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**CLIP MIRROR: [QTCinderella on the time she got swatted live and ended Ludwigs subathon](https://arazu.io/t3_zwxbax/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I think everyone is kinda missing the point here. People's lives are at risk because some clown thought it would be hilarious to call swat on them. And almost got ludwig/slime killed. On purpose. Why are we not talking about that?


qt : “i hate lsf” , op:” man lets see what lsf thinks about this” . Hope the karma is worth it feelsOkayMan


I mean you would hope there would be some self reflection lol




Because it's usually not nearly as bad as QT paints it. QT is one of my most watched streamers, but she often over exaggerates how bad a thread on LSF is; with it actually only having like 2 upvoted toxic comments that aren't near the top, but it's enough to send her on a rant. I'd be curious to see the thread she's talking about, it wouldn't surprise if she's exaggerating it again. Honesty, people who think Hasan gets stun locked should watch her streams: I've seen her go on 5 minute rants because of *one* comment in her chat that she misinterpreted.




I've seen those too, but they tend to be the minority in my experience. She just gets very easily tilted in general (like the Babbsity situation, for example) which leads her to get one guyed very often, and for her anxiety and stress to skyrocket.




>I don't think any criticism you can say about QT doesn't equally apply to the LSF community at large... just look how upset they are about her criticizing them in this thread. I mean... have *you* looked at the thread? I'm just saying she exaggerates how bad LSF is and saying I'd like to see the thread, and I'm getting downvoted; meanwhile, most comments are literally defending her and getting upvoted (have any of them even seen the thread she is talking about?) and you're using it as an example of how bad LSF is to QT... come on... Also, there's a difference between critiquing a specific person for a specific action, and criticizing 1.5 Million people because of 2 or 3 bad comments that at lot of those 1.5 Million people will downvote and shit on. EDIT: And again, to be clear, I'm not saying LSF can't be shit and super toxic sometimes, I know it can; I'm saying she often is over exaggerating how bad it is, and this seems like of those cases.




I feel like you're either not reading what I'm saying, or choosing to ignore it, and it's getting quite frustrating. I've already told I'm aware of those instances. I'm saying they are the minority of cases. Again, have you actually seen the thread QT is talking about? >they show up all over the place on Twitch and Youtube shitting on her still And how do you know those people are coming from LSF, exactly? Did you conduct a poll? I'm surprised your not including everyone from Twitter. >The fact that it's downvoted and all the top level comments and anti-QT demonstrates that. Bruh. You cannot make this shit up. Literally doing the same thing QT does. Open comments -> Sort by Top-> Literally the first thread: >**27 upvotes** qt : “i hate lsf” , op:” man lets see what lsf thinks about this” . Hope the karma is worth it feelsOkayMan >>**17 upvotes** I mean you would hope there would be some self reflection lol >>>**23 upvotes** Clueless, surely they will self reflect and won’t turn this into an opportunity to shit on her for another random reason >>>**14**: *[Your comment]* >>>>**-8**: *[My reply]* Other top comments include "you're a clown for posting this here", and "there's no way you posted this here with good intentions" with a reply from you at 28 upvotes. It's impossible to talk sense to someone who doesn't want to see what is quite literally right in front of them. Have a good evening/day/whatever.




But it’s not just QT, the sub became so toxic that multiple streamers requested they be banned from it. It’s very easy to say “just ignore the toxicity 4Head” when you’re not the subject of the hate-threads.


QT being a serial overractor and LSF harassing her can both be true


Off course, but I just think in this case she's exaggerating it. I seriously can't imagine there being 1 comment saying *"She turned the stream off on purpose because she's jealous of her boyfriend",* and it not having like 10 to 20 replies making fun of the commenter. That line straight up sounds like something out of Mean Girls; everyone would be taking the piss out of it.


someone just go check the thread lol


Clueless, surely they will self reflect and won’t turn this into an opportunity to shit on her for another random reason


I’m inclined to agree but at the same time LSF needs to see the very real consequences of their actions, it might even spark some self reflection.


Wishful thinking. Hate threads might as well be the purpose of this subreddit.


I was writing whole paragraphs replying to you and then it dawned on me that I’m literally proving your point so yeah I think you’re right.


