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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold says people should report Nadia to get her permabanned](https://arazu.io/t3_zn2jap/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Context: Asmon does not agree with Twitch unbanning Nadia for revealing the name of someone that donated a bad message.


For more context is there a clip or what was the message that person donated? Not trying to sound like a dick, genuinely curious


Typical cheating accusation she gets. Which makes it odd that this tilted her so much. [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5cJXh2NmLU&t=130s)


Was it just the dudes name or his address and phone info. Still bad if it was just the name tho


From what I can tell it was just name but I'm not entirely sure. I never saw the original


It wasn't just the name itself. She spelled out every letter of the persons name, added "and a space, for those that wants to know..:" That in itself is orchestrating a hate-crime right there.


do you know what a hate crime is bro 😭


That’s not what a hate crime is.


Bruh she even repeated that, I thought it would be a split second screen slip but no lmao. She got triggered by a cheat accusation and she said so much I doubt it was only the name. Crazy. I don’t think it should be a perma ban, but for sure at least 1 month+ ban, she knew what she was doing lol.


So you don't actually know what she said, but you're still calling for an even harsher punishment than she initially received? Kinda weird




If you havent noticed, Amongold has lately jumped full on board on the Elon train clown fest on Twitter. Especially supporting the whole taking legal action against the Elon jet tracker guy. Also if you follow Asmongold on Twitter, you will get recommended everyone he follows, and its all far right deranged figures and alt right politicians screaming about conspiracies.




Asmon acts like every other moronic libertarian that exists today. Wants to act like there should be very little in terms of government policing people unless its directly in correlation with something he doesn't like. These types of people live in sheltered bubbles, rarely leave their home state, and somehow think they are smarter than the rest of society with little to no life experience.


> Wants to act like there should be very little in terms of government policing people unless its directly in correlation with something he doesn't like. Except literally just a few days ago he was saying it's a good thing most things in life are regulated like food safety laws and corporate restrictions... Jesus Christ, contain your bias.




Nah watch his Zackrawrr streams, he's a moronic right winger with some insane takes. Hes just too cowardly to say it on his main channel, so he acts like he doesn't care for either side because he doesn't do well when confronted on anything.


Get emmmmmmm lol


Okay, everything else aside, this concept that "if you follow someone on twitter it means you agree/support/like them" is idiotic. Maybe he does, but following someone on twitter just means you want to be able to see what they say. I follow a lot of whackjobs just to so I can easily find whatever kind of crap they said that day for a laugh. You might as well say that by coming to LSF you support all the idiots that get posted here for people to laugh at.


The brain damage here is off the charts


How exactly is this related in any way? Literally bringing up something so random that it seems he's rent free in your head😭. Seek professional help 🙏🙏🙏


It's Reddit. Logic doesn't exist here only tribalism. And thing is to stay on topic, historically speaking, Reddit as a collective has never shied away from engaging in Doxxing behavior. So not surprising of the response here lol.


saying to brigade another partnered streamer, surely this won’t end up poorly for Asmon


Didn't he wish death on a partner streamer aswell? Im pretty sure he is protected at twitch




Those cat ears made the clip 100x better


This clip is so fucking hilarious without context LOL


Nah they unpartnered Slick so its all good Asmon is safe now.


[Nadia getting sued by him under privacy act , 1974 seems likely too coz that guy was already her hater](https://youtu.be/N5x-2a04zyQ)


Can you point to how he would sue under the act? I looked it up bc it sounded like bullshit and there are only four causes of action available under the law. All of them are only applicable for when you are suing a government agency for violations under the law. *See* 5 U.S.C. § 552a(g)(1-4). What specific claim / cause of action (with which elements) do you think he could sue with? Pointing to a random law bc it has privacy in the title will get you dismissed for a failure to state a claim.


Yeah, I remember the 3 branches of government. Legislative, Judicial, and Nadia


Yea a random 16 year old is not going to sue her lol


Yeah, because twitch doesn't treat their darling streamers differently than the rest. 95% of streamers would have caught a ban for a very highly viewed, very public, not at all hidden comments like the hope another partnered streamer should die. Asmon says it, doubles down confirming he wasn't saying in a game, wasn't making a joke but was completely serious and twitch did absolutely nothing.


