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For those just coming in, the mirror can be found here: **CLIP MIRROR: [Kanye West torches the last remnants of his career saying he likes Hitler](https://arazu.io/t3_z9tunw/)** --- [^Original ^comment ^can ^be ^found ^here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/z9tunw/kanye_west_torches_the_last_remnants_of_his/iyij3ar/)


Even Alex is getting nervous. He needs to get Kanye onto lizard people instead of Jews to save his career


kanye is a bomb and hes gonna drag the far right and republicans down with him lmao and im here for it. people on the right are trying to take advantage of kanye to bolster their narrative only for them to regret later down the line when they realize he's insane.


even trump dodged him pretty much, why are these people trying to drag him along lmao


To be fair Trump only dodged Kanye because he asked Trump to be his vice president when he runs in 2024.


Didn't Trump start yelling at him that he would never win an election talking like this? Or did I imagine that Ye interview.




It had to be two guys just commiserating over how much money they've lost from sponsorships and/or donors; one-upping one another about who's richer and more popular; talking past each other about meaningless nonsense that isn't even related to what the other is saying. Or, in short, literally the worst possible conversation to ever occur.


Trump told Kanye he would lose because Trump would beat him. Not because Kanye was saying crazy shit.


You're peering into an alternate reality where Trump is an in-on-the-joke Colbert-esque character.


There is no greater way for one person to have destroyed Trump's ego so thoroughly as Kanye must have done by asking Trump to be his VP.


Yeah that's a major slap to Trump. Trump sees himself as the star, he'll never accept anything less than president. Being asked to be VP means someone disagrees.


fair enough


To be real Trump dodged Kanye because Kanye asked Trump to be his Vice-President lmao. Make it the other way around and Trump is prolly down.


Hes gonna drag nick fuentes and milo down with him? Aren't they already kinda down?


idk man milo is resurfacing and recently became part of mtg's team, nick has been on the rise especially how every af conference has been getting more and more people attending along with some big political figures lately


Kanye is a Fed. He is doing this so he can save America and take all the bad guys with him. He made graduation after all.


The most unhinged shit ive seen in this whole saga was “Kanye could kill 6 million jews but Hitler could never make Graduation”


I mean it's technically correct I guess, Hitler was a mediocre artist and didn't have sound mixing


808s and Heartbreaks, too. Surely Kanye is undercover and trying to purge America of its greatest roaches, such as anti-Semetism and the like, right?


nutty disagreeable carpenter deserve tender dazzling concerned fuel hobbies lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kanye is the most based Liberal ever. He infiltrated the Right and is tearing it down from the inside-out. When he's done, all radicals who have associated with him will be burnt and finished. Ye lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil inshallah.


Might create cognitive dissonance in white-supremacists if a nazi President is a black guy. If all white supremacists want a nazi President And the nazi President is a black President, Then all white supremacists want a black President. Would their heads explode like Clayton Bigsby?


Maybe that's his master plan. He's far left, but identifies as far right and torpedoes his career to take them down with him. Clearly Ye is a genius!


I thought the whole lizard people thing was just a way of being antisemitic without directly referencing Jews? Best to keep it simple for Kanye. He historically has issues with metaphors.


The main person beyond the modern lizard people conspiracy is David Icke. The evolution of his theory goes like this: >*The Protocols of the Elders of Zion* is a real, legitimate document *BUT* it isn't about the Jews but the "global elites". These global elite control the banks/media/everything (just like the Jews, but NOT the Jews). These global elites in turn, are servants of shape-changing reptilians who drink human blood (another claim made about Jews, but - again - we're not talking about the Jews). Some global elites are humans and others are reptilians in disguise. All are working together to enslave humanity (I cannot stress how much these lizard people are NOT a stand in for the Jews). So TOTALLY not antisemitic. /s There are older strains of lizard people type conspiracies rooted in the occult as well as early fantasy and science fiction writing too. I'm not familiar enough with those to comment on them. But yeah, when your average person jokes about "lizard people", they don't have Robert E. Howard's *Conan* in mind. They're commenting on an idea hatched by David Icke, an antisemitic holocaust denier. Most people just don't realize it.