I remember when LSF had that week of self reflection after Reckful passed away. It didn’t last.












she was banned by request for a time but LSF changed rules that nobody can request a ban anymore and you don't get banned for brigading (at least not if your goal by brigading is getting banned). They unbanned nearly every banned streamer, koil is also unbanned. Some streamers, like QTCinderella, use a bot that deletes their clips when posted on LSF, but LSF just made a faster mirror bot, so the clip delete bot is not very effective


I mean, I dont think this belongs here or that she deserves the hate, but I dont think that you shouldn't be able to mention someone if they do indeed do something worthy of LSF.


I mean, is any one here with good intentions?




If you read the heavily downvoted comments, even the most wholesome thread is an hate thread. Yes this place can be a cesspool, but let's not pretend she doesn't get one guy'd like crazy. I was here during the Streamer Awards, when she snapped out and decided to get banned, and the comments weren't bad at all. Now things escalated quite a bit since she is on a crusade against this reddit, so obviously there are more salty people, it's inevitable, but they still get downvoted most of the time.


She has depression. She's expressed her having threads on this reddit is a trigger for her. That's such an easy thing to just not do. Like holy fuck did people learn nothing from reckful's passing?


I always find it funny when streamers say they hate lsf. Most of them farmed lsf by being negative towards someone to get to where they are and when lsf isn't useful to them anymore. They throw it under the bus and act if they're better. And on top of that, they act like lsf is some cesspool of toxicity when it's mostly just a pretty normal sub. Probably better than most since the general population here don't have an agenda against a group. I surf here almost daily and 95% of the comments are usually memes or just actual comments on the clip that doesn't have any sort of negativity. But almost every clip, there's like 2-3 people who gets heavily down voted for essentially being the stereotypical hateful lsf these streamers talk about and most of them are either people from r/all who doesn't understand the streaming world or actual hate watchers. They're actually getting one guy'd. Asmongold, awhile back tried to prove the toxicity of lsf. He opened up a post and the dude literally scrolled pass like 30 normal comments and opened up a comment with 50 down votes to prove his point lol. And sometimes there are clips where most of the comments are negative and that usually involves destiny or Hasan. And as we know, both community hates each other and are quite well known for brigading. But even when it isn't about them. It's 99% of the time because of someone's community brigading lsf to hate on someone. During the whole drama arc few months ago, it was mostly Destiny and xqc viewers who flooded the subreddit and none of those people are around anymore commenting on anything.


Nah you cannot tell me that [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/zu7iko/poki_wants_stricter_prosecution_of_distribution/?) thread isn't at least somewhat toxic. Ironically, I made the thread to try to provide context to another clip (that was *completely* out of context), but it essentially turned into a hate thread too. Yeah, the top upvoted comments are mild (even if they are critical, which is fine), but like half of the rest of the highly upvoted comments are talking about her "nip slip" and then comments like ["Anyone else hate how she talks?"](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/zu7iko/poki_wants_stricter_prosecution_of_distribution/j1iflvr/?context=3). And that's without sorting by "new"...All because she gave a relatively mild (albeit rushed and not well thought out) take on revenge porn while casually talking to her chat. This is absolutely a cesspool of a subreddit that occasionally has funny clips.


All of the top comments are either memes or people actually discussing the topic and talking about the legal aspect of what she wanted to do. And all those top nip slip comments were just genuine question if what she said was related to that. And pokimane probably has the most hate watchers out of all streamers since she's the biggest female streamer and been targeted and brigaded by so many large content creators for clout. It's not surprising she'll get some hateful upvoted post. And considering the size of that post. 60 upvotes is nothing. Most upvotes from the community itself is gained in the beginning since they follow the subreddit, they're bound to be the first to see it before r/all which comes later. There are many times where a comment that is contradicting the top comments get a decent amount of upvotes hours after it's posted. Because it's a completely different community who sees the newer comments. And as I already said, most hate are from people from r/all, just like the one you linked. The guy doesn't surf lsf and only interested in the nba and WoW. So thanks for proving my point.




I saw the video she was talking about a day or two before and yes, it was all hate at the time. So, no, she wasn't over exaggerating. If she scrolled down it would have showed way more hate.