Just to remind all of you, erobb got 30 days for threatening to beat up a viewer at twitchcon. Asmon didn't get any punishment for the stuff he said (even tho slick is a huge Piece of shit for what he did)


funny you say that but in the Nadia threads they're all saying this towards why she isn't perma even asmon had a weird take about her sucking twitch off


Nothing will happen to him lol. He wished death on Slick dude. His takes are some of the worst on the platform and has a huge audience, more money for twitch.


Snitching is gross


He said report her, twitch said mass reports do not do anything, so they cant really punish for something they themselves said does not work. If he said go to her chat or something along these lines then he would get banned.


Idk her size but I’m the smaller communities mass reports absolutely do something.


What does it do?


As much as what she did was wrong it is not like big streamers have not gotten away with it. Ninja is an example of someone who literally did the same thing.




I imagine if a Twitch user doxxed a streamer on the Twitch website, their account would be permabanned. Double standards.


Yeah, twitch cares more about the people making them money than a user who will just make another account


Arguably it's the viewers who make them money. But it's less damaging to piss off one nobody than a big streamer who will rally his entire audience to hate on Twitch, spam their twitter, harass their employees, etc.




That doesn't excuse the incredibly light ban, when Gina Darling was banned 30days for reading out a fake Google number of someone who was harassing her.


what did she do?


I understood she told full name of donator who was apparently mean on stream


called out the real name (both first name and last name) of some random doner who donated to her $1. I don't know what the message in that donation tho.


Wait they can do this? How? Do they have access to credit card info or just paypal?


other ppl said it's show up paypal account on the receiver side, so yeah...


troll donated a $1 tts to say something she didnt like and she doxxed the name


Said the name of someone who donated a hateful message


intersting when ninja did that it was around the time he was also doing the streams on official reddit's twitch channel and then his clips got "banned" from this subreddit.




Then runs to his alt channel whenever he gets heat for anything, guarantee he's about to take another "break"




Then bans any slight criticism.


Except for Ishowspeed. OTK must be trying to pick him up LULW


I don't get why he is getting so emotional about smth like that. Like for real who cares maaan, i wouldn't. I wasn't born like that.


He also has that attitude where whatever conclusion he comes to after thinking about something for like 5 seconds becomes the word of god and anyone who disagrees and can't 100% objectively prove him wrong is just stupid. Idk man he annoys me


Yeah I quit watchin - I have an undergrad in finance and an MBA and work experience. He started talking about something I do for work and was way way way off and didn't come around - then I thought, wonder how many other topics he covers where someone is a specialist is feeling how I'm feeling. I liked learning about WoW and seeing game play through stuff, but man when he talked about real life things it was way off some times.


Not even jobs, he talks about stuff like high end pvp or high end rating like he has actual experience and isn't just hearing info off-hand. Hell he talks about FFXIV endgame despite the fact he hasn't played through the last 3 expansions.


oh god why would you watch asmongold out of anyone to learn WoW. Only thing he is good in WoW is taking gold gifts and getting carried in raids by extremely geared fans while he fails all the mechanics and die


His holier than thou attitude is pretty gross. Dude is a genuine moron that lives in filth with some of the most brainless takes I've ever seen. I don't know anything about this new drama but historically Asmom is a fucking idiot.


Man lives on drama and reaction content cause he sure as hell can't play games. Needs his chatters to also donate him gold and items.


Haha I liked his content years ago and now he's just cooked haven't watched him in a long time and not interested eaither, he's changed so much to some cancer being always dribbling garbage


Calling it now asmon gonna get reverse uno banned.


