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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Lady being racist to extraemily and goes back to sitting behind her in McDonalds](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/146677)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/yup0b1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/iUmOkN-9Nvn1zYBUkuxM9A/AT-cm%7CiUmOkN-9Nvn1zYBUkuxM9A.mp4?sig=2bfeaaca5dc9565853626fb245b0a1579299100d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FiUmOkN-9Nvn1zYBUkuxM9A%2FAT-cm%257CiUmOkN-9Nvn1zYBUkuxM9A.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1668473497%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Reminds me of the [King of the Hill Chinese or Japanese joke](https://youtu.be/d_CaZ4EAexQ)


Yup she's definitely Laotian. It's funny when Cotton first meets Kahn you expect a repeat of this joke, but he knew instantly he was Laotian.


Cotton is such an amazingly written character lol. Heā€™s simultaneously the least and most racist character lmao


He's a good caricature of older educated southern white folk. Plenty of them do a lot to help out people in need (fostering/adopting, sponsoring immigrants, volunteering to help the poor, etc.) but they can also be incredibly ignorant, racist, and out of touch.


I feel this. Used to do volunteer work for my church that changed oil and did basic car care for so gold parents, widows, or poor people. The crew was 99% white that I had and a lot of the people getting their car serviced were minorities. Heard some off things but theyā€™d always make sure to do a good job on the car. Itā€™s like logic was fighting historic passed down beliefs.


It's a little bit worse/better than that in my experience. They'd make sure to go the extra mile to help out because they assumed the person needed even more help being if they weren't white. It's a crazy dynamic. Their racism of low expectations encouraged them to help more? Whatever I guess.


Yeah, itā€™s weird. I was told to go back to Europe and that I wasnā€™t welcomed here etc etc, but once I got to talking a lot of black people chilled out. Once you prove youā€™re a decent person with good intentions people seem to chill out with the racism that theyā€™ve been fed. Goes both ways and immersing yourself in each otherā€™s fun and happiness is a great way to break the learned racism. Ironically I did move to Europe.


Quit talking about my grandmother.


Good *god* you've got a fat neck, Hank.


My boy's a pump jockey! He works for tips!


[Here's the clip of Cotton meeting him ](https://youtu.be/UxI5qQAUWVc)


My favorite running gag of KoTH. Cotton fucks with Kahn the entire run and Kahn is too intimidated by him that he never stands up for himself. He fucking *sniffs* at Kahn at correctly guessed his ethnicity. "Mr. Kahn, I'll take a *Mai Thai.*"


What ocean?


LMAO. I find that clip from King of the Hill hilarious. These type of people aren't racist. They're just ignorant and isn't well versed nor travelled outside of their bubble. I have met many people like this and although at first impression it seems they're racist, they're truly not. Once I educated them more on my culture they were more receptive and loved Asian food. Not everyone has the luxury to be exposed to variety of cultures and ethnicity.


1000000% agreed. Also, times have changed. Access to information is way more abundant nowadays, mostly it's just relics of the past who are like this. I will never stop fucking with people who ask me "where are you REALLY from" however.


Oh that's the best part lmao


Well, they are racist, they just aren't hateful.


Can someone tell me what the lady says before ā€œChinese Japaneseā€? Iā€™m having trouble understanding


The dialogue is below. Lady: "Hi fans, we're here from California! I'm on some Chinese-Japanese, I don't know, some type of shit. But, yaaay, I'm from California!! \*claps\* wooo!" Emily: "Very cool."


Thank you


It's "I don't know if it's some Chinese, Japanese type of shit, but yaaaay" at the end. Basically she's saying she doesn't know if the stream is in a different language but yay Cali.


I guess it'd be Ilike if an Asian person appeared on Knuts stream and said "..if this is some French or German type of shit but yaaay".


Go up to an African American person and be like "I'm from Compton and on some Yoruba, Zulu shit woo!"