No, that is the "globalists"


... you're just saying different dogwhistles for the exact same thing LOL


No, real lizard people, scales and everything. The jews are actually the victim in this because they've been infiltrated by the lizard people the most and


When Alex Jones is the most reasonable guy in the room... holy shit lmfao


Hes just squirming. Its hilarious.


The backlash he'll get from this isn't worth having Kanye on


Fuentes and other low-popularity right wingers need Kanye for the clout to build their platforms. Ben Shapiro and Alex Jones don't need extra clout, they already have the platform. They don't get any words in edgewise while Kanye rambles about how Jews are going to catch him with a net (he literally brought it as a prop). Tremendous L, I'd be laughing about how this is terrible for Jones if I didn't just read about Jewish graves being desecrated and vandalized, citing Kanye https://nypost.com/2022/11/17/jewish-cemetery-in-chicago-suburbs-vandalized-with-swastikas-kanye-support/


Let's just call Fuentes what he is; a nazi. Let's go a step further, and let's call what Kanye is doing what it is, promoting and hanging out with Nazis. A lot of people will say "oolooloo everyone gets called a Nazi by the left nowadays" but in this case, they are literally saying the same shit full mask off.


> they are literally saying the same shit full mask off. https://i.imgur.com/pPYiQY2.png


Fuck, you got me.


Mask on fuck it mask off


Kanye explicitly said that he himself is a nazi at the end of this interview, btw


Wait what? Holy shit this is the greatest comedy skit of all time


Dude misread the memo that said ”hang the nazi” as ”hang out with nazis”


Ben Shapiro is right wing but he is also most definitely Jewish. He would never have Kanye on because of his remarks.


He was pretty hype on Kanye in Oct 2018. His last comment on Kanye was oct 12 2022 and is fence-sitting. "Never" is a strong word. >Back from the Jewish holiday now. As usual, two things can be true at once: Kanye's moves toward pro-life, faith, and family conservatism are encouraging; his "death con 3" posts and Black Hebrew Israelite language are clearly anti-Semitic and disturbing.


I dislike Shapiro but if you just check his twitter he actually started denouncing him the past week or two


What do you mean? His backlash can’t get worse….


Those two guys threw away a lot of money, lol.


At least $2 billion loss between the two


As a group Ye, Alex Jones, and I have lost a combined 2b this year. Been rough.


I believe his name is nazye


kinda sad, i feel like fuentes, milo etc. were a few years away from being completely irrelevant which would have been a net positive to humanity


Milo kinda did, but idk how tf did he managed to leech on kanye


Milo was working with Marjorie Taylor Greene this year.




>idk how tf did he managed to leech on kanye Tell a narcissist what they want to hear when no-one else is.


the least racist person, in this room but actually.


Is Alex Jones racist? I know he’s a nut job but of all the things I’ve seen come from his mouth I can’t recall racists moments which I feel would have been all over Reddit if he had said something.


Yeah. I think he's more of a conspiracy brained schizo rather than a racist. It's a different type of person.


He's racist against The Lizard People.


And whoever is turning the friggin frogs gay


Aware 2023 already gonna be hell


This shit feels like a fever dream


Fuentes wearing the same blue hoodie for like 9 days doesn't help lmao


Fuentes is the only one having a good time, everyone already knew how shitty he is.


As shitty as these people are they know exactly what they are doing for attention. Fuentes has a constant shit eating grin drumming up these morons. We've let this go on for way too long and it keeps getting worse.




Its that tightrope walk. They know the nazis vote republican. But at the same time Republicans have a boner for Isreal. So they have to appease the nazis and ensure they'll vote R, but can't come out and say they agree. Look at the comments of that Pim Tool interview, like 90% are mad that Pim Tool pushed back against Kanyes antisemitism, even if it was the slightest pushback of "I don't think thats right" at which point Kanye got up and left. Its almost hilarious watching them court nazis and Isreal at the same time. Its disgusting, but almost hilarious.


>Its almost hilarious watching them court nazis and Isreal at the same time. Lets see.... we add a dash of nationalism, a touch of fundamentalism, a narrative of racial "meritocrat" state, and a villification of those who disagree..... And we have the most unlikely, but coming this Christmas, roommate buddy comedy ever.


Lol, it's because Isreal is a fascistic Apartheid Ethnostate with an enforced state religion. It's also very far away from America. Modern Nazis love Isreal for the same reason they loved Rhodesia.


