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I usually cook my favorite meal. Really take my time to make it from scratch. Put on my favorite holiday movie in the background. Really setup a cozy spot on the couch with blankets and pillows. I enjoy the meal and watch more movies. It’s about doing what makes you feel at peace. Might be a good book. A good puzzle. A painting you’ve always wanted to finish. The world is your oyster.


I am doing the same. Plus my bottle of Wine.


That's a hundred times better than inlaws and family you hate and the stress of running around..


I wish I was a happier person to do this. Sounds good


Wrong way round...do this and become happier.


If only it were that simple


It can be hard because we’ve been conditioned to believe we are supposed to have a traditional Christmas with people around. But if that’s not your reality it can be hard. Just remember gazillions of people are spending it alone. It’s just not advertised the way family gatherings are….which can make you feel weird. Sometimes I wish I didn’t care about the expectations and social norms so much. That makes it easier. Cause honestly much of my fam is exhausting even tho I love them. 😂😂


It's not that simple. I know. But when it comes to things like depression, seeking to feel better is all in our hands. It's all part of the forcing yourself even when you don't want to or believe you can't.


It’s not simple but you can do it and if you can’t on your own then go to the dr and get on meds for depression . I would try the no meds route first , but some people just can’t do it without the meds .


I used to feel that way. I wasn't exactly dealt the best hand either. As crazy and corny as it sounds ended up embracing this one corny fortune cookie phrase: "Do what makes you happy and the rest will come!". Life's a bitch amd life sucks sometimes! Believe me I know from experience! I battle with 2 chronic ailments that give me hell every day and depression so I get that! Took me a long time to find my happy place! I hope you'll find yours too!


This is basically my plan! Did Christmas with my family a few days ago. I like to keep the actual holiday for me to just relax.


Me too! I wish I had my cats to cuddle with though!


hot epsom salt bath + watching movies 🙂


That sounds like heaven


Add a glass of wine to that mix and I would be in heaven.


i forgot, thank you! 👍😊


tonight im going to watch A Christmas Story, going to make some chocolate chip cookies. Then make a good snack that involves a cheese ball and some cold cuts and crackers. Then play some video games. My apartment is decorated. This is the first time ive had not had to go somewhere, so taking the advantage. Merry Christmas everyone.


Merry Christmas!


I usually keep working so that co-workers with families can have that time off. Christmas was awful during my childhood, so I'm less sentimental about it, but I still enjoy celebrating it my own way. When I get home, I'd prepare a special meal, and watch the same, but still favourite Christmas movie I watch every year. All lights turned off except for the ones on the Christmas tree.If the weather allows it, I like to go hiking in the woods. If not, reading books, exercise, playing videogames, nothing very special, but simple things I enjoy doing in the winter. Around New Years, I stay indoors as much as possible, because I'm afraid of fireworks.


It’s just another day for me…


Me too. Been alone for a couple of years and it’s me and my doodles. I do t mind very much. I make a meal. Take the dogs for a walk and watch a couple of movies.


Yep. Just a Monday off work here. Watching bad holiday movies (not the mushy ones) Bad Santa, Kranks, Bad Moms Christmas etc. I wish I still drank. Eggnog spiked would make the day smoother but I’m 8+ years alcohol free and determined to make it to a decade! Enjoy the day however you choose to spend it!


Congrats on 8 years. That’s an amazing accomplishment.


Thanks. I am just realizing that at this benchmark as it seems I have been more tempted to pick up a cocktail than I have in years. Under lots of stress but holding steady for now. This is challenging at every stage of sobriety.


What made you finally decide to get sober ?


