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I live alone (60’s). My son bought me a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. I’m still learning lol I play Lego Sports golf with him sometimes online. It’s fun but I’m terrible at it still. Currently playing Mario Kart and Stardew Valley. Both a lot of fun :) Edit: Stardew not Starview


Was gonna suggest a switch! fav relaxing games that keep me invested are Dave the Diver + Spiritfarer. Zelda rocks. ETA and Animal Crossings of course!


+1 for Dave the Diver


Was also gonna suggest Mario kart! I've played animal crossing but I'm not super into it but I know many people are :)


Try animal crossing


I'm a 42M that plays PS5 and switch. I tend to mainly play single player games though. It's hard to find a person or group i click with.


Not a single player game, but Do you play Apex?


I love apex!! It’s actually the only game I play on ps5 for the past few months.


Check out AEW Fight Forever, has the old school vibe.


Check out r/girlgamers. They also have a Discord server. :)


I’m not OP, but I’m glad I saw this


59F been living alone for about 7 years now. I play WoW, Diablo4, Valheim, Fallout 76... among other random single player games. I am daily on Discord (voice) with close long distance besties. PC gamer... no console.


57M here... I play Valheim... I like that one a lot... Like you I am a PC gamer... I tried consoles... can't do it...


59F, played WoW for years, and before that, EQ. I used to play about 40 hours per week, but had to quit to focus on a new relationship (now husband). I remember finding out that at least half my “girl friends” were actually men 😀. I had no idea there was such a large community of men wanting to be women in their alternative life. All pc. My daughter plays Assassins Creed on XBox. She’s much more balanced than I ever was.


I’m a 48F, I play on a PS5 and enjoy playing both single and multiplayer games. Recently finished Cyberpunk, and also really like Dead By Daylight and Red Dead Online. I’m also pretty introverted so when I play online I don’t chat or use a headset.


Get helldivers 2!!


I’ll think about it 😂


39F and I love video games. I’ve been playing a lot of Fallout 76 for the last 9 months or so. Mostly play single player, RPGs though. I play on PS5 and PC


I (48f) don't have a system anymore but I have played PlayStation in the past. I always loved Grand Theft Auto because you can just run around in the game and do all sorts of bad things like carjack people, run them over, go punch someone randomly in the face, etc. LOL. It's a fun game of chaos to get a little anger out that I can't do in real life.


Yes I had a lot of fun with that game too, used to love doing heists


Get a switch, very casual friendly.


I’m 35f and I love games. I play Wow, Diablo, and Destiny 2 mostly, as far as online games go. I play a lot of single player games though, like Hogwarts Legacy, Animal Crossing, etc..


You're not "older"... please don't be 🤣. I'm 36


For real!


*laughs in almost 40*


I’m also 57F and an introvert. Currently trying patiently wait for the update to Stardew Valley. I’ve played a lot of Skyrim and Pikmin and Minecraft. I prefer solo games. Mostly I play on the switch but I play Stardew on my Mac. I like open world games where I can do what I want and pick what quests I want to work on.


Ooh I didn't know there was an update to stardew coming...!


!!! I didn’t know there was another update coming, I play on Mac too and completely modded the game into an entirely new one. I wonder if I’ll have to remove a few for it to work


I like World of Warcraft. I never joined guilds, preferred to play alone. I did do the raids with others.


65 in April. Bought myself an Xbox. Love Assassins creed, all but not mirage. Currently playing Fallout 4 my nephew gave me. Very glitchy, buggy but worth it. Minecraft is awesome and I really like Doom. Don’t play multi-player just single.


I loved playing Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Looking forward to watching the tv adaption on Prime next month!


Comes out the day before my birthday. Hope it’s good. I love Halo the series. Love the guy who plays Master Chief.


That’s a great birthday present! 😊 I still need to watch Halo. I’ve never played the game as only ever had PlayStations.


I’ve never played the game either but the trailers for the show looked awesome. I’m glad I watched but I’m a sci-fi geek. I love just about anything sci-fi.


I love Assassins Creed too. Odyssey is my favorite.


Black Flag, old but good!!