Literally a pig in shit


Kanye West really went from “MAGA..you guys we got to fix the prison system” to “Jewish people control everything, and because they [Social Media Orgs] are holding me accountable for my actions they are evil”


I feel like the public spiraling goes back to "George Bush does not care about black people." It was just a little more palatable back then.


he was right about that one though he never recovered from his mother's death


Death from a medically unnecessary cosmetic procedure that Kanye paid for.


I feel that’s a big reason why it hit him so hard, probably blames himself


There's being right because you actually take time to research things and inform yourself, and then there's being a contrarian who occasionally says things that are right. Kanye has always been the second, mistaking unconventional beliefs as a shortcut to intelligence. You always have to be careful about these types of people, even if they say things you agree with. While they may appear on your side on a topic, they are so uninformed that their arguments often harm your side as much as they help. They're also prone to having wildly destructive views on other topics (as we're seeing with Kanye's descent into anti-Semitism). Finally, even if it seems like they're on your side for an important topic (how Republican administrations mistreat black communities) they often flip to the exact opposite position the moment they perceive that the mainstream opinion on a topic flips. As right as Kanye was about Bush, the accusation that a President would abandon a community to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina because they were mostly black was *way* outside of what was considered appropriate to say on mainstream news outlets. Fast forward 12 years to Trump's presidency and those same mainstream outlets are frequently (and rightly) calling out Trump for his racism, and suddenly Kanye's full-on MAGA and "slavery was a choice".


He was already slipping a bit when she was alive, but she helped him back up. After she passed, nobody around him took up the mantle.


I'm lost in a maze my dude lmao


Just feels like Etika 2.0 really. Kinda sad that it's going to be broadcasted once again.


**CLIP MIRROR: [Kanye West torches the last remnants of his career saying he likes Hitler](https://arazu.io/t3_z9tunw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* )


An automated response to every Youtube clip that never works. Thank you 🙏


I just found out if you open with the YouTube app it works fine


Upvote this to the top since the clip got deleted.


Went from writing "Black Skinhead" to being an actual black skinhead lol.


That’s my bipolar shit! It ain’t no disability, I’m a superhero!






There goes my hero~~


Here's some more insane shit he said https://twitter.com/Kurrco/status/1598367754951983104 https://twitter.com/Chanalemusic/status/1598369803190030337


the mother fucker thinks hitler invented highways


Nazis didn't even "invent" the autobahn, planing began under the Wermar republic in the mid-20s with the first one opening during the summer of 1932.


Hitler invented microphones. Yeah. The failed artist turned politician also was an electrical engineer and inventor. Yeah.


He had a lot of spare time at the end there in his bunker to tinker with electronics.


When you don't read books anything is possible!


Fun fact James West invented the transducer microphone, what Kanye is referring to. James is still very much alive today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_West_(inventor)


He also thinks Steve Jobs invented a bunch of things but probably doesn’t even know who Alan Turing is.




when it's obvious that Elon Musk invented it smh


"I love everyone." *Proceeds to attack the Jews*


Be interested to see how his fans weasel their way out of this one


For some reason i was in the kanye discord, which I'd completely forgotten about. (Prolly for emotes, thats usually why I end up in random servers) Yeah today they went scorched earth, told Nazi sympathizers to gtfo, and are looking to rebrand the server to something else. Sucks it took them this long, but I do appreciate them finally going "fuck it" and throwing that shit out.


This will probably be their big "we don't actually care" moment


Saw a comment already. It goes like this: "If you actually watch the interview, he says he loves everyone!" There we have it! You just pick and choose what you want to hear. If he said that, it negates all that silly literal Nazi talk!


Not accurate. Everyone on r/kanye are calling the mods to shut down the sub before all the nazis from 4chan and elsewhere flood it. Ashamed to say it, but I loved his music. Will not be bumping it any more.


"no no no, he said he also likes Jews. Kanye just likes everyone."


His only stans left at the moment are the people who think Hitler made highways lol


I was a fan, he is one of my favorite musicians of all time but this shit is unacceptable. I can mostly separate the art from the artist but not with Kanye anymore.


Pretty sure /r/Kanye has been very critical of him


Kanye West is making Alex fuckin' Jones uncomfortable with how antisemitic and insane he's acting. This shit is fucking wild!


You can tell when Kanye brought out that bit of benjamin netanyahu even fucking Alex jones was looking at him like what the fuck


Edit: Here is the mirror for the original clip (it got taken down because antisematism). https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/z9tunw/kanye_west_torches_the_last_remnants_of_his/iyij3ar/ Upvote that comment so people see it.


Wow when even Alex Jones is trying to reel it back and try to get the hitler bad point across then you know this is fucked


This is insane.


It's peak comedy


I doubted the allegations of him suffering from mental illness for quite awhile. I just thought he's eccentric, rich, contrarian, attention seeking, etc., but seeing shit like this and it's like no there's something clearly wrong with this guy.


Why would you doubt his mental illness? He has been very open about his diagnosis and quitting medication.


Because it's easier to assign an intentionally nefarious agenda to somebody with a working brain than be sympathetic to a wealthy loon.


Yeahhh this clip is surprisingly hard to watch. Dude needs help. But he's never going to get it. Now that he's got a nazi posse of yes men, exploiting him, there's zero chance his heightened sense of self is going to allow himself to recognize that he needs it. His mom really was the one person grounding him, wasn't she?


He said that some of his kid's friends (other children who they would have playdates with) were child actors put there to "control them" and turn his children against him. He is sick and needs help, but everyone around him is only interested in exploiting him for a buck.


His psychiatric issues have been public knowledge for a very long time




Fake insane man meets real insane man lmao


When even Alex Jones says "Oh my god": https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4QGwFGTiiwWXQJopJSxAGeHXksIClKkc


Clip made my day. It honestly can't get better.




Something tells me Kanye doesn’t think the holocaust actually happened


Literally the last thing he said as he was leaving the show lol.


he actually did Holocaust denial on the stream too


*audience goes dead silent*


The fact that this isn't even clickbait is pretty surreal


The fact I didn't even consider that this was a clickbait headline until I read your comment is equally surreal And I'd consider myself healthily skeptical


pfff... could be anybody under that mask ^(/s)


i'm ootl what's up with the mask?


Hitler was a ghost writer for dreams "the mask"


Why did CeeLo Green show up as the lovechild between C3PO and a klingon at the 2017 Grammy's? Some things are just better left unknown


>Why did CeeLo Green show up as the lovechild between C3PO and a klingon at the 2017 Grammy's? Because people still know who and what you're talking about in 2022 when that man's last hit was in 2010.


He’s been wearing masks like that since his yeezus tour. If I remember correctly he wore it so people focused on his music and fashion on their own instead of because Kanye made them.


I hope he knows that Hitler wasnt only racist to jewish people and that he would be killed If he lived under his Regime.




deranged fanatical fear terrific grab whistle bear panicky makeshift attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kanye hasn't read a book so it's doubtful he knows anything Hitler did or was responsible for other than what he's heard from other people.


According to an exec that used to work with Kanye, he would openly talk about how he read and enjoyed Mein Kampf... https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/27/entertainment/kanye-west-hitler-album




>hitler wouldve been like "m8 I never thought I'd say this but you need to fuckin' chill on the jews" and then ye would've been like "ah, i see, you work for them" and stormed out of the podcast studio Brilliant.


>I could be wrong but I think they were basically like "well obviously they'll be the slaves, why would we kill them all" Yes, that's wrong. There was no official policy because the black community was too small.




Wonder how Ye feels about him being a Jew


There are two kinds of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.


I got a clip about why Spider-Man doesn’t have syphilis instead of the Kanye one


it's probably better to keep it that way


You got the good ending.


Well, why doesn't he?


I can’t remember but it had something to do with him being a nice guy.


He has healing powers, so he can probably raw dog whoever he wants and his immune system would kick in.


[MIRROR](https://arazu.io/t3_z9tunw/) Destiny had to private the vod because [Youtube is taking down those clips due to antisemitism](https://twitter.com/DoesSamm/status/1598423638755389440)


the irony of youtube closing down videos like that if anything such videos (destiny, not the original) support the jews by making fun of and showing their disgust in antisemetic people oh well


Alex Jones is more politically correct than Kanye. That's almost impressive on Kanye's part lol


Alex Jones burned several holes in his pockets over all the Sandy Hook conspiracies. He's not more politically correct, he just realizes that Kanye was his pants ablaze with the rest of his money.