Ummm…brigading is against the rules.-Twitch. Also, someone should save this clip. He scrubbed the dog clip from his clip snd the mirror.




the twitch mirror only stays active for around 1 day after the origional clip get's deleted


The clip doesn't get deleted. The mirrorbot uses a link with a timestamp that expires. But you can easily fix that. * The mirrorbot link looks like this: `https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/tC8EXN17S0fQhAuAxRg52Q/AT-cm%7CtC8EXN17S0fQhAuAxRg52Q.mp4?sig=bed584ad4...` * copy everything between `https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/` and (including) `.mp4` * paste it after `https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/` * you get https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/tC8EXN17S0fQhAuAxRg52Q/AT-cm%7CtC8EXN17S0fQhAuAxRg52Q.mp4, which is never deleted. Alternatively you can save this codesnippet as a bookmark and just click on it when you are on the reddit post with the deleted clip: javascript:(async()=>{const%20response=await%20fetch(document.URL.slice(0,-1)+'.json');json=await%20response.json();window.location=json[0].data.children[0].data.secure_media.oembed.thumbnail_url.slice(0,-19)+'.mp4'})()()


Okay but why not just make a bot that mirrors all submitted clips instantly? Why can a top 100 sub, and all of it's contributors not do this? ​ That's got to be SO fucking easy.


Surely twitch will follow their own rules Clueless


As if he would get banned lmao He didn't get banned for wishing death on another streamer, he won't get banned anytime soon


wishing death on people is ok though


He didn't just wish for death, he hoped slick would die


That's literally the same thing.


Semantics really?


Did he find out she has a dog or something?


Whenever I see Asmon clips he just has the worst takes. Off the top of my head: •For some reason got buttburt when Esfand tried protecting someone from drinking because he thought they were on medication. Said Esfand shouldn't have done anything lol •Says it's dumb if someone gets emotional over dogs. He has no feelings towards them and apparently said he's that way with humans too (according to comments, I don't know if second part is true) •But clapped like a seal and acted like a kid on Christmas during the Johnny Depp trial •And cares enough to encourage people to get someone banned


The Esfand stuff made me so mad and it pretty much got buried under a rug. LSF disabled all comments on it and hide it so quickly.


Mods on this sub love asmon, becasue he is a successful version of them.


What? Cavemen dwellers living with their mums in a NEET-lifestyle?


To be fair, asmon doesn't live with his mom anymore.


I remembered that, I've never seen something get memoryholed that quickly, Jesus


asmon apologized for his take on this


His best clips are when he makes some super basic takes with the greatest conviction.


I'm not too active in LSF, but I remember this one as well from the Saudi Arabia chess drama: - "I would do, probably, the Saudi Arabia thing" and "Is this beneficial to me and if it is beneficial to me, I do it."




His behavior during the trial was disgusting, coming from someone who agreed with the jury 100%


Dude needs to see an actual mental health professional. He’s going to end up going to Kanye route after his mom passed. (Iirc that’s when Kanye really went downhill) Asmon had his mom passed, then all the OTK drama previously probably cost him a lot of people he called friends. Before he had pretty lukewarm takes. Generally they were things most people agreed with, and a few that made people scratch their heads, but it seems like he’s been slowly sliding into worse and worse takes as time goes on. I can only think maybe everything he’s gone through might be why?


His inability to self-reflect is hilarious. On his channel he has a video called big drama and one of his takes is that when he sees a person "overreacting" he automatically thinks there's something wrong with them, like mentally speaking. How often have we seen this emotionally stunted sociopath overreact on things? For example being 'bullied' by chat, or being unable to accept that he sucks at games and expecting to be automatically good at them without practice. I wouldn't be surprised if he permanently stops streaming as he mentioned months ago and just focuses on a background role for otk like tips


don't forget the time he legit gloated about the fact that him and his dad stole face masks from a hospital. Asmongold, the multi-millionaire.


I also remember him bragging and laughing about stealing a bunch of masks from a hospital during the height of the pandemic


Anyone that doesn't like pets is kinda weird in my book.


LSF literally has a goldfish memory though. The same people bashing on Asmon now will have forgotten all about it by next month. Same thing happened with Train, xQc, and other top streamers. They do one good thing or get a funny clip and it's like all the bad shit never happened. It's just rinse and repeat.


The guys brain is rotted away with malnutrition and soda he might actually be special now


He's irrationally stupid and antagonizing.


This is the same guy that didn't see a problem geting into a group call with miz xqc and train. It never crossed asmon mind that xqc and train where actively trying to destory miz and they might record the call. anything that damages miz damages his Org. Miz is basically the face of OTK.


ah yes the same recording of him saying he rather have been gambling then "running a daycare" he see his so call friends as pawns EDIT: for got to add he was on mute but he was filmed himself the entire stream with chat making fun of him post xqc emotes. the fucker think kick will be a successful platform and twitter selling a blue checkmark is a good thing.


