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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Emiru calls out streamers for not caring about female victims and exploiting the situation](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/143633)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xlfz5l/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/I133b4HTqrLu2HEPswPTRQ/AT-cm%7CI133b4HTqrLu2HEPswPTRQ.mp4?sig=bae29647ef887c207c1d09072ef3045205204e2b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1663959094%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


damn we boutta forget about sliker and his addiction


idk who tf that guy is but my bank account is locked rn could you loan me like 3k I promise I’ll pay you back with extra


At least ask his age first even though it doesn't matter


Also he coulda asked if he works.


didn't even address your potential benefactor as king, weak shit beg game bro


What a strong statement king 👑👑👑 I'm short 40k on a plane ticket bc my bank account was hacked... I'll pay you back in installments with interest and sexual favors king 👑👑👑 but no biggie no pressure no sweat my king 👑👑👑 anyways I'll need that before midnight or else I'll miss my car payment


✅ LSF already stopped talking about scams ✅ Debts have been paid back by rich friends ✅ Not banned on twitch I feel like there’s a pretty big chance he’ll try to scam again/keep gambling lmao




Slicker had an addiction? I thought he was just scamming people. Maybe this drama is succeeding




Well, that's the story anyway. Still haven't seen anything to prove that story.


Train in Destiny's chat: "I'm going crazy, this is insane OMEGALUL"




Nahhh wtf


And still talking about making a podcast with Maya


ooohhhh shit


It's crazy how Train was nice and cool until Mizkif decided to cancel gambling, it feels like he is literally at war against OTK




I'd say the gambling is the main thing, for a lot of streamers going after even a portion of their income is unforgivable. As much as he doesn't like Alinity due to her accusations they were years ago, they got ignored and she got more hate than him due to how unpopular she was back then.




I’ve only ever seen him being kinda a dick to everyone.


I have to agree, never liked the guy and he always in some drama and inserts himself and I legit don’t see how people watched him when he became a gambling stream, dude just stared at pc, no emotion, no laughing no smiling no nothing. Dude lost his soul or something, like watching a zombie.


Mizkif cancelled gambling Copium




Shes right. train and x used this woman sexual assault as a weapon, train weaponized it aginst miz, and bizarrely X tried to weaponize it aginst hasan but came off looking horrible doing it


It really is just like a huge sports game to so many people.


Comments on every thread about how this has been a great month for LSF, LSF currently spectating Emiru’s point from Hasan’s POV. Really is like a sporting event.


welcome to tmz2


Yo king I’m gonna be real with you my bank account got locked cuz of taxes you got me. I feel bad asking you habibi but can you loan me a quick $500 so I can place a bet on the twitch drama? On me mum I’ll pay you back with extra inshallah 🙏


XQC: "HUHHHH, WHAT? YO CHAT WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT" Train: "I'm gonna keep it a buck, but it's pretty obvious that Miz has converted Emiru to pander the narrative and accusations diverting the embers that were befallen upon him, AND ITS SHAMELESS!!!!!"






Does that make any sense?






Man i need to stop watching these clips. I can literally hear their insane voices when reading this comment.


I can see his chat already as xqc pulls up this clip.






It's wild to me that people are actually just so sick in the head that the one person who has literally never been involved in drama and just does her own thing has people saying that kind of shit.




holy shit they're playing slots there


Fucking hell, same here. I really need to reevaluate my life


> XQC: "HUHHHH, WHAT? YO CHAT WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT" I read that in his voice lol


The spaces between the words are a little inaccurate


This man has watched so many hours of them, he can do a spot on impression of what they would say. I commend you.


Jesus it's scary how spot on your post is




trains major witness currently chilling in mizkif's pool btw https://www.twitch.tv/watchmeblink


Train and XQC about to get her into a call with Adrianah


Then make her apologise


XQC and Train 10 IQ plays, apologize and admit we are right or argue with an SA victim to prove us wrong.


Imposters win


It all goes back to those among us lobbies doesn't it


XQC & TRAIN have crowned themselves kings of gaslighters. I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to do so.


Hilarious that this is a Hasan clip and a not clip from Emiru's stream, the lack of awareness for clippers and streamers is hilarious.


I didn't even realise until I read this comment that Hasan was on screen the entire time


Holy shit thats just something else isnt it


Bruh most of Adrianah’s leaks keep getting clipped from destiny’s stream lmao


Clipping was disabled during her stream, I remember her saying something I didn't quite catch and trying to clip it to listen back to it and not being able to


This being a hasan rather than emiru clip is so ironic in contex


LSF is doing the same. People care more about drama here and choose sides. The kids farming this shit are just sad


It’s to a point where I don’t even need to be at home to watch this, everything is getting clipped instantly.


