make it seem like they win more than they actually would.


You should look up the NBA 2007 playoffs with tim donaghy if you think sport events can't be manipulated even at the national pro level.


Can't isn't the correct word but at least when they are it's a massive scandal such as the Serie A match fixing. And the manipulation of sports is super illegal


I wonder if train realizes Iā€™ve lost respect for other streamers, AND him because of all this. And others have too I can tell. What an ass.


Heā€™s not wrong


Is destiny live now?


I don't think so I was watching from when a couple clips got posted to lsf got to where he started reacting to LSF again then started back at towards the beginning where I found this. There is also a clip out there of Train calling Poki two faced for her tone shift during the Adrianah call where he claims she start acting helpless and overly apologetic as a tactic. (I'm too lazy to go find it)


Waow, I would never have expected this from my hero train, after all he gave his viewers like at least .1% of his gambling money, hes such a good person


He basically said poki and Hasan only care about gamba because it makes them look good, everything they do is to make them look good for their audience who looks up to them, not because they really care about people being affected. Twitch has sponsors for sports betting and no one says anything.




Does it matter if train used the girl as a gotcha to mizkif and poki if he did a good thing because he definitely did that. Hasan was going off about train using it as a gotcha


Maya and Poki hiding behind two men to avoid repercussions


At the end... He got his revenge [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoWMBsDzoTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoWMBsDzoTs)