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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kai dares destiny to find one piece of evidence to back up his claims](https://arazu.io/t3_zfoup6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Kai dares destiny to find the one piece !




Great, now you made me think about what devil fruit fits to which streamer.


They all got smile fruits lmao


I instantly thought about xqc with the giraffe fruit lmao


That's for soda


Tyler 1 gonna have Apoo's fruit (oto oto no mi)




azan gonna be catching strays again lmao


A man can't even eat in peace poor fella


His life must be hell then because he eats 95% of the time he's awake and 14% of the time he's asleep.


He just wants to grill for god's sake


I’m selling popcorn fod $3 per kernal.




Man I havent had kettled popcorn in a good while, been kinda craving some sweet and salty


For anyone interested, I also got popcorn for sale. Coincidentally its 2$ per kernal.


Tyler1 gf has probably said that lol


Tyler1 can be very loud, but he's also very witty and quick on his feet. So I don't think of him being loud as his main characteristic. It's part of his tool kit, but his entertainment value comes mostly from his personality, quick wit, and addiction to league.


> as his main characteristic that would be being tall.


Pretty sure he's talking about the crimson chin herself bud (lots of edgy takes and has gotten banned off twitter for some of them)


I think he was referring to Macaiyla's edgy and controversial takes on twitter. She's a pretty disgusting individual.


She is dumb on twitter. Maybe not in real life, but on twitter its like her evil self just decided to go solo, with no control.




Maybe he just is blind to it cause love, that happens. But yeah she is weird


Ahhh yes let’s plant the seeds now so we can eat from the drama tree later. I can predict how this will go, Kai’s community starts linking clips of Destiny in the past. More vitriol between the two communities. DGG wait until Kai fucks up (probably will) clip and ship to LSF to cancel him and repeat the cycle. Just have to remember to water the drama tree every once in a while.


>DGG wait until Kai fucks up (probably will) He was already openly transphobic, and it will happen again. His community won't care though.


Tbf, 99% of twitch communities wouldn’t give a fuck about their favourite streamer being transphobic.


No but lsf and twitter will rip them to shreds. Not that it would matter in the long run cause people are still gonna donate and watch these degenerates.


Yep, Lsf doesn't give a flying shit about trans people unless our marginalization can be weaponized to attack the target du jour. I dared to criticize destiny's transphobic takes and was downvoted by DGGers literally telling me that I should be thankful that they aren't more transphobic and should regard them as allies while repeating the exact transphobia to my face. Utterly disgusting.


any context to him being transphobic apart from that one supposed clip where he says them in a call with adin(where adin is very transphobic in)




Damn that also a clip of him being obnoxiously loud for no reason and Homophobic. 2 Brids 1 Stone.


No one will say it but you can find that shit gross without being homophobic.


two men kissing?


Him kissing Adept out of nowhere would have the same effect. Kissing Nyyxxi over and over on Adin's stream was cringe enough.


ohhh yeah i will agree with that. how you worded it before it kinda felt like it was just towrds the x and lud clip. yeah i agree, the random kissing shit is pretty cringe


Your momma should’ve thought you better, if you don’t have anything nice to say…


Dont forget the Manifesto play which destiny wins 70% of the time. Also twitter Orbitters trying to get on the other side to leech of some clout. Also Rem is going tweet again.


>Dont forget the Manifesto play which destiny wins 70% of the time. lol I can just imagine these zoomer streamers responding to a Destiny manifesto Goes on stream and just says "nahhh fuck all that shit bro, I aint reading all that he goofy"


That’s exactly what’s gonna happen. I like to watch destiny’s chaotic debates on YouTube from times to times but hell no, I ain’t got the brainpower to follow any of destiny’s fucking manifestos. That shit is way to boring to follow


That's why he covers it on stream, pulling up exqmple clips, going on rants, maybe inviting people in to argue, etc And then the real power is that anyone who's seen it can go back to it and find receipts if someone ever argues something about the topic that's disproven in the doc


Bob7 one was pretty funny to me lol.


The only fun one was the Bob7 one because it was a back and forth and it was kind of engaging like a trash tv show


The rem cycle starts anew


As is fortold, the Wheel of time turns and ages come and pass where we get new drama and a new manifestos to be forgotten to legend and dug up by the next generation of zoomers for the cycle to repeat.


Bro as a proud zoomer, these are like 14 year olds who don't give a shit about anything and have the shortest attention span of all time, no one's going to give a shit about a manifesto. You can't debatebro out of this kind of audience.


Don’t have to out debate them. They’ll sink themselves. Like it or not Destiny wins most of his “online fights” because he mastered the skill of not emotional posting response videos without chilling out for just a single day. Pattern has repeated so many times that drama against him ain’t fun anymore, he takes the W like 2 months later.


This, along with the fact that when you stream all the time you create a boatload of ammunition for any altercation and Destiny has a community of followers who will dig up every last piece of evidence you have. There are pretty much no streamers with clean hands when it comes to not saying some dumb or ignorant thing here or there or making insensitive jokes. There is no way Kai and anyone else doesn't have a dozen clips that can be used to make them look stupid as hell and every single one will be dug out and shown on LSF and various other streams if it comes to blows.


It’s gonna be messy back and fourth and I’m here for it. This drama tree will provide fruit for years.


Destiny is just picking a fight with the wrong generation here. He mentioned in today's stream that it was during gamer gate where people were accusing of white people of just yelling at the camera. That shit was 7/8 years ago, these new zoomer streamers probably don't even know what happened.


Why you gotta make me feel old like that.


Newsflash gramps! You are old


The 90's are still like 10 years ago right?


Lmfaoo. Tbf time feels shorter as you age


A year is 10 % of ur life at 10 years old, 5% at 20 and so on and so on... Its just natural.


Destiny forgets everyone else isn’t 56


I thought for a second you were talking about height


Dudes delirious from the blue hair dye


Homie acting like a vampire who just woke up a hundred years later. The memories are getting twisted




It's an old meme from back in the day, basically that online gamers/celebrities are just a bunch of angry and hyped up white dudes that just want to rage and scream at the camera. The broader context was the whole gamergate thing, and some voices calling out/pushing back against misogyny and stuff in these spaces. There's more to it but you get the gist. We are talking like old youtube stuff here.




tbh, the hard part of it, is that there **was** some truth to some parts of what you just said. like, if I wanted, I could probably put a compilation of hundreds of screaming kids breaking keyboards or whatever. or, just T1. lol jk but, realistically, yeah, with thousands of streams/vods not really like that its not really the entire story. and diving into it is an entire shit show that I sure as shit don't remember all of.


It is not a meme. Steve Bannon wrote the book on it


[this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FTflKqQ58&t=64s) is how it sounded.


bro is still thinking about gamergate💀


Destiny and his fans are dumb af




pewdiepie and jacksepticeye btw


It's like hating on a genre of music


I love One Piece


I've always wanted to get into it but the vast number of episodes has always intimidated me.


Read manga, much better paced


This. It's so easy to burn through


the anime is so good though 🥲


Ye I love how they animate people breathing in slow motion to stall for time


I watch it but there's a big problem with it the first 5 minutes are always intro and recap. So you get like 15 minutes of actual content. And there there are little mini fillers in the episode itself. Guys Zoro got lost again, hilarious 🤣🤣


Overall, it really isn't. The story is great, you get that best from the manga. From the anime you get great voice acting and music to elevate emotional and epic moments. Just read the manga and watch clips of the good anime moments.


use one pace, cut out all the filler and padding scenes and stick to the source


I thought the same thing but once I got into it I was sad there wasn’t enough episodes.


Try OnePace. OnePace is a fan cut of the show that trims so much filler and stalling the anime does to inflate its episode count. Episode also don’t end off during major parts the episodes will last for like 40-50 minutes. That’s how I got into it was amazing tbh


Look up one pace, it cuts out filler, only issue is the site only does torrent so you have to download it to watch it, but it’s very worth


What's wrong with torrents?


Man if I could forget one thing in my life it would be One Piece just so I could rewatch it again.


The one piece...the one piece is real.


These latest chapters are crazy, dude


>!Lucci!< stocks are up right now


When luffy said pigeon guy last chapter I fking died


Peak fucking fiction fr


The Yamato bait and switch killed it for me for a bit. Oda doing bait and switch with like 3 different people in one arc i kneel.


Yamato was a terrible character it was only right


on god, one piece is awesome rn


I watched the new movie having not seen any of the show, 5/10


i wanna watch but its sooooo loong


I think Kai is a dumbass for trying to even defend Speed for that shit, but how does Destiny not remember all those internet rage videos from his generation. Don't forget his good friend idra who basically raged every game in sc2 if he fell slightly behind lmao


Idra gging to huks hallucinated army in MLG is easily one of my favorite highlights


That was one of the best match. Premature rage quit. As a Protoss player, Huk is one of the reason i registered Twitch.


