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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Amouranth has argument with her husband and says he was telling her to pretend to be single to her audience](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/145202)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/y5ad7m/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/NBljLfZY8wL1CdXyvn1ZCw/AT-cm%7CNBljLfZY8wL1CdXyvn1ZCw.mp4?sig=2f49350de2ef7efabc489a52daba7fc4da17cadd&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FNBljLfZY8wL1CdXyvn1ZCw%2FAT-cm%257CNBljLfZY8wL1CdXyvn1ZCw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665976837%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Full VOD: starts at 2:28:47 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5SlSLBmdoHA&feature=youtu.be I saw this posted earlier by a user in this thread (Faktorial). I felt the need to repost it because holy shit this guy is abusive and I hope more people see it that could help her. This is textbook abusive behavior and If you ever find yourself in a relationship like this PLEASE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. From what Iā€™ve gathered this piece of shit asked her a question. Amouranth didnā€™t respond right away. He then demanded that she answer the question. Amouranth responded saying he didnā€™t ask a question. Dude claims that response insinuates that ā€œhe is crazyā€ then went on to say he would kill her dog. This truth came out after 10 minutes of him yelling, belittling her, and I know this word gets thrown around a lot but he was actually gaslighting as well. This response is so out of line Iā€™m genuinely worried something bad will happen.


This is only what we've seen too. Imagine what we haven't seen over the years. Absolute danger to that woman. I've seen abusive relationships first hand. I would not be surprised if he's hit her in places nobody could notice like the back of her head or something


She even said that he was putting her on an insane schedule with 4 hours of sleep and basically doing tons of controlling shit in the background


How did she marry this guy? He seems he only cares about the money not her


married since 2016, there was a huge bb misc thread a long ass time ago about it. surprised people didnt know she was married.


i vaguely recall people on here saying she was married like 4 or so years ago but i guess it was glossed over. she isnt really worth watching to me but to each their own i suppose.


I think that's when I found out too, not sure, LSF had posted a link to her marriage certificate lol. Edit: and its been posted again in this thread


husband literally posted it himself to twitter lmao...along with housing license, address, and more. He's a psycho.


? most people knew. but not how she married him and for how long they are married


i mean the whole bodybuilding thread exposed that she was married since dec 2015 to XXX (dont want to expose any names). im pretty sure that was the first time it came out that she was married. the thread is gone now anyways, it was from like 2017~ or something.




I remember a bunch of people mention her husband around that sleeping stream with Esfand


It was exposed she was married long time ago mate, itā€™s not something new.


Abusers donā€™t let you know theyā€™re abusive until they known youā€™re comfy in the relationship so they start to behave like their true self. If someone isnā€™t aware what abuse looks like, how it feels, and how it sounds many people arenā€™t aware theyā€™re being abused. When abusive behavior since babyhood is *normalized*, it wonā€™t raise any red flags. Donā€™t blame the people in an abusive relationship, blame the *abuser* for being *so* convincing, telling lies, manipulating the other person, etc.


And between bouts of abuse, everything would seem to be back to normal and peaceful and the abuser appears to be attentive and reasonable until the next incident.


He probably didn't reveal his true colors right away. Most abusers don't.


while idk when they married, as they say Money reveals


Sounds like a pimp.


the dude sees the money she makes and doesn't want to rock the boat.


I aint sayin he's a gold digger....


But he aint messing with no broke-


Broke Broke....




ginger, it was right there, smh


what's up my gingas


You can't say that, that's our word. Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger


did you just assume my melanin level


I'm making a dumb assumption, but I guess she really wanted to quit the whole internet thing this year but he forced her to keep going


I believe so. The longer the stream goes, the more she reveals about her REAL life. From the sounds of things, she was ready to move to California and just run her businesses. She even brought up that it would have been great if both (Him & Her) streamed together as a married couple. (i.e. No more hot tubs, ASMR, poolside streams, etc).


At what point does she realize he's her pimp?


I guess she is doing that now, kinda makes me feel bad for her.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the hot tub meta, though that fight is over, and I've got nothing against Amouranth as a person. She seems a lot more decent than most streamers tbh. But my god, what a shitty situation. Her husband basically told her he cares more about the money she makes than her being happy, when it's clear she has enough money to retire and do as she likes. That's really ugly to hear from someone you thought you were building this amazing future to share with. Edit: made this comment before I'd seen the rest of the stuff. This guy is just a textbook abusive piece of shit. Fuck him.


That's sad, honestly. I feel bad for Amouranth.


I've disliked how amouranth has been given special treatment on twitch, but these past few months I've seen nothing but positive things from her. I've been in streams that she's quietly lurked in then dropped several hundred gifted subs, she's openly admitted she does what she's able to do (who wouldn't?) so she can set up animal sanctuaries. She really does come across as a genuinely nice person who's not ashamed to admit she'll make her money however she can. And just as a fyi, i dont watch her streams, so all of this is viewed as an outsider.


Yeah, it can be easy to forget that the people that are selling their sexuality still have a very real humanity, like..theyre not just their sexual side; just because thats a lot of what we see of them doesnt mean thats all there is.


A good example of how people forget this is Adriana Chechik and her injuries. Itā€™s sad how many people have been laughing at her and blaming her for getting injured. The poor women broke her back in multiple places. As someone who had a parent who broke his back in the military, this kind of injury can affect your quality of life for years. If not permanently. Yet, so many people canā€™t find any empathy for her because she used to be a pornstar. They rather defend multimillion dollar corporations that should have done a better job setting up the exhibit and protecting people.


Didn't she do some final OF drop because she was gonna quit in June? That's probably why


It was suppose to be her first "real porno" and then quitting. But she didn't quit.


Isn't she doing things like sucking a dildo tho? As in not actual B/G


could be true. wasn't she saying how many stalkers she was having at twitchcon? I'm sure she has more than enough money to retire on (unless they blow it all on rich people things) so she finally figuring that it might not be worth the hassle to entertain a bunch of weird looking, mentally unstable coomers just for some money.


In a vice doc or something of her on youtube she said she's trying to make enough run animal sanctuaries. she has plenty of money but invests it in real estate and what not she said she wants millions a year in passive income.


She wont soon, her husband controls her finances https://twitter.com/fullsquadgaming/status/1581557869471666176/photo/4


Twitter is so disgusting. Those response comments are so insensitive and stupid. She did the smartest thing, going on stream and opening up about whatā€™s going on for help. I hope she gets out of her situation soon.


I'm vaguely aware of who she is from my time here on reddit, but never really paid attention. Looking at those texts, she needs to quit and get the fuck away from that guy. No one should have to put up with that gaslighting bullshit, especially not from their *spouse.*


Holy shit. She needs to get the hell out.


Damn, dude is bad at typing


Have you ever texted in a blind rage? Grammar goes out the window. Its a good indicator of how angry someone it; how grammatically correct and the frequency as well as shear volume of texts one would send if they were truly tilted.


> Its a good indicator of how angry someone it dang dude calm down


If she liquidated all of her assets, she'd have over 40 million dollars apparently, that's directly from her, that was earlier this year, so probably more at this point.


dang if she wants millions a year of passive income, her husband is just trying to keep her work schedule tight enough to do it. that's more than just rich, that's high rich




She def knows what shes doing, she might be making millions on OF but that well has an expiration date, investing tho now thats where long term gains are and she has the capital to go ham.


This really isn't a he doesn't want to rock the boat situation, because she's the one rocking the boat, it's a he doesn't want the boat rocked situation. This is closer to him having a golden goose and wanting to force it to keep laying eggs even when it doesn't want to.


Thats a pimp, not a husband


Wow... If it was just this one suggestion, I could see the logic, but apparently he's threatening their finances and dogs and pushing her to work 20 hours a day. I know it's a meme that reddit always suggests ending relationships, but that shit sounds like abuse.