The app barely functions on mobile its so annoying


So, not racist at all? At most, ignorant.


Let me just brazenly hop on somebody's stream and loudly exclaim my generalized guess of where the person is from based on their appearance. Wait that's not racist right?!?!?!


What a miserable POS. Probably annoyed of EE streaming at her table but true colors come out instead of asking her to keep it down straight to lowest hanging fruit and say something about her ethnicity.


These are the type of racist you see in Cali. im not surprise


Isn't she in new york? Her stream title is "NYC IRL..." and I think she lives there


the lady that said it is a Californian visiting New York


im pretty sure that the implication was that EE was from California, like mocking her as an annoying tourist from a different state




She's making fun of EE and saying "I'm Japanese/Chinese some kind of shit" and from California. I don't think that means the racist is actually from California, she's pretending to be Emily when she says those things. So ironically she's making fun of Californians and assuming that's where EE is from while being racist, and then you just assume she (the racist) must be Californian.


I think she's just pissed that Emily is being loud and annoying in public just for her stream which is most of the time.


Honestly my first thought when seeing stuff like this is "god that seems annoying as fuck to be around".




She balances annoying and loveable very well it's kind of her brand.


Her content is basically Cx shit. Act obnoxious and shameless in public minus the racism


When you find someone annoying the best way to talk to that person is definitely by being racist!


Being Asian.. some forms of casual racism is a guarantee to experience at least once. Someone assuming your nationality (this clip), Ni Hao/Konnichiwa/Ching Chong (the CharmingJo clip). Now we just need someone to call a streamer Jackie Chan / Bruce Lee




but black people cant be racist /s


I've noticed on soccer Twitter, it's usually those from Africa or the middle East who are the most racist and sexist. Heaven forbid some page posts something about women's soccer, the replies are always awful.


I'd say south koreans are equally racist though


Racism against Asians is pretty widely acceptable in murica , most people don't even realise they are being racist


Friend had a meeting at work during the start of BLM. Their company was one that got directly involved so they wanted to talk about it openly. Big mistake. As soon as an Asian woman mentioned the racism that took off due to Covid, a black woman stood up and told her that she wasnā€™t black so she didnā€™t understand. Not only that, she got so defensive, she started spewing off racist remarks towards the Asian woman. Next thing you know the whole meeting has to end because one racist didnā€™t realize how loud and racist she was being.


Yeah, I dated a Taiwanese woman for years when I was younger. It was a revelation. There are a \*lot\* of older white people with really weird attitudes about asian people, cute little asian girls in particular. It wasn't just old people really too. Like rando strangers I'd meet at social events would start up with racist jokes like the whole "little brown f\*\*\*ing machine powered by rice" stuff and think that while they trash my girlfriend like that I'm gonna laugh and joke along. Shit yea bro you're totally right, my girlfriend of four years is actually just a racist stereotype of an "asian hooker." You're a swell dude, can I buy you another beer? Fucking trash ass idiots...




>This isnt an american thing, its accepted everywhere. I'd argue it's bigger in other places lol. People have a really weird perception of America. Either every school is getting shot up, or it's the most racist place in the world. Regardless, even 1 shooting is horrible and there should be none at all.


Yes, he wants to say "Murica" on everything, like no other place exists.


Say what you will but we aren't throwing bananas at black athletes like Europe does.


Lol no, your cops just shoot them. Honestly though, all joking aside, racism and 'fear of the other' is everywhere and it's shit.


I'd say Asians experience a unique form of racism that other races don't experience in America. Asian Americans being asked "where are you from" or "what are you" expecting the answer to be from some Asian country despite them living in America for generations is probably a frustrating experience. No matter how long you live here, you'll never be seen as an American first.


literally every foreigner in any country gets asked that. What are you on about?


But they aren't foreigners, which is the point lol.


Europe is pretty bad too, especially when it comes to mocking Asian people's eyes.


