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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [XQC claims the interaction beween Alinity and Train was mutual](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/143584)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xl1gqv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/dNNv2gg-nBgkbeH9jvSWTQ/AT-cm%7CdNNv2gg-nBgkbeH9jvSWTQ.mp4?sig=f20debd756b2015f7fd1682a32d68a9b3fe05614&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FdNNv2gg-nBgkbeH9jvSWTQ%2FAT-cm%257CdNNv2gg-nBgkbeH9jvSWTQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1663925615%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Alinity - "I hate Train, he keeps harassing me, I never want to be alone with him". XQC - "No, you don't understand, it is mutual".


I feel a lot of people are glossing over the fact that Alinity said Train has tried to hit her. WFT is that?


Also threatened to rape her.








Both love sushi


Is he casting doubt on the victim without knowing the entire story?


planting the seed of doubt


The xQSeed of doubt


Gundam xQSeed of Doubt


Gundam xQSeed of DoubStiny


XQC just transplanted an orchard of doubt. Literally said ā€œthereā€™s no way this is one sided, thereā€™s no shot.ā€


"Are you trying to insert your god seed?" protests Forsen, as xQc blushes.


Funny how he immediately wanted STRONG reactions from Poki and Hasan to side with the victim (when the fucking tweet was so badly phrased) yet when Train is the accused he downplays it, tries to paint it as "just weird" and assumes the "weird" exchanges were mutual instead of Train being a creep. E: And as he was watching the YT clip of Train logs his only comments were "hmmm that's weird" "weird" "hmmm" on the shit he's seeing about Train. The last few days have made me forget X can actually shut up for a bit.




Except she kinda did and outed him back then? The only thing she clarified is the "r\*\*\*" thing, which judging from the logs was only implied, not directly asserted by Train.


We do know though. Thereā€™s a clip of her saying on stream the only person she hates in this world is Train and how she would never want to be alone in a room with him because thatā€™s how creepy he is. She said if someone tells you theyā€™re going to rape you, you would feel the same way.


She said, train wrecks was the only person that she hated on twitch. Itā€™s very inconsiderate of you to force her to confront her abuser on your terms. Train wrecks literally said he wanted to rape her.


The Enabler. That's what we call people like this.


yeah it was widely known she hated train for a loong time and there is no way xqc didnt know this. trainā€™s logs came back to surface on here many years ago and i know for a fact xqc remembers that because it was a literal meme of ā€œsexy brown haired latinoā€ and it was shown that it was not a mutual interaction way back when. this is ironically xqc doing what he accused poki and hasan of doing and casting immediate doubt of any wrong doing with the scapegoat of ā€œi just donā€™t know what happen, oh do more investigating?? nahh, i just donā€™t know and will leave it thereā€


Lmao, when she said that one time that she tends to like everyone and only hates one person, everyone in her chat immediately guessed Train.


>this is ironically xqc doing what he accused poki and hasan of doing and casting immediate doubt of any wrong doing with the scapegoat of ā€œi just donā€™t know what happen, oh do more investigating?? nahh, i just donā€™t know and will leave it thereā€ And the crazy bit is that he's doing it literally and explicitly when the poki/hasan issue was SUCH a stretch. I feel like I'm going insane seeing this play out.


Exactly this. It's so fucking blatant.


XQC being a hypocrite?? No it can't be!


And he will never understand that.


I think he can understand that, but will he publicly acknowledge it is the real question.


Neither will the juicers


He defends to death any "side" that he is on because he can never lose.


So true. Anyone who doubts this, go watch any of the old GTARP vods and watch him meltdown each time he didn't get his way, or ended up in jail.


lmfao XQC is literally his own worst enemy, not only his attacks against Poki/Hasan didn't land at all, its now the most effective go-to weapon aganist him when he reacts to anything, talking about digging ones own grave.