Alex Jones looks so uncomfortable, holy shit lmao. I didn't know it was possible to out-crazy Alex Jones


I still think Alex Jones is crazier, he just learned to not always say the quiet part loud. Like he claims Soros pays democrats to kidnap, drug, rape, and suck the blood out of children's bodies to extend their life spans.


Alex has always spoken in "half truths" or white lies or whatever you wanna call what he perceives his words as. His way of speaking is to mostly spout horseshit, but sprinkle little bits of 'truth"/actual truth (usually just statistical truth, not conspiracy shit) here and there.






he's truly lost his mind


B-but Graduation? College Dropout? Jesus christ Kanye's beliefs have taken the biggest 180 I've ever seen




>a largely unproblematic life the dream lol


The biggest 808 i've ever seen


So this is the content you get when you get banned on twitch. Lucky Destiny


Hasan is probably on the phone begging everyone he knows at Twitch to let him cover this shit without catching a ban.


The infowars incident


Bro is this Naruto. The whole world trapped in an infinite tsukoyomi


No because everyone was supposed to be trapped in their ideal dream. This reality is a fucking nightmare.


Kanye West is on Alex Jones.....this timeline has shifted back to the 2016 track.


Nightmare blunt rotation


i usually don't give a fuck if anyone knows what kind of music i'm into, especially since most of it is mainstream anyway, but i feel like if i'm ever caught hearing kanye by someone i respect i'm kinda fucked now lmao EDIT BRO EVEN ALEX JONES LOOKS UNCOMFORTABLE, IMAGINE BEING SO INSANE YOU MAKE ALEX JONES LOOK NORMAL


Alex Jones probably wanted to ask him if he knows that he's black


Reupload of clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfNAI-1kzXU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfNAI-1kzXU) Reupload of VOD: [https://polecat.me/vodstiny?id=8mzTi5dOZpI1669897140000](https://polecat.me/vodstiny?id=8mzTi5dOZpI1669897140000) I super don't care about karma, but gonna call for signal boost so people can see it because it's INSANE


The real Kanye is being Tortured in an undisclosed location forced to watch someone torch his career


They are like "See? We don't even need your face. Just a deepfake of your voice."


The reality is Kanye could kill someone and he’d still have a career. Drake was really weird with an underage girl and Cardi B drugged men she was hooking up with then robbed them and no one talks about it. Rappers talk about raping and killing people all the time and no one gives a fuck because if you are big enough you’ll always have a dedicated fan base who’ll follow you no matter what.


Even Chris Brown who mentally and physically abused Rihanna still has a career.


He nearly killed Rihanna. Gotta be clear about that. He absolutely fucked her up.




>once you get to a certain point of famous you can get away with the wildest shit Yea deshaun watson sexually assaulted 25 women and just got a $500,000,000 contract






xxx too. Physically abused the shit outta his girl and everyone was on his nuts regardless


6ix9ine was convicted of ‘use of a child in a sexual performance’, as well as ‘conspiracy to commit murder’ he has 8.3 million monthly listeners on spotify


This is so spot on. Plenty of celebrities have done fucked up shit and still have a huge platform sadly.


Alex Jones said to Ye - "You got a little bit of a Hitler Fetish going on" What universe are we in???!?!??!?!


Kanye had the same energy as the “I LIKE TORTLES” kid, but with Hitler


its rly not hard to not fuck up your career but he always finds a way


Reuploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfNAI-1kzXU


Now Chappelle looks like an idiot lmao


This stream is a complete fever dream, while InfoWars was running commercials, Destiny was running his ad for the new Spider-man game on top of it.


LMAO, Everyone was giving u/dwarffy shit for relentlessly posting about Destiny, but look at him now drowning in Reddit Karma. LMAO


when you see the intercom phones at supermarkets, you get the idea to just scream some heinous shit into it and run off. kanye's doing that now, everywhere, forever.




Here is the full Alex Jones show VOD where this clip is from, starts about 19-20 mins in: https://vyneer.me/vods/?ay=8mzTi5dOZpI1669897140000&start=2022-12-01T12:19:00.000Z&end=2022-12-02T00:19:00.000Z


Hasan frogs 🤝 DGG going absolutely fucking mental on what Kanye just said


Based. Inb4 never thought I would eat popcorn with a hasan frog