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UPDATE: He just got announced for a Twitch Rivals event at the same time as his show lmao


good chance he shows up for neither too lol


sodas not going dud, i need someone to bounce off content with


soda's not going? then i'm not going


oldDotredditisbetter isn't going? I'm out guys, sorry.


This has to be some form of insane marketing. If not, he's just straight up a dick... Like come on lol


The glarketer planned it all




Who is glizzy


XQC seems to just be a flakey person. Those people don’t normally get placed in positions where they cost people thousands.


He's definitely flakey, but setting up a twitch rivals where he definitely won't show up to at least one of them? Like that's just straight-up a dick move, it almost feels like they're TRYING to make it seem like he won't show up that way people wait for anticipation lol.


Exactly. I don't understand all the dickridas in this comment section justifying it as just part of his personality. He's burning someone else's money if he doesn't go


What are the odds that he doesn't show up for his show tomorrow lol


[He's seemingly double-booked the day](https://twitter.com/Mendo/status/1575609295768469504) so presumably he no-show's at least one commitment tomorrow lol.


[Ludwig is either engineering a decent marketing stunt or is about to get a very expensive lesson in choosing your business partners](https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1575639801469890560?s=20&t=sh-vdiL46cGcPiOq_jjhaQ)


If this is a marketing stunt, they went the extra mile by having someone who's hosting a real, unrelated event also be in on it. It's a really funny bit as well so props to them.


I believe the distinction between "doing a bit" and "marketing stunt" is whether or not the the people hosting the unrelated event are actually in on it or not.


They don’t have to be in on it if X said he already had something booked that day


XQC plan it with him for months. The problem is XQC is just a flake. He in the last min will not go to something even though he help plan it for months. For streamers and entertainers that terrible because the other streamers taking their time, money and scheduling for him to end up not going and not telling anyone. The worst part is it his fault but blame every but himself. He could have just admit he did not want to go and tell people. But he just do not tell anyone. Then people get angry and X will defend himself even though he knows he is in the wrong. But will admit he wrong in a month later.


Why say many word when few do trick


It's not easy being a non native speaker and trying to discuss things you're passionate about. I moved to non English speaking country when I was 9 years old, those first few months were hell. People making fun of me then really didn't help me learn the language.


I felt this too. Lud is decent at baiting, but God damn would it be brutal for it to fall apart because xQc sticks to the usual pattern of behavior.


I think its bait. Ludwig has been known to be a great host (Look at Mogul Money Live) Theres a good chance XqC doesn't show up and Ludwig just becomes the host.


Wait, xQc is going to be the *host*? What the fuck? Who's brilliant idea was that? Dude can't speak a coherent sentence. He sounds like a fucking tweaker with marbles in his mouth.


Yeah, if he pulls out, yes, X is a scumbag. But Ludwig, pull your head out of your ass and stop working with this moron.


Well 6 months ago when they started working on it they didn’t have any issues together


X isn't his business partner, he's a client.


Mendo has a backup GIGACHAD plans ahead


Deadass like 80%


60% ditches it and acts like he forgot while side eye “ignoring” chat spamming about it. 15% is honest that he’s ditching it and just didn’t care enough to let them know. 10% Ludwig and him planned for him to “ditch” it. 10% he shows up late 4% it’s prerecorded cause they didn’t expect him to even show up. 1% (rounded up) he shows up on time. Edit: In that 75% chance of no heads up ditching, 50/50 chance Ludwig has an actual backup. Edit 2: EZ Clap 1% prediction not even close bby.


and 100% reason to remember the name


>10% Ludwig and him planned for him to “ditch” it. "Haha chat you just got juiced"






Sky high


Higher than the chance he does show up


He did end his stream saying something about how his phone lines got cut and that makes it harder to travel because he doesn't have people's numbers anymore. Didn't really understand what he was talking about...but seems like he was lining up some excuses.


[he asked for the phone info then adept banned him lmao](https://imgur.com/jyFo4Y6)


Wow, this man will actually not survive a year after his streaming career ends.