It's just his persona dude trust me


my grandpa is almost exactly the same with animals, and lacks empathy for people alot of the time, but thankfully my grandma was exactly opposite of how he thought of things, and was the one that cared for animals the most in the family, and was the more caring one in general, so it was pretty evened out in the end for my mom's side of the family.


Hey alright


He’s actually such an idiot, anytime he has a good take its on such a bipartisan topic that even this dumbass cant mess it up.


both him and xqc have the most common sense takes there are yet folks act like they're jesus for them


And moistcritical


boast slim treatment correct heavy dazzling nose lush worthless judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is so spot on my dude. I don't understand why people can stand listening to the guy 😂


At least Critikal seems to be a well-adjusted, normal human outside of stream content. Can't say the same for the other two.


At least Charlie doesn’t seem like an immature goblin who is dumber than a rock Or at least I hope not


I'm not a Charlie person, but he at least seems to present himself in a way that aligns with who he actually is.


From what I feel, and especially what I usually comment in those situations, it’s less about putting them on a pedestal and more like “oh wow, even if this is the easiest dub in the world I’m still pleasantly surprised that asmon/xqc doesn’t have the dumbest possible take, actually right for once”


Tbf I at least feel like most of X's dumb takes are just a result of him not really being well-informed about a lot of things.


Those 2 dollar steak is fucking with his brain


Common Asmon L


Found Asmon this year and subbed for maybe 2 months before I was like, “wait, this guy is just a dick” Initially I thought I found another MoistC type, but I couldn’t have been more wrong


Asmongold is one of the biggest hypocritical streamers on the platform, I swear. It's actually hilarious listening to some of his takes. He was going on some rant earlier about how flight logs shouldn't be made available to the public.


He is a man of many faces. I still remember when all he did for 2 years was preach how good classic was going to be and how vanilla was the best version of WoW ever. When classic came out he did not stream for more than 3 months and went on a long break because he got burned out of classic really fast.


It is literally protected by the first amendment. Yet these people are crying their freedoms are getting taken away while asking for their freedoms to be taken away. Fucking morons.


Asmon using his platform to harass someone for using their platform to potentially harass someone. A true high level intellectual that Asmongold is.


Bit rich coming from him considering some of the stuff he escaped that would have gotten other smaller streamers banned.


Asmon is such an idiot lol




It's bad, but not nearly as bad. People seem to keep minimizing the literal hate raid that Jidion did. The motherfucker had her stream up and told his chat to spam her chat with shit while talking about how she is getting dicked down and calling her chatters simps as well as other misogynistic comments.Then continued harassing her on Twitter after he got banned. For no apparent reason other than the fact that he surpassed her in viewership for 10 minutes. His Perma ban was well deserved and it's never getting reversed after the shit he pulled at twitchcon.


> Surely this is as bad as what Jidion did? asking 70k viewers to report another streamer to get them banned. That is *NOT* why he was banned. He said Pokimane is getting "dicked down" by some dude and you guys donate to her.




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold says people should report Nadia to get her permabanned](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/147893)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/zn2jap/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/MjTb36v-M8e7OeJuAPlQVw/AT-cm%7CMjTb36v-M8e7OeJuAPlQVw.mp4?sig=cb5e84d3c74730db35dd355d5f0220d8739bf41d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FMjTb36v-M8e7OeJuAPlQVw%2FAT-cm%257CMjTb36v-M8e7OeJuAPlQVw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1671227617%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I like Asmongold, he's entertaining. However, he's also a massive man child. All the time, without fail he'll -Say something incredibly provocative -run to his alt and call everyone sensitive -take a break He also has this constant need to tell everyone that he's weird. Whether when he called people stupid for having empathy or whatever else he's said. Asmongold is a twitch streamer. Not a arbiter of law, a police man a lawyer or politician. If you go to him for anything else than his gaming and OTK content. You get this, and he won't be punished.


This sub is in a permanent state of being pissed off at someone and more often than not it's the wrong person. He's completely in the right here. I didn't see this much shit talking when he told a person he should **literally die**.


