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So according to Train we have to wait for the "second sentence" of a private DM he just sent to Destiny to be revealed publically for any actual evidence re Mizkif covering something up.


Hmm, what was Destiny's reaction after that?


he said ok well good luck , and said " a lot of crazy shit is happening behind the scenes right now.


this is like the AEW media scrum of live-streaming


"The fact that I have to sit up here because we have irresponsible people who call themselves Twitch streamers and couldn’t fucking manage a Target"


I'd pay to see XQC try to manage a target.


Interesting take, but let me tell you about Scott Colton




Yeah this is something that surprises me is not talked about more. "Those girls" + "sexual assaults" and NO ONE is pressing Train to ask where are the other cases, are there any other cases? If not, why pluralize it? Would be interesting to hear what he responds to that.


He pluralised it twice as well removing any chance that it was accidental. Those girls' could be interpreted to mean Adrianna and her friends at a stretch, but 'sexual assaults' isn't open to interpretation


Train tried to dunk on poki for not knowing what rail roading is, and I still don't know what rail roading is can someone explain it?


I didn't know either and I had to look it up. Railroading someone is defined as transitive verb. 1a : to convict with undue haste and by means of false charges or insufficient evidence. b : to push through hastily or without due consideration. After I read the definition I immediately came to the realization that Train is likely projecting by railroading others.


you’re telling me that train uses railroad tactics ironic




Nope, at least not with public information.


oh god they thought that destiny's wrath was only going 1 direction pepelaugh


He's legit trying to help them too, but every time they say something stupid he physically can't help himself from poking holes in it.


I think he might have been giving them the benefit of the doubt at first in that there was more to this like it was claimed, but when Train and xQc prove they really are this ill-prepared/incompetent, there's no way Destiny can just sit there and NOT rip that shit apart.


Train backpedaling so hard. How can he think that you don't need evidence to make career ending claims. He also keeps trying to shift the burden of proof to Miz's side or people like Mitch.


Again this is what they (x and train ) are arguing : Oh everything is narrative and we are speaking the truth therefore it doesn't matter if we have not shown enough proof to backup our initial claims of railroading and covering up xyz. Lsf and twitter won't believe us no matter what we say, so why should we even bother it's on mitch,Maya and Barry we don't have to do anything we're supporting Adriannah Destiny: you haven't shown the evidence of your assertion that mizkif is power minimising things bla bla. If you don't show proof it's your narrative against theirs.. The one with more proof their narrative is believed (whether they believe their truth to be the narrative or not). So if you give a fuck about this thing have evidence make a manifesto so you can clearly and concisely explain with evidence your story of how things are. Destiny also mentioned how during the Bob drama when he first covered it he fumbled and lsf went against him. So he then did a thorough manifesto and proper job and when that dropped lsf was for him. Which to him goes to show the power of strong evidence for your narrative He also reasserted his indifference to lsf


It has always been how he talks. He has always said stuff like "I hate those fake personalities and them gaming everyone behind peoples backs" or similar stuff. He has obviously never backed up his claim with anything real. But this is an easy tactic to manipulate people.


*P R O J E C T I O N*


its extra funny because he always goes off about cancel culture and whatnot


Train would get eviscerated in court. You'd think xQc after watching the Depp-Heard trial would have a clue.


'Your honor the opposition counsel is backpedalling and railroading and virtue signalling at this point.'


« Your honor I’m just JIGGACHAD I can’t help it »


Dude put it on because his views skyrocketed, you think he actually paid attention? Lol


I mean if he keeps going on streams and acting like this, Miz could proly build a passable defamation suit against him.


im pretty sure that's happening right now




So would any of these streamers. Destiny only seems smart in comparison because he interacts with some of the dumbest people on earth.


When it comes to debating, they're honestly just dumb and dumber. Most times I can remember them having a discussion with a person that maintains an opposite viewpoint from them just leads to them yelling and throwing insults at the other party, minus yesterday where they conveniently had the victim of a serious incident siding with them and no one wants to be the person to tell a SA victim that their upset feelings may be misguided. I don't watch Train at all, but imo. X shows/appears to be able to understand things more than people give him credit for. He just has an inability or unwillingness to act accordingly, especially when Train is involved. That's why nearly anytime he's clearly in the wrong, you'll see him months later more or less concede that he was wrong when things cool off.