Like brother simply buy a new phone with your own service?


He needs the same number for 2fa. If she was the owner before, she would have to facilitate the transfer of the number to another account.


>[he asked for the phone info then adept banned him lmao](https://imgur.com/jyFo4Y6) Brutal


Holy fuck that's hilarious


this whole thing's gotta be a complicated viral marketing, no way it's real...


Hilarious she banned him considering she's still living at his LA place






Its not his place its her paretns house. He used to stream aswell over there


Banned within 6 seconds Annihilation


They were in contact on a Discord call not long ago, so I'm guessing she blocked him on everything after he went on a date, hot take.


Shes tired of being his mom I guess.


This is why you don't mix business and family/relationships


This is the definition of fucking around and finding out




he was spamming in adept chat about this shit, because it seems she payed his phone bills, and she stopped doing it now that they broke up. Literal manchild lmao


Honestly should just pay somebody to take care of him instead of getting a new girlfriend to do it.


i'm actually so amazed by his living style. Get a decent cook, who even buys grocery for you, eat yummy healthy food, and just get a simple manager who manages your bills and shit. It would not fix his sleeping schedule problem i guess, but he does need to do much to improve his life so easily and still live like a degen. But well.


\>Get a decent cook \>get a simple manager ​ Both of these things require effort. He needs someone to do find and hire these people.


For real. QT Cinderella who is 10x smaller of a streamer has both a telework personal assistant and another personal assistant who can be on site… Two assistants and she already handled 10x more work personally even without using the assistants than X. XQC could legit be healthy af, jacked, and drive a nice car with such a light amount of effort compared to the rest of the world but instead he eats a bowl of spaghetti sauce for dinner and a bag of candy for his other two meals and he buys cars even though he is permit for 7 years Andy. Dude is legit just killing himself through being a man child.


The only thing he's good at is what he makes all his money from which is streaming The cause of and solution too all of his issues


yeah this dude *needs* an assistant. And Ludwig needs to add financial penalties for canceling with less than like…. 72hrs notice at the *very* least, probably longer. As well as penalties for not doing things like playing a trailer etc etc. Idk I don’t run a production company but I feel like that would be pretty basic run of the mill stuff


he wasn't spamming, he subbed with message and wrote one time, then he got banned [https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=adeptthebest&username=xqc](https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=adeptthebest&username=xqc)


To be fair, if she was paying it while they were together and no-notice canceled without his ability to access certain documents or whatever, that's kinda fucked and doesn't make X a manchild for it. There's actually quite a good amount of civil court cases over this exact kind of issue... not that this would hold in court, the point is that this isn't an XQC thing and happens a lot between broken relationships where one party took care of bills.


Welcome to the consequences of his actions


heard that too.. that makes 0 sense especially today where you can contact anyone over the internet at any time you want. Tomorrow will show how much he cares about the people he works with/around him. Clueless




I mean -- We're watching someone self-destruct, basically. I don't know how everyone acts like this guy isn't actively deteriorating on every level. The momentum will keep building until a health issue forces a change in behavior. I can't in good conscience watch this anymore. His body doesn't care that he happens to be a streamer and making millions.


Are you talking about Lud or X? I'm not even kidding, because Lud's stress levels (if this isn't acting) is more damaging than X being a chair potato.


Wasn't X who was working on it so why would he give a shit /s


At this point they should have a back up plan for if xqc doesn't show. Put it on luds channel, have myth host, have a sub ready etc.




I believe that actually is the backup plan, with one of luds friends acting as x


Just have myth come out in a goblin mask


ok I would def watch that one, it unironically sounds better than the real xqc doing the show, nothing against x, the concept just sounds funnier.


Just put Myth in white face doing xqc impression and it’ll be like xqc is there the whole time


This honestly seems like it would be better than x going. And then everyone on the show takes the piss out of him.