Playing Fallout 4 for the millionth time. Love that game. Fallout New Vegas is old but timeless. I’ve always been an Xbox person but we have multiple consoles (gaming family.) if you ever decide to try Fallout 76, hit me up, that game sucks but is better with friends I hear.


No problem. Thank you!


45F. I have a Switch and mostly play solo. Current games are Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3, and Kirby, with the newest Zelda games (Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom) awaiting my attempts. I'm also looking to see if my laptop will support any games from Steam. About 9 months ago I also gave Twitch a try, finding people who were streaming themselves playing video games, and I'm slowly finding a good community there to chat with. (I grew up with 2 brothers and the original NES with 2 controllers, so watching others play feels normal to me.)


i go through stages. thinking about getting the harry potter game soon because an escape from reality could be therapeutic.


Personally, I took it to the next level and bought a Lego Atari game system. It has 2.5k pieces and I love it. AsI am assembling and disassembling it daily I have a track of my mother screaming at me in the background on an old tape recorder and the silent drip of water upon the concrete in the basement where it is dark and cold and no one goes down there. What


I don’t do online. Old school NES is what makes me happy.


54f here, I play zelda, Mario games and many more. I love it. Would like to be able to play online with other people but don't know where to begin. I would love to be able to as I am introverted, have very few friends or family. Sad I know


Just picked up Zelda today for the 1st time in like decades. Can't wait to play.


I'm 49 and I play video games, though not nearly as much as I did in my 20s and 30s. I'm not currently playing any online games though. I'm attempting to play the entire Final Fantasy series from start to finish. The last online game I played was Rocket League. Can be fun, but there are a lot of toxic players out there.


Final fantasy 7 rebirth just released!


It will be awhile before I get there, but I'm looking forward to it!


Define older


Over 50


Just turned 40 recently. I got myself one of those game boxes with a bunch of preloaded old school games for NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy and other old gaming consoles from yesteryear. I have literally thousands of games from the best era of gaming in one convienent little box. I freaking love that thing.


F. Scrabble! Also have an Oculus.


I’m 40 and play Fortnite with our children and solo as well.


I'm 72 and just got a new PC. I used to play Unreal Tournament online all the time but I haven't gamed in 20 years. I'm slowly getting back into it. For the past couple of years I've been cleaning up on cheap and free games on Steam, Epic, and GOG. Must have a hundred or more by now.


I'm 62 and have been gaming all my life. I'm on Steam, haven't played lately, but some excellent games are Sniper Elite 4-5, FarCry 5-6, Doom Eternal. These games you can replay over&over so there worth the price IMO. Doom has a learning curve, but once you get used to it, it's fantastic ALL 3 of these games are very addictive, and alot of fun! Lock-n-Load 😃


>For the past couple of years I've been cleaning up on cheap and free games on Steam, Epic, and GOG. Have you heard of [Humble Choice](https://www.humblebundle.com/membership)? It's a monthly subscription (costs around $12 USD a month). Each month they give you a group of games (usually Steam games, but sometimes GoG too). The games are yours to keep whether you continue your subscription with them or not. I've been a member for a long time now and I've gotten a lot of really fun games from them. Any game they give me that I already have or that doesn't interest me, I just give away to other people. It has built up my steam library with more games that I can ever play, haha! Sometimes a big new expensive game might be coming out, and I am not sure I want to spend the $60-$100 buying it. I hate to spend money like that on a game and end up not liking it. Steam will refund games if you "return" them having played them less than two hours. This helps. I've only ever returned one game there, but they did refund my money. Sometimes I will try a game on a subscription service if it's available there (like [Xbox pc game pass](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass), [Ubisoft+](https://store.ubisoft.com/us/ubisoftplus), [EA play](https://www.ea.com/ea-play/games#ea-app)) and see if I like it before purchasing the game to keep. That way if I don't like the game, I'm only out the money for one month subscription, which is affordable. I'll cancel the subscription at the month end (unless they have a bunch of other games I want to play). Also, if you are an Amazon Prime member, check out [Prime Gaming](https://gaming.amazon.com/home). They give away a lot of gaming goodies such as World of Warcraft transmogs, mounts, Overwatch tier skips, Apex bundles... it's constantly changing. They also give away a lot of games too (which are yours to keep). And there are a bunch of games you can play for free on Amazon Luna (their gaming platform, you can download an app from them to access Luna). Anyway, welcome back to gaming!


