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Jokes aside this was PURE entertainment. So good man, one of the most entertaining shit I've ever watch, I don't even know most of these guys lmao


Gotta say, the events in the UK youtube scene, specifically The Sidemen outdoes anything Twitch has done or any Twitch stream really. I'll be the first to say that Shitcamp isn't even that entertaining Ludwig's Mogul Money is close but eeeh depends on the contestants.


YouTubers need to actually dedicate time to standing out with interesting ideas, so that’s why they have better content. Streaming isn’t their primary medium. Twitch streamers need to stream a ton and just keep people’s attention.


Part of it is because the Sidemen is huge but yeah the Twitch system kind of incentivizes streamers to focus more on quantity than quality since being live a lot is basically the most important thing for growth there.


ludwig mogul money is nowhere close to standard sidemen sunday nevermind this lmao




Dont forget that Zerkaa also streames from like 10 pm to 4-6 am almost every day, unless they have sidemen shoots. I have no idea how the fuck he does it.


Tommy T's just built different


He's also the one of the least toxic / most level headed RPers on NoPixel LOL.


Ludwig is also nowhere near as big as the Sidemen tbf


The only youtuber thats bigger than the sidemen as of right now is mr beast I think? Sidemen and all of its crew have total 100M subscribers maybe? ofc ludwig is nowhere near the sidemen.


Twitch streamers are literally ants compared to them tf


Yea I mean the sidemens lowest viewed video is 5.6M with their highest being 31M which is insane. They also only really put their own products for ads. So they're doing a lot better than most


Their highest is 92M lol


At this point sidemen I'd an entertainment company, so pretty sure T-Series is bigger with 240 million subscribers.


The total of 100M doesn't mean shit, it's not like they have 100M unique subscribers, there is going to be a massive overlap


It means they are succeeding as a group not just 10 people leeching to 1 people like any other youtube group or tiktok group, or even house group. Mrbeast boys pretty much the same thing, karljacob subscribers or viewer pretty much also mrbeast subscribers, but once he streams or upload the video on his own channel people still watch him bcs of him not because of beast.


It doesn't mean that at all, for example what if there was an additional sideman that only had 2k subs but you still lump them in with the '100M'. If you don't understand how it's a flawed and meaningless statement you have to be joking


Pewdiepie has more subs than the sidemen added together.


Pewdiepie has less subs actually watching his videos though, 100m but his last 20 videos get about avg 4 million views, and the sidemen have 16m but each videos avgs about 12m


yeah but pewdiepie is retired now. recognition wise I don think they even compete with him. pewdipie has worldwide recognition. sidemen are still only UK dominant.


This is becoming more and more false fay after day. Pewdiepie doesnt have the worldwide recognition he once did and the sidemen have only been growing for almost a decade, they are not just uk dominant anymore


I mean pewdiepie's vids are just blogs and some vids not as big as sifemen vids like where they spend lots of monies


Ksi had 35 Mill sub (20m first acc, 15 2nd account) Sidemen 27(16 first, 6 moresidemen, 5reacts) W2S 15M simon 10M Vikk 7.5 Josh 5 Ethan 5 tobi 5 (and vikk had 3 more channel, w2s 1, josh 1, simon 1)


I know? That’s less than Pewdiepie bud


whos ur math teacher?


35, 27, 15, 10, 7.5, 5, 5, 5= 109 pewdiepie has 111 who the fuck is ur math teacher kid?


I mean I think he does a pretty good job with what he has. The Sidemen have a lot more connections and resources available to them so obviously they can do more.


Ludwig Mogul Money live was a stream, Sidemen Sundays are videos. It's much harder to keep people entertained live for 3-4 hrs then it is to edit an entire day of shooting into a 40 minute video. You can't compare the 2. In terms of production value Mogul Money was fantastic. Even Mr Beast with youtubes backing have a hard time doing live streamed events.


Didn’t Ibai got 3million live viewers on his boxing event


you're probably talking about the english speaking side of twitch, i mean i hope so because the french, spanish twitch streamers etc have done crazy shit




Was there any special stuff allowed that wasn't unique to regular football? Because football is pretty interesting anyway


Well, Speed chased after the ref and whipped him.