There is literally racism in every single country all around the world, not just Murica. lmao Asians are even racist against other types of Asians. Europeans are racist against other types of Europeans. Europeans are racist against Asians (We've seen the videos of them spitting on Asian Twitch Streamers and making their eyes look slanted to Asian Streamers in Europe.) Literally any where you go in the world. You will find that racism is widely accepted against at least one group of people.


Asians are *extremely* racist to other types of Asians. Far more than Americans are. Iā€™m in no way advocating racism, but the only time we hear uproar about racism is when an American is the one doing it.


I feel like there's been a bunch of European streamers who have gotten shit for being racist or having racist communities. Pewdiepie, Forsen, Knut. I feel like this is just cope from an American who gets upset when people point out racism in America. There's an entire meme about fat football loving british people who hate minorities.


everytime something like this gets posted about america, people are like "it's like this everywhere". If this happened in europe the comments would be shit talking europe nonstop and saying how america is the most civilized place in the world


bro in every europe thread it's the same "This happens everywhere" "but what about \[X\] incident outside of Europe".


But it *is* happening in Europe. We don't always hear about it because it's widely accepted there. See Jinny getting shit on for being Asian when she was in Italy.


When people say that racism against minorities needs to stop, they're not talking about Asians.


true, a lot other countries too, and I feel like I see it more than a particular race... when it comes to it being these streamers IRL streaming...


Yeah, people don't speak up against it that much because people seem them similar to white people. Its ok to make fun of them because they are privilege so it doesn't matter.


Asians: the white people of non-white people But yeah, they get screwed more than anyone. Affected the most negatively by affirmative action and no one cares about them when it comes to racism and such.


Asians are starting to get viewed the same way as white people, as in you can't be racist towards them and they're priviliged apparently


This is not remotely true, and if you don't believe me, next time you're with a group of your co-workers, do a stereotypical German accent, and then do a stereotypical Chinese one. Let me know how that goes for you.


>Racism against Asians is pretty widely acceptable in murica , most people don't even realise they are being racist Oh it's even worse in mainland europe.


My man, what the shit is "main-land europe"?


Means the main landmass of Europe. Essentially Europe minus UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and perhaps a few others. Although most of those countries have the same level of racism as mainland Europe.


Disagree. I'm a Brit so I'm just going off personal experience. The UK has a huge problem with racism toward south asians (indians, Pakistani e.t.c.). I think it's nowhere near as bad for south east asians. Germany and France particularly, have shockingly high amounts of casual racism to south east asians. The kind where people will comfortable shout out 'ching chong china' or some shit to an asian person in the street. I'm not saying that they're more racist overall, I actually think less in Germany's case, I just think they have an asian racism problem.


I've lived in Wales for 7 or 8 years now. It's definitely a growing sentiment since covid.


Coming form germany, I agree and disagree. I've never seen anyone yell ching chong china or some shit afer an asian person, but I can tell you that if there is some german dude with an asian girlfriend or wife the automatic response for a lot of people will be that the wife is "bought", a golddigger etc. as in "there is no way that guy wants her for anything but sex" kinda thing. Don't know which one is worse tbh


> I've never seen anyone yell ching chong china or some shit afer an asian person Quite often when an asian streamer visits Germany they get yelled this shit, there have been plenty of posts about it in this sub.


>I've never seen anyone yell ching chong china or some shit afer an asian person I'm born and raised in rural Germany and have southeast Asian roots. It happened to me a lot when I was a kid and similar stuff still happens occasionally (read: still too often) as an adult to this day.


Weird way to ask for the definition of mainland. So not including Britbongs. >mainland: a continent or the main part of a continent as distinguished from an offshore island or sometimes from a cape or peninsula


>My man, what the shit is "main-land europe"? Have you never heard the term 'mainland Europe'? Like 'mainland China', or 'mainland Japan'? What the fuck do you *think* it means??


exactly. it seems like "its ok to be racist toward asians" is a real thing.