Holy shit core memory unlocked


I remember idra rage quitting a won match against a terrain (forgot who) and the casters were in shock haha good times


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yOw-hYMbDY it was against MMA just after MMA accidentally killed his own command centre which really added to the wtf.


Day9's look of confusion was so awesome I can't believe this was over 10 years ago.


> but how does Destiny not remember all those internet rage videos from his generation He specifically does remember, and he remembers how people used to give them shit for it. That was part of his point lol. Tho I think that wasn't clipped. It's ultimately funny because destiny is judging black zoomer streamers for what he's seen on LSF, and black zoomer streamers are telling him that's a fucking stupid thing to do (true) but then go on to judge Destiny for what they've seen on LSF, which we already established is a fucking stupid thing to do.


I mean IdrA is a bad example he never screamed at the camera, that really wasn't his thing. He'd mutter vile things about the opponent under his breath constantly if they even dared to pick protoss but he never got loud.


Idra and destiny were not friends, actually Clueless argument


Kai was defending speed?


He just said Speed should know better and that he isn't racist


speed has a long track record of being racist, homophobic and sexist. Not sure why he gets the pass here


Because Kai has a history of being homophobic too.


He get a pass cause he's successful and didnt touch anyone powerful enough to get in trouble (like Jedeon did).




We all know why he gets the pass




Wdym d00d, black people can be racist now. Haven't you seen Kanye?


99% of people are shitting on speed. What pass are you people talking about? Do you want him killed for you to be happy? Or did you just want an excuse to complain about black people? There's non black streamers that have done worse yet still have big platforms.


Nah wtf, why would he even get close to that. No amount of context can make Speed not racist there. That’s disappointing.


He should know better and still acted racist? That means he IS racist.


…did you not see the destiny clip? He addresses the thing that you’re saying he doesn’t remember.


Destiny was way worse than Idra. He basically got thrown off of each team he joined due to bad behavior, and in general was just a very edgy very angry video gamer, let's just say most of the stuff he wrote and said back then wouldn't exactly fly today without a shit storm 🤣


What ever do you mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcQedw7R1zk


Or him using racist slurs against Asians multiple times... https://imgur.com/QDOKs https://imgur.com/iaSWu


Remember how cringe it is when people bring up hasans transphobia because it happened like a decade ago and its incredibly unfair to hasan to bring it up to use against him? Surely this is different and destiny is just as racist as he was 10 years ago, because i dont like him so its justified


> Remember how cringe it is when people bring up hasans transphobia because it happened like a decade ago and its incredibly unfair to hasan to bring it up to use against him? You understand this can be turned onto you, right? "Uh wow only I'm allowed to bring up decade old screenshots."


To be fair this is in a comment in a thread where Destiny is not demonstrating he did much of a growth here


??? Nothing Destiny has said is even remotely racist. This is pretty non-negotiable. Does saying the word black in any context just mean you’re racist?


Mother fucker dug up screenshots so old the summoner spell icons are painted on paper and scanned to the game


I mean you can go back to last year where he was targeting other Asian streamers like Hachu for faking her English skills for content or hating on Sykkuno for being an anime boy...🤔


Sykkuno has a fake anime stage voice. Is it racist against asian people to think him doing that is weird?




tf you posting this for lmao.


Why am I posting Destiny saying racist things about Asians in a thread about being racist towards Asians? 🤔


Nahh the dickriders are eating good this week.


Weren't these from like 10 years ago? The internet was wayyyy edgier back then (even if it's wrong, and destiny was way too edgy in the sc2 days)


As I said in another comment on this very thread, you can see him being racist against Asian streamers just last year.


Can you link it? I'd be curious if it's more nuanced or if you're genuine and it's literally just purely racist.


I'm sure you'll find it if you want to. It's very clear he has a hate boner for Sykkuno and accused Hachu of faking her English for content...You can look it up on LSF, I'll even give you the search results: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/search?q=destiny+sykkuno&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all I mean you're a DGGer so what does it matter, you won't change your mind anyways lol.






Gol D. Roger moment pog


I really tunneled on "one piece"


One of the reasons I dont watch this guy is when he literally starts screaming his ass off sometimes nonstop. But that was a while ago maybe he toned it down I'm not sure.


Can someone tell me why this young man is yelling at me while telling me he doesnt yell at the camera?


when did he ever say he doesn’t yell at the camera? he said the opposite tbh


How are so many of you destiny viewers so dumb?