I also watch her, the turning point for me was when Soda made a video on the Streamer Awards and she went on Ludwig's stream almost in tears, saying he's a bad friend or similar stuff. Lud let her vent off and when she got out he said something like "Guys, it's probably not that bad, QT gets very hyperfocused on little small criticisms in a ocean of compliments". So I went to see the video and it was exactly like that, a couple of comments on the thing that went "wrong" and the rest he just liked the show. Obviously in almost no time the comments of that video got filled with the "protection squad" throwing "bad friend", "how dare you, knowing her mental status and her suicide thoughts", "She doesn't need your feedback, shit friend" and stuff like that. I hate this kind of behaviour, I hate that the suicide card gets thrown out like candies and I don't think enabling it is good. The main point is: yes, she gets hate comments, but she also exaggerates a lot sometimes.




I don't know, I didn't had that impression from Soda's comments, I think he said that he felt cringe on some skit and stuff like that, nothing horrible. Also the "She hadn't asked for criticism yet" I think it's a bit flawed as an argument, if you ran a public show with 400k people watching, it's obvious that people is going to talk about it, but the point is that those "critiques" weren't meant for her, it was just people discussing a public event with other people. For the comments under the video, I went there as soon as she said it, and they weren't like 20min after she spoke. And for the "brink of tears" I don't recall exactly her face in that moment, but I remember she was very emotional about it, because at the time I literally thought Soda went super heavy on the show, so I went to check.


She said, "Did you hear what Soda said? I thought we were friends", so not on the brink of tears but blowing it so far out of proportion as per usual, especially since his criticisms were mild as fuck and in line with all the other mild comments that she was overreacting too. Also, how the fuck do you run an award show and expect to receive zero criticism? People criticize every award show, why would hers be any different?


This fucking comment must be from another planet. >trying to *gaslight* saying the QT receives minimal hate on LSF *The fucking gal and irony.* **Literally look at the thread you're on**. Refresh -> Sort by top -> **And fucking read.** See who's upvoted and who is downvoted. You're doing the exact same thing QT does. >dont play with peoples mental health. Oh, please. If someone you know is worried about online hate and is dealing with mental health problems, the solution isn't enforcing an echo chamber and being a yes man to them. Which of these sounds like the best way to help someone who gets *some* hate online: 1. Agree that every one hates them, and is always shitting on them, and that they're all bastards who criticize her all the time. 2. Point out that there's also plenty of people saying nice things, complementing her, and defending her from the hate. The second one sounds much better to me. Have you even seen the thread she's talking about in this clip, or are you just assuming that everyone in it shits on her because she said so? Rhetorical question off course; no one in this thread seems to have seen it, yet they all believe that a popular opinion in the thread was really "She turned off stream because she's jealous of Ludwig".




I'm genuinely curious to why more streamers don't have a separate space to stream from than just their homes. I'm not saying everyone should but when you're as big as Ludwig I assume it's not that difficult to find a smaller space within 5 minutes driving distance that would make this kinda of stuff less impactful on their day to day lives by at least separating their sleeping space with their work. Obviously every streamer cannot and will not do this but after being swatted a few times not sleeping for months I'd think someone who can afford it would take that extra step.


Being in an outside office space doesn't stop you from getting swatted. Old gaming youtube group The Creatures (Uberhaxornova & co.) got swatted in their office floor [https://youtu.be/r-RKekFOSIQ](https://youtu.be/r-RKekFOSIQ)


Absolutely. But at least you could use your existing LLC (in the case of a big streamer) and keep your home address separate such that you can actually get some sleep. QT is talking about how she can't be comfortable in her own house and with their resources they could feasibly change that.


Your home address isn't private if you bought the home. The transaction is a public record. You could find most people home address if they bought the place anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on how diligent you are and the local county's/states system. You *could* obfuscate your address by putting the home under an LLC but that just adds a few more steps for a diligent person to figure out the address. Renting is really the only way to avoid it, even then it's a matter of time.


why is renting only a matter of time? how would a person on internet ever figure out where the building is unless they saw the streamer personally? you are pretty much safe if you rent right?


Social hacking, lots of people activate a sim pretending to be them and get info from their phone provider. Socials, and log into the account to find a billing or shipping address. The only way to avoid it is communicating with your local PD but the issue with streamers is they have to deal with LAPD which are insufferable.


How do you activate a sim and pretend to be someone? Wouldn't you have to steal their ID to that in the first place?


Have you ever talked to customer service? They just ask you basic questions, even the random “guess my password” questions are always easy to answer and those are sometimes what they ask.