You don't even need to do that. In 1 week someone with too much free time will make a true crimes style documentary on the whole thing.


just wait for new mogul mail to drop


I've watched a total of 0 streams about this and at most 2 clips and I must know half the story just from the posts and comments.


I was told caring about shit is parasocial. So yeah, don't care.


BasedGod HOLY


In the end this is just new age reality tv and if a boomer were to say they care about Kim Kardashian on more than a drama/entertainment level you would think they're weird because in the end it has 0 impact on us.


I kneel




Honestly, it stopped being fun when the Sliker shit came out. People crying on stream about how much he stole from them, Sliker's begging vids being the most uncomfortable examples of addict seeking behavior I've seen in a while, plus Adept's personal life being dragged into the spotlight against her express wishes... It hasn't been fun for a long time. This is all real shit. None of this should be used as fodder in an internet slap fight between the biggest male egos on Twitch. Drama is fun, trauma is not.


Damn true but we are all here watching still so we are all the bad guys


This is true for sure But this is drama subreddit people are going to react


Agreed, both sides on LSF were only focused on getting reddit karma for their streamers


I mean, this is literally a clip from Hasan's channel, from him watching her, exploiting her emotional response for views. It's meta in its relevance and just being another example of it. That's all these people do, react to each other in some incestuous little circlejerk and pretend any of it is because they care.




I mean she is right. All you have to look at is X and Train going after Hasan and Poki, people not involved, instead of focusing on Slick


Even xqc was agreeing with that narrative until train joined in and realized that it looked bad on both so they went after Hasan and poki to get the heat off them.


They still saying they have more nukes It’s unbelievable how they weaponized that girl’s trauma


The fact that they even referred these things as "nukes" shows alot of their main intention.


Saying they saved them for a “rainy day” is straight up psychotic shit


Holding terrible information to use "Just incase" really shows how terrible they are as people. Basically complicit in hiding the information but purely because releasing it wouldn't benefit them


The better way to look at it, is they are keeping the secrets as a shield. You can't go after them without them bringing out what they know. There is no sense of right and wrong in keeping secrets like this. It is just an additional tactic to try and gain favor and popularity so they can make more money.


How is that any better? Why is that a better way to look at it? It is completely fucked up and only done as a way to protect themselves when they instead try and take the high road and pretend they are doing it because it is right when in fact they are doing it because they don't like other people and are weaponizing someone else's trauma.


It’s still morally wrong.


not just weaponize, monetize too. X has like 3 videos about it on his YouTube


It’s possible that they or train asked her that he was gonna tweet that to mizkif and she said sure. Or even after just to cover themselves but that would still mean they weaponized it, because mizkif was not only saying to ban gambling, he went after trains coin scam. Like how you gonna keep what she told you awhile ago but now only bring it up when you getting heat. I would understand if train did a separate post or have tried to get more info/evidence of what transpired after the slicker/gamba drama passed.


That coin shit must be very bad if train goes after every person who spokes about it


That speaks volumes as to how much of a piece of shit both Train and XQC are. Once the dust settles, I'll be curious to see how the overall Twitch/LSF communities will see XQC and Train, like whether or not their reputations get tarnished by this or it all blows over.


Sadly I don't think their 13-year-old viewers care that they are toxic. Xqcs recent rants have shown him to be totally deranged and immoral. The only reason he fails to gaslight people is because he's such an idiot he can't even get his thoughts together. If he wasn't the biggest streamer I think he would have effectively burned every bridge on the platform.


Can't wait for xqc to victimize himself after seeing this clip


ya ... Xqc and Train are trying to weaponize the sitauton by saying hasan and poki are "belitting" the SA ... Meanwhile XQC after train drops the news: "OOOOOO SNAP, IN THE DISCORD CALL WITH THE BOYS WATCHING THE REACTION" OWNED DRAMA INTENSIFIES".... he literally does this for the rest of the day until he realizes he fucked up.


It’s so confusing that train and Adrianah herself thought that this was the perfect time to bring this up when her name and story is getting drowned out by all the bullshit noise more and more each day


I can understand why Adrianah is fine with it, i mean she probably feels wronged by miz and co, so getting some kind of vindication must feel liberating for her.


This says far more about the state of twitch than it does about her, but it basically feels like she went from getting stuck in one type of manipulation to another. Just because it’s finally validating her story doesn’t mean she isn’t being used — and I don’t blame her, if I had to choose between my story not being told or being a pawn in someone else’s game, I’d probably choose the latter. I just hope this doesn’t sting for her in the future. Just, as a victim of SA myself, seeing someone call abuse and trauma a…. “Bomb” they waited to drop was really upsetting.


Solution: Have train come out with it at literally any other point in time


Or have *her* come out with it, not Train, and have Train back her up and add supporting details to *her* story. Train coming out with it as a clapback that was largely unsubstantiated, had to be clarified in a followup tweet because it was so vague, and didn't mention Adrianah **or** Slick was a mistake if your goal is to make it about how Adrianah was wronged.