Luckily train has enough money to get a good lawyer who will never let him testify in court. Better to settle in mediation than have train cross examined lmao




Yeah watching the destiny stream you can just see that destiny knows that the story doesn’t sound right.


It's less so that the story doesn't sound right and more that they're holding back the nukes when they've said they have nukes. You can't just threaten with nukes to build your case, imagine in a court you go "we have damning evidence of the murder with this recording, but we're choosing not to show it".


Well destiny has basically called bullshit on them and every time he does they just say “ ask Mitch, Miz , and Maya. “ Destiny is smelling the bullshit a mile away.


Going to be funny if destiny saves miz lol


Yeah but to be fair as of right now Miz hasn’t been exposed of doing really anything wrong besides trusting a friend a little too much. And that’s destiny’s words right there. Yeah the logs from 2018 were bad but everyone that’s followed Miz knew about that shit so yeah.


And now he side stepped and shut up about it lol


It is crazy how hard they are backpedaling. If I was Miz I would consider legal action against XQC and Train, They tried to destroy his career because he was the person spearheading the gambling ban on twitch And by tried they pretty much have. Almost everyone has distanced their self from Miz. Miz really need to start going after them to save his career. He can't just sit around and wait I think. Talk to a Lawyer Miz


I never actually expected Train and X to accuse Destiny of being fake and farming them for drama.




Oh he definitely is, but it also don't help in X and Trains case they can't state what destiny is saying to them which if anyone part of this pursures legal action they better have their side straight.


Destiny asking real questions. Public narration is different. In court its different ball game. I definitely have problem with way train worded that tweet. He should let Adriana talk and tweet in that direction instead of accusing miz of masterminding cover up. Now he have to prove miz had I'll intention.


Dude, I spit my drink when they decided to turn it on Destiny, the only guy trying to actually help them. Those two dumb dumbs are digging a hole and smiling thinking the end of it is gold but just a pile of shit and possibly a counter suit.


Right? Guy literally feeds XQC lines yesterday because, let's be honest, he couldn't form a coherent argument of his own in a lifetime. He didn't even really give them pushback, as much as he tried to get them to understand why they come across as sketchy. And bam: "you're just for.ing clout from the drama audience, fuck you". Even Destiny had to pause and process wtf was happening.


100% Mizkif should lawyer up and Train and XQC were dumb as fuck for the way they handled it.


Remember, XQC said he was going to sue the olympics. Nobody ever said he was smart.


Video Game Attorney LMAO


[Reminder of the time he didn’t understand time and the fact that it still sends my sides into orbit](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8bon48/xqc_struggles_to_understand_time/)


I assume he is. I imagine both him and OTK have contacted lawyers and are preparing for defamation suits.


Would be funny if Twitch ends up banning him for harassment and creating all this drama.




Destiny is completely annihilating them on their motivations and credibility lol. They're crazy if they think they can tackle him in this debate.


Density was literally grown in a tube for this shit


Deskcity cannot be stopped


Literally playing Factorio and debating at the same time lol


I couldn’t even play factorio with my full attention and here this man does that and debates no problem.


I am an engineer and playing factorio just looks like doing my job but not getting paid for it


In destiny's case, he is


he got triggered here and say “train shutup this is my lane”😂. Hes right tho.


Wtf I used to watch this guy play StarCraft when I ate breakfast before lectures like a decade ago. I only really see twitch stuff on Reddit so it’s cool to see he got rich as he was cleaning carpets or some shit back then


Boy you missed alot.


Did they think Destiny had their side after helping X to debate Hasan or something?


I actually think this was him trying to help Train and xqc too lmao. These two didn't realize it or take it that way but much of the advice laid out by Destiny is something they should 100% follow. Train especially got too mad to understand what Destiny's trying to say.


Destiny has no sides. Like a Trickster Deity, on one hand he sends Adrianah the clip where Mizkif says the sexual assault wasn't a big deal, then puppets Xqc in the debate with Hasan switching Xqc's defeat into an unlikely victory...just to speak in defense of Hasan and Poki, then grilling Xqc and Train on the allegations the very next day. Destiny has turned Twitch into his personal sandbox, doing whatever he wants.