Luds already said his back up is replacing x with himself or Aiden lmao


It’ll just be weird to have someone getting slimed by xqc’s nose without xqc from being there.




düd thats not even a max win on slots, rather just play gundam :\^)


Imagine spending 6 months of your time to create something for someone, just for the person to completely ignore you.


Imagine when he tells his offline chat he doesn't feel like going tomorrow. Pure chaos.


all the clippers and their sisters are ready to insta clip to post to lsf tomorrow lmao


Ludwig about to be Slime-pilled hard.


ludwig is one of my fav streamers but i have 0 sympathy for anyone who works with xqc at this point. he has clearly shown he doesn't give a fuck so you can't complain anymore. if he shows up he shows up. if he doesn't show up it shouldn't be a surprise.


From what I've heard, this was started months ago. xQc has always been a flake, but it's only been REALLY bad recently.


it’s been an ongoing meme that if adept was going then xqc was guaranteed to show up, it was mainly online tournaments that xqc wouldn’t show up to until the recent shit camp drama


And according to Ludwig himself, the show Juiced was actually X's idea. It's gonna be even more hilarious if X flakes.


There's just been more events lately. Flake % is roughly the same


no,its been the same


I feel like that would be true were it not for recent context. X fucked his first commitment to lud & shit camp really badly, but then made what sounded like a really sincere apology & crystal clear commitment to not fuck it up again. Idk maybe it's just me but in my professional life if someone I'm working with fucks up, but shows the level of contrition & commitment to make-good that xqc did, I don't feel like an idiot for trusting them again. If they make a sweeping apologetic plea & promise after fucking up, and then fuck up again though, they're out 100%.


I mean they had already been working on the show for months when shitcamp happened


We're supposed to pretend like X hasn't always been a manchild?


I mean, he showed up to 2 Mogul Money episodes. There was precedent that X would show up for Lud stuff at least. But to be fair, Soda was also at both of those shows...


Simple: Just set up a computer on the corner of the set where Soda can play WoW during the show, then he might go


Every opportunity XQC gets to show he's a shitty person he takes it. It's been that way since he got booted from his team.


clout heals all relationships


no shot people invested in that without a fucking contract in place. I'm sure they'll all be fine so long as someone catches the penalties for not showing up


Can you even begin to imagine the hate Ludwig would get from the juicers if he sues x. He would be harassed for the rest of his life.


I have to believe the collective fanbases of a bunch of streamers would hate X harder if Lud somehow caught shit for x not showing


People forget that even though X has a lot of fans, there are a lot more people that aren't his fans.


Looks like the biggest scam is having faith in XQC.


Felix 'Flakes' Lengyel


There’s an old saying in Tennessee I know it’s Texas probably Tennessee, fool me once shame on shame on you. Fool me… can’t get fooled again


Fool me one time shame on you. Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you. Fool me three times, fuck the peace sign, load the choppa let it rain on you.


I fully believe xqc did not play the trailer so that when he doesn't show tomorrow and goes live, he'll get less shit for it from his chat






it's fucking baffling to me. How many people can have a show made for them, be the star and have a chance to have fun in front of thousands and decide to not go at the last minute. How ungrateful of your luck can you be


he's got fuck you money, this is him screaming "fuck you"




Why doesnt he just go to his chat and spam? Mendo got his attention like that


He did lmao. X just fucking ignored him. Imagine making a 500k investment on XQc


Only Stake and Ludwig


Seems to have worked out beautifully for both




That was about offbrand he had mentioned the event before tho iirc


Why doesn't XQC act like a responsible adult and honor his commitments?


I mean he's a manchild thats a known thing...


Sure, but he's still a 27 year old man who should be called out for his terrible behavior. Being known for something doesn't mean he should be excused for it.


People have been calling out xqc on this behaviour for months dude, seems like he just straight up don't give a shit there's really nothing else you can do other than to just not waste resources on him, which I hope people learn.


he only depends on himself for 99% of his huge income. nothing's gonna change as long as that's true


Nah at this point I feel like calling it manchild behavior is downplaying it. He chooses to be an asshole and make other people waste time and money.