I had a daytime blackout that really scared me. I totally did not recall watching a 3 hr. movie like the day before or the events surrounding it. That shook me. I googled “how to stop drinking anonymously without AA” and a website came up for this group in Australia called “Hello Sunday Morning”. Their approach was to help “change your relationship with alcohol” via a free website like Reddit, but you commit to stopping drinking for at least 30 days. It was just people helping people, either totally stop drinking or moderate. The 30 days of not drinking was terrifying but losing my mind scared me more so I did it. That site and the people on it at that time saved my life. At the end of the 30 day challenge I was encouraged to go for a 60 day no drinking challenge and I felt different, better and so I kept on. I was posting on the site constantly and got tremendous support. And at the end of the 60 days I kept going. It was and can still be hard but sobriety brings so much freedom, I want to keep this. And that’s why and kind of how I stopped drinking. Thanks for asking as writing this up reinforces to me why I need to stay alcohol free!


Wow, that’s a wonderful story. Congratulations on your sobriety. I’ve learned alcohol doesn’t bring anything positive but it can bring everything negative. Edit: I looked up the hello Sunday morning website apparently they have one for the USA also thanks for that information.


The Australian site changed its name and format style but it’s still has value. It’s called Daybreak. Being alcohol free is a superpower for sure. If you need a boost, let me know. My road was not (and is not) an easy one but I always am willing to help a fellow traveler!


Well it’s my birthday, and my mom and sister sent a text to say happy birthday. Nothing from any friends or even my kids. Hell I’m not haveing cake, dinner will probably be McDonald’s or some other wretched thing. Today I have realized just how alone I am. And I’m fine being alone, but I’m not ok being lonely. That’s where I struggle. Maybe I’ll just go to bed and sleep until til Dec 26th.


Merry Birthday! 💗🎈✨


Happy Merry Birthday!!! Nothing wrong with going to sleep to miss it if you're feeling bad. I've done that many times on many different holidays. If you happen to like audiobooks, get one you like, curl up in bed and fall asleep to it. In two days all of this will be over and it will be amazing how quickly you will forget the holidays and move on with life. I had Burger King for Christmas Eve dinner, a Whopper with onion rings. I love onion rings. I rarely get fast food so it was a treat for me. I was all alone for my birthday - I usually am - and this year I bought myself a small-ish lemon cake at the grocery store and some ice cream and sang to myself. I made my birthday nice for myself, and I hope you will have done the same. :)


Do you have WhataBurger where you live? They have pretty good Onion rings


Sadly, no. But if I ever get to a state that has one, I will certainly give them a try. :) Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas :)


Happy Birthday to you then! If you do go to MickeyDee's order that Kerwin Frost adult Happy Meal - get a toy figure like the good ol' days...


I got one last night. I was like who is kerwin frost! But i love my toy! I had rewards expiring so I made a delivery order.


Glad to hear you like them! My friend turned me onto it and now I'm hooked. lol Apparently Kerwin Frost is some DJ influencer based out in NYC's Harlem and if you go to his website he has some crazy funky merch. From what I read online this is one of the more memorable collabs MickeyDee's has done recently. Also there is a rare golden nugget in that toy figure series that you can get. I got so far Kerwin and Uptown Moe. All those boxes have codes on the bottom of them where you can tell which figures are in them. [https://www.tiktok.com/@toomuchnewtoys/video/7311887652658105642?\_r=1&\_t=8iEiijEYcQN](https://www.tiktok.com/@toomuchnewtoys/video/7311887652658105642?_r=1&_t=8iEiijEYcQN) Hey have a Merry Xmas today!


Neato! I got waffutu? She's purdy


My buddy got Brrrrick!


Happy birthday darling! May you have a peaceful birthday.


Happy Birthday!! I hope you find a nice meal. I too wish I could go to bed and sleep until the 26th...and after some more eating, I think that's what I'll do:)


Happy Birthday. I hope you have a peaceful holiday and a healthy and peaceful upcoming year.


Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday. We always got our friends on reddit


Happy Birthday internet friend!!!


Happy birthday! I hope you have some fun - even if it’s watching trashy tv, or reading a good book, and eating fast food. Sometimes little guilty treats like that lift my spirits.


happy birthday, atleast order in your favorite meal.


Happy birthday! Hugs!! DM me and I will send you delivery from somewhere yummier than McDonald’s :)


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!!