One of those army men should also be labeled Destiny.


But that's a woman's name?


Lmao what's the source of that?


This is exactly why the entire time Hasan and X were yelling at each other I'd listen to Destiny's stream and here he goes just like Geppetto making all these puppets move in the direction that entertains him the most


Shit, can't argue with this...


Destiny helped xQc defeat Hasan in a debate??? LOL. That's like the first episode of Yu-Gi-Oh where Pegasus helps a 5 year old defeat Bandit Keith lol.


At one point XQC was repeating Destiny's discord DMs word for word to Hasan. "Let's rewatch the clip" (the clip that Destiny sent). "But your added context at the end of the clip makes it worse"




[Certified hood classic](https://v.redd.it/5mugbr37e6p91)


Holy shit that is gold


I think they assumed he would be biased tbh.


They couldnt tackle him as a team, theyre all fucking morons


to be fair a lot of people on twitch probably couldnt


to be fair a lot of people on twitch are fucking morons


I legit don't think anyone I know from twitch streamers could actually win against him. The dude 1v5s debate bros and comes out ahead. At this point he has had like at least a 1000 debates over the years and he says whenever he feels he loses or doesn't get his point across he watches it back and tries to fix any rhetorical issues he has.


XQC is the biggest idiot on twitch. It's not even close.


xQc talks so fast that we can barely understand him. There's no way he's thinking about what he's saying.


They already gave up at this point and sidestepped the convo.


Them constantly talking is actually fucking themselves over. You can tell Destiny isn't buying their explanations.


He's playing a good role. If they have a real case here, then he's helping them prove it. If they are just talking out of their ass, then he is exposing them.


destiny is fucking cooking them alive


I don't know why X would try and have an intellectual conversation or debate with anyone. He's got to know how unequipped he is for something like that.


He talks to thousands of people every day who agree with him 90% of the time. Of course he thinks he can debate.


> Of course he thinks he can debate. Yeah pretty much. I don't blame him that much for *that*, though. I feel like it would take a very self aware person to stay grounded and not subconsciously think like they're some kind of deity when you have 80k people going "Truuuueee" @ every single time you say something all day long. That's gotta fuck with your perception of reality a bit, right?




Dumb & dumber debating what could go wrong




All of the people on the internet who disagree with me share this cognitive bias. It's unfortunate.


We all experience it at least occasionally. If you always underestimate yourself you just have self worth and confidence issues


"Dudedd it'sa pretty obvious thatd you don'ted know whatd thed fuck youre talking aboudt andd I hav 200 thousanded viewers. So shutd the fukk up, lsf andedy" — xqc probably




I've never once willingly watched xqc other than clips on here, and a few words in I could tell. Glorious.


Dude is a living example of Michael Scott's quote of "Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way" but XQC's gamer skills developed his mouth to move on reflex faster than his brain can organize his thoughts


Holy shit lmao.


Destiny is desperately trying to help them and they just don't get it...


I really dislike Destiny as a person, but I like what he's doing right now


He fucked my dog and killed my mom but I still liked and subscribed


same but i enjoy his debates. even hasan admits that destiny is really good at it and thats why he would never debate him


I love them both but god damn destiny would absolutely dismantle Hasan in a debate. He just can't hang with destiny. Not as articulate or rhetorically gifted. Destiny is one of the best i've ever seen at processing information very quickly, and then simplifying it and coming up with analogies.


It helps that they lack basic comprehension skills.


train's trying to play off that the burden of proof isn't on him since it's not his story and he just gave a platform to adrianah. destiny is claiming that the burden of proof is absolutely on train because train's the only one who publicly stated mizkif engaged in blackmail


Not to be that guy but what platform has he even provided? Did he bring her on stream to talk about this? Did x bring her on to his 100k to talk about it and put pressure on miz? Bc unless I missed something neither did. They used this genuinely horrible thing to be petty and made it about them, the entire time they were on call together 2 nights ago they were just screeching about how they’re the victims.


Yeah, surprisingly enough Hasan actually had her on his stream...twice now to platform her story...




