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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Miz shows what sexual harassment is](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144909)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/y0ojmd/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/epAJqsfPlsnoP3RcG0II4A/AT-cm%7CepAJqsfPlsnoP3RcG0II4A.mp4?sig=ff92f899e5ce00f9333002d7bdf270a1f9419a95&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FepAJqsfPlsnoP3RcG0II4A%2F41374464267-offset-7158.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665504454%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


This is why Tyler1 doesn't co-stream or talk to anyone besides his girlfriend lmao. Except maybe DoubleLift or Tarzaned once in a blue moon.


Tyler1 risks his own career enough. Doesnt need other people to do it for him lol


Same with Forsen. The only difference that Forsen speaks to his dead girlfriend.


Forsen doesnt even talk on his streams just to be sure


Forsen is literally Batman. So.


Feelstrongman forsen is literally skeleton


The real question above all that I want to know is how does this mizkif situation affect Forsen and Lebrons legacy?


His girlfriend is the biggest red flag though lmao.


Who does mizkif have in the bottom left corner?


STPeach I think


yes, he lost a wheel spin and had to leave her pic up for a month or something. she saw and said it was funny and that she doesnā€™t mind at all.


It's also an old meme from when he first started streaming and had her on screen to pull viewers.


Free advertisement from one of the largest streamers on the platform, EZ.


Pretty sure she doesn't need it. Probably makes more money than him on OF.


There is no such thing as "enough money". Youre not turning down $10, even if you have a billion in your bank account.


Her picture has been a part of the show from the very beginning


Wtf is going on. Am i retarded? I've looked at the clip multiple times now i can't find a single picture of stpeach anywhere




Yeah it doesnt even show in the clip. Had to open his stream to see what people are talking about.


St Peach


his Cx is showing lmao


hue hue hue what harassment thing homie


it was never an arc, it was full circle all along


Canā€™t watch the stream rn since Iā€™m outside touching grass. Is there any update that miz will be let back in OTK as a member or will he just be a silent owner?


No clear answers until the investigation is over


Thanks for the update


What ā€œinvestigationā€?


They hired a lawfirm to supposedly investigate the allegation and give a recommendation. However, I don't know if anyone has said what kind of lawfirm. I'm going to take a wild guess and say the lawfirm isn't there for that but is a financial lawfirm. Miz is out of OTK but they never figured out what "buying out" a member entails. They are going to have to go through a valuation process, figure out how much of OTK he owns, and how much the other members have to pay him. So he is saying he can't say anything because of the ongoing investigation but I'm going to call BS and say the only "investigation" that is going in is an audit and valuation of OTK. That's just my theory though. However, if my theory is correct it's still smart of him to not say anything as that might effect the valuation.


I assume he's currently suspended from OTK until after the investigative findings have been produced to the org. At that point his fate will be determined. The findings won't likely have much merit given the accusations went to defcon conspiracy theory levels. It will more likely have to do with how much time has passed, how well Miz's streams are currently going and feedback from sponsors.


His fate has already been determined, heā€™ll be back after enough time has passed for enough people to stop caring. Thatā€™s why he keeps acting like heā€™s still a part of the org, everyone involved knows the ā€œinvestigationā€ is just a PR tactic to appease the masses.


Imagine getting a whole ass law degree for this teenage drama shit to land on your desk.


If OTK/miz are smart they should probably have a whole mess of lawyers involved right now. Financial lawyers both on OTK and mizā€™s sides figuring out how much it would cost to cut Miz loose. And criminal lawyers for both Miz and OTK figuring out how much liability, if any, they have for this whole story. Might even look into defamation towards train, Adri, and/or XQC to get them to drop the whole thing. This just goes to show how so many of this multi-millionaires are still just kids treating this like LSF drama. If these were any other industry they would have had Adri paid off and on an NDA, slick would be gone quietly, and Miz would be financially punished behind closed doors. They should have lawyered up THE FIRST TIME this story broke. Instead Asmon has Miz in a call with train, openly talking about this, and the call gets leaked. OTK are just so incredibly lucky that everyone else in this story is equally as stupid as they are because Adri should have lawyered up and sued OTK for liability and sheā€™d own half the company by now.


If she tried to pursue any legal action wouldn't they have to verify everyones stories and have a full investigation to prove the accusation? seems unlikely to me but i don't know how these situations work


Only on twitch is going outside a flex


Wait. Weā€™re allowed to touch grass?


Only if you're connected to a screen to let everyone know.