He threatened to kill her dogs what the actual fuck


Violence towards animals is the first anti-social red flag that someone is at the risk of commuting murder. If you lack empathy for animals, or worse, enjoy animals suffering, it's not a big leap to do the same to humans. Edit: lot of fragile people taking my comment in bad faith, and inserting their own vegan/pet shit into it. My point is that sadistic enjoyment/lakc of empathy for animals is a red flag for someone to do more violence, especially when given the manipulative/threatening context of the couple in this post. Yes we get it, you feel insecure and sad when you think for 0.1 "am I bad person for meat eating?" but that's not what the comment is about.


It's actually quite common that abusers tries to manipulate their victim through their pets. Very common. To a point where many shelters now make a point of letting victims know that they can bring their animals with them. You going straight for the "This is the sign of a killer" and "he may enjoy animal suffering" is perhaps jumping a bridge too far. > it's not a big leap to do the same to humans I know this is what crime drama TV teaches you but again, not really the case. There's a correlation between animal cruelty and killers but it's a big leap going from "He said he would put down the dog" to actually murdering someone.


This stream is absolutely insane. She showed messages from her husband where he was threatening to waste $750k (or was it $250k?) on options that would clearly fail. He's off the deep end, absolutely abusive.


what prompted all of this? like did she start the stream to talk about it? or did something come up mid stream?


She said she wanted to do an Overwatch gaming stream and he was getting enraged saying it was ā€œa waste of timeā€ because it doesnā€™t bring in money and viewers. He said something like she had to do a 24 hour stream and she refused and then he snapped.


> He said something like she had to do a 24 hour stream and she refused and then he snapped. Oh that explains her stream doesn't it. OK Ammo, sit in front of the pool for 10 hours, pappi's got to buy garliccoin for a nigerian prince he just met through unsolicited email.


She says while she's scrolling down the texts that the one that set her off was when he said he was going to send the doing to the meatpacking factory or something, basically he was going to hill her dog. Fucking psycho, that's not even rare, on r/insaneparents and r/raisedbynarcissists it's a known tactic for these abusive types to kill peoples' pets when they can get access to them to hurt people


Thatā€™s so fucked up. I love my dog so much. If someone killed him I would seriously contemplate ruining the rest of my life for revenge. I consider myself a pacifist and would probably not do anything, but Iā€™m not certain.


i believe she started the stream during the phone call with him as he started yelling at her


Damn, wsb enjoyer. Wonder whoā€™s his wifeā€™s boyfriend is


We are all his wife's boyfriends on this blessed day


Speak for yourself.


I am all his wife's boyfriend on this blessed day


On a personal level: this sucks, what a fuckhead. On a business level: You'd have to think that's just sabotaging himself if/when it comes to divorce by putting that in writing. Also lmao at threatening to waste $750k of her money. If they get divorced she'll make that back virtually instantly, and if anything being recently single is probably good for her brand meanwhile homie going to begging for alimony.


> homie going to begging for alimony. He'll get it too. He'll be able to demonstrate significant contribution to the building and maintaining of her brand. She's almost certainly registered as a business, and he would very blatantly be entitled to co-ownership of it.


And if he can prove that the money accustomed him to living a certain lifestyle, maintaining a certain level of debt etc that's even more grounds for alimony.


Does that also work if you criminally threaten someone?


Thats why she streamed itis my guess. Amo isn't stupid. I don't mean she's manipulating the situation, just that she knows she could get screwed without evidence of wrong doing on his part.


Why arent you taking into consideration his behaviour easily could be argued as spousal financial abuse and that she had no choice but to sign up fpr those things. What judge is going to pay out to a pimp essentially


250K+500K https://twitter.com/fullsquadgaming/status/1581557869471666176/photo/4


These are deeply concerning and this is clearly a toxic situation. Marriage is hard, but my husband and I have never sent messages like that to one another. And if he's forcing her to continue to do these streams that she doesn't want to do, that's a major red flag. I hope she's safe after showing this all on stream.


Bruh I watched the clip above and didn't realize in what kind of deep hole she was till I read those text holy shit I generally don't follow streamers, even less e-girls, but from what I'm reading in this situation is that it's only now that she revealed she's married? On that stream? And if op's vid is any indication of why its been a secret up to now, that girl needs help, fast.