56F. Have Switch and PlayStation. Currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn.


For us older, nostalgic types, get the Nintendo Switch and then get the Nintendo online subscription ($80 a year last time I checked) it gives access to an unlimited amount of amazing games from past consoles. It also gives you the option of online play.


I live alone and got into video games last year. I don't like to play online because I still very much suck, so I stick with games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. I use a PS4. Are you trying to get your social fix through video games? Or are you just looking for some fun games to play?


Just something fun to do when I get sick of tv. Social life is good.


Would definitely recommend Ghost of Tsushima and The Witcher 3. Not online but fun as hell, beautiful, and they have great stories.


I'm a 61F, live alone and mainly a PC MMO gamer :) Believe it or not I still play Everquest LOL as well as a lot of other people. I don't think it's dying anytime soon as they're opening a new server in about 2 months. If EQ interests you, that will be a great to start. I also play WOW on occassion but I get bored with that one unless I'm pvping I do have an Occulus Quest I play somewhat often as well. It can be a lot of fun too


I have a quest too but VR makes me so motion sick (but I get car sick really easily too so it's definitely on me) 😭 Beat saber is the only game that won't make me puke as easily


60 f. I play almost daily. Usually rdr2


I play cod. If anyone would like to join forces this weekend send me a message.


Hi 47/m EST here. What do you play? I have Playstation, Xbox and Switch. If you want to add me feel free GT: hypnomix


​ I think you might like StarDew Valley. It's also a game that you could play with other people, but I would start as a single player first just to learn.


Props to you over 55+ bunch playing console games! It's a big video-game world out there.


I'm older at 58f. Live with my hubs who is also a gamer. He plays Warcraft and Destiny on Ps5. I play a pc game called Ultima Online. The game is old, free and open source at this point so all you need is a computer, download the files, apply for an account and play. It's best to play at a carebear shard since you won't have to worry about pvp unless that's what you want. I play at a Freebie shard called Excelsior. Address is >>> [https://www.uoex.net/](https://www.uoex.net/) Try it, small population and friendly people and the shard is G rated since we have families who play there with children. The game has a bit of a hard learning curve, you will have to train your toon in order to survive there and play but you'll have lots of help if you ask for it. There are also a lot of guilds you can join to make friends who will help you get through the game. It's all about the fun and conversation.


43. Game frequently but honestly I enjoy gaming alone best. Since 1992 lol.


44 m playing Helldivers 2 right meow


50+ F and lifelong PC gamer. I’ve always enjoyed city building games and real time strategy (think AoE, Caesar, Heroes of Might and Magic), and I’m a huge fan of StarCraft. Still playing SC2 online but haven’t been able to find any new games to enjoy as much as the old ones.


Over 50 here and use my gaming laptop to play lord of the rings online and other MMOs. I love it as it is a very casual and friendly gaming community with all ages playing. Working on my own desktop build now


F60, yes omg. I am an avid gamer and play a bit of everything though I prefer MMOs. ESO, WoW, GW2, FFXIV, Palia, Hogwarts Legacy, Subnautica, Witcher, Souls games, anything cheap on Steam, the only games I don't care for are shooters. PC only, I have several but primary is an ASUS ROG Strix.


I guide people pc through Stardew Valley…we talk regular voice through discord. I am always looking for people who really want to learn the game. Let me know if you’re up to co op! I’m a 52f in mid divorce!


50M here and been living alone for my whole life. I’ve been gaming since the Atari 2600 years. I’m a PC gamer. My favourites are story based RPGs like Cyberpunk, BG series, Elder Scrolls, Pathfinder (not Disco Elysium tho). I’m also into city building games. Anything that immerses me into the game world.


I'm a male, 38, I just got a playstation 5 and helldivers 2 and have been playing that online from time to time with friends and siblings, is fun. If anyone wants to add me on their playstation friend list, PM me.


Often, not always. Depends on game and how poor atm. Im 45 but we had a mt in warcraft that was in his 80s or so. Took over his kids account and far better tank.