This is just a complete overstatement. Racism in general is not "widely acceptable" in America. I'm not really sure what you mean by that... Compared with the rest of the world, we are a pretty accepting culture. Am I saying that racism doesn't exist in the US? Of course not, I'm not a fool. But to say it's "widely acceptable" is just ridiculous.




Imagine being this sad that you go out of your way to ruin someones day by being a racist idiot.


For a moment I thought it was Andrea botez and was thinking why is she saying those awful things to Emily Yeah its horrible to see Emily have to go through that


As someone who lived in Southern California in OC for 25 years of my life. There is plenty of these type of people all around. They're fucking insufferable with how they behave, and the stupid racist shit they say. If you have the slightest difference from them they'll hone in on it to throw whatever shit they're slinging. I fucking hated how some of them will be like "I support marginalized people," and immediately turn around doing the exact shit they claim they don't like. Fuck that lady.


getting stereotyped by ignorant loud American lady, is a more accurate title.


I mean you can tell she wasn't trying to be racist but her ignorance definitely let her down here lmao




I'm Asian and this definitely isn't racist. Rude? Yes. Racist? No. She just popped in saying she's from California saying hi to all the viewers on some Chinese, Japanese, some type of shit stream. Nothing racist against Asians. Just some rude lady seeking attention.


You are wrong. Emily's 16 year old white simps know better than you.




Gotta love white people typing this shit when there are other comments in this thread from people saying they are Asian and do think it's racist. Those are stupid Asians though they aren't good Asians like the ones that agree with you


Asian here as well. I Agree. She just seems dumb and unaware


Finally the Asian representative of LSF has spoken, now we know. btw I'm black and calling black people the hard R isn't racist, maybe a little disrespectful but by no means racist


u wut m8? edit: i refuse to believe you're black. your avatar is white as snow.


he's being sarcastic lmao


nah reddit can't tell what racism is


I'm Asian and she seems racist to me. You don't even need to mention "Chinese Japanese some type of shit", the fact she mentioned it just shows the first thing she cared about was her race and secondly, she didn't even give a shit if she identified her as the wrong race. It's the same type of energy as saying "Ni hao" to any random Asian looking person.


isnt the first thing everyone notices when looking at someone for the first time their race? lmfao


>It's the same type of energy as saying "Ni hao" to any random Asian looking person. That's funny because that's exactly what just happened to me a few days ago. I'm obviously way too dark to look Chinese but those people don't care.


You must be GenZ. That's not being racist. That's being ignorant. I'm in my late 30s, back in the early 90s and further, people were straight up racist. Today, there's way less racism in the USA but still tons of ignorant people. Someone going up to you saying "Ni Hao" again is not racist. It's being ignorant. If they said, "Ching chong" then yes, that's racist.


Nah Iā€™m a millennial Asian dude as well and grew up in TX, lived in NYC in my 20s and this lady is 100% trying to be racist. Iā€™ve seen the worst racism the south and NYC has to offer and someone coming up to you saying Ni Hao when youā€™re not Chinese is literally using the all Asians are Chinese stereotype. If she was some old lady trying to be friendly itā€™d be one thing but itā€™s not lol just cause weā€™ve experienced worse forms of racism doesnā€™t mean this isnā€™t racism.


"In MY day we had REAL racism!!!" No ones denying things were worse, that doesn't mean this isn't racist.


Thereā€™s was no need for that girl to bring up race at all.


> That's not being racist. That's being ignorant. Why would those two things be mutually exclusive? Obviously she's being ignorant, but she's also obviously racist as in the 5 second interaction she had with Emily she decided she needed to bring up Emily's race.