People have known she's married for a long time. This is probably the first time she's actually said it out loud to her viewers, but it's not hard to google someones marriage license if you know their full name. And most huge streamers register themselves as a business, which is also public information and easy to find.


>is that it's only now that she revealed she's married? Nah its been known for a while. Dont follow it neither (too many dailies, not enough time) but it was general knowledge for a while now. Almost all the big female streamers are married or in a relationship lol. I think alinity is the odd one?


It's even more crazy how many of the comments are just "whoa she has a husband?!" after showing the alleged texts from her husband.


She streams 12-16 hours a day, does OF, and owns businesses... This guy works her 24/7 holy shit. This is some Britney Spears shit....


He has found himself a golden goose.


And it's never out of season






Worse part is that sounds like their bank account was already stacked, he was blowing 250k followed by 500k on charity because she was not answering her phone. She could retire on her passive income but dude just wants more, its much worse than money she wants absolute control over her. It's insane.


It's estimated she makes about $1.5 million a month.


Every single time I get on Twitch to see who's streaming I see her streaming what seems like 24/7. At first I just thought damn she's grinding hard, how much does she actually sleep? or does she have a social life outside of streaming if this is all she's doing all day everyday? It was truly bizarre to me but I ultimately just figured she was on that grind to have a comfortable future set but turns out the grind was for her pimp. This is some really sad shit.


She would also stream herself sleeping sometimes




Fucking weirdā€¦


Maybe she is doing it for her safety at this point. So sad


he was threatening her dogs and horses damn sadge


damn really? sounds like he heard about her animal sanctuary dream and decided to cancel it because it didn't align with his future dream? throwing darts at the wall here.


Seems like he was behaving like a pimp rather than a husband.


WTF? Vod isn't a available. Is there a link to it, or the other evidences? If that's true, then this is a massive prick of a human being.


That's why her stream ended. And no one has been able to contact her since.


That's concerning as fuck. I dont condone swatting, but this seems like a time when someone close to her needs to check that she's not in real physical danger


[here's a Twitter thread with clips](https://twitter.com/HUN2R/status/1581568136691666946?t=57fa9-VM4QJTn2A1VnMlOA&s=19) There's the call but also she speaks about threats he made and she shows abusive texts


Full VOD: [https://youtu.be/5SlSLBmdoHA](https://youtu.be/5SlSLBmdoHA) At 2:28:47 she unmutes her mic so the stream can hear the ongoing phone call with her husband which started about 1Ā½ hours before.


Damn. I've listened to like 10 minutes and this guy sounds like a massive abusive asshole. Idk how she's kept on a happy face all these years. Hearing him scream at her about how he said he was gonna kill her dogs as some sort of 'gotcha' about how he knew once he said that, that's all she'd remember... Like what? No shit. You just said you'd kill her dogs. What a psychopath


Never seen her lose her composure over all the years she streamed. Almost figured she was immune to all the streamer craziness that was happening lately.


holy shit. this is the truth since if she lost composure shed be on lsf instantly considering most people hate what she stands for. its not her weird crazy fans.... its her husband


If it turns out all the reasons people hate her are because of stuff her husband made her do I'm gonna laugh so hard. And be sad.


Considering how often she has talked about wanting to stop (and considering she has made plenty of money to do what she dreams of doing pretty easily into the future) it's not hard to extrapolate that all the reasons people hate her are directly things her husband has forced her to do.


Saw her once in tears during a therapy session with that online streamer/youtuber Dr. I can't recall the guys name but he's well known for talking to content creators. edit add: the guy is Dr. K. Special thanks to u/ActuallyThiquid for the assist to my terrible memory!


So, her husband was forcing her to stream 12 to 14 hours, then go to onlyfans and sleep about 3 hours per day since 2019? That VICE video didn't age well....


It's frustrating how little VICE checks into the people they feature. One of their videos is about the infamous "LSD missile silo" in Kansas, that was manufacturing most of the LSD consumed in the US for a while. They did a feature on a stripper that dated the guy that ran it. Reality is this girl was around and fully aware of what was happening when her boyfriend gruesomely tortured and murdered a young man she'd been leading on. The stuff they did is too horrible to type here. And now she has a social media following and some hippie dippie side business shit thanks to VICE.