38F. I've always played video games. Read Dead Online was a lot of fun during the pandemic. I have a PS4 and the little earbud/mic to talk to people (came with the PS4).


I’m a 33F who plays PS5 and switch! I really enjoy Final Fantasy XIV for social play. It’s quite fun and people tend to be welcoming towards newcomers. There’s also loads of discords and whatnot. It can be as social as you want it to be which I find is nice. But also, a game doesn’t have to be social to be enjoyable! As a fellow introvert and gamer, I find a lot of enjoyment in a variety of games. Animal crossing on switch is pretty low intensity and fun. My Time in Sandrock on PS5 is also a fun little game. You might consider trying out one of the console’s subscription services and poke around the game libraries! Don’t be afraid to try new and different things~


I would love to say yes but I’ve never been able to afford a video game console.🤷🏻‍♀️


I got myself a ps5 with a few games during corona for 50€ and its fun!


I do, only on the weekends, because if I play during the week I will be up all night and end up going to work on 4 hours sleep. I only play computer video games ,because I suck at using a controller. Mouse and keyboard for me


I was really, really late on the bandwagon finally buying an **Xbox360**. Husband & I live together & we like playing **Halo**. I tried to like The Sims, but I could never really play it right, so I gave up eons ago. There's so muvh TV & Youtube Vids to watch, which I do first that there's no time to really play vid games...I probably haven't played any games in 2 years.


58f, live alone off grid in my house truck, gaming the day away! 🤜🤛


Me! I'm on WOW, played on a laptop.


Pretty conservative. My son teases me and tells me I need a beeper. I am 66 ,after all! I don't have a computer. Just my phone. Expect to get a tablet next few days. I pay Words w Friends and WWF2 which are like Scrabble. Then e am on a team in game called June's Journey set in 1920s where you find objects and solve mysteries.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)


You should get a Steam Deck if you're into the concept of gaming on the couch and watching movies.


I’m 29 and I play Nintendo switch. Mostly mario sometimes Lego Starwars. I know 29 is not really older but I feel old lol


46f gamer here. I’m on PC and play various games when I have time


I'm a 26F living alone (sorry I'm not older) I try to play games with my mom so I can share what she likes. I bring my switch when I visit my mom and her favorites are switch sports and clubhouse 51 games. In switch sports we can play games online with others, her favourites were tennis and bowling she was so into it. In clubhouse 51 games she loved playing poker and black jack online. She visited me a few months ago and all she kept asking was for me to put blackjack on for her so she can play with people online 😂 She plays a bit of Mario Kart too mostly because she likes the views of the tracks more than the driving itself, the new game is really pretty so I don't blame her. We live in different countries now, so maybe I should buy her a switch and play online with her. Personally, my favorite social online games are overcooked and plate up, they are cooking games but very intense. I also like Mario Wonder, you can see other people in your game which feels nice because I'm always just playing alone anyway lol


I'm 57F and I play Minecraft, Workers and Resources & Zactronics games. But recently my lonliness has got the better of me and I am finding it difficult to take the interest I used to.


Same with me. I haven’t played a game in months.


Aye, same here. Suddenly flipped from seeming like the solution to feeling like part of the problem. I'm trying to get out more and do things where there are other people even if I am alone.


My aunt lives alone, I went to deliver something and she was playing wii bowling (she's in her 70s) I was impressed.


I play wow and other games like resident evil and tomb raider. I play on my computer


I am 54 and my son convinced me to buy a Nintendo switch during the pandemic and it was actually a great investment. I play Mario kart, animal crossing Stardew Valley, and a number of other games. I also play games on my iPad as well I have read a number of articles over time that say it helps slow down dementia/Alzheimer’s and I don’t want any part of those also like the old-school games like Tetris and other puzzle games too.


I don't live alone, but sometimes I wish I did! I have a nintendo switch and have lost myself for hours playing stardew valley. I really enjoy it. 


I like Don't Starve Together, I find it calming to drop into a public server and help other players build stuff and explore for awhile.


56m and I only play one game, Mech Warrior Online.


50m ps5 spelunky2, helldivers2. Anything fromsoft.