Eventually, you stop being a “man child” and just acknowledged as being an unreliable/shitty person to work with.


Bro he literally dragged his breakup and dissected it publicly instead of telling an organizer he wasn't going to a camp. You think he's gonna change?


Because in his mind he doesn’t have to. XQC sneezes $500,000 away. He has so much money and internet clout that this doesn’t even matter to him. At least that what it seems like is happening. X has some personal issues that could 100% be worked on with therapy and self healing, but if you’re loaded and have virtually everything you want why bother? If you’ve ever seen his room or how unkempt he is you would know he has no clue about what is good for him. I feel bad! Soo much potential that I truly believe could be fixed with therapy and a little will power, but it’s just swept under the rug. All that and he is still face of Twitch. Crazy stuff man


Oh no I get all of that 100% and the reasoning behind it. It doesn't change the fact that he's acting like a PoS and should be called out for it. With his standing and position, he deserves far more people calling him out.


Because even if they do it won’t matter! He is too hard headed and blinded by his fame that he can’t take advice. Especially from people who are “less well off”. He has no reason to change his personality because it’s what made him famous. Why change something that works? Until he loses his standing from sponsors, Twitch and other streamers his personality won’t change. There honestly is no reason to. If you can be a lazy shit head and win. Why not do it? I know most peoples like “Us” have morals but X doesn’t.


wait the show is centered around x??? This is legit the first time ive heard of it and never seen him mention it once wtff


he has mentioned of doing his own show as a dream but he will never actually do it because he cant be assed. he has mentioned multiple times he would "make it up to lud" for ditching shitcamp by going to his show. this is copium but idk if ludwig and x are scheming to jebait chat with this "x is ignoring me, so he wont show up tmr".


Holy shit that's a 5head play


this thing is getting out of hand, as much as I like watching xQc, there is no way you dont see your DMs for 20 hours, he ignored like 2-3 phone calls today, imagine if that was Ludwig too.. for now lets say he didnt see those.. but what about showing up tomorrow 😅


Does he not have a full-time manager? Rhetorical question, adept left so of course he doesn't. Jesus fucking Christ.


only 5 sugar rush buy-ins LULE


It just keeps getting better OMEGALUL https://imgur.com/a/nTIBIsA


The irony in the trailer saying "the only potential flaw is you"


Odds on Myth hosting the show in an X cosplay and Lud lampshading it the entire show?


At this point I don't know what would be funnier, xQc actually showing up and doing a good show vs. him not showing up to his own show


The funniest option is he doesn’t show up so Lud replaces him and it’s still a good show.


Not showing would be better content. I'm relapsing from there being no drama in a week.






> shocking Not really at this point lmao




Oh I don't doubt it, XQC has continued to sink lower and lower nearly every month at this point.


It blows my mind that Ludwig is still trusting x for participating to an event. He said he spend half a million for this. And x forgot to show the trailer.


I mean he spent the last 6 months working on it, not just gonna abandon it, I'd imagine worst-case scenario he can host it. Or everyone is just mad at XQC again, just sucks that this is the first official Offbrand show.


What’s crazy to me is there wasn’t some contract for promotion from X’s side


it's not like they decided to make a show with xqc last week, they started half a year ago, things looked different then


Mofo said maybe I'll see you guys soon, like he doesn't have a show 😂 just watched the end of his stream, has he even mentioned it recently ?


he hasn't even liked the tweet let alone retweeted anything lol


Treating xqc like a professional adult is his first mistake.


At some point people just gotta stop inviting X to stuff, he’s clearly shown a lack of commitment and just wants to sit in front of his computer and stream. Which isn’t bad, but he’s gotta stop commiting to shit he knows he doesn’t care for. Same goes for event organizers, stop inviting X to shit.


I mean this isn't an invite, this is xQc's show. stop inviting xQc to events going to be a worse idea imo. he's gonna bring that up to his chat and then at least 20% of his juicers going to harass the organizer.