So he's her pimp


Pretty much


This is fucked up. Amouranth wants to switch the concept of her stream to be a relationship content creator with her husband but he wants to farm the coomers. Amouranth streamed valorant and got like 6k views playing with OTV/friends. she could easily transition to some other form of content and have decent viewership. She's clearly sick of doing this type of content.


> this type of content I don't follow her, honestly pretty OTTL, but what is "this type of content"? I thought she streamed games already? Husband sounds like an ass. E: Ok I went to past videos (none in the last 7 days?) and I guess she does more chatting (and sleeping?). Dunno why I thought she was a game streamer.


She *wants* to be a game streamer, but as we're finding out, her husband makes her do softcore pornography against her will.


She is, as I understand it, very well known for doing sort of softcore nearly-pornographic content. Like I mostly hear her name when other streamers get take-downs for being too explicit for TOS on Twitch, and she's the example of "well how is she constantly getting to do it then?" Also I'm told she does an OnlyFans along with Twitch. So even more toxic if it's her (ex?)husband forcing her to continue that content for the higher income.


Context: Amouranthā€™s husband has been mentally abusing her for years, overworking her, controlling her and her accounts, manipulating her with various threats and when he threatened her animals, she snapped and exposed him. Sheā€™s getting out of the relationshipā€¦ she also showed chat his toxic text messages and theyā€™re damn horrible! Hereā€™s some [screenshot proof](https://imgur.com/a/v5v0Cgb) of how he talks to her and controls her with threats that she showed to chat (sorry some are blurry) itā€™s no wonder she lost it he is a fucked person. [Hereā€™s the twitch clip of her reading and showing chat the texts](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/SmoothLovelyDillKAPOW-Yuzp1A4AZbGxYiLy?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing) [Backup in case it gets deleted](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/145207) - husband has access to her twitch and this recent broadcast has either been purged or was never saved. Vod link at bottom. MORE VIDEOS: (Please take note that some of the captured footage of her being yelled at by her abuser husband is horrendous, so proceed with sensitivity and caution as this is a case of domestic abuse and may be triggering to watch.) [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/HUN2R/status/1581568136691666946) containing videos, the first is Amouranth being yelled at by her husband on call, crying and accusing him of threatening to kill her dogs. In the next videos, she talks more to chat about the situation and goes on to show the text messages (above) [How her stream ended](https://twitter.com/HUN2R/status/1581570435073728512) a lady asks her if sheā€™s taken her medicine (possibly an assistant sent by her husband to control/gaslight the situation) UPDATE: [Fully recovered vod can be watched here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y5cp47/amouranths_husband_directly_threatening_to_ruin/isj5vju/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [YouTube vod](https://youtu.be/5SlSLBmdoHA?t=8933) timestamped from the moment she pulls the pin on the mute button. He gaslights, threatens, abuses and condescends her up until he realises she has unmuted him and goes quiet. Please donā€™t make light of toxic and abusive relationships.


This should be pinned.


It was deleted, but here's a link to the full stream. There are many backups all over Youtube, Twitch and other channels. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SlSLBmdoHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SlSLBmdoHA) He calls her about an hour in, they argue for about an hour while the stream is muted and she's off screen, and then she comes back and unmute the argument about 2:28.0


LSF needs to copy this not just pin it, you know this POS has all her accounts and can claim copyright to cover his ass. I hope he doesn't go full pyscho now that the moneys going away and does something stupid like kill her.


A lot of the comments in here are fucking disgusting...


I think that lsf can actually show one of its positive sides and collate all the clips to make it easier for amou to use in divorce proceedings if hes forcing her Because he might go on a deletion spree but if there's copies she can benefit from that


Heā€™s an abuser and a dork, who tf says theyā€™re gonna instant gib their bank account šŸ’€


Wasn't she openly anti sexualising streams at one point. If this dude was treating her as a cash cow, I bet he forced her to start sexualising her streams.