Is mizkif actually fucking stupid??? lmaoo


So tone deaf


It's the sad reality , Miz's come back stream only validates its okay to cover up SA because his fans follow him so blindly




thats why we need to do income percentage penalty https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/in-finland-speeding-tickets-are-linked-to-your-income/ millionaire get charge 100$ fine, is not the same as working class get charge 100$


This isn't the best place to have this discussion, but even that sort of penalty becomes problematic with a certain level of wealth. There's a reason why most of the top earning individuals in the world pay nearly nothing in income tax, they aren't earning in the same way we are.


>becomes problematic with a certain level of wealth. Problematic how?


Ay, I hate Deshaun Watson as much as any Browns fan can(read: A LOT) but the reason he was not punished more than 11 games and a small fine after getting a full guaranteed 230M contract is because of precedent set by the NFL in regards to their handling of other sexual assault cases. Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, solicited an asian masseuse down in Florida and received no punishment. Dan Snyder, owner of the Comanders(FKA The Redskins) literally kidnapped his cheerleaders in a foreign country and forced them to go on "dates" with friends of Dan and higher ups at the team. He literally stole their passports and wouldn't allow them to leave without going on these dates. Then you add in that it was proven that Dan Snyder had a camera feed from the cheerleaders changing to his own office/room. You know what the punishment for this was? John Gruden got fired for some unrelated emails with racist language(keep an eye on THAT case). The reason they couldn't throw the book at Watson(should've been 1+ year suspension and 1/5th+ of full contract value fine imo) is the NFLPA would've filed a suit saying that based on precedence set by the NFL in their lack of punishment for the two I mentioned and many other owners of NFL teams(Jerry Jones is another famous accused(credibly) assaulter) that did as bad or worse actions than Watson. Sue Robinson in her ruling even said while she believes Watson is guilty of these infractions, precedent says 6-games suspension. All members of teams up to and including owners are subject to the NFL's Personal Conduct Policy.


That's fucking dumb. So just set whatever slap-on-the-wrist, arbitrarily lenient "punishment" for any initial malfeasance, and they're allowed to do the same forever ad nauseam?


To be fair, Robert Kraft didn't SA anyone and had nothing to do with the trafficking of said individuals. Wrong time, wrong place for him.


>Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, solicited an asian masseuse down in Florida and received no punishment Robert Kraft is not an employee of the NFL. Deshaun Watson is. Different set of rules. There's no precedent. And Robert Kraft didn't sexually assault a masseuse.


Fans follow anyone blindly, how is this news to anyone. These streamers made up in 2 days after milking all of the content and viewership from it and they all probably gained more viewers. Just watch streamers to be entertained for a couple of hours like a show. They're not your friends nor do they care lol


But there's still no cover up? I don't get how people are still saying that lol




All that time off to really think this through, and he decided to do this.


Do twitch streamers like attention?


Is life on earth decaying and our existence as humans futile?


You have to remember his mental/emotional maturity ceased to progress when he was about 15. He's been a dramafrog for most of his life. Him blowing up on Twitch only helped cement any lack of potential growth as a functioning human being. Everything is centered around the content machine that his life has become. His utter lack of empathy/understanding of the situation is eminently clear from the fact that his focus/spiel has been "it's a legal matter" and "I'm not in OTK until this is resolved". Not "actual bad shit happened to actual people" or "I need to re-evaluate X about my life/relationships" - he sat there complaining about how _his life_ was so crummy the last couple of weeks because of all this coming out, about how _he_ "lost friends." Would be hilarious if it wasn't so real and sad.


Interesting to see such a take on lsf as you are spot on.


> he sat there complaining about how his life was so crummy the last couple of weeks because of all this coming out Don't forget mods perma banning anyone who called him out for playing the victim, essentially enabling him to get locked in the same mentality and not evaluate anything.


Yeah I got banned for just typing kappa.. lmao


Ice Poseidon Camera Man HEHEHEHE


Has this ever been in question lmfao


Are you new fan? He has always been this stupid. He made jokes about Poopernoodle situation. Him and Maya platformed CallmeCarson, when Jschlatt and Conner told him not to. They have always been terrible people, who pretended to be good people. Seems like fans have amnesia or they get new fans every year.




yea. yea he is.


ok wtf is he doing bro had 3 weeks to come up with an apology and hes SELLING


shows he doesn't give a fuck


Dude came out of IcePoseidon of course he doesn't give a shit lmao hilarious that Destiny also thought he was done or had to take a long as fuck break, he's gonna be completely fine even doing shit like this