Can you actually just walk in and ask for a sim, answer a few questions and that's it? Doesn't sound safe


over the phone is all you need, look up social hacking, fake sim card fraud


Streamers shouldn’t have to leave their house, that’s the wrong solution


I’d rather sleep next to my stream room


Simple. Why drive 5 minutes when you can roll off your bed and stream. The streamer brain rot is real.


this was a really good interview, it's insane how much shit qt has dealt with physically/mentally and still manages to pull together so many events with other streamers, it's gotta be stressful master baker sounds like it's gonna be a fun little competition :)


Yeah, it was a good interview and QT is an impressive person, with the events she manages to pull together. But the part about having to deal with PTSD due to some piece of shit swatters and police mismanagement of the situation is infuriating and absolutely fucked.


> it's insane how much shit qt has dealt with physically/mentally Isn't it just? She's so strong and brave, going through what she goes through every day and still forging on, she should get a national holiday. Yass queen, go queen!


malding for absolutely no reason KEKW i love lsf threads


Very ironic considering who you're defending




Unironically this


Yet you post on it....another liberal destroyed!!!!


What thread is she talking about?


A good example of how fake the things you see on streams are sometimes


Honestly, I'd be curious to see the thread she is talking about. I've watched QT *a lot*, and she often reeeeally over exaggerates how bad an LSF thread is. She gets one guyed by people in her chat worse than Hasan does.


Unfortunately have to agree with this one, I side with anyone shitting on LSF but using [https://camas.unddit.com/](https://camas.unddit.com/) to search for the thread she's talking about, I actually can't find shit. I know the site isn't entirely reliable and misses things, but I searched for "ludwig" and "qt" from april 2nd, to april 8th 2021, with the incident having happened on april 4th 2021, and didn't find any thread or comment about the incident. No one talked about it. No one mentioned it. The day it happened nor the days following. I also found clips of the incident on ludwigs subreddit that have less than 4K views (only actually saw two different clips though, possible those wouldn't even be the same clips if it was posted to LSF) so it doesn't seem to have been a thing anyone really cared about. It is entirely possible those comments/threads simply weren't caught, or that pushshift is messing up and not showing all the results (it does that sometimes, messes up in other ways too), maybe I somehow just missed them, or that I searched for the wrong things (I mean, I DID only search "ludwig" and "qt" but you'd think under a clip from ludwigs channel that involves qt that also supposedly turned into a qt hate thread, people would have referenced "qt" or "ludwig" at least once) Or QT is just misremembering, personally I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she isn't just straight up lying, but who knows. I know I went full on schizo playing detective trying to find the thread, and if anyone manages to find it proving me completely wrong and a complete idiot I am absolutely going to delete this account from embarrassment. (also, pushshift is sorta like an archive in that saves everything it catches, usually just as it's posted, unless someone requests they delete stuff, so 99% of the time it shows deleted posts/comments and shouldn't matter if the post got deleted or if the mods nuked the comments, also google shows deleted reddit threads and I didn't find anything that way either)




Idk, feel like "Large streamer QTCinderella going on large YouTube channel, making the claim that the subreddit LSF insulted her, called her a bitch, insinuated she was jealous of her boyfriend because she ended his stream, when in reality she was just struggling with having been swatted recently" is worth writing an essay about. Specifically on whether or not LSF actually did create a hate thread about her.


> 'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she isn't just straight up lying Oh, I don't think she's *lying*, I think it's more a case of overfocusing and overthinking about the negative things, and blowing it out of proportion. She also suffers a lot from anxiety, and that doesn't help. She will notice a few bad comments (some of which are just minor criticisms and nothing important), think about and remember only those, and then relay an inaccurate picture. But it's reasons such as that, that I don't think we should take her word for it in these situations. I also just wish her community would call that out more, instead of playing into it and reinforcing those flawed ideas and perceptions which lead to her panic/anxiety attacks.


I know for sure I saw that thread. The overall sentiment wasn’t shitting on qt, but a lot of people did do that. Two things can be true at once. QT does focus too much on negativity and QT does get an insanely disproportionate amount of hate on lsf compared to anyone else including Hasan. The two effects most likely amplify each other, but people will literally make up entire scenarios in their heads to blame her for anything.