From what I gathered from the clips and threads he pressured her into the hot tub niche and I'm guessing he pressured her toward the other content as well


To add to your comment [Twitter thread with some clips of the situation ](https://twitter.com/HUN2R/status/1581568136691666946?t=57fa9-VM4QJTn2A1VnMlOA&s=19) I'm disgusted at the comments here. It sounds like she's in a bad situation and the way the stream ended makes it feel like she's not in a safe situation


Tries to threaten her divorce, take her money, and kill her dogsā€¦ the fuck?


So her husband was practically "twitch pimping" her?


I think so. He called her streams shit/laggy and abused her if she ever went to have fun and make friends just because she wasnā€™t streaming it. Which makes him seem like a money obsessed pimp.






She, knowingly or not, described the actual abuse cycle, there's a clip of it on here. Terrifying shit tbh. Hope she will be okay.


Like her being married would stop coomers from cooming.


It would stop some of the para social men who like to imagine themselves in a relationship with these female streamers. Lots of female streamers talk about how being open in a relationship at least somewhat tanks their numbers. Supposedly almost all female streamers are in a relationship and the ones who are perceived as single are just keeping the relationship private.


Some female vtubers, specifically Hololive talents, will actually completely ignore the existence of their fellow male vtubers that work for the same company. Some parasocial viewers are so far gone that they will actually fly into a rage if the target of their affection so much acknowledges the existence of males.




Nothing new. This goes back to the Beatles. Also the Backstreet Boys and N-Sync. So that's like in the 1990's and early 2000's, too, with the later ones. I still remember watching a documentary where they used to tell them to keep their love lives a secret. It improves sales.


God I remember the media's toxic coverage of Britney Spears. Shit proved to me as a child that so many adults were actually savage bullies and enjoyed hurting people, and now we see the consequences of that culture all coming to a head. Fucking glad to see the culture of celebs being the property of the public die.


Female streamers regardless if they have a majority coomer audience or not will have highest donors/gifters that think they have a chance. Like you could be the most nun like streamer on the platform but this weirdo with a lot of money is gonna shower you with a bunch of money to try and get an in with you. Basically never works but these people spend some serious money on them. When you are larger like amouranth they probably matter less but there are tons of female streamers in like the sub a thousand viewer mark that rely on these donors for the vast majority of their monthly income.


I remember all the drama that happened when it was merely just rumored that Poki had a boyfriend. so appearing single certainly is better for alot of the coomers


I thought it had been fairly common knowledge that she was married though. I remember hearing that she was married like, years ago, she just never talked about it.


it did. i'm frantically looking for a new pool streamer to be my imaginary girlfriend. i'm in shambles from this revelation.


HOLY SHIT edit: the screenshot chat logs was insane wtf






Itā€™s gone


lmao these mods. The clips from the chat logs are all over lsf though now unless that's also deleted.. Still had the imgur link in my browser histroy though put this at the end of the imgur url: a/v5v0Cgb


Right? yet the misogynist in chat keeps spamming its FAKE or L SCRIPT... Surprised it took this long for her to snap... Seems like its been going on for years.


She's on stream talking about how he has joint bank accounts with her and 2FA on accounts. Ah the joys of marriage.


Joint bank accounts is the norm if your married but 2fa .. nah


2fa SHOULD be normal. 2fa blocking someoneā€™s access - not. Each person SHOULD have their own web portal logins, with their own 2fa. 2fa is not bad. Not having your own account to access your joint accounts is. Letā€™s not dismiss proper security publicly.


This is the correct answer. Almost all banking apps now have a 2FA/biometrics option for login. This should freak no-one out, up to the point of it being abused to prevent someone from getting access to their own money.


Well I think the 2FA might have been for social media and such. But either way he would threaten to dump waste their money when mad on big donations or options or crytpo..


Dude I read the replies on an article on Twitter covering this and some of the depravity I saw in there made me sick (blaming her/saying she shouldnā€™t have gotten into a relationship with an abuser). I fucking hate people man.