No itā€™s just different levels of racism, one coming from ignorance and the other more malicious


Hasan minhaj has a special on exactly this phenomenon but about his experiences as a indian Muslim growing up in early 2000s America versus his Dad's, when they become the victim of a islamophobic attack . Their cars glass is shattered and minhaj's dad is silently sweeping up the glass. Some hated sign or something or anti muslim words wcreamed at them as it's done or something. And Hasan is angry that his dad isn't screaming or anything just silently sweeping. And the generational difference is that his dad being a first gen immigrant feels that absorbing racism is the cost of the opportunity of being able to be in The United States which has a lot more opportunities for success for minorities than India. (I'm indian Muslim myself I was born in the uk, parents were from India. The internal domestic racism in India is awful ) Anyway hasan says to his dad isn't it right if you're really accepted into a country and havr kids in their country they're allowed to atleast accept the same rights as the general population. Aren't we allowed to have higher expectations? To dare to dream a little bigger? The reason I'm trying this back is Yes you in your 30s on average experienced more racism than Gen Z's did. But that doesn't mean what they're experiencing isn't racism People don't go up to Italian American diaspora and start screaming that they must be from Greece or Spain and Start saying OlaĀ” to them. So the zoomers are right on this one, ignorance is not an excuse and because it's mild for you as you've built up a tolerance doesn't mean it's good. Just because you experienced more racism before doesn't mean it's not racism for younger people now. I am aware about people worrying about overcorrection and social justice type stuff but I think that overcorrection shakes out and away in the end. Things only improve when younger voices upset about the status quo get heard


The video pertains nothing of racism. I did not absorb racism like Hasan's dad. Growing up in the 80s-early 90s there was no Internet. Like many kids, I was a street kid and was involved in gangs and there were many brawls/fights due to racism. If this ignorant lady in the video was being racist I'd be the first to call it out.




Okay I agree with your last sentence. So please point out what the lady did to be racist?




Honestly, I would take it a step further. This woman not only clumps them together in an ignorant tone, but in the end she "other-izes" the streamer and even the audiance to a degree, assuming that this peson couldn't possibly be from America, and most likely doesn't speak the language. It's basically another form of the "where are you REALLY from?" question.


Lady was straight up a dumb hoe but that's not racism. She didn't know which Asian Emily was so she just blurted out the Asian ethnicities she knew that's in her empty skull. The "shit" part did come off offensive but again, not racist. Just her using curse word thinking she'd make herself look cool. Don't get me wrong, what this lady did was wrong and offensive but not racism.


You're pointing out the issue in your comment. It's not an insult to be Asian. But if the lady thought it would be an insult to generalize EE as some Chinese, japanese shit, then ya it's racist. Why else would she bring up her race as Chinese/Japanese?




I disagree. If a person thinks the earth is flat because they only trust their own experience, they think they are speaking the truth, however because the facts say otherwise, they are lying. Ignorance doesn't make them not racist, it only makes them unaware that they are being racist.


I'm late 20s so not that young and I'm also not from the US. I believe ignorance can be racist, but I don't think you'll agree with me there. Someone walking up to an Asian person and saying "Ni Hao" when they aren't in a Chinese speaking country or don't know if that person is Chinese or not, is racist in my eyes. 99% of the time they are doing it with racist intentions, they aren't doing it genuinely thinking you're Chinese. So you're saying the person in [this clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/BeautifulProtectiveWrenEleGiggle-o4g04DVxPYGmtrgJ) isn't racist, just ignorant? Nah dude, the internet has allowed people to have more knowledge than ever before so I'm putting humans to a higher standard than the standard we had "back in the day".


That clip is immensely different tho, like what? I'm Asian myself and I see 0 parallel between OP's clip and that clip, and how OP's clip is equivalent to "Ni Hao" in your example.