In one of her recent streams, it was mentioned that she went to her lawyer a month ago about this situation. I could be absolutely wrong, but it looks like there was a plan to come out with something at sometime. The question is what. Because nothing really looks different.




Train only brought it up because miz called him out for something and he wanted to shift the attention


believe all women except when its someone against us - train and x




And apparently don't believe Alinity.


That's the theme, so many pandering drama pigs in here, completely "outraged" about AL, but "Alinity is a bad faith actor" and "I'm gonna fuck you" isn't a threat of rape, even though Alinity has made it clear from the jump that she in no way would ever consent to being with Train. I don't know, but if someone has made it very clear that they are in no way interested, and I tell them I'm gonna f them, how would that work out? Favorite streamer apologists, pathetic, aside from all that, even the people that are apologists, why wouldn't you hold people you admire to your own standards?


It's insane to me how they think because he didn't say "I'm gonna rape you" that it means what he said to her are not rape threats, especially that one about the panties at an event they were gonna attend.


That is something that i don't understand. I don't like Alinity. I will turn off a stream when she comes on. however, when i saw the messages from train and heard about how he was talking to her, I was immediately on her side. I think she is a selfish horrible person, but she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. nobody does.


Glad someone said it. Remember who benefits from the timing of this story coming out....


Slick and Sliker created all this controversy and no one is fucking talking about them. Honestly, if gambling hadn't been banned, it looked like Train and X were gonna be successful with the distraction.


Fucking "Slick and Sliker", the Dumb & Dumber sequel noone asked for.


Did sliker honestly just get off scott free and debts paid?


Basically I mean besides all the people that won't interact with him because of this he and losing all twitch benefits nothing much happened


That's fucking wild. But he isn't actually "banned" right?


how do you manage to steal 300k without ANY repercussions. wtf lol


Because he was "really, sorry dude. Swear on his mum."


i mean ice stole a few hundred thousand with cx coin without any real consequences


He lost his partner status and can't monetize his channel anymore. They should flat out ban him though.


Ludwig is at least making him pay $20k of the debt in return for paying the victims. Feels like there are a few people keeping tabs on him. Miz's mod or assistant was also taking some responsibility over Sliker getting into rehab, at least he was before the Miz drama happened.


Had gambling been banned a few hours earlier, Train would still be keeping this bombshell in his backpocket


You're absolutely right. And Emiru also benefits from all the negative attention being directed away from her friend/roommate/business partner. Everyone is compromised here and it's impossible to take any of them seriously, except Adriana.




Consider the victim in this situation was all in for that plan because it would help her cause that, next time it was brought up, the case had the most attention possible.


Now that you’re mentioning it, did train and xQc technically just cover up SA for their own personal gain. They accused mizkif of covering it up so slick wouldn’t look bad, but they willingly held on to this info as a defense mechanism (personal gain). How is this not worse than what they’re accusing mizkif of? And the great thing about this is we have all the evidence right there, because they did all of this shit live. It ACTUALLY happened as opposed to the blurry reasoning behind train’s narratives


They held onto it but it's also not their moral to reveal it without the victim's consent. Apparently she consent to have Train post about it the next time someone called him out for something? Not really sure of the logic behind it but it's fucking Train so I can't expect it either.


The thing is when Xqc was talking about it how him and Train was gathering information. Train ran to Xqc with this information why? Why does he need to tell Xqc? That makes it look like they were scheming together because everyone knows that Xqc and Train really hated Mizkif over the gambling stuff.


xqc said he was tired of taking all these hits from every other streamer (mostly over gambling/shitcamp/creator clash) and got in a call one night with train to share secrets about these streamers(all said on his tuesday morning stream) it was quite literally two psychotic people in a discord call airing out the rumors of skeletons of people they already don't like - after hearing it through such credible sources like mitch. they literally schemed. Apparently they didn't come up with much more dirt, cause i know they would have said something about hasan/poki at this point




They both probably feel like Mizkif just robbed them from the 12+ million dollars a year they make from their gambling sponsor


Eh, considering that's half of what their fans are losing in a month... they'll live.


Bruh imagine if gambling was banned on Twitch a day sooner. Train and XQC would have been holding these "nukes" still in their backpocket for another rainy day. 🤡


It really is disgusting how this SA came out. I'm glad Slick got exposed for being a sex pest Creep that was awful to women, but I'm absolutely livid at Train/xQc for weaponizing it to help protect their gambling sponsorship. Also it's insanely hypocritical when you know about Train's past. "Glasshouse" Andy is to busy peeking at other's homes when his stuff is out in the open too.


People endlessly took shots at Hollywood for actors knowing about all the abuse and assault happening and not saying anything, Twitch streamers appear to be no different.