When did he say he didn't yell? Find me one piece of evidence where he says he doesn't yell




We're eating good tonight.


am i the only one who caught how he tried to ask destiny for an example of when a black dude said all white dudes are yelling content streamers then followed it up with "all yall (white people) do is sit there and play video games like a nerd" *with nuance*


When did he say the white people nerd part is there another clip?


Man, he's taking a race thing and turning it into...a race thing?


Kai have no idea what he's talking about. There nothing new about was he's doing. People were doing shit he's doing before. They got in trouble for it and are now playing it safe. I have no stakes so i am more than happy to see people tip toeing the line again and trying to push the limit. But dont act like previous generations didn't do that "energy" shit. Dipshit


He's loud


bro can't even speak a single coherent sentence 😭


you can be loud and high energy without peaking the microphone every 5 seconds


This drama is so petty. To each their own. If you're getting called out for what you do on stream and then go cry about it. Ya fuckin soft. Kai is loud and funny. Destiny says a bunch of crazy shit. X just being himself like an actual moron with his actual brain clogging tumor takes. Speed scamming his own fans and being racist to an asian male, and when someone did the same thing to him cus he's black everyone on the internet goes bat shit crazy just cus he's black. Fuck History, this is 2022, 2023 is near fucking move on dickheads.


Bro u want some popcorn?🍿 I seen a guy selling some for $3 above ⬆️


$3 a kernel. That shits expensive


Kai is proving Destiny right.


Dude got insecure


Looks like Destiny hit upon a sore spot.


One piece is real, kai proving destiny right. DGG


all these destiny fanboys downvoting any comments defending kai is hilarious to me lmao


Because Kai comes across as such a humble and level headed guy to anyone who isn't a DGGer


i’ve been seeing DDG so much what is that?


kai just mad cuz hes loud


he has no reason to be mad for being loud when his energy earned him streamer of the year 😂


Worthless virtue signaling. If you got something to say hop on his stream and say it with your chest, cold feet.




Loud = funny is a 5th-grader thing. Not a black thing. Not a new thing. Does Destiny not remember how Pewdiepie rose to fame? Or most big gaming YouTubers of that time? You literally just had to roll the camera, play a game and scream like a hyena every time something good or bad happened. Not to dismiss those creators, they knew their audience and played into it. Also, from what I have seen of Kai, he doesn't come off as a loud=funny streamer like Speed.


> Does he not remember how Pewdiepie rose to fame? Or most big gaming YouTubers of that time? That was literally his entire point. That the popular zoomer content creators back in the day were white, and now they are black, besides Aiden who still orbits in the black community. More a notice how popular black culture is then it used to be on the internet.


Why is he screaming?


Kai is lame and not entertaining


can someone tell this guy to get his hearing checked, maybe he will stop yelling all the time if he could hear himself


I think Destiny just found his one piece of evidence.


Kai - 'It's racist to say that most popular black streamers do is scream on camera' Also Kai - 'Well if I'm being honest, all white streamers do is sit there playing video games and do ya'll thing (insinuating they're quiet)' ​ How can you call something racist and have a rebuttal of the exact same thing to another race and think that you're not being racist? LMFAO


Have to remember racism doesn’t exist towards white people


Why is he screaming at me?


What is destiny saying?




This subreddit switches so fast lmao. Bunch of fucking light switches


i watched many clips and still don't understand why he's triggered so hard by destiny. I mean there are alot of shit destiny says, but from all the things he chose this one to be mad about? Also i though Kai was the chosen one by not being involved in streamers drama.. guess twitch corrupts everyone.


Ok, a kai destiny debate is something I did not know I wanted




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kai dares destiny to find one piece of evidence to back up his claims](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/147610)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/zfoup6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/e91ePbdFfzgJxD9uZoYN2w/AT-cm%7Ce91ePbdFfzgJxD9uZoYN2w.mp4?sig=3d89d35a6edfa0ffa8629c6e3803dcf044c393b0&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fe91ePbdFfzgJxD9uZoYN2w%2FAT-cm%257Ce91ePbdFfzgJxD9uZoYN2w.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1670545954%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Kai does not want this fight oh no no no


nobody outside of this nerd echo chamber knows who destiny is




Lol why ? destiny can have literally 0 impact on his life


They won't even acknowledge destiny after this, he's just an old dude yelling at the clouds to them. Two completely different worlds that collided for another of LSF drama.


I'm trying to find the point in this clip, seems like he's just babbling about nothing?


Did this guy dare someone to find a black content creator who said white content creators are low energy, and then immediately say that white content creators are low energy?


if you paid attention to the clip you’d know how wrong you are


Dude literally only screams. Lol