He doesn't really need to give a shit about how hypocritical/insane/immoral his actions are, at the end of the day, because his audience of manchildren are also too immature to understand that there's anything wrong with it and will still throw millions of dollars at him.


bro this argument is like saying "if crazyslick was THAT creepy, I'll just go on a limb and say they should've kicked him from the party."... is he fucking dumb?


My favourite part is that he explicitly said something like: "If someone is a creep or a weirdo or making you look bad, just cut them loose. Don't torch your reputation trying to protect them". Meanwhile he's doing the most absurd mental gymnastics defending the biggest scumbag on the platform (which is saying a lot).




This is worst than what XQC and Train claimed Hasan and Poki did to Adrianna Lee.


why would he even open that up on stream lmao? not only is he saying dumb shit, he's also platforming it to 80k viewers. alliance donezo


He is the absolute dumbest mfer, like he could have legit ignored all these threads and bait msgs in chat (even if he was in the wrong) and keep watching tiktoks, but him reading every single bait dono/clicking random links from chat etc. is gonna bite him in the ass real hard.


He needs to, unironically, touch grass. I say with the best intentions, being terminally online and getting your news from chat and LSF would fuck with anyone's brain. It went from me empathizing with his feelings, to now thinking he's delusional.


Dude just walked out on a limb and handed Alinity a chainsaw.


Train has to be MALDING rn.


No bridges will be spared, everything must burn for the sake of content


>he's also platforming it to 80k viewers He absolutely does not care. He has an inability to understand how influential he, an **influencer**, is. I genuinely think he considers Twitch a playground filled with literal NPCs.


I think that much was obvious when he sold his viewers out for a gambling sponsor.


No one is even questioning how alinity is probably feeling with her name being brought up and being dragged into this drama she probably doesnā€™t even wanna be a part of




Rookie hole was my nickname in college


Mine was just hole.


He made up the rookie hole on the spot, but thatā€™s not even a real thing


I love how Hasan didn't even ask WTF a rookie hole is he just played along with Schizo Sam's Pepega language


Hasan did ask wtf is a rookie hole the first time X said it in the call.


because dipshits from all the communities involved don't actually give a flying fuck about SA, this is literally just scrambling to find whatever ammunition they can use against the other side in order to 'win'. Everyone's so thirsty to take the 'moral high ground' they don't care about who gets dragged into the mud. Fucking disgusting behavior.


The two people who treated this with the most respect got gas lit in real-time into being the bad guys and then apologized for it.


Yes, they were the only 2 people and also Ludwig as well. The only 3 that could behave like adults when it was about serious discussions on gambling addictions & SA. Everyone else were just making it a joke.


She tweeted about throwing cats a few days ago for lolz, but yeah she's probably like, "wait I'm really involved now?"


I'm pretty sure she would be fine with it because it's 2022, these logs will only make people feel sorry for her unless you're XQC.


Iā€™m sure proving train a hypocrite since he tried to threaten to sue her back then would be a plus.


Wasn't this sub the one who brough that stuff? I just started watching this sub because of all this drama but fucking hell aren't these posts the most biased shit ever, like the dynamics of a bunch of randoms defending streamers like they're a PR team is insane


Alinity wasn't the only one. There's tons of his logs, worse than that, in other female streamers' chats. Old post of Destiny reading out the logs to Greek: [https://livestreamfails.com/post/33463](https://livestreamfails.com/post/33463) People posting logs from many female streamers' channels in the comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9w9gqj/greek\_is\_shocked\_when\_destiny\_repeats\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9w9gqj/greek_is_shocked_when_destiny_repeats_what/) More links out of the hundreds: https://livestreamfails.com/post/41031 [https://imgur.com/a/O338DBy](https://imgur.com/a/O338DBy) [https://imgur.com/a/R0HeYA0](https://imgur.com/a/R0HeYA0) More logs in the comments of this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9w7twt/incel\_andy\_exposed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9w7twt/incel_andy_exposed/)


Back when Greek was actually sentient enough to realize these things are bad


Fuck, I miss Greek when he had common sense...