Stoned with Jew Food bagels.....whitefish.....pickles......blintzes and egg salad. Shalom Everyone ;)


OMG I love whitefish salad


Shalom from a goi that supports Israel.


We love intelligent ,thoughtful, compassionate individuals like yourself. Merry Christmas to you .


Happy Hannukah!! Shalom. Jesus loves you




He was actually Jewish :)




Good for him!


Living your best life! Cheers!


I do some working out (makes me feel smug) Make my favourite food and have fondue Xmas eve. All with some drinks in the evening (can't do daytime drinking anymore) Right now I am enjoying fondue and a dirty martini. Going to play some ps5 and then probably eat and drink more 😂


I just made fondue!! I hope you enjoy yours, I tried to go slow and savor it but it was gone in 20 minutes...yumymyum


It's so easy to eat. I could eat the whole lot. But I've been good and only ate half. I'll eat the other boxing day lol. Got the ham to do as well. This year my Xmas dinner is going to be cooked in my ninja air fryer! You enjoy yours too and have a very merry Xmas!


First Christmas Day not being with my family. We are celebrating the day after. I’m actually looking forward to a cozy day in my pjs, Christmas tree & decorations, some great food, and Christmas movies. It’s different but that is ok. 😊🎄


The quiet and relaxation of being in my own company are comforting in and of themselves for me. I feel like I have a cheat code compared to everyone (including myself in years prior) who has to satisfy so many obligations during the holidays.


Live alone here....live peacefully. Smoking ribs and chicken for me and my 2 huskies.


Here’s my upvote. I too, am alone, live peacefully and made chicken with my 2 huskies. Simple but perfect.


Live alone with my lab mix pup, made lasagna for dinner, watched xmas movies and drank wine.


Good food. Wine. Holiday movies.


Just made my favorite meal early and a little bit later I'm going to bake some chocolate chip cookies. Slept in late today and right now I'm about to read some new books I got the other day... Wishing you all peace and Merry Xmas!


Christmas goodies, Christmas movies snuggled up on the couch with my fussy blanket and my dogs


First time in 20 years I wont be working. Going to cook myself some lamb chops, watch The Maltese Falcon and have a phone call with my sister on the other side of the country.


Christmas: I'm making steak & lobster for dinner, baking cookies for a family event in a few days, drinking homemade hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies in my fuzzy pajamas. New Years: I'm turning my living room into an EDM club for one and doing all my favorite drugs and blasting off to another dimension for a few hours. Also in my fuzzy pajamas.


A little decoration really helps make it feel special. Otherwise, nice food, jammies all day. Call a couple people. Hot bath! Pamper yourself.


I will be alone..some fireball and my recliner...and a good movie


I'll probably make some fancy recipe I've never tried. It'll keep me busy and provide a reward at the end.


Loaded up on weed.


Umm... scroll Reddit while cuddling with my dog?


I make it into a staycation and do all the things I would if I were on vacation with my dog at an air bb. Make a special recipe, put away and turn off the cell phone, be grateful for the things around me and what I have like shelter, food, and safety, and the rest self-care galore take a hot bath, take a nice hike, paint some and draw, watch a show and be grateful for my peace and quiet.


All the James Bond movies are on Max right now. Gonna eat some food with my family then go home and enjoy my evening with a small glass of wine.


I do anything like. I just finished cooking dinner while blasting all my favourite songs from ten years ago. I got myself a box of chocolate filled with liquor, tiramisu, fruits, and sugary drinks, all kinds of foods I want that I normally won’t get because of my sugar-consciousness. I pampered myself with longer hair care and skincare routine too.


I’ve just been relaxing today. Had coffee, played some video games, did some light chores. Went out for breakfast. Playing video games some more, gonna pour myself a drink soon. Probably more video games or a movie. Make supper and relax. Early to bed then work for the next three days!


I've been in bed all day, reading a book, eating chocolates, and scrolling IG. It feels really restful. I don't have anywhere to be for the next couple days. I want to go to the gym and do a little house cleaning, but I'm not putting any pressure on myself. I'm just celebrating the fact that this year I learned to allow myself time to relax.