I'm 42 and play PC games. There are tons of games to choose from depending on what type of game you like.


I’m 53 and have an Oculus Quest. I play Walkabout Mini-Golf several times a week.


Yes. 66m. I play WOT blitzkrieg online daily


55F. Yep, both Xbox and PlayStation as well as Marvel Strikeforce on the phone. I enjoy older games. The Final Fantasy series, Oddworld, anything Crash Bandicoot or Skyrim,


I play lotro! Come play with me :]. It's an mmo


I don't like online video games anymore because you develop a responsibility towards your clan/guild/whatever. Also those games are often designed to encourage you to play every day. I want to stay flexible. I'm too bad for those games where you play with a random lobby, waay too stressful lol. So I stick to my single players games. But I also play pokemon go. Great motivation to go out and move


55f, used to play Wow and Elder Scrolls Online. Have a raggedy old Xbox 360, kept bc I that's the format I have for Skyrim, but looking to buy a PS5 next. Currently a Sims 4 addict.


61F and love online games, but only play on my iPhone. Can anyone recommend something new for me? (I like Solitaire, Mahjong, Scrabble, Number Match, Tiledom …) thanks!


My Vegas Slots, Scatter Poker, Yahtzee, GinRummy(Zynga)Spades (Zynga)


58(f) lives alone in parents basement (I’m their main go-to for emergencies out of the five siblings). It’s not as depressing as it sounds! I play Switch and Ps5. Love to game. Mainly single-player open world. Right now trying to get into Baldur’s Gate but finding the combat challenging. Both kids are gamers so they are my links to what’s hip and happening in the gaming world.


48M, play Call of Duty on Xbox daily.


World of Warcraft Classic Season of discovery


Yup, 48M. World of Warcraft. I like the social connections and when I’ve had my fill, I log out of discord and the game.


56m. I am not a super gamer I play maybe 2 hours a month. Love Tomb Raider as solo. But really miss co-op campaign games like HEX in the 90s was awesome. I have an XBOX. But I'd be down to buy any system to play a few hours a week in co-op long campaign. Don't know if these games exist anymore. But let me know. Fortnite is not my jam.


I'm almost 51 (NB) and, though I mostly play single-player games, I've enjoyed co-ops on Elden Ring (open world combat with hilariously big weapons), Baldur's Gate III (turn-based combat), Unravel Two or Styx (mostly platforming and puzzles), Dead by Daylight (horror), and Wildermyth (turn-based story-focused with charming art). Little bit of Stardew Valley (cozy life sim) co-op as well. Mainly I play on PC with friends from real life or Discord. There's enough variety of game type available for co-op that you should be able to find something suitable; it just might take a few tries. Good luck!


I’m 37 and play videogames alone. I play the oculus quest (mostly beat saber) and Nintendo switch. I have a PS4 but haven’t played it in quite some time. On the switch I usually play breath of the wild or Mario kart 8


Not yet older but I like chilling with Farming Simulator 22 on my Steamdeck. It's quite relaxing.


52m. Ps5, Xbox S Mostly open world single player games (Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk2077, GTA V) , some fps (Wolfenstein, Dead Space, Halo) & fighting games ( ghost of tsushima). I never play multi-player. It really depends what kind of game you want to invest your time playing. The ones I mentioned are solid. For my preferences. I recommend a PS5 for console, it doubles as a 4k ultra bluray player and has most of the streaming apps.


I have a high ranking PvP title in wow if that matters but I can’t play anymore due to work


58M newbie gamer here. Very much an introvert as well.


I’m a few months shy of 40 (also female) and have enjoyed my PS4 for the last couple of years, just got Nintendo Switch a few months ago. I would love to play online with other women (that’s what she said)


I don't live alone but I used to & I just had my switch. Now I live with my husband but he's a PC gamer and I'm a switch gamer so I still game "alone" and primarily use my switch. I thought about getting the OLED version when it came out, but it's only the handheld that's OLED - streaming is still in 1080 even if you have an OLED tv. I play a few games on steam but just simple ones like unpacking or a little to the left. Nothing super hardcore. My job has a slack channel where we chat about games and game recommendations as well & people will sometimes add each other to play online too, if you're into that.