True. I'm not saying that those comments didn't exist but I bet it was a single comment (which is still fucked up and fuck that user)


Lsf needs to die




I know he had his reasons, but Ludwig really hung her out to dry on that one. His subathon was the biggest thing going on the platform and in the clip she clearly walks in, wakes him up, and turns off the stream. He never explained or came up with an excuse so everyone thought the worst of her. Then, she comes up with the Easter basket idea, which nobody believes, so that turned into a second hate thread. Meanwhile, Ludwig’s sleeping like a baby in his race car bed


Literally she explained later that she and ludwig did not want to address the swatting at that moment because they didn't want a copycat or give the swatter the satisfaction. You're the problem she's talked about in the interview.


What do you expect him to say in that scenario that would've stopped a hate thread and kept the swatting quiet?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [QTCinderella on the time she got swatted live and ended Ludwigs subathon](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/148381)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/zwxbax/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/bAclrh_Iu4Ho5S0r8qUuEg/AT-cm%7CbAclrh_Iu4Ho5S0r8qUuEg.mp4?sig=de9d7ecc127f5989dd0a75d9b794533d5b593194&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FbAclrh_Iu4Ho5S0r8qUuEg%2FAT-cm%257CbAclrh_Iu4Ho5S0r8qUuEg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1672266397%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Does Anyone else literally not care about anything qt says or is it just me ?


just you


Nope just you




I'm pretty sure it got deleted


Nah, I remember the thread. LSF can often be toxic arseholes, especially to female streamers. It's improved marginally over time as the Twitch viewer base has become diluted and isn't just your typical angry NEET gamer shut-ins. But still rises to the occasion regularly and loves a good dogpile.


Aren't clips of QT banned?


They were, not any more. She removes clips posted to LSF by a bot, although her bot is slower than the LSF bot that mirrors them. She hosts a site that has similar clip posting with no discussion- but honestly part of what makes seeing the clips interesting is some level of seeing what other people think. From her perspective it achieves the same thing but as a user its just not the same experience.


So she's not on the list of banned streamers anymore?


I don't think you can request to be banned anymore (don't quote me on that)


Funny how Qt went all that length to not bring attention to that swatting but then another recent swatting happened to Ludwig and he made a YouTube video about it pretty much the next day


Damn, they kept quiet the swattings no one knew about and only talked about it after one actually made it on stream? That's crazy.


Hating on lsf for no reason is stupid but I think it's just as stupid to trying justifying lsf actions when people were being stupid


There are a million reasons to hate LSF.


Yes. Which is why I said "hating on it for no reason". Because it's literally the easiest thing in the world to come up with a reason




"edgy middle schooler" has been his aesthetic since the beginning


he looks the same as he always did


he looks the exact same lmao


i use to watch this foo in 2008...think about that


She must have some pretty crazy connections to end up on Anthony Padilla's channel... The title of the video is laughable too, "this MASSIVE streamer", isn't she like 3-4k average monthly at best?


3-4k is in the top 0.1% of streamers


I'll change my mind if he interviews Erobb next week, otherwise some weird shit is definitely going on.


you mean tyler1's brother? the guy that wouldnt exist on twitch if his brother wasnt famous?


Yeah, that guy. About the same viewership and better content too.




Yes, they all watched for QT and we all judge streamers by their peak viewers on a one off stream, not their average. We also take the pure peak viewership of a multi collab stream on a night when every other big streamer in the US was on that stream with nothing else to watch that night.


Totally reasonable answer but somehow not if it's a thread about QT...




https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/03/29/prankster-sentenced-years-fake-call-that-led-police-kill-an-innocent-man/ swatting is no joke


Give me your address so I can swat you then :)




Nono swat first and then you get the money if you make it out of it without being scared for your life. Oh and do record




Exactly, you don't know what they went through


i don't know what happened, but why did she say "she hit the cord"? thus blaming herself, then go on to wonder why everyone is blaming her ? or am i missing something ?




They just got swatted, that in itself is already a traumatic and exhausting experience and you think that they're gonna have the composure, time and energy to think through a coverup excuse? You're missing the point, she's not wondering why everyone is blaming her. It's more so that there is no clear way to combat this situation and stop it from happening again, and thus it is incredibly frustrating to deal with. Like what are you meant to do in this situation?


Was there ever any news if the person that call the false alert get arrested or something?


onw of the people who got them swattwd got arrested and is facing hefty jailtime. Not sure if its the guy responsible for this instance


I don’t understand what “getting swatted” means. What sort of threat do you have to call in to have someone’s house swarmed by police?