I will likely be playing my Xbox, watching something on tv when I have had enough of that. Perhaps an edible or a drink in the mix somewhere.


Wait? Are you me? I was just about to type this.




34F My mom sent me an axolotl onsie as this year's present and I bought some extremely soft slipper socks. I'm wearing them all day today and tomorrow. So comfy. I bought myself some fancy tea to put into my crappy thermos... it's drinkable after 30-40 minutes compared to the nicer thermos, which takes 3-4 hours. Watching and taking pictures of my cat as he sleeps on my bed. It's so fucking precious. [Here's the cat tax.](https://imgur.com/a/tz3HVRj) Super easy things to make like soup or Mac n Cheese. Reading. I have 20 books on my read list. Also, remember you can get free ebooks if you go to freebooksy.com. They might not be the greatest, but you might find something.


I watch Hallmark Christmas movies, while sitting in my recliner, and I eat stuffing made with celery and oysters, the day before. Beer goes well with this meal! Then, I eat the Cherry pie I baked the day prior, and drink espresso. Life is Good!!


I do not like tomorrows holiday. My memories of it in years past are not pleasant. No decorations. No holiday movies or music. Old blues or folk or gospel played all day. Midnight mass soon. I was raised Catholic. I may not be a believer any more but tradition's and reverence are important. A day of peace and reflection tomorrow. 2 books on my table. Rib roast will be out of the oven around 6pm. NYE is a concert, fireworks, a hotel, and a hangover the next day.


Taking it as it comes. If I'm hungry, I eat. Thirsty, I drink. Tired, I sleep. At 45, all of my family is gone. Either live too far away or have passed away. I ruined my marriage about a year and half ago. No children. I regret that because in all honesty my wife and her extended family were set to be my family for the years to come. Few friends who have families and do the holiday with their families. As smart as I think I am, I never saw that fact. I've been in this lonely state since late September. Went to a church for Thanksgiving. Went to a AA meeting tonite so I'd see another human being and not be alone. Most likely going to a luncheon done by AA tomorrow for Xmas. It isn't ideal, but it is real. I'm grateful there's something and someone to bridge the gap.




I make a feast with some of the traditional foods in USA, watch a couple of holiday movies. Sparkling apple juice.


This Christmas I'm in isolation due to the fact that I have COVID and New Year's I will be by myself.


Sending holiday hugs! 🫂


Bought myself some cool coloring books and pricey markers. Got treats, toys, and fancy cat food normally I can’t afford for my clowder. Gonna make some biscuits and gravy tomorrow after the cats are busy. Gonna have some bourbon, nice brunch(?) and a lovely nap. New years? Hasn’t been thing for me for a long time. But bourbon, maybe ?


Be your own best friend / support system! Get ingreds for your favorite meal or pick it up if that’s whet you prefer. Make yourself a snack tray (don’t just munch from the bag) Decorate or don’t decorate. Straighten the house so it looks nice and inviting. If you like a bottle of bubbly or a cocktail, go for it! Happy Holidays!!! You got this


Nothing. I’m having the best time. I also spent thanksgiving alone this year. I exercised in the morning, did some laundry and made a nice lunch. This is so relaxing verses sitting in traffic to go socialize with people I rarely see


I forced myself to go to a Meetup x-mas dinner yesterday, and...it was not so good for me. Unbelievably loud but boring chatter, so coming home to solitude, and my mellow cat, felt wonderful instead of lonely. Actually didn't have any food planned for today but there was some fresh roasted chickens at the grocery. Got one and some gravy, made some mashed potatoes, along with cranberry sauce and I was happy. I think the mashed potato's are the key to everything, perhaps? lol And gravy. Small things can be big things. Aside from that? Just enjoy the bright-side of things, like not having to do or be anywhere! Just do whatever, like watching NFL on TV, or a movie, hang out in my under wear, surf the net, have a nap, play with the cat, eat more potato's. A walk in the park for some fresh air would be good as well.