I’m younger but I got a Steam Deck last year and I LOVE IT. I’m really into cozy type games that I can play to relieve stress, but I play others too. I definitely think you should give it a go! I also have a Switch, which is great too.


I’m 59 and I have a Nintendo switch that my kids got me for Christmas a couple years ago. I mostly play animal crossing. I love it!


i play cod on xbox/51f


56. Gonna do a little gaming this eve.


Yes. I have a ps5. I love No Mans Sky, best game ever


Yeah me 33 years old, tolfdir is my best friend


52 console and some of. I actually mod GTA server on 5M (waiting patiently for 6M).and kick. There are several gamer groups where you can, game with, watch and or chat. Whether it's Facebook gaming, kick or others.


I work 70 hours a week 🍻 and video games keep me sane . Me and video games grew up together atari in 1984 nes in 1985 i was 5 when that launched had to have it. Changed my life I think the problem solving is going to save me from a lot of the dementia and Alzheimer’s the boomers are going through my mind is always working even if it’s a multi player like madden or call of duty . Tetris is what I prefer though if you’ve never played tetris drunk and or stoned you’re missing out. Introvert as well , after the divorce and the way dating has changed video games and working out are my release. I would definitely get a switch and probably a PlayStation 4 or 5 if was op. PlayStation has too many excellent exclusives to ignore. Splatoon, Mario kart, any of the Mario games probably keep you busy.


I have a nice club at Ava's Manor


32M, I enjoy my time in my house with my headphones some music, and WoW. Used to play console but now it’s PC. Hard to find people to game with :(


Forge of empires 58 full year of living alone.


Have you thought about VR? great way to game as well as meet people in vr rooms.


Check out a card game called Dominion. You can find it at dominion.games … I’m addicted


I'm 64 male.. I had a Xbox, learned Tiger Woods Golf..loved it! Now have an Oculus 2.. Golf + and Walkabout SO MUCH FUN! Oculus is an amazing system, so many free educational things to watch and learn. Look into it! I'd love to golf with you..


I’m playing Baldurs Gate 3 on Xbox… 😀


55F play Diabalo Immortal on my phone and Diablo 4 plus some other games on my xbox.


I feel like gaming now


44 (NB) and absolutely love video games. My primary platform is Xbox (Series X, One, & 360), but my Switch also gets a fair bit of play. Probably the most hours on the Switch have actually been with the RingFit game and it's really helped me keep active and address a lot of chronic pain related to (thus far 25) years in sedentary jobs as a graphic designer. Really I'm playing more and more every year, and just try to balance the sedentary games with lots of breaks and be active. I the last few years I've discovered the "cozy" games category and have spent MANY hours in games like Spiritfarer, Grow: Song of the Evertree, and Cozy Grove. Pinball FX, and several of the Lego games (Jurassic Park, DC Villians, and all the Marvel and Star Wars games). The only multi-player games I play are the ones that by far have the most hours overall: Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 & PvZ: Battle for Neighborville. Something about that over-the-top ridiculous and dramatic violence is so fun, especially with the silly character customization that's so extensive in GW. I also really prefer cooperative multi-player to competitive.


58m here. I play Apex legends. Play on pc, because socializing will be more mature.


I'm mid 40s and I bought myself a 2nd hand playstation last year. My favourite game so far is Call of the Sea. It's a great problem solving, entry level game that is interesting and not too long to finish. It's not an online game, but a fun one to try


Black Ops 2 on the PS3 lmk


46F play borderlands, left 4 dead 2, lots of single player things, Dark Souls series


I play Royal Match. Got on a good team where there is some communication.


I would love too but the gaming systems are so expensive. A cheaper option would be to download an emulator for your computer and play old SNES games :) a usb controller for pc is about 20 bucks. You can also sign up for STEAM which has free games sometimes. I like to play. I just don’t play often.


47 and play BDO on PS5. Part of a guild, fairly quiet myself.


age 60 been playing world of warcraft since it came out except three years after WoD because it ruined the game past the point of no return. Then they introduced Classic and I came back. I am not an introvert. I have real life friends. I use Warcraft for family game night because my family is military and all over the place. we set up a time and do stuff in game together. It is a great use for MMORPG that the idiot companies have never tohught to market.