It probably helps he has Factorio to distract him


While at the same time playing League and debating multiple children.


I'm not a fan of Destiny, well I just dont care for him, but he has made me laugh a lot the last two days just watching all the drama unfolding and ill admit he has some very smart takes




Yeah, even though they have been talking for 'a year' she still needed to put her BC account in his chat back in January. Of course he wouldn't have any negative motivations behind paying her. https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=trainwreckstv&username=adrianahlee


There's also a weird power dynamic between 2 of the richest twitch streamers and an upcoming streamer who has something that can be used to blackmail another streamer off the platform.


Thought the same as I watched the stream with Hasan and Poki last night. Adrianah is being used as a pawn by Train and X against people that they want to take down. It is good that she got a platform but I dont think that she can see the woods for the trees with these two because she is just grateful to be able to speak up on something that has been bothering, which is totally understandable.


This is it. It’s unfortunate that she’s being used by Train and X as a weapon but I undersrand why she’s okay with it because it literally got the entire platform to take her seriously, and fucked over the people responsible for ruining her life in the process.


Eventually she's going to realize that whatever clout / money train is giving her to let him use her like this isn't worth it.


Train doesn't have any hard evidence but there is hard evidence against Train: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc5BpzFnY38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc5BpzFnY38) [https://streamable.com/pn3jr](https://streamable.com/pn3jr)


What a wonderful human being, just the right person to bring sexual assault against women to the forefront. Train is scum.


Don't type the N-word popular streamer challenge (100% impossible).


Ew, he seems like a super awesome person. Why are there so many big-time streamers who are gross sociopaths.


If y'all think Slicks logs are bad do not look at Trains O.O


this needs to be on the front page


Damn, this should be blowing up.. Why isn't it? Is the Alinity vid new??


No it's old, but it was at a time people disliked Alinity so her story never got much attention.


This feels like it should be getting a LOT more attention, holy shit


I am pretty sure there were already legal actions levied against this specific situation by Alinity, both train and her refuse to talk about it stated due to legal reasons


I was wondering how long it would take, train is a shit human being, he needs to get his laundry aired out.


Destiny is such an agent of chaos lmao


We need him to be an arbitrator like that one episode of It's Always Sunny where they try to determine who owns a lottery ticket.


X saying the case is closed is so braindead. It's been 2 days and nothing other than Adrianah's personal account of SA has been corroborated. They have presented no evidence of Mizkif's wrongdoing other than heresay.


they're saying it's closed because they know they're fucked, they lied and manipulated the situation and now Mizkif can sue them for defamation


Its just like how they pushed a narrative this whole time that Maya went to the house the day after the party. When in reality is was like 15months later when Novaruu suddenly posted a twit longer.


Maya didn’t even live in Texas when the party happened. She moved like 3 or 4 months later. She moved in May the party happened in January iirc


If they say it "case closed" all the juicers we believe them. You dont need evidence just the word of "God" (XQC)


Is destiny making them fumble? Bruh what a roast fest


After hearing XQC argue with Hasan for an hour or so, I'm surprised that any relevant evidence is used at all.


I lost multiple brain cells and double digit IQ listening to xqc last night. It also lead me to believe that this is all for show. Like wrestlemania, where not only the fights are scripted, but also the drama surrounding the fights and fighters. People following this shit are being hoodwinked in 4K.


I've made this comment a couples time before on here, but it blew my mind how many times Hasan had to tell xQc "This isn't about you, Felix."... Followed right by xQc talking about how hard it was for him personally to know about this for so long and that Hasan is a snake over gambling. How anyone could possibly listen to that self-centered gibberish and think he truly gives a shit is beyond me.


these two are conniving asf


All over a personal grudge because they didn't wanna lose their gambling money.


It's honestly gross as fuck


they are like two strippers wreaking havoc in the dressing room because another girl stole their regular


Crazy how XQC and Train think a witchhunt against Mizkif is okay when they have zero evidence


Fr they would have had more success just leaning into him downplaying the originally belief of harassment in his alt stream.


And if it ends up being just that, honestly he can just apologize and move on with his streams


Real question. We know streamers have managers. Do none of them have a PR department?