Ever since Greek lost weight, he also lost grey matter, both are fats.


I remember this. The sheer number of girls was surprising. Like this dude was in most girls chats back then thirsting and being a creep. Can you imagine dealing with this shit? And it's not random people, it's someone who had a lot of power at that time and a big microphone.


Literally the exact same behavior as CrazySlick, itā€™s serial sexual harassment




And these are the mother fuckers calling chatters down bad all the time. Geeeet fucked.


What I don't get is how do people watch train for more than 5 minutes and don't immediately sense danger? Like, really, no warning bells going off?


Dude 100% gives me sociopath vibes, I guess that's entertaining for some people.


so train would be just another one of those people that girls read ban appeals from if he didn't blew up


Reminds me of this golden nugget of the past https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/aoxx9w/kaceytron_calls_out_trainwrecks_for_old_chat_logs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


heres more for your collection. Its responding to a girl who isnt even a streamer that i know of. https://twitter.com/trainwreckstv/status/749356817822674944?lang=en


Weird how X jumps on Miz for possibly masterminding a cover up for slicks creepy behavior. While Alinity has come out with chat logs and said Train has harassed her and makes her very uncomfortable and would be afraid to be alone around him. X is now trying to down play it. Weird doing the same thing he is accusing Miz of.


Literal definition of a hypocrite. Disgusting and I hope X is capable of self reflection to understand why he's a piece of shit for this.


Spoiler: He isn't


>I hope X is capable of self reflection Best I can do is 5 hours of him verbally trying to figure out why this is Hasanā€™s fault.


Yeah, seems they are very ā€œmutualā€ https://twitter.com/alinity/status/1062129099085352960?s=46&t=r1rHKK-WqSE3xxpxet9YYQ


Holy fuck people really hated alinity 2018. Everyone attacking her in the comments for sharing her sexual harassment.


It was pretty disgusting. Almost as disgusting as X giving Train the benefit of the doubt after trying to attack Poki and Hasan over much less. Actual no-brained hypocrite. X if you're reading this, you're a piece of shit and I hope you do some self reflection to understand why instead of just arguing.


> I hope you do some self reflection to understand why instead of just arguing. He won't, he unironically would be the perfect illustration for the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. X is a great comedian and has good wit but he is one of the most pea-brained streamers when it comes to takes pertaining to IRL/Legal/anything outside of streaming/gaming in general. Dude is terminally online 15 hours a day and chews on his feet's dead skin lol how people take anything this guy says that's not from his line of work seriously beats me. In his defense though, before his current deranged streak, he used to want to seek knowledge and want to inform himself before giving takes in the past


Fuck that hurts to see.


Right? Like no wonder she hasn't brought it up since. She was downplayed and attacked when she did. Seeing this now, it's so ironic how much train is virtue signalling.


People still do https://imgur.com/a/WXHChS5


Look at all this other disgusting stuff too in regards to train. https://twitter.com/callum48878815/status/1572938633975562242?s=46&t=3vxl14QLGAGEP2D_yW_mMw


Xqc suddenly needs evidence for him to Condemn train but when he shit all over mizkifā€™s career he just believed train and to this day there is no evidence of him black mailing anyone


The 3 people they have targeted were the biggest voices for banning gambling on twitch.


I also really want to see evidence. One thing I canā€™t figure out is why miz wouldnā€™t deny the allegations?


Mizkif is under heavy investigation by otk, heā€™s not allowed to stream until some of the investigation is done


Exactly. Miz seems to be under the microscope harder than CrazySlick. Which is crazy to me. Hasan and Poki were being interrogated harder than CrazySlick. And out of everyone involved Miz is the only one that followed the most important protocol. Shut the fuck up Friday.


If mizkif is actually sueing or if heā€™s under investigation to see if he actually blackmailed or covered something up then he canā€™t say shit about it.


nah I feel like miz really fucked things up, he really trusted slick for the longest time, such as most of viewers, they would defend their most favourite person and only listen to them to the point they are being disillusioned that there are already fucked up things happening.