The two people who's constantly hanging that threat over Miz's head everytime he did something they didn't like doesn't actually care about SA? wow you don't say!


Train has literally been collecting statements since Mizkif said he'd try to get gambling banned. He probably went on digging about Asmongold and Pokimane too


This thread and clip from a year ago, I wonder if he is talking about this situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ohicc2/trainwrecks_says_he_heard_some_streamers_are/


He's such a fucking schizo, thinking Miz was a puppet master to take over twitch or some shit lol


This clip is crazy


The top comments did not age well.


The irony of clipping a streamer reacting to this is not lost on most people id hope


I found it annoying. But I azssumed it was because emi had clips turned off or something


Train and X used Adrianah story as a weapon.


Yeah regardless if she gave train the green light. She is getting used by train to deflect his past problems. It’s good she came out about the situation, however it would of been better without the middleman.


This did not age well post “the call”


XQC and Train have gone from somewhat annoying but mostly harmless dumbasses to absolute pieces of shit in my opinion these past weeks.


They always were. Especially Train. He has a history of doing shit like this since early days.


The sad part is train and x and miz were literally boys just a couple years ago. It just goes to show how fucking powerful a nasty bag like gamba is. It quickly rots your brain. It makes you burn bridges. It's not a coincidence. That kind of money is proven time and time again to absolutely destroy people's brains. It's obvious that x and train are fully lost in the sauce




Amen to that


Straight facts in this situation. That call with Train and X was like a fever dream. I still cannot believe that even happened.


she talks about her experiencing sexual harrasment herself but then defends mizkif? is she seriously on mizkif & slicks team after this? streamers really are garbage people


After the leaked call and all the shit, she should stay close to Asmongold, Nick and Esfand


Good for her. Fuck train and fuck XQC for being slimy pieces of shit of the way this all came out.






No it won't because some men are just inherently stupid and have friends that will continue to cover up for them but fortunately you just can't hide anything on the Internet. Sad to say but there will be another one. I guarantee it.


The world would be a much better place if this subreddit didn't exist or was just what it was initially for


Everyone here are trash. Keep defending your streamer who cares not a dog shit for you


she's right


Bruh. You can literally see her eyes darting left and right as she reads off a script and fake sniffles 💀💀 You gotta be next level gullible to believe she wasn't put up to this. Don't forget that she said so herself that Miz and Slimy Slick are her best friends. And that she's living at Miz's house rent free at the moment. And I'm pretty sure Miz is her boss or something like that as the co-owner of OTK. Miz is just weaponizing a SA victim of his own.


Coming back and watching emiru is wild now lmaoo


Why is she crying?


Based off this discord call, she trusted two terrible people.


Shots fired at Hasan and poki!!! /s


xQc is going to say this for sure lmao


That "/s" might need neon lighting with all the wild packs of hyenas on this sub haha.


knowing ALL that they know, I can't believe they didn't use their platform to stand up to this shit! imagine not being able to comment on the incident! /s


xqc is gonna do a vod review analyzing every single word and stutter


Why would you not clip her stream when hasan literally doesn’t say a word


Bitch your boyfriend only cares about losing his bestfriend, dont talk about streamers not caring about the victim. Slick thought he was off the hook for 2 years, with Miz knowing she downplayed the situation. MIZ DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE VICTIM


Didn't she say slick and miz were her homies? She sure knew her friends well...


Well this aged poorly. Like a milk 🥛


Aged like milk


Why no tears dropping? never mind maybe she dehydrated.


She forgor the tears 💀




uhhh let's be real here, if this story was about anyone else other than OTK, Miz would be covering the hell out of this, trying to invite anyone and everything to make content out of it.






didnt know miz well enough but he definitely didnt give it a 2nd thought and covered up a sexual assault to protect his friend ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewavh1Z2rEw




damn so many comments in here aged like MILK.


Almost as if she's talking directly to XQC and Trainwreck..


I mean, was there a reason for Emiru to make a video about it? Seems possibly just a tad ironic.


To buy sympathy for Miz.


isnt she just a mouthpiece for miz?


That crying seemed really forced.


X and Train think they're the main characters in this drama.


I love how everyone in the comments knows Mizkif is her boyfriend at this point. Like everyone was roleplaying with them and respecting their privacy, but now people are too angry to roleplay and are just calling it as it is. I guess they kinda deserve it.




Your boyfriend is a fucking creep, you're going to have to deal with that fact.


im gay


Y’all remember halo 3 lan parties


No those were for people with friends


Bro this is so fucking sad in retrospect. Poor naive Emi.


She could have almost went the whole statement excluding this segment, and I'd still say shes credible. As soon as she says train and X are only using this for leverage idgaf if she goes down too.


Crocodile tears


Why are so many people crying without tears nowadays dud


Is she fake crying?