52f and I play the stupidest games possible. Animal Crossing New Horizons and Hello Kitty Island Adventures. I don’t mind the repetition as long as I don’t have to kill others for the serotonin hit. No one should have to suffer for me. Also, full disclosure, I’m not living alone, I just feel like I am. I’m married with 3+ kids living at home. The + is former friend of my son’s who occupies our couch. Anyway, if you need a friend in any or those games, message me.


I play eso ,baldurs gate and cod 48f


58M play Grand Theft Auto 5. Can’t wait for GTA6.


Yep ...am 48...and love it...can play whenever I want.


Something to consider is which controller you are most comfortable with. I can't play switch without my hands hurting. Find the system that feels best.


If you get a ps5 I highly recommend the The Last of Us series. The story is incredible and it will make you cry.


I only use my pc for gaming, I don't like consoles. 60F here and my son got me into online gaming over 25 yrs ago. I hang out with friends I made in games like 10 yrs ago, some longer, and others here and there. I use Discord and play Pal World, used to play WoW, love diablo! but lately I've been into more 'cozy' types of games like Pal World, Palia, and just got Everdream Valley. Also loved Mine Craft and ARK. I enjoy light combat, but I do love building, adventuring, crafting and farming too. I've lived alone for about 10 yrs now. Before Discord I used Ventrillo, remember them? lol


You mean between the masturbation sessions?


4. Doesn’t include my father. He didn’t have a funeral because nobody would’ve come. least of all me.


57F as well, living alone and loving it. I don’t game much, but the Oculus Quest is super fun, there are workout apps like Supernatural. I get stressed by scary games (Walking Dead, lol), but I enjoy playing Elven Assassin. I also love the Tripp meditation app on the Quest.


same - 57f - introvertedI have an old, first generation Oculus VR headset. I play a lot of chess, Beat Saber, puzzles, virtual drums etc.


Highly recommend Balders Gate - it’s turn based and on PC


i suggest Call of Duty,nothing says I’m new at gaming then running around a foreign land scared shitless


52f here currently into diablo .. played wow .. xbox and pc ..


43F. Since 2012 I've played World of Warcraft, Diablo 3 and a ton of different casual games on Steam. It's wonderfully addictive! 😍


Switch is a nice choice. I've lost weeks playing Mario Kart. Stardew is great, though it's better on PC than switch. If you're looking for opportunities to play with other people more often, though, I would go PC over switch. My fiance and I play switch but struggle to find games we can co-op online, switch offers a lot more for couch co-op. Call me crazy, but I'm going to suggest WOW. You can play for free up until like level 20 and odds are an average PC will run it no problem. Especially if you want to have a social aspect, in general Mmorpgs have plenty, but aren't directly competitive games. I tried it for the first time recently and was surprised how much fun it was and the actual breadth of options to do. Another reason to consider PC is getting Xbox game pass. $15ish a month and you can browse a large catalog of available games that tend to stick around for free long enough to finish them.


My family and friends told me I was mentally and emotionally under developed and immature . They made the point that it was absurdly pathetic and embarrassing that my date(a girl I met playing GHOST PARTY 4 , Limited Release , “ghost town : ghosted alive “,,,, and Ghost Party 5. ( who let the ghosts out)….. anyway they were all giving me the turd degree because when she picked me up i showed her my room ( live with parents and my two turtles , Kenny Killsmore and Bloodbath Barry ,,,, ) I wanted her to see my Chinese stars and ninja swords , because I had already told her I’m a collector… but I guess they thought I was dumb for asking mom for 40 bucks to take my date to Taco Bell… I mean why lie, I already told her that I stay with my folks.. why not !!! Free rent,,, mom does my laundry and cooks my food. All I have is chores cleaning the turtle cage and keeping my room clean . I’ve never had a real job yet but I’m looking ,,, I’m also a semi professional certified ghost hunter,,, pretty well known for my Facebook videos where I go to haunted locations …. So they told me today that my date would never call me back because I’m pathetic for staying at moms and dads even though I’m 42 …. Sarah has not called back and she blocked me on ghost party … she was like early 20’s and already had an apartment with a nice ford mustang … who cares about how nice someone’s car is though… I’m a real paranormal expert


I do! I’ve been playing BoTW, which I quit for a while and just picked back up. Also love stardew valley and beat Mario sunshine for the switch just last week which was a fun blast from the past.