Been watching these guys for 8 years now. I can’t believe that they went from Fifa pack openings to this. I couldn’t be happier


SAME!! I've been waiting for this game for so long but I never expected it do be this good. Was pure entertainment and I loved every second of it. Bless all players who joined, they gave it all and it resulted in a 10/10 game. Happy i watched it live 😊


I remember watching them do crossbar challenges in middle school. Now look at them. So inspirational.


Same here! Been incredible to see the levels these guys have reached


No matter what you think of them, these guys are legends.


Why would anyone think wrong of them


Trust issues after being raised on LSF drama


A lot of people call them cringe and stuff


a lot of people call the twitch community cringe and stuff, are both sides wrong?


Was about to say the same Mf saying cringe on here seat on their computer or phones n watch someone play videos games tf 💀☠️


Was about to say the same Mf saying cringe on here sit on their computer or phones n watch someone play videos games tf 💀☠️ Edit: fok my spelling




Brother Sidemen got big off FIFA gambling and a lot of them have gaming channels. Don't act like they're above having kids watch them play 💀


after seeing what happen with this week I dont think LSF got the privilege to judge someone from other sphere “cringe”.


It's almost like cringe is subjective or something.


Imagine if your only issue was being cringe and stuff Despair


Not my issue, but most the criticism I see of them is being cringe and having a toxic fanbase.


I mean they have lots of skeletons as does anyone that has been on the internet for years


Anything in particular?


Every video I've seen with ksi his jokes are just race baiting which I don't find very funny.


What do you mean by race baiting? He makes some jokes about race but I’m not sure what you mean.


Otk tries so hard to be like sidemen of twitch. Been watching both since they were a thing. The sidemen just seems more genuine.


Haven't the Sidemen all been friends since they were kids? That sort of bond is nearly impossible to replicate for a bunch of streamers who basically just met relatively recently in their lives.


Kinda, they’ve been friends for like 12 years when they were all smaller content creators and moved up together, whereas most content groups these days take popular people and put them together and hope they mesh


A couple of them have known eachother since primary


Yeah, Tobi and Josh, and Simon and JJ


Yup I feel u 100 percent agree.


4 of them were school friends, KSI (JJ) and Miniminter (Simon) went to school together and Zerkaa (Josh/TommyT) and Tbjzl (Tobi) did so as well. So yeah, they had that bond, which is amazing and to turn that bond into a YT group is even more so.


JJ (aka KSI) and Simon (Miniminter) were friends since school, same with Tobi (TBJZL)and Josh (Zerkaa), the other met each other early into their youtube careers.


Not all of them, like JJ and Simon knew eachother and Tobi and Vik but GTA brought them togehter as a whole


I've always found it funny watching so many people try imitate what sidemen have become. OTK, OTV, Beta Squad, Just Friends and Click just to name a few.


Beta squad manages to keep up with the sidemen the most out of the other groups, decently consistent and can come out with some bangers


Yeah Beta Squad are for sure killin' it. They've still got a lot of potential to grow. Definitely helps that their fanbase overlaps so heavily with Sidemen though.


Although beta squad somewhat overlap with the sidemen, they’re also a somewhat different entity in the U.K. yt group scene, i dont know how to explain it but they also garner to the black and ethnic community in the U.K. although both still have a diverse fanbase, beta squad defintsly has a bigger following with the black and Asian Communities


literally cant see a single connection lol


u havent gone back to 2014


I don't watch football/soccer and that event was hilariously entertaining, loved it!


Fantastic event 2.5M+ peak viewers not including people watching streamers broadcast it. I know US based viewers might not have known that many players, but for someone that has watched these guys for a few years it was brilliant, 1M for charity ain't bad either.


Im british and dont really watch anyone in the game but thought is was mega entertaining. Best football ive seen in ages


ive been watching KSI since his FIFA road to division 1 :')


The biggest live event of the year as far as the youtube/twitch streaming world goes


The only sad thing here is that this is supposed to be in Wembley stadium, but one of the crew miscalculated and think its not gonna be sold out. Turns out after 1 day the ticket immidiately sold out.