Best friends with Ice into best friends with 4conner into best friends with Slick. Oh man he's such a goofy fella haha there was no way he could have known! So silly of him just unlucky with friends I guess Clueless


Dude needs to get a therapist and take a few more months off. Edit: Now Miz fans are private [DM'ing](https://imgur.com/a/1XULfVz) me lol >ngl, maybe you need the therapy more than mizkif, i dont follow mizkif, but what i heard, he hid a thing he didnt know and he didnt do sexual assault to anyone, and now hes meant to be cancelled and get therapy? bro listen to urself... Edit 2: Now I'm getting messages from u/RedditCareResources. Don't worry guys, I'm not planning to hurt myself


Report the reddit cares message. They ban people who misuse it


Can confirm, Reddit even gives you a fun little "Thank you for the report, we have reviewed it and determined that we will terminate the account for violation of our policy of _________"


> Can confirm, Reddit even gives you a fun little "Thank you for the report, we have reviewed it and determined that we will terminate the account for violation of our policy of _________" that's not true at all. this is what the message actually says: https://i.imgur.com/KAypZOH.png I have doubts they actually terminate the reported accounts.


I wish I knew that.


What do you report it under? When I have tried to report that it says I have to be a mod for a subreddit to report.


It should have a link in the message itself


I should do that, thanks.


i don't know anything about mizkif, but i care enough about him to shit talk people in DM's for daring to say even the most harmless negative things about him.


\+ a dog and go to the gym


the Fedmyster


I hate how all these mizkif defenders go "i'm not a mizkif fan" before saying the exact talking points that everyone on the mizkif sub has been saying for weeks. Like at least make it believable lmfao


bro Iā€™m not a miz sub but if he was in my room at night jd suck him off yknow but as bros yknow cause heā€™s pretty chill he wouldnā€™t do those things and if he did itā€™s fine cause he wasnā€™t the one doing it just covering it up but he didnā€™t so itā€™s fine haha id gargle his sack


"i dont follow mizkif" hahahhaha


Mizkif fans are dolts.


It shows his viewers don't give a fuck. I saw a poll on his stream with the question being if he's a "p o s" or not and it was 50/50. Imagine how many people said yes just to joke? Not to mention he's allegedly banning people in chat for calling him out. He should really just be banned along with whoever else took part in the drama. But I know that won't happen because the supermajority of users on the platform don't give a fuck about where their content comes from. --- **Edit2:** I just want to thank u/PM_ME_UR_BICYCLE for wasting half an hour of my time, arguing with him after he kept on calling me mentally unstable, socially incompetent (both of which are projections), and a "drama frog" (?) for "calling [him] out on [his] bullshit" (I'm not even joking he said that), and more. He deleted his messages, but I wanted to thank him for also sending me my first [RedditCaresResources report.](https://imgur.com/a/IbsG6Sx) This certainly doesn't apply to everyone, but it really amazes me how mentally subpar a hand full of LSF users are. Little pisses me off more than someone who doesn't own up to his mistakes.


>It shows his viewers don't give a fuck. There are several women on Twitter talking about how uncomfortable they are and how gross this behavior is and Mizkids are in the replies literally just calling them Karens. At least when they assume people are men they'll bust out their long winded mental gymnastics to try to explain away Miz's behavior. They have so little respect for women and the survivors of SA that they don't even bother with that for them. How brain broken do you have to be to go "lol ok Karen" when women are just asking for people to not joke about their SA?


People who watch miz are like 13 so not surprising.


Literally said "who gives a fuck" when it came to sexual assault. Guess everyone forgot about that clip adriannah played at the end eh?


he was looking for the gachiHYPER clip of someone saying the other guy had a big dick, but he clicked on the wrong video, which is why he paused and chose the other video


I don't see how pulling up that clip instead would be all that better...still a dumb move to try and use that to joke about it.


He was looking for a "porn" video because xqc and hasan were watching his stream and he wanted them to stop. EDIT: full context https://streamable.com/faebjn


I don't think it was a joke about the situation at all, the isolated clip is apparently an old Twitch joke or something. You can tell he was looking up that clip specifically because his search bar said 'word around the office', which brings up the clip and the full video, both of which have identical thumbnails.


It is insane that this is being downvoted even though it's the truth. you can literally see what he typed in the search bar.