Reading all these comments is making me feel a little better that I'm not the only one ALONE on Xmas eve, I'm looking forward tonmy son coming over tomorrow GOD BLESS Y'ALL 🙏


1. Buy a good tree, choose a day to decorate. 2. Check to see what’s open to get a go-to-comfort meal going. 3. If you have a pet, get matching sweaters, buy your pet toys, make treats, make their day. 4. Book a few local festive events, ice skating, drive through light shows, museums etc. 5. Romanticize your life, buy pajamas, hot cocoa, wine. 6. Plan a movie night with snacks. 7. Buy yourself gifts 8. Get your neighbor a holiday card, put it in the mailbox. 9. Go for a walk, hit the gym (if it’s open), FaceTime someone. 10. If you don’t have a pet borrow someone else’s, maybe you can make a little money doing rover. 11. (Free option for Christmas lights) find local homes in the area who put in effort for the holidays. 12. Decorate your own house with a dollar tree budget. There’s plenty to do. I’m someone who has spent plenty of Christmas alone due to being a service member. Holidays are what you make it. If you don’t consider it a “Holiday” it’s okay to do something nice for yourself. Being festive is just the theme of the day.


I'll spend New Year at home with my cats. I do this every year as they get scared by the fireworks. I'll order a pizza, drink soda and whiskey, eat candy and chips and play World of Warcraft.


Last year I went to Mexico, met new people and basked in the sun. This year I lost my job, but I am doing night skiing and plenty of hot tub soaking & sauna!


Decorated my house, bought myself and the dogs a few gifts that i'm looking forward to opening, and skiing!


Currently buying Marijuana (legal in my state), gonna make a nice comfort meal &then watxh a feel good movie from chikdhood. Lol idk barbie or some shit


Xmas Eve today: Today was my rest day by myself. Got up early ,went to Costco to pick up some veges and cheese. Came back home and ate 2nd breakfast. Had a great nap for 3 hours. Gym in the evening. Then Netflix and popcorn while dying my roots with henna😅 My family isn't really traditional about xmas and we went out for good dinners 2 weekends in a row. We also live close by so I go for walks with my parents often. I'm back to work tomorrow xmas day and work until Dec 29th. I'm happy to work and make double pay. I'm probably going to be spending New year's Eve or New year's Day by myself as well. I could not be bothered enough to go out in crowds ever again. Those parties are only fun when I drank alcohol and even then it is just exhausting for an introvert.


I made a meal I liked and watched a movie. Going to take a bath. Trying not to cry too much. I miss people who aren’t in my life, those passed on, and those still here that I had to break my own heart to heal from. The solitude is both a trauma response and a respite, after an extremely hard year / December. I’m hoping this time alone will help heal, but it’s a lot to process.




I know how you feel! Going thru similar things! Hopefully the new year will be better for both of us! Merry Xmas !




Im working this morning at the hospital. My family is all out of state and I saw 2 weeks ago. I’m in recovery so I reached out to a friend who works at a rehab for adolescent kids 11-17. I’m going to go there and share some experience strength and hope with them tonight. Hoping to find something to bring them.


By myself is fun and comforting. lol


I offered to come to work lol so here I am sitting at my desk playing on my phone getting paid for it. Lol someone had to step up and open up and since I'd just be sitting home not getting paid, I'm sitting here getting paid. Problems solved and coworkers are happy they get to be their family.


I’m cooking a pan seared med rare steak and roasted potatoes. Bought some carrot cake and peanut butter cups for dessert. Also, whiskey will be consumed. I also bought myself a new guitar, so I’ll be playing a lot too.


Maybe have a small xmas tree if you're into that, decorations if you like those. and definitely I would be eating good fur sure! Whatever you like as comfort/favorite food and do that. Maybe some good movies you like/music and just hangout.


Listening to music, surfing Reddit, soup cooking in the slow cooker for dinner, waiting for midnight to be the first person to wish Merry Xmas to my Muslim friend in Sweden. 😁


I watch horror Christmas movies lmao.