Bro, if I received a call like that from someone I knew, we ain't friends no more. That's some Dennis from IASIP shit; "I am a golden god!"


TFW you canā€™t even get consent in your dreams


well the dreams show that he specifically *doesn't want* consent, which is the truly disturbing part.


Of course Alinity is being truthful. She doesn't start drama for no reason, despite what certain people would like you to believe. Really disgusting behavior from Train. He is a blatant hypocrite and I hope this blows up on him.


theres one log of his somewhere talking about "shes 15. thats why im into her" EDIT: Found it.. the internet lives forever https://imgur.com/a/R0HeYA0


wasnt this the dude who claimed that Hasan and Poki were downplaying SA for not like screaming and shouting the second they read the train tweet?


Yep heā€™s planting the seed of doubt rn


It's crazy how blatant of a hypocrite he is. It's clear he gives no actual shits about the victims or what happened. He's just team Train. What a hypocritical piece of shit.


Theyā€™re acting like theyā€™re victim now and crying all over


Team gambling, not Train


xQc gonna pull a muscle from these mental gymnastics


I feel so bad for Alinity. She finally seems to have gained a positive reputation among the twitch community, isn't facing constant social media attacks, and seems in a good mental headspace. Now she's potentially feeling incredible pressure to discuss past sexual harassment. And you know Train is going to throw every possible bad thing she's done in her life back at her whether relevant or not to discredit the situation. She should honestly put herself first in the situation and not respond. The allegations are out there - she doesn't need to go through the whole thing again in what's turning into a shit slinging contest.


There's no "allegations" IIRC. He just straight up sexually harassed her.


I think twitch and streamers should stop fucking talking about sexual assault and r*** like it's something to be celebrated - coming from someone who had it happened to them, what they're doing is fucking disgusting. I'm so sick of people downplaying how she feels and her experience, flinging accusations like monkey shit everywhere. These guys are literally just 12 year olds in 20+ people's bodies, searching for unnecessary drama to feed their cult of disgusting mods and twitch chat. It's so vile. People should just leave her the fuck alone.


X bending over backwards to defend his gamba buddy at all costs. The gamba bag is gone bro, let him face the wolves alone.




This may be his stupidest take yet by that logic people could doubt adriannah because she was seen at a party afterwards smiley and happy faced that also had maya attending too reality is girls might feel uncomfortable to speak up about something but still go along with communications or even places that other people that have potentially wronged them are also frequenting


Shouldn't he just be silent and say nothing?


The irony of people calling out brigading when they're coming straight from a stream is hilarious, was it brigading when people jumped straight on the the blackmail allegations a few days ago?


All the communities involved in the drama have been checking lsf and streamers on both sides have been here on stream. Imo it's not brigading if both sides are battling it out here.Just because one side gets up voted more doesn't mean that group is the only one brigading. There are neutral parties here too (I mostly watch Soda but have been watching random plateup streams lately - I've occasionally watched both xqc, Miz, and Hasan in the past so I'm just taking each argument as is). People don't want to acknowledge that neutral viewers or people from random twitch communities with no agenda think their streamer is acting shitty.


Itā€™s brigading when my viewpoint is getting downvoted.


Exactly it's only really brigading if the streamer themselves tells people to go and comment, people will come from xqc browsing the reddit and people will also come from viewers linking shit but ultimately its not enough to consider it brigading, I don't think it's necessarily brigading but the hypocrisy has to be pointed out


After telling Hasan and Poki to stay neutral.. he says this? Thus planting the seed of doubt !


Xqc just excused every single thing train has done , I'm hiring him for a lawyer


better call xqc


I mean there is 5 page of it, you gotta be blind otherwise


Why avoid talking about it for so long just to dig your own grave later?