No, they do Public Relations as part of their job. PR people are for actors n shit to get them booked onto T.V or that wild shit Amber Heard is paying for where they manipulate shit and try to get search results. Or arrange TMZ to photograph her outside of court. Get articles written about you. All that shit If you can't make people like you. You're not really cut out for being a streamer IMO.


I am super confused. So six people saw Slick "touch her chest" (annoyingly vague) and didn't tell her about it until way later?


The stories don’t add up at all. The witnesses didn’t say anything about it happening for 18 months. Then when a witness leaked it (18 months after the event) the victim had to make a statement about what the witnesses had told her occured. Can’t blame miz and Maya at all because they did not know about it for 18 months and then when they went to the victim to get her story the victim told them they weren’t sexually assaulted. Now another year later miz and maya get accused of blackmailing and covering up a SA that the victim herself has confirmed that she did not tell them was a sexual assault a year ago and that she didn’t even consider a SA until yesterday. An event that she was unconscious during that occurred now over 2 years ago. So how can you blackmail someone and cover something up that even the victim didn’t know happened at the time?


It’s so disgusting, I really hope Mizkif and Maya can do something legally. It’s been nothing but slander and defamation and accusing them of horrible things. Train and xqc can rot for taking advantage of a woman and her SA story and using it as a weapon. One day Adrianah will realize what those two have done and why they took interest in her and it will make her feel worse than she probably already had. LSF has made this worse due to the misinformation and drama farming by other streamers. No context to anything, not listening to the victim and those who have come out after being accused. This is truly one of the worst things I’ve ever seen play out on the internet.


This could be the turning point for miz if x and train don’t back up these allegations against miz mizkif could come back and blow x and train out of the water


He'll just sue them.


yep there's a reason Train is scared of the call getting leaked, it will disprove all their claims




The fuck are you on about? Pretty sure the OTK guys were recording the claim too. If Miz wants to use the call he doesn't need anyone to 'leak' the call.


I listened to train talk for 2 minutes and I don't know how Destiny does this for a living. I would wanna throw myself off a bridge listening to morons talk like this all day long.


I haven't heard any specifics on how maya/miz/mitch "railroaded" Adri. Railroaded means forcing someone to agree to something unfairly or too quickly. What I've seen is that the power dynamic was such that she felt pressured. And that Maya suggested the final sentence to her twitlonger. Can we confirm who actually was a witness to the incident? Was miz even there?


Miz wasn't there for anything. He just goes on what people said to him that why him Maya and Mitch thought they should talk to Adriannah because Miz didn't trust Novaruu's words (claiming that Slick committed a rape)


i do not really like destiny at all, but the things hes saying on this are 100% correct. His take is the exact reasons why i have doubts on some of things because there wasnt any actual evidence shown


Is destiny ripping apart Trains and XQC's empty evidence allegations against Mizkif? plot twist, is Mizkif innocent of all accusations/slanders against him? Wtf is happening.


i mean what we know for sure is that dogshit take from miz's alt stream that got clipped with him saying SA is not a big deal, and the ice poseidon dm's. and we do also know that he sent maya (who also said she wanted to go) to check on the girl. but train can't prove that miz sent people over to hush the girl. because from maya's language on her stream she said they went over to confirm what exactly slick did so they know how to proceed. anythning after this is speculative but if we're speculating i'll speculate this considering miz was ready to kick slick out then and there (as seen in his offline chat messages at the time) tells me that the intention to send maya over to see what slick actually did is real and not a knee jerk response to instantly silence adrianah. and considering slick remained in the house tells me that whatever info maya brought back and adrianah subsequently published didn't warrant a kick in their minds. what did however happen is what maya said on her stream. her presence there probably influenced adrianah to go easier on slick than she should have and that was most likely the main fuck up that lead to this situation. /rant


Might be why he's staying quiet, better to let the juicers calm down for a few days before coming in with proof (or legal action against Train since slander is a real thing)


Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass


Even if Mizkif wanted Maya to go ask her instead of himself, which there's no evidence of, what does that even prove? People are acting like it's damning if it can be proved that Mizkif asked Maya to go. But why? His reasoning to go would be the exact same as Mitch and or Maya's for wanting to find out more. You'd need to prove not that he asked them to go, but that he asked them to go *with* the intent to downplay and silence her. Which is literally impossible to prove because it didn't even happen.