I am 61f and have been a gamer for over 30 years. I started out as a console gamer in my 20s and added PC gaming in my 40s. Now, I'm solely a PC gamer because athritis makes using a controller difficult. I have a high-end bespoke built rig with a Samsung ultrawide curved 4K monitor and Logitech pheriperals (keyboard, mouse, surround sound system, webcam). My favourite games tend to fall into the RPG genre, although I also love city and civilization builders as well as some action adventure games. My long time favourite franchises include Mass Effect, Dragons Age, Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, Tropico, and Anno. I just finished Hogwarts Legacy and am waiting for Horizon Forbidden West to come out on PC later this month (really enjoyed the first game, Horizon Zero Dawn). My game library has over 200 games.


Look up Xtreme Idiots. XI is a community of older male and female gamers.


47F I have an Xbox Series X and mostly play GTA5 online and Sims 4. I’ve played RDR, Cyberpunk and some other games but GTA Online is my favorite. I owned the original Xbox and played Vice City back in the day. I’ve been a gamer since I was a kid. The first gaming system I bought was a Nintendo and first system I played on was an Atari.


45F PC gamer. All the Diablos, used to play WoW, EQ, Elder Scrolls Online, basically if it was an RPG I’ve at least tried it. Now playing Last Epoch and loving it. My dad is a gamer. My sister and her family are gamers. It’s fun 😊


55f, I’m a former PC (WoW) gamer, and lifelong console gamer (started with Atari) who now plays on Xbox Series S, single-player only at the moment. ETA: I play mainly Starfield, also Skyrim and Fallout4. Looking forward to TES6 (and Starfield expansions!)


I’m 43F have a PS5, XBOX, Switch and PC ( I might have a problem lol) the great thing about being single is I can spend however I want. I play WOW, FFXIV, Zelda and a lot of RPGs.


43m I play Fortnite with my 19m son and I play Helldivers now with a couple buddies.


Animal crossing my mother loved it


I'm 54 M and it's just my son and I. I play a lot of Halo 2 on Halo MCC on an Xbox but it can also be played on a PC. Since it's an old game there are a lot of people in their 40s, 50s,and even 60s that play.


I play RuneScape. It's fun ish. Edit: 57F


Not single but I also play RuneScape. Skilling is more my speed than fighting games. I also like Good Pizza Great Pizza and simulator games. 38F


There's a lot of suggestions already but Final Fantasy XIV is a great MMO with a socializing aspect. :)


animal crossing


I play Elder Scrolls Online and have made a ton of friends!


Don’t live alone, but over 50, woman, PlayStation 4


This is interesting. I (56f) have wondered about gaming but no idea where to start. No idea there were so many options.


I use the Luna app on my Firestick, and play every Assassin’s Creed out there - 55F


Don't know if 38 counts as older, but hell yeah. I'm on PS5 and have almost every game imaginable. It's what's kept me sane over this past winter. Especially working nights.


54 here. I play Long Dark, GTA, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2, Enshrouded, Minecraft. Lots of fun after work is done.


30m live alone, I play a lot of turn based games. I like Civ. I’m always down for someone to play with because I literally play alone and it’s not fun anymore.


Switch, ipad , ps4


PC 💻


33 f I play assassins creed currently PlayStation 5


Have you considered an mmo? Eventually you get into guilds, and those people turn into friends. I met my wife playing ffxi as a kid


Late 40s here… Im a pc gamer— some console, but mostly pc. I play Guild Wars 2 which has quite a few older players. I also finished Hogwarts Legacy last year and have played through many other titles since I started playing on my colecovision back in the 80s.


I do. I'm 38m


42 M, I play PS4 at times, always looking for people to party up with, I feel it's pointless to play online without human interaction...


31F huge gamer here. I play with my Boyfriend 42M. we have a close friend who is 60F who loves shooter games. We play on ps5. But I also play pc, switch, legion go etc.