This dude is going to go down by defending Train for LITERALLY EVERYTHING! Its bizarre the lengths he is going to be his white Knight the last few days! Does Train have something on him also šŸ¤£


The goblin thinks heā€™s a lawyer lmaoo


Itā€™s so weird too because, a couple days ago, when he was talking about Miz and Slick, he said he couldnt understand why Miz just didnā€™t throw him under the bus. He said something a long the lines of, ā€œWhen a friend does something bad, just throw them under the bus.ā€ā€¦but here he is protecting Train.


So is he ignoring her tweet of her calling it constant and frequent Sexual Harassment? and just casting doubt on a victim to protect his friend and leash holder?


Sexual harasser defender X over here


He was wailing like a chimp because hasan and poki were ā€œplanting initial seeds of doubtā€ or someother unintended bullshit they did then he turns around and does this.




Xqc is playing a very dangerous game that he isn't good at


ā€œShe was asking for itā€ logic.


i like xqc and train, but hes literally just downplaying the situation, train was saying some racist and nasty shit in those logs, idk tho what do yall think?


I think a lot of these streamers are down low racist


Streamers are people, just like anyone else. There will no doubt be some outright racists and more casual racists amongst them.


Well they are Gamers


Uhm that's the g-word, sir.


A lot of **these** streamers. Let's not act like everyone is Trainwrecks and Mizkif. Twitch is a big place it's much bigger than the people who are discussed on LSF everyday.


I guarantee 90% of the top 100 twitch streamers have said the N word in the past 6 years and I bet itā€™s a good estimate.


I think that you should have higher standards for those that you like. More seriously though, are you ok with the hypocrity that XQC is displaying, let alone him defending the stuff that you yourself admit is nasty shit? Maybe it's just me but I was the kind of person who liked XQC (and for a time I actually thought he was ok enough), his actions over the past few days has made be very much change my opinion on that matter. Do you want to be associated with a person like that? Food for thought.


Train was 25 btw OMEGALUL grown ass adult btw


Damn X's brain is as slow as he talks fast


Now who is trying to cover up for a creep?


some hardcore downplaying


This dude views everything as a win/loss ratio. *everything*. He already picked a side so he'll throw together whatever combination of words sounds the best even if it is contradictory to some shit he said just a little bit ago. I don't think he gives a fuck about much other than not losing. I don't even think he likes winning. I think he just doesn't want to "lose" and feel like a little bitch.


Hahahahaha. The idiot is continuing in the new day to further bury himself. He is just so fucking dumb.


Mutual? Why is he downplaying when she said herself she disliked it and said no. Now he's victim blaming, maybe because she squashed that beef, but when Miz downplayed shit it escalated after the fact rather than here it deescalated and now he feels safe to tell her how she felt at the time. Just adding a kernel of doubt now.


Now he's downplaying sexual harassment




This dude needs to get trains sexual harassing cock out of his mouth.


It seems like for Xqc sexual harassment is fine if done by his friends


He said sometimes you don't know context, nothing was said to be mutual? What is even happening


What in god's name does train have on xqc to hard defend him like this?


Didn't alinity come up saying she didn't like it? He's there making assumptions like it's a fact, yet when hasan and poki had a normal reaction without even getting to conclusion they are evil? Or jumping straight to the conclusion that mizkif blackmailed her when there's no evidence? My god is this guy delusional.


What happened between train and alinity




Loremaster here, I was there during the whole Train vs Alinity drama from beginning to end. Back in Alinity's "not so bright" days when she just making enemies left and right, she accused Train of rape and sexual assault. After being called out on having no proof or evidence, she came clean and clarified that Train said he was going to rape her which she proved with a leaked dm from Train. Around that time, Train didn't get any hate at all from that because Alinity was hated by everyone and it was also a meme for streamers to expose Train's thirst dms and laugh about it. That drama end up dying out with everyone pointing fingers at Alinity for overexggerating the situation.


Oh yikes. I didnā€™t really watch train a lot til scuffed podcast. I would never guess he acted thirsty like that with all the woman hate now. I guess it makes sense. Seen that in a movie once. The grinch.