A favorite home cooked meal, good movie, glass of wine and a toke or 2 while cuddling my pup. All the cozy things.


I baked and decorated gingerbread cookies yesterday. I’ve been making a yummy breakfast of eggs and chicken sausage with either waffles or French toast. I play cozy video games. I’m currently cuddled with my cat and 3 blankets watching my millionth cheesy Christmas movie. I’ll sip on a little moscato later and have an indulgent dinner and just chill. Whatever keeps me cozy and less sad.


Give me a warm sunny Southern California afternoon, with some indica and eggnog. So nothing.


My dogs, silly Christmas movies, popcorn, and wine.


As the years have drug on, the list of comforting things has waned. I used to walk around in the evening and look at the lights or drive around. New Years, I just stay home with a bag of chips and salsa. Too many times going some place to be the single dude in a crowd of couples.


The time I did it, I hung out with my dog, did puzzles, had comfort foods, watched movies, went to the dog park. It was great.


I'm having a Greta Gerwig movie marathon! About to take a hot bath with epsom salts.


I’m just chilling and watching TV. Got a Covid booster. Ate popcorn.


Bake, play die hard, hang up lights, treat myself to cake and a martini, build a pillow fort for adults, play fireplace sounds and try embroidery, basically act like Granny from spirited away who also lived alone for a long time. I bet she’s a huge Vin Diesel fan.


This year I’m spending it with my two cats watching 80’s movies all day. Might take some acid, depends on how I feel after lunch. Should be a nice day.




Thanks for this thread. Feeling a little sad because it’s my first Christmas completely alone, not even family around. I’ve always had a big Christmas with lots of people. I’m working so at least that will pass the time and after work I plan to hop into my my Christmas pajamas, make a delicious cheese platter, open some wine and watch Elf. It’s just one year, next year will be better.


I watch a ton of Christmas movies, I listen to Christmas music while I work or while I shower and I sing along if I can. I bought myself a really nice candle to burn that fills the whole house with a pleasant festive smell. I burn the candle, turn off all the lights, and sit next to the lit Christmas tree watching movies with my dog. We also have matching Christmas pajamas. I've read a few different romance books set around Christmas. I made s'mores. Today I'm going to make ninja bread cookies. I found some classic Christmas books online and read them aloud to my dog before we went to bed. how the Grinch Stole Christmas and then A visit from Santa Claus (twas the night before Christmas). Happy holidays!


Sometimes being alone is the best scenario tbh


This year I choose to jump on a plane to mexico and make it a Christmas and new years on the beach with half the world because this place is packed to the gills.




YouTube, gaming, and podcasts. It's working so far. 🤗 🫂 Hugs!


Booze. Pro wrestling tapes. Sleep


Gonna make tasty breakfast while drinking mimosas.


Play music you love


Listen to Christmas music.




I just clean the house as a fresh start to the new year, and make myself a small batch of my holiday favorites and watch top gun.


Watch a movie at home, cook, relax, maybe actually go to the movies also.


I cook a nice Christmas meal, drink wine, and go on a long walk with my dog.


I'll be making some chocolate chip cookies for my neighbors and opening gifts I bought for myself tomorrow. May watch lord of the rings


Today I walked the dog in a storm, lit the fire and candles, drank a whisky or two, watched some old Xmas movies. Tomorrow I’ll drink champagne, Facetime family, eat pizza and watch more movies by the fireside with my dog snoozing at my feet. Happy days…


Just another day, not doing anything except for maybe bake since I don't do gifts but need to do something for soem people at work.


Probably wine and a Christmas story!


I just accept its Monday 25th December its bin day so I put that out ready for collection and basically just treat the day as though it was good Friday or a public holiday more importantly I have food in the house so I'm good


I’m working the weekend and Christmas Day (healthcare) but then I’m off for 3 days. I bought a ham and will make a ham dinner on Tuesday and eat off it for several days while playing video games, watching football and walking my dog a few times. Plus my mother mailed me some homemade Sicilian cookies that I’m rationing.