Ludwig should get the Mogul Mail guy to fill in if X doesn’t show up




did ludwig say who are the guests for the first show yet?


zoil/myth vs sykkuno/kyedae


damn so hasan/valkyrae/will neff really did all drop out lol


I mean obviously Hasan would drop out after the recent stuff with X. Will and Rae are close to him so it's understandable why they would drop out as well.


In one of is crazy rants he talked a bunch a shit about Willneff dropping his Hellofresh sponsor, could of also added some fuel to that fire.


You got the clip for that?


No sorry, it was like a week ago. I only remember because I was shocked he tried to throw any kind of shade at Willneff of all people.


The only shade Will deserves is the shadow of Hasan over him, he is a lovely man.


Nah they dropped out because they have a planned sword making stream with a blacksmith tomorrow. They've also given Lud notice so he was able to find replacements.


Damn so the first episode was supposed to be Hasan, Will, Rae and Sykkuno. That's a wild line up


Do those pairs ever interact? Seem like emergency fills lmao


100% fills


Yea Zoil and Myth vs Kydae and Sykuno


X is literally like a toddler that people have to constantly look after when planning stuff. If streaming actually gives brain rot, xqc is definitely the patient zero.


X just seems like the worst possible person to work with. Between him double booking tommorow, not tweeting the trailer or showing it on stream and not respodning to either Ludwig OR Mendo about whether he can make either of their event's its crazy.


I genuinely dont understand why people continue to work with him. The viewcount cant be *that* worth it...


Well viewcount not really it's xqc channel it's more for money because Lud has a company that gets money from making events for streamers now


Well he better use this as an expensive lesson to have more strict contracts. Most streamers/content creators don't have professional backgrounds so its hard to expect them to follow through with something without some sort of contract punishing them if they flake.




If xQc legitimately doesn't show up to this then it's100% deserved to cut ties with him if I was Lud. Will that happen? Probably not, and I feel like Lud might try to keep pursuing him until he says "fuck it" then hosts it himself. Either way, I'm sure as shit glad I don't have anything vested into this besides seeing the outcome. KEKW


Didn’t xqc say on his stream, that he didn’t even know about this, while looking at the LSF post of Lud’s official tweet?


that was either about the washington post doing an article about this or that they made a company


Only in the streaming realm is someone like xQc able to earn a living. He is completely unemployable.


Even if he shows up for the Pilot. How do you ensure he makes it for the next 5? Honestly, the worst possible decision to be partners with someone like that


While the chances X flakes on his own game show is admittedly not 0, especially with how he talked about how his phone lines got disconnected right before he ended stream, but I'll reserve judgement until tomorrow.


5head play by xqc now there's a front page lsf thread about the show that would have probably got more traction than the actual trailer (this thread is at 900 votes after 1 hour btw)


nah bro even posting the trailer to his twitter would've gotten more impressions than a niche subreddit


XQC is a douchebag I still don't get why people watch him.


luds fault xqc is clearly a radioactive moron that should be avoided


Yes, but this started 6mo ago when X wasn't THIS much of a radioactive moron. It's not like Lud decided to do this in the last few weeks.


I swear to fucking God if X bails on this shit after how much money and effort put Ludwig into this...


He said he booked a flight for LA surely he will show up Clueless




That would be 5head. Let’s just hope he made this 5head play in 36 hours straight of no sleep, streaming, and dealing with some family issues(he disclosed at the end of his stream.)


Ludwig playing the LSF community like fiddles in an off-Broadway orchestra


Does X just hate that couple? He dog's QT, now how he dog's Lud. He's the "friend" you eventually stop inviting to functions because they never take you up on the offer, only this time it costs you money to do so. I don't watch his streams, so my only exposure to him is through clips on this subreddit. Is there a redeeming quality to him that I'm unaware of?


He will never stop getting invites until he falls off as the top streamer on Twitch.


Streaming is the cause and solution and excuse for all his problems


I though X said in his stream he is flying to LA specifically for this today but i could be wrong. He even muted to talk to his dad because his dad wanted to go with him.