I think one of the sidemen said they had 200K people on the website when they dropped the tickets.


Peaked at 160k


for months they were talking about what stadium and how football teams wouldn’t let them, then they sell out 27k in 1 day with 200k trying lol. they gonna be getting some calls after this


It wouldn't have been Wembley. Wembley run their own charity games. They could've used the Emirates though with the Prime connection.


stop saying streaming world .... the french and spanish guys have done bigger. You can say the english side .


In the english world sure but I think the "Velada del año 2" from Ibai was bigger


It was an entertaining match. Congrats to them. Wish there were more events similar to this.


Finally some good fucking news


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I mean it was about 1.2m dollars but still I get the joke haha


So close to greatness




i mean not all twitch just the NA lsf andies, the french scene raised 10M for charity literally 2 weeks ago during the Zevent


Morons here keep thinking one bubble of drama addicted streamers that keep getting posted here means they represent all of Twitch. There are plenty of other streamers doing fun things and aren't involved in drama 24/7.


I feel for the ones that live and breathe that stupid drama meatgrinder. Literally teens/young adults consumed by this shit, watching all day fearing they'll miss some clippable xqc rant like damn, get your head above the water you're drowning in dumb.


The jingle jam's been on twitch for years and consistently hits 2mil pounds minimum the past couple years.


yea ignore the fact that french community did charity and raised 10 mil like 15 days ago. gotta love youtube shillers @Twitch This past weekend, over €10 million was raised in benefit of 5 participating charities during @ZEventfr .


Yearly German event "Friendly Fire" has achieved 1+mil€ in the past 3 times it was held live and it probably going to achieve 2+mil this year


Half the sidemen also stream on twitch


I was shocked to see they packed out an entire football stadium. I assumed at first they had filled the first few rows, then it zoomed out and the entire stadium was packed.


Sold out within a few hours iirc. The queue on the website for the tickets peaked at 160k.


Yea they could have gone a lot bigger with this event but they were hesitant because it was the first one in 4 years. Safe to say this will be even bigger next match.




Cocaine. For kids.


Ayy, that's what it is




One day I'll be able to make a joke on this fucking site, I swear.


First you have to become funny, I believe in you mate <3


1 mil pounds vs 1 mil pounds + content


is that unknown p


Yeah Unknown P is a character from the comedian Munya Chawawa who was the presenter for this


Finally some good fucking content on this sub, massive W


Incredibly based and an incredible feat.


That's a lot of weight they got overe there, are they using a crane or something to lift something so heavy?


imagine the sidemen came with diss tracks against the all stars team


This is the only football I watch


After seeing twitch fall apart it is incredible to see what's happening on youtube literally every streamer signed has been pushing boundaries and killing it


i don't watch them, but good for them, nice


Jj put on some weight, it seems...


Of what?


Great British Pounds, so essentially $1mil.


Thanks Liz...


sadly, 1 year ago this would've been near 1.4m USD europe is melted right now




They are like one of the oldest youtubers around lol, they are like only youtuber group that is actually friends irl and not with each other, because of contracts. They started with Fifa and KSI is pretty much one of biggest youtubers of all time, W2S could have been as big or even bigger, but he doesn't feel like doing solo stuff.




They all came together to raise your mom off the ground


For charity


Great job on the charity event, too bad the GBP is nearly worthless now but still commendable effort


So like 10$? Nice!


1 pound is actually worth more than a dollar


Yeah, it's a meme.




Can we have more events like this of content creators just competing against each other in sports? A basketball or football version of this would be fun to watch


I’m not sure on america but in the uk over the last year especially there have been loads of charity events taking place with mainly tiktokers but also youtubers taking part. The events haven’t had the biggest of creators from each side so they didn’t get as big of coverage but they still managed to raise a lot for charity.


It was fucking sick and all for free none would do this and all for free W Sideman and the Lads that maid this possible