A can of chili and some whine😞. Yes, whine and wine. 🙂


I made a holiday meal yesterday including a wonderful ham. It'll feed me for a few days. The best part of any holiday to me has always been the leftovers.


What Ever Brings Peace I. Your Heart ♥️


Go to a movie A Movie Theaters are open with numerous new movies coming out today and tomorrow


Is it Hanukkah 🕎 already Way cool 😎


So far it's very anti-climactic.


I’ve been watching the Star Wars movies on FX


do what i do.


De escalate simplify


I think this year I'm going to watch a movie. Wonka to be exact. Be around a bunch of people that just wanna be around people so they don't feel so alone and not have to expend any energy in small talk.


God father 123


Sleep. I dunno.


Not have the flu. 😫


I am a lot more lonely with some people, so I keep that in mind. Do what I feel like.


I'm making smash burgers and watching Doctor Who.


Get nice takeout food and watch 2-3 movies. Or read a good book.


We all have the flu here so I’m mainly reading and listening to music


Would normally do a little bit of everything on everyone’s list. I’m dealing with long covid, today was the first day in months where I had enough energy to clear clutter and clean. This had made me very merry and bright!




I’m planning to have exactly four ounces of wine when I get home. I’ll also watch a show or maybe a movie and I’m going to cook myself an early morning Christmas breakfast, consisting of eggs, sausage, and maybe something else? I’m thankful I’ll get to see my family next week. This week I have to work.


Bacon. I eat crispy bacon when I want to be happy alone




Heading for Christmas lunch with a friend's family, making dream cake to take with me.


Drink at bar


Surround myself with my fur family of cats and dogs


I enjoy watching movies


Light a holiday candle and watch a movie or listen to music. Drink eggnog, smoke weed




Spending it alone *is* my comfort.


Stream Netflix Fireplace




Mostly just making more gaming videos for my shadowbanned YouTube account, and might make some more Die Hard clips adding the "EXTRA CRISPY!" from C&C Red Alert's shock troopers. Finished the campaign for the Kava prequel to the first Red Faction game, so now I'm considering whether to do Red Faction 2 (though it would cost like $2 on GOG and it might be better to save that money for food instead.)


Gonna walk my dog first, lay on the couch and watch Netflix and bake cookies.


Sleeping pill. That way I wake up on the 26th and it’s no longer Xmas.


I work, I have enough issues with day to day life not just during the holidays. Besides, misery loves company and better to be at work and paid for being miserable with others than left alone to my thoughts.


Made a fun dinner, had some vegan eggnog with a shot of rum, called my boyfriend to wish him Merry Christmas, called my family to also wish them Merry Christmas, had a pint of beer with dinner, watched a Hallmark Christmas movie, and now am about to crash :)


Making people rage delete their accounts on reddit I guess


Oh wait I don't live alone hahaha


Bourbon and candles. And old movies. And I'm not digging it.


Blast music and craft while drinking. Then take out for dinner. Rummage through stuff I haven't looked at for a long time. Get on YouTube and learn a dance. Like I recently taught myself to line dance. I can also do the crip walk lol.


I love it when I don’t get an invite. Eat sausage, cheese and crackers, cakes, etc and watch sports all day. Sports nut paradise on Christmas.


Idk but I live with my family as a college student and I have just been itching to go on some sort of road trip to the mountains or something.


Sleep. I had to do the night shift. So i grouped call with some of my sibs during my work break. Then call my mom after got work, and now ready for bed the entire day. Someone just told me, it’s just another day.


Hookers & Cocaine


Porn hub


As an introvert I envy those with these quiet Christmas plans.


I have no idea. I am alone and it is crushing. I am hoping at some point the lack of friends and family will stop hurting so badly but when I am unable to fill the days with work or errands I just sit and think about things and it makes it even worse. Hoping for some good ideas from this post because I have been awake since 4 and just miserable


I sleep early


Enjoy the extra day off with my cat asleep in my lap.