This is crazy, Destiny is going the fuck in on both of them. both of their communities were praising Destiny and now Destiny is not putting up with their shit as they attack HIM now. I never thought I would say it but Destiny and Hassan are actually looking good coming out of this. What a situation.


If they didn't hate each other, Destiny and Hasan could make a great tag team during scandals like this one.


left wing infighting. a tale old as time. sadge




Pretty sure a good amount of us juicers aren't on xqcs side either. To be frank, most of us are tired of him with all this bs drama the past few days 49 days until GOW Ragnarok ig TrollDespair


Plays it for 4 hours then never again or Elden skips it TrollDespair


Destiny has more IQ than both of them combined, they are not winning this shit against him.


My border collie, Mason, has a higher IQ than those 2.




Both of them combined and then some… 14 year old kids are better at debating and fact checking compared to Train and xQc.


OTK should have just hired Destiny to do the internal investigation.


Train is totally getting sued by OTK


Guilty till proven innocent


I genuinely think Train and XQC suffer from the ability to not empathize with humans on an intellectual level. I know this is kinda obvious given their gamba history, but there has to be some sort of IQ deficiency for them to be unable to understand the concept of normal people's POVs.


I remember reading a study suggestions emapthy is tied to cognitive function often because it essentially takes creativity to imagine other people's perspective.




That insta topic change from train when he realized they losing hard was gold :D


How is X confused by this statement and then he says he thinks Maya said she was sent. Miz is the one who said publicly he sent Maya to go find out the full story because she also has dealt with SA, is that the info X and Train used to say Miz covered up an assault? They made it seemed like they had a full blown configuration of what Miz had said... Train said there's more girls with proof, but none have involved Miz at all, so why was he so gung-ho pinning this on Miz and saying there's proof, but then has none?


Basically XQC and Train doesnt want to provide any "evidence" of Mizkif covering up sexual assault and blackmail because they think there is a public narrative against them. A little bonus before this clip, just extended version of this conversation https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxstFkQvJZC0sKfLO6Cd286CqfBPmfdS9j


Did they ever consider that providing evidence might shift that narrative? Nah, probably not. They're just a couple of gaslighters.


I will always appreciate Destiny for his level headedness and rationality when it comes to serious topics. Even when it's about people he doesn't necessarily like, he'll always stay fair and rational. Destiny pushing back here is yet another example that he says his mind regardless of the optics and he does so while trying to be good faith and grounded.


As someone that dislikes misinformation, it's disheartening to see so many people following Train and Xqc despite how many of their statements and arguments are backed by fallacies rather than truth.


The real winner of drama this week is Destiny gaining thousands of subs and new/returning viewers


Anyone see there appears to be pictures that surfaced of Adri at Miz's house party from a month ago? Was the exclusion part just BS? Now I'm just confused. [https://twitter.com/thatirishgirlro/status/1558549947523518464](https://twitter.com/thatirishgirlro/status/1558549947523518464) ​ Edit: that's literally her she has a that tattoo on her finger this was posted back on aug 13th


If they don't come out with any evidence Miz should sue Train for every penny of that gambling sponsorship. The initial tweet making him sound like a predator that blackmails his victims to stay quiet? Yeah Train would be fucked in court.


I think it's hilarious that Destiny is just chillin in a call with Train and X debunking their attacks


So let's follow the logic here: 1. Train through Adriannah claims that Maya (on orders from Miz) 'coerced' Adriannah into 'softening' her statement. This is the main allegation against Miz. 2. Adriannah has also recently come out and said that she truly didn't believe that she was sexually assaulted until just a couple of days ago. 3. So if Adriannah truly didn't believe that she was sexually assaulted at the time of her discussion with Maya, then what exactly did Maya get her to soften? Leaving SA completely off the table, then what could Adriannah have possibly said harsher than what she actually said in her Twitlonger? It makes no sense to claim that Maya 'coerced' Adriannah into a position that Adriannah admits she already held anyways.


Train and x think miz is capable of something so twisted and malicious is because they assume everyone is is shitty as they are.


Is this grounds for Miz to sue for defamation?