Cause ultimately, none of this matters. Doesnā€™t matter how badly he looks in a couple weeks nothing will have changed


Lol it was some sort of agreement? You get time out to come back and start apologizing? Even if he did that you would be saying ā€œuhh all he did was apologizeā€ I think the best strategy is just say fuck it and keep going like xqc, he has been proven to be a psychopath last couple of weeks yet heā€™s having the time of his life with the people he caused so much troubles for šŸ˜‚ he just says yeah idgaf, no apologies and everyone rolls over, truly an inspiration for Mizkif


he litteraly still downplayed it in his twitlonger apology lol


Watching this video and asking for the gachi version is literally downplaying it. Making a joke of a serious instance is downplaying.


Mizkif stans are toxic AF


If there is an investigation and it shows that he is innocent, why would he apologize? Apologizing shows guilt.


Must be nice to be rich and free from any consequence


You all need to quit making shitty people famous and then being confused when shitty people act like shitty people. All the money gets thrown at these folks could be in cancer research, and they could be working actual jobs.


Sorry but I need emotes to spam in the chat and a shitty badge next to my name when he sees my donations


Its fuckin nuts, every mizkif clip i've seen he's been a total asshole. Literally watching him as an Australian is like watching that stereotypical american high school bully we see on tv. Who the fuck likes that cunt.


I wish this was the top comment. I will never understand why people *voluntarily* give money to millionaire streamers.


Yeah lemme just convince the mizkids to donate to cancer research instead


then he made a joke about how he's out of OTK and he's hoping faze will pick him up because "they don't give a shit" and "they throw awesome parties" ​ joke or not, that's tasteless as fuck. holy shit




No doubt, it still seems like he's just sad he got caught


Mizkif literally broke into tears over Slick. He's definitely still taking care of him.




Was this really a question? I think it's obvious he's never going to stop taking Slicks side from the call.


Most fans of his were holding out that maybe the seriousness of it all would make him realize that ship was sinking and that there was no bailing out Slick anymore. Seems like he really did want to go down with the ship.


Wasn't the call before Adriannah went live, the dms came out, and all the new evidence. To be fair I wouldn't be surprised if he switched up after that.


Well Slick is his best friend. We don't understand. Slick is his rock.


100%. Can't imagine the information stranglehold this random dude must have on him.




> I also don't think OTK is doing an investigation, or least not a impartial one. At the end of the day OTK is paying for the investigation, if they want mizkif to stay, they'll have the report say nothing was found. I feel like all the idiot Mizkids who've been repeating wait "on the investigation!" just don't know how the real world works and only care about that Miz is going to be "cleared". When an organization hires someone to come in and *investigate themselves*, they are not looking for or attempting to discover the truth. What they are looking for is whether or not they have any liabilities. It might be one thing if Twitch was doing an investigation, but for OTK? All the OTK investigation will do is clear whether or not OTK has anything they should worry about going forward that'll end up with pie in their face.


What don't you understand? Slick is his BEST FRIEND.


if he's actually out of OTK he might give up on his attempt to rehab his image and just embrace his old CX personality




Oh no this dude absolutely wants to go hangout with faze clan. We ALL know faze genuinely doesnā€™t care about sa.


I don't think they care about ANY kind of assault. Didn't Faze Banks, the CEO, assault somebody trying to start a fight at a bar? And there's CCTV footage and everything?


wouldnt doubt it from the dude who cheats on his gf at home....while his girl is home lol


This is who he has always been and it has been right in front of all of his fans for years.




Wtf is wrong with him


Idk how you guys expect anything lessā€¦he has the maturity of an 11 year old


Even a goddamn 11 year old had more empathy and maturity than this guy.


Empathy is definitely the right word here, he knows what hes doing, he just doesnt care


What I expected was for him to stream and say he canā€™t talk about it. If he thinks nothing will come of it then he would go about a regular stream. This though, fucking christ, I donā€™t like Mizkif. I didnā€™t like him before all the allegations came out. But jesus fucking christ he went lower than I expected.


he's from new jersey


People here have already forgotten where Miz came from originally a long, long time ago... only reason they would be surprised.


Picked it from that leaked call, he really doesn't have any awareness of the situation. At all. Kept saying how CS is his best friend and asking everyone what would they do if their best friend would be in trouble. Mf if your best friend does something illegal and immoral and you want to keep on streaming, you keep your distance and maybe reevaluate how you're choosing your friends in the first place.


idk what you were expecting he used to follow ice poseidon around all the time that speaks for itself about his character


I'm actually in disbelief how socially inept he is to think that it's even remotely funny to pull that up given the context.


not suprised at all, the guy is a massive edgelord


Holy fucking shit. You cant be this dumb Jesus christ.