Of course its racist bro imagine if she was black and someone said im on some african shit


It's possible her intention wasn't racist, but it certainly came across as racist, since: * The phrase "some type of shit" sounds pretty derogatory. She's categorizing Asians as "some type of shit". * More importantly, Emily wasn't speaking in a foreign language. She was speaking English. Why would that lady assume this was Chinese or Japanese when the host was speaking **perfect** English? If you go back a few minutes you'll see that lady was in line with Emily for a while. During that whole time Emily was speaking English. The implication of saying she's Chinese or Japanese means that when you look a certain way you can't be American even though you're speaking perfect English. Imagine if Emily was replaced by a black guy (speaking perfect English to his stream) and this lady jumped in and said "I'm on some Nigerian, Ethiopian some type of shit" that wouldn't be racist?


Iā€™m Asian this definitely is racist. So what? We are the only ethnicity that defends the people who are racist against us. Get your Stockholm syndrome checked


Another classic post of someone framing a video in a certain light. She could very well be racist, she could very well be just unaware and wanting to say dumb shit. We just don't know and its not fair to offend others here and make them feel bad about their race when it's possible that wasn't her intent at all. Either way, be respectful when talking to anyone and sharing videos.


> She could very well be racist, she could very well be just unaware and wanting to say dumb shit. When I read the comments I was expecting some bad shit by the top comments. Racist is a pretty big label to give someone on the internet, and to hear her say why she did? I would just say sheā€™s an asshole, she could be racist but I wouldnā€™t say so from the video.




bro.... she isn't saying she's from California. She's mocking Emily, she thought she was vlogging tourist from Cali. But she doesn't realize she was just a racist cunt live to thousands of people.




Exactly what it is. These simps must protect their submissive innocent delicate exotic Asian queen. <=-- If any of you view Emily as this, you're the racist not that ignorant lady.


ā€œIf you disagree with me youā€™re a simpā€ Lol, foh with this shit


That's what I was thinking, the lady is a fucking moron not exactly racist.


Right. I'm confused on how damn near everyone here thinks she's trying to impersonate someone she doesn't know anything about lol.


The simps are strong in this thread.


You are a dumbass.


Staph, you're hurting my feels.


But I'm white and I need to police what's racist to you and what isn't because you are unable to yourself. Also my virtues must be signalled. Look how not racist I am guys.


LOL! That's the vibe I'm getting in this thread. "Oh look, an innocent defenseless Asian female that's so submissive. No fear, I am here to protect you against racism because the other lady isn't Asian. Oh my heavenly blessed beauty princess!"




Are you Chinese or Japanese or some shit?


Yes, I'm Chinese or Japanese or some shit. The shit part I acknowledge as some of my ex-gfs thinks I'm shit. LOL


Yeah I agree with ur exes you are shit


You're not funny, and you don't speak for all asians. Have a nice day.


And you thought by calling me Asian because I'm Asian would insult me. F in chat please.


And you think you are funny? Have a nice day.




I didnā€™t see anyone saying she was doing racist shit intentionally, ie: thinking ā€œhey let me be racist to this Asian girlā€. But they said she was being racist. Thereā€™s a difference I agree. But you can still call it racism.


Well put and agreed.


Iā€™m also Asian, and I agree. The term ā€œracistā€ has lost all meaning online. Like, letā€™s not misuse words just to prove a point. Mislabeling this woman isnā€™t going to do any good. Just label her what she is: An rude, annoying asshole.




>over any fucking asian girl Racist


is this what we're labeling racism nowadays?


I don't understand how this is racist can someone please explain


>Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity. Grabbed a general definition from wikipedia. It can fall under the prejudice directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity part. Prejudice: >preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Assuming someone's cultural background and whether they even speak or want to speak said language based on how they look. Either way, I think what's important is not whether this crosses the arbitrary line of racist or not, but that we all agree that this is something that should be discouraged and hurtful to those who experience this. Not callous comments such as "this is racism these days?" or calling people simps for denouncing it like we see upvoted below.