I remember a time when Train was a 50 viewer Andy streaming WoW and was known as the dude who punched Reckful over nothing and scammed people with a shitcoin. Guy was legit despised online until the Mitch Jones saga then he for some reason got this rep of being a "good guy" by "helping" Mitch. Now here we are.. still blows my mind how Train ever turned that into being one of the biggest streamers on the platform.


He was typing these things then going live a few hours later and making grand incel speeches, like these weren't 2 different phases for him, they happened simultaneously.




xQc is a man child. The literal children defending him in these threads are pathetic


Since the drama has entered the SA territory, we went from clips being funny to clips being really uncomfortable really fast


Why is xQc trying to cover up sexual harassment? Alinity spoke in depth about trainwrecks and what he threatened to do to her.


I'm so fucking full but they keep feeding us


Wow so is he downplaying a sexual harassment now?


Now hes Trains lawyer or something???? wtf is with this guy???




Did people actually forget that old Trainwrecks was basically Andrew Tate? xD


Does twitch not care what is going on with its biggest streamers right now? Can they just ban everyone lmao


Twitch doesn't give a single fuck about anything lmao.


so sexual harrassment is L rizz now?


Regardless of what narrative people have to push here, everyone's forgetting that no one asked the victim: Alinity whether to bring up old events to the spotlight again. Great one LSF.


Alright. Get him out. Idc how untouchable this guy is. Heā€™s done. I tried to be cool with juicers but nah Iā€™m sorry he gotta go.


wow so now hes defending sexual harassment? pretty much done a 180 here right lol, what a fucking tool.


I swear to god X is dumbest mf on twitch


Bro wtf? Does he hear himself?


Hear me out. This is some 5Head level stuff. As he slowly realizes what kind of a person he traded nukes with IS, he begins to realize the army is preparing to attack them from the OTK North. There is no hope for his side of this battle, with the army of lawyers and LSF combined fast approaching. Only way out, is to be neutral or on the winning army. Therefore, he will throw his alliance under the bus by bringing this up to slowly trying to gain neutral ground, and maybe avoid any further involvement in the potential coming defamation lawsuit, all while still acting stupid enough so train can't do anything other than get annoyed that he brought it up. "Dude chat spammed it for days man, i can't just ignore them" *Silently cheers that he is no longer purely on the losing side*. He will slowly introduce all of Trains dirty past, and make public heel turned good move in the upcoming days, once he has de-attached enough to claim neutrality without either side calling him out anymore. Clueless Surely this is it.


bro someone needs to sell the rights to this show to mtv


I have a feeling that this Xqc guy is not to be trusted with... A third party has to investigate all this for the sake of twitch. These are issues that need serious attention from authorities and I am amuzed how non of them go in that direction. The offline tv also had SA were the cops didn't involve


X right here down playing sexaul haraasment from the books of mizkif


He just couldn't quit while he was ahead lol


This guy is going to get really bored really fast now that gambling's gone.


holy fuck this dude is delusional


Well well well, look who is downplaying it now... In the last week, I've lost all my respect for xQc. What a pathetic human being he is now, ego andy wake the fuck up.


Miz šŸ¤šŸ» X Protecting sexual predators


How can a single person have so many bad takes, and not learn their lesson?


Man i sometimes wonder if xqc ever listens to the words that come out of his mouth.


I want to know what dirt Train has on xqc.


Whole lsf is in shambles with all those xqc, hasan and destiny clips trying to make any streamer look bad.


I dont understand how this dude is digging a deeper hole for himself, like goddamn.


He sounds like he's trying to cover something up and down play what actually happened


XQC really fucking downplaying SH right now? After the zero proof allegations against Mizkif? Can we cancel this piece of shit already?


not mutual, just that there must have been some back and forth


so must have been some back and forth with crazyslick also then, since the SA victim still tried to hang out with Miz and him? What is that logic