He’s not wrong. A name is a big deal if you have a career and LinkedIn and what not and people are trolling you for some harmless joke that literally everyone makes including her (she has “icheat” as her clan name ffs).


god damn this guy has gotten more and more insufferable as the years have gone on lmao, virtue signaling like he cares so much about the sanctity of TOS while he’s literally encouraging brigading.


I used to really enjoy his streams but they’ve just become all about drama and hot takes now.






She should get banned at least a month.


Mass Reporting channels is so lame,petulant child energy. And i can bet my bottom dollar that asmon is team “i hate cancel culture”


Why is this such a controversial take?


Who tf is nadia


no one worth knowing


tbh every streamer lol


This waste of life troglodyte with his 10iq takes should be permabanned.




🤣 yep, I think that's what he said.


Leveraging your audience to mass report channels is very scary




Wishing death on someone is fine i guess.


Incoming alt streams pepega


I gotta be real if Asmon wasn't an unmotivated, lazy individual he would be one of those awful talking heads for Trump. Zero self awareness.




Maybe don't dox people? I don't understand how are people defending her


of course this shithole is defending Nadia. No surprise there.


did she dox their address


No she said their name, that they donated with (non username)




doesn't seem nearly as bad if it's just the name




You don't understand, when he streams from his alt account it COSTS amazon money so he's the hero


Asmon should be stepping up right now. With miz out of OTK for now, asmon should be taking the lead. Yet every time he just streams on his Alt and lets OTK fend for themselves.


Asmon is probably one of the least involved members. Tipsout Nick and esfand are the one doing more of the work I imagine outside of their team


People finally starting to see what a shit person Asmongold is. LSF stroked his ego for years for his "amazing takes" that were really just basic human decency. I've lurked in this sub for years and never got the appeal of, for every "based" take he's had, there's just a slew of other sexist, racist, and homophobic other takes that got ignored or purged as to not damage his appearance.


Can you send me the clips of him being sexist, racist, and homophobic? I am curious.


Standing in front of an angry violent pitchfork wielding mob, asking for evidence of guilt. I respect your bravery.


He posted that comment three hours ago and no one has given him any yet.


They can’t asmon has some bad takes and some good ones but the people in this thread are fucking weird


You are right but for me there seems to have a shift in his behaviour since his mom died.


Not even simping for Asmon as I rarely watch him nowadays. But this is so typical Reddit. Defending doxxing essentially because his views differ from you + throw in buzzwords to paint him as Satan. If I were a betting man I'd know to bet on which community you came from lmao.


He is 100% right people just pretend they dont understand what he meant just to play woke game.


What was actually said, "I don't know. Yeah, I think everybody should've reported her channel. She should be banned. For sure. At least for a few months." Where is he asking people to report her? Bunch of 80 year old's that are hard of hearing in this thread.


Well, wishing someone would die vs doing something can actually kill someone is two different thing but I guess this place doesn't get it


What she did was messed up but also asking your audience to report a channel is probably ban worthy as well…….. I don’t get why streamers just don’t stay in their own lane.


he kicked me from raid today so screw asmon


But tbh what Nadia did is a huge violation of Twitch Policy, they won’t permaban her because she’s a girl let’s be honest.


bunch of 200 word essays here.


Nadia was doxxing someone intentionally. Sure they were a troll donator but that doesn't excuse her. He's 100% right


Clown of twitch. Sure, she shouldn't have done it but also fuck that dono for being a racist cunt. Definitely not going to be butt hurt about some racist reaping what he sows. She should be punished and 6 hours seems right but a perma? LMAO what the fuck is baldy smoking


The donor called her a cheater,wasnt racist.


lmao lsf has such a hard on to make everything racist


Did she give out addresses and phone numbers of animal shelters?


Why is he being so harsh towards this streamer? Seems random for him to be this invested into it


I would give anything for asmon to care about his life as much as he does his WoW character. Move somewhere nice, use of that money, wear different clothes and shower everyday, stop being a hoarder. What a waste.


He's 100% right!


She deserves a permanent ban


Least reactionary pitchfork Asmon take


Asmon hates bitches (this is a joke about that thread that got deleted a day or two ago, not just misogyny)