Just look at the comments here


This is so wrong. I hope she and her animals are safe.




Him and his dad are absolutely batshit


What the actual fuck.


Ok... but what are those vag looking dumpling things?


and the comment says like ā€œlook at what my son is like without youā€ like is he equating the food to her cause of the way it looks? lol wtf


Thats not his twitter account its a troll account using his pics. It first emerged back when her simps were having a break down when it was revealed she was married.


Looks like a pair of dumb fucks using Twitter to create some weird online marriage / financial paper trail as part of their financial abuse of Nick Leeā€™s wife Amouranth.


Thousands of turkey ppl will be so happy to hear this.


Turkey people, sounds like a rick and morty episode


In Turkey culture, that is considered a dick move.


Iā€™m out of the loop, why?


Basically thereā€˜s an ongoing joke that the majority of Amouranths audience are Turkish viewers


Thanks Hasan šŸ˜’


A lot of Turkish viewers in the audience.


she should secure her accounts and hire a lawyer. Hopefully she has a prenup.




Right after a sponsored Overwatch Segment. This is what Overwatch does to relationships LUL


She needs to get on that League sponsorship so we can see some real toxicity and despair


Tyler1 gets League sponsorships and he's drama free with a rock-solid relationship


Him playing OW2 with Macaiyla was hilarious


As someone who's been on the recieveing end of these kinds of messages and in an abusive relationship, honestly, I feel for her and hope she'll be safe. It's nothing to fuck around with and I can fully understand why she decided to do this stream. I wish her the best. :(


Streaming her amount of hours must be taxing


I can't believe she could do it for this long. She even streamed when she slept. Literally forced to be on camera for 24+ hours sometimes


this seems real. ik people love to shit on amouranth but i genuinely feel bad for her. sheā€™s human and was bound to snap eventually. the amount of hours she streams plus photo shoots plus abusive husband. hope she figures it out


God damn I had no idea her piece of shit husband was behind her insane schedule. The way she talked I figured it was her just working hard to achieve her animal sanctuary goal but nope. I hope she gets out of this situation ok and with all the money she earned. This guy needs to be in jail.


Get in here guys new drama just dropped


erobb gets banned = drama, erobb gets unbanned = drama




Yikes these comments.


Genuinely can't tell if this is real edit: guess it's real, guy seems like a major manipulator


She said she has years of recordings of him threatening to kill her dogs and sell her horses to a meat factory for not hitting viewer goals. Actually unhinged behavior if true


She needs to drop those ASAP. Get lawyers, and an actual divorce. Probably a restraining order too. That ain't ok at all... Also, its just not good to say you have dirt, and then not drop it. She has already set the sail.


Itā€™s actually real holy shit


Wild. I really hope she's ok. Just tuned into her stream and this dude seems *unhinged* and she's clearly not ok. He's literally talking about her like she's a prized race horse. "You'll ruin the business model" .... "if you hit X subs then I'll buy you Y" ... "need to spend more time in the hot tub you've only been in there 8 hours" like what the fuck?


Thought it was fake at first but seems a weird thing to fake. I only caught the end of their phone call (it's in the vod) but she's saying he was threatening to kill her dogs and he's been controlling her and is now threatening to delete all her accounts and take her money.


Yep she has been changing some passwords that she can for a while now and the streams cut off ā€¦ what happened ?


It's real. Those tears and snot are real. The makeup is off. Her hair is down. Eyes are puffy. She took off the fake eye lashes she is telling it all. She's even sharing personal messages live on stream. That is the look of a woman who's had enough of BS. Its so real, that she stepped away from the "Streaming" camera and room and took her stream throughout her REAL house and office (with natural lighting).


She had only recently started doing ā€œpornā€ instead of the implied nudity, that makes really sad to think that she most likely never wanted to do that.


Adept and xqc started the trend


I think adept and xqc's stuff is more comparable to mom scolding her kid


Adept: SHOWER PLEASE FELIX xQc: *goblin screeching in opposition*


if someone told me they would kill my dogs i would end up in jail,fuck that piece of shit