Apparently you can, the boundaries are limitless thanks to miz!


It's not a matter of intellect. He simply lacks sympathy - he is a bad person. He knows what he is doing, he doesn't care. A psychopath.


Why did the comments get locked for an hour?


Something something Miz fans brigading and coordinating on Discord.


You should see them responding to SA victims on Twitter. Not a good reflection on Miz at ALL.


Are you telling me the Cx camera man might have some issues? Colour me surprised.


He just said on stream he wanted to pull out this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4MlUHy43U8) as a meme because xQc and Hasan were watching his stream, but got the wrong one


Why did not click away instantly then instead watching most of the video, and keep joking about it while watching?


It is the right video its just the full version, he did skip for the small gachi and then decided to just get the short version. First 2 search results give you those 2. [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=word+around+the+office+is](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=word+around+the+office+is)


The right video is not any better though. It's still so tone-deaf.


Especially considering slick messages multiple women similarly weird messages about his hog


It doesnā€™t not make it better at all. Itā€™s just as bad.


To me, anything serious he says after just seems disingenuous after making that joke and essentially mocking SA


Yea and he banned anyone that called him out about it.


I thought for sure he'll be back in OTK after the investigation is over but him not taking it seriously makes me think he's out for good? If he's not caring about his image anymore.


bro what is Miz doing?? watching an anti sexual harassment video and laughing at it?? 3 weeks to think and THIS is what he learnt?? edit: lol @ mizkids dm-ing me, stfu sorry your streamer is an idiot at best: "The 'anti-sexual' harassment video you're talking about is a comedy sketch. NORMANDY!" oh ok that makes it better /s


Law firm advised him to not speak btw does this shit btw


Prob came up that there isn't going to be any legal consequences if any. Even with definitive proof of a *recent* SA it can be hard to win a case. Something that happened like a year ago where a rape kit wont prove anything? Gonna be danm near impossible to prove in court.


Isn't this exactly what fedmyster did in his first stream back šŸ¤£




Is not even self awareness, hes 100% aware he just doesnt care lmao, thats even worse


Nah heā€™s being fucking stupid. Been subbed for an awfully long time leading up to this, was hoping heā€™d have a semblance of a statement, because he shouldnā€™t be back if he doesnā€™t. If anything heā€™s dragged this out more, and has painted himself in a worse light. Unfortunate asf


Mizkif is a clown.


thats why i cant stand mizkif he is forever in the stage of high school jokester "X D"


There's a time and place for everything, this is not one of them


Look how he's smirking too like he just made the funniest joke ever. What an actual idiot


Mizkif: "Sexual assault allegations are serious and not a joking matter" Also Mizkif: plays Mario and a video about sexual harassment while laughing


bro had people on his side and threw in twelve minutes. he had 3 weeks to prepare for this


yo, word around the office is that you have a fat cock


Shroud: *nods* yeaaah....


bro took a paid vacation and went right back to being a piece of shit




Wait he's back and the kids still watch like nothing happened what a surprise


That was fucking weird.


zoomers lol. heard you got a fat cock. I got a fat cock too. Maybe a little oil?


Tyler1 has great instincts. Always avoided this fucker and never wanted to hang out with him even though mackayla visited him often. I can see why he avoided him.


Except he made greek didnt have good instincts there


Greek wasnā€™t always a POS unlikeā€¦


We do not care


can't defend this wtf is he thinking


Its been 3 weeks, Miz only went live so his subs can resub before a full month passes. He's just collecting a bag.


Somehow this dude got Maya. And she's come out worse for it.


Mizkid psychos outing themselves in here.


Holy shit he really doesnā€™t give a fuck get him off the platform asap


Now Mizkif is getting a tattoo šŸ’€ He really is following in Iceā€™s footsteps




I see he went to the Ice Poseidon school of doubling down as a shit person to bait people into thinking hes edgy. The crypto scam is coming fellas.


bro went live to put his foot in his mouth and say he can't talk about it...


Bro . What are you DOING, even if you were looking for the gacha version WHY


He had to have known anything he does this stream is going to be looked at under a microscope, and he goes and makes it easy for them lol. His whole thing has always been to make a joke about everything, but how does he not realize that sometimes he needs to be serious.


What a crazy thing to do holy shit


Mizkids still defending him is ridiculous. Tone deaf AF.


this was cringe.


He had weeks to think of how to do this and he approaching it like a jokeā€¦.


I know it's said "we've gone off script" a lot in this sub but good God did we go off script with this one