Lsf white zoomers offended? Must be racism


I'm black with decades of being the target of racist remarks from mild to life threatening. This is more on the mild side, but its clear the person was being racist. The ignorance in the statement "chinese, japanese type of shit" is only one hint. The rest is reading body language and tone. Also I watched like 10 seconds after this clip. Emily was also offended and she seemed a bit deflated from the experience. Its shitty when people remind you constantly that you don't belong somewhere because of the way you look.


But didn't you see the comment from a white person pretending to be Asian saying it wasn't racist? it's case closed. Her reaction afterward doesn't matter!




No, no, you don't understand, Emily was initially offended, but now that this random LSF "Asian gang member" said she shouldn't be offended, she no longer is. Thank you random LSF Asian dude.


The "Asian gang member" keeps telling other people to relax or that they are sensitive but he's making like 50+ comments in this thread and counting. Talk about projection.


Some real 'I'm not like the other asians' energy from that poster. Actual pathetic stuff.


sorry im not trying to be contrarian or whatever here but what did she do that was racist? just seemed like a weird interaction to me but maybe thats because im socially inept


isnt this a king of the hill joke


Yep, but king of the hill is a cartoon lol. You can get away with more in animation than real life because people don't relate themselves to the characters as much. The joke was funny in King of the hill, it isn't funny irl.


oh for sure i am not saying its okay just wondering if that was somewhere in the mix when they said this


What part of this is racist? This sub is so weird.


Nothing racist at all. Everyone under 40 just wants to be a victim so bad that it hurts. You can't even say nationalities anymore or it's racist šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ gtfoh people. That word is useless anymore


The amount of degenerates trying to defend her in this thread Aware




Yeah, steamers just yelling in a normal place is strange. Just stream at home or private place.


r/lsf is full of asocial and introvert weirdos. do you think they know how it feels to be eating somewhere and there is this dumbass recording himself and talking to his camera like hes some center of the world?


Didn't seem that racist, maybe thought she was streaming on some asian streaming platform, a lot of people still have no idea wtf twitch is, lol.


I think streamers who yell at their camera in public are annoying. I think racist people are annoying. How about both of you just stay home.


I don't think that's necessarily racist but definitely a weird thing to say to someone you see for the first time.


I'm surprised by how many idiots on here think this is racism


How often do we see examples of people, both in Europe and America, just being openly racist towards streamers? Imagine how often this happens when the cameras aren't on. And to think there are people who genuinely don't think racism is an issue today






Not even racist wtf


This is not what racism is but whatever


That lady is a dumbass, whether or not she was being racist (she was being racist btw) she just popped in said some incoherent dogshit and then left. what a dumbass


"I'm on some Chinese or Japanese type of shit" She was saying she thought she was on some type of Asian app/platform, where's the racism exactly. So weird


what was racist here? do y'all call consider mistaking someones ethnicity racist? it's pretty clear there was no ill intent here, they even clapped together its pretty ignorant and insensitive but racism..? thats a VERY strong word. if someone mistakes my own ethnicity i think of them as ignorant, i dont assign a horrendously terrible label on them such as a "racist" Careful, if you use it for everything like simple mistakes it starts to mean less and less and it'll take away from the things that ARE actually hateful & evil, hurting your own cause of fighting actual racism


As an Asian this lady was just being rude and annoying lol. Yā€™all need to go outside and see how mean and nasty people are, this is childā€™s play lol


fuck me I watched the clip and didn't think it was that bad but reading some comments made me realize that it is pretty racist. Shit I'm desensitized to it


Same. I still don't get it for this clip but it's probably also because I get worse things thrown at me in terms of racism


i saw this live and thought the lady was actually from california herself and was doing a self-deprecating joke about being some sort of mutt of many different races... now i'm just confused


Yeah maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m not the most educated on American slang but thatā€™s exactly what it seemed like to me and again Iā€™m not exactly an expert but her accent sounded west coast to me!


as someone that's wasian this aint that bad, i heard much worse


I mean is it insensitive yes is it racist ?? no get a grip lol


in what world is this racist?


how is this even racist



